The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-12-05, Page 1• yr easZZegesseseeese. }ai •:Kr , IeS:leteiiiineeeeeeeetieessemee;ey .:"'w4Ossexeseeeezetereseesesseoleme Leads GB council poll Emerson Desjardine won a two- year term on GrandBend coun- ell by topping the polls in the resort, New candidate Howard Green was second among seven. Zurich 'sweetheart' Sorority sweetheart here two years ago; Mrs. Allan Gascho became the second woman coun- cillor in South Huron when she placed second in Zurich's vote. Three incumbents in Stephen win re-election by significant margin Three incumbent councillors in Stephen township were returned Monday by electors who rejected soundly challenger Stephen Dundas, a former councillor and unsuccessful candidate for deputy- reeve in 1960, Joseph Dietrich, right, Mt. Carmel, and Edmond Hendrick, centre, RR 2 Crediton, tied for first place in the polls with 607 votes each. Cecil Desjardine, left, from the west end, re- ceived 562, more than twice as many as the defeated Dundas' 270. --T-A photo fire chief tops PVC Fire Chief Lawrence Mason, who retired this year from the school board, led the polls for PUC in Grand Bend's contest. lie was given a wide margin. high school. This was Mrs. Jory's first run for office and she topped four of the seven polls. Lynn was strongest in his home poll, No. 5, and also led in No. 6. Only No. 1 gave Dougall a plur- ality, Two new HS reps Ninety-first Year Two incumbents,including the man who has worked hard- est to provide centralized school facilities for the town- ship, were ousted by Usborne electors Monday, Reeve George Frayne went down to defeat to Councillor Archie Etherington by a count of 347 to 225. It was the reeve's first contest at the polls after five years on council and two as chief magistrate, The first woman candidate for elective office in the town- ship, Mrs. Madeline Jory, top- ped the contest for the school board election. She received Price Per Copy 10 Cents EXETER, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 5, 1963 Councillor Etherineton, who has served four years on coun- cil, led Frayne in four of the seven polls with wide margins in Nos. 1, 2, 3 (his home poll), and 6. The reeve won No. 4, his home poll, 39-31, and was given narrow margins in Nos, 5 and '7. In radar demonstration here Town council Monday night appointed two new members to the HSDHS board. Dr. R. W. Read was named to a two-year term; Donald Graham will serve for one year. Dr. Read is a physician, a graduate of the UWO school of medicine. Mr, Graham is mane- ger of the Canadian Canners Ltd. plant here. The town previously has had only one appointee on the board but now is entitled to two be- cause its population has exceed- ed the 3,000 mark, Following the appointments, council instructed the clerk to send a letter of appreciation to Allan Fraser, who has been the town's representative for the past several years, 424 votes, 25 more than in- cumbent Elson Lynn who was returned. Harry Dougall, an eight-year member of the board, its for- mer chairman and the man who Was the principal proponent of the township's new cent r al school, received less than half the votes of his two opponents. Dougall suffered heavily in the east end of the township, probably because of his insis- tence that a west end location would save the township trans- portation costs by means of a joint bus operation with the New Osborne reeve Archie Etheringtonbecomesthe new chief magistrate of Usborne township in January. He defeat- ed incumbent George Frayne by 347 to 220 inMotidareelection, New reeve, trustee Heads trustee poll Librerien at Clinton collegiate, Mrs. Madeline ;Tory is the first woman to win elective office in usborne. She led the polls for the township school area board, —,...0.11111111011 Finds 9 Incumbents returned break speed Stephen township ratepayers apparently don't agree withSte- phen Dundas that there should be an election every year or that township roads should be paved. The former councillor who challenged the incumbents on these issues suffered a decis- ive defeat in Monday's election, even though less than half of the ratepayers used their bal- lots. lie received less than half the votes of any of the three winners. Edmond Hendrick and Joe Dietrich shared top billing in the results, each polling 60'7 votes. Cecil Desjardine was a close third with 562. Dundas received 2'70. Hendrick, the senior coun- cillor, led both Crediton polls as well as No. 2, on the second concession north. Dietrich was high man in Centralia and at Khiva and ran strong in most of the others, Desjardine, the only candi- date from the west end, topped all four polls in that area. His largest margin was in Grand Bend and he led at Greenway, Shipka and Dashwood. Returning officer RossHaugh reported the percentage of vot- ing at 45% for the township. Shipka poll showed the highest percentage of '72 while Grand Bend was lowest at 22, Reeve Glenn Webb, a can- didate for warden, and Deputy- Reeve Jim Hayter were re- turned by acclamation. Several surprises his report to council for Novem- ber, said the number of traffic accidents had dropped to four from nine last year. Other statistics: 11 traffic charges (two dismissed); 15 investigations, 11 warnings,two liquor permits, one LCA infrac- tion, 4 stolen bikes recovered, one attempted break and enter, one fraud involving a $1,000 bond, two cases in juvenile court, seven parking tickets, Councillor Taylor: "How do you find the parking situation now? Has it improved greatly because of the two-hour limit?" Chief: "It certainly has. The situation is much better," NO "TURNIP ACTION" Council again delayed taking action on the turnip storage situation on Wellington St. Councillor Joe Wooden said the planning board was having a meeting Tuesday with provin- --Please turn to back page .oar d here presses for rary addition Over 90% of the motorists travelling through Exeter ex- ceeded the speed limit during a test period recently, Councillor Ross Taylor told council Mon- day night. "This convinces me of the need for radar here," said the chairman of the police commit- tee. His motion to buy a $1,200 unit was endorsed unanimously. Taylor revealed that during a demonstration of radar equip- ment one Wednesday afternoon here cars were found to be tra- yelling as high as 80 mph inside the town limits. This top speed was recorded on a car travelling toward the intersection of Nos. 4 and 83 on No. 83 east, where the maximum is 40 mph. Other cars were travelling 60 mph in this area. At the Kongskilde plant, cars were travelling west from the main intersection between 40 and 50 mph. Other results: In front of the town hall, an average of 40; at Frayne's store, coming north over the hill, 45; at the same location, crossing the intersec- tion from the north, "several" at 60 mph, "Definitely," said Taylor, "90% of the cars were breaking the town's speed limits, sonic excessively". "We don't want to persecute the motorists", he s aid, ',but it's obvious we need radar to control the traffic." Council decided to buy a unit which has proven satisfactory in both St. Marys and Seaforth and which, it's reported, is accept- able to court officials in Huron county. Because it can record the speed of cars at least 300 feet away in either direction, the radar speed-control operation can be conducted by one man. Taylor indicated a constable would have sufficient time to flag down an oncoming offender. The town will be required to post signs warning motorists that its speed limit is "radar enforced," ACCIDENTS DOWN Chief C. H. MacKenzie, in closest competitor, Campbell Chapman. Emerson Desjardine, who has topped the council contest be- fore, was third in the overall standing with 254 votes, fol- lowed by Howard Green with 144. Elected were: Council Two year terms, Emerson Desjardine, Howard Green, Ian G. Coles and Orval Wasmann. PUC — Two years, Lawrence Mason; one year, C a m pb e 11 Chapman. Public school board — W. F. B. MacLaren, Donald R. Flee' and Robert Jennison (all two- year terms.) It's easy to cast your ballot in your own kitchen! Mrs. Lewis Davey, concession two Stephen, wasn't among the 55% who didn't exercise their fran- chise in Monday's election. She didn't have any excuse since the polling booth was in her own kit- chen. Handing her her ballot is Preston Dearing, deputy returning officer, while poll clerk, Mrs. Archie Webber, records the vote. Only 28% of the electors in Mrs. Davey's poll used their ballots. --T-A photo trailed the four-man race, Ratepayers returned PS Chairman W. F. B. MacLaren at the top of the polls but re- jected incumbent Kenneth Young for two new candidates, Donald R. Flear and Robert Jennison. MOST POPULAR MacLaren, who also serves as Grand Bend representative on the HSDHS board, proved to be the most popular of all the 16 candidates running for vil- lage posts. He received a total of 280 votes. Close behind him — only four votes away—was Fire Chief Mason in the PUC election, pro- bably the most contentious of the three, He polled 99, or more than a third more, than his As might be expected from the size of the ballots, Grand Bend's election Monday pro- duced some surprises. Among them: Newcomer Howard Green placed second in the council race, only 20 votes behind the favorite incumbent, Emerson Desjardine; but two other first- time candidates were rejected. A former councillor and can- didate for reeve, William Coch- rane, polled last position. Fire Chief Lawrence Mason, retiring from the school board, easily outdistanced his com- petitors in his first attempt for a PUC seat. Incumbent Cam ChaMpman was returned but PUC Chairman William H. Love Lady places second Seek t mpo, r v I The 1961 sweetheart of Beta Sigma Phi sorority here, Mrs. Allan Gascho, placed second in Zurich's election Monday to become the second woman coun- cillor in South Huron. Mrs. Gascho, seeking office for the first time, drew 221 votes, only nine less than the leader at the polls, Dr. W. B, COX01). r: uild se en to The other woman councillor in South Huron is Mrs. Minnie Noakes, Hensall, who was elect- ed by acclamation last week, Mrs, Gascho was the only new candidate to win a seat at Zurich. Returned, in addition to Dr. Coxon, were Lee Mei- dinger, Who is just completing his first term, and Kenneth Breakey, who has served se- veral years. Defeated were William A. Siebert, a former councillor making a comeback for the post, and first-time candidate Leonard Bates. Reeve Milton Oesch was re- "One member has envisioned an extension of both floors of the building, with the provision of council chambers in the base- ment." Clerk Co V. Pickard read a reply from Attorney-General Fred Mo Cass who indicated that, in his personal opinion, an extension to the library would qualify for assistance under the Canadian centennial program, However, the details of the as- sistance program have not been officially adopted by the senior levels of government who are co-operating to provide aid to municipalities for special pro- jects. Council also has asked the Ontario government if a major development program atRiver- view Park, including the con- struction of the swimmingpool, would qualify for assistance. NEEDS NEW EJECTOR Need for expansion of Exe- ter's Carnegie Library was de- tailed to council Monday night by Councillor Joe Wooden, a member of the board. "The place is crowded quite often," he reported, "and the board feels it badly needs a reading area. It has amicrofflen reader but doesn't have room for it to be used properly. The library maintains a stock of films as a member of the area film council but does not have adequate space to store them." "Some kind of extension is necessary and the boardmern- hers feel they can enlarge the building to the rear." He reported he had been "im- pressed" by the list of uses to which the basement of the lib- rary is now being put, It houses the recreation office and pro- vides a large meeting room used by a number of organizations. The The board also discussed re- vision of payment guarantee to Clinton under the revised plan in preparation for further ne- gotiations at Clinton at a spe- cial meeting Dec, 12. The God- erich board, at the last meet- ing, has taken the position that --Please turn to back page HSDHS board agreed Tues- day night to seek tentative ap- proval from the department of education to erect an addition here containing seven rooms. Accommodation s ought is four classrooms, one science room, one shop and an addition to the boiler plant, The application was made on the understanding the board would not be committed to pro- ceed with such an addition. Prime purpose is to establish Hay to elect PS trustees turned by acclamation follow- ing the nomination meeting. An incumbent, James Parkins, re- tired voluntarily. Dr. Coxon, a veterinarian, headed the polls despite some adverse criticism regarding his failure to attend nomination meetings during the past three years. Dr. Coxon, however, has a speech difficulty and it would appear the citizens reacted in his favor. Coxon polled 230, Mrs. Gas- cho 221, Meidinger 206,13reak- ey 172, For the defeated can- didates the totals Were: Sie- bert 122, Bates 00. Requested by mill owner Veteran trustees of Hay township school area are being opposed by two young farmers in the only election resulting from a lengthy nomination meeting in Zurich Friday after- noon. Chairman Ray Fisher, zur, ich, who has been on the board since it was formed) and Clif , ford pepper, DashwOod, have been challenged by Ian MeAl, lister, former assistant ag rep in Huron, and Reiss Turnbull,. bOth with young families. McAllister fartn8 OetheParr Line; Turnbull lives on the Shiewa.ter highway. Another nominee, Leonard Lovell, did net qualify: Be has beefi involved in a number of the representations against the pro- posed addition to the Znrich SehOol i Reeve ,lehti Corbett; who inintalited hiS OppOsitibil to the Site of the addition at nernina, Lion Meeting, WAS returned to Ms Second term by addlattae tiOn, potty-reeve Delbert Gei- ger also was nominated but he will remain in hi$ preselitpOst. Returned to council were Joe Hoffman, also rianred I prdepti ty, Lloyd Hendriek, dadk 'Pinney. dolin 8oldan declined to run, Polls are open Monday trona 9 to 6, befalls a the tioneiriatiOtt meeting eppear On page two, what the costs to the local dis- trict would be, in view of the complicating grant and financial assistance picture. In addition to the normal '71% contribution by the provincial authorities, it's expected that a 25% write- off is available through the federal municipal loan fund. All members but E. L. Mickle of Hensell approved the appli- cation. Mr. Mickle indicated he felt the Clinton vocational school should be responsible for providing increased accom- modation for vocational stu- dents, APPROVE PLAN The board approved Tuesday night the Clinton proposal that the four home boards take grade nine students in the four-and- five-year courses to relieve pressure on the Clinton facili- ties. Although the vocational school was designed to take all incoming students in the tech- nological and commerce streams for the next fewyears, it has been filled to capacity in its first year. The proposal that grade 0's of the four-and-five-year cour- ses remain at the home schools was first rejected by Huron South at a special board meet- ing in November, However, the board reconsidered following a joint meeting at Clinton. The new plan will be reviewed at the end of five years. The Huron South board also rejected a recommendation from Inspector D. W, Scott that a limited vocational pro- gram be established here, Wider the new proposal, all grade nines at the hoine schools will receive identical training, particularly in the indostrial arts cOurSe. This was required to make certain all entered grade 10 at the sane level of ilistreCtiOn, on root Explain decision Council provided a number Of reasons for turning down its contentions road closing bylaw Monday night when an explana- tion was requested by Cook Bros. CO. Ltd., Which made the original application for the por- lion Of Wellington 8L that would have been involved. Douglas Cook; who asked for the details; felt Connell shOuld have Made their cleciSitin ear- lier to avoid so many hearings if the Members had not been prepared to' pass it. peeve Norman ,?One's said the whole issue went on too longand thought it Should IttiVe been settled between Cook ;Bros, and Mickle," •Cbek indicated no aggreettent could be reached; that was why it was brought to Council, erWe wanted to take our elianees in court," he said: The Mill operatOr wondered why Councillors ParokiRnight and' John Baker, who originally sponsored the road closing, had both Voted against it 'later. knight Said he felt it was nil. fair to help one litisitiet$ over Works Sup't Jim Paisley re- ported he has found the pump in the sewerage ejector station on the north side of the river to be ineffective 70% of the time, eThe station is not operating satisfactorily and we have asked the OWRC to consider replace- ment before the guarantee period runs out," lie said. Council also learned from Engineer B. M. Ross, Goderich, that the present system cannot handle an excessive flow of water, such as that created by the heavy rains of approximate- ly two weeks ago, Under the automatic control equipment, only one pump in the main station can operate at any One time and this was not enough to handle the increased flow, particularly that corning from the vombined storm and sani- tary sewers, Mr, Ross repotted to the OWRC, A copy of the letter was read to council. While the overflow &Hates the sewerage to the point where it is not harmful, the engineer pointed out that this situation did not create good public re- latiens and he felt provisiott might be made to operate both pumps simultaneously during Stich rains, which occur about 10 times a year. Both pumps, estimated the engineer, 'would adequately handle the flow. Works Sup't Paisleytonfittri, ed the two ptireps had the capa, city to handle the flow. The road closing was only One of a multitude of questions debated by council in a free- wheeling discussion. Livestock ; building permits, HS appoint- ment, the village dump, drains, snow Control were among the topics. E. L. IViickle was re-appoint- ed HSDHS representative, al- though council was somewhat critical over the lack of reports it had received. Lavender said he had been on --Please turn to back page another and pointed out that selicitor Peter Raymond did not believe the case would stand up in court. Couticillor Lavender: Each of us has our own conscience to satisfy, I voted the way I did without feeling guilty." Broadley said council had do chance to Make A decision ear- lier, because the lawyers drag- ged the ease on, Baker; "1 didn't know how 1 Was going'to vote until I Walked into the room that night. Mr. Raymond told us the street closing was illegal unless both parties are in favor of such a move, 'night added that it was il- legal to make a street less than 66 feet wide, Broadley quipped that the law must have beet broken in Toronto when' pernilssion was given Maple teat Gardens to build over the street which nwent through under great protest*" The Mickle application for a similar portion of road nn Mill 8t, has boon withdrawn. Feminine Pacts ,Nioancies. Pensall V 0,1 6'* ,uran...~~,;..,.....12 Sports II 6,14.4* r***. 6,1 Want Ads , et*, 10,11 . " .. Usborne P011 has plenty of scrutineers in monday's vote Mrs, Hugh Rundle, left, arrived at recess time to east her ballot at Eden School, Ushorne r and she found plenty of Spectators watching her perform her Civic duty. She's served by 1)1t0 William tilssery (behind ballot box) and poll clerk Pete Coates, right, "Scrutineers" are, from left, Irene Deolstra, Pert, Fred and Annie knIpp, --'l'-A photo :r r , se:See:es: eeseesse'eSeeie:ei, Hensall chief resigns post Hensall Fire Chief Byron Kyle has resigned his po- sition at Hensall, council learned Monday night, Kyle, who has been in charge of the brigade for a number ed years, said he found the post interfered too much with his occupation, which is painting. Council will request the brigade to recommend names for a new chief and a deputy to be appointed at the next meeting, Dec. 16. Announcements , 14 Church Notices * 14 Coming Rvents r r r. r v r * 14 editorials • u • u is 4