The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-08-09, Page 13Did you know that the small change left in your pocket or purse at the end of a day could mean a small fortune for you? Ask us how. TED HOLMES 145 Deer Park Circle, London GE 4-9502 or Enquire at The Times- Advocate 367 investors ovncitog .a , OF CAHAOA, FAST Dock-Side Service South Side of Pier at Mouth of River Beside Customs Building " Oil * Water * Ice Repairs MANORE'S RIVERSIDE MARINE GRAND BEND * COMPLETE LINE OF BOATS . ARKANSAS AND CHESTNUT . THORNE'S . CANADIAN • RICHARDSON * JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS * TRAILERS OF EVERY SIZE TEE-NEE -- MASTERCRAFT -- GATOR Page Tunes-Mv9c.a tp .$.100AR AND, SrPICE. pi;pvlp..0 by .$rnijey. Liman brass-:bound alcoholic, Said lie was in EllithUrg (rear name E1Mvale) only 18 unilea away, and thought he might 'as well give me a hoot, What else .coulti. I do? I asked tam up for a couple of days. It was ,enly after I hung Up, and saw my wife's face, that I re- membered our former rector And his wife had been asked to spend the identical pair of days with VS. Summertime and the- is eeeeeezy, and .district news ,easy? F)asonli, ;274235 ilialliaillialMeeMaa a'aPnataIMMAtnariar .aaeA Correspondopt Miss IAni Abbott. •gO:icilLTAlk•WV:,•• • . . photo by Rudy Engel MR. AND MRS. GERALD WAYNE HAMILTON Wed in London church Curious tourists, with an in- terest in visiting the graves of the famous Donnellys of Liman, have made it necessary to close the doors of St. Patrick's RC Church, on the corner of High- way 4 and the Roman Line, ex- cept when regular church ser- vices are in progress, An estimated 1,000 tourists each week, stop at the church to visit this historic site. Un- fortunately, together with visit- ing the graves of the Donnellys and reading the inscription on the tombstone, they have been entering the church and mis- behaving there, to such an ex- tent, that the pastor, Rev. Fa- ther F. J. Bricklin, has found it necessary to close the doors. Rudy Engel Photo - Studio Portraits Weddings Child Studies Family Groups Passport Photos Lucan Phone 227-4756 Cathy's BEAUTY SALON Lucan Summer-time , . and the livire is eeeeeezy. That's What the man said in the song, I beg to differ, Today, a typical sum- mer day at the Smileys, we've got a girl going to camp, a boy going to the dogs, a dog going to the vet's, a mother going around the bend, and a father going to seed. And the Hybl' is anything but easy. We have spent all our money except the last baby bo- nus, and there's a month to be put in before we get the next paycheck. Kim is in the next room, getting ready to go to camp. To hear her talk, in the pre- ceding weeks, her fortnight at camp is the only oasis in the bleak and dreary desert which comprises the life of a kid going into Grade 8. Her method of preparing for camp is afamiliar one to many parents. She's lying on her bed reading comic books. SiX Weeks ago our son was an earnest Grade 11 student who practised the piano three hours a day, beginning at 7 a.m., did his homework, received a no- minal allowance, went to bed at a reasonable hour, and eschew- ed the company of females. Now he is an orange-piler in WILL BE CLOSED Aug. 19 to 31 couldn't lick a baby robin with both wings tied behind its back, flirt about on the lawn just (AA of reach. * Downstairs, wife is fuss- ing and cu. ssing over the ironing, the sewing on of labels, the searching for last year's sleep- ing bag, This is on the top level, below that she Is stewing over the visitors arriving to- Morrow, the fact that we don't know what time Kim's boat leaves for camp, and the reali- zation that the new clothesline I installed at the cost of 00171.- plete damnation of my soul (swearing) doesn't work worth a diddle, There are several other levels, deeper down. Within the last hour, we've had at the garden gate several callers. The first was a vast, happy, plastered, commercial fisherman, who wanted to know where the piano was, It was his birthday, and he caught a dozen lake trout. It turned out that a lady a block away was ad- vertising a baby grand for sale. You figure out why a coni- mercial fisherman, drunk, wanted to buy a baby grand. Another apparition was a tourist woman. Her car had stopped just beside our garden. She said her daughter was a cyclic vomiter, whatever that is, and the kid had been in the hospital all day, and it was so hot and her husband was at the cottage, and she couldn't get the car started and wha- wha-wha, she started to bawl. I fetched a mechanic. And just 10 minutes ago I received a call from Old Blink- er, an old air force friend of mine who is a rim-racked, Pupils here pass exams CORBETT-MEADD REUNION On Sunday, July 28, 65 mem- bers of the Corbett-Meadd fa- mily from Montreal, Toronto, Guelph, St. Catharines, Cliff- ord, Parkhill, Mt. Br y d g e s, London, Denfield, 11 derto n, Ailsa Craig, Gorrie and Lucan held their 1963 two meal re- union at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corbett. Lucan ladies figured prominently in the diamond anniversary celebration of North Middlesex Women's Institute. Shown here during the cake-cutting ceremony are, from left, Mrs. Murray Hodgins, the new district president; Mrs. George Young, 88 years old, a life member of Clandeboye WI, a member of the Lucan branch arid a former district president, and Mrs. Sheridan Revington, president of Lucan WI. John Jull of Toronto, provided traditional wedding music. At a reception held at the borne of the groom, the groom's mother received in a blue flowered silk gown with pink sweetheart rose corsage. She was assisted by the bride's mother in a green floral silk dress and corsage of pale yellow sweetheart roses. For a honeymoon trip to east- ern and northern Ontario, the bride changed to a one-piece gold pure silk gown with em- broidered top and short sleeves. She wore a corsage of yellow sweetheart roses. The young couple will make their home in Lucan, Guests were present from Detroit, Burgessville, Ailsa Craig, Denfield, Sainisbury and Lucan. WI marks 60 years one of pur mighty chain stores, and as a result, wealthy, a de- votee of the midnight dance, and as lively as a log until noon, time to go to work. Today is his day off, and he's down at the beach giving the teen-age tourist girls a treat, or he's tearing around in some delinquent's car, or he is trying to drown himself on somebody's water-skis out in the bay. Who knows? His par- ents don't. We'll be lucky if he's home in time to eat his usual eight pounds of supper before he casually mentions that he's off to the dance at the local sin-pit. As for our little black spaniel, Piayboy, he's more confusing than anybody, Recently he lost an eye when he got smart with a tomcat. He was at the vet's for a couple of weeks, while the damage was repaired. Now each time he gets out of the yard, he vanishes smartly, and no a- mount of whistling or bone-wav- ing will recall him. Ten minutes later, we get a call from the vet. "Have you seen your dog lately? No? Well, he's back again.', He has fallen in love with eith- er the vet or some dimpled lady dog who was in hospital with him, because he goes haring off to the vet's, seven blocks away, every time he gets loose. And he gets loose much too often. This week he fell fran- tically in love with avast, tired, nine-year-old male boxer who was visiting, with friends. It was pitiful. Playboy did every- thing but sing Indian Love Call to prove his passion. The boxer was bored. Today the pup is sitting on his rump in the yard, glaring with appalling ferocity about his domain, while the black squir- rels, cats, and butterflies, se- cure in the knowledge that he et Construction keeps brisk ri (Gas and Oil Already Mixed) GARDEN PARTY An ideal day last Wednesday made it possible for Mrs. War- ner McRoberts to entertain 18 of her Lucan, London and Wood- ham friends on her lawn. Miss Line Abbott poured tea and Mrs. Roy Hamilton and Miss Anne Creery assisted the hostess in the serving. CHURCH NEWS Rev. E. 0. Lancaster of Holy Trinity Church, Rev, G, W. Sach of the United Church and Rev. E. A. Gagnon of the Pen- tecostal Holiness Church who have been on vacation, were all back on duty on Sunday. On Sunday, July 28, Rev. Timothy Creel, assistant mini- ster of the Evangelistic Centre in Toronto, was theguest speak- er at the Pentecostal Holiness Church. Both Mr. and Mrs. Creel attended Holmes Theo- logical Seminary at Greenville, S. Carolina. The Ladies' trio and mens' trio provided special music. The Anglican Church expect a full church, Sunday August 11 when Archbishop Harry 0' Neil, will be the guest speaker. Rev. O'Neil, a native of Clan- deboye was confirmed and or- dained in Holy Trinity Church, To give everyone a chance to meet the Archbishop the Ladies Guild members are preparing refreshments to be served in the church basement following the 11 o'clock service. Baskets of white mums and pink gladioli formed the setting in the Trinity Lutheran Church, London, at 3 pm Saturday, July 2'7, when the Rev. William J. MacGregor united in a double ring marriage ceremony, Ter- esa Korevaar and Gerald Wayne Hamilton. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Korevaar, RR 1 Lucan, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton, Lucan, Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a gown of white pure silk embroidered and appliqued organza over- skirt, featuring a basque waist, short sleeves, scooped neck- line, shirred cummerbund and bouffant skirt. An embroidered silk illusion, shoulder-length veil was held by a tiara of seed pearls. She carried a white Bible, crested with red sweet- heart roses and stephanotis. Miss Jane Korevaar, Bur- gessville, (aunt of the bride) as maid of honor, was her only at•• tendant. She was gowned in pale blue linen with a white, lace- trimmed, overskirt. She car- ried a cascade of shasta daisies and pink roses. Robert Hamilton of Lucan was best man for his brother. Lucan was well represented, when the 14 WI branches cele- brated the 60th anniversary of the North Middlesex District WI, with a banquet in the Ilder- ton Community Centre, Thurs- day evening, July 25. . • • and Also Available REGULAR ESSO FOR INBOARD USE Among the list of Medway's Grade 13 results appears the following local names. Elaine Armstrong Eng, C. 56, Zoo.63, Fr. A. 53. Leroy Bryan- Eng. C. 56, Alg. 61, Geom. 57, Zoo. 68, Chem. 66, Fr. A. 51. Leo Dewan - Eng. C. 56, Eng. L. 52, Geom. 52, Trig. 59, Bot. 63, Zoo. 57. Michael Dewan - Geom. 52, Zoo. 58, Lat. A. 67, Lat. C. 52. Lawrence Dickenson - Zoo. 71. Ilene Donaldson - Eng. C. 50, Eng. L. 62, Hist. 72, Bet. 64, Lat. A, 64, Lat. C. 59, Fr. A, 65, Fr. C, 60. MacNelles Hardy Eng. C. 60, Eng. L. 50, Geom. 65, Zoo. 57, Fr. A. 51, Fr. C . 55. Patricia Harrigan Bot. 52, Zoo. 58, Lat. A. 56, Lat. C. 50. Judith Haskett - Eng. C 64, Eng. L. 66, Hist. '76, Geom. 52, Hot. 72, Lat. A. 72, Lat. C. 73, Fr. A. 64, Fr. C. 61. Ward Hodgins - Zoo. 76. John McNamee - Eng. C. 51, Eng. L. 62, Alg. 59, Geom. 61, Trig. 50, Phys. 60, Chem. 62, Fr. A. 63, Fr. C. 61. Harvey Pool - Hist. 50, Alg. 56, Geom. 73, Fr. A. 54, Fr. C. 56. Bernard Stanley- Alg. 62, Geom. '78, Phys. 64, Chem, 66, Fr. A. 60, Fr. C. 56. Carol Stanley- Zoo. 60. Paul Steacy - Eng. C. 61, Eng. L. 62,Alg. 51, Geom. 57, Phys. 55, Fr. A. 59, Fr. C. 63. Marilyn Stewart - Alg. 65, Geom. 50, Chem. 53, Fr. A. 58, Fr. C. 62. Wilhelmina Van Bussel- Eng. C. 63, Eng. L. 60, Alg. 59, Geom. 62, Trig. 60, Phys. 61, Chem. 73, Fr. A. 66, Fr. C 58. Mrs. Jack, who spoke on the work done by the International House and outlined how all WI members can share in this worthwhile work, was intro- duced by Mrs. Harvey Wales of Komoka WI. Other highlights of the meet- ing were the introduction of the head table and past presidents and secretaries, a community sing-song, Mrs. J. E. Robb's history of the district, readings by Mrs. Powell Bartlay and piano duets by Mrs. Archie Gerry and. Mrs. Wilfred Wil- son. Birr WI catered to the 140 members who were able to be present. The new president, Mrs. Murray Hodgins, Lucan, and Mrs. George YoungSr. 88 years of age, a life member of the Clandeboye WI, a former dis- trict president and now a Lucan member, presided over the cake-cuttingc eremony. Also Mrs. Erwin Scott thanked the guest speaker Mrs. Gordon Jack of Arva and presented her with a gift, Hit by car, girl injured Personals Holly Ann Eisen,' five-yea r- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elson, is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, with a broken thigh bone, the result of a car accident on Civic Holi- day on Main St. Lucan. With her two sisters, Peggy and Frances, she had been swimming at the arena when she decided to go to the rectory to see Rev. E. 0. Lancaster. Leaving the rectory, she crossed Main St. to play with some little friends. When she decided to return to the arena, she darted across Main St. in front of a car driven by Piebe Kobus, 32, Ingersoll. She was taken to the hospital by Haskett's Ambulance. Mrs. Mary Carter's new Ker- nohan house has arrived and is now set up on Langford Drive. Mr. Murray Hodgson of Clan- deboye is erecting a new home on Butler St. The excavation is now being completed. Activities on Main St. have slackened a little, but work on the front of the Wraith-Storey's new addition is progressing. Across the street the grand opening of Young's Dry Goods and Variety Store (Aug. 1 to 10) is in full swing. The store looks particularly attractive at night, with its new lighting up, of the words describing each depart- ment. While Tom Semple of Grand Bend was making abeau- tiful job of painting the names on the windows of "Grants' Radio and TV Store" and "Bill the Barber", Mart Culbert was two doors west, putting the finishing touch on the outside of the Lewis Barber Shop. At the new drug store, the large electric sign has been installed (but not the Treasure Chest sign yet). Inside the store, the daily increasing number of gifts makes an attractive front for the drug department, INSTITUTE ENTERTAIN On Sunday July 28, the Lucan Junior Institute members, en- tertained the members of the Lucan Junior Farmers at apic- nic held at the Pinery, Swimming was the main at- traction of the get-together, fol- lowed by refreshments. Twenty-six members were pre- sent. ENGLAND COLD Mr. D.A. Ashworth and daughter, Mrs. Roscoe Hodgins have returned from a seven- week vacation in Europe. While Lucanites were swel- tering here, it was so cold in England they had to buy warmer clothing. Mrs. Hodgins left her two children Elizabeth and Paul, with Mrs. Calvin Hodgins but the former spent part of the time with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hodgins. 'Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd and family of London have pur- chased the home of Mrs. Will Haskett on Market St. and have moved in. Perry Woods, four and one- half-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Woods, of London, has returned home after spend- ing a few days with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lewis attended a dinner given by Mr. Gilbert Grant in Hotel London Friday night and the school re- union at Granton on Saturday. Mrs. Maud Gollings, (mother of Mrs. Wes Revington) is a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lancas- ter of London were S und ay guests at the rectory. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Egan of Lucknow spent the holiday weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Culbert and Mrs. Kay Egan. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Robinson and family of London were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Evan Hodgins, and found Mrs. Hodgins feeling better after her illness. LAC and Mrs. Ronald Treend and family of North Bay have re- turned home after spending a week with Mrs. Treend's par- ents, Mr. and Mra.HarryBorid. Mr. and Mrs. George Stras- ser have returned home to Cali- fornia after spending a Week with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hod- gins, Mr. George StraSser Sr. and Other Lucan and London relatives. Miss Holly Martin of London spent last weekend with her sister, Mrs. T. A. Hodgins. Mr. Wellington Hodgins of Calgary is visiting his sisters, Mrs. John Casey and Mrs. Charles Windsor, as well as Other relatives and frieridsQ Brien Mid Gary Concannon Of Dresden are holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Russell Bowmen. Mr. Jan Park has returned from h tWo Week vacation at Grand Bend. Lillibet and Joah Appleton, daughters of Mr. and MrS. Har- per Appleton Of London, are Spending three WeekS of their holidays With their grandpat.k entS, Mr. and Mrs.Harrylkind, Mkt and Mrs. Jack Murray and family of Lein:ion WereStiti. day 'guests of Mrs. J. It Murray. Miss Rio Chown has returned to St. ThomaS after holidaying With her sister, MASS pieta ChOwn. EVERYONE SLEEPS FITTER with an electric air conditionev whatever the temperature and humidity. The aii is always fresh... free of smoke, cooking fumes, pollen and dust., Add to your comfort today. your hydro HORSES WIN AT 13ATAVIA The following local horses brought fame to their owners recently: Wednesday, July 24 - Mea- dow Art's Lady 1st and Joannie Chief ist; Thursday, Herbert Carter 1st. Belle Direct L., 1st; Friday, Black Angel 2nd; Monday, Plash Fire 1st; Wed- nesday, July31 - Meadow Art's Lady 1st, Adiddale 2hd. Treasure Chest Ltican'S Gift Shop Mrs. J. S. Radcliffe '22'7-4792 Lucan Mr. Cecil Armitage, Mar- garet and Sheila have returned home after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilcox of Belleville. Mrs. Alma Price is holiday- ing in Caledon, a guest of Mrs. C P. Smith and sister, Miss Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenkins attended the wedding of their niece, Miss Glenda Blackwood, July 20 at Don Mills. Returning home they visited at Oakville, Niagara Falls and Pt. Colborne. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lewis on Tuesday were Mr. Gilbert Grant of Sou- ris, Manitoba, (formerly of Granton), Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beatson, Winnipeg and Mr. W.G. Stewart, London. Mr, Frank Jolliffe of Main St. North is a patient in West- minster Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brownlee have returned home after a few days vacation with their daugh- ter, Mrs. P. J. Laverty and family of Hamilton. Miss Anne Creery of Wood- ham spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Warner McRoberts. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Abbott RR 3 Lucan, and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Tindall and Melody of Listowel have returned home from a. five-day trip to Mani toulin. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jury and babe of London have moved into the Harold Corbett apt, Main and Alice Sts. Mrs. E. C. Attwell and family of Ottawa are holidaying with WS. Attwell's father, Mr. D. A. Ashworth and sister Mrs. Ros- coe Hodgins and family. Mr: and Mrs. Jack Murdy spent last Sunday With their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morrie of Mount Threst. Wayne and Rose St. Louis, children of Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert St, Louis of Welland, Wile Spent part of their vacation with their grandparent8 Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson were taken home by the latter, who spent a Week in Wellanci,before return- ing to 'ACM). Mike Culbert, small Son of Mr. and Mrs. Mert Culbert; is getting his hame up as a barbecue entertainer, Oil Jttly 31 he took part on the barbecue program at Brodhagen (near Mitchell) making his third ap- pearance reeehtly. MT, and Mrs, Allan Tindall of Wiattofi Spent the holiday weekend with the latter's pan, enia, Mr. and Mrs$ Cliff Ab- bott, a a. .1.ftetM'agAaW.,aea,.teaeaa'ar AGAIN AVAILABLE Linen Tea Towels, Tablecloths, Place Mat Sets By LeacOck 1°' And Up LIVt BETTER tLECtititALLY Exeter Public Utilities Commission R. D. POOLEYi chairman Phone 235-1360 Ii, L. DAVIS, Manager