The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-05-30, Page 9Dashwood Food Market AT THE LOCKER THREE BIG DAYS! Thank you Thursday, May 30 FREE BREAD One Loaf Each To The First 50 e appreciate your patience and kind consideration during our' recent building program. Friday, May 31 FREE Come and Get 'Em FREE BALLOONS For the Kiddies FREE COKES BUNS BARTLIFF'S WEINER To The First 25 Customers FREE BUNS HAM- BURGER To The First 25 Customers HOURS Mon. Thurs. 8 am to 6 pm Save 120 lb. Schneider's Short Shank SMOKED PICNIC SHOULDERS Wednesday 8 am to 1 pm Save 250 Burns 2-lb. Poly Bag WIENERS Fri. e.); Sat. 8 am to 9 pm 89 Save 300 Burn's 1 1/4 -lb. tin Save 150 Burn's Finest Sliced Rindless CANNED HAMS Free Penny Bank! Canada Packers Colored • NO. 1 BACON Domestic Shortening Harry Horne's 16-oz. bottle Barbecue Sauce Fresh—Mushroom, Plain or Pepperoni Essex Pizza Pies Gilchrist Cakes MEAT PIES Essex 15-oz. tins 39 Chile Con Came 39C Gilchrist Date Bars Beef, Chicken or Vegetable-Beef lb 33e ass 2/59c 39c 4i554 2 PACKAGES OF 2 EACH Freezer Spectals MORTON'S POT PIES ORANGE JUICE Old South 6-ox. tins F 8-ox. 4 R 0 3 0 R VC Our Specialty! CUSTOM PROCESSING FOR YOUR LOCKER OR HOME FREEZER We cut it the way you like it AGENTS FOR JAMESWAY DRY CLEANERS FAST ONE-DAY SERVICE Complete Selections of Frozen Foods, Fresh Produce and Fresh Meats SAUSAGE DASHWOOD FOOD MARKET AND LOCKER SERVICE Phone 98W Dashwood ,You'll like the special Myer Hugh Boyle, Prop. Tulip Margarine 2 L. 45C 30 off 15-oz. tin Stokely's Cream Corn 2/33 vc ,pastors cansicler, question: 'Page; 9; Times Advocate, May 30, 1963 Should church marry non-religious couples? Open. Dashwood market Support tonight's canvass FOR THE RED SHIELD APPEAL, Should ministers refuse to marry non-religious people in their churches? Is a religious hymn preferable to the tradi- tional wedding march for the ceremony? These were two of the ques- tions disssed bY about 20 Ministers of the Huron Presby- tery of the United Church at recent se ss ions in Clinton church. The morning session wasde- voted to a discussion on the revision of the marriage cere- mony as used by the United Church of Canada. Chairman for this was Rev. W. J. ten Hoopen of Goderich. A discussion on the United Church general council report on baptism and church mem- bership took place at the af- ternoon session. Chairman for this was Rev. Arthur Higgin- bottom of Walton. The problem of marrying those who have no interest in the religious aspect of the mar- riage ceremony, including non- believers, was brought up at the morning session. It was felt that ministers had two alternatives depending on the particular situation which faced them. These were to ei- ther: 1. Send the couple to a judge or magistrate for a purely se- cular marriage or, 2. Strip the ceremony of its religious elements and perform a strictly secular ceremony as an authorized agent of the state. If the latter were done, it would be completely inappropriate for the ceremony to be performed in the church and should be done either in the minister's study or at his home. It was the general feeling of the meeting that a religious marriage service should be re- served for those who have re- IIIIY A NEW E110111X liffIlIDE A \ 011 111111111 NOW_I MET A $29.05 VANE. IIAM1111YEII FREEI Grand opening Of 'Dashwood "..k. 4) Food Market, an extension of i'f l .., Dashwood locker service ? takes `-"R'^ place this weekend With special values and giveaway features. Hugh !Boyle, owner _.ef the, business, has added a bright, self-serve grocery to the side ligious faith and desire the that such an occasion was an of the locker building. Modern blessing of God on their mar- opportunity for ministers to equipment displays f r e ph .---„,. riage, point out to parente the irri, meats, frozen foods, produce .—• .,,. , The popular cpstom of having ,portance of joining the church. And regular food lines. a wedding march played at the Tile meat processing depart- marriage ceremony came under merit remains at the rear of discussien. There was a strong preference shown Wong the Tape greetings the building and is open to 'he market. A carcass loading plat- ministers present that a good ' ' form is provided at the west end religious hymn should be Played of the addition. rather than playing a wedding to,, . missionary Mr. Boyle, a native of St. march. We sell the best . , and Service the Rest! The new proposed United Church wedding service was seen as being definitely desig- ned to point up the religious significance of the ceremony rather than just making a spec- tacle of it. Under what circumstances should an infant be baptized when the parents are not in the fellowship with the church? This was a problem which faced the afternoon session. Among the points brought out in this discussion was the fact that a child should not be de- prived of the right to be bap- ti4ed just because the parents were not in fellowship with the church. It was further pointed out BRUCE Thomas, Purchased the locker business from Wally Becker in November, 1961. He formerly was meat manager in aLobla.ws store in Toronto for 13 years. His wife, Bernice, who as- sists him in the store, also is a former employee of Loblaws. She is a native of Wyoming. The couple have three sons -- Scott, Fraser and Dean. Free 29.95 hair dryer At the meeting of Main St. afternoon unit in the church last Thursday Mrs. R. S. Hiltz show- ed pictures taken by Jim and Marion Kirkwood, who are mis- sionaries in Northern Rhodesia. Marion is the daughter of the late Rev. Norval Woods, former minister at MainStreet Church. The pictures were accompa- nied by a commentary tape tell- ing of their work in Rhodesia. In return greetings were taped from the unit to be sent back to Mr. and Mrs. Kirkwood. Mrs. Harold Skinner led in the worship service. Business was conducted by the president Mrs. Ben Tuckey. It was de- cided to have a bake sale along with the evening unit on June 3. Refrigeration & Appliances Phone 238-2385 Grand Bend OWNER HUGH BOYLE OPENS MODERN DASHWOOD FOOD MARKET THIS WEEKEND James St. CGIT selects officers Yvonne Fisher was elected president of James St. CGIT for 1963-64 at the meeting last Wednesday. Vice-president is Karen Mc- Arthur; secretary, Margaret Snelgrove and treasurer, Eliza- beth Snell. Presidents of the groups are Margaret May, Mary Jane San- ders, Jane Southcott and Penny Preszcator. On Saturday afternoon the CGIT held their annual after- noon tea with each girl re- sponsible for four guests and the decor and serving for her table. Between 80 and 90 guests were present. On Wednesday a weiner roast at the home of Mrs. Roy Stover concluded the activities for the season. Leaders are Mrs. Lyle Lit- tle, Mrs. Don Ecker, Mrs. Roy Stover and Mrs. Warren May. Sorority views cruise pictures At the meeting of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority last Tuesday even- ing held at the home of Mrs. R. C. Dinney, Mrs. R. W. Read showed pictures of the cruise which she and Dr. Read took to Jamaica and Bermuda. Plans were made for a June get-together with the members husbands. Newly elected presi- dent Mrs. William King was in the chair. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. Ted Jones and Mrs. Don Gaiser. When making cream pie keep the under crust from becoming soggy by cooling the filling be- fore pouring it into the baked shell. TO HUGH BOYLE on the opening of his DASHWOOD FOOD MARKET AND LOCKER FROM CLIFF SALMON Builder and Contractor PHONE 154 DASHWOOD TIEMAN'S HARDWARE Extends Best Wishes To Hugh Boyle on the opening of Dashwood Food Market and Locker It was our pleasure to provide the PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL WORK Phone 8 Dashwood • Zt4ei*.A6. How to send your son to college— without feeling the pinch! A. E. Pym, C.L.U. Representative EXETER Tel: 235-0395 WA:Wm ..4441V-0 MANUFACTURERS LIFE 1243 A college education is more than a matter of pride and accomplishment. In today's highly specialized and technical world it is an absolute necessity. But the question is how to finance it? One of the surest ways of building a fund for the higher education of your son is to plan ahead with Manufacturers Life Insurance. By investing in a Manufacturers Life Participa- ting Policy you get a double safeguard. Your savings accumulate on a planned basis—and they grow through earned dividends and guaranteed interest. By the time your son graduates from high school, your equity can be large enough to finance his higher education. At the same time, you know that should you die before your son enters university—there will be sufficient funds available for this purpose. Talk to a representative from Manufacturers Life about this important ambition of yours. He will be able to show you how you can accomplish Your goal without feeling the pinch. Call him today !