The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-03-28, Page 10I' SELL TRADE RENT HIP Page 10 March 28/ 1963 25 iticlion Sales 25 Auction Sales 13 for Sale- 22 Notices 16 Properly For Sale 13 For Sale 'Help Wanted 9 Services , .Important AVP-119,11 :MLA .Of Valuohle 100 Acre Farm, Hee,§eholci, ,Effect and. Misc, lltp0” On the premises. LOT 18, CONCESSION 14, McGILL4yRAy TOWNSHIP, 24 miles north,. thence 224 miles west of Ailsa .Craig,. or 11/4 'miles south of West McGillivray, second farm east. The .undersigned auctioneer receiye.d instructions to sell by public !auction. on TUESDAY, APRIL 9 at lOrt REAL ESTATE: -Consists of Lot 18, Con. 14, McGillivray Township, 100 'acres of land on which is situated a large 2-storey brick dwelling, large barn, driveshed, poultry hotise and garage.. Land choice clay loam and in good state of cultivation; 7 acres mixed bush; 15 acres fall wheat. Re- mainder all tillable for spring sowing. Never failing water .supply, Inspection invited. Terms of 'Real Estate: 10% on day of sale. Balance in 50 days, - Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS & ITEMS; Include com- pete line of general house- hold furnishings. TERMS: Cash. EARL NEIL, MRS. MYRTLE SUTHERLAND, Executors for the estate of the late Lila E. Neil. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119 Dashwood 28:4c Chairs: 'beds; dres sers ; ete Classifipd Rate 22 Words 1;85 Each Additional Word 30 (Minimum 850) REGISTERED DACJISHIJNBS. and Ty Manchester Terriers, variou,e ages. Mrs, Alex Mc- Intosh, Olandeheye, 227-4508., 14:21;28:4c HOUSE, well .1cf.t,. with el), preximately,' .V4; acre of land, new oil furnace, modern baths ream, garage, Apply Mrs, Percy TYPrirtae, 140 Andrew St. N., Exeter, REQ. # 1 RUSSELL OATS, cleaned, treated and tagged in new bags $1.$5 per bashel. Same oats cleaned and treat- ed in used bags $1.25, In your bags $1,20. Germination test 100%, William Coleman, Hip- pen. Phone 263J1 'Jensen. 21:28c 5 ACRES THE TQPI,,T9.RE• Grand_ .I4nct will open. again 911 APO.. $$$' Watch for our lad on this page of the late March jealte. We spent the winter finding. top values at low prices in 'h and. tools for Yoe. 144:21;28c TOWNSHIP OF MeGILLIVRAY 20c Off /OM...VENT — NASH A4-UMINUM WINPOW AWNINGS — PORCH CANOPIES — DOORS and WINDOWS — ALUMINUM SIDING - ALUMMTM & WROUGHT IRON PORCH — STEP RAILINGS McSTEPHEN AUTO WII..CicER4 RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed PHONE 228-0214 .etc. No Rowrifp—ov.prything will be sold. TERMS: Cash. MRS, --1-440Y1). JOHNS, Prop., -GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WAIRER, Auctioneer 21:28e This Could Be The Answer To YOUR FUTURE SUCCESS IN SEWN If paid by Saturday following last insertion, Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Machinery & Household Effects At LOT 1, CON, 9, THOKERSMITH TOWNSHIP, .3114 miles west of Staffa, or 21/2 miles east of No. 9 School on Kipper). Road, SATURDAY, MARCH 30 at 12:30 sharp. CATTLE: 6 Durham cows with calf at side (5 years old), fresh 1 week; 11 Dur- ham cows, due to freshen soon; 1 Durham steer, 1050 lbs.; e Durham heifers, 900 lbs,; 13 yearlings, 600 lbs,; 5 calves. PIGS: 20 chunks. 1MPLEIViENTS: Allis Chal- mers tractor, D17 (one year old), 300 hours; Allis Chal- mers 12 ft. mounted cultivat- or; Allis Chalmers 4-furrow mounted plough; Allis Chal- mers C-A tractor with man- ure loader and scuffler; Mc- Kee harvester with new wagon and box, 60 ft. pipe, elbow and grain thrower attach- ment; front end grain swath- er; Case manure spreader; International 1 ton truck with hoist, tarp end grain box; International side rake; Mas- sey Harris 7 ft. cultivator; PTO 422 Cockehutt combine with bean attachment, 2 years old; John Deere No. 4 6 ft. mower (oil bath); Oliver seed and fertilizer drill, 16-run; 10 ft. cultipacker; 2 sets of drag 'harrows, 3 and 4; 16 ft. wagon with grain box; Bear Cat hammer mill; 75 It, drive belt; fanning mill; weed sprayer with 2 40-gallon bar- rels; garden scuffler; set of pig scales and crate; 2000.1b. weigh scales; maple syrup making equipment; chicken brooder, 4x8; Viking cream separator; lumber; 1 pig self feeder; shovels, forks, etc.; cedar posts; iron posts; barb- wire; 1/4 hp. electric motor; 1/2 ',h.p, electric motor. HAY & GRAIN: 1200 bushel mixed grain; 8" of ensilage; 600 bales of hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 10 kitchen chairs; rocking chairs; 'buffet; love seat; extension kitchen table; dott-' ble bed, springs and mattress; dresser with large mirror; chest of drawers; couch; coat and hat rack; 48" bed and spring's; dishes; sealer s; crocks; other articles too numerous to 'mention. TERMS: Cash. No Reserve—farm sold. ERNEST ROSS, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Aunt, GEORGE POWELL, Cerk NOTICE We do our own installing. Call us for free estimates. WALKER ALUMINUM 5ALaS EXETER Phone (Collect) 235-0722 3:28tfnc The direct cost of spraying for warble fly will be charged to the ratepayer concerned. wmf,IAM AMOS, Cork FREE Evening Classes Forming How 28c IIADCO WELL DIGGING — Machine dug ft, to ft, diameter up to 150 ft, deep; repo 'ring and deepening. Highway 85, Elmira MO 9- 2761, or Liman BA 7.4080, 2; 2.1*tfnc 10 Livestock For Sale 14 Wanted To Buy BRIcK HOUSE AND MAP71114.1E.R.Y .EARN Highway locatioe nerth near thriving .community; 2-storey modernized home - having 4 bedrooms, living room, den and up-to-the 'minute kitchen, Ideal location for tucking company, poultry or hog pro- ducers. Realistic price and. early possession available. First time ever offered for sale. Full particulars by call- ing Jim Rowcliffe, 780 Rich- mond St., London, phone GE 4-5725. Exclusive Listing with RowcLIFFE. REAL ESTATE LIMITED zsc 25 Auction Sales Second Insertion 21/2 PER WciRD (Minimum 55e) Six Insertions 2c PER Won:, (Minimum 450 GOLF CLUBS, new and used; bags, carts, etc. Apt. 2, 215 Andrew St., phone 225-1007. 2:14tfne . . RCA vIcTOE. "Ngv„, Vista" Television and "Total Sound" Stereo, See the 1963 models. Sales and Service. Exeter Electric, 235-0730. 12: 13powtfoe Are you satisfied with your present future potential in selling? If not, here's a unique opportunity to deter- mine if the field of selling investments and mutual funds. holds the key to your future financial security and happi ness. DRY SLAB, and body wood. Also wanted to buy good standing timber. Apply Ro- bert Eagleson, Ails2 Craig, phone 232.4450 Nairn, 3:21tfac ORDER FERTILIZER NOW— We have all analysis avail- able and stock the mast popu- lar at our farm, Rag or bulk. Get the best—get Shur-Gain from Henry Becker, phone 42r5 Dashwood. 28:4c GIRLS' BICYCLE, 18" in good condition, Apply Gordon Ratz, phone 161r3 Dashwood. 28* HAY, first quality, approxi- mately 2,000 bales. Bert Bax, RR 1 Woodham. 28:4* SAVE those little pigs; Far- rowing crates (wood), priced reasonable, Bert )3ax, RR 1 Woodham. 28:4* SPARTON SIGHT, SOUND can be yours for less money at Exeter Electric. New 1963 TV and Stereo. Sales and Service, Exeter Electric, 235- 0730, 12: 13eowtfn c ADDING MACHINE, Reming- ton-Rand, in good condition; reasonable, Phone 235-0194 after 6 p.m. 28* EXTENSION TABLE, in good condition, in Dashwood vicin- ity. Phone 117"Dashwood. Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion—Per Inch $1,40 Second insertion— Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of le inch, 28c Important AUCTION SALE Of Dairy and' Beef Cottle, Tractor, Farm Implements Hay, Grain, Household Effects & Misc, Items On the Premises, LOT 12, CONCESSION 7, USSOR,NE TOWNSHIP, V2 mile north of Elimville or 21/2 miles east of Exeter, on Huron St., 1 mile south. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, MARCH 29 at 1:00 p.m. CA TTL E: Holstein cow, carrying fourth calf, due in April; Holstein cow, carrying second calf, due in April; Holstein cow, milking, recent- ly rebred; Holstein farrow cow; Durham farrow cow; 2 Hereford steere, rising 2 years old, market condition; 4 Here- ford grass cattle; 3 Holstein yearling heifers. TRACTOR & FARM IM- PLEMENTS: Cockshutt 70 standard tractor, in good con- dition; Fleury 3-furrow plow; M-H binder, 7 ft. cut; M-H mower, 5 ft. cut; 81/2 ft. cul- tivator; 3 - section diamond harrows; 3-section lever har- rows; Gehl 101/2 " hammer mill, like new; 50 ft. hammer mill belt; Universal 2-unit milker; rubber tire wagon; 16 ft, hay rack; garden tractor, fully equipped; steel water trough; colony house, 10x1.2; hay fork rope; Viking elec- tric cream separator; grain auger; fanning mill; 2 small electric motors; 2 h.p. elec- tric motors; sprayer; carpen- ter tools; 'shovels; forks; augers; 'chicken feeders and shelters; many other miscell- aneous items. HAY & GRAIN: 1000 bales choice quality mixed hay; 300 bushels mixed grain; 300 bushels oats, suitable for seed; auantity grass seed. HOUSEHOLD BFFE CTS: Includes 'antique furniture; GOOD USED RUG — Phone 235-0295. 28e Classes will commence early in April. You will be given complete instruction in this highly professional field of selling. There is no charge, no obligation; you decide if this is the answer you've been looking for. IS THIS YOUR BLUEPRINT FOR SUCCESS? Contact Mrs. J, Sullivan, 9 to 10 a.m„ at GE 4-8431; 6 to 7 p.m. 471-873 or write— 15 Wanted WARTIME HOUSE, 2 - bed- room, with basement, Apply Vern Postill, 373 Marlborough St., Exeter, 3:21-4:25* HEREFORD BULLS, register- ed and tested, serviceable age, Robert A. Robinson & Son, Ailsa Craig, RR 3, phone 293- 3085. 14:21:28c HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, 21/2 years old, vaccinated, bred Hereford, due soon. John Berendsen, phone 21r4 Kirk- ton, 83 highway, 11/4 miles east of Farquhar. 3:21-4:25c 2 SHORTHORN BULLS, dark red polled, purebred, service- able age; priced to sell. Also 250 bales of good quality hay, Apply Don McComb, Elgin- field. 28* 16 PIGS, 9 weeks old. Hugh Rundle, phone 235-1406. 28c HOLSTEIN COW, fresh 2 weeks; 100 bushels Rodney oats. . Phone 238-2694 Grand Rend. d 28' 11 Poultry For Sale Classifications PASTURE for 20 yearlings, or would rent 100 acres of pasture. Apply Howard Clarke, Dashwood, phone 161r7. 28e 17 Properly For Rent L Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4, Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9, Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12, Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 14. Wanted To BUY 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18, For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22, Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales 16 Properly For Sale APARTMENT, steam heated, furnished, new stove, frig, furniture including TV and carpet. Elliot Apts., 442 Main St., phone 235-0585. 14tfnc APARTMENT, suitable for two people, heat and hot water supplied. Apply Pen. hale Apts., 70 John St. east. 3 : 141.fne J. R. HARRISON Limited BRICK DUPLEX dwelling, moderate price, liberal terms. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, 86 Anne St. 3:28tfe CHOICE BUILDING LOT, Hill St., directly south of and overlooking Riverview Park. Apply Box 1111, Times-Advo- cate, 8:23tfnc 267 DUNDAS STREET 28:4c CORNER LOT with large brick home, small barn, 534 Main St., Exeter, Apply Jean W. Wein, 199 St, Vincent St., Stratford. 1.0tfnc APARTMENT, steam heated, furnished, suitable for one lady, $35 per month. Elliot Apts., phone 235-0585. 3:7tfric LOWER APARTMENT, 3- room, heated, private ent- rance, available immediately, furnished or unfurnished, Ap- ply 512 Main St., Exeter, phone 235-2836. 12:6tfnc APARTMENT—Upper 1 bed- room, furnished, Heat, hot water supplied. Centrally lo- cated, quiet district. No pets, Apply 59 John St. E., Exeter. 21tfnc 7 Teachers Wanted OAT STRAW, 250 bales; also pink semi-formal, size 16-18. Ken Fischer, RR 3 Exeter, phone 235-2516. 28c TEACHER WANTED Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery, Tractor, Baled Hay, Grain Wood & Furniture TUESDAY, APRIL 9 at 1:00 p.m. 1 mile west of Clandeboye, 3 miles west of Lucan. Full line of good farm ma- chinery; tractor; 1,500 bales hay; 3000 bushels grain; 30 cord 12" wood; furniture. TERMS: Cash, MRS. MARY CARTER, Prop. Clandeboye W. S. O'NEIL & SON, Auct, 28:4c C. V. PICKARD 125 KIMBER HENS, laying 5 months. Apply Howard Pym, phone 90r22 Kirkton, 28* The township of Hay School Area is calling for applica- tions for a teacher to teach in the six-room school in Zurich. Applicants to state qualifications, experience, sal- ary expected and religion. AU applications to be in the hands of the Secretary by April 13, 1963, at 6 p.m. H. W. BROKENSHTRE, Secretary-Treasurer Zurich, Ont. 28c 1 Lost, Strayed REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 4-BEDROOM BRICK home, modern kitchen, new oil burn- ing furnace, close to school. This is not a large home but will accommodate a family in comfort. Reasonable price; terms. INDUSTRIAL building, 80' x 28', tile block construction. BUSINESS BLOCK-4 tenan- cies all occupied. ONE LOT—on Prycie Boule- vard. BEAGLE, 11/2 years old, male, No. 10 Exeter dog tag. Phone 235-2935. 28c GUN CABINET — Apply 318 Carling St„ Exeter. Phone 235-1214. 28* ALFALFA HAY, 1,000 bales; 10 ton cob corn, Apply G. Nagel, at Quality Produce, Exeter, phone 235.1921. 28c BABY BUGGY and bathin- ette, like new. Phone 235- 1433. 28c TIRES, brand new stock, 700x 20x10 Ply, $40 each or $75 a pair. Phone 235-0781, 28c BEAGLE PUPS, 9 weeks old. Apply Bill Snow, RR 1 Wood- ham, phone 235-0426. 28* FERTILIZER SPREADER, 12 ft., International, practically new, Lloyd Lovell, Kippen. 28* WATER SPANIEL, black with white feat and breast, in Centralia on March 17, 1963; answers to name of 131ackie'; tag no, 13783. Phone 235-2807. 28c 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1960 CHEV TUDOR, 6-cyl., standard shift, in excellent condition. Owner transferred overseas. Phone 228-6770 after 5 p.m. only. 28e GRAVEL TRUCK, 1957 Ohev, new motor, in good condition. Phone 48934 Brussels. 28:4* '55 CHEV COACH, $140; '53 Ford Sedan, $50. Will take trade—pigs, motorcycle, etc. Also Viking cream separator. Phone 275W1 Hensel'. 28* '59 VOLKSWAGEN, with re- conditioned transmission and motor, body in Al condition, custom radio, door mirrors, standard eluipment. Apply Gordon McNutt, at Snell Bros. Ltd., phone 235-0660. 28:4e 1953 OLD'S1V1OBILE 88 Sedan, hydrom a ti c, radio, ba ck-un lights; windshield washers: mechanic owned: $295. Phone William Triebner, 235-0124. 28nc KEY RING with 4 keys. R. Van Farowe, phone 235-0314. 28* C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 235-0310 and 235-0414 2: 2,1tfnc LOWER APARTMENT — 1 bedroom, furnished, heat, hot water supplied; good location. Newly painte d. No pets please. Apply 59 John St. E., Exeter. 21tfnc UPSTAIR APARTMENT, suit- able for one or two. Partly furnished if desired, W. C. Pearce, Realtor, 86 Anne St. 3:28tfc 2 Found TEACHER, experienced for SS No. 3 Hibbert (Staffa); all grades. Duties to commence September 1963. Attractive salary, For .particulars apply Ed Dearing, Staffa, phone Dublin 86r10. 3: 28tfric 9 Services 150 Acre Farm PUPS, German Shepherd, ex- ceptionally nice, 7 weeks old, purebred, no papers; 2 males, 1 female; parents good watch does. Phone 294-6957 Park- hill. 28c CHILDREN'S JACKETS, sum- mer and winte r; shirts, sweaters, etc., sizes 6 years to 10. Nothing priced over $2. Phone 235-0636. 28c MAN'S WRIST WATCH, in Dashwood. Owner may have it by identifying same. Phone 117 Dashwood, 28c STOOK, DAIRY OR EXCELLENT CASH CROP FARM Exeter District On Highway 83, modern 2- storey brick home with at- tached garage with all con- veniences. Large L-shape barn with stabling for 70 head of cattle; plenty of room for pigs; concrete silo; three wells; pressure system with water throughout; 100 acres in permanent pasture; 45 acres fall ploughed; 5 acres bush. The farm is well tiled with excellent fences and in high state of cultiva- tion. Owner going to retire. JOHN BERENDSEN RR 1 Kirkton, Phone 21r4 21:28c 3 Male Help Wanted APARTMENT, 2-bedrobm, up- per, heated, and utilities paid. Available now, Apply 94 San- ders West, phone 235-2425, 3: 21tfn c DRESSMAKING and altera- tions, especially children's wear. Phone 235-0776. 28:4c SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED— Immediate service, always available. Harold Butler, Lu- can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7-4312 collect. 10:4tfnc. I AM DOING RADIO and TV repair work. Call Jim Laye, 293-3134 Ailsa Craig. 10:4tfnc FROZEN underground water pipes thawed. Phone Nairn 232-4504. 7tfnc 10,58 DODGE Crusader 4-door, Vs. 26.000 actual miles; beet offer over $700. Phone Hen' sail: 12111. 28:4;11e THE SURPLUS TOOL STORE Spring Specials GOOD BUYS AUSTIN One A60 One 850 At Special Prices! DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL GRAND BEND $ SAVE $ $ SAVE $ Opening the 1963 Season Monday, April 1 For dead or disabled animals, call SINGLE MAN f o r mixed farming to siart April 1. for summer or by the year. Ap- ply Gordon Finkbeiner, phone Crediton 234-6292, 21:28c YOUNG MEN, 16 to 28 years old; neat appearance and car needed. Apply in person. TV Talent Studios, William St., Lucan, Ont. 28c SINGLE MAN, experienced, for modern dairy farm, good wages, including room and board. Apply Exeter Times, Advocate. 28* TO DO CUSTOM TILLING, 100 acres double-disced and harrowed; first time to be completed in May; second time in June. Harold M. Cor- bett, Lucan. 28c YOUNG MAN APARTMENT, 1 bedroom, frig and stove supplied utili- ties paid, private bath and entrance, oil. furnace. Phone 235-2930 or apply 321 Huron St. W. 28* HOUSE, 4-bedroom, in Credi- ton, newly redecorated, mo- dern conveniences, hot and cold water on tap. Available April 15, 1963. Phone 235- 2807, 28c APARTMENT — Last apart- ment in Taylor apartment building; Victoria St., near public school; 750 'sq.. ft floor space, large living room with broadloom with 'adjoining 6 ft. clothes closet. Two bed- rooms with 6 ft. clothes closets. Ceramic tile 3-piece bath with supply cupboard. Broom and linen cupboards. Kitchen with 14 It. cupboards; utility room; automatic wash- er and dryer and water softener; all electric heated. Phone Kirkton 39r8. 28c 2 APARTMENTS, heated, fur- nished, 3 rooms, ground floor, private entrance, tentrally lo- cated; one available April 8, and one April. 25, Apply 365 William St,, phone 235-0776. 3: 28tfne DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED Phone Collect Clinton Hunter 2-7269 Licence No. 262-C-63 9:20tfric 1000 Gal. WHITE PAINT Flat Semi-Gloss Hi Gloss One of the Top Rig Brands. Our low, low prices don't allow us to advertise the name, RANCH STYLE HOUSE, mo- dern, Huron St. E., Exeter, with garage and full base- ment; 3 large bedrooms with double closets; plastered throughout; natural stone fire- place; 4-piece bath; many extras. Reasonably priced; must be sold. Terms and pos- session arranged. Ken Otte- well, phone 235-0935 Exeter. 2 : 28tine 1958 FORD Fairlane 500 Se- dan, 332V8, dual range automatic, power steering, radio, heater, many addi- tional extras, 1953 LEHEV Sedan, rebuilt engine, radio, heater, white- walls, in exceptional shape, E. L. cHAFFE & SONS Phone 228-6641 Crediton Road and .#4 Hwy. 14:21* tine EXETER -- Marlborough St., new 3-bedroom brick home; $2,900 down, monthly pay- ments of $74.00, including taxes. EXETER -- James St., 2- storey 4-bedroom brick home, completely modernized; living room, dining room, den kit- chen, recreation room, oil heat, broadloom throughout. WATER WELLS DRILLED anywhere, gravel and rack. Clean out and servicing old wells a specialty, 4i" life-long casing furnished, no pollution, at lees than $5,00 per ft. Sat- isfactien of work guaranteed. Terms arranged. Phone Col- lect E. B. Hussey 754, Petrone 3:27-4:18" See South End With at least grade 12 edu- cation, to learn news writing and advertising layout. Per- manent position with excellent future. Group hospitalization, pension plan, modern opera- tion. Apply by typewritten letter to: It's the Surplus Stoop of the Year. We also have Universal Colour Tubes so that you can "Do it Yourself" on Pastel Shades. From hundreds of good buys, we list the following in Hand Tools, New and Used. 10" and 12" HAND HACKSAW SLADES Disstan, Sireonds, Oitco Standard Steel 10 for $1.00 and $1.25 Moly — lii Speed 10 for $2,50 and $3.00 Super Hi Speed 10 for $3,50 and 84,00 Power Blades — Hi Speed $1.00 and $1.50 Each Steel Shaft Claw Hammers $2,49 Each Vise Grips — $1.25 Each Long Nose Pliers $1,25 Ea, Diagonal Side Cutters $1,25 Each DiSstan, D8 Hand Saws $4.95 Eath Tool &Vet $1.95 to $5.95 Each Ball Bearing Wheels with Semi Pilettni TireS 500 to $3.00 Bring the Ladies, They can shop at Ravelle's Gift Shop neXt door, There is a sale en there also, 280 BOX 850 EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Exeter, Out, *62 METEOR FORDOR SEDAN, 9,000 miles, like new, Field- stone tan. EXETER — 3-bedroom brick, $68.00 13,1.T. EXETER --- 3-bedreom brick, $71.00 P.I,T. EXETER — 3-bedroom frame, $500.00. down EXETER — 3-bedroom insul brick, terina. EXETER — 3-unit apartment, low down payment. EXETER — 2-unit apartment, $1,000 down, /6' Building Lot—$50.00 down, FOR RENT — 1 - be droo in apartment, 4 Female Help Wanted APARTMENT, modern 2-bed- room, stove and Mg Sup- plied, -private bath and ent- rance, central location. Apply Parker 'apartrnentS, 431 Main St., phone 235-0915, 3: 28tfnc 13 For Sale MARCONI MASTERPIECES-- "Award" and "Citation" mo- dels in TV and Stereo. We sell and service them, Exe- ter Electric, 235-0/30 (beside Lyric Theatre). 12:13 eoWtine FOR CORN CROP satisfac- tion, plant rugged, high yield. ing Pioneer hybrid seed corn. Place your order now. Call or see us. Keith Lovell, Kippen, Hensel 265W1. 7:14:21:28c BE SURE to see us first for your spring paint-Up needs. Glidden's Spread Satin, regu- larly $2.65 quart, now only $2.00 a quart during Mareh. All other paints at 10% dis- count. Fink's Plumbing and 'Heating and Electrical, phone 26 Hensel]. 7:14;21:28d See Your Authorized Dealer for sales and service for Viking Electric SeparatOrt and milking machines, 13a0 O'Rourke, Brucefielii Phone 111.1 2-9131 Clinton 2:14-4:20* , IF YOU HAVEN'T ordered your seed dont More Can Still buy Pioneer. More farrnere are switching to Pioneer hy- brids every year because of their outstanding quality and yielding ability. Phone Dash- wOod 116, Andre* Diepstrafen, 2:28-4:4e 18 For Bent STENOGRAPHER EXETER -- Sanders St. EaSt. new 2-bedroom; $3,000 down, monthly payments $56.00, in- cluding taxes; living room, bath, kitchen, oil furnace. EXETER -- 3-bedroorn, hot water baseboard heat, living room, dining room, kitchen, sacrifice $9,500, Ternis can be arranged, as low AS $68 per rnenth. FLOOR SANDERS, electric. Beavers Crest Ilardwate, phone 2354033, Exeter. 12:13tfne GRAND SEND -- Highway 21, small 3-bedrOorn; year round living, all conveniences; clote to 'Shopping area; reasonably priced. 5-DAY WEEK For perinanent position iii Exeter office, good salary, Apply Box NAS, Exeter Times-Advocate. 2:8tfne .5 Help Wanted *61 COMET TUDOR, red and white, 6-dyl, straight stick 0 60 NASH RAMBLER SEDAN, radii), Seat beltS *60 AUSTIN SEDAN A.66 '55 AUSTIN A66 *58 AUSTIN SEDAN At5i green '56 bGbdE SEDAN, 'automatic 6-41., red and White 0 60 ANGLIA 2-DOOlt, yellow, exeellent Second eat South End DEVON 131.IILDING Phone 235-1863 7tfric 48 ACRES, barn 30'x50', 5 Miles south Of Exeter, south half lot 9, concession 1, Bid- dulph Township, on #4 High- way, For further information, call 293-3189, 3:28tfne GRAND BEND -- Large &ante house and double garage, 3‘. bedrootns, kitchen, living- dining area, furnished recrea, tidn ream; On paved road, Close Os downtoeni. Price: you make ah offer, JOHN BURKE Li rei tted FROZEN PIPES? Have weld- er, will travel. Phorie Young's Welding 235-0456, also answer- ing service 235-2271, 14:21:28c UPHOLSTERY CLEANING — Chesterfields, chairs and cars, For free estimates, phone 235- 2464 days, after 6 p.m. 235- 0485, Jirn'e Upholstery Clean- ing, Exeter. 3:28-4:25e KEN'S KITCHEN CABINETS We speeialize in custent wood- working. Order now for lawn furniture, altiminutn doers and WindoWs. Phone Ken Kellar, Deshwood 34149. 3:28.4:25e ATTENTION FARMERS! On the Farm Feed Service, The imey Seascin is here again. It Will pay you to call. Kirkten Mobile Feed Services te save time, labor and Money, Ms- ter Cohcentrates and Metes- se8 available. hOne 107 Kirk- tori, . H. W Hodgson Ltd Insurance 4 Real Estate Service Russ and Chuck Snell PH 235-2112 EXETER Phone 235-2420 20 Wanted TO Rent PASTURE for 30 head of Yearling cattle, Apply Ralph Weber, RR 3 DaShweod,or phone DaShwoOd tent 23*, RCAF OFFICER commencing course at RCAF Statialt Cent., ralia April IS, wishes to tent or Sublet a furnished tar un- ittrilithed 3- Or 4AbedrOOln hottaer seral-winterized tege in the area for approxi- inately 6 months.- For details Phone Eketer 2354931, 280 xeter 4AAND 5514D AGENT: W. 0. DACE, PSONE 238.4029 LUCAN On Prank St., ce- ment. block 2-bedroom; living Thom, dining room, Modern kitehen, 3-piece bath and double garage. For informa- tion apply to either Harold Let, RA 2 Ailsa Craig, or Stanley Lee, 92 Josephine St, London, Ora, REG/STEREO NURSES re- (Mired for general duty; also laboratory technician, full or part time. Apply to Adrrtini. Strator, South Huron lies- Vital, Exeter, Ontario. 28:4e LADY OR GENTLEMAN to repreSeht the Oriterie Motor League in Exeter and sur- rounding ereee, pert or full time. Vet iefOrnlatiOn Contact In Writing: Doheld MeMillhh, RR 5 OWen. Sound, Out, 28* CERAMIC TILE---BathroornS, fireplaces, walls, floors, kit- chen entrances; first grade materials; work guaranteed. For appointment, apply Times- Advocate, phone 235.1331, NO: 4:11; lit; 25; 2e,