The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-03-14, Page 15J 1 EMPLEMAN Guys &. Gals 7 1 COME AS YOU ARE St. Patrick's Smorgasbord TOES, MAR. 19 11:30 - 2:00 pie All you can eat $1.25 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Tickets available from mem- bers or at the door. BIRTHS, ARCHER--Mr. and Mrs. James Archer, Main St., Exeter, announce the birth pf daugb... ter, Barbara Joan, at Speth IferonlittSpitelo March 8, PgV4ASMINC.Ii--Mrp and Mrs. Ralph Pevlaeteincit, Kippers, announce the .birthef ter in victoria Hospital, On, March 9. RADERe-Lleye and AtldreYliee der (nee Wilson) are happy • to announce the birth of pen, Larry Scott, at Norfolk General Hgspital, S i m eo e, March 6, SWIM--Mr. tine. Mrs. R. F. Swim (nee 1.. P n d wish to announce the birth of a son, Michael .Elliot, et Vic, toria Hospital, London, Mar. 10 -- a brother for Robert. FiEnN,-Mr. and Mrs, Miller Fiesen (nee Dunlop) an- nounce the birth of their son, Peter Dunlop, at General Hospital, Bemidji, Minn. March 7. all2„TH$ — MASSE--Mr, and Mrs, Donald Masse, 'Zurich, announce the birth Oa son, patrick Joseph, at Setith Huron Mereb " firstf grapechile. for Mr. and .Mrs, Avila Pee ellarele and Mr, ,and Mrs. Victor Weep, Zerich, Mc:KENZIE .— Mr. ,and Mrs,. Glenn McKenzie, Brock St., Hensall, announce the birth of a eaughter at South Fleroe Hospital, March 8 -- a sister for Gordon, Teminy and Ler, raise, and granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mc- Kenzie, CARDS OF THANKs, would like to thank all my friends and relatives for the beautiful cards and .flowora and. visits while a .patient in St. Joseph Hospital and since re, turning home, Special thanks to Mr. Pooley, Rev, Mr, Hiltz, nurses on the aro floor, to Dr, Ecker, Dr, McKenzie, Dr. Hostetler. -- Ella Towle, 14* IM537$,MIMMEMIWIEW NOW PLAYING TWO SHOWS STARTING 7:30 TENNESSEE WILLIAMS' GREAT FIRST COMEDY! This is le r? These arc Enemies? THIS IS FUN! COLUMCLt. PICItAtS presents Ilafteolpit SCIIT at his rnisilithaiatt soilorrnitr 'ON CARROLL WW1AlAttlt0 settles kettle iNIOING,NAllARi.ANDREW8.boavu TECHNICOLOR* COMING SOON 1 * Desert Warrior * bait on the Yellow River * I Thatik a Fool (Adelt) Pfeifle 285-2911 txtrtg ) Grand Bend Gospel Hall SPECIAL GOSPEL MEETINGS NIGHPLY THROUGH MARCH Sunday, 7:30 p.m. Week nights at(8 Friday Night-.Special for Children, 7:30 p.m. Speakers are: MR, ROBT. BOOTH, TORONTO MR. T, WIL kIE, FOREST thou 'Shalt confess with thy mouth th e Lord Jesuso and shaft believe in thine heart that God has raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved" ROM. 10:9 Everyone welcome ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CR ED ITON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor Sunday, March 17 10:00 a.m.—Morning SerVice 11:15 a.m.—Sunday Sehool 8:00 p.m.—Bible' Study Lenten Services Each Wednesday, 8 p.m. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH DASHWOOD Minister: Rev. M. J. James, B.A., B.D. Sunday, March 17 10:00 am-I.—Worship Service 11:00 a,m,—=Sunday Scheol CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister: A. J. Stienstra, B.A,, 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service (English) 2:15 p.M.—Worship Service (Dutch) 6t15 p.m,—Back To God Hour CHLO (680 Kc.) IN NigrApRIArin, memory of a.clear.father arid grandfather, Phineas Dicktns, who paeeett. a, .way on March :17, 1956, Fendly remembered and ly missed by his wife and family, 14c PQ/3S01,1.--in loving memory of a dear husband and father,' Montague C. 'Dobson, who passed away nine yeare age,. March 13, 1954. just a tribUte of love and re.- membrapco To a husband and Dad we'll never forget, His memory to usisetreasure, His loss a lifetime regret. --Ever remembered loyhie wife Alma and family. 14c OKE.--In loving memory of a dearly beloved eueband and father Larne Oke who passed away 1 year agp March 18, 1902. God has not promised Skies al, ways blue, Flower strewn pathways, all our lives through, God has not promised sun with- out rain, Joy without sorrow, peace with- out pain; But God has promised strength for the day, Rest for the laborer, light on the way, Grace for the trials, help from above, Unfailing sympathy, undying love. --Lovingly remember- ed and sadly missed by his wife, and family Carplyn, John, Margaret and Allen. 14c SINCLAIR--In loving memory of my dear husband Nelson Sinclair who passed away March 12th 1959. When days are dark and friends are few, How often I sit and cry for you. ,You always knew just what to say, I miss you more each passing day. -- Sadly missed by his wife. 14c TYLER-- In loving memory of a dear husband Pat who pas- sed away 2 years March 13th 1961, The golden gates stood open Two years ago today With farewells left unspoken You slowly slipped away. You suffered much in silence, You faced your pain with cour- age, 'Until the very end. You tried so hard to stay with me, Your fight was all in vain, God took you to his loving home And freed you from all pain. I will remember our whole life through, The happy hours I spent with you. -- Sadly missed and ever remembered by wife Goida. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Guenther, Janet and Karen and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Harlton were last Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nicholson and fam- ily at Brigden. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don Adams, Mark and Brock included, Mr. and Mrs. George Sweet, Wendy and Rob- bie of Riverside, Mrs. Allan Collie, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fred- gley; Linda and Steven of Lon- don. Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Adams and Patsy and Mrs. Adams' mother, Mrs. Henry Devine of Grand Bend, spent the weekend in Guelph with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hendrick, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Schilbe and Steven of Clinton and Mrs. H. Schilbe of Zurich visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Baker and family. Mrs. Ervin Devine spent the weekend with het parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schendel at Kit- chener. Mr. and Mrs. John Cada and family of Tecumseh Were week- end visitors with Mrs. Cada's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baumgarten. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fink- beiner visited Friday withliar- old's mother, Mrs. Lorne Fink- beiner, who is still a patient in St. Joseph's lbspital, Lon- don. Mrs. Chris Baumgarten fell on Sunday night and broke her ankle. Dr, Gulens of bashwood set the fracture and she is con- fined to her home With a cast On her foot. The UCW meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Milton Rats. Mrs. Wray Sweither and Mrs. Stuart Sweiteet assisted by Mrs. Jack Rata and Mrs. Karl Guenther conducted the devot- ions, The President, Mrs. Cliff Russell took Charge of the bus- mess.Plans Were made to sell lunch at Ross Love's sale. Week end and visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. MOkinlay. Mr, Win. Glen is a patient in St7 4600hioliOpitat JohnstonMrs.' .Patterson is a Patient in Sarnia General 044, Sarnia, • Wilfred Ravelle is a Patient in St. Joseph's beta,. tat, LOW:idle Ri' MRS. CELEBRATE, 25 YEARS Mr. and Mrs, John P. Wil- son Springfield, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with an at home for relatiVes, friends and neighbors. Mrs, Wilson is a former resident of McGillivray town- ship, the daughter of Mrs. Alex O'Neil and the late Mr. O'Neil. The couple exchanged mar- riage vows in 1938 in St, Steph- en's Anglican Church, Gorrie, with the bride's brother, Rt, Rev,A. H. O'Neil, now of Fre- dericton, N.B. officiating. Mr. and. Mrs. Wilson are members pf St. John's United Church, Springfield where Mr. Wilson is a steward. He- is ac- tive in municipal affaits, has been reeve of South Dorchester township in 1952 and Elgin County warden in 1958. More than 150 persons cal- led at the home where they were received by the couple's daughter, Mrs. William (Helen) Horvath and son, John, Guelph. UCW STUDIES KOREA Mrs. Alex Macintosh gave the study on Korea at the UCW meeting held at the home of Mrs. Jim Donaldson. President Mrs. Wilmer Scott conducted the business when the date for the ham supper was set for March 27 to be held in the church rooms, with Mrs. Ar- thur Hodgins, Mrs. Alex Mac- intosh, Mrs. Charlie Cochrane, Mrs. Wilmer Scott and Mrs. Rupert Williams named a com- mittee to plan the supper. Plans were laid to pack abale soon. Members were asked to make a crazy quilt block to be handed in at the next meeting. Nine members were present. Assisting the hostess were Mrs. Gordon Eaton and Miss A. Northgrave. UNITED CHURCH Special Lenten coin folders have been sent to all members. The donations are to be sent on to help the Missionary and Maintenance fund of the church. ST. JAMES CHURCH At St. James Church the rec- tor the Rev. E. 0. Lancaster conducted the service of Holy Communion. All members are asked to attend services re- gularly during lent. LOCAL NEWS Miss Helen Sigsworth passed her grade 2 theory examina- tion in music recently. Mrs. Jim Sigsworth is im- proving in St. Joseph's Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton entertained on Sunday, for Wil- liam Allwright who observes a birthday this week. Guests in- cluded Mrs. Harvey Riehl, Ro- bert Riehl, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Bradley, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Paton and Jimmy. Unable to attend the family gathering were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Logan and Myrna of Thorndale. Mr. Logan met with an accident when he fell on some ice Saturday, and broke his arm. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Beck entertained for their son, Rene Beck's birthday, on Sunday. Guests were Paul Hodgins, Stephen Carter and Wendy Phil- lips. Mrs. Maurice Simpson en- tertained in honor of approach- ing birthdays for her husband and sister-in-law, Mrs. Gordon Mains of Russeldale. Other guests were Mr. Mains, Mrs. Emily Tomes, Tom Tomes and Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Carter, andMr family. s. Will Lewis, a former resident of the village here, is a patient in St. Joseph's Hos- pital where she underwent an eye operation on Thursday, March 7. Last October she had a cataract removed from the other eye. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cunning- ham and daughters of London were guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cunningham, on Sunday. Mr. Emerson Paton of Kirk ton visited with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton on Tuesday. Con. Don and Mrs. Pettigrew and family have taken up resi- dence in Denfield vicinity. Mr. and Mrs.GordonPhillips and family have taken hp resi- dence at Lucae Crossing smith of the Village, RR 1 Clandeboye. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Patoe and Jirrimy were guests with Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Cobleigh and family for Mrs. Cobleigh's birthday, Friday in Liman, COLLINSMRS. TIDMAS Mrs. Thomas Collins, 72, died at her Mine, on Wednee- The Ontario Safety League reminds drivers that good drite- ing is to-operative, not eotn- petitive. It is better to be out'. distanced than outlived. and Fred and Florence son. Little Miss Kim Plain of St, Marys visited with her greed, parents, Mr. And Mrs. Torte Coward, Friday and 8iturctay. Mr, and Mrs. Teen Coward and boys, attended the lee ea, Pailea Kiteliellet eh Saturday afternoon, Mts. hoot. tietrabandere of trnhit celebrated her 'Nth ble., thday On Mardi 1I....11er son Mr. livid MrS. Sulet betrabandere and family §phht the iloy with. her. DON'T FORGET TONIGHT IS BINGO NIGHT 8:30 pm RCAF STATION, CENTRALIA ANNUAL ST. PATRICK'S PARTY Mt. Carmel Hall Friday, March15 Dancing 9:36 to 1:30 to the SWINGING SLICKERS A DRAW LUNCH COUNTER SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY RECEPTION AND DANCE for Mtt, AND MRS. ARTHUR HUTCHINSON Of Parkhill Friday, March 2e, p.m:. CA8DITON COMMUNITY' CENTRE Modern gt Old tyine *Male by Roger Quick's IttiinbeWS EVerytkie welearrie .Ltifieli served viniistreisiteisenneits‘mssonSsissoimiresseits J, H, PATON day March 6, The body rested at the Meed)r funeral home in Lucan, where the funeral service was held On Friday March 8 with the Rev, 0, W, Sach officiating. Inter, ment took place in St. John's cemetery Arva. Pall :bearers were Arthur Hodgins, Alton eaac, Jack Evers, Maurice Simpson, Tom Tomes and Wilmer Scott. Mrs. Collins was the former Catherine Thomson, born in Cettigo, Northern Ireland, daughter of late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thomson and coming to. Canada in 1920. In 1935 she married Thomas Collins and they resided on a farm four and one-half miles north of Clande- boye in Biddulph township till fall of 1942 when they reeved to the village here. Mrs. Collins was a faithful member of the Clandeboye Uni- ted Church, where she took an active part, taking the office of president of the Woman's Missionary Society from 1945 for 11 years. She received a life member certificate, also taught in the Sunday School more than 15 years. Mr. Collins died in December 1960 after which Mrs. Collins spent several months with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hornell in Kirkland Lake. Last summer they re- turned and took up residence here again. She is survived by sister (Agnes) Mrs. Robert Hornell, Clandeboye, brother, Samuel Thomson, California, also James, William, (Mary) Mrs. Duncan McLeod and Josephine Thomson all of Northern Ire- land, also one nephew James Hornell, Buchans, Newfound- land; one niece Mrs. Maurice Hetrick, Kirkland Lake, and two great nephews James and David Hornell, Buchans, Newfound- land. MRS. THOMAS WAINWRIGHT Mrs. Ella Maude Wilson, 79, wife of the late Thomas Henry Wainwright of Clandeboye died on Sunday March 10 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Betty Griese in London. She was born in McGillivray township, daughter of late Thomas Wilson and Mary (Tweddle) Wilson. They lived in the village here since 1956. They celebrated their golden wedding anniver- sary in 1957. Mr, Wainwright, SACRED MUSICALE -- Satur- day, April 6, James Street United Church, Exeter. Featur- ing "The Langolf Brothers, The Pitts Family, Vic Clay and his guitar, and Henry and Hazel Slaughter. Sponsored by South Huron Youth for Christ, 14:21c ST. PATRICK'S SOCIAL EVEN- ING; Bingo, and Dance, Imperial. Hotel, Grand Bend, Monday, March 18, Sponsored by C.W.L. Door prize, and lunch. 14c BAKE SALE AND TEA-- will be held in the I.O.O.F. Lodge Hail, Saturday, April 13, 2:30 pm. Sponsored by Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge, Exeter. 14c Page IS, TirnoS,AcIvacgto,..Mor;11. 14, 190 Clandeboye Wilson, Norman'.V).,i 1 40 n, Mau'. rice .Simpson and Nerti4ra.ve, 1",.• eV.117...E.S17.Mieel...e7.T.17elleMee7MellegMrrSemegre"...e"e'r"'-e_VieZWEILWAreareelicelew ANNOUNCEM NT , Hay mutual' surplus up a .ferhier..clift section forenl for .40. years died April 1961, She was a ..41,PelberefOlaritiee .boye Wilted .Chureh, She is survived Oyadaeghter, Mrs. Betty Griese, son, Victor,. London,. one grandson, -qrant, Wainwright, bontion, 'hrotherf William WI ee 04. Mcpillivray township, sister, Mrs, 'Will Lewis, London, Service was held in the Ras- imtt funeral home, Tueselay, March 12 with the Rev. G. Sash officiating, Riterment was le St, James Gharch cemetery, Pali bearers were Jim Me- Loan, William. Lawman, charile CARDS OF THANKS., I would like to express my sincere Apprgo.atIpalPr all the ovely remernorance.s bestowed upon me atirtilg. my recent stay ,inPt, Jeaeph!g.liospitalami since returning. .home. Dolor es :Simpteal 14* I would like to thank everyone who remembered Jeff and me with cards, flowers, gifts,. treats, and yielte witile we were in .South Huron -Hospital and since returning home. $pecial. thanks to De. Ecker, nursesend staff of the hospital. Carl Turner. 14* A surplus increase of over 128,000 was reported by Pres- ident Max Turnbull at the aenual meeting of nay Tpwnship Far- mers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company' recently. This was the third sticeess- ive substantial increase in San' Plus and it Was reported that it had recovered the dollar surp- lus of the company to the high, est point in the 87 years pf the company's hiptory, Urban rates were decreased tp a very competitive level as a result pf the good experience. Albert Keys, Exeter; Rein, hold Miller, pashwood and Max Turnbull, Dashwood, were all re-elected as directors for three-year terms. JackSeotch- mer of Hayfield was named president, and Ed Hendrick of Crediton as vice-president for the year 1963. During 1962 thecompanypaid gross losses of $70,260.00 and increased the amount at risk to 36 million dollars. Secretary-treasurer is Reg- inald L. Black, Zurich, I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all my friends and neighbours for visits, flowers and cards while I was a patient in Victoria Bose pital and for the kindnesses shown to me since I returned home. A special "thank you" to Dr. Fletcher, Dr. Grace and staff of the 5th floor, west wing of Victoria Hospital.--Mrs. Ed. Johnston. 14c The family of the late Mrs. Wm. Consitt wish to express their sincere thanks and ap- preciation to their relatives, friends and neighbors for the messages of sympathy, beauti- ful floral tributes and the many acts of kindness shown them during their recent sad be- reavement. Special thanks to Rev. Currie, Queensway Nur- sing lime and staff, pallbear- ers and Bonthron F une r al Home. 14* x. 00(:).E) Euclue Thursday., March 14 8:30 pm Exeter Legion Hall PRIZES LADIES PLEASE BRING LUNCH WATCH FOR OUR Milker Clinic WED. MAR. 2'7 BOY SCOUT PAPER DRIVE Wed., Mar. 27 I wish to express my sincere appreciation to Doctors and nurses and all my kind friends and relatives for cards, flowers and all other treats while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Tharik you. -- Ellen Walper. 14* MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. R. S. Hiltz, B.A., M.Th. Organist: Mrs. F. Wildfong, A.L.C.M. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School for all ages 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon: "Jesus and Modern Woman"—St. John 4: 1-26. Nursery provided, "Come and worship with us" Don't Throw it away Save it for us . . Mr. Edward Morlock wishes sincerely to thank all those who remembered him with prayers, gifts, cards and encouraging visits during his stay in Vic- toria Hospital. 14c CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main at Hill St., Exeter Minister: Rev. John C. Boyne, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mrs. Murray Keys 10 ant,—SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 a.m.—CHURCH SERVICE Nursery available for pre- school children, You are invited to worship with us. Ca v en Circle's Luncheon Smorgasbord, Tuesday, March 19, from 11:30 a.m, to 2 p.m., in the church basement, ROLLED PAPERS BRING US MORE MONEY Please have your papers on the boulevard before 1 p.m. Wednesday. Thank you. GODERICH KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS AND THE BLUEWATER SHRINE CLUB present a GALA SPORTS NIGHT In Aid of Crippled Children GODERICH MEMORIAL ARENA Friday, March 15 8 p.m. MANY ATTRACTIONS HOCKEY GAME -- Detroit vs. Goderich Bantams BROOMBALL GAME -- Shriners vs. Knights HOCKEY GAME -- CKNX vs. Goderich Old Timers BANDS -- PARADE Over 100 Prizes The tickets you buy are also good for admission ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Gatz Sunday, March 17 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 10:00 a.m.—Bible Class 11:00 agri.--J)ivine Services Sermon: "Imitators of the Lord" Wednesday. March 20 8:00 p.m.—Lenten Service "Were You There When He Was Condemned?" 814)4 44ii9jusittbett FRTAZiosA.RifilA.HilfroN'TI:,1 2g Starting Wed., March 20 Sy MRS. WELLWOOD GILL WA PLAN FOR KITCHEN The WA of St. John's-by- the-Lake Anglican Church, Grand Bend, held its meeting at the home of Mrs. Ray Wi- lson R.R. 2 Grand Bend; Mrs. Maurice Tiedem an, president, was in the chair and Plans for the alterations in the kitthen Of the Parish Hall were discussed and alai a tea and bazaar will be held in Aptil after Easter. Mrs, Newman Sharers add Mrs. William needle were in charge of refreshments. PERSONALS Mr4 and Mrs. William Slur, devant spent the weekend With friends at Wayee, michigaii. Mary end Stieeh SttiedeVent sp- ent the weekend with Me, and Mrs, W. :ftayetaft at Glencoe. Miss Petiliee Mason of Ltel-,. don spent the Week-end With her parenta, aildMra.MariJ, ael Mason. Gordon,Mr. Lloyd, Esther and April Whiting and Miss M. Lattibrit of Parkhill visited bn SUnday With Mr, and Mee. Wni, Love. Mr, and Mrs. E. dill add Heine spent the 'week end with and Mee. Charles LaWebil and Me. and Mrs. Alfred tate.P son and latitily at Hamilton. Mr, and Mrs. Prank AlliSter and Janet of Itainiltoti:apent the Week end with her parents, Mr, and MrS. Willis Gill and faitilly. M. attended the Toronto Dible College Aiuriini for London and St. thenias District at 'London 'aver time THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Bren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, March 17 Third Sunday In .Lent 8:30 a.m.—Quiet Communion 10:00 a.m. — Senior Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer Junior Sunday School 7:00 p.m.—Evensong Wednesday, March 20 8:00 a.m—Quiet Communion 10:00 a.m.—Quiet Communion 7:30 p.m.—Meditations BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East R. Van Farowe, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Service in Dutch 2:00 p.m.—Service in English 3:15 p.m,—Sunday School All Welcome EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Larry Talbot, Pastor Sunday, March 17 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School for all ages 11:e0 a,m.—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Wed., 8:00 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study Fri., 8:00 p.m.—Young People's A hearty welcome to all, JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. E. Lewis, M.A., B.D. Minister Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster 10 A.M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departments 11 A.M.—IVIORN1NG SERVICE Lenten Series (2) The Trial of Jesus Anthem by the Choir Duet: Kathie Smith and Susan Dinney Nursery for babies and Jun i or Congregation for children 4, 5 and 6 years. Come To Church In Lent EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH In Bethel 'Reformed Church Huron St. E. Pastor: W. Stephenson, B.Th. Phone 235-0202 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m.—Worship Service Sermon: "The, Sincere Man Under The Tree" Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Nursery for young children, THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Sauder, Pastor 10:30 a.m.—Worship Service 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School and Adult Bible Class All are welcome I wish to express my sin- cere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neigh- bours for remembering me with flowers, cards, letters and visits while I was ill. -- Mrs. Elmer Pickering. 14* Sam and Isabelle King wish to thank all those who helped at the sale and with the moving. It was all appreciated very much. 14* "Thank you" to my friends and relatives for cards, visits, and treats received while I was a patient in St, Joseph' sHospital, London. Special thanks to Dr. H. Cameron, and Dr. D. Ecker, also the nurses and staff. -- Andrew Dougall, Sr. 14* Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Reste- mayer wish to thank all those who called on them and sent congratulations , the occasion being their golden wedding an- niversary. A special thanks to Pastor Gatz, the Ladies Aid and Sunday School. 14c I would like to thank all my wonderful friends and neigh- bours for their cards, visits and gifts received while I was a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, It was all very much appreciated by my parents and myself. Special thanks to Dr. Reid and Dr. Ecker, Rev. Guest, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lightfoot and Shar- on. -- RichardShoebottom. 14* WIN AT CROKINOLE The Staffa UCW held a crok- inole party in the Family Life Centre on Friday evening,Mar- ch 8. There were nine tables in play. Winners were: Ladies high, Mrs, Carter Kerslake; ladies low, Janet Miller; gents high, Cameron Vivian; gents low, Cr- aig Kerslake. "Hibbert's Little Lassies" held the second meetingof their course "The Milky Way" on Saturday afternoon, March 9, at Mrs. Kerslake' s home. There were 13 girls present. Roll call was answered by the girls each giving their average score of milk drank for one week. Mrs. Parsons discussed the second topic "milk in many forms". The girls under the supervision of their leaders made cold banana and chocolate drinks and sampled same. The third meeting is to be held Saturday afternoon, March 16. PERSONALS Quite a number from th i s community attended the Ice Capades in Kitchener this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan, Exeter, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and families. Mr. and Mrs. James Lyall and Nancy, Agincourt, and Mr. Eric Norris, 0 AC , Guelph, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Norris. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Ternpleman and fam- ily, were Mr. and Mrs. Wil- frid Annis and family, Mitchell. and Mrs. Ernest Templeman. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Agar and family, London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mr s. Gerald Agar and family. By MRS, ARCHIE DEWAR Miss Somme 'Trott, Toronto, granddaughter of Mr; and Mrs. DeWer, was one of the ballet dancers who took .Part in the AnibreSe" TV show on Friday evening. Mr. And Mtg. Vernon Trott, Toronto,Maurice lAaker and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dewar` weregileata with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart MarriOttStiii- day evening', Seed fair -Continued from page 12 Brussels; Ivan Howatt, Belg- rave; Ronald Howatt, Belgrave. 4-H corn - Jim Broadfoot, Norman Bell, R.R. 3 Seaforth. Baled hay, first cut - Sharon Merkley, Wroxeter; Alvin Al- ton, Lucknow; Wilfred Pentland, Dungannon; Hugh Miller, Lon- desboro; Rodger Kieffer. Baled hay, second cut - Pent- land, Alvin Betties, Hayfield; Fotheringham, Procter, Ross Marshall, Kirkton. Chopped hay, first cut - Robt. Grasby, Brussesl; Stothers, Proctor , Dick Etherington, Hensall; John McAllister, Cen- tralia. Chopped hay, second cut - Anson McKinley, Zurich; Bob Down, Hensall; Frank PrOctor, Richard Proctor, Jim Broad- foot. Silage - George M e r k 1 e y, Wroxeter; Watson Reid, Blyth, Bert Alton, Lucknow; Richard Proctor, Stothers. Championship hay township - West Wawanosh, Morris, Tuck- ersmith, Usborne, Stanley. Farm manager of the year - Louis Sta.dleinan i Blyth. Bayfield Baptist Church T. Leslie flobbinsi Pastor SUNbAY, MARCH 17 Guest Speaker: Rev, Joe Baker, thoover 10,01) a, Bible Study 11.00 a,m.,-4.Merieng Worship 7.30 vangelistie Wednesday, 8 p,ne—Preyer Service Yoe Are Catclially Invited Td Alt Of These StrYiCeS sditoCla ktittlitg The 8age Line eehatil held its usual monthly euelifeeti'I'hura-, 'day, February 28 With M. and Harold Mr. and mit. this Straliefiliehda, beeps, Prize winners Weed Mr. and Mrs, 4eek ThOmpabii, Mrs. John Harnett and Mr. .fetae Elatnii, IleateaSeS for next Month-tire Mr. and Mrs, 'Wilfred Whet.'