The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-03-07, Page 8Page 4. Time-,Advocate, Mardi 1901-
`Turns' Florida's 'knees'
into lamps, vases, centres
in Sura Silk
Take leisure in style
and comfort.,,these
new Sura Silks in
colorful paisleys and
handkerchief prints
give you a full mea,
sure of both
from $3.95 to $7.95
Local sorority
host to guests
Naoh:Sorority member
brought a guest to the meeting
Monday night of Beta Sigme
Phi Chapter at the home of the
Presidelet Mrs, Norman Amos,
Kieittoe. The meeting took the
forM Of a toPPerWare- Party.
Tiokets were sold on a hand-
woven place mat set, the way
winner being Mrs. Len Wei,
Mrs, Joseph Woeden report,
leg for the dance committee,
stated the proceeds from the
Valentine Hall amounted to
The nomenatingcorn m itte e
bropght in a new slate of of-
ficere for the coming year which
will be -installed on Founder's
Day in April.
Assisting the hostess were
Mrs. R. Fletcher, Mrs. Re pin-
ney, Mrs. a Graham and Mrs.
day they attended the "Mr," and
"Mrs." Lennox Dealers Cop
Beauty Lounge
244 MAIN ST, PHONE 235-1533
Perms - Cuts e Sets - Tints
Monday to Friday, 9 e 6
Tues. & Thurs. Evenings Only
Closed Saturday
Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Pepper of
Mr. and Mrs, ,Peor&e. TtlYleIN
Senile visited op, Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Armed Gacke
etetter acid family of .Guelph
yieited with Mr. and Mrs, wit,
liatn lierPey op Sunday.
Mr, .anti. Mrs,. Harry Witmer
and Mrs. and Mrs. ,George A)),
*) pf, lcItchener were ,$O4,- Sun-
day 4 YwjeltitmT.,w1th. and Mrs,.
Three .couples from Exeter
Promenaders square dance club.
attended W.O.SDA in tarantierd Saturday.
Miss Louise Talbot, who is
on the staff of the Bank of -Mon-
treal,. Exeter, and Mies Ann.
Westlake with the Bank of Mon-
treat, Qederich, both of RR e
Bayfield, left by plane from
Toronto on Saturday to spend
two weeks in Nassau and touring
the Bel-tames.
Calvin Heywood of Surrey,.
England, flew to Exeter and is
spending this week with his
parents, Mr. Hector Heywood,
who is a patient in Westminster
Hospital, and Mre. Heywood at
tIgrner., Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Cud-
more visited in Don Mills over
the weekend, Monday and Tues-
Jolly Jills' topics
Sewing, posture
Hurondale 4-H homemaking
chile Jolly Jills met for the
fourth meeting in the project
"Well groomed and well-dres-
sed" at the home of the leader,
Mrs. Alvin Moir who showed
the making of bound buttonholes.
Assistant leader Mrs. Robert
Down demonstrated the set-in
Mrs. Down discussed good
posture and notes were taken.
Everyone took part in exer-
cises, a few new ones being
Marlene Webber acted as se-
cretary for this meeting.
Coven women
see trip slides
Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, Hen-
sail was guest speaker and
showed slides of her recent
trip to the Pacific West at the
meeting of Caven Congregation-
al Circle Tuesday evening.
Alfred Aquilino entertained
with three accordian numbers.
Mrs. Norah Taylor led in the
devotional and President Mrs.
Art Whilsrnith conducted the
business when donations were
voted to the refugee fund and
the Presbyterian church camp.
Refreshments in the St. Pat-
rick theme were served by Mrs.
Ken McLaughlin, Mrs. C. Ere-
man, Mrs. Taylor and Mrs.
Norman Stanlake.
You never outgrow your need for protein. That's 'why you
never outgrow your need for milk, Get the milk-idea
three brim-full glasses every day ... starting SOON!
Phone 235-2144
or or or or so ro NI is No roi or No we or mos or ow sir or or es or or so rot so mi fni los so
MILK, the
Protein LIFT...
For a refreshing pickup while
studying, there's nothing
like a tall glass of health-
packed milk!
Surprise party
honors couple
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beaver,
Victoria St. celebrated their
silver wedding anniversary with
a family dinner at the Dominion
House, Zurich. With them were
their son, Raymond, and son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne 13 alien t yne and
granddaughter, Brenda,
A s u rpr i se party awaited
them at Elimville Hall when
about 60 relatives and friends
gathered in their honor. The
evening was spent in playing
Mr. and Mrs. Beaver were
the recipients of many gifts and
the evening concluded with
People attended from GOde-
rich, London, Hayfield, Dash-
wood, and Exeter and commu-
Couple wed
55 years
As you probably know Mr. Barry of Barry's Hair-
styling is no longer in Exeter. He wishes to say
"Thank You" to his many customers for their much
appreciated patronage while in Exeter. His hopes
are that his services were up to your expectations,
and that in the future he will see some of the fami-
liar faces in "The Elizabeth Arden Beauty Salon,
of Simpsons, London.
For the next month and half he will be taking ad-
vanced hairstyling in London, Toronto and Miami.
As of April 15, he will be at your service for the
most up to date in hairstyling.
limited (tine only
/ a $6.00 value for $3,00
e A beauty-building
types of skid.
• s
$4.00 value for $2.00
A dreamy cleanser for dry
skin, Cleans way down
deep to remove all tram%
of dirt and Make-up. ,
Dry ,Ski tt
PAP110 •
$5.00 value for $2,60.
The perfeet all-purpose
e create-. Cleanses, softens,
excellent, for massage. 4, Ideal for teed ekine.
Also available, double-size
Sian Freshener,
$4.00 value for $2.00
1.041011, 1.014110.`, WO'
UMW' Your
Beauty Care
Clean, soft
luxurious hair f
from the
Furniture Show!
Our illustration really doesn't do justice to this beautiful suite
--you Must see it to appreciate it. 36"-Wide table, 48" to 60"
long with four chairs, And the dishes and cutlery come absde
lutely FREE!
Coates favored with a solo and
Mrs. Amiel Willard was at the
The offering was taken by
Mrs. Nelson Wells, Mrs. Bruce
Tuckey, Mrs. Tom Vickerman
arid Mrs. Harold Sissons and
amounted to $60 which will go
to the Women's Inter-Church
Council of Canada for redis-
tribution for missionary work
around the world.
Mrs. John Luxton and Mrs.
Richard Dickies of the host
church were at the entrance
door and distributed the pro-
grams of service.
Mrs. Bev Lindsay of the
SHDIB staff was the speaker at
the evening service in the same
Mrs. Bren De Vries was lea-
der assisted by Patsy Brydges,
Bonita Greene and Marilyn Gar-
diner with Shirley Genttner at
the organ.
Large Size
SAVE 25%
Reg, $4.00 for $3.00
Reg. $2.74 for $2.00
Reg. $4.00 for $3.00
Iteg. $2.75 for $2,00
Reg. $3.00 for $2.25
Reg. $1,75 for $1,30
Reg. $$1,25 for Ode
EY8SHADOW, Reg.$1.50 for $1
Reg. $2.50 for $1.66
tteg, $2.'76 for $2.
phone 86.1510 84(eler,
"the Store that 'Quality bunt"
with Soft Water!
The abundance of rich bubbly
suds that comes naturally with
soft water will put an end to
stringy, sticky hair. YOU don't
have to buy it to try it--just
pick up your phone and say ...
Calf Collect-Gederith
JAckseri 4.9,571
Culligan WOO conditioning
Hurondale Institute
hears school history
eire. Arthur Rundle, eetilYee
tier of Tweeeeninie History for
Hurondale WI had the Tweedee
mule, book on display at the
meeting lest Wedrieedee after-
noon in Gaven church, and freni
gave the teisi.oey
She requested more histories
of farms lathe community ..4110
more pictures especially et an
earlier date.
Mrs, Harry Strang gave
talk on public relations in In-
stitute work showing how the
Institutes at branch, district,
provincial and national level
work together to promote good
public relations.
The motto "Lend yourself to
others, there is no such thing
as a selfish happiness" was
discussed by Mrs. Edwin Mil-
ler. To lend a humorous note
to the program a skit "Tee
Anti-gossip Club" was presen-
ted by Mrs, R.E, Pooley,. Mrs.
Warren l3rock, Mrs, William
Women in the churches.
Honor St. Patrick MORE
1111. OM Ell 11#11 Ell Ell pm No am No as NM NI NM #1111 MO SW IN Ili MI MINMI IN Ell NE III WI #1111
Main St. UCW evening unit
met Monday night and enjoyed a
sing song of Irish tunes in kee-
ping with St. Patrick's Day.
Mrs. Melvin Gardiner led in
the worship service assistedby
Mrs. Archie Webber and Mrs.
Harold Skinner.
Mrs. Don Gravett presided
for the business.
Etherinetoe, Mrs. :Bruce 'nic-
kel', Mrs. B. Marling, Mrs.
Cecil Howe, Mrs. A, elOrgatiarid
Mrs, James Earl.
Roll call was answered by
naming "what part of the news-
paper I read first". Majority of
answers earned the headlines
and editorials as read first,
Members were invited to
Elineville WI's 15th eneivereary
March 22 and a note from 'Miss
ISaleelleGilchrist, Huron home
economist, urged members to
attend the ladies' program at
Winglia.rn on Saturday at,the Hu-
ron Crop and Soil Seed Fair.
Donated material by the yard
was arranged to be sewnfor the
bale, CAC report was given by
Mrs. Pooley and hospital auxi-
liary report by Mrs. Bierling.
The next meeting will be held
in James Street Church March
27. Hostesses were Mrs. Carman
Cann, Mrs. Clarence Down,
Mrs. Harry Snell, and Mrs.
Stewart McQueen.
for the CGIT mother and daugh-
ter banquet March 13,
Green in honor of St. Patrick
was the theme of the decora-
tions and the food, the highlight
of which was lime chiffon pie.
The Gordon Evening Auxi-
liary of Caven church held a
supper meeting in the church
followed by a silent auction
Monday evening.
During the meeting Mrs. Jim
Bell gave the study on Hong
Kong telling of its history, the
dramatic contrasts of poverty
and wealth, problems of the
dense population, the need for
social workers and the pro-
blems of education.
Miss Donna Ersrrian led in
the devotional and President
Mrs. Alex Meikle presided for
the business. It was decided to
send $10 to Fellowship House,
Miss Carolyn Simpson con-,
ducted a St. Patrick's program.
Mrs. R,E. Pooley gave a talk
on Christian Education as ap-
plied in the churches, the homes
and the schools at the meeting
of James St. UCW unit 3 Monday
Mrs. Robert McDonald pre-
sented the study on"Miracles"
which was followed by lively
Mrs. Andrew Hamilton led in
the worship service assisted by
Mrs. Len Dilkes and Mrs. Bruce
Shapton. Linda Hunter Duvar
favored with a piano selection
and Alfred Aquiline gave an
accordion solo and accompanied
for a singsong of Irish songs.
Contests were led by Mrs. Law-
rence Wein who presided for the
Plans were made to cater
plained on TV and she experi-
mented. A cut was made half
way into the stem, a toothpick
inserted to hold the cut open.
The cut was wrapped with a
large handful of wet sphagnum
moss and tied loosely with twine
and the whole covered with
polyethylene. In a few weeks the
moss became filled with roots.
She severed the stem from the
old one and potted without dis-
turbing the roots. Two new
shapely plants were started and
now new leaves are developing
and the excitement of watching
for the number of "splits" in a
new leaf or whether there'll be
any at all, is a thrill.
With so many interests there
is never a dull moment for Mrs.
Balkwill and she likes to share
with her friends and neighbors.
- Continued from page 5
Missile bases from Norway to
Turkey are being withdrawn,
because the U.S. says they are
worthless. The Americans have
pulled the Skybolt out of Bri-
tain as well. . .1 make a pro-
mise that after the defence
ministers' meet in Ottawa we
will have nothing but the best
for Canada's armed services.
Describes barriers
to Christian growth
"Hobbies keep one young" is
a remark often heard and this is
true of Mrs. Russell E. Balk-
will, John St., who has a number
of interests which keep her
young in spirit.
She turns to Mother Nature
for several hobbies and is very
observant of peculiar rock for-
mations, odd wood structures,
shells that are different, the un-
usual in plant life and even the
beauty in the scales of a common
sucker which she used in making
shell Pictures.
Mrs. Balkwill has quite an
assembly of articles made from
cypress "knees" which she and
her husband gathered while va-
cationing in Florida.
Peculiar features of the cy-
press trees which grow in the
swamps of Florida are the
"knees" which, like a flock of
youngsters, come up around the
base of the trees. They are,
however, not young trees at all
but merely up-growths from the
roots which extend above the
water. They are covered with a
soft bark through which the
natives claim "the tree brea-
These knees are frequently
attractive in shape and Mr. and
Mrs. Balkwill gathered many
interesting shaped pieces. They
are boiled in water for three-
quarters to one hour and all
the bark is removed. The sur-
face is smoothed and the pieces
thoroughly dried. They are
trimmed to suit the purpose for
which they are intended. They
are colorful ranging from san-
dalwood to redwood and after
Mrs. Balkwill has applied a coat
of varnish or shellac they are
handsome. One piece was wired
for a TV lamp, others make
table centres, planters, flower
containers and others are pure-
ly ornamental resembling
pieces of sculpture.
Mrs. Balkwill also gathered
the long fragrant pine needles
in Florida which she has com-
bined with raffia to make bas-
kets and trays.
The north picture window of
the Balkwill home is the setting
for African violets single and
double flowered in many dif-
ferent shades. Mrs. Balkwill
claims "They just grow" but
she divulges that she visits
them each morning giving them
a drink of WARM water if they
need it and a fertilizer pill
once a month.
She likes to try the unusual
"just to see if it will grow".
She has a lemon tree, a banana
tree, 1 o qu at (tropical fruit)
plants and many other kinds.
This past summer her neigh-
bor threw into the garbage a
split leaf philodendrom which
had grown spindly, tall and un-
gainly. Mrs. Balkwill rescued
it and, with her green thumb, it
is now a lovely plant.
She had noticed the process of
air-layering, which is used
when plants are too tall or
have too much hare stem ex-
Centralia girls
receive badges
Mrs. D.H. McConnell presen-
ted hostess badges to Christine
Ramsay, Marjorie Leech, Ver-
na Lane, Shirley LeBoutillier,
Debbie O'Toole and Margaret
Colbert of the 2nd Company
Guides, RCAF Centralia.
Mrs. L.H. Randall presented
child nurse badges to Verna
Lane, Carol Classen and Shir-
ley LeBoutillier; swimmer's
badges, Marjorie Leech, Mar-
jorie Fishe, Debbie O'Toole,
gymnast badges to Verna Lane,
Christine Rain say, Marjorie
Fishe, Debbie O'Toole, Carol
Classen and Shirley LeBoutil-
liar; first class badge to Carol
Harrington and second class
badge to Marjorie Fishe,
A toboggan party was held at
Morrison Dam and a skating
party at Exeter arena, also a
Valentine party was a great
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Howald
Waterloo St„ marked their 55th
wedding anniversary Tuesday,
February 26 with a dinner at
Dufferip House, Centralia.
With them were their daugh-
ter, Mrs. Verne (Muriel) Roul-
ston, Simcoe, who spent from
Sunday to Tuesday with her
parents, Verne Roulston and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lindsay,
Simeoe, and Mrs. G.F, Rouls-
ton, town. They all returned to
the Howald Mine for a social
evening, success,
Mrs. R. S. Hiltz of Main St.
United Church was the speaker
at the World Day of Prayer
service held at Trivitt Me-
morial Church for the ladies of
the community on Friday after-
Mrs. Hiltz presented four
barriers to the growth of the
Christian faith in the world as
stated by Rev. L. E. Holmgren
of the American Bible Society;
the growing population; the ad-
vancing literacy and learning
of the earth's people; the re-
volutionary moods and move-
ments of our day and the re-
vival of ancient religions of the
"This" she said "will only
be faced and overcome by the
dedication and dynamic force of
Christians as we commit our-
selves to Christ and His pur-
pose as expressed in our under-
standing concern and sacrificial
giving of our time and money,"
Mrs. Frieda Bierling was
the leader for the service and
was assisted by Mrs. Hector
Murray, Mrs. Clifford Ersman,
Mrs. Melvin Gardiner, Mrs. A.
J. Steinstra and Mrs. T. Van
Leading in special prayers
were Mrs. P., Van Farowe, Mrs,
Arthur Rundle, Mrs Russell
Balkwill, Mrs. Harry Strang and
Mrs. John Stevenson, Mrs. Elva
Put first things first. If you want to
look your very best in your neW spring
Wardrobe you'll want to start with
proper foundation gertnents. Make ari
epPointment riOW for your Spenser-
Spirella fitting,
80 Anne St, Phene 235.-1.920
Phone 235,1990
W .4 4i Yr 4