Huron Signal, 1853-06-02, Page 1ree=SenTleeeetr..1 .10 THE II U RON 8141N1L • rphita rmittatorriermit BY GE(). COX. Olio., Merkel Storrs, Oadosialt. IrP*Beek med Job Pried"( esocats4 Mei swam end Aspeach. Terme if dr Arm Sigessi.-TEN SHILLINGS per mem dpall strictlya advasee, or Twelve asi Sia Puma with tbe sapiraties tithe yaw. No paper diatestiesed lista arrears are pail up, esker Ike praktisker thinks it hie sdeesaage le do es. Any %Mewling is the emote, becoming voLUMR VL re""414° for 14 mbaribers, aholk re- -Er Tin . 0J,•;100..{.1 ceive a serest! copy grstia. KIM All letters i4Jrt.sd to the Editee emit be Peat-p.mtky will sot be takes eat of Ms poet odko. Tensis e Adesertisiteg.--Sis lists sari under first insertaiss, ,t0 2 6 Each sabeeleest imertion, 0 0 74 Tenises mid seder, first iaser., 0 3 4 (Waste( Mt. Theme' Sort) Eseb swimmeret insertion, 0 0 10 Dee. Ilib, I MS. v0•443 4. titO 11 TEN SH11CLINII•I 11 • • "0111t'f '0 WM Irts, to *ha, eit ter' .1 . • rir,et .1, ^.9 e• ,frr.-4J11441, . Signer -- **TOR POSSIIIILR titroD TO TIERG0AYl31 P08810LII V16111111." 001141RIOH, COUVri Or HPRON, (C. W.) TIRJHBDAV, JUN B 2, 1853. 5 TWELVE AND SIX Ire . ae TOP Seib All Mae. - - NUMUER lb. CA ROG.. be. D*. BURNHAM. • CLLVTON Huron Road. Oyer tes lines, first ta. per tube, 0 0 di Each selneqeest iasertina, 0 0 1 A Iiibend discount mile to Mose who advertise by the year. AdvertusesseeM without written Mime - ties' will be *sorted veld forbid, eed charged tweeedisgly ; sad no adverfisemest discoutiseed unpaid feral the time of wills- drawel, miss by the cement of Ike palm lisher. - - garbs. I)*. P. A. McDOUGALL, CN be consulted at all hope., ot Me. LooTrsre's Boarding Heuer, ( formerly tke Britiok Hotel.) Goderich. April 29th. laas. •5 IRA LEWIM, Ili 'MUSTER, S0I4CITOR. West- " street, Godench. Jima 1818. 2,025 DAN! EL GOEDON, AB1NET M AK ER, Thrs dose Fist • Canada Company's office, West - et neet. Getlevieb. Anropt 27th. 1849. 11,•20 DANIEL HOME LIZARS, A TTOR EY AT LAW, sod Coeveyse L -s• on, Selicirs in Cliemeory, Sac. has Ina offices former!! in ,Eltratford. 8tratior.1, Sod Jas. 1160. 2,1419 J. DENISON, CIVIL ENGINEER. 411Le. GODER1CH, C. Ir. Asir. 1862. 01.11 JOIIN J. E. LINTON, NOTARY PUBLIC, Commissioner Q.B., " aloe C , Strat ford. HURON HOTEL, Y JAMES GENTLES, Goderiele- Attesiise Metiers always on band. Gemmel, Sept. 12, 1680. .11-a1111 --- STRACHAN AND BROTHER. Barrister aid .Attoriiiee 1,aie, G• Dearest C. W. 101IN STRACHAN 1Barrister &ail Atter- 6' Say at Law, Notary Public and Cossy. steer. A LEXAN DER WOOD STRACH AN, -cs• Altera°, at Law, Solicitor in CM*, eery, Conveyaricer. Gederich, 17th November, 1161. WILLIAM HODGINS, ARCHITSIC & ( IVIL ENGINEER Oiler 27, Dundas Street, LONDON, C. W. Angst 1611, *852. WILLIAM SHARMAN, BRICKLAYER AND PLASTERER. Water Smarr. Guasawsi, 1111 prepared to Ivrea& DESIGNS see la PLANS. ow We mart rosamabio term. Gmeeriell. Nov. 1011, 1652. trInet J01111 RALPH. PIN AND COPPER 81111TH. dos. Im the Victoria Hotel, Weet Street, Dederick, ham coastaatly oe Mal, • choice Meek of 'Prewar., Cookrug sod Box Stoves, be., wheel he will *ell at ceasiderably ro- ds -ad rices. highst price paid in trade for ole copper, bras, pewter, sbespaktos, calf sod beef Issdee,festbers mad reps. A11 ktods oi Merchasitsblo produce takes se szlaitays sr ash sieve. God.,, Feb. 19, 1863. v6-•4 ROBERT SNODGRAps. FASISIONAHLE Boar & SHOE MA N UFA CTU HER (Os. deer East of C. ('relds's Stare.) WOULD .or the ishabita ate of Gods rich •nd neighborhood that be 1. pre piped to make to eider or otherwise, any kind of Leibe's sod Gestleinen.a Fine or Fancy work, is the seats( sod east faelwnsable style. And will also fluent. heavy Bose sad Shoes, to mat ae comines of those that may favor hos with their eusteme. His prices will be moderate. Dederieli, Joly 29.14 1880. .6.19 HORACE HORTON, [Market square, Dederick," AGENT for the Provioeml Illstoal and thawed Isoorafacis Otaare. Tonste,- Also Agent f.sr tb• 81. Lawrence County Mast, Ordeeeberg, New York. Loral Agent foe Eleasol Useless's Old Rothwell Nursery. July 1854. 33 A. NA8MYTH. WASHIONABLE TAILOR, ime door A. Weer 01 W. E. Grime's Storm West , THOMAS NICHOLLS Street Gedeneb. Feb. 15, 1062. r11-84 BROKER AND GENERAL AGENT. Agent for Ontario Marine .1. Fore In- surance Co. MINUTES ' Of du Proceedings If the Moorcipal rosined for the United Cagoitieeef Hero* and Bruce, Nay afteatuag Jamory, 1833. Couitest Room, Gusssocu, May 101 1853. The Comma met passer to edjosensnest from last tesion. /11151NT. WILLIAM CHALK, Emir., Wardee is the chair. Ilisters. HAY. Meese. LANK WALLACE. A LKER. (ARVIN, ATKINSON, YOUNG. GISBINOs, DAVIDSON. HOLMES, JOHNsTUN, FLANAGAN, WOODS. The Wanks addressed the Commit relative to the Suspension Bridge, Railroad mil other matters, wheel Um fella wiag docuareata were submitted. 1 Letter from County Serveyot, to the Warden, accompanied by a plea elide proposed site of the tisspenstoo Bridge referred to a Mkt,. cansantee. 2 Copy of a Letter from tbe Warden to Comity Treasurer - referred to Finance Committee. 3 Account for Regristry Boob -referred to Finance Com- mittee. 3 Copy of Assessment act to repeal part of die aseessment Lew- ordered to be filed. The Wank, eppoisted to-moriow (Tuesday 3rd May inst.) fee the County Commit le s t for the purpose of equalizing mdastio• oI property on the assesseseat rolls. 5 Letter from the Secretary of the Canada Company to Coun- ty Clerk -ordered to be filed. 6 Petition of certain iesabitanta of Stephen kc., praying for aid to improve the appropeb to the Bridges 0 ibm I'ort Franks road -referred to Road sad Bridge Committee. 7 Petitioa frost cartels ishabimets of Osborne and Biddulph prayiag for aid te build a Brise over the" Little Sable" -refer- red to Road mad Bridge Committee. • 8 Petition from the tekabitants ef the Toweline between Stanley tad Hay -referred to Itoad and Bridge t:ommittee. 9 Petition from Jinx' Murray, Jr., Esq.--refeired to Read and Bridge Committee. 10 Letter from the Clerk of the Peace to the Couoty Clerk arcompeeMd by two ether decuesents--orde.red to be filed. 11 Moved by Mr. Hays, seconded by Mr. Wallace, That a Committee of five be appointed to imestinate all matters aud Hasp relative to lbs Sespensio• Bridge os the Maitland -Car- ried. On a ballot being takes, the Committee was declared to comet of Messrs. ‘Vallace, Hays, Girvie, Voting and Holmes. 12 Circular from the County Clerk of Susumu, Dead'and Glengarry accompanied by a copy of • Petitemito the Governor Geseral-referred tel the School Cammiwe. 13 Moved by Mr. Wallace seceded by Mr. Hays, That the Clerk be instructed 10 write Mr. Licari fbr information re- speetiag the Deed for die Gaol and Court House land, it issued, and to whom, as also dee number of Ion granted far the 'mis- carried. 14 Account from Mr. Wbeekr Toronto for alteration of Comity seal -referred to Finance Committee. 15 Account from Mr. Seabee for Stationery--referreil to Finance Committee. 16 Moved by Mr. Hays,seconded by Mr. Youag, That a Committee t..f five oa Reads and Bridges be now appoioted-car- ried. Os a ballot being taken, the committee was declared to consist of Messrs. Holmes, Girviu, Wallace, flays and Flan/a- pe. 17 Moved by Mr. Wallace, secoaded by Mr. Young, Tbat a Committee of live be appoiated es Finance -carried. Oa a begot beteg takes, the Committee was declared to coosiat of Messrs. Weeds, Hays, Wallace, Atkinson and Walker, • 18 Moved by Mr. Hays, seconded by Mr. Lamb, That a Committee of fire upon Selsoels be now appointed -carried. On a ballot being taken, the eolmmittee was declared to consist of Mews. Lamb, Hays, Woods Johnson and Holmes. • 19 Mored by Mr. Wallace seceded by Mr. Hays, Tbat the Clerk be instructed to write the Clerk of tbe l'esce f.r a copy of the Resolution of NlagiStrates remiaing Mr. Burtou as their of- fice keeper, contrary to the arrangements tittered into by the Comity Cotuwil, as also the lames of the magistrate?. who were pretest, and at whose instance such odjoureed sessions was called -carried. The Ceased adjourned till .i.e o'clock to -morrow morning. WILLIAM CHALK, Warden, 11. & Id. IMRE RT 11 El 111, 10100K•8ELLES & STATION ER, keppesis• H•tel.) Center of Deeds* swill Taber LesmIse. C. W. -- Scheel Baehr, Cosmos' and Chwereel 3..k. 8.41.5 sad Retire eif every description Eite•• tell so the Prrotioes, ET Orders fer Accost t Beaks, from the Tree, er Cwietry Iderehootti, paectually outraged tee sada liberal disessi alhwed. Leedom, March 1851. 4.4 R• W CANA, MITCHELL, AUCTIONEER, Acce.ntsot and Ger. nil Arent. Books and Detests ad jested, anal all kteda of Deeds dreere....- Balseitended is say psi of the country. Letts@ midreseed to Mitchell or Harper - bay. inn bo amended to. April 5th, 18311. .4a1111 -.1y W. & R. SIMPSON, (LATE HOPE, BIRRELL k Co.,) GROCERS, Wtne Mashies, Fruiterers ..d Wiwi.. No. 17 Derides Street. Leedom C. W. February 25th 1862. v6-85 ROWLAND WILLIAMS, Acestessaa, ts prepared to atteod Sales im my part of the United Coos's, on the emit liberal tenni.. Apply at First Thinsion Coen office, or at hi. house, Est Btreet, 10 B. -Geod. and other property will be recetved to sell either by private or public sale. January 8, 1852. .4.47. RICHARD MOORE, NOTARY PUBLIC, ACCOUNTANT AND CsINVIMANCER. COMMISSIONER IN Q. B. 9.e. NSURANCE erected on Houses, Ship - .0d Goods. All beds or De.da correctly Jr...., and Books a*/ Ansposts adjuefed. Offien over the Treasury, Dederick. J.', 11.1852. s5s2111 AVING during the pst two vets pct. ed to the capacity tr6 GENERAL AGENT for the collection of debts, doses it to lie g Ily understoon that he will Secepill th• Ageacy for the eollectios of times to soy part ef the Upper Pretence, be - Awes, 1 obourg is the East and Lake Heron is the Wino. In making tbis satmonee- sees, he would beg to express bin thanks to hts friends for past favours, ..d new re- spectfully solicits a coutinuasee of rho Haas. All commimications no hostas', 'address aid (post paid) to Ayr P. 0..Noitb Dim fries, C. W . will be promptly 'Deeded to. • April I, 1850. o6n10 E. H. MARLTON, VrIRWAEDER. end Consommes Mer. chant. StorebOuse Keeper, revert' A t•-st, for the sale of Wild Leeds Cleaved ii•ereelsold Femme" sad Praises of every desenption. (Me., bort door, North of the Ilimear. Lee A• rum °Merle b. Mush 9448 1853. trio-ta9 F. lk C. R. BUHL, MANUFACTURERS of Haw. Caro mod £v.° Fumy Furs, Wholesale asol Retail Dodoes is Fere, Buffalo Rubes, Deer Mum, Glues, Wit'..'., ke, ke. Cita Paid fer Pees. The highest pries pairi, at all 1i' is Cub, fee all deseripmes ef Skipping Funs by F. le O. 11.-111THL. " Detroit, Mishima. Aug. 1861. 'Rae WASHINGTON Fanners' Mutual Insurance Co., CAPITAL $1,000,000. EZEA HOPKINS, Illimultee, Ages% for the Catlike. .1 Waterloo bod Hese. Ants' WI, NIPS. 8911 DR. HYNDMAN, (rims TAVERN Leaden Read. Ifoy 0661. .4.11 rel. -Os a belelbeleg takes. Is Committee was declared to cermet ef Melees. Haines, Lamb, Weeds, Girvie mellWallace. 36 Notice a 006o. by Mr. Davidson, 'Mat us -marrow I is - teed tomato for a suet of mosey tower& bedding a ever Me River at Port Albert. 37 Adored by Mr. Gists secesded by Mr. Youag, That half .fibs seddea breach asemy 01 tbe 'fetes*, el Colborne be el- peaded o. the NIS Road tbroagb Colter** to Wawasiosli as Ow reed is that amities is is • bad state at present, u Wert has no statute labor tie Met part of the road bees performed lam year. The above was referred to the Itoad sod Bridge Curamitide. 38 Moved by Mr. Holmes, secostiled by 51r. Lamb, Tbat Mesas Hays, sad Maier» be added to the Committee for the revinoe the as•ovieseet Tbc Couocil adjourned till Mae o'clock to -morrow reoratee. WILLIAM CHALK, Wardeu, 11. k 13. PETER BUCHANAN, TAILOR. NEXT door to H. 8. O'Comeee Store, West Street, Godeneh. Clothes *sae end repaired, tied cutting dose on Me shor- test nonce, and ff1011, 1100fal terms. December ird, 1851. 480 The Council met. ?REJECT. The Warden se Ike Chair. Messrs. 11 A TS, GIKVIN. W ALLACE, YOUNG, DAVID8ON, WOODS, JOHNSON. Mow a , LA.8 1 ATKINSON. FLANAGAN, FRASER, GIBBINGS. HOL %I ES, WALKER. Tbe miautes of yesterday were read over and dipsoved, wben the &seamiest rolls for Tuekerunith and the Comity of Bruce were laid oe the table. 39 Moved by 51r. Davidson, seconded by Mr Crirvin, That the sum of £40 be granted towards Wilding a bridge over the Itirer at Hort Albert. The shove was referred to the Road aud Bridge Committee. 40 Notice of reotios by Mr. Iloilo'., That whereas • certain portion of what hitherto belonged to tbe Towbili of tioderieb las been detached therefrom, aad iciest to die Torre of Goderach it would therefore be as injustice to the Township is appuctiosog the lases lor the current year that the eggregate tif 1841 be takes as a basis for .at 'Finnislop of Galen. h for 1832 isisi.us part taken away as assessed is said year, mil that tile aggregate assessment of the yowe piss that Fiorito° added from use loos - ship be the basis by which the espeases for the carrvot year Stall be apportiooed. 41 Armee of motion by Mr. Flanagan, Tint I shall on to- morrow move for a mita 01 money *0 4..' expended towards rips.- iog and crosawayiag part of the *fossilise bctween 5Ict;allivray and Steplico, and a small sum to be etpended 0, the Tewitlise betwteu 31cliilliiray and Williams, as the eettleta are seiferiug very souri u cousequence of uot having these reads opened. I ball aLso preseut a petition to -morrow trona the said inhabitants mating their grie antes, after paying kites, they ought to receive strum Nile part cal Mein. 42 Notice of motion by Mr. Fraser, 'Chat I shall more tn- morrow for a sum of motley to be kid out tio the Post road be - tetra Goderi. h and Petisangore, coteseeuciog at the end of the already cut road in Ashfield oo the same hoe. The Council adjourned till Mae o'clock to -morrow morning. WILLIAM CHALK, Warden, 11. ts. 13. FARM FOR SALE. LOT No. 60, is ibe Maitland Cone.', Soo of Dm Township of Gotterich, costainteg 137 acres of 18.1 beet land, or winch 60 are eleered mad wall kneed, situ- ated ae the banks of Dm Riser Maittaed, • mile. from Oodeneti. There is ao !s- caliest Douse and Bars ors the premise, vrfilt s• Orchard of tho cho.e•st fruits at - kale. frees His Neretry ie Upoilante, toil States. Per tense apply to Sob-, scriber. RATTENBURY, British &.M.1. Hetet, Deranrch. 96th Jaseary,1613. •11•52-1.1 Ill. JOHN MACARA. 11ARRIMITIKIL tkiketter in Alt mewl-et-Lew'mCoeystmer, ke. Ike . 011ie t Omen. Illiebereem Klee -eh ,sep.SS10 14 ilt;1lenk, Om Beak ti( British North A tnee. 1/1•1114S,T0P. 4 10 .• Ila. T. N. MULKSWORTH, Oiv WHIN& sad PTIPIPS6111•1 Lead Iferveler. fiederieb. April Ilk 1661. Meet JAMES WOOD., 1 Or111014111114. peepanid to atiesd I ••ji Peels deb, ie s.ypwe01ib.Ud1 Ceirrzia velem* tame. /WSW 944114 -- New Grocery AND PROVISION STORE. frog Sobsember wn- eld reirmetfelly te a. form tbe latobitsets of Oedema' mod serrommliog Coeur,. 58.18. bee rimmed in the awe, bee, two doers mot' of Neter MeDmegales ..w Illrich Hesse, Marken Spare, Gatimielt. Hie meek meledee ail Made et GROCERIES, ereassuse pus ras, newt., asa.a CoorronenSpor. Sa- Meet-Apples and Cadet .1 18. eery hait Med. 1. lb* Prevision Lies will be Ammill Flom 0.$s.1, Row, Sera, Ham, Pork Petals& Oste. Beteg determised to keep sem bet 'wir- etap el isis beet Ireillly, MI to sell damp ot the sew umm Ins troots io rawaisse • .8.'. .I yobbo Tillmsoro sM pbs reism the eastetry emeld de sleet be eat, fm kw Memolll yams, fee every shrsonpares01 Proitiok fie eiboll he mull pay the brgbeet este% 'mem A einestenneertment ef Whim le Meek Amp 30I110 ARTHUR. .111011011, Mt IOW eked Comsat. Roos, GODLRICH, t May 3rd, 1853. The Commit mt. FALSEST. The Wardell ia the Chair. Hems. WALLACE. HAY8. • WOODS, DAVIDSON. ATKINSON, JOHNSON, HOLES, Messes. LAUB, GIBSINGS, GIKVIN, WALKER, YOUNU• FLANAGAN, FklAz LK. The Council met. Tbe Wards in the Chai Mamas. if A S. YoUNG, JuoNstiti, DAVIDSON, WOODS. WtILKER, LAMB, Covecit. Room, Coacrich, May 5th 1833. r. Messrs ATKINSON, FLANAGAN, FRASER. NOS, HOL ES, • GIKV161, W ALLACE. Voctrg. RAILROAD SONG. $ome Ms to sail. Wok • pleoest gale. (Yu the Nen sot tiro pethkes 0111, But • C5*arl..1 bead, 0. ID. eatee Wad, la the c•r, tor Me. (1ft, who SIOUILI goat, la a ,jowl WW1. Where toe fierce einem bilet L. t sue u•a ars' LAG the ugibm ag • Adak, Is Useat, 14f 'Its guy delight. The N. aeries stags I. shoed the age, 'rho werumer'• •Otelts1 .1..: Seams a hurl cars hops ills uus aimed to cope As w• su.tosiy sua•rsl go. The &ulna( wing 01 the prouJ anO•Itsaft la the coorard Slight orii 11146: ail {este'4 .ought cur 11.4114. Tee 54050) Item, Of the aurae wane* toad is fire. Away w• sweep, iota ID. lorwss deep Gies back Uuf er.'; •Slehe ea eagle.' serous, la tee honors steam, Aa the field• obdituws Lt by. Ob! a topriligles back. Or • rowel sr back. May to sine Iwo moss free; Dy day or nigh'. 6113 II t•ps.I lIght Ot tam Milo01 am lot S. Litccalutc. WEDDING BROKERS. . Those ham cosi; Bulwes'e ••Nskist Wel Mortimer w,Lh remszo.hser tR•t las of I be ammeters wasp. all other mediae -a opens • etsrriag• birok•t's shop, .4 a tarittitueltial agemey, or wtsiever .1 may ev. ure..,-d. Th. wanner is whsch this mut uI ausiaies is oCcattooally snanevel In Pari, otty b., gathered from the 1,010,efug sot umeteresting story. Aloes we extract I r•on The minutes of yesterday were read over and approved. 43 Letter from the Clerk of the Peace to County Clerk, was received, when a was 44 Moved py 1)r. Woods seconded by Mr. Young, that tbe Clerk be requeated to obtain the information required by the Coosa] from the Clerk of the L'cace by search or otherwise as be nay tiud most conveoi.' at - carried. • Nloved by 51r. Holmes, secoodeil b• Mr. Hays, That wbeu this Council adiourns;it stanch adjourned to the first Tues- day in July liaise Dm Warden shall deem it necessary W call a meeting sooner -carried. 49 Certificate Irmo the late reeve of McC;illivsay for the com- pletion of the re -erection of the bridge over the Sable, was re- ceived' when an order for the amount of the said contract was ordered to be made out for We price of the same. 47 better from the Comity Cloak of Perth, to the County Clerk, was referred to tbe Road and Bridge IL:mummer. 48 Moved py Mr. Wallace seconded by Mr. Fraser, That the Contractor for the Bridge petvteen 51 cllrlfivray and Steplice be required to make the aildthooal wed: required, my 30 .ect, with two beets aad lire coverieg,to be approved of bv the reeves ot McGillivray sad Stepben,the &molar' 00( 10 esceed ..ES 101. --car- ried. The minutes of yesterday were read over and approved. 20 Petition from certain inhabitants of Tiatkersusitti was re- ceived and referred to tbe amesrasent committee. 21 Bond of the Comity Treaserer with sureties fel. £8000 was received and ordered to ramie ia the possession 01 115 clerk. 22 Letter of Comer Treasurer to the Cooseil--ordered to be filed. 23 h. 24 Sebedeles of tbe animist of money to railed is each Towesbip to provide for Railroad tai--refermil Is Railroad Committee. 25 Copy of a Letter from Comity Treasurer to eseretary of Berate, Braatford mid Goderwit Railway with aeswer-referred to Railroad Committee. 26 Copy letter front Comity Treasurer to Previseial Store- tary--referred to Railroad Committee. 27 Copy letter from Comity Terrors. to Attorney Gement referred ib Fie.... Committee. 213 Letter from Jobe Skeane Esq., te Wanks, referred to de. 29 Letter from Mr. Buries to Wanks ised 40. 30 Comity Sarveyers report referred to Rood sod Beteg, C ommittee. 31 Aotemet (smidom beetieh) certified by Me. Lamb, referred to Foresee Cemnietes. 56 Moved by Mr. Hays, easmilimil by IIr. Lamb. Tint a Committee Olive be appointed by Ceased ea Railroad mat- bers--earned. Oim a Halm beteg takes, the eammitteet was Am Aired to emelt of Messrs. Halms, Hays, We, Woods smil Jokesters. 18 Mooed by Mr. Hays, weeded ky Mr. Yam', That the Cemety Surveyor be imutremeed by thee Goma to make inalstry whether welds imoreerneets which mere astherkied.to be erode os Mr. Besigainie Molars Briar kis bees earned iota 1108-1he heMitesseet relhered beeeinvehtto-torrimi. 14 Illettmi NW Heisem, mommist by Ye. Gilitimps; TWO die vmdaireeet role he ..w 'aid Were the Cbeemed-eraritell..- Thelma Item dte Omar mite Norm Madill tho tees the TOSPO .1 blearrials, 'roere Ilideleipb, Goie- eMek Coibeeme, RAW, Uftroe. tt„ Weems& 04 lirKileps which *me Mewed to the iimieeifthot Commeimie. 3. moved by Mr. Weirs memethed by Mr. Hap, s cemeitIMIefee• let appitheimi fort* geoid* or bas seieseiese 49 Moved py Mr. Holmes, eeconded by Mr. Wallace, That in forming a basis for the emetriev ot tae eurrent year, that part of the Township of Godeneb that Goo beloogs to the Fawn, as assessed se the year 1852, be deucted from the griss assessateet of the Township of Godench and that We mid amount be added to Het of the Tows -carried. 50 Moved by Mr. Flanagan, secoudrd by Mr. Walker, Thai theses of £30 be rated tor the pirryole of opening sad cross - graying part rel tbe '1 osiline between Af.l.illivray and Stephen and au additional sum of .E15 to a••iet in repairing the Townline between MeGillivray and Williams, the above was referred to flood sod Bridge Committee. 51 Moved by Mr. Fraser. seconded by Mr. Flanappa, That .E40 be granted to be laid oat on Lake Shoes Road 'leading oe the Post hoe front Goderich to Preentangore. The above was referred to the Road and bridge Committee. 62 Leiter from 'llamas (..in to tie Wardre sad Canned referred to the Fulaate (;ommittee. 53 Moved by Dr. Woods. seconded by Mr. Cirrin, That Mr. Fraser be added *0 14..' Broad tied Bite Counuitice.-car mai referred to Fitment Commotee. listrect fa -quarter eadiag 31st M1118 1833 ol l wo detoe•io• tog.; throw hi -..e.( te • taw pa.ipa „a. 43 Treeserers a to thr Bit,. or antes posits Is or to Tito 73.ing owl *as .1.1 IA me ,s.4... Ile clip"! his 8•1 on 81 WI ,..., aeptei i • 8.press. ‘es4 I. Ito yoeoly rime. meat of *Pe Reeeidts sad ii•boseisesta for 1852, see habiloses 4.4 ems , t to take • et allt 115)')O wee sea?. The iwods......ii• 6•00, to mouse 25 Letter from Loewy Ambers secoar,ebeisti by • state- 8. who, th• l•rest. rui,tes where he .00.4 wake 8*.fer i'.. pmiis.0 the ear.. ton 10.,4 sod assisated leartit tO 3Ist December 1852, were referred to Fames Committee. 56 Report of Me Committee. Schools Witreceived mid. re- ferred te a Committee of the +Mole. Ties Warder, summated Mr. Fire. to the Clair. The Report' was read sed adopted, wiws the Cesessitim roes es' . 5PotineeJeHakim, Erm..Ilei WA* Gra e* remseanreired • Way Sege bees PS* IOW 1100111 Man mom*/ hie ROM $1181104 ministioe, aelifiAl•werf Me MI seed le siert efoedill rertaersato e4 the 41•1101106 *here wee sem seribed balm a leseekime disieL Wheat the *meg tree Obeid *pm the Mete, the se• freed ear/ •Wbot yam take me to s.1' 'i.. sire 146.1 knew.' rerked rea etas 'a cereal, pertime. et • twanpete, .5 .1 isnost, nia• et lactate.' *Net at sli,' re died Oro elks, ass se bwoompir, seri in booms.' to to draw re •orli yeses see so woe out a Oath difilku 5515 Si you ere ia.' •11.•1 'By marry tag them to mem nth keit. ore.' If the ?meg prefiaclill Was slow 'a erral• pt. -hooding 8,.• friend'. meentiti, ,•o all Ire, Mr. Enter, se will trio meatier of your eadsa, we.. hooters 11.1 sheet, ex..it le Perla matense •if assleisa w •re •Is • .10 .• • Married oa cessists se pros,tcz ste, , r S lid LO :40.4 tv'tti J • 1 • •1. - Th,••• •.taali•ii.0 ms• sys •ot '; • ,.‘• sub tee greatest •leg..oc: I. ••J hill. at • ruse Ili. • • lues ints( .ts sr, Or ..jt 'roe coaductors 'Nita 0 , • - aterti• ars •le•)• o • h I, by •ree of • - ovule, goes p.and scat Jai. 5•11. te the Moo, • ledge of the fortunes of 5,1 •hi apiarrisgeso able Isdow sal gentlemen t.f 'ma c. lee Make esCelt.m: sp.cul.tti we: part sots' • ly with the old mads h• ere writhe, to buy you.' 1 usbantio, or oll Men who girt their fortune.' fur a young wiie. Many • •aarriag• is made 11110...go thus. spectate - tars la France, hot as tome sesadaltsii .hing• bus occured in Thar es taL-1, thir relics are nu7 trying to pot the, dose. To re'ors t‘onr prorineial, win .10enri merit •tteatirrely while tn• sio.c :itqt ea pleated the liorimes 1., his. 'N..er,' rued the lotto', ',eh .tis y r foetus" A (ti... in 11414.1 pr 'mart/ nisol,Mell repressing • value of .t lest 404,206, Mmes.' tIly deer s:tr.' cse,atoned the matelegiesse aee, •you have • nigh. to • fist olaessIsery. Let us oree. gds.. 1 114. to give yea Ve you luta blood nI 'Passes's.," •Thai's pen. et; I h ire y our affair.' .1% ell, prusgs,t ate to t yo.ing lady •1 -No au, yr..ong I. you go too taw W. do nut co...woad,' whoa in that ay. Yon west first goni is five hfiedre1 to pay tor the neeollations, witatutt tablet the whole affsr w • lid Isl.' •Five h onded isiac•! 1 could not p tve . abs lineage oorreapoodence of a coots...pa.. you 14.vel`°4111( orf ,14* .len404 4 0..0111, lt!' excl•inses1 the yo, ng man' rar 'Bot,' ICJ ,,used the tali.. r, .ye., tea writs A grill' crowd was colleen. , on the 00.8 Marc', before we d .nre ut Wit church cal •to y our t•ther, tell him 10.1 you, •r,, oboist awl., 1112 • yoong Icly with a d .wry of lbs 5.1• islets, to see • wedding party coos! out, '8. 'wide sing 115.deo/suer of one uf three toindieo thousand rats-, eel distilsout, amt vibe. bar 1.1,,' dire; tn.. 8 r lather the ra ist dittini,os led o fin .r• of the popbctic and the gentler urep.ical.-• Fresh •roiy sal •• reiharimble fur her • a Val Ma its allot to allyWfIll,' gr." be." " 1°' 4" unoan'. 14.100e, Al ler a little ruo:o (transoms, the 7.5.01 the lei.ey of si ol I set. W is readers an, overcome by the plausubto discourse 11.0 crowed snore ',mous thee •nything ul Ms new scq 4.218141605, 541 .1-1ei0. ao 1 el. e, was the secret of IS manner in which 1*tete a letter (0his father, a letter which the marriage had been male wIrch had got was quite c•lcuSted to Impost upon the ololl oug, re spo• of thee etroi• to keep it in gentleman; so perfect w•• trer •useess, to and which hal f,,,,, -1 is • t'•j•ct of goy- i•ct, that by the retora'of poet the *oft re. Grp in all tits salts.ina of Pails lot some "lived a ',qru 1.,r all the past tlisubil• daya• A 1, msaths ago, a young mai of doe personal sod mental adesat•gess, tort with trot a dulls, in ht. pocket, aril red in from one of the orJvinctak tows,and rented a F0-1 Lk room in '8. sixth .tory of a house in the La n Tarter. His paronle froiroJe had cool 81.• of, ;meg Wm ep entirely, because of ht. distaste for ens ureic!, sad his Ora inane preference f .r lit- erary pursuit,. His father brul given atm1 ..ccotosmittl by sa 'Wetly lady and aa .111- tweuity fis .ed had then costal the eerie undress ineforin. pe,ernal Jowl; two Aim air reins into 'There she to with her father said mother,' thanked his father, shouldered his boodle, 1 the om.tcla- AAAAA eJt ; WI bet winch enotaimad psnor hall a Josso nitmlit- 1,0 , •syt.' rd aural*, mr easy 'steer**, P'4,1", and • Oesoilfoll beaiitifur retsrard Eni other, with • light Iran turned Ss ties Wales -Is .In • 'y dreeeret.ly smite% 'oat does sue Pare. Poor WI,. w ! he was like mane on., thou 1 so beret' •oher• else think *toy has only to iruttr I .0. to. 1 ha,. mois,sII the me's. Pr -u lo be apores.ated. 11.w liri.ily d.. nary proim.• littea all, .4......far 7 •• .ed ,M.y atm awso ka wn their illusion, sod by " f vo, suit th, os 11 w.,„ we 1 ah gnat hard lettifoo• Jo they, tou soon, learn10 please 1,,,y.ikeirgrit 55 o,rootoi so otioi insobsersd owes they as te the great I °ace., memo of tbe mettsol.e. I 'B. t she Wes not apron. to **ties me This ;math, whore rtsry we ire rea•Int, all,' ft:MS:SO.1 00 you ng man .her a was not *allot gong imam. but 115 arfas use. '88. entices you tedium% yam postai it. frank toed costIJI•g, sad igno.••t .1• litany traps •et u P me to ceels stria replied thio her; lout wail • o....let, 1 es. The day atilt We art lel, 1m Meet will 6. so) 8,4 Qui yheies.,temyies 70.4 88.0 praised.' And, is fact,bet woes the seta, the, tam hi. maker west to the allemo• box. spoke a tow in is•nts * Cr the Sill gentlest .0, and t1.5 ,is 044,10.41y Wormer t• hie merlin, too. et.Ce, and a bank note • thou. am, linesscs. The rnarrt•ge twitter was osai d01oruse4 of this, and Ike •1111, evoo.ng ..ft coodubied Se dupe to the re.. re, where be prooti•ed bi ahaeld meet 1 .4st ire bn le and j.dra, of her peredos! • ..eb..4.• hail pet fisn • shl the Over- ture, whro • box, directly in frost el our etoduloo• )o was a,,entJ, and • Ian' named young girl uf great Ota • y eat .4 .tosay , :. '.on.g et ,e ease s •i•. .: uetiCfr,il. e p •.I stlitfel 5115 01 hts umnuscris to ee editor, w , gltoceeer it 10.4 rt srnal 11 to him wth a smileMeteed sucesisitely tour or the echtivt, with the fm and returieJ ta tts humble loguig o 11 .is 1 terse,std.n. to rewlist ro•ed. Sti1 be was mot 'COO/ divmelated: I. 18005at 'Wel mid ien reply to emises% e knew h 1 own gess, •nd Jesmspd to look with whteb he wa1•0•154. •imy sr, usk• • tree% trim 11.5 semi 417. Br, • oil ...I w53 *m. wish 7,,.Timpa. terIweek •pes c (routesfots t• sros say 5•4 it. •nam* in..kses Fs .ince that tercluIoes, I.r1 neared wt .....,it,i,,g,,, iaejn.. men, 0..loo editor., of is merital fdin,w, 5 .0‘... ,bgy an,,, well. Bi tsat los weny lir, francs had bee, JO emooth for tbro erste'. t..eto-Meov Jucele four os, beduermalrd •d1. arrows, oad s• w 11 make soma fer-t. . itpeorootiee im ut ) e,l,l. iee ass dceon *015 loulong at the saler • wa• aright. •••shry aiteeoi. sod, •t ,,,.4d Op. the P at 5,.f, heit ews spi• •44. leaeereve the pup.. pe, coesesplated the Luke mesh *od sAsv. tws ts 'meees. Ile WMMt ta•re mg ea • gentlenss!, eeksegMe lady mei hr 'mute 801 '.d, pe- aol peAo &'b. poet waasubttedand coe6ree3.4 thWittmthe Clint. 57 portahe Co.ittee eIke :remson D!,,r 7,„ vesud referred to a(omntteeathe wbnk. Ile81u- o mp u deembeool eistedMaGgoornmgsetm oie*ttoC thhae r L. THutson onmarl aeadped, whs. th* C o mmit tee r AosIMe sothe Weide* romed the Car. The Amr' wetm ebeieed saadopte I. 8 Pm liaportote GiKoko&wseMvd ml referred is ametthe whoe. rWaernom * MMr. Limb Chair. lhRopers ems ,.ad sd appoved of elm the Cemeittee ✓ ev and tke Werdn ermined Chr. WM reran wan aue ehitted and adepted. rtkptidhiso s uaeanIsmoeowsoto. o.glee.s mee ef fi aemugesed .i ioinr e( o hd paned 10. Pe ti kite e th• yr.*, mi mt Va wee be eimtvel gay eem*IPr.Bin ova trtel less to Dago haswasosy• emoted agaes( he k - et th•meobe-ees,meO• 0 ma. mt do**ahs b• sol 'was' °IV *moweeMos oots te We IOW* ets wleneb•ly, Madly ohoMaDem*. eembweeem1onrw..07.„n ymeg s 4.••.a01 81 14° lnbw oak esmeml 18.1 he bd been airet os Mf 1401, If'Oily old atm ho• mamwi"e„rkh8. aestorssl tee fats 4...g. wemedet! mpot, to wol oaw• Art., .bwarat us-lsor.,soica t,bye 18s040.001vie t• stetrf 5IleIinelelginA too tow 1• ma's Loa ty was soot be weal wweeteee.e404sep. re•••• e tbe 'Mesles heWO"mdwin .theismery setheeslogbeoe. Msby 18* m, ••as• .04W • mow ws <0. watt sl mm pegoo mrea.o. 4e