The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1962-06-14, Page 11A special IS IS it e Page Eleven tne EXETER, ONTARIO, JUNE 14, 196 dec ion re ort xe Where to vote TOWN' OF EXETER Poll No. (Division No.)-Lo- cation. No, 1 (31) - Allan Fraser's residence, 483 Main St, No. 2 (22) - Exeter Town No, 3 (23) - Roy Webber's residence, 199 Main St. S. No. 4 (24) - Mrs. Georgina. Webster's residence, 153 Main St., N. TOWNSHIP OF HAY No. 1 (38) - School. House SS No. 2, No. 2 (39) - Stewart Bell's residence. No. 3 (40) - Community Cen- tre. No, 4 (41) - Mrs. Beatrice Hess' residence, Zurich. No, 5 (42) School House SS No. 12. No. 6 (43) - E. R, Guenther's Dashwood, No, 7 (44) - School House, SS No. 3, No. 8 (45) - Hector Forcier's residence, VILLAGE No, 1 (46) Hall, TOWNSHIP No. 1 (47) - residence, Dub No, 2 (48) residence. No. 3 (49) ship Hall. No, 4 (50) SS No. 6. OF HENSALL - Hensall Town OF HIBBERT Charles Friend's lin. - Lorne Elliott's - Hibbert Town- - School House Here is Huron's .ballot CARDIFF, EL,STON, R.R. NO. 4, BRUSSELS, FARMER. DOUGLAS, EARL, I3AYFIELD, ONTARIO, INVESTOR & TREE FARMER, FISHER, ERNIE, GODERI.CII, ONTARIO, ELECTRICIAN. HEMINGWAY, CARL, R,R. NO. 3, BRUSSELS, FARMER. H ow uron vote CUTS LABOR COSTS UP TO 75%! With New Holland's. Model 131 Bale Carrier, bite man can now random-stack over twice as 'much hay as a team of men could do. The :Bale Carrier is designed for use with. a New Holland bale elevator to fill 1110W8 'without extra hand-labor. It takes bales from the elevator. conveys them across the mow, and discharges them whenever you wish. Its efficient And safe, 14wHisikivo and it 'cuts your labor costs 'up to 75% Model 131Bale Carrier See us today for all the details« fai EXETER FARM EQUIPMENT Phone 235.1380 No. 4 Highway North Baler Twine $6.75 to $7.25 per bale ROTO BALER AND BINDER TWINE 5-TON PAM Wagon with 800x14 tires ;195 Fly Sprays Insecticides Fungicides Hay-O-Vater Bale Elevator 24' * $120.00 Electric Fences We now handle Red or Gold Tip OTTACO PLOW POINTS AND HARROW TEETH & Supplies 6-Volt Batteries, $8.05 EXETER DISTRICT 235.2081 40- No. 3 41. No. 4 42. No, 5 43. No. 6 44. No. 7 45. No. 8 HIBBERT 47. No. I 48. No, 2 49, No. 3 146 71 50. No. 4 148 85 74 31 63 39 76 45 82 60 140 57 64 45 50 36 HULLETT 51. No. 1 37 52. No. 2 57 34 53. No. 3 52 89 -Please 115 49 70 32 65 46 turn to page 12 (K-Z) 71 78 133 117 37 57 127 79 30 38 41 73 87 153 90 69 132 72 106 .55 GREY 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. No. No, 2 No. a No, 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 HENSALL 46, No. 1 (A-K) 46. No 1 (L-Z) HAY 38. No. 1 39. No. 2 40. No. 3 (A-J) CANN'S better than barrows, This is a factor over which you have little control unless you buy your weaners. Let us figure out the Purina Program that will bring you the highest hog returns. It will be based on the weight of your hogs and will make use of your own grain, if you have it available, to best advantage. for fast; efficient feed service call E. L. Mickle 11 11111 Now that the Grade A bog premium has been raised to $3 and that the premium on Grade B has been dis- continued it's even more important to strive for Grade A. Calculated on a 150 lb. Grade A carcass, the difference in net return over a Grade B is the $3 premium phi a $1.50 higher selling price for a total of $4,50. Selection of breed- ing stock is important. Select strains which have eonSiatetitly graded high, Watch shipping weights, For greatest feed efficiency and maximum Grade A's ship hogs from 185 lbs, to 19511%, live weight, Hogs upon strain and ration fed, Hogs on corn usually dress out about 5 lbs. heavier and should be shipped at lighter weights. Records show that gilts usually grade & SON LTD Phone 205 Holisall Canadians who want bigger profits tomorrow fe -dRIRINA CHOWS 'odaA eft By .1. CARL HEMINGWAY NDP Candidate As mentioned in the editorial of last week's Times-Advocate the county Federation of Agri- culture is not supporting the New Democratic Party candi- date, This of course is in ac- cordance with the county con- stitution which states that the organization is non-political and must not support any political party or candidate. I am happy to state that this does not apply to the individual membership of either the Fed- eration or the Farmer's Union. The active assistance given by individuals from both of these groups is most gratifying. Our party simply doesn't have campaign fund's to purchase this space, yet we feel that the peo- ple of Huron are entitled to in- formation if they are to vote intelligently and we thank The Times-Advocate for making this possible. We do not have access to the money invested by big business in the campaign funds of the other parties, The New Democratic Party is not a sub- sidiary of the finanbial barons of Canada and U.S. Let me present the New Dem- ocratic policy as set out and approved by our national con- vention last fall. Fair income to farmers Equal price for equal quality will retain the family farm. Vertical integration will only take over where the big corpora- lion is able to obtain price ad- vantage and control of mar- ket. The family farm can easily afford the extra transportation and book-keeping costs in hand- ling smaller quantities but he must have a place of sale for his product and he must re- ceive equal price for equal quality at that plate of sale, Through the assistance that a New DeMectatie gov't, will give to 'predueers through Marketing PCS .Continue the 'dynamic effort' LIBERALS- Team to restore. progress Perhaps, of the Conservatives to hold office for four years during which time it became quickly obvious that Canada, to meet the terms of a rapid, ly changing world, had to face radical re-adjustments - a time when leadership, strong and aggressive, was 'required. But, ladies and gentlemen, in. all major policies such as un. empi. Oy in en ts trade, defence, fiscal and monetary policy, .there has been no line worthy of the name, There has been procrastina- tion, contradiction and frustra- tion to an unparalled degree. Canada has become like a ship steered well enough to avoid the well-marked r e e f s and shoals but not well enough to set a straight course, for a po- sitive destination with positive thinking and positive action. I believe that since Mr. Diet- enbaker, when he was endowed with an overwhelming majority in the House of Commons, failed to seize the opportunity to make over his .party, failed to surround himself with able men who had both the time and ability to analyze Canada's problems, failed to devise poli- cies adequate for an environ- ment. already quite different from that which faced every government Canada has had since 1945, the people of Can- ada should place that respon- sibility in the hands of a new Liberal team - a Liberal team who understands something other than opportunism - a new Liberal team ladies and gentlemen which will bring back .productivity, progress and prosperity to Huron and Can- ada. It is with this thought in mind and with a sincere desire to serve Huron well that I sol- icit your support on Monday, June 18. Second Soqtion BY q!-MPR P, ,BELL On behalf of Elston cardiff, pc We, his supporters, believe that the elector's of Huron should re-elect our present member, Elston Cardiff, He is a man of the people and his record in this county makes it important that he be returned to office. His experience has made him a very valuable man, one dif- ficult to replace in the service he can render to us, A prime example of this is the grader contract for the Argentine government which Will be such a boon to gode- rich. Many grader manufactur- ers tried to obtain this contract arranged through the trade and commerce department headed by the Hon, George Hees but who got the contract? Huron, of course, This is only a measure of the day-to-day work of this energetic member, On his rec- ord he deserves a vote of con- fidence. The general concensus of the weekly newspapers in Ontario is that the Diefenbaker govern- ment will be returned to office. It is, important to this county that we have a member on this excellent team, Elston Cardiff is a member of a government which came into office in 1957 to stem a serious economic situation cre. ated by the inactivity and ne- glect of a Liberal government grown old and careless, Indeed ig a period when the nations of lihirope and Japan were re- building their -factories and re- pairing their war wounds and so were unable to offer serious competition to our industries, Canada was running a trade deficit of approximately $600,• 000,000 per year, In other words Canada was mortgaging her future, foreign countries were using their trade surplus with Canada to gain control of our industries, and how well they succeeded, During the same Liberal regime our wheat accumulated on the prairies, it piled up in the fields and clogged the ele- vators. The obvious result was a growing stagnation in the economy increasing day by day. The sins of 12 years of post war neglect were coming home to roost, SOCREDS Man ahead of gov't cure for the people the results they want from the manage- ment of their public affairs. 3. The individual must be free and have economic secur- ity, The individual can only attain his full stature in a society where his ability to make moral choices is restrict- ed as little as possible. Econo- mic security is a necessary means for attaining this free- dom, not an end to be attain- ed by restricting it. 4. Whatever is physically possible, desirable, and moral- ly right, can and should be made financially possible. From these basic principles Social Credit offers a compre- hensive and practical seven- point program to develop a freer and more prosperous Canada, and to guarantee econ- omic security to every citizen. Free enterprise To encourage free enter- prise, and to restrict monopoly, Social Credit would: Provide a just and equitable economic climate designed to encourage enterprise, reward initiative, and preserve the in- dividual's freedoms and re- sponsibilities, Prohibit use and exploitation. of the public by vested inter- ests, combines, and other forms of monopoly. Respect and preserve the dignity of man and the rule of law, guaranteeing absolute equality before the law to all men irrespective of color, race, creed or social status. - Please turn to page 12 The Diefeithalser administra- tion took vigorous action, The lion. Alvip Hamilton disposed of the wheat surplus; the lion. George Rees pumped new life into our export drive; as a re- sult we in 1062 will enjoy a trade surplus of over $400,0000, 000. This will be reflected in more jobs, better prices, and a more prosperous ettonomy. But the job isn't finished, We have to be sure that this drive is not brought to a halt by changing horses in midstream. Only the re-election of Elston Cardiff and, his team can en- sure that this dynamic effort will continue, Tins government of John Diefenbalcer has not been un- aware of the problems of the provinces and municipalities. Indeed, out of federal revenues they have rebated to the prov- inces and municipalities about three-quarters of a billion dol- lars per year, Without this as- sistance many municipalities would have been in serious fi- nancial trouble, Nor has the Diefenbaker government forgotten the aged. They have increased the old age pension with a view to mak- ing the latter years of our senior citizens more secure, Now the old gang from the discredited Liberal regime asks the people to put, them 'back in- to office, Have they changed their spots?, Now they say "we have all the answers," One can only surmise that the Old Guard of the Liberal party must have had a remarkable conversion, Are they so much cleverer now than they were in 1957? How much of the work of the present government do they wish to unravel? Do they wish to reduce old age pensions to their old level of $46,00? Do they wish to call off the wheat contracts? Do they wish to call off the trade drive? Do they wish to revoke the financial arrangements with the prov- inces and the municipalities? Do they wish to go hack to the chronic trade deficits? s.,sWe have confidence that the intelligent electors of Huron will not turn back the clock, but will re-elect their tried and true servant, Elston Cardiff. boards and co-operatives we will provide this for the pro- ducer. By extending the marketing boards to the national level, surplus product can be sold to advantage, Full employment Unemployment insurance is costing huge sums and is only educating that portion of our labor force to avoid work. By planning our economy we can provide jobs for these people, This money that is currently being spent for absolutely noth- ing might well be used to sup- port public works or even to supplement wages in some in- dustries that may not be able to pay full wages. This method at least would give these un• employed some feeling of worth. and would add nothing to the cost, Complete 'health care This is an objective that, the New Democratic Party has for the future. Hospitalization is more or. less available to all and will be completed, Medical care is presently possible and will be implemented immediately, I ex- pect the same could be said for optical services. Complete dental care while equally needed is simply not possible with the number of dentists available. I have been told that there are only seven dentists in -Huron County. This number can't possibly give the dental care needed for our pop- ulation, By providing free tuition at our universities the government could attract students into the needed professions, This is the kind of direction that can be given by govern- ment by economic planning. No nuclear arms .With Russia 'on side and U.S., Britain and France on the - Please turn to page 12 By ,BRIslig• FISHER Huron Liberal candidate For the past several. weeks I have had the privilege of meeting and talking with inatlY hundreds of people in this great area of South western Ontario, Although many of these people were of different Politieal beliefs and various folkways and expressed their sentiments in their own partic- ular way, I believe that can summarize the great majority of thinking as follows: Four years ago the time had come to get rid of a Liberal government and to elect a Progressive Conservative ad- ministration under Mr. Diefen- baker. The Liberals had been long enough in office - too long many said - it was time to see what a new broom could do. Consequently, with an over- whelming majority the Cana- dian people voted Mr, Diefen- baker . into office with 208 seats in a house of commons of 265, the largest majority any party has ever had in Ottawa. Whether the majority was too big - whether Mr. Diefen. baker. and his followers were caught up by the many cap- tious and irresponsible state- ments which, naturally enough, they had given way to in the long years of opposition, the results have been disappoint- ing - the conviction today is that the best interests of the country would be served by returning the Liberal party, under Mr. Pearson, to power, This is not to say that the Conservative party has not done some useful things, They have in some cases instituted additional payments for social services, although the original legislation was implemented by former Liberal governments. It has been the misfortune, By EARL DOUGLAS Social Credit Candidata Voters should support Social Credit in the polling booth on June 18 because it is the Christian way of life wherein systems are made for men and not men for systems. Social Credit did not begin as a political party. It began as a theory of economics proven and tested by financial men of every country. It was a means by which the ideals of Western democracy, chal- lenged by the economic prob- lems of the day, could be made to prevail. Social. Credit will work for any government which will let it work. Because government's politicians could not or refus- ed to recognize Social Credit, a new party through necessity has been formed. Social. Credit suggests these four principles as basic in proper government: 1. Social Credit firmly be- lieves that the individual is the most important factor in organized society. Because of this belief, Social Credit is un- alterably opposed to commun. ism, fascism, and all forms of totalitarian government, It stands opposed to political or- ganization whose aims are the furtherance of the sectional interests of organized labor, business, or finance, 2, Government must serve the individual. The major func- tion of democratic government in organized society is to se- ASHFIELD Poll PC's Lib 1. No, 1 103 30 2, No, 2 108 19 3. No. 3 111 33 4. No, 4 93 24 5. No, 5 41 57 6. No. 6 49 45 7. No, 7 50 37 BLYTH 8. No. 1 150 53 9. No. 2 148 35 BRUSSELS 10. No. 1 121 60 11, No. 2 78 40 12, No, 3 114 50 CLINTON 13. No. 1, (A-J) 115 53 13, No, J (K-Z) 124 59 14. No. 2 (A-J) 152 42 14, No, 2 (K-Z) 120 59 15, No, 3 (A-K) 156 33 15, No. 3 (L-Z) 112 71 16. No, 4 (A-K) 111 -44 16. No, 4 (L-Z) 118 43 COLBORNE 17. No. 1 98 41 .18. No. 2 70 14 19. No. 3 148 40 20. No. 4 138 39 EXETER 21. No, 1 (A-K) 134. 54 21. No. 1 (L-Z) 124 57. 22, No, 2 (A-K) 212 92 22. No. 2 (L-Z) 188 103 23, No. 3 (A-1K) 124 79 23, No. 3 (L-Z) 124 64 24. No. 4 72 49 GODERICH TWP. 25. No. 1 118 35 26. No. 2 91 20 27. No. 3 85 39 28, No, 4 85 14 I PHONE 235.1782 29, No, 5 98 42 30. No, 6 75 19 Mickle's ON MARKETING MORE GRADE A HOGS TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN No. 1 (82) - Centralia Li- bra ry, No, 2 (83) - Lewis Davey's residence, RR 1 Exeter, No, 3 (84) - Francis Clark's Crediton, No, 4 (85) - Township Hall, Crediton. No, 5 (86) - Dennis O'Rourke's residence, RR 3 Dashwood. No. 6 (87) - Men's Club Room, Dashwood, No. 7 (88) - Mrs, Edna Baker's residence, RR 2 Dash- wood, No. 8 (89) - MacDonald's Store, Greenway, No. 9 (90) - Huron Park Community Centre, RCAF Cen- tralia, TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH No. 1 (92) - Everett Smith's residence, Egmondville. No. 2 (93) - Roy McGeoch's residence, Egmondville. No. 3 (94) - School. House SS No, 4, No. 4 (95) - School. House SS No, 3, No. 5 (96) - School House SS No, 1, No. 6 (97) - School House SS No, 9. No. 7 (98) - Ritchie Building, RCAF Station Clinton, No. 8 (99) - Huronview. TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE No. 1 (100) - Eden School, SS No, 4. No, 2 (101) - Lloyd Stew- art's residence, RR 3 Exeter. No. 3 (102) - Hurondale School, SS No. 1. No. 4 (103) - Farquhar 1-lall, No, 5 (104) - Elimville No. 6 (105) - Ross Horn's residence, RR 1 Granton, No, 7 (106) - Kirkton Library. NDP - Health care, marketing boards We buy twine by the carload. Because we save money we pass the saving on to you. SUPERIOR is top quality twine, rodent and insect treated, ILL LTD, EXETER Bale with SUPS IOR