Huron Signal, 1853-04-07, Page 3;1 • f .66.6116.1.61111.01.1.66. 101.1110.1akomaneausnmeammetenersio-, • 1.11141"1". .4r• . an HUR Wet* together- the Legal mks* ems folly required whets flame was any &Km of a breach of the peace. As it was pro - bible we should have ether roads to the North and South eed as the ate meatier. - tweed was cestral i. the Town,it would be conventest to effect • jumbos of the Se- veral roads, which mold sot be the ewe Depot was maser the hestreer. We could not direct the Direetors,bet w. could recommeed, sad they would so doubt listen to the explanation of oar views. lr. Kidd Hies replied to Mr. Straeh- sa's remarks, and considered tlot the %elec- tion of the sue for the paemeger terminus io the Town,was a matter which concerned solely the interests of the Toweepeople, asd would not effect in any wsy the peo- ple Country, ,or, would it affect the economical working of the road, or offer any obstruction to the quick Moonlit of pas-. sengers. lie 'laid there was a full meetiag, and thought its espressios would have au- thority. Ile asked what effect the protest would Lave --it would be Mr. J. Stracbas 'loot. Mr. Dixie Watson moved in amendment and Mr. Parsons seconded "That this meeting does not express Me feeling of (be majority (,tibio town -that no proper or due wiles has been given of the object for whir h this tneetiog was called, aad that the Reeves of them United Counties bay. not beta cousulted." Tbe Chairman then pot tbe intendment, and about 20 hands were held up in its favor. The mo- tion ave then put and carried by • very large majority. Three cheers were given to the Entineer, and the meeting dissolved. Our ret ler, may know the site selected by cur .aying that it is at the foot of South Street, and nearly in the rear of the British Exelsange Hotel. We understand that the .o:ntueyor thinks very favorably of the proposed site, and we do not think the Di- , reetomunleo for some very cogent reason, .woutd interfere with the choice of our ' fownamen. We are glad the public were eriereelterl•oaon this occasion, it was their right, and any attempt to control their free e»-'s'on of opinion, was illjudgedan-d not li'oely to meet support from those who even (I.:Tr-red from the majority; with regard to toe eligibility of tbe location chosen: _ • THE COMMISSION: Tn• dieiniry into the charges against fudge Aelseal, bag now terminated. The eking of the evidence for the prosecution at Stratford occupied two etym. The evi denc• of John Stewart, E•q•, Barrister, w se very weighty and his examination took nearly five hour* to reeord. Many of the 'rarest respectable and wealthy inhabitants of Stratford were subprenaed as witnesses r,r the prosecution, and much evidence of a --ry weighty and important character way brought forward• The defence at Stratford occupied •bont an hour on Tuesday moraine the 99th nit The Comneseios opened th• sane day at P. M.. a, fit • Mary's and contioureJ open nil 1 o'clock, next mornine. The Bailiff's • the Courts and 'medal Merchant. nf tbe T .ern of St. Mary'e, were the • principal witnesses, and their testimony referrer(' 'Meth to the irregularity of Judge Aelan-1 holding his Courts, hie intdeperat• ha- Hts, hisdecisions in redden Court calms, et 1 to parties vibes were not 13.11-6's been, Almered to make services in said court ke., kc. The deem,' st St. M•ry's occepid A mut an hour. Then adjourned to Landon at which Town et was •peoed oo Thursday est at 10 .,'c'ock A. W. arid held till 3-13.' M. of that day • The wit were Ter. Witmer, Ruche", Scatebeel, Mayor Adams. M . Adam Hope, J. C. Mack. die. J. Meredith and J. Franklin. The Ie.- tiren•e refereed to ledge Aclands want of legal keowledee, intemperate habits, ke. Mr. Beecher called no witnesses on the de- fense but made an application to the Gow. erne:lent through Mr. Commissioner Bell of an extension of the Commission in order that be might be enabled to trade over the ;myna area and re -open the defetnee to welch Mr. Lewis protested, as Judge Pie' Ind had been duly netified of the cases, and •very indulgence had been greeted by rim C. ininiesioo•r to the accused party in de- fending himself. We cannot entertain the thought tori moment that the Government would allow the enquiry to be resumed, a• were the daisies Division Coort Clerks, Lawyers, Wordiest., Agents, k..com polled to attend on the Commiseion, thew would jostly feel aggrieved. And after the dsfeeree bed bn gone througb and closed et the fleeted p1leeil lo grant a re hearing would be totter with the people of Huron sod their dorms rights. QIIASTill Smartie AND COUNTY CoUltT.-Tbe General Quartet Sessions of tbe peace and Ceentf Court -for tbe l'eited Comities of Iluron and Brix e, opened oe Tuesday the 5th irk. In the Cranky Cost then was nsIy one tuff se ameasemet arta the Crimistal Calendar vem. legit, there hears oily two rates in both of which the Defeedests failed to appear. The Jerry was disarmed stat early hoer the ease Amy. gfr We esuletsteed diet Mr. Wallet', the E:ingimer of the Buffalo, Brantford Red Griderich Railway. has gone to Boston to porches, Lotomotrves for the Lim. 71ter• will be a Loewe et die Mit- ebonies' lestitato this eveeriag--Ssibpeet--- *Dipity of labor." el' Tin Family afraid has re-ap- peered is as ••1•4•4 farm mad eraireies very good eelettiee s matter, seder the ears of Mr. St. Germ* sal it poblialied by Mr. Charles Pleteher,e1 Tomato, it it INkkaild fortaiglity. ON SIGNAL. Irr Our Heehaw rho bees moo days Orisietel Comma, sort from Megapors, is akar of ie., *54 sisyirstiosis mamba:. they will thee be wailed le nee their ohms , with Lester* et weber Edens sailors wbo voirssee Ir. Det Idiom t• dilated. 11 is really worth 1 wawa& cosanto derate frees the AU8TRALIA. • Miner a smoothly la ameteicatere with Morrell* by way st lose sane not he at mee oltowtoel. Terris rarest a fort sightly cominusicalide acme Siegoper• to this coentry and tt may revere. a des pI. e ters *crew ereenstria to imeatithil, a nous Iby see monetellaril betweee thagapor• del e ll tb• Auseralme Porte. Eatreet fres • lams from flesh Am - Oahe, written by • your' nee who haft Goland' is Jew hot, aid sailed from Liverpool on the 22.4 July, la the Bark Progress, he writes November 14th, 1853. ...rhombi be to God, it 'is now my privil- ege to IMMO my poi, on a lovely hill. wit b - la oat owe tent, commanding a truly grand view Of the city of Melbourne. Our soy. age throughout bas been 'dreamt, although very loot, we landed yesterday morning, making a voyage of 115 days from the day we entered the Progress. We found about 100 ships in Port Phillip from differ- ent parts of the world, many of them bare been deserted by their clews wine months back, for the diggins. Four of our own sailors with the wend mate, made their escape although ancbored li or 5 mild; from the shore. All ia escitement Imre, money o tbe greatest abutilloace,--sovereigns as plenty and at little thought of as coppers n America. Provisions tremenduously dear, indeed beyond all couceptioa, flour bush, and be thought it must be one of Mem sometimes up to .C10 a barrel, Oats 10s. to but he found them all in the bush. Upon 12s. a bushel, Salt at the diggins 2a. per meetly/ some of the neighbors to investigats pound, --all sterling money -Bread 3s. be matter, there was a track of a man ob- per 4 Ib. loaf in Melbourne, Butter 3s., treed on the concession ; this track was the Milk is. per quart, and everything else in one • drunken person could make, it Wing proportion, Beef and Murton about the of a zig-zag descrMtios, and led right iiito same price as with you, bit much bet- the creek. Search was made in the creek ter in quality. We are eurrouutied by for the body up till Saturday forenoon, thousand. of cattle feeding on plains as wben it was found. far an the eye can reach with the richest Verdict of the jury -Death by being grass. The reason that milk and butter is drowsed, in attempting to cross the creek so high is owing to the great rush to Me on the 8th Concesetoo, while m a state of diggins, which of course makes labor ex- , intoxication; he, Currie, having obtained pensive, common laborers 10s. a day with the last portion of liquor at tbe tavern of board and Indging,ozen drivers £5 to £6 a H. 14. Lee, St. John's, Proof Line. the week with rations, carpenters 25, a day so jury record their regret at the above me- ter as we have seeo or beard since our ar- lancboly occurrence, and feel it their duty rival here. We can say, that the accounts to express their unqualified disapprobation that reached us of Australia, in Canada ' of the conduct of certain innkeepers who were not exaggerated, but this is not post- are in the habit of supplying liquor to per - tire; in my nett I shall give thingo as they sons already in a state of intoxication. - really are. Thousands from all parts are Prototype. turning in every week, which may make a change in affairs here at least as regards the price of labor, large returns are made from all the diggins, but so there should be as from 100,000 to 110,000 are said to be at work, tn-morrow. if spared we will sell evelthing hut what we can carry en our backs, and trudge off for Forest Crerk dia- taut 70 miles. 1 he weather is very warm, surniner tarot setting in, which will make two summers for me with one winter, but I hare felt 1( 31 warm m Amoriint,this place seems truly a .paradise, 1 wish you were all here, but it cannot he, America must be your resting place, Australis may be mine, , if all goes well I shall write vou again with- in a month from sow, and give particulars of this place that may be relied on, lose eo time in writing; to me as you know howl must long to bear from you. Address For- rest Ceek Mount Alexander South Aus- tralia. Yours, Ise. - COLIN CLARK. IstemeaT-Erescus or Thane. -A• inquest was held cie Sate/day last, is the Too nohip of Loodon, by Dr. Wastes*, too stew of the body of Neil Corrio,a laborer who bad been drieltiog ea Thursday Isat, at some of the tatt00% alomg the l'roof Line !load, the lost tiuse the decesoed wam wren alive being in Sir. Lee's tavern. Ile was then drunk,and bad left for home, by the 8th concession of Loudos, east of the Proof Line, across which there is a very! dangerous creek, at present very 1 About 10.o'clock on Thursday night, Mr. Gusotte, who lives close by the creek, heard some wild cries,as if uttered by a per- son io distress. He leaped out of bed, and ran towards the creek Mr. Gin.otte's' three boys were at the time in the sugar BUREAU OF AGRICULTURE: Quitanc. 2411a Marc),, 1853. PaTstrT. Or ItarliNTioN. III• Excellency the Governor General has been plea -ed to grant Letters Ps tent of, In ,ent ion for a periud of Fourteen year. (rem the date thcreof, to the lolkiwing p•o• • S COP, vlZ Albert Rounde, of the Ville?. of Si. Joho. Contnicter and Master Roeder, for new an; issofol linarnveMent its fhe innsiruction el Lightning Conductore"e- (Dded Febrimry, 1833) amid Mond go, of tbe•Velare of St. John, M,chuuu.0 for ••A new and teeful imprevernerit in the conatiection 01 Licht- ing Rods" (Dated 1614, of February 1855.) Peter Rowe Higley, of the ',ere or Oshae a; Maehoilel, for t'A sew and Preyed machine for cueing Illy and.Straw" (Mated 7th March 18534 Aretus Andrews Weeer, of the Town- ship of Sandwich, Engineer and el 'elude, for"A nepy and useful modelle for Piano iu Torguing and (erm:mug Weirder" - (Dated 7in Msreh, 1963.) FROM AUSTRALIA. Most Dia -MESSING AND F•TAL. ACC1- - DaNT.-Sorne time ago, a little girl, By the arrival the Lady Suffolk, from the Cape of Good Hope, dates from Pert Philip to the 15th November have been I received, which though not so late as those recently received by the way of South America, bring some news of interest.- Tbe ship "Roxburgh Castle," had arrived at Cape Town with 170,000 ounces of gold bound to Eng -hold. Her captain reported that during bis stay iu Australia, four ses- tets bad left Victoria with cargoes of gold to the amount of 447,000 ounces, talued at LI ,7S0000, Many new deposits of gold bad been dis- covered, and it was certain that the soils and rocks rich with this metal, extended over many thousands of Sqnare mileo.--- New diggins had been fo ind at the Ovens river. but the- average had not been ascer- tained. Another account says. 'Otte intel- ligence from the gold field:continues on the whole encouraging though the experience of individual diggere, at d:fferent points, presents every variety of remits, from rapid fortune -making to utter deditution.- Great numbers had returned penniless,' aad yet an unceasing stream of adventurers covered the road from 11elbourne to the auriferous localities. New diggins, appa- rently of yet unqualled wealth, had been ' opened at the Oven.. the last escort from which alone, brought down upwards of 30,- ' 000 ounces of gold." Adventurers from all partn of the world were arriving daily ' by hundreds. There were about 150 sail of vessels in Melbourne harbour, but they were thinning out daily. 11 war, expected that tbere would be a considerable falling off in the rhps of wool this seseon. At Melbourne fine flour was quoted at £45 to 47; secood...£43 -from the mill. Proesiont, especially flour, and also brandy bad risen rapidly in price, and at the dig - gins, are tooted at extravagant rate.. - Rents continue to rise enormously at Mel- bourne, £4 and £5 a week being charged for a small three -roomed cottage. daughter ot a Mr. 1\ alter, farmer, iu the Township of Collingwood, met with her death, in a very extraordinary and heart rending manner. The child unfortunately !carried an open pen knife in her hand, while running between the barn and tbe house. In Ler way she was met and over- ! torned by a pig, when, appalling, to relate! !she fell upon Mr rcoint of the linife, and was thereby so dreadfully wounded that she was a corpse le a few minutes.-Oicce mound Comet. 1101V TO RAISE FRUIT EVERT Y EAlls -If rightly understood, few trees, unless absolutely dead or rotten, need occupy ground without yieldiug a plenteous crop. • After long and varied experiments, .1 gradually adopted the following tnode. As soon as the wider leas sufficiently Asap - peered, and before the sap ascend., I ex amine toy trees. Every dead bough i lopped etT; *ben, after tbe sap hat risen sufficiently to show where the blossoms wil be, I cut away all the other brandies having having none oo, and also the exercmity o every limb the lower part of which bears la considerable number of buds, thus con- centrating the sap of the tree upon the Maim -anus of ns fruits, and saving what would be a useless expenditure of strength. In the quince, apricot and peach trees, this isvery tmportant, as these are very apt to be luxuriant in leaves and destitute of fruit. You may think this injures the trees laden with fruit which formerly yielded nothing. Of course,all'other well known precautions 'must be attended to ; such at cutting out worms from the roots, placing old iron on the limbs, 'which actat a tonic to the sap, &c. Try it, ye who bare failed in raising fruit. COISINIVOICATION AOSTItahle,- • There bas sot been as are Mal of any inv- penance from Australia eines the 19th of Met emetic 'Pb.. eit week• ba tie elapeed d ed nothing bees it... heard of the AOslrit• lies eolosiem, although steamers er wading viater. have been overdue daily mow that V•110•111 Sr. daily solace from, home to As/trine Ino am a glees veeeel memo. is very dirket that it We wet fmluiree wisde Mat reventserrivals, het a want of WOW to eon rite homeward boned ships • Them is not two% doubt bet ilea Owe sr* Mores of mewls in ilk Austra- lia. port that reliant gel away for want re seller,. There Is ne saying boor long this •tatti twitting, may last, for there is as neobab,lits of 1 glut of population is Aus- tralia. What re ef the attend importance at the preeeet juncture to, to kotier what metes eve be adopted to *awe • Cert.,11 asil erselinn111/01110. between oar 'moor - teat littlest**. This ss aboolatele nee's- e ery, stet *sly few this emmtry, bet for tbe g•141 retain, regease tbeemelvere If a step is Net them floes Elegised. there is mitaiety abet wettest it beck 5 - roe. 1. 1. erieetikiesel that the only nod e oismstatm011os fres Australis trea Ire est esty be the eye via Nam . - Tier Stet' email by fine reel* reedit arrive bus hero* live heresies of April seat. sod ietebable of tido imentbe sem elapse betireee IS* serfeste of thee* mail, $IWt' wards. The reopen why them .111 be mom eirrisiely ebeet times wads time oboe% ether" that the Aneinalbe !mik.' of the Dirt 1) , On the 6th instant, the wile of lames Thorhere, of a donghter. TEMPERANCE LECTIIIiE. ?JfrillE Rev. 0. G. Collared* will delver 'll address upott to•sl alretineece re the Tomperam• Ilan' on Thursday the teth inst. at 7 o'clock. The public are reepect• fully reill'eteted to attend. Caderteb.„_Ar 1 Gib, 1853. Queilry-men and Labourers. W ANTCD insseed.bey, a few good aeobegoarrysisioe.mmad seklasde.Le. holoor:rbaefato good wages wtht;_gise. .teyly to f6SON k beer:WAN, Celle rectees. Geterfoik, April. 1851 .1.10 Look out for Cheap Saks before OW Oar Beas Ring. estsenbs• will veil chomp to betas, . settlers, feety T... Lots is the Toles of Chains. waited cent rieel bed Mimed to th• Reel Read here 'sedating perehsed• elm eee the Map of the Tosr• at way (Were et at the Chutes Arms Hotel. JAMES GORDON. Chutes. Ali Awa, Me. waste -der R. W. CANA, IIITC1ligLin UCT1OPIERR, Attreeeteet trod Gem rat /kreet. 11664141 mid mecniets posted, gad ell Mode .1 Donde &awe. - Melee attested le say pert of the eemserry. Loose addressed se 111Thebell or Harper. hey. lug he skaaded to. April** MM. teele-ty 13Y-Komy boa A 13Y -LAW Te.riinsair.ThAitrifsea....frii.e.s.,16.4.diasizeii71efee..C.7dirowerditawpistffea.thadian1111pr.g,eati .44 u(el71 e. 7d1 :skit ar, se, oy,,el 1.$1, gilt:. "I" 476 Eph wait. se • r"iL4.014 cf:defiraii.4 filloerC"ate "lidpairyneoe.hdofAhlbou:1:1 fr"u iioe, &a41Stl oe eaa ls"volj'eartrs. dourcer.ensklisi"46.411 i. itaima.11 rag • liar -haw, Or the wawa .f the Rirer i.o or els deed of rrenruniptinO. For Ili IC Eb. y"aas4A7c.talentst4t:eP•Pros:ec.•1 would reeihr..top.,ttere0.41 actiumurosi th: Porliddint, 161h Nriciori• ampler te. oiaside of troubled web tone .u.v loist, eatetheid r• An Act to •eiabesh a Coosee estmei ,1-C6trry st Lunt wort," dated Illeateipal Loan Fusel tor Upper C• said to be a eerie'. tura ler this awful w ide." it le diactee tbai it •1.11 be law- theeeee. ful foe Ib. Corpoiation f any County Ci- ty, Ineerporived TO64n, Town•hip, or 1,1. !.g.. by 3y-letie to suite,' se a,V sea os m.o. to be retried on the, de.] t the e dd Comeatet• aid Al oat' •! Lean Fontein/I t• appropriam Sorb •41.1. or so much thereof as ogee be found ',moire* to dr bay !he ea - proems of deleine er improved( any Clint or Coed !Iona* Ica the use of •uslt AIM ter - Kra SALE IN AKIIFIELD AND WAWANUSIII. of Lot II. 0 Con. Wavraisosh WO sere, E e 16, 6 6,1 100 13, 7 " 100 " No 8. 5 " WI) Ashfield 200 " palely, or fur sequir•eg, maktrig, construet- N Part Int 4, 5 .4 C. •. 16 .4 sag or completing or misting In the mak. E a of " 7. 5 " " e 100 " constroction or completem of aay I E e of " 1. 6 •i ill 100 !teemed, Ude! or Harbour, or for the me j of " 2. 5 '" 50 it movement ef arm navigable River, web. Applying by letter post.pael to the Sub• or witemett the Motecipdity. but the argot., dreier at Stratiord, or to .,1111 pers. nally at felon ',eking or condructem whereof 11 Gedericii, where he wee remote frou, the ben. fit tee -filltabliants of ouch Count', 1 26th April I'd the 2nd of May. The pur Cie!, Tows, Tuesnedop or Village." Aso chards of the Hen. Mr. Goodeue's lard. wee:aims the building of a Harbour at the in the above mu n.hip., are requested to moult" of the River Bs) field, en the boon- call on Min and smile op all itrreats, during dary el the Tow nsio ps 5 an'ey and his stay in Goeeride or they will be diepo Godericb, in the County of Huron, one of 'cue,j. would gteally benefit the 11.1),Litaites of the Stratfuite elst March, 1833. w6 n8 the 1.1roted teemed. of Huron and Bruce, JOHN STEWART. Solicitor - said T. -wader; of Sider, and etcrease the value of proper y "herein. and the Inhofe- ! NOTICE. mots of the .aid 'Township are desirmis of LT, rriies bating the said limbed built, and .me ix DON k McK AY, Go▪ eferich. wed toat • .pee ii den of Hemel be borroseri upon rim credit ConsoWrist presect the nine ferthwith for 1 qui - of op., 'i. dated Municipal Lren Find 1 none). Mr dation. GORDON be eleKAY. lbs purpose of building and pernoterep,lelyenngall,hi: Gqderich, March 3lot, 1853. alla9-21 same, and that the rateable 'h. Township should be eased fur ithe ! period of thirty years from toe firstPORK ! PolIK ! Jsy of : January nett, for the purpose of reileemung you. Sae, 30 tittle. very auperior. the interest and pendia! of the raid Loan. 'r GORDON k SteKAY. AND Wilitauts, it •poriar, by Plans and Goderich. Starch 3Int, 1353. s6n9-21 &timers el' he said Harbour dem:tie-1 to the Muniepal Council of the said Tewn • that it • ill require the rum of Two thousand Five hundred emends to build and complete the said Harbour -and it, re- quire ihe film if Two hundrcd pounds to he reeved annutlly upon a!l the rateable real titti1 fersunal property within the add pnreliant to • Revolution of the Beare Township to pay the sum of eight ocr cent. of Defectors. paymcet of he NEW ISSUE -in redeem the icterest and form a erelong fund fie the redemption of the principal.-- r" SHARES of the increased Coen Stock of the Melo, Brantford ard to addition to any (ruttier that may mil Riffle ay Cuitipay is evened to be u.:.de tes required from tim• to time by the. Re moor General of the Primince, in tont el the above cleft Muunueup.l Lean Fund Act. in lite feud Instalmene, as fe▪ llows; Beit ther, fere enacted by the elude:pi Council el the Townehip .-t Stanley, ee per cep', uo or belereethe 1•1 day of ' let. That the Municipal Cetthie of the 5157 cent co or before tbe lat day Towneh:p of Soinley under and by virtue tat - rul the before mentioned Act did! rose the July "IL ,1,-... •Utll of Twe thousand Fro hundred pounds :- 20 per -cent on or ore the 1s1 day of oa the credit of the .54 Cone•lidated S.Pt.".1"."xl• :10 per cent en or before tbe 1st dry of copal Loan Fund Act, to he expended oo. the bedding and conntrucieng. tee fie/bee( Nor/9:16er dd. 2..1 per er.,1 on or bee re tbe -1st day of afoiesaid, which said sum ol e:251.0 shah be repaid with interest at the expiration of Jaeuary, 1854. thirty years from the date of fast payment gAr'!11CIt'D GILKINSON, ••ii account of the sale Loan reiceised from! • the Reeeiver General on the authority et Secretary. the Uv -Law. , Office df 11. B. .1.4 G:.Railway Co., Brautford, March i', s6 -e9 2nd. That the Treasurer for the tune; being of the raid Townseip of Sionley.! •hali on the first day of January to each '10 CONTRACTOltS. year dieing the contemance of the said - Lod, pay neer to the Receiver General of Ir Boffia!o, Brantford 4. Gatrick nairway. this rrovir.ce, all profits recieved by ther ' •-• Ceuncil of the did Township on eccnient of 1 Si EA LED TEN DF.R.S, &demesne t the • tindets•azard, arid endorsed Te• -tier for Section No.-. of the B. B. k CeRailway," will be received ar ibis office until norin, nn 1.1,ottay the 16th eay of Maw IleSt, for the conseructien o! Seethe -et 1,2,3, and .1, nI Act. the Ratievay between Pare anJ .Geilerich, 3rd. That for affording 3,11*003! side Eat.. Profi'es and Specifteotions wit rity for the due payment of the interest ! be exhibited at the Engineer's Office, in the and principal of the said L.0aa, there sh•Ili Town of Braneerd, oa and after the fielt be raised annually, upon ell the rateable 'day Of May red. real and personal property within the said The Ihrretor• rwarree the right to accept Tewnseip of Stanley, during the dentine- the Tender whice 'hail be in ail rerree.• .n -e of the said Loan the sum of Two hp corsidereil bd.: for the 'defeats of the dred pounds der sot above and in addenda (tee:pane.. to *11niper rates or taxes imr Me posed upo Receiver. any further POO) or sums that neey be re -1 (Wire or the re telleGirn. RaiG1 loNel.ayEerCleg°0f11.r::: reteable property of tee dud Towndep, and : gaited from time to time by the General .1 the Province in terms of the ri fo_rd.,_, 8.,__le_6_3._ aten_8 81 be teetered by lion in addition to the pro SPRING IMPORTATIONS. mve cited act, eas t: much thereof as may fits •iientioned tit the preceed:ng section of • ewe" ii,,,,,ewirepe heir - 10 int„,, ibis By Law. cuatninere, and- Town and Ceuritry BulTaJ, Brantfikrd ittd Gcilerich . 1tAIUW.1Y. OT;CE IS. HEREBY GIVEN, thel any toil, wharfage, custom, rent or other - wee received on account of the nail Har - deur by the said Council, or an much there. at as may be required by the said Receiver General in terms of the above wentione.! Mrtchente, generally, 111,1 they are now N OT IC E 1 tecreirr • eane:Jere:/c portion of thee TUE 'bete lea true copy of a Br•Lew to o arioironents of blunicipal Council of the Townahtp:of Stan the ST AME "AND FANCY Dn. GOODS ! be taken into conaMeratinn by tli• seventh day of April, instant (the dale Spring i raee. iniroreel by the late steamer. resent an -I approachinr ley 'titer the experation of one nienth from .' Sui..-I fur the atit(lroofip,errt.ipulb,laiveeartam,teGoofsthleeeneatineol.iyi!.et.:if) . Bu'l" lied New Ir" II' an 1 as I heY ha" Townseip of Stanley, and that on Frotay advices of th• 'reediest thee. retie of t .e rematader a 'bra tarly S. jp.rtin,rk 11:m.ce.t: hthoitirtwo'fnetlevvennin'ohf daythe°erloc-AkinMi tnherflo' -I:el:In.:1 lainaenut4; 'tuII SI heY '''xi'cri II'', l'ave 1.11"1 y r"" at Cooper's Tavern aforesaid, a ren„,.11 imitable Strode and Ferry Dry Good-, ,n niteeoteingT,0-ifivino.ohq,p,,,,oefe,,sjiienli.,,;:c.,pp.,11 ebie.,_;:,017 1 1.1v)re.,pr.,,,r.y, 'Emery; II 'beef eliery and Small ef tier Meat Eiirepean dye.", 1 ' e hp,• are ',veered se Ierelor r.., la for the purpose of considering the said 8,- Law, and approving or disapproving of the ""ree ri IDE TRADE ()NIA' "." the,,,, ....rotl an 512n(0 as any imp Wing 600E11E11 FOEM1!! riThE 11.411014114 Wee' ruralised Me Goderieh Fonadry, beg 1111= isesterrise their fridges and the peblic. that they intent caffein, ea the Ilrose.alry Ilosicelis ID CI Ile Itranch••; to C•111.0trUCI Grid and Saw Mills; die to eenorecture Thrasher, Wach'ecw, Separators, Ploughs and all ether Agricultural Niel. teem. newt/of :0 Hee 11.01 IOU 01 tbs. Precise.. They also inteartgoieg More lalgrIv inre the St oniabuoinedi, anJ •r• sow titling ut , delver. tem and Parlor :arrives , f lb. latest Patti/Ins a: el most approved piteciplee. The betimes. vrill be tamed or, ly the urelersertee. meld I 1.0 F1111 ef Store k Co. WILLIA NI STOlt Y. GEORGE L MAK WOOD. , 1'.11.1,1Ajal J. KEA N.S• LOBERT ILUNCLMAN. ...: , lir. Relied Reeelmes wilt ceneurt Me ilintiores and from ma long practical eked, rue* in the enamors/ellen of mills. redeemer, aril ag rieu!I oral Implement', and fe us nieg peeow tbctoujelth blrisei ovle.ii:esge.he of alt tlatest inietten teets in eutli, fees c nfiden. t uf keep 5. B; le ni:DA Parer:I: it2elathea walrig.m the moullne ane mill wrizht departn.erts. Gedi. t6-8. Sheriff Safe of LANDS. BOOTS AND SHOES. - rpm Stibecribers hereby helmets to ten a ielmeitene• of Goderab and tbe dos routiolaiig iteenahipe, that they haat opened an exterotiver bueiness in the abo.• tine in tee whop eddyem °teed by Alexaneer McIntire, Mali Seim, dead will have con - dantly on heed a large aseorturent of Boots and Moe. of the be.t meility which they rill sell etaisp ter nen. - N. B. Ail kinOeof produce and hide/ t•ken in excel/ails at market prices. DAVID CANTELION. JERElliAll McBRIAN. Gorlericie Feb. lat. 1833. 16-o9-412 Celled Covirliee of 111" Virtue of a writ throe 4 11. ors. •• Yid! Fared, is. TO WIT: sued out of Iler Ma eery'. Court of Queen'. Bench, sod to nee directed, accent the Leads and tenements of George F. Lester at Ilia dee of teamed S. Pe- crow . 1 have voted and taken in execution Lot Number 13, in the 12th cese reneen Weptern Dinetoo) en the townehtp of Aohfielef, containing by •dineadiremene 198 acre. be the same .me or less. Which land. and tenenicots 1 'hell firer for sale at the Coon Rie m n he Celine y of Iluron in the Town of GeiterICii on Saturday the tweni.-e.chili of Mat next, at the hour of lately° of I he el. ek m en. J. NVDONALD. 11.W1 Sheers ()ffice, Goderich, 7th Mort+, 1853. $ v6o7t11 FANNING WILLS AND PCMP$. fillIE subscriber will keen ensdanile Orl land at the GODFRICH FANNING MILL ANI) LUMP FACTORY, on Ar- thur Street, oear the Market Square, and eeljoineng Mr. Seegelelres Tanners., • Stock of suestantel, serviceable and very superior articles of the oboes deicription, which he will sell cheap fee cash, merchant- able Produce, or on approved credit. He wtohea those parties in 'march of a good alt ele al a emponalde price, to gee him a and he ?totters ',impel that his lone expeeence in the business will ensure the satisfaction of all perch . HENRY 1)01)0.Goderich, Marcia 15th, 1863 16n711 CARLY SPRING IMPORTATIONS riinE SUBSCRIBER - begs to apprise their Cuatemere, and tee. trade reneralls, that the hoe demi/Jere arrived d New York sneBeserie. have broueht • yin el Ode NEW FA NCV AND STAPLE FA letICS. Suitable fur the Sprint Trade. Some tat.311C11 are seed!y forswore to Illare leen; and as the Smaseers 11u. CrTIVIng have en board their heavy Spring Impot- ent?, Del they expect to held a lull Stock el. FRES11 GOODS, eompreliecding all the ;ate•t :Stele, of the leartimen mark :ts, by the noddie*of the rtlInth. The sureactibers conanue t h 1,1 at 01 Is, es eateowtvo assortments of Hardware and Groceuri% 1.4417-e't.1 N. YOU N G Hamilton, March 3, 1833. , aties7-2en W w• .7..f.:.).N...shiopRI:.16,.:. 1 hieee 'retested.. Dated the eth rimy of April, 1863. n10 -3t from time 11, three. eesioinitee adeitiens to Thee II.111 161iCICAO COIVIOnt. tO re-CO:rO, • Goderich,31st March, 1853. th r 'rede 04ly extenove as•ortMent GROCERIES AN D ,HARDWARE. 1 ir IIE eubecriber has received i n s t ri• room, mAsden,t.hire iietioirk.tat[i:;.: uri.' n et: i.cfro:re a1roion,114,.:1(.0tir.annti; = horn Mr. M. 10 867,111011r, 1,, Offer fur 101)10 rep's. com;46166 lothijol, Pithy( fer East Street, no Wcdneirdiy tee 20th April ng or replet.i4 ng a eterk, on On ad- •ale, by Pub:ic Auction •t his reoldence, forming at 10 o'clock. venter -tie. mine SA inn be mot with In The entire of his sew and aubotantial any other Wheledie Establohment in household furniture made to order. Canada. estating ol Drawing Room, Dining ADAM rOPE h C. Co Plate and Plated Ware, D.nner sod Desert Lendon, r. W.. elareh 9, 1853. %flee -Len Salome., Glaos ware ace, leo., loc. -_-- . Room, fled ROOT •nd Kitchen turned*. Icing,. of Sale. rr he enterer er etli re f -r role °net:lend:red FA•tot FOR SAUL 4 All amounts under ten dollars, cash, eiTan3ere-laCiel? er 1ll ieeir:iin 4:reese;ii'lletl:nrsi all above that sum twelve months credit oo , an orr heel 'Hearne (rue. Tne oli.e :.,.: fur, isbong approved jolil%miAms. .hrp ttcotet, iseityviewdaiisie5e1 I 'oeceseor, let 11,Tost re it ode and one halt oleo eon, ,. Auctioner. School bootie -ail the emwiey wilt het te. NEW GENERAL. STORE I ,5-n!7 toured down. F.c !melded. apply to the IN 00DERICIL i 1 proprtetor ne OP premiere. Waweeesh. 4,h Aug, 183e. _ GODERICII. PORT SARNIA AND DET11011'. erre Sallavermer reepectfirily innonnees a Nether inhabitants of Goderieh end sue rounder cautery, that he has commenced besieges* in the Rock Bedding measly erected by Dr. McDougall, where be is sew reedvieg and layeuseg 0131 a large and extensive Stock of DRY GOOD.% 746.4.3. GROCERIL:fr, • HA ROWANS. CROCKER Y, ke. kr. Comprising • very general •••orlDlent 01 Goode, all of wiled, have loren perchatemi tbia best Marko., os the moot fa• web,* Tke .Vrot Low prretrwre Steatite.- RUIric FlithaUEL WARD. Rm.., Coato•enell, W11,1, ecnemerve• runnier nn the ripen- ing of nay.garine and during the disoori, as felieviei-leaves Detroit 101 tau"' a" .111 16 *1 .1 the lowest Goderieh every Weeorvday merlin(, d 9 preambi • rieee. ,.'eh ek. The Subseritten respectfully whets a twerps Gederieh every Thoredav morn share of 'be peblie moronago. wawa be far at 1 airlock. Ruining erne 12 hoer.. .111 "" "Awl .‘""" 0 1010,0* by 51.setal Fee revel/hi or Passer* apply se heard geed Artie.", 5.4 eeliieg at the smallmet or te C. 11. MARLTON. prsetiestik profit. 0 Marsh Atte 1853. Wheat, orle,, Oat., Timothy Sete, Wool, ke. ke., takes to oaehaegii kr Oreadts. 15 W. MACKAY. Otristiels, 2613 Meter, 1663. .'6m9 osios?\ /C:e.43:1 t.".2: .3rerE":1111A.3/Wposo.7yalnia T:osesausl... /111E.NOTU i. 51. JunCommit bre 01 11. Huron Library Aflpociatiee and Meehanots In. :Iowa bare made atrangrmenis for the de• livery of • aeries of Lectures before thud society, In the Hall uf Ibo Sues of*reimpor- ,To gh,ee af.o.1 low ler genilemen have consented 10deliver addressee •ri ioilwr •o :- John Clark, Ere , March 2eth, un Socid t,. • Thomas Nucholip, E -q., April 7ih, 00 1')' "IllY .".1foinesb q , April else Dr. Ir. A. denougall..May 6,h Rev, A. McKee Nld teih, James Watson, E -q., Jene 2ni1- Adnerision rn all cases Foie - By enter, 18. B. RF.VN:IrDS, Coo Secretary: A.I these heeler suhreribed tee arils the e•t•blishinent tit the INSTITUTE," lite in- formed that the Lisle are depesitml web I he Treasmer. Jame*, %Vetoer, E q . and the Reediting Secretary, Ntetiolle, F, -q.. cited of 81,115 0111r1.4.LOtt 10 re - eerie said stibiareeeire. R. B. REYNOLDS, Cor, Sei.relary. elerich, 17t1 Marc!, 1853. 1.7 - • - LAND AND GENERAL Co.M. AllsSION AOENG Y. Ini E Suberriber taker, the liberty of in' forming the public that he opened an 011ie. G. deer!' for ihe vale of Lands. Cleareil Farm., Houde Inc.. k-, ler lt,C norrose gating general enforata- teen to intend er Deed., Power of Ai turney, and ollier tn. etrunients of Ve Win: prepared en moderate lerlini 'erSonharing bueinewa tie:edict ie any r,••• of Came. tee Unime States el Great Pr Ism. mill lave every facility *1. fended them far that pore -nee. Reeks and Accounta adoittal and Debts colLreitteedr; meet be potint lla:TL (1.RCEMAN• P. S. -Particular :Semi .n psol to foie hwyatr tsk;:1,1,N,;ers.rc., iatiire.d:,a.rie:ed gue. eoncerruiplily • t. !twee. awarded ominous). must stop In the Town of Goderich early 9itt Jsy; and •I'm Godrricte March etti, 1365. t6ne-3m at the 81h Concession, Colborne. 9•It day during the semen. Iluur el ed.*, II °.C".1:1L""":1. A0,C511 ee (teen re a premum to s. thorough bred Deaun Bide so serve wake. iebusiitc of,the Hoe,. lyThree p-esitierem 1 II II 1 1.1 lee DISSOLUTION UF PARTNEr.- SHIP. ✓ imiE public are hereby notified teat the = Copaitnerenm hroetofore existing be- tween JOIN k ROBERT DONOGII, an Innkeepers, tis thiti day (Leertived by meted consent. All parties itelebeed to the said firm are requested to settle their respective e ccolicts si II John Donogh, who wail deo pay di 'Welled. JOHN DONOIIII. ROBERT DONOGII. Gederich, MITC11, 911i, 1853. a6u6-6m NEW GROCERY NW 'Mr CD MIL The nimble Sixpence lwfrre the atom. rrilE Stiberrif Serksaillicingirleare to intimate to the inhaLta on of Gederich And pure rounding country that they have cement 0.110 nheve in West Street, 11.8rd dem freen Dr. 80 Deerale• Beck budder,. n here they will Cl n•lahily keep' eri hurl • chnice relection al Trap, Silryit,s, Winea. leijoeni, and Grecerre •f Ferry enacts!)a eton, e bleb they de eeteinesed to fter it the very lowest rcineneretirr mice.; and 1 hey trust by strict esteem in to blueness to mere a share nf (other poi rendre • • N' A N EVERY fe coLtytitonr. Geller:eh, Feb. 25.d. 1,853. • al3iib-lia 0 IV TA 1110 MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE' Ineergeralre flay aer of Prori4:1 rarflowent Cdpital-L100 000. HEAD OFFICE Ai' IIA MILTON. IblEuTtins: Hugh C. Biker. E.q. NI. Merritt, reef? SI. W. Browne, " J. F. Moore, " 'etre Carroll, Jetneb Oettortie, " D. C. Gunn, " Cha. A. Settled, " Janes McIntyre, " E. C. Thomas, " JAME. elatheeeon, " ,Erim Wilson, " THE Subseriber hawing been seiriinted Agent at Goderich. tbe abuse high • ly reepectatile Company, is Prepared to effect Insurance at the mod reasonable rates upon ['mere. Sheerer sed Goode THOMAS NICHOLLS, Aged. . Gadded., tete Sept., 1,51. .5 31 • Ts OTiCE. rimiF. Partnership reedier between the urelcrsigned le this illy dvselved. A . MeN A Pee tor .11)115 HAMILTON. A. MeNA LIB. Southampton. 1.1 Nlarch, 1853. .6 -0-31 1.3IPOIZTANT NOTICE . - .6140 frli E 'eltibeerieer would inti- = mate to Ilse tr habitant. of Gederiele and siermin Ong terenti•, that he has lee:el/eel thw wreck and Trade of Mr. Jethro C.inethell. And is row reparel to fernish ewer, thit mar (dor ten with them w:th kinds ef Dotyrs and SII0E5, on the shotteet notice: meet he III delei mired, by dere atiention ee bueides, del koteime • rood week 51.17. nn hand, to gilf3 the rulete general eateec- One doer Writ of M. B. Seymour k Gee. Store. ROBERT ele.INTYRF.. Guttered', March 1953. tein5 SHOW OF STALLIONS AND BULLS. II Ag;ioult ore Siii toy nf the Coen ty. eit Huron otT.,r $50 in two premiume, tat proolium• £7 10., edond £5, for the bete lcoond bed :Otte Horse., to be Olean en the elarket Sq•la•e, Gederich, on Thursday the 21st of Apr11,1833 The t 41WN l...1.:s, Ds IThrARTMENT, Quaasc, i ',I. Feb., 18.53...7 NOTICE is betray piv. a IL,' a WI ail, A ‘ (r0r60101112 of sheet 16 of land) ei elate tbe Teen Nut of Nuoibenno". i. the Toonelop of tiseeeen. to th• tems, of Feuer, (1. (., -eel be or •.I for IW% by tee ifil Reddest Agree Aeiet. eN•ss Kellum", et tamitheepten, on tb Web of We month. . Upset price LI:#0: Orr! 1.6(11. in be paid at 'he time of Sale, sod Ifni remainder te feta eel 'el 1 taist•hisents, w th 'littered .... Tee perched.' io erect a Saer-Mt;! ultimo one year end II Grist Mill Within town year. from she Om of Sale. sod to gem sitIS.:1 est avidity for tem fiefilnient et these cole dittoes Ti. water to impel.. Dm Mill. to be MI mined by li Winne -then se shown by a Pile lo le. eihtlasled en Ike (Mice et the A gentle elkillell I NOTICE. II i ALENANDF.R Ile INTIK', de WWI •••• Itf •:- • Ina LI 5.; 3rd Li; te be th• 21.5. el April. mi the Market equate, at tee beet of le ref -leek. aeon. Th. Sodety's thervengh breJ DURHAM row be e le on the day ot lb* !lore& Show, 6 Nem r mite will be roes epee sued endue:Id cote. • N ($ I C P.. • I TIIE Sudety offer to loan r 12 los. for own !win nits... : tel to any porwii• rood- mwithin e the l noes of the Sevety. see !grime 'mowed s•eurry 10 leaches, • iberiesith bred Venn tetvieen Vol arta vI e end 3 year.. • .10115 ULAKK, Reef,. II. It. A. 16 CoJel 22t! 1163. %lied at. .11161•166.166. ATLACIlf.k WARTED. -r. Core. Nom Wheel, eledien Pln. IL in 13. Teermetie of Teekerrodele *beim s .40.16e•se APIs, '• e. I. V A N WWI D. DaVID !MICAS PETER lltANdAf. tine. 4,a.. tits rw„. tea sisV-11: • ewer ee. le make ewer my right, Irk Ted Chill. lof Wes, moil Ilt,rdi ate...eds. to JAMES !NOW 41.111.SON. helmets'', to bus 6.0) of floaxmikei eleletire sod / tome Nee oases- . i A. ideiN1 IRE • Wiareline-e1NA vs. CASTS Illeill. (1 41e, n: a, Mac. II I, is. sal •