Huron Signal, 1853-04-07, Page 2parliament eec(e)araill"Aleens mrdifreMd rele"irivb.ra• imesledia• grot
Qualms, Maras Mb
0. theirelm elfin atter the report left,
• Ma Asko Melteb asked the Blistery
irreesher ibey, hammiest 1. reseed dente,
meows with the bill to &mead
the ri:Tittimpact te the whisionisatmo
of meirmeay.
Mr. Re'ph said it was not imusl to ask
masa immeseme ekes a bill i. before tbe
Wine, loot ha eissi14 miser 0114eay ft
wee the isteettos i• proceed with it sad
mete se suttees to the meaty), OO
On moraine et Mr. BaJgley, as address
sem voted for ail 4icumeat• to relistioa t•
the .:,,Cl*.. of la• Conti Haase at 114.*
A message ermine -eyed from the Leg -
festive Commit agreeing 10 11.• bill ea t-
iled A. set to 'mead the Charts, of the
City of Toroeto grater Works aaJ Water
Co. wile asmadaneets•
Hoe. Mr. MeeDosahl introduced a tell
to Meplify the proceoinsge is 'be Court.
of Q.iee 'a Benet' mid Courts of Couno•
Pleas is Upper Cased'.
A WI to explain "A• Act to provide
• remedy againet alsseat defaaditets;" and
also • bill to incorporate the Catarequi
as/ Peterborough Railroad Co.
Him Mr. hicflossid was .Jim, to the
select committee oa the petition of ide-sra •
Bryce, McMurrich It Co. sod other. of
Mr. Miami reeved ao address. agouties
Het Muyesty that ineoavemenc•. tiro • was
oceasioped to the trade of 111.• proeisoo
asell to this eloping 'outset is general, from
the exesums ai tending the proceedings to
11.1 Court of Vies Admirelity at Quebse.
tad ham the fact that there is so authority
is the Province,cppowered to modify the
came, cad preying ghat Her Majesty will be
pleated to adopt such measures as may be
siereasary for empowering the Government
or ouch other authority as Ile, Majesty
may tbaik proper, to reg.' late fees to be
takes is said Court of Yu" Admirably,
mad to make tar ffof ouch reduced feee•
Mr. Chrisoe of Limp* moved in amend
meet diet a Cornelius* of raven members
app mud to empire ',both epi mot and
what fees •re pad to the Proctors err Bar-
risters praetor°, 10 the Court of Vies Ad -
roue .ty in the Province, oa cams inetitu-
•11 in and disposed of by the sal') Couri;
the tarn' or table of inch Imo, and the au-
thority in virtue of which they are estab-
lished mole:acted Item *niters in said
C not, wtieb was agreed to unanimous-
The order of the day being rot I for re --
awning th• a4jiursed debate on th• goes -
*me which *31 00 31.0day It pr*p.nee
thst the bill to re trate the sale, St7., ot
ihtoticating livors to certain be
now reed a second time, and the collimation
beteg ages propoaml, the (louse sambaed
the said adjourned debate.
On asotna o Ilon. Mr. Cameron, the
debate was further adjuireed till this day
The Lill le iecorporste the Bytown, and
Petobruke Railway Company was read a
second tone and referred to the siandie g
committee on Railways.
Toe (louse then aViurned till Taesday.
Genteel, to the Easters Toeraships, and
for compessetioe of injuries received frees
Ginner' .1 the Shale of New Illempohire.
Mr. Merritt moved lee • select commit-
tee to coasider as address to Ike Mites -
t7, se &Tel of parininieg wises articles of
Cassie praise* is the markets el t;reat
Britian free of didy. After a daincsice
the settee was lest. Yeas 15; Nays 19.
Mr. Merritt emoted that part of the mes-
sage the Governor General eommesies-
hog the reply of the Imperial Goverment
to the address of the Provincial Govern -
meet, praying that medals, may be ecifer-
red *poi. the earvirors of the
hue who were present at the various ea-
gageniesti duriag the We war with l'aiteti
States, which are oot enumerated in the
general order of let Jose, 1847, be reed
with a view to refer the same to the select
committee. Motion withdraws for a week
at reqoest of Gcverosseut, auJ upon wider -
standing that Government wuuld take the
matter into coosideration.
A call of the Legislative Council for con-
sideration of the Representation Bill ts or-
dered for 4th May, and it it said the pre
rogation of the Rouse will take place about
the 15th May.
NOTC.-Certain complaints having been
made Kohut the Parliamentary reporters
of the Telegraph ter transinittiug over the
wires a juke of the Quebec Clounide re-
lative to the Ministry, they deem it pro-
per to state that they did not send the joke.
Quenec, March 31.
Last night, after the report left, Mr.
Morin presented return to an address for
iuformation relative to the Trois Pistoles
and Nliramich ltailroad. Also, return to
an address for the copy of the third annual
Report of the Directors of the Lunatic
Asylum, Toronto.
On motion of Mr. Merritt, an address
was voted for a copy of Contract entered
into for furnishing Tug Boats between
Prescott and Montreal. Also, for the sur-
veys when obtained, of the channel be-
tween Prescott and Montreal. Also, an-
other for a stateinent of MODICS received
float the -sales of all Public lauds since the
20th May, 1849. under the provisions of
the Act to raise an income of X100,000
out of the public lands of Canada for Com-
mon Scbool education. Also, a return of
one minket of acres of land set apart for
the purpose of creating a fund for tbe esta-
blishment and support of Common Schools
and District Libraries.
Sir Allan MacNab introduced a bill to
remove doubts touching the Act incorpor-
ating the Burlington Bay Dock and Ship
Building Company.
On motion of Mr. Turcotte, an address
was voted for copies of communications be-
tween the acreromeat and tbe propriairs
of St. Maurice forges, with reference to
the forges and lands of the Fiel of St.
thee weatil here hese the saoo. hot fer
remesiticia of the lea. member foe
fleet test. As the time .hes It was de
torsoteed le (image the pe114e.01tbe Gee-
eesamet, it bed beim detionested to Wove
• retslisiars piney towards eke Gelled
&atm, mid abut the game time, eartesse
measurers wer• adopted by rho &nob
Gevereemet wib empessa to Fisheries -
He rook .01 .0, whim inettee *amuse the
A oierrnaa Goveresseet, bet se • few emelt*
slier the Daley el the Preortemal Goyim*
rat was assooseed, as 111 Wall was lead*
be the Amerman Ueversatest 1. negenate
.0 • spirit differeet to that white\ it bail
before memfeeltied. Afire the Preesdestial
'levies. this deers to mottle she comment
«sewed to &elem, mad emellestly as •t -
tempt wee made le bef/0411Gle a eel I lames
of the 6.1.r, qacteiree iademovilleet of that
of reeiprocits. This was repremoted by
h. Beulah Goveramest, bet Mr. Cramp
iOS was still of emanate that • eausfactory
errant/einem t could yet be mode, sad recent
mended that issi step be takes in the cos
teeplated directree• Uoder those changed
..irCmaislascsna, the iflooloosooso 44
poopese to adhere to the policy •••ouoced
to the f.11, but at the same time bad sot
chestiest their mew" as to what would be
nee 00000 y tf. the Amences Government
should Melia* to come to terms. The
resolution' of Mr. Meeks reeks over to
the local MoseICIpalillee is Upper Casad•
iceme duties cm the itelliag lieuors, hawk
log and peddling, billiard table*, auctinii-
sets, and goods sold at auction, asd excite
duties generally, except only thoes imposed
ois distilleries and liquors distilled is them -
The other resolutions declare that it is ex
pedient to reduce the •pecige duties of tits -
0111 ors Ilis following articles :-Os relined
sugar in loaves or cruehed, or candied, I
14 the ewt. to 10.. the ewt. On bar
tied sugar aod sugar of other kinds, from
9s. a cwt. to 6.. • cwt. On mot
from 3.• the cwt. to 9d. the g•Ilon-and
to repeal the specific duty of one penny the
bushel now legated on salt; that it is ex-
pedient to mak• the duty on "nee Uniform
and that such uniform duty he 6.1. the gal -
;nn, and 30 per cent ad irelonisi.-thet it
is expedient that the following articles be
admitted at • duty of at per all kinds, sail -
Cloth, copper to bees or in sheet', cent. ad
oaloevrea-Dye 'tufo Csoutchoue, cordage
of yelluy metal in bare or in sheet*, trout
in *crape, bare, pigs or sheets, b-ight and
black •arnishee,pine *II mariomement.putch,
tar, rosin, chain cables, tree nails, busting,
felt, sheeting and oakum,
That it is expedient that -seeds of all kind
be admitted free of duty in all emote -the
term need. not to toclude barley,buckwheat
oai•, rye, bean. or pose..
That it es expect:rant hi &meal the act 12
Viet. cap. 1, and the °that provtocial aet•
relating to matters •foresaid.eo as to ac-
cord with the foregoing les..lotions.
At tbe tons tbe report leave,,Sfr, Young
is attactiog Mr. Iltecks for inconsitency.
QUEBEC, March 2,3.- On motion of Mr. Langton, a select com-
Tbe Toronto election committee hare onittee was appointed to report oo the oper-
agreed to report against Mr. Boulton,con- ation of Assessment Laws, especially with
'Hering that the property in Moutreal, ou reference to the collection of taxes on lands
which be qualified was not worth.£300 of non-residents, and the equalizattoo of
sterling free from incumberance. County Rates amongst tbe several munici-
Qucsec, March 29. Ou motion of Mr. Badgley, an address
Mr. Brown mored the reception of the was voted for copies of the instructions at
petition of a womaa from the Parish of any lime received, in relation to the coat-
NIalbaie, complaining flat the Cure of tbe mutation of Tenure.
lowish had refused to Miry her husband, and Mr Brown introdnsed a Bill to authorise
praying for an inquiry. Clergymen of the Presbyterian Gburch in
Mr. lotTerriere denied the allegation ia Lower Cana& to keep registers of Mani -
the petitioo, mid moved an ammeadinent a;e, &c.
that it be not read. On motion of Mr. Ridout, it was ordered
Mr. Brown said, he did not pretend to that Mr. Speaker do issue his warrant for
judge atilt correctnesa .of the allegations a new writ for the election of one member
to the petition, but he thought to reject it
was wrong, and involved the qaestion of the fur the city of Tomei), in the room of W.
H.Boultenewhosemlectioe bas been declared
right of petition. He hoped therefore, the Tow.
House would allow the petition to be read. The following Bills were read a third
TIN woman hada right to be heard.
Mr.Caschon said, the ntottou should be
received. The motion for reference would
be the proper time to speat on its merits:
Dr. Fortier said the ;simian was insane, Ottawa Railroad Company.
and allegations false. He censured' Mr The discussion on Mr. Drummond's
Browu for resortia2, to such modes of at- Seigniorial Tenure Bill was then taken up,
tack on tbe Roman Catholic Clergy. and Lisle I till the adiournment. The bill
After some conversatioh, Dr. LaTerri- was read tbe second time without division
ere withdrew bis opposition to the recegtios hilt it is understood that several members
0( 1(10 petitieo. would move amendments in Committee.
Mr. Stevenson introdoced a bill to ex- Mr. Bads -ley spoke about two bours•--
He contended that the only way of doing
jestice to bath Seignoits and censitanes
was, the adoption of a scheme of general
commutation; lie stated that this oeed not
be operated itnmediately, but like the plan
adopted in England for the extinction of
copyholds, extend over a number of years.
Several members took this view of the
case, and Mr. Drummond slated it should
have his consideration before the bill went
into Committee.
To -night, the House went tato commit-
tee of the wbote on the Great \Western
Railroad Company's bill for extending tbe
capital of the Compauy.
Mr. Merritt moved an intendment to
a line from Port Dalhousie to C010
to facilitate the redemption thereot. Bill make
niunicatewwith the Great Western Rail -
read a second time. Mr. Sicotte is %peak- road winch was lost after a long discussuon,
mig opera the preteosions of the Seigootrs
as expressed by their counsel at theand tbe bill was passed through commit -
report leaves. bar as tee.
The Itleganlic railroad bill was also pass-
ed through coMontlee.
Mr. Brown moved a series of resolutioas
to fix the time of meeting of Parliament --
A discussion is going on, on those resoiu-
tram, as the report I
time: -
A bill to iocorporate the Montreal and
Bytom' Railroad Company.
A bill to incorporate the Bytwoo and
• teed the art for the formation ofJoint Stock
Companies in Upper Canada, to the con-
grunioe of piers, wharves and harbors.
The !louse concurred io the report of
the Contradict of tbe whole on the Ottawa
sad Grand Trunk Railroad Bill.
The St. Lawrence and Lake Huron
Railroad bull was read a third hone and
The Report of the Committee on the
Toronto elettele petition was read in the
Boise to the same effect as telegraphed
The order of the thy was read for fur-
ther cousideratiin of Mr. Drumnsonds mo -
tine, that the hill to defies the rights of the
Seigainrs and Cemitaries in Canada and
texitec, \larch 31.
Last sight, the ammendments made by
the Legislative Calera to the Bill lo amend
the Charter of Toronto Gass and Water
Weeks Company were agreed to.
The hill te ieeerporate the Bytowa sod
Ottawa Railroad Comm/ was coosidered
a Committee.
The \ To astlorise the City of Hared -
lea to *epeeist' a 1,4211 of „C-31.003 to
ceessfirlate the city debt, and far other pur-
poses, was read the second time.
The debate on tbe Sensorial Tenure
costineed to adjournment. No vote
was taken Mews. Cartier, Sicotte, Lo-
ftiest, Lucietp. and other Fritsch members
lobe against preteimioas of Seignorrs.
Tramight, Me. Rose introduced • bill to
lemeshie rein seder certain circumstances
me 13p,s, Ca da
, red for other porposes
10 etleaselies with sets at law.
Oa motion of Mr. Maeknieie, certais
paper) rektor, to great. on Lilian Lends
at the Gravel River were ordered.
Mt. Madeline meowed for eerier* pa-
* M Rideau Camel. The me-
liee was raieledity Goetrameet sad wi tie
• Oa marks at Mr. Cambers. thr report
01 1».. Nelsen nail Maelkoald. -
Permit, Rorie. Aikoeste, am the Qua
bee Manes Hospital, aml d doememits
having releresee lo calory eamernies the
lamkellea, were ordered.
thejestime of the crates to 1 b. seeeeiled
es ogee to the ietereet id the Church. --
Party hapset* sod iseppeeed pr feeenmell
Pfseereatte wtli Wee the moos of Lord Der-
by and Ine immediate followers •• Ib. •eir
bead, sod of • eiessiderable omit is of the
episcopal beech •• the •ther. Yet the
Boshop of Kamer might w.II poem ohm
be lode that Ms pretest agues' ot. !Cs- Dal or echoed by the Narieual
Club, which tom is( of Course Cow* forward
oe this occasios to costribute to the ar,
tattoo its little questa of 1110Whievous
.Ini.. The costume of leotard prelate'
with the sect...rue brawlers of Exeter hal:
to 10 item( almost a sufficient proof that
their common rill.. is tiol•Dable.
if the deposal of lands in every di.trirt
or albs proceeds of their sale, is not a
local question 11 1. d tfi 11 to unferstaed
what taws properly belong to the con -
t1.4 °flea provincial Legislators. Et, en
those opponents of the Bill who has Wooer..
tamed, on Lb. •uthority of caso.1 go. iv.
that public opinion in the Promote i• lio..
tiie to the p•eseet measure, vrt ially ad
mit the right of the Canadian people to
deal ertth matters which cuneorn them
selves •Ione. at th• same titar, Mr. G;m1
atom's costume is well deserved by those
tyro* 15 colonial masters who vvoold groat
constitutions to dependencies, and who yet
refuse to rireognize the resolutions of their
represebtative bodies as the autheritive
expression of this popular o If the
statements made 'rub respect to celonial
uptown are true, the wishes which •r• ex-
pressed 10 private .111 hays their prow
weight is the Provincial Logielvire.-L
Statesman who have 0.11 .5-4 tl.e:nvelve•
that Canada has a right to adminiet •r its
owe 'eternal affairs, will not lee themeel-
yes bound to give affect to the a ledged or
supposed wishes of • commornte who have
the right and the p 'war, not moraly of de •
elating them, bit of carrying ii -m out
practice. -London Morning Claranicie•
Quisic, April 1.
Last might, after Report left, Mr.
Brown's Resolutions expressing opinion
that the beginning of February would be the
most convenient time for the assembling of
ia.-rioesent were carried.
Mr. Bieck.. daring the debate stated, be
lied no doubt that the bead of the Govern -
meat would give the expresso:re of opieine
Mr. Draw stated, ie answer to Mr.
Tyrell, that s iv the intestine of tiovere-
meet to serreader to the loco' Muskiest
authorities the control of the highway in the
Esotere Towisiships sailed the lama leashes
Mr. Ntoart istredetteJ o hill to ismer-
perste set Canada Millie, A•ylem.
M Street t000doiod a bill to teem's".
the Mori' of Iii•gina Tens licepeeeiree
& meet t..,wiesay.
Oe mot toe of Mr. Vieth Proateme). the
1.11 le sewed 111. set Int bet we seeemeg
she referee/4mm. of the logsel•tree Amen.
• of tee Preview*, wee read a wood
tome atter 0 debate.
T. sight es intettee of Mr. litsielth sbe
Home west tate esiounittee Ghee whole
11115 lirrievii osielholi1ftslil reseirlisodir
Weeks mated test the eoareeretel
Paltry of the Clibl•Ol was ',Malted earlier
of the death .1 Mrs. Fillmore.
mirreells.mlble Mee/shoat disaster eiterred
el Goleesteme Rey os the 13ed. The
Steamers !fro ewe and Ferrara were roe
ebg (ram Homtue t. Galeeetee, *bee the
latter imploded, kitbag tics Comma, Clerk
s04 Second Leatorer I.1 of the envie,
sad about 20 polessaigere wen either Wed
ec rinasteg ; 20 paoseugers, mostly
were saved.
The Overload laths mad Chloe Empress
reached Lemke the 15th test., with Jates
from Bombay to February 5; hied Hoeg
Emig January 28.
The reyolutioa of A va had terminated in
the deposalol of the King of Burmah by
gratelatiee the coottael had bike
1111 elle 01111.111hebitight of this tows
eel be MAW totwooll to Ito early comple-
lime from • bossy's* et& moray date
rmatressor 18 twelve
owe" lies he So me locomotives
by IMP gromml gm were sow
ktfillaldlemmemereit and pro, -
pent, ia their oral.. As the work was
so important, Mt week, sot further delay
it, by a long speech, and would therefore
proceed to work at mice.
Mr. Camas thee turned the First Sod,
amid cheers sad plastid* of the crowd,
wheeled it el tea WNW inmate, sad de-
' livered uplift harrow amd spade to Mr.
Morrell, whorls behalf of Itionsetf mid part -
his brother. The stockade at Aeog Pass urn, retorted thanks for the favorable re-
lied been surprised and captured without marks of Mr. Calicos ie reference to them
loss, by Ilse British, on the 50. of January; and trusted that the work would proceed
but Gruen! Steels bad beeu repulsed be- satisfactorily and without aecideist to the
fore the Sitaag Stockade. A Boat ezpe-
ditiou against a robber chief near Dona-
bew, was aloo driven back and a second
end. After a few more able remarks, be
west to work and filled the aecosd wheel-
barrow. This terminated tbe ceremony,
was under order,. The new King had, ttiaad the proceedings broke up.
is said, opened negotiations with Gen. God- I This time last year there did not ..em
win, the British Consmander-iu-Chief, andithe most distant prospect of a railway being
an atubapoey had for Aso.
built from Paris to Goderich-tbe idea was
'Am ter!
At Bumlny trade was brisk and wary started about June, and the line yed
abundant. Calcutta market depressed. Ito run by Princeton. But the people of
la China trade was inactive, (ming to I Paris, by their depotation, strongly urged
continued unfavorable intelligence from the 1 oe the directors of the company the adroit -
interior. The Lotted States Allister bad I taxes of a junction with the t :real Wes -
arrived at Caoton. All accounts,agreed as
to the rapid and successful progress of the
rebels, who were close to Ilan-Kow-Chin,
one of the largest marts for trade in the
empire. 'their object was to advance and
capture Naaking. Other towns bad fallen
into the hands of the rebels. Large oper-
ations had taken place in tea, owing to tht
accounts ol 8th November, received from
London, and prices of Congous and greens
bid advanced.
Accounts bad been received from the
Cassini steam frigate, dated Whimpoa in
the- of Pekiang. It is stated by
them that the French Charge .al'affairs aa
China has had a lung conference with the
Mandaria of the province relatise to the
treaties vOiieli at di -trier. the exercise of the
the Celestial Empire.
The majority 01 83 fortunately disposes
of the controversy on the Clergy Reserves
Bill, so far as the Mose of Commons is
concerned. There is no reason why tb •
Committee on the measure should not bring
op the Lavin within five minutes after t be
speaker has eft the Chin; for the prom.
pie once adopted there are DO details to
(welsh mater for to. • •
The decision ef the qesetions now rests
with the House of Lords; and there i. gond
ground for confatence in the determination
of that Assembly todioregird the •ppeals
whieh have bass so loudly made to the
prejudices of its members, and to look ex
11,10iTily to the distant' of justice and to
the publ.e good. Whatever, doeht could
have existed as to the filial settlemeut of
the controversy has been disposed of by
the divisiao of Friday night.-NItaber
Lord Darby nor the B;shop of Exeter can
seriously believe that it is possible for the
impanel Pa:lamest to relate am famdous
power,- wbreti the Colony considers alt in
tolerahle grievance, while it is deliberately
reeoeneed by the !louse of Commons. S.r
John Pat kington and an •onornous Ro-
man Catholic wore shocked by the deolar•
oboe of a Bishop that he woult do j
conietooncee might sosue.-
To mantle oiled% however, it w:II appear
• still more startling roposttion that in-
justice must be perpetrated althosgh the
nue ot the Church shoold be the 5!.1 and
n ecessary T le opponents ci! the
Bill in the !louse of Lord. moat be p7epar-
ed to ',entrees in mainline ng their owe
oatmeal consistency with fell kooe ledge
of the 'nevi:tibia consequences to the e•-
dowmente which they professed.), wipb to
uphold. Toe C.ergy Illocrr• will be con..
fi.iestid if th• Gontrameut measure is &-
hued beyond th• pre•eat semiese; tied the
House of Commons will not assist is coer-
cing the Cesad,•es to obey • law whtab
It has alarmed to be inexpedient aod on.
Nor 101111t any peer whose Tot • is deter•
w ooed by religious prefereoea•, rather thee
by • due regard to poll ties, justice. I1U ppooe
that the eclat inteted oo the cause which
he prim!, will mid with the deetructiam of
metier spedowneaste. "Tim rem mot of
property," mid the Chmactlior of the Ex
chequer, .'which you ask to preserve would
be tee doerly-tes theme to dearly -putt
chaired by "the oil ern tad hatred which you
bring ere the religtou• hely whom ch•m•
mom yes prolate, and 1 doibt •ot, doet re,
to be." It se tree that the dectieo• of •
political question, 11 wha 00000 way l may
her determined, eve le en degree t the
red claims of the .glien Chuireis 14 the
• tteelawwiete of them whom it may desire
to bring or t• 1,1115 erotism tte pale. Bet
the Cneeiheee are Inns. not "Imam heftily
adwicated, eor, It may be sepeowed, wholly
diemeresate, and ghee it to ogee that, for
the sake of . paltry third Part of the
Clergy Rseeve,Th• atemilare 01 11.1 Chorea
are willing to .It their estimitryost • at
Isaac. sod to rely ea the implies" sister -
foresee 0111.. linporkit parliament*, ser deep
"lady of history or of beams batiste le re-
quired to @bow Ike lame able perottedice
'tech sill be reit by t1.. both .1 14. me-
asoetty maim' • smeminte who have 'doe.
titled Omer prbietietue witb eft thee re .5
pi" mil Timm *eves was a
este te which expedieerry and *slim mete
iteurelyitelaissibe: sod se **beet ef seems -
try bee yet retteetebesiled the see of wrong
memo to wee se sedeareble tied. fie
fierieeseely. treferroc.wle ramose Melo Hist
the ileserseetee in the Hew* of Leeds will
be emelleeted WI es oeslesioe need se
There has been a hornble railroad acci-
New YORK, March 31. dent ia Hanover. which concerns you in
The Steamship Ni -tarts artived it America. A collision took place between
a passenger train and an emigrant tram.-
Halifax. last evening. Slue left Liverpool
on the 19th -int. Seven persons -were idled -one ot them a
young clergyman from the United States.
Cottou advanced one-sixth to one -eight,
who was completely impaled be a Large
since the departure of tSe Arctic. Bread -
stuffs were hrm. Wheat haul advanced ld,
and flour 3J a 6d. Quotations, Western
Canal, 24 ; 01.i, 24 a 23'. tid; White
Wheat 7s 3d. Cora 30s a 31s for ..white.
Provisions. -Small bieoness hall been
dooe in Pork and Beef, and demand limited;
Consols closed 99,1.
Consuls have fluctuated 1001 to "1, clo-
sing 961 for money. The bullion in the
Bank ot England has increased .C700,000.
tern at this rising town. Great were the
obstacles throw) in the way by a Vigilance
Committee at • meighboring town. who did
all that was posaittle to divert tbe road from
us, but the directors were too wise to give
upthe interests of the road to • clique, and
thig' consequence is the commencement of
Ilse work.
Laborers are flocking in from all quer
ters, but more are seeded ; 200 laborers
would find a year's wink on the railway.
works sow goiag on at this place. -Paris
piece of wood. /In young wife -they
came on their wedding t^ur- -bad both bar
ler broken, and on wring her husband die,
lost ber reason. She expired a few hours
alter. • • •
'rue twenty-eight marriages, in honor of
the Emperor's marriage, and in which the
city of Paris gave each couple a dowry of
3,000 francs, -took' place at Notre Dame,
on Thursday. Tbe ladies were generally
sewing girls under 22, while three quarters
Transactions in the Unwed States have of the bride grooms were invalid soldiers
l WO old tti fight. 'Why could not the city
been very %mall: holders demanding an ad-
vance. Bacon firm and going .tales 44s et the example of encouraging marriages
it inclination initead of using Its influence
a 56s. Lard -Small bUsinese doing at
53s a 55s.
10 favour ot this wretched system of facili-
LIVERPOOL CORN MARKFT. toting none but marriages de convenience?
't he Government has got into a distur-
A better tooe prevailed during
the week
bance woo twelve hundred women at Mar -
arid Market closed eteacIr. Corn advanced
61E Dennison Si. Co., quote Western
Canal Flour 23s a 24s 34; Baltimore and
Philadelpnia 24s 6.
Parliamentary 'ousitiess very important.
willes. 'Ibe cigar factory there was the
scene of the riot. An innovation had been
made in the mode of cutting off the jag-
ged ende of cigars, after they had been
rolled into shape. Knives Were ordered
Partmelphip heretofore ellistinf be
a tweell GEORGE k .JOHN COX, as
orinters earl 'publiebere and in the Huron
Sweat, 1•• tlos cite tome dtssolved by
tuotoal cone.nt. All prawns indelred
vo the mid Ares are requested to .dil.
the same wish George Cez, who wi:t
Ino pay all lishihties.
Goderich, March 9tli, IRAS.
Lord John Russell stated in no House that to be substituted for SCIMOre to perform the
operatiou. The row that succeeded pie -
the Mexican Government bad reduced the
scs belief. Twelve hundred ladies rose in
duty on printed Callicues and papers, an•t
' . that the military had to in; called out. It.
seems that the fair e reatKes swore
revolt, ant; !...e came so utterly unmanageable
measures thereunto would soon be intro -
du jec.dvt. mas callta J. W. to the
fmigiv,and cursed and scratched, and wauld
fact that the only winter route Of,the
British to Canada is through the Territory Itste6413 hottie4;•• They demanded tbe un
of the United States. and asked if th-
conditional withdrawal of the offensive ia-
government intended to facilitate by guar- "ration. The subject was a very vital
one to them. To cut off the end of a ci-
ontee or otherwise the completion of the
gar with a knife requires the exercise of
Que'aec and Halifax Road.
Mr. Peel, tor the Governmeat, was •un-
simder etostrelitapplypisrenssg urein ler't:peserla;, ialledara-
alit, to 'state.
1 JohnRussell stake of Austrian very sharp instrument. All this takes time,
pr oceedings towards Sardinian subject in and consequently diminishes the number -of
ace of the Milan insurrection,- e
conseque .
igaremade in a day,anil the wages earaed.
'f he Sardinian. Governusent Lail requested
lie directors ioteud to be just, but mutiny
the Briti.,h coeenament 10 interfere opiro„t must be punished first; so the work -room
seqoestration, and.Great Britain had mit- that pre she signal of insubordination is to
ten a strong letter to Vienna. but in the be shut for a mouth, and twelve ringleaders
meantime the Austrian authorities had ote- ire to be diomiered. A third of the lb -
ted that it was their intention 10 rem„, males employed are girls under twenty
seqiiestration from partici proving them- 1°9.1.'4 9ge•
selves innocent. Lord John Russell also
stated that gorernment bad not reeeieed
notice that the Grand Duke of Tuscany COMMEN'TMENT Or TIM PARIS
hod liberated the Madam family, and allow-
ed them to leave Tuecany.
The Cabada Clergy Reserves Bill pro-
ceeds slowly through Committee.
The estimatee imports of Gold for the
n ext two weeks is .C3,000,000.
The Emperor's policy at present is
present a qiiiet aspect toward% all govern-
ments until after the coronation.
The political news is scarce.
Great anxiety is manifested for the
Pope's visit to Paris. It is not certain
that he will tome.
On da, that the Emperor of Austria in -
• on the I'ope coming to Vienna to
crown biro, but to this Napoleon will not
'Ile Niagara brings 96 passengers and
a full freight. Oa aclzunt of the Tog pre-
vailing 'be struck at e entrance of the
harboar, hit received o damage.
The Collies steamer Arctic arrived out
oe the 1541.
The Strew steamer Alps arrived mit oil
the Nth, in 12 days and 12 boors, Imre
New York.
The Screw Steamer City ol Manches-
ter, from Philadelphia, arrived out in 14
days sad 8 hairs.
The Royal Mail steamship Cambria.
sailed from Bootee es the 30th March, at
200111, grill' 38 peeseagers, sod 15 for Hali-
te'. Amon the former Is Mrs. Illarrmtt
Mn. Fillmore died at Wfflard's lintel.
e t Washington, at 9 o'clock, A. M., *a
the 90t1 March. She had bees uiderieg
free P1111111.0.1111, for mese time past, but
▪ senows result wee aetsegated moll willi-
es m few dap. Mr. Fillmore with his
family aid 'needs vriN leer* with her re-
stores early to -morrow for 1166k. The penty. Pans would, no doubt wsmi
Only a fortnight agn, chronicled the
lettfuar of the contract for the section of
the Buffalo and Goderich Railway, between
Paris and Brantford ; and to -day it is our
agreeable UAL to announce that the works
are already progress. The line having
been definitely located, the Contractors re-
ceived authority from the Engineers to
proceed with the work. On Monday mor-
ning last, tt was decided that.the ceremony
of turning, tbe First Sod should take place
at one o'clock. and Hiram Caproa, Esqo
consented to officiate on (be occasion.-
Publie notice having been given, a large
assemblage took plate in the Square oppo-
site the Post °trace, and the procession
haring been marshelled proceeded to the
ground in the following order.
'nue Wheelbarrow.
The Corttractoes.
The Sons of Tereperamee.
Tbe Odd Fellows.
The Paris Fire Brigade.
The Pans Band.
Carriages anti lionesses.
The flay -been fine, the tura out was
very large, lied to use a remark of • spec-
tator, we did set throb there were be immy
people m Pane.
Having marched through the prierapal
streets of the tows, the pmeeseioa arrived
.1 11. ground Omura for test COallaireCC-
Wit or the work. Hiram Capron, Esq.,
thee proceeded to address the assemblage.
..d remarked that the prevent was a great
and important dray for the imerests of oar
rain tows. We were met to commeace
a pew hoe of Railway, the mettles of
which web the Great Western at this tows
be doubted Got wool(' greatly teed to oer
sirestesedpsereed nemmliately on heariag of
the death of Mn. Fillmore.
The Premise Marian lied Wowed
eerie for . State Dieser at Wieie
ire the 90(1 .4*., bid it was prielmt la
owe time costes of Raitway ereasesiies-
Ile for this eureka of the Provieee, se we
shell have lines of Railways fermi North,
Smith, East sad Were, sad all ermeeeMe-
tieg at Park. It was alse • nem of cow
• .
ward to this Parliamentary Oarleiry witch
most take place.
We are seagyiee that the pebtiee vill
have • good eller tosaay hundreds of the beet
sad moat ialleitatial tomes in the COUO
ties are attached to it Gad it will so doubt
be regarded in the House as an empreamon
01 11. ()peptise 01 11. whok people.
Oe Thereilay last, a meet inz of the is-
liabitaate ol the Town ot imleticts, was
held in the foreamia, at the British Es -
elms,* Hotel, le take tato cousitierati on tti,
leleCli011 01 a ate for the Twenties ot
Relate, Brantford mot Gredertch Railway
Bet as it trasepired Mit the Towoope pIc
were net telly n titfied, the emptier was
adjourned mad 7 o'clock, P. M. of the
same day.
At the hour appointed a very large con-
course of people were brought together
and if we could judge from the Dumber of
persons present,we certainly thimk that eery
few of the Townspeople were absent, and
nwiog to the miserable state of our mud
roads there were but few or any country
people present. We nerer witnessed a
a meeting in Goderick at which the Towns-
people evinced by their general attendance
aod warmth of feeling so muck interest.
Robert Gibbons, Esq., Mayor of the
tow°, Pre,ided and Mr. Thos. Nicholls,
officiated as Secretary.
Mr. John Strachan wished to know by
whose authority Use Meeting was called.
This was explained by Mr. Kydd, who,
we presume as president of the ltailroad
Committee, bad called the meeting. Ile
said the Directors of the 'Railway knew
nothing about it. But as we understood
him to say Mr. NiVallace the Engineer 01
the road, had it ft the selection of the at
for a passenger Depot, to the inhabitants of
the 'I own, but it would he necessary for
the freight station to be at the Lake.
. Thomas Mercer Jone%, Esq., 'lade a
few remarks.
It was then moved bpi Mr. Kyild, oecon-
ded by Mr. Frederik Claik, "That the •
present intere,ta and future prosperity of
the Town will be best secured by tbe erec-
tion of the Pass. nger Depot of the-' Bur -
tato and tioderich Itailroad, at or near 'the
point where the line between Lots No.
6 and '7, South of Bnutnnia Road inter-
sects the said Road." Mr. Strachan said
it 10,001 with us to decide this questioa, sod
that the meeting was not called in suffiet-
ent time.
The petition of the Inhabitants of these ; Mr. Crabb approved of the proposed
Countiea to, the Government urging au en- site. and said that common sense ought to
quiry into the manner in which tbe Caaada dictate where the Depot should be. The
Company have fulfilled the obligatioo of spot selected was one near the centre of
their -charter was forwarded last week to the Town. from which the baseness would
Quebec. It was very numerously signed, diverge and radiate in every direction.
but we have not loused the exact numbe. Mr. Strachan said that Mr. Kydd bad
of nantesattached. Wfien the petition was not produced tbe report of the Sto•eyor.
presented to cm for signature we observed Heithought that tbe Depot ought to be
a note at the bottom of one of the sheets near the Wharf to benefit tbe Stockholders
signed by a Justice of tbe Peace who sta- 'and tbe community. 'Fite Directors were
ted therein that he had found many of the
settlers who were afraid to sign the peti-
tion through fear of being bunted nut by the
igeuts of cite Company. and not being 'Me
topay up might suffer in ennsequena'. aud
he also added that neatly all those who had
signed in his township were Freelgddere.
Now. we will not say whether the set- E!
tiers were altogether right in their appre-
benkioo of the Company and their agents, I
but one thing we firmly believe that these
feelings operated very extensively through-
out the Counties and restrained many from
attaching their nanoes,who otherwise would
have acted only in accordance with the dic-
tates of theirgovvo convictious in signing the
TCanada Company are certainly
tightening the reins, but the galling of the -
curb only makes Huron more vicious. -"Pim
settlers of Huron are .not to be tamely '
brow-beateraied their prospects injured by
may setsof men, gee' although they be a.
'timber Of non-resideit speculators yelped
the Canada Company. We understand
the agent' here bas orders to receive no
more rents from parties who hare not ful-
filled their settlement duties according to
the terms of their lessees.
These terms are bard enough for the
poor MID who we suppose for • slight ne-
glect probably ignorantly or unthinkingly
incurred, will have to suffer considerably.
But with regard to the operation of this
determination upon speculators who have
taken up several lots upon which they never
attended to perform the requited duties;
it would be right enough although we con -
sedge the tones rather hard. The lots still
ie the posseesioe of alae Company do not ap-
pear to he open for sale, and a perehaser
who has the money in his pocket c anent ob-
teat the kg of his choice, became it is sot
to be *old. By Orem arbitrary proceedings
the prosperity of the town mid Counties is
mateeially a6eted. We do sot Mak the
Calm& Compeay have any right to throw
olastisellos ft the way of tettlement. They
are certainly difereatly situated from pri-
vate speculators who with • few tboesand
aeres might dispose of them as they thought
fit provided the 4*05 were paid. Bet a
public body tillo the Cassia Company to or
neght to he reepeasible for the proper set•
densest mid improvement 01 11,. imitatw
tract el' public leads remained to them. -
The had effect of the learieg *yetis bee
already been mmitestml ie the melee all. -
• it gives the Compeay over • large
ponies 01 (1. settlers. • heedeet evideeee
n ight be Wised of thas feet, bet el this
Ikon is se eeemeity Frew, as we look for-
tbe only persons who Lad any authority to
fix tlye site of the terminus. Ile adduced
the Toronto and Lake Huron Railroad,
where thelerminus had been left to the
choice of the Engineers sad Directors. --
The meejn...3. he said, had no right to de-
termine where the Depot should be. He
expressed his sorrow that this Railroad
meeting was got up without cnosulting the
opinions of those parties more immediately
interested. Every man who was on the as-
tnent rolls, had -a vote. lie came there as
an old inhabitant of the town, to seek the
interests of the town and not his own. --
Mr. Strachan alluded to many other points,
and argued that the people throughout the
Counties bad so interest io the choice of
the site of the terminus. Ile then put in
-tbe following protest : •'As a Stockholder
of the Buffalo, Brantford and Goderich
Railroad, I protest against the legality of
this meeting as having been called without
due notice, aod also because it is not in the
power of the Inhabitante of the Town of
Godericb, to decide tbe point for a termi-
nue, the same being entirely in the hands of
the Directors of the I:tympany, to be de-
cided upon by them from the repo( of
their Engineer,and the personal inspection
of a certain number of the Directors, it
they think it necessary to make such in-
"(Signed.) J. STRACHAN.
"Godericb, 31st March, 1833."
Mr. Drift Watson agreed with Mr.
Strachan, tbere was no printed sotice.
The tee -payers were all interested. The
Railroad would not bare been underlain&
if the County Council had not yomd the
L125,000. He thought the Surveyors re-
port ought to have been laid before the
County Council which would represent the
(az-payers and could slmeide the matter for
Dr. Hamilton stated that Mr. James
the Assistant Engineer had received in-
etruttion trent Mr. Wallace to proceed
as far u he had arrived with the surrey,
and sow waited for instreetioe from tlo
Towaspeople of Crodenchoinoni to miter
the Toermarbsch olatomeets Mr. James.who
was preeestAneroborsted. He eoneidered
Mr. James had sated right mad that Mr -
Kidd hed acted right. lie the.g-. dr -
./Imes should survey 11. 110 proprotee wwl
rt iiithettspoeseposipts t‘rstirosepoii,;:etw
ywet other
reregthe pleteeepeeie
Mr. Daeiel Liman stated (bit the le-
gality of the meetly/ coati met he mos-
tioned-eortal ashes .est be give% bet
fhie did *et provost ley amber jerseat
1 I
• .
1 j
• I