Huron Signal, 1853-03-31, Page 3/lam r
JU10SI,Lcun3.-The Commission of
n griry attar sitting at Stratford, atomised
a Monday to opo at St. Mary's es
Tustlioy morning last.
Madeleine,' Is.•t 1 rya. -M,. Clark's
Lorton to cosoeetios with this l..rrtslio•
a Social Progress, oa Thursday a•eatag
last, wits well received by a vary large
audience, lbs peculiar facettouanem of the
lecturer sheiks{ costioled mirth and ap-
plause. Mr. Clark is a gontleasu of coo -
o rderable ability, bat we must my that we
coss►dered bas remarks oa the Sons of
Temperance, &c., at the close of the Lec-
ture altogether inappropriate ted waealkd
the latter to be din tats ; paitio tears• al
the present Kate. stere day's experience
ally pies to prime that the .eine of MO
Prov Mem is • Imp shorties, and sooner or
Inter it must be dtssslr.d. 11 was as 's-
hay marring., as insgoal yoke from the
Ent, sad the effects .f it arm beteg seen
aid felt every day. Mr. Hoicks t• aqo-
dimg to the noblest of a repeal of the
union, mated "that it was aeesmardy is of-
fect, a mossy particmian • feders1 winos,
seetog that the nu, language, aid laws of
the two sorrows were so differest, which
retsdered it impossible to make general
i laws to apply to local iaterests." Thu is
the opinion of our present Prime Minister
for. Ion the union of the Provioces,a.d I would
_ ask ark why in the name of common muse
1- No mail had arnved this morsug up ! should Upper Canada geutlemen be Drought
to the Irene of going to press. down here to legislate oar matters, to which
- a difference of race, langmage and laws,
render it impossible that they can have the
most remote interests! If our iulereets
are so diversified,if our social sod religious
institutions are so different, and our princi-
ples so much at variance, then let us by all
means sod as speedily as possible be sepa-
rated. Some little time must as a matter
of course elapse before this can be accom-
plished, some agitatioo will be required, but
i am firmly conveoced that the tittle has
arrived when that agitation should com-
Mr. Dunkin an eminent member of the
Montreal Bar has addressed ibe House in
opposition to Mr. Drummond'. Bill for a
limitation of the Seignorial tenure of Upper
Canada. Ilia address occupied two whole
evenings, sod was certainly a very able and
eloquent production. Ile traced minutely
the bi.tory of Canada from the time of its
earliest settlement under the French crown,
pointed out the character of the society of
New France, and the charactes of the grants
made by the French Government. The
object of his address seemed to be to prove
that the seigniors were not merely trustees
but actual proprietors of the fiefs and seig-
nories. The evidence to prose that posi-
tion is only presumptive and is founded on
the character of society at the tune of the
settlement of Canada by the association of
Lu .Nourr11e France. At that time, that
is • in the 17 tli century, the lower order
were regarded iia France almost in the light
of slates, infinitely beneath the (-Peer or-
der in community. 11r. Dunkin argued
f, tucbcc torresponbcncc
of the fjnron Sinnal.
Qostssc,22nd March, 1853.
I alluded is eny last to the vete oo Mr.
Drummond's Ecclesiastical incorporations
Act, and offered a few reflections o• the
conduct of members who voted against it.
I repose to -day indulging my pen in a kw
further refiscuooa os the positio• of par-
ties, suggested by that vole. (Jur Parlia-
ment b rather peculiarly co•slituted.-
From 1'pperWCasada we have too great
parties, very Nearly equal to port of num-
bers, aid oath bavisg a regular set of prin-
ciples by which it a recognised. In
Lower Canada, on the contrary, there is
hot one general party, to be sure there are
a few delioque•ts, who are occasionally to
be found voting against their countrymen,
but as a whole, the Lower Canadian mem-
ber., and especially the French Canal ons,
are united as one man, -and preserve as it
were a balance of power. Each of the
1'7 per Canada parties are to a certain ex-
tent pandering to this body, each is trying
to secure its services, knowing well that
whichever side it allies itself to, inuat pre-
ponderate. Ever since the untoo, the
French Canadian members, or at least the
majority of them, Losse worked well and
truly with reformers. They are doing so
still, although every -day is evidently, and
there is no use in hiding; the truth --every
day is draw iug off Freocb Canadian 'afTer-
bresght w his prohibitory Littler LW. -
He j.irodased the subject on • vary eau•
Int speech, u which hs portrayed the evils
51 utempsrsaee sad the iaelleincy of tee
Itemise system to 'oppress test. Ile was
answered by Mr. L.T.rriers, alter which
the debits was adjourned. As the marl
as about closing, 1 most stop short here,
but shall glum a few r,Bectios eugioated
by this abort debate is my seat.
The weather is mild. Every thing
looks Tike ea approach of spring, •ad tt is
expected that uripation will be op•u ear-
lier than usual. S.
Eso t a Lsasus, iso ins Asvascs-
■awT ra Aao oto Mamma.- Englued is •
young country. nut a• old cou•try, as
enure mistskingly noir(• The emir gv to
u at abi. momot is eeormousi we are bur
commeoelag to move, esd have a mighty
future In some. Statesmen, as It seems to
us, are begrmeg to have glimpses of (heir
real duty, the welters and advas.eem•.t 0,
the poop's cornu tied to their charge. Tbc
time te coming when leaders will hare to be
leaders and the world will not be governed
or trammeled by shame. The recognition
of the Import.nce of the Ane arts and prac-
tical science in the late speech from the
Throne is a proint.Iog sign of the limes,
and the proposed Industrial and Artistic
University will be looked forward to
hopiogly. The •plication of art to the
.nsoufactures of the country, and the gene,
rat advancement esd elevation of the indus-
trial, is no longer a matter of reference ur
otherwise, but one vital necessity. If we
atnd still, other ceuatnes will not, and we
shall be passed in the race. The mind
inpoi be set to work to aid the Lsed. As
IA Duke of Newcas'le truly said •t the
Iste ruretiug of the Sbeffteid School of De-
sign -"•These are da)■ in which education
is no longer one of the luxuriate of life: it
hes become one of its greatest oecesettiee,
fur all classes i d for all grades of society.
It has become the daily bread of us a11." -
The Builder.
tious from their old allies, and placing thein from this that greats would severally be
upon their former opponents. This is made to the wealthy men compromising the
being brought about by a series of tactics early French Settlers here, the emulations
for abich the actor, certainly deserve the o. which made Them only trustees for a class
credit of beio3 good politicians. During of persons whom they regarded, and were
the forme: part of the session, these tactics authorised by the courentional usuages of
were commenced. Every Ecclesiastical society in regarding as persons infinitely
or a shcolastic incorporation bill that came their inferiors. The argument has the me -
up, pertaining to Lower Canada, was op- tit of ingenuity, but the burden rf written
posed by many of the Reformers of Up-
per Canada, and supported unanimously by
the Cooservatives. The Journal De Que-
bec, the organ of Mr. Caucbon, and one
of the most widely circulated French Jour-
nals in the Province, was always careful to
state these facts. And upon every such
occasion, after abusing the socialism of the
Clear Grits, he would inform his readers
that _"not one of the Conservatives Toted
agaiaat the bill." Since Parliament has
resumed its sittings, the same policy has
been strictly adhered to, and although the
.Conservatives were found voting to a mal
against Mr. Drummoud's general incorpo-
ratios bill) that was only in accordance, as I
explained in my last, with prtconcerted ar-
radgements. Sir Allan Meccab took goad
care to qualify the vote by stating, that.hia
side of the house would always be prepared
to grant Ecclesiastical incorporations
wbereever they were asked for. Such
then is the state of parties in the present
House. Two great parties from Upper
Canada, the one striving to retain Fredcb
influence and French votes, the other stri-
ving to secure them. However, they e is i
probability, if care be not taken, that the
opponents of reform will triumph, and we
can hardly wo.der at it. While from the
tories they are taught to believe that they
may expect every thing or anything they
ask for,tbey are obliged to sit and bear
their institutions, for which they have the
greatest respect, made the subjects of
vituperation and ridicule and their very re-
ligion treated with contempt by Upper
Canadian Reformers. This it is true,
Comes principally from Mr Brown, but
that gentleman is generally belisved, how-
ever erroueoes such a belief may be, to
represent correctly the feelings of L'pper
Canadian soluotaries towards Lower Cana-
dian idstitultioos. Besides there is Mr.
Christie, the recognized leader of the
Clear Grits, Mr. Wright of East York and
• host of others, all opposing strenuously
sooty attempt at each meorporations, and
Iern attempting to reject a bill on its first
rssiig.before they bad even read it, or
toad Imo. mythic* about 0, simply be-
eatmm in the title appeared the words,
•"Catholic'shhdasta," sod "Immaculate
coae.ptioa of the Holy Virgin." Thew
things ars gate( n the sttrem• to Lower
Canadians, mrd who can wonder at it 1
believe See 1110P11 We loot at the latter, the
more we will become eonvioced that web
a state of things eueot last. For my ows
part 1 have team to this rosclnsion :--Up-
pee C•nsimsa atnaat do one of these thugs;
Eithne they meet easiest to become • Wo-
oeiy is Iha H...., or they aunt allow
Lowes C•medions he L s10 epos Es.
ekmsstiaal ms .n la sewordi see with
theist *woolen, or n a third dtertmtive,
they most quit dm tt.e•m.ttew altogether
esd go it a reed of the gaiety. I Wi•te
\\'oa[u .• Ms..r.-The expression work-
ing cl• , working men, must mean
either those men wbo pbysicistly work
*about ihi:king, in which case it will sot
be very acceptable to those who arrogate
it, and a wind or water mill, working day
and night, wonid be the beau ideal of a
working man, nr it must mean men who
work and think. But, ,f this is meant, who
is not a working man, and wbo is 1 Is
the physician who follows his rucatioe at
any hour of the day, the lawyer who sits
up tato at night, the scholar who sacrifices
by health to his science, a conscientious
editor, whose work never mos, are all
these. who rise ouch cantor and go to bed
much later then those who call themselves
working men par excellence, oo working
men 1 1s a Ilcmboldt, who braves, in lbs
pursuit of his noble and chtsalrous carrier
ever, beasts otpray. and insupportable in-
sects, under a thousand privations-ur a•
Champollion, who exposes him -elf to the
burning sun of Egypt, to learn the lemon
of tbo put -tit a Parry, who dues the ices.
of the pole -LO Davy, a Hrrache:, who enjoy'
no real so regular, no health so sound,, as
that of any farmer -are not all these hard-
working uien 1 The divutos is al tarty
artificial and untenable; and, therefore, it
acted upou, highly mscbievinus. It to to
be regretted, thea, that se fictitious a thing
is made, not ueftequeotly, a ground of
polls:sal di►ixino, si though the interest of
thio who apply their minds to the cbang-
A Caserta Oa. -The Beaniford Nssw&
tolls ref • steer to Wel war reread by Yr.
a• holey. e1 Leah., mad weighed beton
being hided 3,778 1M.
The Colons M.p, Crrupee, it m sold.
will molls a few dais hs Amoral..
Limo Karla. -It le stared, no lee Las -
de. Mooing Advertiser. that Lord Elgrs
bee bees requested by 0. Imperial Gower -
Meal le prolesg hie may is Casada.
Disco yea v or the, rs a.. Caaraw
Names.-Luei.srlle, Yarch 1111. 14163.-.
Advice' from Talipes, Cberekee Nation,
to the !lord tilt-, stare that great •sert.-
meal meted i. the Notre*, owater to tee
reported dres:overisg.1 gold is large q'.aeU-
ue• en Horse Shoe Creek, is the earthing
part of tt.. Nauw. The yield wee wit
to be Ste to 14 a day per Mae. Larri
'umbers are !sae's( MaysuUe for the
By as arrival at Bemes, os the 19th la-
stest, from Ilondmru at is elated that the
British Steamer Devastation has eoRipelltd
the Honduras troops to withdraw from Ka-
rs, which the latter took possession of
souse months ago.
The Wallas.] Canal ,a annoe.O.dete 1•
open e• the let April. -fit. Calk/eines
('.ii.I iu (ioaal.
by a return to the House of Commons pub -
!lobed on Saturday, that the expenditure for
the relief of the poor is Ireland for the year
ended the 29th September last, had decreas-
ed':E280,700 compared with the proceed-
ing year, when the total sum disbursed was
Finaeve O'Cosuoa.-Dr. 'I'uks of Ch • -
wick, In wbosecharge Mr O'Connor has
been for some tone, bring Insane, write., to
the "Tunes" that his (O'('onnor's) malady
seems to be a hopeless one.
The Sarnia "Shield" ears that a rail-
road censennoo is to be held in Port Sarnia
neat iiii,etb, to arrange fur the en0arruetloe
of the railway frons that town to Grand
Rapids os Lake Michig.n• The Milwaukle
people erg ,eterestiog ihemselree in ibe
evidence, more of which is very explicit on g'ng and moulding of moenal were separ-
the lint acs. toprove that the were sled from those wbo consume their pro-
p , g y Jucuons, or adut them easeoially io 4 ..
really only trustees. I do not think it is covefering the beat way of mooring the
at all likely that Mr. Duukin will bare
changed a siglc rote en this question so that
so far as any practice) results are concern-
ed the £500 pounds which he is to receive
for pleading the case, will be thrown away.
The bill will probabley come up immediate-
ly after the Easter Holidays when Mr.
Drummond is expected to answer the learn-
ed Council. It was fired for to -night, but and brill -as their grandchikren ! It is de-
ed to see a man who, having passed
I misinformed that it will not be taken the previous stages of life with credit and
Mr. Dummonds speech is looked forward
to with a good deal of interest, as being
a Seignior himself, and having paid a
great deal of attention to the question, it yet; force is bis intellect, freshness in his
A GREEN OLD At:E.-Age, says Osst-
ao,'is dark and unlovely, No; not always.
It might be so among savage dans and
roaming barbarians, before they had receiv-
ed the elements of knowledge and the bles-
sings of religion. But age with us is often
a refreshing and beautiful sight. There
are old men and women Ibat look as bright
honor, approaches the last, and goes through
0 with cooteotmenl and cheerfulness. --
Look at him. There's a great deal of
many of his wonted attributes about him
is believed that he will treat it very ably.
During the whole of last week, or rather
since Tuesday night last, the House has
feelings, light in his eye, and vigor to his
limb ! Ile reviews the past without pain
and without complaiot. He is no queru-
lous, selfish, misanthropic. Ile Jonas not
been in Co
coufoind and frighten the youth by telling
presentation bill. The ammendments bare them of the howling wilderness in which
been so great, rendered necessary to suit
the views of different members, whose con-
stitutions were to require it to
be reprinted. I send you herewith a copy
of the bill as amended in Committee, you
will have some difficulty to recognising it.
they have been born, and of the wretched
thing they will find life torbe. lie has not
found it anything of the sort. The world
bas proved to ban a rery pleasant place,
and life an interesting though eventful jour-
ney. Lite did not turn out, perhaps just.
what he fancied and dreamt about as a boy
' Ditb,
lo the Township of A.hfie:d, on the 300
in.t , the R.,. Robert Murray, Professor
of theToruoto University.
I believe that it is now about as perfect a owr thal evena as aaobkr man;thinit became
Hedaoes rougnohterib, ere -
bill as could possibly be expected, as to its bore attempt to toucg.h too rudely the dreams
final passage there is still some little doubts. of the young enthusiasts about him. He
though for my own part, and I bare can- listens to thrm with interest and pleasure-
vassed the House pretty thoroughly, i ex- sometimes with a significant but loving si-
pect 0 will have about the same vote as
passed its second reading. We shall have
to wart the until the navigation opens to get
down a sufficient number of the " Lords'
to pass the bill through the Upper (louse.
If evidence were wanting of the inutile fulfilled, and that life may benome to h1,
successors what it hat been to him. His
character of the Legislative Council ander hoary bead is a crown of glory; bis name
its present constitution, that evidence is af- fragrant as incense. 'L'he old mar. looks
afforded here. A great many attempts' downward, and in gazing on his grandcbild-
weremade by the opposition to defer the bill , ren seems to become the snbjeeti of •Dew
until a (to their) more convenient tendon. 1j fiction. Iie does so -and 0 0 his last.
The heart bas none other to pour forth--
Every possible excuse that could be raked life nothing further to bestow. 'flee mao't
up, every subterfuge that could be adopted I course is crowiwd and consumated by this.
was raked up in order to show the cause l Whether 0 is that he simply likes the idea
why the House should not go into Com- of geidg down in his prosperity, and re-
rives in the first proofs of the advancing
knee., sometimes answering and enrourag-
tng with genial sympathy. Ile does not
destroy their hopes and anticipa'ions,for
while be (eels that they will probably be
fulfilled io a somewhat different from what
is ppojected,Inc feels also, that they may be
Goderich, 31st March, 1833.
THE subscriber hu received isstruotioes
Irom Mr. M. B' Seymour, to offer for
sale, by Public Auction it hie residenee,
East Street, on %Vednesday the soil] April
at 10 o'clock.
The inure of hi• new and substantial
household furniture mane by order.
Coexisting et Drawing Rootn, Dialog
Room., lied Room and K ich.0 (armoire.
Plated War., Dinner and Desert Services.
Glass -ware toe •, bac., -
7ermes of Sale.
Under all amunnta of ten dollars, cash,
mittee. The real object however arose
from the fact, that 0 became known that
some members of the (louse ware desirous
of leaving at the Easter Holidays, who were
favorable to the Bill, as ole vote is of the
utmost importance, the opposition thought
if they could only succeed io putting off the
measure while these members had left, there
would he no chance of the bill carrying;
hence their ansiety to pat off. All their
maebisations were is vain, ted after ashort
setting the C'os mitten rose, ted repotted
the kill as amewded to the Haase. There
in a eall of the House for to -morrow even -
mg, whets the third nadisg will lake piece,
so that it my nest, I that be able to give
you MMB psrtie.lars • to tee rats a dm
Altar the report of the comsat.. but
ism method • tont high. Me. Cameros
lite; or whether it 0 the revival of his for-
mer feeli6gs-the gushing again towards
' his new representative, belt with additional
element. of the love till welled around the
cradle of his son; whether it may be, certain
it is, that there is this exultant nen int,
described by Solomon. M the breast f the
old man as he books on his children's l•hdd-
ren: There's a Inc fellow 1 --that's my
De's boy 1 and see here, this is my daugh-
ter's girl! Akan the dram I 1 am quite
premed of them. 1 dare ay you are, old
mead- -.ed every one that hat a heart
shares yoor delight. One tooth of nature
makes the whole world kin. 1a palace or
cottage, town or hamlet, a groes esd beady
eN age like this is beautiful to the eye,
esd d its elections, and nes its facies,
veam ihk and aterod. It iso despicable
world, yang sea, you may M sere, that
an show M mornings of prodsetisas hike
that. IrKe is made • tolerably good thing
.f, whoa tt oat be .ad, sod spout, ani
N." -oral. T. BawwrM
COPIBUMFTiON.•-6o•ry body keg*
w a Wiens. dream. It meramocee
and pesgreews w swidio.ely, that before
w is *were el 11. the I urge are a seam ref
dq,•s, tbee a seddie exposure or dosage
them Mot to sold, produces ss ochres•
Har.. d se a kw dal• or weeks, it la Nie,
M or see died of ('ossiampsi.e. Fur all
troubled with court .r Iraq complaint, w•
would refer i• the deertt•emsat on the
eetasde of tb.e payer of Judn'e's Chemical
Entrant .1 "Cherry an4 Lus( noir," woven
es said to M a certais curl for un. awful,
E j of Lot 14, 9 Cue. Wawasosb 100 scrips
B j 16.0 • • 10 0 "
Wb . 13 ) .. r. 100
No 8. 6 " W.D A.LfielJ 200 "
N Put lot 4. 5 " ' • 116 0
EIof•• 7,6 " " " " 100•'
E of " I. " " " " 100 •'
i of " ,3, 5 " " " r. 50 ,.
Applying by letter post-paid to the Sub•
'ember at Stratford, or to him personally st
GedertcI., where he will remain Duni the
20th April ill the 2od of Msy. The pur
eh f the Hon. Mr. Gondhue'e Iii ds
is the above town.hnps, are requested to
eel( on him and seine up all arrears, durtbg
bis .ray is Gudencb, or they will be diepu-
JOI1N STEWART, Solicitor.
Sfnlfurl, list March, 1853. v8 08
Wanted Immediately.
APERSON to take cbsrge of. and work
a small (arm near Goderich, ware
L30 per annum, passably monthly ,ltapir. d
wuh Board and twl_mg. A recommesda-
uoe will be required from his last employer
as to character end titless for the intuition.
Apply to
Crown Land Agent.
Huron Road
22nd March 1853. t6e8
5011111(11 FOUffl!!
rrHE Uisdsrsiigsed having aeeseed the Goderich Fondryr
lir=1 to aepnI1a
sa 11\01. fonds and /tpublic. that *bey tamed wrry►tts
the Volodry Bosieme la all 'u Broacher; to Centrist Gallia ale
Saw Mills; esd to masotactmrs Tinsebug Mackie«, Separators
Pleugha sad all other Agriculteral Implemsuta regained la ibie sectiosof 0. Previews•
They also attend going more horny tato tri Blot b sinew, sad ars Imes Otos' ep,
cooks[, era and Parlor Siove..1 the lateot Patterns sed moot appboved principles.
1be will be caned .a, by the uad.rdgsed, trader the Farm of Story fit C..
Mr. Robert Runtimes will cn.duct the Ilus:nees sad from no hong practical esper-
,.me..e lh• euaNlr..Ciloa of .aril/, machinery sad agricultural f'nplements, and from
his thorough know Intim of all lh• tweet improt(me.aa in such, fee's c.afideat of keep.
in pace wnb the Times.
N. B. Appreotieee wanted to the to •ulIuj sol mill .right departnneate. •.
G.d.ncu Marcb 240, ILS3. vfiug.
Buffalo, Brantford 4• Goderich Railway.
SEAi.ED TENDERS, addressed to the
uodere'goed, and endorsed "T••ider for
Section No.-. of the B. B. le C. Railway,"
will be received at this °Mew until noon, un
Monday, the 15. Jay o( Mir next, for
he construct:on of Sreti'ns 1,2,3. and 4, o
the Ralwa) between Pars and Gudinch.f
Plans, Profiles and Specifications will
be exhibited at the Engineer's Office, to the
Town of Brantford, on and after the fifth
day of May next.
The Director. reserve the right to accept
the Tender which shall be in all respects
con.tdered best for the tatefCats uf the
'Office of the 8• D. k G. Railway Ca.,
Brantford, March 18, 1853. v608 8t
Sherif Sale of LANDS.
United Counties of"
Video of a writ
Moron 4' Bruce. Fieri Feria•, ia-
To WIT: sued out of Her Ms
}no y'e Court of Queou's Bench, and to use
directed, against the Lauds uJ tenements
of George P. Lader at the suit o1 Samuel
S. Tomerov. I have oozed sod taken is
execution Let Number 13, in the 120 cons
reerien (Western l) .ilius) in the township
of A.hield, conlatnu'g by admesauremenl
196 acres be the same more or lee.. Which
lands and tenements 1 'hell offer for sale
at the Court Rei m n the County of Huron
in the Town , f (:,stench on Saturday the
'went) uf May next, at the hour
of i*oleo of 5*. cl..ek noon.
J. M'DONALD, Sheritl; I1.kB.
Sheriff's Office,
Goderich. 7th March, 1853. t 'Solt II
all obese that sum twelve mouths credit oo SPRING IMPORTATIONS.lun.i.btog approved'tgdor.ed notes.
• Auctaoner. T1IE undersigned beg to inform their
v5 -n9 i cnoomers, end Town and Country
Merchar,te, generally, that they are now
J\OTICE, rece,sina. • con.iderable pornon of their
THE meting Partoerehip eting between the Spring Assortments of
-• undersigned is this day dissolved. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS !
A. McNABB, Suited for the present and approaching
for JOHN HAMILTON. Spring trade, tmpored by the late steamers
A. McNABB. to Boston and New Yoik, and as they have
Southampton. 1st Much, 1853. v61:9 3t adairee of the arrivai,at these ports, of the
remainder of their early Spring Divest -
N OTIC E . meats, they expect to bare bluntly for.
ALI. ..ties bavin elaims • ainst GOR- ward a full and well selected stock. of sea -
DON k MctiAY, Goderich, wilt sortable 81.250 and Fancy Dry Good., in
please present the same forthwith for I:qu:• Drapery, Hosiery, Ilaberds.hcry aid Small
dation. Warm, of the latest European styles,
GORDON to MeKAY. - which they are prepared. as tleretof•,re, to
Gndericb, March 31m, 1353. vea9-2: dispose of to THE TRADE ON LY, at as
moderate an ■dvance as any importing
house in Canada.
They will t:►cw:ss enitinue to receive,
from tomato tune, seasonable additions to
their already exleosivi usortmcnts of
GENERAL I And theetuek. heldin their various airport-
• menta will at all t mei offer to-merebants
IN GODERICIl. iv the wait as complete facilities, either for
forming or repleni.h•ng a Stock, oo a ad-
Subscriber respeet(ully announces sof-
rani.g•oue terms as can be not with u.
to the inhabitants of Goderich and aur- am other Wholesale Establishment in
rounding country, that he hoe commenced Canada• ADAM HOPE & Co.
husincs. in the Bork Building recently London, C. \V., Match 9, 1853. t�in8-9 n
erected by 1)r. McDougall, .ugati, whore he is
•ow receiving and opeoiog out a large and F \
exteasive Steck of
1(.ARDlVARE, CROCKERY, kc. kc.
Comprising a eery general asortmnot of
Go.eM, all of which nave been purchaed to i . Wu toed on 3rd Cunce.eon,lot 14,'1'awn-
the beet Markets, oo the most favorable i ship of Wawaeoeh. and cne half vile from a
terms, and will heel -posed of al the lowest 1 School house -ell the money will le re -
possible roes. I qu'red down. F.'r psruculan apply to the
The Subscriber respectfully solicits a ; pruprietur co the premuoe.
share of the p"ble pstrun,ge, which he W'awano.h, 4th Aug , 1852. n28
will tea every .xertion•lo merit, by keeping
goad Articles and selling at the smallest
practicable profit.
Wheat, Barley, Oat•, Timothy Seed,
Wool, ke. .kc., taken to exchange for
Goderich, 2311s March, 1853. v8o9
poR Si!., 30 bbl.. very :nperior.
Guderieh. March 31.1, 1853. v6.9.21
'vim subecrib.r will keep coss.stsetty ns
thur Street, near the Marler Square, and
adjoining Mr. SeegMitler'e Tannery, •
Stock of substantial, serviceable and very
' opener articles of the above dersnptiun,
which he will sell cheap for cash. merchant-
able Prod ice, or os approved credit. He
wishes those poria in search of • good fIsIIE Subscribers beg leave to ion:nate to
art'cle at a reasonable price, to give him a ithe ishabuenu of Cn derlch and our -
rounding • and he Ankers himself that los long hounding country that .hey have opened•
experience tt the business will ensure the in the atiov.'. In'., in K'e.t Street, tl lard
*evolution of all purchase. door from Dr: Mrpougall'a Brick building.
HENRY i)ODD. where they mill keep nil heed
Godertcb, March 15th, 1853,
Only]• choice selection of Tea, Bugatti, Wino.
EARLY EPRINO IMPORTATIONS L't'lu"iso and Groceries of every deecrip.
- lion, which they are drtcrmiaed to hirer et
IIE SUBSCRIBER brgi to apprise their the very lowest rcm'nerailng price.; and
T they truer by strict attenIi"n to busssess to
Customers, and the wade generally' went a sh•wof publie p•irona[s•
the, the late stamen arrived at New fork VAN EVERY L GOLDTIIORP.
The eubecnher effete( lar talc one hundred
acres of excellent land, 45 acre• clear.
ed end well lensed, with a good ler barn,
en orchard hear ng fruitt 'Poe above laid
THE pall a are hereby notified that the
Copartner.• ip hpret. fore sg'tyee be-
tween JOHN k ROBERT 1)t N()G11, ne
Innkeepers, le Dos day d:s.olsed by mutual
corset. All parties iod.bted to the said
firm are requested to settle their respect's*
sccodnts wuh John Donogh, who will •1110
pay all Widow,.
God.rieh, March, 911., 1853. v8n5.-6m
of from two to three yearp old, any
person having such to dispose of may 8.4
a purchasers by addressing • note (poet
P . PI) 'u Mr. John Blake, Seerelpry to the
County of llurud'Agnculturat Society.
JOHN Bl KE, Secy.
Galertcb, March 90, 1853. .606
(:j The Iraorifon Spectator to give the
abose advertisement two tneertiooe, end
send account to this Office.
". P XIII ME •
Tis wiesble Sirpesce before the sloe,
! !
THE Subscribers hereby intimate to the 11.1. commence running no the open•
l.habitanta of Goderich and the aura WILL
of encsnargrrunning
red diving the
rousdmg townvhipe, that they haws opened ..'on, i. folios e; -leaves Detroitdiving for
an extensive bootees in the above hie in Gr,dench every Wet:nen:ay morning, at 9
o'cl, ck.
l.e.vea Gnderich every Thursdsv morn•
lag at 1 o'clock. 'tormng lamm li hours.
For Freight or i'asaaEe apply en heard
or to E.11.MARL'roN.
Goderirh, March 9th, 1953.
The New Lore pressure Strasser
R.A\ICEL WARD, 2nd, Coares:ora,
tf• shop lately occupied by Alexander
Melatire, Market Squareaod will have eon
•tanily on lord a large assortment of Boots
and Shoes of the boat qu,ltty w h,ch they
will sell cheap for cash.
N. B. All tines of produce and hides takes
to exchange at market paces.
Goderich, Ftb. 1st. 1853. y8 -e9 -8.n
Buffalo, Brantford RHO Goderich
purenaat to a Rnwlution of the B•+and
la Director.. payment of ohs NEW ISSUE
kIF SHARES of the lacrosse.' Capital
Stock of the Buff lo, Brantford and GoJer
ueh Railway Comply is required to be made
1, the Treunror of the Company, at ole
Biel of Mriti•b North America, Kraettord,
is Sts egos' Instalment, es felloav:
50 per cost, oa or Miere tee let day of
Msy next.
24 per stat on or before the let day a
July seat.
15 per tent on or before the 1st day of
September asst.
20 per sent on or before the let day of
NovwmMr seat,
10 per cent on or balers lbs 1st day of
J••u,y, 1884.
By steer,
Neerelary. .
Ogles .f sp. as. G. Railway Cn.,
Ilesodotk March 13, 118$' v8 510'
andll000n, bare brought a pert of their.
NEW FANCY AND STAPLE FABRICS, Goderich, Feb. 23rd, 1853. s8n5-1m
Suitable for the Spring Trade.
Sortie of which are already forward to Ilam
ilton; and as the Steiniers' now arrieinp
have un board their heavy Spring lmpor-
tsionsi they -expect to hold a full Stock of
FRE:SIl GOODS, cnniprehendiog all the
latest Styles of the European m•rketa, by
the nndJle•of ib. Nile nth.
The rubecnber• continue to hold at all
tines comity' assortments of Hardware
and Grocery Goods•
Hamilton, March 3, 1853. s6n7-2m
150 CORDS good WOOD wanted
for It a Rub.. Apply to
Goderich, Mi1�b 9th, 11153. veufl
- 0 711 TA RIO
Into, pornlydbyat! of morn'/ radiomen(
Cala total—x:100,000.
DinecT P:
Hugh C. Baker. Esq. II. Merritt, Erg.
M. W. Browne, ,. .1j F. M•,n,e, ..
Petr Carrell, " Jona. Osborne, "
D. C. Gunn, 0 Iles A. Pettier, ,.
Js'oee Mclnlyrt, " B C. Thorns*, '•
Jamb Mathieson. " Jahn Wilson, "
r,sl1B S.b.enber hiring been epp •uleJ
Agent at G„ der•ch. f rr els above high
ly respectable .Compae), to prepared t..
effect ,lsenrenee al the m -..t renei'nablr
rates opne Ilnnsee, Shipping e.d Good••
O,derieh, 150 Sept., 1814. e5 34
THE managing Committee of the Huron
Library A.aociatior aha Meehan:es in,•
&mute hone meds arrangements for she de-
livery of a series of Lectures before that
society, in the Hall of the Suns of Temper•
The following gentlemen have consented
to (Wiser addr.asee as tollawe :-
John Clark, Esq , March 24th, on Social
Thomas Nicholls, E -q., April 7th, on
Dignity of Labor.
T. M. Jones, Esq,, April 2141,
Dr. P. A. McDougall, Msy 50
Res. A. McK,d, May 19.1*,
James Watsuo, E•q., Joni 2nd
Adma.eion in all caries Fres-
By order,
R. 13. RE\'N :LDS,
Cur. Scerelary.
A'l those hewing subscribed tocuds the
estabtishmeot 01 the '•I UTITI:Ta," are in-
formed that the Lieu are deposited with the
Trea.orer, James Watson, E -q , and the
Recording Secretary. Thuuss Nicholl.,
E -q., either of whom are authorized to re-
ceive said •uta•eriptiona.
Cash far Il7icai
T the GODERICII M1.1..
QOJ•rieh, :is l ti's. 1113. sive.
• N011t'E.
A General meeting of then Goderich Foie
AIL Couipany, will be held at Mr. Robert •
Ellie Colborne Inn, at '7 o'clock, un Sour.
day evening 14th Much next, to take anto
consideration the propriety of o.emonaltt-
ing the Town Council to liquidate .i1 claims
against said Fire Company, by their hand-
ing over the Engine end all other property
connected *rah the Fire Company to the
Any person having claims against the
Gudench Fire Comp.ny will please hand
ih:m-Into the Secretary, on or before the
dale of the above meeting. 3y order.
IIORACE HOR'1'ON, Sec., G. F. C.
Goderich, Feb. 280, 1853.
frIlf. partnership heretofore ex•ating be-
tween the undersigned, under the
above tile, is this day t i.snked by mutat,
con.eal. The business will hereafter be.
c ininued by Robert Anderson in los own
lama and 01i hs owl account.
Willett, Feb. 170, 1853.
Subscriber has 1hi. day 'mewed u,
partners to the above bun.ese, Mr. John
Tbompaoo and Mr. llenry Stewart.
Address McKillop, P.O.
Mullett, Feb. 18th, 1853 .6.5-31
gaiiii rl`IIF. Subrirriber would ,ati-
R. B. RE1"NOLO •• urate to the inhabitant of
G•'dertch and surroendtag entiOt,T, that b•
Cur. ti,cretary. lea purt'Laaet the out "Trade of Mr.-
!•oderieh, 170 hearth, i853. 0'7 James Campbell. And is moult prepared to
f-rrnieh .those that may faror hum Wilks
LAND AaYD GENERAL COM- tneir patronage, with all of HOOTS.
MISSION AGENCY. and $IIOF.S, un thu shortest nol.ce; end.
f1sllE Subewrher ask'•. the liberty of in•
hustnees, and keeptn
he is dctennfned, by arrant "mention to
forming the public that he Ms opened g a good a'u,k always
an ME., in 6.derich for 'he sale of Wild' on hand, to gran the public general sotto -
Lands, Cleared fain.•, Ilu,iee., kc., to., tion.
for the u.rrpose of giving general !Dionne-. One door West of M . D. Seymour k
lion 1, intending set'lera• Co.'s Store.
1).•ide, puser of''A•turney, and other in- ROBERT Mal\TYRE.
rlrumenta u1 \\ art -ng prepared on mid -root, blareh Earl, 18.;3. 1800
Persons haring hirsute.* to trin,set in s .
any cart of Canada, the t'nited Stat. • ter I SlIOli� OF STALLIONS
(treat Ilr•tsn, will love every faci.ny OsAND BULLS,
f•'r.'ed thr m for the( purpose, ,,
Books and Accuunta adj steel and Debts v�xllE Agricultural Society of the Cola
of Huron odor 1150 in two premiums,
let prewiuua L7 10., aecetd £5, for etre
beat and secuud boat Stud Ilotsa, to e.
'hewn on the Market Sgrare, Grad•:neh,
on Thursday the 21.t of April, 1863. The
Homes awarded premiums roust step ie the
by Jno Stewart, F:.q , Detroiter, t:c. Tuwu of Goderich every 9'1 day; sad also
Goderich, March 91h, 1853. aliaf,-3m
at the 8th Concession, Colburse.evary 9,1
- - day Bering the season. (lour of Show, it
o'clock. n..ewn.
a:7 Al. CS 1l1 M a given a premium to 1
, thorough bird Devon Bell, on serve within
t,tr, lbs limits of the Society Three poolrooms
Ilht)WN LANDS DEPARTMSENT, w,111.pe510 to other Balls:—I.1Ll IOs;
11 Qcgstc, lin, F'eb., los.- 2nd £1 5.; lr,l £I; to be shows ibe 21st
t\ (►TILE to herrhy ptvrne.t a 711,11 s,u of Aytih o" the Market Square, at lbs hour
l� (• of abgnl iF vat Ind) of it o'clock, soon,
The Soe,ety's thorough bred DURHAM
.otluo the Town Plot of Southampton, i" . (:OAV dl M read oo U... day of Ib• Haas
Ih.1'uwnship of Su.�c.•, in the Cunnty of Slow, 9 mon'be credit wilt be gran Dr.(
Riney', U C.. •►,II be offered for sale, by 0.-a gleet e..dohed sale.
Rani:int Agent, McNAk• Esyufre.
.1 Pout:ag-00n, PO the SOU. of 01x1
pries C150; one Oh In be ps'd at ; THE Society eller to loan ICI a 10.. for este
the t,n.. rel Sale, •nd'hr remoter!. r IS hut' 7.$r nohow, t.te'.d le 507 person rood --
...noel anginal ineretr,wnie, with stirrer.- orae within the limos of 'he ti..e'ety, sad
The purch'er to rye OS a Saw -Moil wibin giving .,,rro,d securrry to pun -base a
ni•.ye.r and a forret Mf11 within Iran yearn thorough bred Doses dull botereen the
f►. in the date o1 !talc, mad to gore ai•ff.-i oga el 1 oral 3 y.m►s.
int security fur t:• u! throe to. 1 10114 BLARE moiety.
d,itnn•. 11. D. A. 8
TI, to impiety the Mille to be nb Gedench. 2201 Feb., 1153. .•d et.
toned by a Winy•d•mn. •. rtr•e sly a Pia- +
lo be exhtkNed tor the OLce of the A. erste,
' ' s6c•.84 NOTICE.
I I ALEXAN1ldR Mrlts'TIRL M sore*
:• TEACHER .►ANTED. -/or a OM- to Mar...ser ray r,,, i, 1, IC 501 ele.m
mw P,t...1, in tb.•res 1C 8. M '„ '1Noteysnd Il.n► s.eeeaie. to JA]lti.i
Tnon.h'p.1 Teehera o�t, wha►wa eweiSesw' lNbf'*, l.%)itONr 1..m .ss t" sl.o first nal
of q•ahfira.ww. Ar,►', t..,.rn s Alsas.der Alletspiee• idhi Join a tome" +e
Letters must Ise roil raid.
P. S.-Patoeular attention pool if, tot.
.udu'g 1'ror!nre k M.rchaodiee generally
Office. Market Square. (hely occupied
DAVID IiU`1('A't,
PETER. R011t1AY,;
' Ernes&.8., 40 Feb.. 1463.
Trustee.. A. MtfNTl*e
\Vin••. -Dale ra t.uoe,
Sof h G, etwh, Mase. 0..y IIfi1Il %Ong