The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-12-29, Page 4$. •
P#4,p• 4 Denetrber 29, 1961.
:and Jstrit nem.
Mrs. Maualt Heididen, Phona
Mr*. Archie Macregnr, Phalli* 56'
ina;:daaa.....a. • :5'
Name winners
of local draws
Witmer of a IllOney doll waS
.;MrS. elarenge Jaffary, Zurich,
with ticket drawn ha Wilbur
Parkar at the Lagion Tian Fri,
day evanang.. It was a praject
of the Lanion Axillary with
Mrs. W. J. Cameron coavenor.
Winarag tickat was aold by
lira. Howard Smola.
At .A.14$ Stanar Sava Aiarket,
a $100 bill was wen bY
Ernie Crapehase, aleasalla $2a
worth: of grocories by Mra,
Notapn Paaff, .Bragafield
At Brown'a -WA Market, $20
in- groceries Was woit by AIra,
Alex Mehaingar, Zurica;
Harry Vats -Wairen, Rental':
:three Cbristraas cakes, John
Bakkar, RR a Hansa11; C.
Blom, RR a lienaall; Mrs.
Douglas Cook,
At Salto •aa Doll, Mrs, W. 13.
Cross, Haman; tickat drawn bY
E. R. 'Davis,
At; Irsein'a an electric blaps
ket was won by Airs, Erwe
Talbot, Kippen; a blanket by
Mrs. Harry Smith, Hansa
'Tickets woe drawn by 'Alas.
Pearl Shad,dick.
Rebekah ladies
exchanges gifts
The annual Christanat party
�f Amber Rebekah Lodge was
held Wednesday evening, Dac.
20. Preceding the party a briei
Meeting was held presided over
by Airs, R. A. Orr, Noble
Mrs. Walter Spencer showed
colored slides of her trip to [be
west coast, down through the
States and Mexico and gave a
commentary on them. Mrs.
Spencer was presented with a
gift, Miss M. Ellis gave an ap.
propriate reading.
Members exchanged gifts and
Christmas luncheon was
Served from tea tables attrac-
tive in Christmas decor.
Program and dacorating con-
ve,ners were Mrs. Pearl Shad -
dick, Mrs. Eva Parker, Mrs,
Ross Richardson and Miss M,
Ellis; lunch conveners were
Mrs. Garnet Mousseau, Mrs.
Inez McEwen, Mrs. Wilmer
Ferguson and their assistants.
•CGIT leads
yule service
Amid a settang o caadle
glow, spritee bows, tinsel and
sitver bells, the girls pf earmet
presbyterion Church CGIT led
tha worshippers in a eandlolig,ht
vesnar service Christmas Eve.
Tbe overall theme of the
service was God's glorious re-
sponse th a dark world's need
of ligbt. An organ motley of
carats, played by organist Mrs,
Malcolm Doagall, prepared thd
congre,gation for the procession.
al hymn led by the CWT girls
as they entered tha eburch in
their uniforms lad by their
leader, Mrs. Ross MacDonald.
The invocation was taken by
Alas. MacDonald and the girls
followed by an anthem with a
mass choir of senior choir, Ex-
plorers And cGrr. Mrs. Macs
Donald led the congregation in
a prayer litany with responaa,
Six angels being Barbara
Schwalm, Bonnie Feer, Gail
Sangster, Colleen Baynham,
Patay Afoir and Cheryl Little,
with the arohangel Bonnie Fos-
ter, presented a one -act Christ-
mas fantasy. The offering was
taken by our CUE' girls 'with
the offertory prayer given by
Mrs. alaaDonald.
A story was given by Mrs.
MacDonald, "The Messenger of
alichael", The carol "0 Little
ToWn of Bethlehem", followed
by the benediction brought to
a close a Christmas Eve ser-
vice where Christ was put
back into Christmas.
C hristm a s visitors
Mr. and Arra. W. S. Shen.,
herd with their daughter and
FR/Sgt A. L. Bir-
osh, Mrs, 131rosh and family at
RCAF Station, Trenton,
air. Fred Kennings left Thurs-
day to spend tbe Christmas va-
cation with his daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Redden and family, Si, Cath-
arines. Lloyd has just returned
from a Toronto hospital where
he was a patiant for some
weeks with a heart condition.
Mr. Kennings expects to be
away for two weeks,
Air. and Mrs. R. M. Peck
were. Christmas visitors with
their son and daughteran-law,
Mr. and Mrs.•Robert Peck and
family, of Zurich,
Hensall personals
Michael Roy, Tommy NaY-
lands and Stephen Arnett went
out again carol singing and
this time they realized $5.00
which they doodled in tha
Muscular Dystrophy box at
Bert's Snack Bar.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keys,
Burlingtan; Mr, and Mrs. Keith
Love and 'family, Zurich; Mr.
and MrS. Kenneth McKay and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Lova of Kippen were guests
with Air. and Mrs. J. E. Me -
Ewan Saturday last.
Annual New Year's Day shoot
will be held at Kippen Monday,
January 1, at 1 p.m. Fifty bird
handicap for the John Labatt
Trophy, Other events, time
permitting. Sponsored by Kip -
pen Gun Club.
Mr, Edward T. Barry, Wind-
sor, assistant ganeral manager
of Guaranty Trust Co of Can-
ada, will attend the Rose Bowl
Parade in Pasadena, CaL, and
Your library
at- Don Avery and Scott of Sar- nava Kyle and family of Hen-
- Continued froth page 2 Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Orr with Mr. Flynn's mother, sail, Air. and Mrs. Arnold Mer -
tended the funaral of the late niaa
The White Rajah Of ton, Mrs. John Flynn at Exeter.
Reeve Harold Percy, nat. and rattily, Zurich, with
Nicholavathasarrat, writer 01 lough, held Wednesday, Dec. 20 Mr, and Mrs. Jack Condi Mr, and Mrs. Tons Kyle Sr.
The Cruel Sea, has give Ug at Lucknow with burial In and famila with relatives in Mrs. H. Woodiwiss oa Chats
"The White Rajah"—a story 01 Greenhill cematery, Also at- Mt. Brydges, ham and Mr. and Mrs. I3arry
tremandous energy and advert- tending the funarai with Mr. Dr, W. T, Jaya accompas Williams, Michael and Wendy,
tod about a world etterg,ing am arm Orr were mi.. and Iliad by his mother Mrs, Alice nt Waterloo, with Mr. and Mrs.
from the daakriaas of ignorance Mrs, James Orr of Parkhill, Joynt with Air, and Met, Laird Jack Daysdala and inn. .
• MrSt WI F. Mica at Landoll, Jaya and family and with Dr. Mr, and Mrs. Gary Corlett
and violence.
will appear on tha Lawrence
Walk TV show Sattirday, Dec.
30 as Grand Monarch or North
America of the Grotto. Edward
is a former Hensel resident.
Four members of the Han-
sa!' Cubs, John Jaya, Bill Cor-
nell, Ronnie and Gary Clement
delivered bags of candies and
treats on Tuesday evening to
the sick and shut-in s of the vil-
iage for the Chamber of Com-
Mrs, Orville Twitchell is va-
cationing with Mr. and Mrs.
Mende Twitchell, London, and
with Air, and Mrs. Allan David-
son and family, Port Colborne.
Mr. and Mrs, Don JoYnt,
John and Pat, left Sunday morn-
ing for :Bethieham, Pa. where
School pupils
present party
Children perform , Cada. and faMily TeNttlso,
Volvo „nom*
r1 (3 Qikte, . ' • - • '
N. Drummond tiled at, cromarty service
sqddenJyat. his home , RR
..-Guelph, on AlonslaY,
4 -Sga, :of the late Mr. and Mrs.
spent Ills. earlier Yaara in MR.
$ttrviving ara his wifa,. the
fo.r.titer NOVA Milton ,s0114.
.and -ttatightar, Sballa,
sisters, Mrs. al. D. (Louise)
Barman. W9_041004 Mrs„ 11,
M. (Beryl)1,ondon:
M(Dorothy)rs. 'V. M. (Dorothy) Wilson,
Plymouth,. Mich4 Mrs. :Angus
Marion) isicKerron, Kitchen-
ert and a brothars Ia. IL
tjarry) Drammond anitchan-
Faocrai .service was held .at
the Georae 'Wall F n g r a 1
Roma, Gtialph, :Thursday Attar -
noon. Intarm1apt was in oo .
lo.n cemotery, Guelph.
Pupils ot Raman Iniblic
Sahoot held their Christmas
party on Friday with leinclar-
nartan pupils holding a little
party pftheir own.
..Grades 1 and sang mosiaal
ambers and a number -of the
ghil dren partiaipated in a
square dance to recorded mu -
Granas 3 and 4, sang salsa
.erat soleations, a and a pre.
sewed a play, "'Warned a.
Housekeeper". with Gary Kyle,
John Goddard, .Joari :Simmons,
Marilyn At a x w 11, Chartha
Scawalan Ruth Smala, Brenda
Noakes and Kathie Henderson
taking the roles.
Grades 7 And $ also preaent.
ad a play, "Operation", with
the cast, nilly Chipchase, Grant
Walker, Brian Fink and Ricky
sErrold Drum:nand tho decoasol
United churah notes
Larga congregalions filled the
Unitad Mach for $p e alai
Christmas sarvicoa pn Sunday,
At the morning service, Rev,
Currie Wialaw spoke on "Tha
Oroatett Gift'a In Oa CbCtir
selection the othigato solo waa
take» by Miss Mary Goodwin
and a sextet by Ann tackle,
Nancy Kyle, Louisa Jonas, Suz-
anne Rannie, Mary Payne,
Katherine Roszcl.
A Christmas Eve carol ser-
vica was prasenteal in the ova-
ning and a spaaial "Christmas
Gift" offering was 'received,
Selections were given by the
senior chola with vocal duct by
13ttahanan. Giats were Bassmore; onartette, Mrs. Win-
changad, law, Mrs. Passmore, It Horton
and C. Mickle; a male cfnartette
christmas visitora composed of Messrs. Ron Mock,
Mr. and Mrs. Wes 'Vernier Harry Horton, T, a, naerritt
with their daughter and son- and Bob Wattle, and a solo
in-law, Mr. and ars. Gilbert
„ . -
was randered by Mrs: Wnhara
Johns and family of Exeter. , Fuss. The junior choir contria
Mr' "d Mrs' paws, buted two numbers (l,.,,.Ine
'Michael and Kay with Mr and . ,
. cra et an family "silent mow' and several
at London.
Personal items other carols were sung.
Miss Gwen Spencer of Uni- re'crtironcirfirM\rvsa,sRuonbdeerrt tiahi%/ddei-, and jean' Mrs. Sadie Scott and
Mr. Reg Findlayson with Mr,
versity Western Ontario is organist and dusts' leadar, with and Mrs' Gordon Sc°11' and
spending a wk's vacation Mrs, J. C. Goddard providing tan'llY•
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, piano accompaniment at both Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Mc.
Walter Slower and Greg. services. Lacblan, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mc -
.Kellar and Mr, and Mrs. W.
N. Binning and famity,
with Mr. and Mrs, Carter Kers-
lake and family.
Mr, and Mrs. john Jefferson,
Ina, Margaret and Norman, of
Munro, Mr. and Mrs. William
eheasell and family, Stratford,
Mr, and Airs, Don Riehl and
childran, Sebringville and Mr.
and Mrs. R. Laiog and family
with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon
Laing and family.
Mr, and Mrs. T. Laing, Mr.
and Mrs, I:, Gillespie,- Mar -
prat and Ann and Mr. Grant
at laomoka and Mrs. E. Moore
with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott
and family.
air. and Mrs. John Wallace,
Margaret and Debbie, Mr. and
Mrs, Harry Elliott and fainily,
Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. La,
verne Wallace and children,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and
girls, Goderich, and Mrs. Grace
Scott with Air. and Mrs. -Wesley
Russell and Margaret on Tues-
Mr. and Mrs, Jack McGhee
At MAIi. Kg's!, McKAIalasAR
The taltniach, :waCatLItAellfuTtiYy
aleaoratatt -for ;tha -Christataa
service. Qit -Sunday which was
„conducted by J\Ir. ,Glen Noble
:of 'Waterino. C011ege. The- print-
ary ainssea. of the :Sapday
&hoot :with ..their leachers -no,
.eupiod the centra front 'Sawa.
And the cbildran AS a group
sang fodowol with a recitation
by -Srlan Pow and. a .prayer
by Janot
The .junior gboir lad in sing-
ing .tha hymns_ and
rendered special dumber,
They Oa led. .ehoral
miler and Brenda Kerslake As
individual reader,
White gifts to be aant to
"Caro" ware- paasentad by the
childrcp in taro -boa, anat lsaaide the
Christnis Chriatinas boxes for the abut -
ins woo „pact*. at tha llama
of llira. Sadie Seritt nri Tiaras -
Christmas viaitor*
Christmas family gatherings
were heid in many homes in
the commanity, anstrag them
beipg the Wallace family at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Wallace, Guests included Mr,
and Mrs. Donald Wallace, Ken-
neth and Kailh, Cartingford,
Mr. and airs, Porcy Adams
and family, allyth, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Braoks land George,
Staffa, Mr, and Mrs. Harry
Elliott and family, Windsor,
Mr. and Airs, George Wallace,
Mr. and Mrs, Laverne Wallace
and children and Mrs. Grace
air. and airs, Al. Scott,
Gerry and Ronald, Staffa, Mr.
, , . Mickle was soloist in the car and Mrs Duncan Scott and
Mrs Drew Fa• d ' o
children, Mr, and Mrs, Carlyle
Meikle, Mrs, Eva colgahoun
Holiday visitors
Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Came. Carol and Bill with relatives in
von and family spent Christmas Tavistock.
with the latter's parents, Mr. Norman Shiels, of Ambarley,
and Mrs. W. R. Res, at An. with Mr, and Mrs. Garnet
caster. Allan and family,
Mr. and airs, Charles 'afford Earl McCrae of Ottawa with
and family are vacationing at his parents here.
Nassau. Mr. and Mrs. Kelth Lindsay,
Mr. and Mrs. William Singe, don, and. Sheila, a Lon -
Donnie, Bobby and Shama uonl with Mr. and Mrs. John
with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Cons. Henderson and family.
ins and Mr, and Mrs. R. Don- Mr. and Mrs, Jack Stacey
aldson of London, and Brian at Lakewood, Color -
Rev. Ross D. MacDonald, ado, ado with Mrs. Lou Simpson on
MFriday, Dec. 22,rs. MacDonald and family Mr, and Mrs, Ross Macaill-
with the latter's parents at Ian and David, Kitchener, Air.
Brockville. Charles Mickle, who is attend
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scane, jag the University of Western
Mary and Cathy, with relatives Ontario, London, with the lat.
in Toronto; ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Drys- Laird Mickle, Bob and Ann,
dale, Jerry and P'aul, with rel. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Love
atives in StrathroY. and family London Mr. and
Mr, and Mrs, George liass Mrs. Don Vicar and farthlY, and children, London, Mr. and
with, their daughter and sopa Grand Bend, with Mr, and Mrs. jiugh Currie aad family,
in-law, Mr, and Mrs, L. .1, Mrs, George Armstrong. Dorchester, Mr. and Mrs. R.
MeCloy and family, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Voth and Hulley and family, Winthrop,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarente Reid 31, AI • ,
mmy, .I, and Mrs. Bill
and Allan with Mrs. Marjorie Simpson, Bill and Bob, of De- Mr. Kennet', a r,
I W Ike Londoa
Mrs. Otto Walker
Reim and family at Tiverton, trait, Mich., with Mrs. Lou aWaitall- gMarae,and
Rev, Currie Witlaw, Mrs. Simpson, holding Christmas on
Winlaw and family with their Mr. arid Mrs. Bruce Arm.
Sunday. ttrong and. boys Stafra, Mr.
Mae alaKellar and family, of
Strattord Mr and Mrs. Ferg
McKellar and family, Seafort.h,
with Mr. 1,,Imisay MaKeller and
Mr. and Mrs. james RamseY
and children, ,af Watawal. and
Mr, and Mrs. 'William Hullay
and. family with Mr. and Mrp.
Meg. Ramey and
Mr. and aira, Doug Gale, pf
Mitchel, Mr, and Mrs- 'ga
Tbgannsan, Atwood, Mrs, Clara
Hackney, Exeter, and Mr, ad
Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne, Donald
and Larry of Thames Road with
Alta and Mrs, Witham Harm,
Mailthers tho farallY of
Mr, Rory Norris were at hone
wills thoir fathar for Christ,
Mr, And Mrs, Carlyle aleikle.
allentled a gathering at the
honie of Mr. and Mrs, Jaraaa,
Mainio .an. Sunday,
Mr, Angus Melaaig at sad.
buay with air. and Mrs. W. Mc.
laatg and family for Christ.
alr. T, alccallam, Toronto,
with Mr, and Mrs: Will Minor,
Mr, gad Mra. R. G, Same
of Throat° spont the weekend
with his sister, Miss Oliva
Mt, and Mrs, Roy McGhee
and Connio attendad a family
gathering at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Jack McGhee, Lon-
don, on Sunday,
Mr, and Mrs, jack Roggarth
and Arlene with Mr. and Mrs
John Bray, Thames Road.
Mr. and Mrs, K. McKellar
spent Christmas aye with Mr,
and Mrs. William Binning and
family, Mitchell,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dodds
and family of Walton with Mr,
and Mrs. R. Dodds on Christ -
as ay.
Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Dow
and family Wanda' a family
gathering at the home of Mrs.
Dow's mother, Airs, Cliff Dow,
on Christmas,
Mr, Frank Stagg with Mr,
and Mrs. Floyd Pridham, St,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Har-
burn and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie
Harburn and Ruth at a gather-
ing at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George BOR, Hensall, on
Mrs, Otto Walker and son
Kanneth visited oil Sunday eve-
ning -with Mr, Alvin Cornish
and Mr. Lorne Wassman, Ex-.
Mr, Hugh Scott, a student at
OAC, Guelph, has been under
the doctor's card at his home
with an attack of flu.
Mr. and Mrs. Witham Har-
per attended a family gather-
ing at the homa of Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Hackney, Thames
Road, on Tuesday.
reapective families in Ingersoll,
MiSS EMI'S To" and Mrs. Donad Wallace and
air, and Mrs. Ciarenee Vol- ronto, with • her sister, Mrs. family, Sealorth, Mr. and Mrs.
land and family with Mr, and Pearl Shaddiak and Bill.
Mrs. Bruce Volland at Gode- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie,
rich. Bob and Jean, Mr. and Mrs. anaaaasasaantaaeawastasaa saaaaessaa'"
' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoy, George Dunn, Centralia, Miss
Ronnie arid Gary with tha Ar.nY Laramie, London, with
former'parents in Port Al. Alms Greta Lammie,
bert. . Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Dodds,
Mrs, Eva Parker, Bill and Mr, and Mrs. Don Dodds. of
• ad
Betty, with Mr. and Mrs. Oar. Searorth, A 11. and
Mrs. r
once Ruston, Stratford. .A:lacCiregor and farntly, )3ruce-
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jinks, field, air. M. Van Dyke, Grand
Gan and Billy, with relatives Bend, with Mr, and Mrs. Sim
they will spend Christmas with in St. Thomas. Roob�l,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Robinson
Air, anti Mrs. Cary Joynt and Mr. and Mrs. John Bros- and family, London, with the
son, They expaet to return Fri- nan and family with relatives latter's Mather, Mrs, W. 13,
in Cornwall.
day, Cross,
Mr, and Mrs, James Jenkins
The Hansa!' Cub g held their and family with friends at Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kyle
ChristmaS party in the towt and Eddie, St, Catharines, 110Y
RCAF Station Clinton.
hall 1,Vednesday evening, Dec. Kyle Quabec, Mr. and Mrs.
20. viewed several Innis, ex- Mr, and Mrs. Joe Flynn and C. Tuck' and family :of
changol gifts and enjoyed a Joyce, Mr. and Mrs, Gerald London, Mr. and Mrs. Byrah
Christmas lunch. Flynn of Hetisall, Mr., and Mrs. Kyle and family, Mr. and Mrs.
His 116r°' at first a 'wash" formerly of Hewitt, is a pa- and Mra. Larry Joynt, of To- and family, Toronto, Mr. and
buckling, devel-rnayscare bile. Mrs. Robert Cook and (laugh.
tient in Victoria llospital, Lon. root°.
Canter, cornea to learn through a Mr. and Mrs, E, Rolland, To. Int, Mr. and Mra. Douglas
erttel eXperience that "The don.
airs, Russell Bruck, Bit 2 nonta, Mr. Mass Mrs
,C,,n,ink, ,aand.„,r.ana,i_tYsa, with Mr, and
shoat df good government is
to let meet alone." Kippen, received word on Thurs- Dodds and Alt. and Mis. Don as'a 11 l'-' ...'oolc
Dee, 21 that her name Dodds, of Seaforth, with Mr, Flt/Sgt John tear, Ales,
Row the Island 01 Makassang daY,
I d late draw id in the Kurly and Mrs, Clantlan Christi d and Baba, David, Johnny arid, Stay.
was to he led Irons barbarity, la n . . • eti, of Camp nortlan, Mr, and
• ' Rata contest. Sha haa aaposit- Catherine Ann.
:Croft its centuriesaeld habits of dd her onto in the Kurly Kate Alt-, David Noakas and Mita Mrs, Gaorge Eter, Linda arid
treacbery and despotic venga. booth at Western Fair in Sep- Jean Noakes, of *London, aqui Betty, with Mr. and Aim End
Alice and rnada fit to take its tainber. She received a cheque their parents, Mr, and Mat. Beer,
placa in tato axparidiag world , „ $5.00. Leonard Noakea and family. Mr, And Mrs, 11., Y, Mac,
°C I d al‘ Betts and s i , gar Smith', ton,
of the 19th ceritury, bacarne a ' Loan with relatives at Min.
Richatd Matriott 8 problem. in
r Or' Guelph. with the lattea air. and mat, owes west.
solving It ha had .to tread the thrae dattglitars have taken tin
residaace ori .1.1rock Street, Cp . parcrits, Mr, and Mat. johri
narrOw, dangerous path be- away and daughter Mist Mary
netts was reCently posted to Jarrott,
twaan thata, who wanted the Elizabeth Westaway, of Ransil -
RCAF StatiOtt ClititOtt !telt Mr. and Mrs, janies At. Scatt tea with Mt, arid Mrs. Lorne
throna Of Alalaassang, and tha Gnese Bay. s
Rajah, who fought to hOld 11
and Mary, Searorth, Aar, John Chaprnaii and family,
Mr nci '11ra lerrY rtanitie S Ott l'O'Oht0 tilliVeraitY G 6 Ott 'bath I
to the last bt cant af lira, c
r. ei o
Rad infant daughter, or Tas lrOadst Rag. -N., Brant. too, with mg sataaa mr was.
The Most Common Mistakes mato, were waekarid visitors fOrd, Mr, Old Met, Edisoti For-
nrier'.i patents, air. a id Mr,and gas. tia ni ADtterbelli,
NO- z
in a very differeat categdry avail the fra . t al family, a . Miss Jean Noakes M.
is a book Writtea this year and Mrs. 5, G. Ramie. Rosa l'Omat a" f6MilYi of the David Noakes, a undop, with
"Th nthsa Common Mistakes Mr. Calf Chapitan is Wilds Itensau area with Mr, and Mra, their patents, Mr, ad mrs
iii English Usage" by Thomas ing, tilt hol daya With hile brath- wanati, Forrast,
Usti in Pennsylvania, Mrs, Don MenLartn„ ir1 'to- Mt' and Mrs, d X""d Mt. and lira. Lorne ChaPtilati
fatnilY, Misg berOtitY Farquhar, Arid sots arid atr, And Mas.
PeOfeataa Barry has made a rOnta,
atudn of the errata made. by atta *rdd Nderiiintoo or ilia Me' It'" Farquh't... " of, T°' Don Maaiaren. Torwo, with
rorito, Mr. and Mi!g. AlloroY Me, kid Met. ;toe Da Loge it
the average person in his spok. 'University a Wearn Ontatita
aft and weittan thglish, 1-16 has LonclOrt, la lialidaYing. gt Ins wIltr aIrrsr, Acnhdarlf:s111141Yar'ttulia6rt,r1- SamThri.a.and um Dori ulettit.thi,
listed theni. in thia book totting finite hero.
Why tha usage is -Wittig. He Mr,. arid Mrs. Jack Petblet Ait`a Mak MaKallat, Teddy Of Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs.
. writes "With Settle 4(110 and and family, of Leadars, !sialtad and David,,aod 'George Smith, Latta Cilantro) and mr, -and
nate, anyone tan avoid iiii8- reettitlY With relatives here, 'Medford; Miss Atatgaret Siniqt Mr. ,Archla MaeGragat,
todt la Etigileti mrs,, Ed. Normiritoti is, tt. and Richard Tinning, Landan, Mr, Jaek Chipchasa, af Ten
Mt, and Mrs, .Alired fotito, .wih lila aaresitta me, old
This book hat an atensivo gaining tteatment in Santh glitl'illt
atoaa-refatatina index Willa litliSat liospital„ 4xeter„ ii, .,,. Mrs, t rnin C:itipthate,
makes it easy to loosto matt. Dr. ft, P. t, Dougall, ef To,, Mr, arld. Mra, n•Obert RCA' Mr, loss Christians bran*
ria) by subleet, rente, visited Over the Weak. hint and family with relativta too, iNitii his .oaretits, Mr., *sod
Ile eotioludes "No longer is end with fun brother, Alt. W. th `elloSTOY, 'Mrs, X, z. -Christian,
mere knowledge anifielara; It, nougat' and Mt, and Mr, and Mtg. Wiliiiiiii Cie- Misa Beth Goddard, Sala-Otialpti
flOW tana Milli ba able' to eg. George Walker, Miss Phyllis Matt and family With OW ft* With hat patantaa Di', Jahn C.
intim that knowledge *arise, nougat', Tortititd, la halidayilig alaaetivn parents 'at tintita, Goddat4 Mi -s, Gotidatd ,atid
toreofully kid 'correctly" vidth her hiller Mr, and Mrs, Williatil t town, farnilyi
Elliott136try, professor at trig- atain-laW and Mater, Mr, and It Noakas,
The story in
Personal items
Bruce 13el1our from Sault Ste
Marie placed flowers in Staffa
United Church on Sunday in
memory 01 his wick, F rank
Christmas visitors
Mr. and Mrs, Russall Wars
deli and girls, Air. and Mrs,
Bert Pelt arid family, Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Warden, with Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Worden.
Mr, and Mrs, Raymond Mills
er and :family, Mr. Mid Mrs,
Arthtu• Rohde and family with
Mr. and airs. Laslie Miller and
Mrs, Nara Francis and Jane,
Scarborough, with Mr, and
Mrs. Arthtir Kemp and family
over tha holiday,
Mr, and Airs. Robert Dune
an, Exeter, Mr, and airs, Els
tIrld MeNidol, Loadoa, Mrs
George Miller, London, Mrs,
Ernest Templcman, Miss Mars
garet and James Miller, Min
and Mrs, Lloyd Miller and lams
ily and air. atid alas. Wilfred
Annis add farally, Mitchell,
with Mr, and Mrs, John Tains
Mr. arid Mrs. (Italians Walla
and daughter of Killarnay, Man-
itoba, Red apeadiag the holi-
days with WA. Work's par-
ents, Me. aral airs. Alex
Air. and ;Mrs, jaraca Scott
and boys With Mr, and Mrs,
Gordon SOU and faintly at
Cron arty
Mr. atid Mrs, Missal' Millet
arid family, air, And Mts.
aolifiliy Miller and Katon and
Mr, arid Alts, Wth Millar and
Kenneth with Mt. Ara.' Mil:
Jack Duneaft arid /artily,
alin a Word on, bur aa in.
tillatag at li.'atrtirtt Graieral
'Hospital, spot t theholiday at
}tar Male,
Erle North arid Tatty nay,,.
tiara who are attonding ONO
't Otialph With their Orals
and Mrs, Sam North and
Aft, Arid Mrs Ilett Daynard,„
DOW Reim 'Stratford Teach,
its' 'Cnilege, With her pai,entSf
raild Mrs, Millar X-01115,
10, arid Mrs, Jirn North sod
'fain lit a in p to , With Min
arid Alta, Sara North,
Repgrt- family, Mrs. Sr, Ma.
Alr, :and MM. Bill nalinvill and
and Roy Smith and 'Jean,
Sgc,thwev, alr. and lira
Dattnigartea and Mrs. Maw,
Mr and Mrs, Norman. preen
• •• ••• •— • • , ••• •-••• ••••—•
and Dos, mr, and Ara-. it•e-i
Haliday :Itlaltara
Mr. and', 'Mrs. Walter Fassold„
Mrs Gartio .po; „Q.:. Washing
ht91.017 m.Ttrt.,.1148) 01.!:'..a.Asis4,c:,t1. 0.:: ./•01.1
atild and ' ..11),, nt • Ottawa, and
mr, and Mrs, Jana Rat4, ,loati,
and .Paul with MrS. isialtan
1.1:4,:*.a :n.. ' . s. Matthew , s 1.
:Aira. C. MaaPheiann, Mr.
zar, of Grand Snml.„ Mrs. Nola
Macallarn and Miss: Eleanor
:S11,5airrn. a 40:11,00:idr:,ii istv9it.shs Mr, and
Mrs, Verne abarpe.
.and 'family :and Mrs. Jack
Corbett of linnsall, Mr, and
hfra. Bob Chafte and. Joey DE
Mitchell, Mr, and Mrs, liarry
Chapman and Mr. ami Mrs,
Don Adams, Mark arta )3roait,
of LOnann, Mr. and. Mrs. Les
Adams, Rarvey and Gloria, mr,
.4aintdcl :Stlarts'On lis°411. 1\atigar.,q4fiznd jaluanse,
Hugh Morenz and Kly,
Dr, C. 13., Sanders, Mrs. sand.
ors, Janet and David, W.cliandi
Dr, 13. M, Sandra, Mrs, Sand-
ers and Charles of Toronto,
Mrs, Itla Sanders, or London,
and Mrs, R., CNQiiil of :Exeter
with. Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Fink-
b°1\' and, mra. Jim Drum-
mond, of Toronto, Mr, and
Mrs. Elmore Datars of' Dash.
wood, Mr.. and Mrs. Eart
Datars and family of Grand.
Bend, Miss. Carol McLeod, of
Ramo Park, Clare Love, Sar-
nia, Don Lova of Kingston,
Gary SIP* a Tavistock, F.,recl.
Loins nf Brucefield, Miss Urania
Hodgins, of Parkrall, alias May
Rod -gins, and Mr. Afansad Hod-
gins with Mr, and Mrs, Ross
Love and Kathryn.
Mr, and mrs, :Carl Smith,
Brian and Bat= at Portage la
Prairie, Air, and Mrs. Bat
Scholes, Geoffrey and Susan,
Mr, and Mrs. Everett Haist of
Dashwood, Mr, and Mrs, Emery
Fatmer, Mr, Calvin Faaner and
Miss Lily Host, a .Crediton,
with mr. and Mrs. Roy Raiz,
Donald anti Harvey.
Mr, and Mrs. Alton Comfort,
Mr. Roy Comfort and Miss
Marilyn Cook, or Fenwick, Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Leadley, Donna
and Debbie, of Welland, Mr.
and Mrs; Garson Brady and
Greg, of Fenwlek, with Mr„
and Mrs, Milton Sweitzer, Mr,
and Mrs. Jack Pickering and
their 'families.
Mr, and- Mrs. Arthur Dins -
dale and Mr. and Mrs. HarveY
Stokes and Johnny, or London,
with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Rata,
David and Judy..
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brown
of Bothwell, Mr, and Mrs. John
A new high-tension electrifi.
cation system, built with $95,000
worth of equipment CARE pro-
vided as a gift has sparked
high apnea In the Gaza Strip.
The increased light and power
are spurring plans for now in-
dustries that will mean jobs
Los' many of the 300,000 refu-
gees and other dastitute resi-
Brann o an e g
Dorethy Argot and friend af
TerOnte With Alia and Mrs.
foorne Diatrich and family,
rl.r, • 44a. htl all:rr:s. Roland Nell
111111...r°2°,:ltill. APIrsA. 11ASr4t C;11.14101-4rn isl'siollitl
414111,1.1 QL01-4niflotliZtrti.88D.)9 1 itii
Shoppard, of Toronto, with all't
4111141.rsi.11aits:r141rIPP:irll' Mr.
Tom J.,amosirt with aar, and
laib071.1.ernSoAlindlafian::Ywiatth 1.1114irest.104n.,,
Mr. aad Mre tlarold rinic,.
Finkbeiner in London,
Mr, and prs, Wraa SWnItaer.
Bon and Sarbara with air, apt'
Mrs, Jack Smith of Woodliatn
on Sunday and with Alt', and
Mrs. Glan Branner of Grand
Bend on Monday.
Mr .and Mrs. Clifford Dell
awnode k.0 witht inn matte alliiodicr4sin, guutlgtirl
Morenz and Billy,
Air. Glatt Sharpe and friends '
are holidaying this week in
ARoy Morenz visited on
Saturday with airs, Gladys
Shrapnell and Air. and airs. An
bert, Randall and had Minh
with Mrs. Orval Wallis, all of
W afford,
Mrs. Mary Stephan raceived
word of the death of her son,
iNalsri. week, lo8 Staphan, in Detroit
Sales and Service
Repairs' and bags for all ino.'
dais of vacuum cleaners and
polishers. Reconditioned ma-
chiries of all makes for sale.
Phone Mensal) 696r2
4.0 seems
"Why is it every time we have
a,n argument you never
take la aide*
happiest news yet
...for homes on the grow
rasaaana =„ aragasassa sagas., *ansea.
opt ow, .2_4"
The Best, Most Modern Way To Heat Recreation Romps
Unheated Sunrooms , Home Additions, Economically, Easily.
I now makes it possible and practical to enjoy room,controlled
heating comfort iti the added living space you aro planning, without going to the
trouble.and expense of extending your existing heating system. BailtAn electric
heating units operate independently of your main heating system —.delivering almost
instant heat, where you want it, when you want it .. ,WithOnt putting an added
strain on your furnace , without overheating the ret of your house,
fdt 1.0A14 is safe, clean, quiet, You enjoy a. healthier atmosphere iroart
electrically heated room bdcAuse electric heat does not deplete the important'
oxygen, content_ of the air. Electric beat does not create draughts) dryness tr dust,
individual wall thermostats may be turned up or down, at will, You control the
boating comfort and the heating cost. '
I TM FAT is easy anti inoxptrisiVO to tleetrie wi;ing to the jmilt,
in alai:lade honting units is ail that is required. You can ltave the job cernpleted
quickly) even in midwinter...because there is no need to disturb your present
heating system or make costly atructural changes,
Call your qualified sil&iric heating couttactor or your local ilydro for assistancp
ihd Ng 6i. MOAN eiectrie heetilq.
For Comfort ,.Vot Cenvenience.,,For rase Installatiort.
Complote your home With eleottio heat,
it our