The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-12-22, Page 6it"*"`"'. '-"'''''r”rmtP.nvmstosfnmnnzwrarmaimOrt Pago. 16, .Din.gmber 2gi 1961 U CQfl and dis-trict new$, Phone BA 7.4255 r–, • LocaI boy heads &anti. ord OPP. Sgt. Thona ll. Morkin, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Markin., RR 3 Lateen, a graduate of the Lucan MO Sall:WI,: is the new officer cam' mending the 18 -man Ontario Previncial Police detachment at Brantford. Sgt. Merlin], who is a 19 -year vOter4n of the OPP, having served in detach- ments at Tillsonburg, London and Dundas, .comes to Brant- ford from Waterford. He sue. ceeds Sgt. David H. Rogers, who retired in October after 35. years with the OPP. Church Activities 1, Pentecostal Holiness Church Airs. Howard Currie was hostess for the WA meeting last Tuesday evening. Christ - Inas was the theme of the meet- ing in charge of Mrs, Meine Eizenga. Mrs. Hugh Birteh gave a reading. During the evening Mrs. Vin- cent Densmore was presented with a baby blanket. YP meeting The executive of the Life Liners was in charge of the Friday night Young People's meeting. F'resident Paul Gra- ham and sister, Miss Lorraine Graham sang a duet and John Armitage read the scripture lesson. The vice-president, Mrs. How- ard Currie spoke on "Christ's Prayer of Intercession". United Church Thanks to Miss Muriel Car- ling the United Church was beautifully decorated with large baskets of poinsettia and ferns, •a nativity scene and decorated lighted candles in each win- dow. A good attendance was pres- ent for the annual CGIT ves• per service in charge of the leader, Mrs. Murray Hodgins, -with the senior choir leading in the music and Ilene Donald- son singing a solo number. The candlelighters w e r e: Correspondent: Miss One Abbott Treat vets The Legion Auxiliary held a Christmas parlY for -Legion .children in the Legion Hall on Saturday at 1030 a,m. with Mrs. Dave Egan as MC. The first part of the pro- gram consisted of a vocal duet by Maureen Smith and Nancy Weller: a solo dance by Cheryl Thompson .and four group dances by pupils of Miss Judy Haskett—Jane Hodgson, Laura Hodgi.ns, Joan Donaldson, Nancy Young, Pat Hadgin.s, Debby Wilson, Karon 3-Iodgson, Sharon Young, Elizabeth Hod- gins, Elizabeth Revington, Julie Hardy, Frances Bison, Linda Hardy, Betty Park, 'Marlene Butler, Lori Crudge, Susan Kennedy, Darlene Sceli, Janis Freeman and Nancy _Hardy, Between numbers draws were made. Prize winners were Dar - lei* Sceli, Billy Lockyer, Susan Kennedy, Maureen Smith, Billy ,jan, Air, and Mrs. James Read Sprague. Joan Appleton, Helen Mrs. Neil Leckie and faMilY, or colorful parade Goddard, G i 1 li a n McNamee, and Mr. and Mrs, George Mark Seifried, B 0 n n y Sue Leckie of Kitchener, Mr, and Lewis, Billy ",ewis and Norma Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. M. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jensen, Mr, and When the •draw for the Legion Mrs. Les Franey of Waterloo, The Lucan Businessmen's Even Santa, who had come Auxiliary's beautiful doU and Association went "all out" ,to prepared for a large crowd, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Orr a . make the Lucan 1961 Santa was not prepared for such an wardrobe was made, the lucky Lambeth, Mr. Herb Neil of winner was Sue4Ellen Kam, Claus parade. the biggest and influx, and had to send to his Goderich, Mrs, Ira Neil and five-year-old daughter of Mrs. best yet, on Saturday. sub -station here, for over 200 son of Wingham; Long before 2 p.m. motorists more bags of treats. Paul Kam, of Vancouver (for' Mr. and Mrs. Millard Neil, began parking on all the side From a car opposite the Nu. - mer Jacqueline Secord, sister Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Neil', Mrs, streets of the village and soon way Motors, Lion Clare Stan - of Mrs. Keith Dickson, Luesn, James Roche, Mr, Neil Mc- Main St. was crowded with ley sold tickets on a beautiful who had bought the ticket 'for Innes, Mr, Rod Smith of Lon- men, women and children. sprayed Christmas tree (later her niece). don, Mr. and Mrs. Fred WU- One of the highlights of the son of Brarepton, Mrs. Jean Children! Children of all ages, won by Lion Jim Young) also program was Banjo (J. J, Res- Zeiglor, Elmira, Mr. and Mrs. everywhere you looked, even announced the parade which on the taps of cars! They must was headed by the Lucan Fire coe, a professional clown from Jack Lowes of Hamilton, m London, who also appeared in Charles Baker of Chatha-m-L, have eorn.e. in .from Vancouver Dept followed by Mrs, Alton to Wallace on her famous Dream the Santa Claus parade in the Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sawyer of• • • .. •• • w-cvkveeteate-emvir afternoon). Petrolia and Mr. and Mrs. fertstee'efeeteteesteetteetiaassettewsi-eeetrwmeeetesietteematex: is .. .. ., , ..A There was only time left for Maurice Dupuis of Parkhill. iv Bantams edge Bryanston 4-2 By STEVE DAVIS Saturday night at Liman, the Lucan Bantams defeated a, hot and spirited Bryanston defence 4-2. Brian Baskett led the team with two goals, while Pahl Young and Bob wawa each tallied once, Wean now has six points, to move into third place in the standing. Lucan will play Bryanston here again next Saturday. The three stars were Brian Haskett, Bob Hickson and Jer- ry Freeman. Goalie Steve Davis' spot was filled by Lucan's pee •wee goalie, Jerry Freeman, Attend funeral Among the many out -of -tow friends who attended the fu- neral of the late Mrs. Af. 0. smith were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burt of New York, Mrs, ROY Ford, Kingston, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Leckie and family, Bres- LIVE REINDEER HIGHLIGHTED: LLIcAN'S BIG SANTA PARADE Crowds jam Lucian one film shown by Mr. Charles Lu can well decorated Skolly before Santa Claus ar- rived with treats for all the The village street Christmas And tails, With him were two. ,was from, the Treasure .Chet .1)oys, Brian and Xevin. IiItCan,. owned by Mrs, J. ,Comb, sons of Mr, and Mrs. Itidellffe; the Nu -way A$oters' Don 1,\PComb, the blanket over "Shrrey .with the fringe 4) the pony .designated. the :float —Please tun tq page .f.10V1s,it,reVaPe.44iir',4cAlitrAWAVSOVIVAigffifFAMtitg0.01.110g0i10#1, Mrry Christrnae in these t NI, words we wish to cxprai,e ,f) operee elation fot,youe onwaverine will and friendship, Treasure Chest Gift Shop MRS. J. S, RADCLIFFE LUCAN t-7-;tar..ralesisettrait*Ss-ureror,tezflerstetVlsitzflertr.serlettilelatolititellei-eraillatelateelargrellitellel Girl Golden and Mrs. Keith Dickson, who rode a horse owned by Mr, Fred Darling of Exeter, as her own famed Tip. was out of town, • Also included were over 20 members of the Clarkette majorettes from St. Thomas; sea cadets band; convertible with William Thomas, Han. William Stewart and Reeve Hearn; cutter on wheels with Russell Bowman in high hat tectegiseeivg-temvs;towestao'w4vstregoetii, tr. children. lights and the large tree on ti• Mr. J. S. Radcliffe's lawn have 4 No winners yet iv been lighted and each night A The numbers of last week 'S more and more home deeora- It businessmen's draw were 1909, tions appear. :a handed in to' the K.offee Kup yet., but it is worth ones while And Best Wishes to Our h. A 1360 and 0018, which had to be Lucari may not be a Lambeth Restaurant by Dec, 16 for their to drive or walk up and down Clients and Friends owners to be eligible for the Lucan's side streets as well We appreciate the privilege g AtterrY rt 6tin" 530, 520 and 510 vouchers. as Main St. and see the lighted Once again no one handed in homes. a number, so the money will be added on to this week's prizes. president, Patricia Cobleigh, Thi. k's b , MORE LUCAN NEWS vice-president, Louise Coch- posted. ON PAGE 17 rane and eitreasurer, Margaret ,„‘„,,,____,,,i____,cattmtcsvowerooth201,4„ciektietittiottov Coblgh, memberehip takng part. In the We at the Christmas Fantasy, Margaret Cobleigh was the archangel and six other members taking the part of the angels. Betty Ann Lewis. Daisy Cobleigh and Judy Coughlin led in the dedication service. The Explorers, who were out in large numbers, repeated their "Purpose" in unison. Miss Betty :McIntyre read "The Messenger", the story of Mich- ael the angel. Four members took up the offering, which will go to the Canadian Girls Work Board, which is interdenominational. ¥Pu The Lucan-Clandeboye YPU attended the vesper service in a body, after which they met at. the parsonage for a short workshop service and business meeting , followed by refresh- ments. Choir party Thursday night Miss Betty McIntyre entertained 18 mem- bers of the junior choir at the home of Mrs, Karl O'Neil, The evening was spent playing pro- gressive crokinole. The prize winners were Roberta Coch- rane, Jimmie Hearn, Jean Crozier and Judy Coughlin. Missioriary Sunday ' Being. Missionary Sunday, Rev, G. W. Sach spoke on the Universal Commission, taking as his text, "Go ye and make disciples of all nations". Dr. James Endicott, of mis- sionary fame in China and the Orient, was a member of the Lucan "United Church in 1881 and the late Mr. George Stan- ley, who still has many rela- tives in Lucan, was a recog. nized local preacher, Christmas eve service will be at 11. p.m, Anglican Church The flowers in the chancel at, the 11 o'clock 'service v"ere in memory of the late Mrs, M. 0. Smith, At 11 pan. Christmas eve there will be a carol service followed by Holy Communion at 11.30 p.tn. On Christmas Day there Will be a Christmas Day quiet toirp minion at 9.30 a.m. Personal items Mrs. Lloyd 11, Bissell and Miss Merle Law of London tn. jOyeci a pre"Christmas dinner at the home of their sister, Mrs. Murray Iledgins and tam. ily of Lucan, Miss Judy ifaskett was one of the 21. pupils ot 12 A Med. way who attended a class r)arty at the home of Miss Michtle Quinttonter, London, last, Fri. day night. She remained over. night 'with he friend Miss Sue Winders, Guests with Mr, and Mrs. J. K. Dick,son rn aturday to toe the Santa Claus parade were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Secant, Mrs, L. Dickson, Miss Carol Wannamakt, Miss Leslie Age and Mr, and Mrs, A. Syd. onliam and son, alt of London, Lynn Stanley., small &ugh. for ai ivir. 2tit:1114PS. OM Stan. ley. bad her tonsils removed .Thseph Respital and is LUCAN LANES wish to extend our SEASON'S GREETINGS A To all our friends during this holy and festive season. Carl & Kay Murphy AND STAFF CENTRAL HOTEL LUCAN 4'tcrt,,n:atrmMtTt.::ltt'MNYCPzrtP.ri'rrfttt:s*c;FtfVtVtetV of serving you,if We'd like 1.0 put our wishes 4 t for a joyful holiday in your w . stocking! Merry Christmas * It' and Happy New Year! PAUL'S • Donald G. Ranting il' SUPERIOR MARKET !. it it W 227.4462 Lucan ,g, A Insurance Agency Established 1939 tr 4 if :f4r4t WA WA SZTAI ;Irrit Mid MArk*.i Mr mivrAi4 MAIN ST. LUCAN v. Z216 Chi Ott trtittRiwA OftirtflOWtOtrWit ONS"Clirr7t tvt w,t.ttvt wst:ia to all the bowlers at our place and extend a weleOme to you to BOWL and HAVE FUN here over the Holiday (EXCEPT ON CHRISTMAS DAY) Phone 227-4236 for Reservations JACK and FLORENCE ARNOLD It is our sincere hope that the joy of the first Christmas may abide with you forever. Liman Motor Sales Phone 227-4426 GREETINGS At this joyous Christmas season we extend to everybody our heartfelt wishes for a happy holiday and prosperous New Year. To all our many friends and patrons, may we say a warm, "Thank you," JAMES L. LEITCH Plumbing & Heating Phone 227-4234 Lucan 31' #tgtkogiiigtiWAV'etrafgiOiiggia'At4.140'.0 w Koffee Kup Restaurant 1 From the wreath on 4, 0 the door to stockings 1 by the fireplace, may I); joy fill your house. h 4 IT COCHRANE •,0 0 BARBER SHOP 4. Lucan IT -IA Phone1227.4277 ti. ,v4w.,,g;ttakkoti,tm,i0,41waRtimokm,titrAttvAttlAttnavAivonmftt=wql.ftintialtatlaattataitalwrormetkomtnot 4 sy 0 Ethel and Joe Hay Lucan fi 0 0 litontiv•v•igovaidzItt:ittitodtseoceitfistorttmigicittetftviRtamtai : It. ;4trvittAtmrtmfmvitmt..a,mtmilmtwAtogitommgoftorgolomitti'xitnittstril 4.444,,,,i1"10,40N040#,Aummitor LL GOOD IIISRES FOR It is our sincere wish that the Spiritual beauty and festive joy of the Christmas Season light up your days with bright helm and happineSt. FROM THE PROPRIETOR Central Restaurant LUCAN C lifaskett- Son GREETINGS At this joyous Christmas season ...we extend to everybody our heartfelt wishes for a happy holiday, a prosperous New Year. Langford Lumber AND BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. Lucan We gro.61. you with a Friendly note of tliank for yolit god will and kind patronage: WraithStorey :Hardware' theitd. tort "Welke tit 121404 for itesneuarions LUdAN PHONE 2274732 ' I PHONE 227-4711 LUCAN recuPOttilibg g 110r home here, filtfteftttstfteroiteiotiii**ift***4*****Siookgerilittili**41.********eiipitiniififsiMitifikei***********100.4******0404044ite*****Aft ' iliNkfffotOliWkttfte***04.004004."k000.efr*.ttgrOtiikttrioemioktftoktitoffsfonicifig*til0 •