Huron Signal, 1853-03-10, Page 5II SIGNAL
every Tlisorssist
ger 1304 ?vistteg esecisted with
Tempe the Moms Sagoef.-TEN
smusHiHR per wean of paid strictly is
imiumes, sir Tames and SU Penes with
the emit/Mao the year.
, No pipe dascostiseed =tit arrears we
'pe,i4 sip*** the publiebers theak at their
amebae 1,01010.
kneithilividual in the country becougleg
Tor six salmieribers, shall re-
ceive cseventh copy polio.
must be park -paid, Mr they erdl sat be takes
out of the post office.
Term Adcertising.-Sil lines sad
'Fen Sees and uader, first inset., 0 3 4 1
Rash subsequent Mambos, 0 0 10
ler A liberal discouut made to those wbo
advertise by tbe year.
Adrertisements without written instruc-
tiem will be interted until forbid, and
obargen accordingly „. and no advertisement
discontinued unpaid for at the time of with-
drawel, wiles by the consent of the pub-
AT TIM Bala 00 TUS
in A N be heel et ell limier,
Mr. Unread* Bordisg Horst,
f.rmerly the British Hotel.)
floderreb, April 19th. 1852. 05
st met, Codified'.
Jose 1948. lore15
Cr !MINIM MAKER, Three doors East 0
er met, Gederich.
August 27th, 1849. 2vo"
TTORNEY AT LAW, and Coevayam-
cer. Solicitor in C.hancery, fee. has his
Stratford, tad Jan. 100. UW9
offi-e as formerly is Stratford.
Aug. 25tb, 1852. e5n31
IS prepared io (weigh DESIGNS and
111 PLANS, on the mom resieonable term.
Gualeracti, Nev. 1810 ftbe.
(Oat dour Wolof Mr: Dawes.)
A LSO French Stays made to order. in a
•4"s superior style and M. Fashionable
BON1aTS always cm head.
Goderieb, Dec. 30th, 1832. ‘5048
Of the .Fersurukuss al the Municipal Council for the United
Catualies Huron anal DISCS,
The Couoty Council met is the Court Room at the Couoties
Goal at Godencb this 24th day of January 1S.33, purssant ts
Statute 1211) Vic. Chap. 81.
W1LLIA CHALK., Esq., Warden in tbe char.
And the following gestkman who pretested certificates front
tbeir reapeclive Town Clerks, of having been deli elected 'Iowa
Reeve., and Stein taken tbe necessary oaths as such: -
1 Robert Davidsos, Esquire, for the Towuship of Ashficld,
2 John Atkinson, do Biddulph,
4 William Wallace,
5 John Holmes,
6 Jonas Gibbing*,
TIN AND COPPER 8111T11, next door
to the Victoria Metal, West Street,
Goderick, has constantly on hand, a choice
stock a Thole*, Cookieg and Box Stamm.
kc., which he win sell at considerably re -
doted pries.
The highst pries paid is trade for old
copper, braes, pewter, sliwerelullo- 411
beef hides, feathers sod rages. All kind. of
Merchaautile produce takes is settlings at
emit' mese
Godericb, Feb. tS, MIL v6-04
do do Colborne,
do for tbe own of Goderieb,
do tor the Township of Goderich,
do do Bullet and
Mot ria,
7 do do Kiseardine,fec
8 do do McGillivray,
9 do do McK.illop b.
14 Charles Girvine do Wawanosh.
15 And Francis Walker, do am Deputy Reeve for Kiscanline,Me.
The certificates of the above gentlemen haviug been read over it
1 Moved by Mr. Holmes, secooded by Mr. Lamb, That a
Committee of fire be appoioted to examise the documents seb- a cOMMittee of three be appotnted to take luto considerattoo
the errection of a Court House aud County Offices --carried.
(One door East of C. CraWs
WOULD inform tbeishabitaits of Godia
• rich and neighborhood that be is pre•
payed to make to order or otherwise, arty
kind of Lade's and Geottemeni Floe 40
Fancy. work, in the weste‘t sad mom
fishmeal:le style. And will ales furnish
heavy Route and Shots, to suit the oe-
eessities of those that may favor him with
JOHN J. E. LINTON, their estem. Hie prices trill be moderate.
'VOTARY PUBLIC, CoMmissieser Q.B., Jule 29 1850. v649
aml Conveyancer, Stratford.
William Fraser,
Patrick Flanagan
Robert Hays,
10 Andrew Walker, do
11 Ninian Woods, ao
12 William Chalk, do
13 Thomas Lamb, do
prewetly called, os the sate male.
dagy sea. Woos We alteaulat. eatedat ahem.
mar sed **outsets whiels defy &Meese me -
la large aid redest elletwanows. Aod la
moulting out upon ear aeorel short the
Goer.. ime might 1. pasema 11018.110111 Sloe
abatis of the tesperste esti Di
mirage id torrid Sollai WI ought 1-.7 talk -
mature* et er crgtag us te the Mrse• •f pee
awn sod oadodgemoe. Hence, thee. lort.
Salle taken ob• ru:e ut (Inatome what thew
Diesel as thsor compass to steer by, hat,
esund it too often subject to such grin'.
sad sersaulluse venation'. ip 14 Outlets:,
obese with wrack aad deal/a/lino. An I
of, happily. they meet wall notes •ad ii,1
moeitioaa upon the chart of the Write 0
Temperance t.. save them front itonassOst-
Um conr• third by ahorra'iun froa the emir.,
preferbedo di repcateJ mortification dearly.
04,a:tient for on treacle.' indulgenCe.
Erin's man boa a eh oee of two ruler -
the •sfr .me of total s'astinenes and tin.
tumor,. one of dr4akmg Its p:
agol although, wider the latter run. les;
men may, w lh 'moonily Meet oaer It,
experience on ti•,rselves moil have tang'
full after ¬ tier be:t0les tbe re non, aa ,
sterols sway the prudence of 'he drieker.-
last boo who think. v. Oftleott to shataie
from a tittle, reflects bow morn 'store d.ffi
soli It is lo 'Wain from drinking Xmo
Ouch wtoen the habit ha* been ones ae
gored. It is ion one of thon declivity.
which he reasceade with great, perhap.
breathless dolfieo.lie. Call to mind thy
remedie. whnei tune bees controvedl to f40.
claim tee drunkard. We need to ming?,
on his eop the nauseating drug. a drug • *
er than his pred.lict;on for bis favorite
enameling. Wtten the counter associetior.
1 hail wore away, he returned to hie dram '
I "as th• dor to his vomit, ant the sow to
her yellowing in the mire•"
lesion was still more so.
i Moral remedies aiso are often unleall-
...nor': remedies ars of all the most legit'-
. mite; an•I they are iMp;aattid in oar as-
! mire. yve are en lowed with theoi from •
rlaturoc•n give, mai which th•olt GOd, so
cl et:71i a:pug:write: 0 take SWAT. KIND these'
; You may present to the &askant the
i denunciations of Scripture, vie rata •
health, the destruction of morals and th •
beggary of lo Woes. Yon tiny bring de&
sorrows of th• ell o ed mother, un'es• am.
has been iiehapply draws within the eve..
where the embers of domestic pleascre. •
here coned to glow. You inay putet hto,
t:Ivo: with mien? joy,. yan in n bring i.:
bear noon him the almost overpower*,
treportuartien or (needy arid the imptorinz
urgency of the Christian minimor, •11 fool.:
ingly alive to the wreck of his family,. ano
me owa fast approacaing eternal dos
Botha", few lit'iitu.; druiiktr is %aim i..1
known reclaimed by thns viewer. the tut,
i gedy Mr thee. own creation. lave we at
I found thorn fro* more desperate AO iffilli.
cace grew` mule hopeless, end either OW
indulge in paieeil reflecting., 44 they ens
I addre-s tercel( to thorn. who maintain •an • rrt-lt, to drown them m tbe iodic operate cab
I emit turn over to Ore irooremive and I den the *Ise rule oi total aSetM•04311--
ibut 1 shell sidnyes the Cadets themselves; ire.; unman.' eteite 4,3..tifipacr, Ifec.ilee COW.
sad .10011.,1* I here not the honor ef being , partitively kw of those who art *Barri tat.•
nee of t Ite'rr. I a ii 'admitted tS14 Melt' to ; exc.... are reclaimed fr on it. It is Moe ,
We are all. I bops. the friends of Tem• !the teee of totem -eating demons. thine te t •
SISSISITe; nod [may hers as well tell you ,: penned., lion to lees them 'off. whoa Star
obit 1 beton/ to the old reh,ou'. In the 1 uric ..1 them hat rtcome briniest. .1t le.
dieted. as we omit to say, spinet King / trout the rota t i iris insp trews, thee to
sway es er a "multitude of most dee Yell sub j sobriety; to prevent. a4 eta is b .va •sabs.
jrcts--I onglit to say &laves. The war land wiser then to ff.$1.11 MO a irreetior o'
was floe of eiterminemon on both sides; 1 A. In pesttlex oil lifluilais, pyres,' et9e•
we rIewrooyen Iva bottler, as oneompromis- carry about Delon awry drug. sopansied to
tyranny w•s onct he the ovoid, ititerin.aell .ly deeored it better to avert irefireistareittio
and radical opposition; by entire Biotin. a:. to brava neerery firma it. And the. nolo
frein ardent .pirit.. I rej oce in the • of -entire, abstinence beecomes tbierefors 114.4
1 tuOk in that contest, ana I 1..ok b telt irpon „mere impend se, from the einstierioe ,
any. Awl that a these who Sees -
cast noon u. in i het day with Vie seine I Mai
pleamore a. a so'ilte•r foel• in showing hut I affected, few river yetaea r. Tan Salm
wounds or reeoginting his bet,lee. I can %WU'. fore coed:eft site wnest rale of WU;
bar testimony to the inealcolable mono% abilit infancy.
of sooe winch has eosin heretofore teConl- ; Aehere thee. my rung Nen Ie. to t!ti.
plished, howev.r &Sewall! Vim ansorno. rule. When y• a are a, ,0 y 14010, you,
may be estimated by ditTerent obsersers.- rule of time
Tne contract le equally &Irking sad rat.- 1 with iny mem nape:WA
fying between the mato of things b•rfurs Ant when t a ,1 at r eir f 1 .1 ., 1.. . e•smme •
sag mese the temneranes MavenuMt,— ,mflhe bat' I. ‘a, .1 4 .11 0101 r•eatef emu -
Unit . year I witivroted yo re tramples : aciacces .9:1 pteversr. Visa c ot I be •fl..r.le 1 ,
through -thew. $ 3 r te of William Canada I by the C...) cost a'arlalit Iful al ...arape of frear
which 1 visited with ma rrattelt graiiteda awl . any part of 11 • World. •
25 Moved by Mr. Wallace secoaded by Mr. Young, That
a Committee of Five be appoiated on Finance -carried. On
the Ballot been taken, the Committee was declared to consist of
Mews. Creels, Wallace, Flanagan, Ilaya and Holmes.
28 Mimed by Mr. 1, libbings, conded by Mr. Ilays, That a
ef tonney be granted by this Cuenca! for the repel' of the
loss crossway about 11.0 neles caot of Clinton, and that Ile Sur-
veyor be instructed to exasime, and reliert at the next aloha' of
Caused the probable expense of such repairs--tliere is tio doubt
but the Counties will be put to legal ettwut• if dm above men-
tioned read is not put in a better state ot repair. The above
was referred to the road and bridge Committee.
27 Moved by Mr. Flanagan, secooded by Mr. Woods, That
the County Clerk be instructed to furnish each member of this
Council with a correct statement of how or in edit manner the
fartbiog to die pound that was collected in the Uoited Counties in
of tire Gravel Read) has been disposed of -carried.
28 Moved by Mr. Hahne', seconded by Mr. Hays, That
Messrs. Woods and Fraser be added to the Finance Commit -
29 Moved by Mr. Wallace, seconded by Mr. Young, That
a Committee of five be apporottel on Roads and Bridges--car-
lied. On a ballot being taken, the committee was declared to
coosist of Messrs. Young, Wallace, Flanag,an, Hays and Fraser.
30 Notice of motion by 51r. Davidson, That I inteed to
move to -morrow for ammo of mouey to build a Bridge across HS
Mae mile creek at Albert.
31 Notice of motion by Mr. Fraser, That I intend to move
on to -morrow for a small sum of !Roney meud the mail line to
32 Notice of motion by Mr. Johnson, That I shall to -morrow
move for a grant of a sum of rnonej to repair the Tow nliae be-
tween tbe Townehips of Stanley end Ilay.
33 Morcd bv Mr. Wallace, seconded by Mr. Lamb, That
Oo a ballot being takes, the C'ommitUee was delared to conswt o
Mews. Hays, Lamb, Holmes, Waltaceud Gibbiogs.
2 Moved by Mr. Holmes, seconded by Mr. Lamb, That Wil-
liam Chalk, Esq., be Warden for the'curreot year -carried.
3 Mored by Mr. Fraser, seconded by Mr. Gibbing+, That
the Council do now adjourn their sittings to the British Exchange
to meet of 9 o'clock to -sorrow morning.
4 Moved in macadamia by Mr. Wallace, seconded by Mr.
Hays. That the Caused do adjourn tilt nine o'clock to -morrow
morning to meet at the Huron Hotel.
On the yeas and nays bei taken on the above ameodmeot
there voted for the amendment 11, for the motion 3 -the amend-
ment was consequently carried by a majority of 8.
The Council adjourned ace y. Warden,
Heron lad Bruce.
"z Attearive Hostler@ alwase on hand. 1 Ages., for the mle el Wild Leas Cleared
Goderich, Sept. 12, 100. v3 -o30 Farms, Household Fereiture sad Produce
' of every deseriptiou.
STRACHAN AND BROTHER. • • ()Bee, sem door, 'North of the Kisear-
Berrien. ard Atter-ries et Lew, tily,. inf. Ammo. theilerieli,
Geortarcti C. W. • March Seth MI6& 05-09
IOIIN STRACHAN Barrister and Atter-
lir soy at Law, Notary Public and Cauvery- • ROBERT REIM
Mathis mid Talbei-sireste. teedes. C. W.-
•c--• Attormey at Law, Solicitor .111 Chaos
School Begat, Cenieso• sad Classical Beek.
eery, Conveyameer. Bieding sad Retire of every description niers..
' - IT Orden for Arnim t Backe. frent the Trade
WILLIAM HODGINS, or Country Slesehanis, punctually atter:tied tem
Leedom, Much lest. 4v4
(*Cr 27, Durufas Street,
WOULD return hie Ramage to the
HORACE HORTON, pubhe for the liberal support he has mot
AGENT for the Freemen' Mutual sad , and hopes by strict atteation to beemeise,
.x-°. General Ignorance Orrice. Vorento,- to still merit • share of their patroosge
Also Arent for the St. Lawrence Consty ,e1 do„ zna. v. Ike
Mutual„10ordeerburr, New York. Lees? Cared. Compaurr's Office -
Agent for Simuel aloe leon's Old Rochester tiodericli, Sept. tit la, I 8.7.2. 15833
Nursery. July 1850. 22
m: West of W. E. Grace's Store, West
Street Goderieb.
Feb. 19,1859. 011-a4
Agent for Ontario Marine 4- Fire In-
surance Co.
INSURANCE alsated oa Skip -
a• ping and Geods.
All kinds or Deeds correctly draws, asd
Booke and At -roosts adjusted.
Mee over the 'Newer!, Goderich.
July Sk 1116S. 011•1111
VICTORIA. tv.filnlIa
(Seer the ltashat Swam)
Amovernedsitese fer Tramline, sad
ti.„7 se atimuse Homier at ra11 she
done of Teams.
Orderiek Des• 1860* 413 -if
and °Amen, No. 17 Duodas Street,
February t5tb 1852.
The Council met.
WILLIAM C.HALK. Esq., Warden, is the Oar.
Masses. A. WALKFR,
Cornett. Room. Gocsaiem
25th Jausierry, 18953.
At:enemies, is prepared to attend Sales in
any pert of the Untied Counties, on the
meet liberal terries. Apply at ;henget
Diatoms Court office, or at les house, East
Street, Goderieh.
N. 11.-Geocia and other property will be
removed to sell either by 0115111 Of public
Jannen 8.1852. •4047.
MANUFACTURERS of Hots, Caps sad
i'v-11 Fancy Pure, Wholesale and Retail
Dealers in Furs, buffalo Rubes, Deer Skins,
Mime, Mitten', Ise.
Cash Paid for Pers.
Tbe highest place paid, at all ti es in
Cash, for all doec.iptions of Shipp,' Fere
Detroit, Michigan. Aug. 1161. vso9S
Fanners' Mutual Insurance Co.,'
•-• the Coustme of Waterloo and Mares.
August 97, 11130. Seth
crews TAVERN, Leaden Road.
May 1851. or4a12
ARR1STER. Solicitor is Chasesq,
igpeette the Gore Bask, and the leak of
British ?Gob America. IliallsitTort. 4 10
April 10, I681. vIall
-rIL Faiths Sales ta thy port of the Uaited
Coesties, os inedente tomes.
HE above Moll mid bait are situate en
dm Mach ebbs Rbassitiss Illereet, in
bat terse.. Village of Peeetaagera.
apply t•
Masses. WALLACE,
On a ballot being taken, the committee was declared to consist of
\lessrs. Bays, Fraser, and Holmes.
3 Mored by Mr. Wallace. seconded by Mr. Young, That
a Committee of sna be appointed on Railroad matters -canned.
On a ballot being taken, the committee was declared to consist
of Messrs. Ilelme•, Wallace, Woods, Flanagan,.11ays and
35 Notice of. motion br Mr. Flanagan, That I shall move
to -morrow (or a sum of £15 to be granted towards opening and
cros'waying part of the Townliue between Stte.ben and M'Gilli-
vray. East and \Vest of the Sable.
36 Notice of motioa by Mr l:irrin, That to -morrow 1 will
move that a sum of mosey be granted to repair the line of road
between the Tows hips of Ashfield and W awanosb, over I!olmes'
37 Notice pf motioa by Mr. Atkisson, That to -morrow I
will move for a sum of mosey to be applied on the towoline be-
tween Beldulpb sad lrnborne.
38 Moved by Mr. Wallace seconded by Mr. ' oune, Tbat
tha Gowned do adjourn till uipe o'clock to -morrow morning -
carried. The Council adjooried accordingly.
lluron and Bruce.
'Toms everting sMvis sea sight,
And aliereeml aid
The Forsch Iseperoal
All forsige *eerie leer. sco,,,:sg.
Flo begird from door te door
A wile to Awe his glary,
Ilia lees hole he did poor
Asd this ways part oi hos story.
Yoael ynar husband make me;
France will pay
Oh. list te what I say,
Pretty Royal Vases:
Ninny your price, you Tay,
France vre':1 shore between es.
The coustry's pose to nee p,
t'old of sense mut itches.
Round •bout I creep
Ouly ice.
l'as got the gold to eat them;
la prima 1 casaba' aeon,
If 11.1y, I describe them -
Will •sy intoning bribe them,
fres gat • Hide fame
By lov• or peace decleusg•
I've got my ituee'• same,
A little were. for *cavern.
Pv• got some gooseberry rotas.
With asesage• mad pelletbr,
To make rho so!diers noire
Wheneer I *sot their ballets,
(That'. what Pro t o be paid 4)-
A sour •ery mead,
l'ni sere will charm the ledies.
Aad rob* s *domed with pealee;
01 not erectly folta,
rte aeons ie my eye,
Wade! got -what have sot I -
'Fite real Royal bmediag.
l're wealth that all will own,
No matter how I get it,
I've gut tremdes a throne,
, As Ionise :bey oluu't *peso it,
VII take the fi•st ihs first will prize me:
Bur oh! I mist/ my breath.
!..c. ode 1 coo deseeyer
8.1'11 be her constant lover.
5 The \1Xeu presented bis oath of office as felt, which iras
ordered to led.
reeve•fer Hay, when it was •
7 Moved by Mr. Holmes sesonded by Mr. Hap, That Mr.
'shown do take his seat for Hay, his documents beteg correct -
8 'Floe Report .fif•tbe Commitee appointed to 'report on tile
certificates proaented by the various Tows-rieves was received
aod read, Irk* tbe Council west into,Comimitre eif the whole on
the same -Dr. Weeds tbe chair. -
On the Report being read, Nee. I and 2 were adopted.
9 Os somber 3 beieg read, it was moved by Mr. Fraser, se-
conded by Mr. Asdrew Walker, That die Report be recommit-
ted with iostruetions to tbe Committee to allow Dlr. Francis
Walker tO take his seat.
10 Moved in amendment by Mr. Hays, secooded a! Mr.
Gibbines that the Report oldie Committee be adopted -Os the
yens m711 nays being , taken on tbe above, the aniendoest was
carried by a majority of four. Tbe remainder of the report was
The Committee rose and the Warden resoled the Chair
when the Report was again •-ubmitted and adopted.
11 Resolution of the Buffalo, flraistford and Goderich Railway
Company was received, and referred to a Committee to be ap-
The Council adjourned till 3 o'clock, P. M.
Huron and Bruce.
HAVING Orin tbe past two yoore sets
ed is the capacity of GENERAL*
AGENT for the collection of debts, desires
it to he generatle seilerstoos that ite will
weept the Aeeney for tbe =Mistime Mr
due. in any part of the Upper Province, be.
I wren robourg in the Emit and Lehe Huron
in the West. In negating this announce -
meet, hie would beg to stress his thanks
to his friends for past (senor., •nd now re -
All communications na hearses, address-
ed (post paid) to Ayr P.O.. North im-
frims, C. W., yiroll be promptly atteaded lo.
April I, IOC 06510
26th lanuasy, 1853.
The Cowed met. ,
The Warden in the Ctiair.
Meters. YOUNG, Messrs. FRASER.
The. minutes of• yesterday were read orer sad approved.
39 Report of thf. County Surveyor Was received, rcad,arad
referred -to the Road aintEliiiige tomrsium.
40 Account for .Pestagsfs for County 'Surveyor, was referred,
to Finance Committee. •
41 Letter arid account from Mr. Straclian, referred to Fi-
mance Committee.
42 Petition or tbe Trusteee of School Stetion No 6 Sea 7i
Kineardine,was received read and referred the School Com -
Tunis following numbers were referred'to the Fiance CoM-
43 Aloved by Mr. Davidson, seconded by'11r. Girvitt, That
£100 be granted to build a Bridge. across the nine mile river, at
Port Albert.
44. Moved by Mr. Ulanagan, secousled by Mr: Walker,
That the sum of .C..!:) be granted toward., opening and cross -
straying. part of the Townline between :Stephen and McGillivray -I
cast acid west of the
43 Moved by Mi. 611 -yin, seconded by Mr. Davidson, That
the sum of fire potieds be granted for repairing the: liae of road
between the 'rownline of Asle.ield and Wawanosb, on die ninth
concesaion, river Holmes' Creek. •
ati Moved by ?dr. Atkinsoo, seconded by Mr. Lamb, That
s sum nt twenty imuods be granted, to help to open no
Townlme between lliddutph and Usborne, and to -held a Bride
ever the River San:e on the above Townlioe.
17 Moved b.y Mr. Fraser, seconded by Mi.. Davidson, That
£50 be allowed to improve the mail line to Peoetangore, io com-
mence at the end of the present tut road, Lake Shore, Ashfield.
43 Mowed by Mr. Johneon, seconded by Hr. Woad% 'Phil
the sum of £50 be allowed to improve the road between the
rowrohips of Stanley and Hay.
49 3foved by Mr. Wallace, sceaoded by Mr. Young, That a
committee of fire appninted, to examine the present Court
(louse, aceoneisnied I,y the comroittee appointed on Court house
matters, and that the Sheriff be requeeted to acconipany said
committee, au.I point out the objectioes raised by tlie Judge or
stay other party to holding the Court there as fnrmerly, and that
Ills County Surveyor du accompany the committee, and give hie
opinion on say matters referred to him --carried. I hi a ballot
being taken, committee was declared te consist of Messrs.
Wallace, Johnson and Woods.
50 Moved by .11r. Holmes, seconded by 31r. Hun, That
as an effort re about to he inade to gi..t certain Township.; in the
tint the Warden
do petitioe Parliament in the name of this Council praying that 11,, ,h hot., ,amps,v.. h....,
SEAT door to B. O'Coesor's 810f.0,
Wellt Street, Gkelench. Clothes made
mid impaired, sad rotting dean on the shor-
test wettest, sod Isnot liberal terms.
Dettoliost 'WO
Couricit. Room, 3 o'clock P. NI.
The Cowell omit, the Warden Oa the Chair, and the name
Consenter* present as in the forenoon. .1
The followitig documents were received, and the fir,t eight re-
ferred to the Finance Committee.
12 Account of J. M. Graham of TAndon Stalitinery.
Seperintemlent of Schools.
. 14 Letter from Secretary of Board of Public Instruction to
Wardea accompanied by a resolution of the Board.
15 Letter from Messrs. Johnston and Mc Ewen, Coetractors
of Bilaidisd Bridge.
16 Lotter front Robert Gilliam% (left over from last session.)
17 Letter from Couaty Treasurer, aed quarters abstract end -
mg 91st Dec. 1852.
18 Letter from Mr. Warwick, and specimen of assesamest
roll -circular kora Mr. Scobie-and letter front tbe Masers. Cox
offeneg to print assemment rolls.
printing -
20 Letter froni r. Perceral (left over film apAt sessine.)
A 20 Letter from Chief Superintendeat to County Clerk re-
ferred to School Committee.
21 Moved by Mr. Wallace, fereiseded by Mr. Lamb, That
the Wards. iestructed to petition the Goiersor awl Council
ewe • prothusation sethoriaing the County Gowen to separate
Towasbir of Greenock and Brant from the Township ol
kisardine, and maks s other elterstios tbey may me fit
for the coevenience mid 'fleeted tan ring out the preeinions
of the Mesie4pal beta, m the County of Huron, one
of dm Caked Commies of worm tad Brece--earned.
2'2 Moved by Mr. Wallace,seeoncird by Mr. Yousg, That
the enbjeet of beildieg a Court Ileum laid over from last meet-
isg, be bromght before the Fiume* Committee--earried.
23 Moved by Mr. Yoong, seceeded by Mr. Girvin, That
Bre Road fiefs dye IAbe Riad ve Colborms, op betimes the 7t16
emit filth Comeessioes es far as the flimsies line, and from theme
along the Diverse him to the Towwhip of Warnansh, be assues-
aid as a Comity Road in tbe Paid Township. The above wits re-
lented be the Heed said Bridge Committee.
24 Moved hy %tr. Holmes, meonded by Mr. Fraser, That
I .0T No 60, in the Maitland Cowes. -
Mon of the Towership of Oreferreh,
costuming 157 ems of the beet hind, el
vise ow the bevies ef tba River Illaitlead,
II Iroise. new Ciedemen. There m um es-
eetlitea Hese. see Bats as the premmes,
t with es Orchard of the *Sorest (retie see
01 taking Orr Civil,. nt 84 Soiree of the
ing (eel:
1 hliv• Wiser lo say to thrum veterans
on the taus. of 'Temperance, a ho bare gone
through • foll probation le the enjoyment
of ihe theory of gond cold water n shall
the sesseseat in these Usited Coustiet, the atomiser of
.Ipid Wes. Fie tram apply to the • ai
you* ihribest,,, Houk triallseidfbilis Is *di isansieri ewe, Mad that the several
County of /biros, detatched from sal
tbe several Townships in said Cnuaty be contineeil therein, and ...,e re, sad sittings/h. dartwg she Net
that the Saillie be forwarded te Oaf representative for presmeation ir,e,...wagetreaw .11.:,101. .1,14%1 her.5.10:1
Couneil adjourned till nine o'clock to -morrow morning. tre4.10.F.floe"I...alksto 84‘ rooItilrn ..ethee..ereant noses.
lkantford, and at I) A.., by b innha or ail arty fears b rote &reed woe* 04 (+Roam(
tele. Nevertheless, fe.ueites they wets ,,, 1.70 yes,. of ate, aiha,,e1 oreure4 1. ht.
difed• Onr hearts wens aboodently warm 'with. Ilt• dere may thererore 'hi ab .o•
up• on gone co.,' water. The dominion' of sti,„Ii*H. nod isii.,..,.4 ete *etc* .7 • 0 irisis
of Malowser, reddened that speliathrn an1 , solutes; eca istsios pail be, 4,11,..„,„‘„,t,,,,„ ,
d..c„! which. though riet enmplater, wore I intros*. and hese illy ocariete 4, toe *M-
oo many splendid trophies yea by hie tea mac illy e... s•ge,i, slid 41.41 praparattee•
corouroutimag •nemte.. the triande rd Tow. „„„3„ !„,, 1,,,, ssisiii.iiisii. 1,, ii,... umeo,
p,rsece. Sines that Bret in -neatest in the eas.e. sreeoll, 1 pl.fletv, al : 0., aualileac..
Temee.ence ese.e, another step hue beim 1 of the courtship en', Teethed .... 11„ip, -
I 4101^, allr..00.40110 419ep fro toe nett el. seal. limn wbom elte hi kegli iniseett-
reel lon• 1141,n7 mt.% tosrksd throe,. mom, three ow funr Jays before tie bridal
•re:n•t aleohelie intemperance, new War day. Him twee, hisreser, se isesigette lads
mere hey• arisen to rogage in a ore? wet ad las oi.leelssoli-shis poste I te L.11441.0
aff•l• Ill a 1000, lyrtil/, toe Roams Birches. 4.1,4. mob gse.s est et imps 'pm. Ines.
B .1 the leiter Meerlivarseig Ibis Weil able
refutes to lee, lobe ea the precetedle!
to the bridegroom's tiel-sede wt..' mai to.
'lure" awy 111„ce. of _, Ie.. ihnolk. 4^ r 81•4185 !rye le hue there. A evert twee efter he tell 1,..
ream without taking swum at au; 1.1. I vat.% to go tote the siembetie Iss*I, and es-
Ao most heyrtly approve of v.. r nil I st IR die if any of the woreaSso essIJ b• we.
few. sbetto.... (ram iii•osiosimy /11,TO I tit.' r.olf f.1178-1. T;le CC. T.ate,/......flie
Oft •one tee would oe 1 sm a.. rot lo ' • Aviv, le,,,,,,fei *bat he wish to signihao
The Council met.
The Worries is tbe Chair.
27th Jane/rib 1831.
Messrs .6W ALLACE.
'rue mouse of restore y sows
51 Mewed of Mr. Moteaer
Meson. FRASER.
FLAN 01 sN,
11A Ye,
-*rot I of heaves life amll a (tonal sod pro- egrop1e, keigtesergay ifeelt
b • *Need het remove -1 tied .04, a is
metro abet ilivree• le She NOUS 'mi. los yON4 i tees el. be oi wind I. der. Spit Iseit 10.,s
tittle ...ogee .4 vont eerry eg tbn rote too ogee 7 sm., sad cerise 1.4 Ia. 14 oh. hio •
tar. Net OM of t Aro e•ormer, I OTOr 16'0" 1 ibreakf wt soots." E• Owes" I 14 tb• mit
-I en re elvsAreal mooed in bre tomil.h. hoe peeparedt they Me: sal the reivolt .8 el a
morels, ree lim k resew by ion, rimeh ober ester ewe oilnint be lamsern he t v 1.•••=0 -
real over aa I soproved.
crib for makowi vivo of tile N•rolue. I 3 deforms* the WI' .144 of 41,)? *net stisstion grim agair: bait „ to.