The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-12-20, Page 16TJ:is• Ti nss•AdvIycote, De
m r 22, 1%1
By mg4. MALWg WEOpEN
1' sirs:
Ilia? CGRP of Camel Pres.
ti»terian 'Cieureiie brought cheer
to the patients of the Queenss
may nursing -home bunelay aft-
ernoon when they seitertauned
with .a medley of carols with
the Christmas;;e inter-
mingled with the carois,
The girls numbering len, ac-
companied he their leader,
Mrs, Ross D ;ii°'reDonalci, look-
ed v Erie enrart in their new
Boy carollers.
collet'for' fund
1a 'vie. a
11 lal l.Y and 'un treat
1;ei e s Tommy �S
Neyland., grade S pupils at
Hensel Public School, and 111
rs, William. F'. Belt was
Stephen Arnett, grade 4 pupil, Hostess .at her home for the
called at several homes in the Kippers East Women's Insti-
village on Tuesday .evening and tute Christmas meeting held
entertained with a selection of Wednesday afternoon, Dec, t3
carol singing. with pre-school age .children as
For their efforts the boys special guests. Mrs. James
received $3,95 which they di- Drummond presided for the
video among them, each one meeting.
g "Mys
giviti their share to their Roll tail first
Christ -
leacher to be given to the mai. gift 1 reinernber was an -
UNICEF, swered by the members and a
CG1T vesper service group composed of Mrs, Hove -
Plans were finalized for the and Finkberner, Mrs. Verne Al.
Ci;1T candlelight vesper serv- derdtce, Mrs. Ross Sararas,
ice Sunday evening, December ATrs,. Ernie Whitehouse, Airs,
Scouts. ' donate Ken 11IcKay, Airs. Root Boll,
24 at 8 p,in. at Carmel chureh, and Mrs, Drummond presented
to CARE fund with the CGIT girls taking the a Christmas skit.
whale service.
The mass choir consisting of
the senior choir, Explorers and
(:GIT will sing two anthems.
A Christmas story will be given
and the old familiar carols
sung. The girls will present a
small plan,
A. the town hall Tuesday eve -
rung, Hensel' Scouts and Girl
Guides, .and their leaders en-
vosed a Joint Christmas party
attended by 41.
A program of games, prizes,
dancing and an exchanes of •
gifts highlighted the evening.
A collection of +3.35 was re=
Cleo edwhich will be forwarded
to Care", Luncheon was
served. Al
Program committee were .
Cathy ;cane, Suzanne Ronnie,
Robert ATe;�aughton and David
Buchanan. n
• Several members who had
taken the course "Focus, on
Finishes," modelled dresses
they had made, and Mrs, Stew-
art Pepper, and Mrs Alex Mc,
Gregor, leaders of the project
were presented gifts from the
"sewing rippers."
Tickets were sold on a Christ-
mas cake and the winner was
Mrs, Ross Sararas. Proceeds
from the sale amounting to
$10.4'1 will be forwarded to the
Children's Aid at Goderich,
Airs, Cecil Pullman gave a
Christmas story,
Mrs, William Kyle was co -
hostess, In charge of treats
were Mrs, Russell Brock and
Mrs. F'ercy Harris; lunch,
Mrs. Ken McKay, Mrs. Arthur
Finlayson, Mrs. Ernie White
house, Mrs. Eldon Jerrott; ice
cream, Mrs. Alex McGregor,
Mrs. C, Eyre and Mrs. Robert
Personal items
Mrs. P, .A. Ferguson of Mon-
treal, formerly of Hensel, sang
with the Elgar choir chorus. in
their rendition of
Handell' s
essiah", accompanied by the
1lontreai Symphony, which was
broadcast Wednesday night,
Dee. 20 at 8 p.m. on the CBC
Henscill personals
:Miss Carol Brown was maid lage. In charge of the project
of honor and Mrs, William were Mrs. Eva Parker (chair -
Brown, soloist, at the Mantle- man), Mrs, Pearl Shaddick,
Neeb wedding at the Evangel- Mrs. Inez McEwen, Mrs. A,
mai Lutheran Church, Tavi- Orr, Ted Taylor and Bill Cole -
sine*, Saturday, December 9, man.
Mrs Breen is an aunt and Cpl, and Mrs. Betts and their
Coral a cousin of the bride. daughters from Goose Bay have
The Legion Auxiliary distrib- taken up residence on Brock
used five Christmas baskets to Street, Cpl. Betts was recently
posted from Goose Bay to
RCAF Station Clinton.
Mr. Tom Lavender received S
word of the death of his oldest i
brother, William Stanley, in
Kingston General Hospital. Mr r
and Mrs. Lavender attended g
the funeral which was held in
Madoc on Tuesday, December B
Mr., and Mrs. Charles Fiford
and family are holidaying for L
sick and shut-in members over
th weekend. In charge of the
project were president Mrs.
t Cordon Munn, and incoming
president, Mrs. William Smale.
'Jr and Mr'. Asa Deeves
attended the Mann -Anderson
edrltrc at St. Andrew's Unit-
ed Church, Kippen, Saturday.
The groom is a nephew of'Mr.
Mr and Airs. John Jarrett,
highly esteemed residents of
the village, will on December
Se observe their 47th wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rose, of
Toronto, were weekend guests
with the former's aunt, Miss
Agnes )IeEwen.
Mr John Wood. of Kippen,
was the ''inner of $25.00 worth
of groceries at Al's Supersave
Market Saturday night.
Mr. James Ae Paterson is a
patient in Victoria Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Molnar, of
Centralia, were recent guests
Pith Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Mc•
r." en.
W 1111 a m Caldwell of
Erucefieiil was admitted to
Cliiintd i' lidsnital this week suf-
fering a fractured le Mr. °
Caldwell was loading logs in
e huh when one of the logs
fell nn his 1e.e.
Mr and Mrs, Rodger Ven-
ter and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Drysdale eninved a pieasent
e*ening attending the London
Little Theatre product!on of
Guys and Dols last Monday
es ening.
Mrs William Taylor is a pa-
tient m Clinton hospital with a
fractured hip suffered in a fall
at her home. Mrs. Taylor was
taken ere Bnnthron ambulance
b the hnspital nn Wednesday,
Pte Winston Green of Wolse•
1e^• Barracks, London. was a
se eekend guest with Mr, and
Mrs .7. E. McEwen.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwen
and Mr. and :Airs. Alpert Key,
of Exeter, attended the funeral
of the fate Walter Moffat of
Priteefield held Friday from the
Ball and latchtfuneral home,
Thee Nativity Scene on the
grounds of the 'United Church in
keeping with the Christmas sal.
ref i' being much admired, and,
iF a project of the Yong Foo -
pies Societe.
On Mender. December 13 the
CP & T committee of the IOOF
ai.d Amber 'Rebekah Lodges
delivered 17 plants. 10 Christ -
rias boxes end two cheques to
tilt -tack and shutrins of the vil-
Carmel children
provide program
Rev. Lome .Sparks of Bay-
field was guest minister at
Carmel Presbyterian Church
unday morning delivering an
nteresting a n d . informative
message. The choir under di-
ection of Airs. :Malcolm Doll -
en. rendered two anthems,
with soloists Mrs. William
rown and Jim Dougall.
Flowers in the church were
in emory of the late Air.
eonard Sararas of the Zurich
the Christmas season in Nas- district, father of Mrs. Jing
sau. Love.
Letter to editor
— Continued from pale 2
to continue with this nearby
school. A letter from the De-
partment of Education clearly
states s - - "A school area
board la not required by law
to provide transportation."
A central school is often
favored by those in the cen-
tral pare' of a township because
it is their community area any.
ways It is a great hardship
for children dif junior grades
to ride a school bus trip to one
Hour-61ten Bail a school which
is more accessible.
In e. letter from our solicitor
the local public srhnnl inspector
explains how a central salmon
system would rritan a flat hes
grease of five er six mills for
all ratepayers. and :for average
as:essment sa5.tl0 to $50:00 per
eai'extra taxes.
''-recent a rtieIe in your
p&moi'' stated eriucalien is not
expensive, merely} the price nf.
r .,pup of coffee per child per
day, That figure caries. our
eesf is around $2.00 per day.
The primary objective, of this
Department of i"ducatinn. the
inspector, the school board and
the parents should be the wel-
fare of the; thilriren.
"AXPA` Et a
�a a� a 1a1t1 n" a ua�t, � ,
tY11� , f3 h i fl �.�'.�e:�,rk.�,..~� ..�,tN
from Sam
Excavation, Hauling, Digging, Snow Removal
PHONE 380 OR 1187J EXETElt
Mrs, C"a,rnta'.n Park, Mrs. Cal-
Christie'. pianist, Mrs Fred
Cromarty r lolrns; auditors, Airs. Russell
pg executivesMiller and Mrs George Nerl
1 O c CGIT 'Vesper service
Airs. M. Lomond, leader e#.
The annual meeting of the
Ladies Aid Society was held at
the home of Mrs. Lloyd "ors-
dahl, Alitebell. Mrs. eiilliain
Miller Presided.
Devotions were led by Airs.
li illiam Harper. The roll call
was answered with a showing
of wedding photographs Mrs.
G. Carey gave a humorous
Airs. T. Laing and Mrs. T.
L. Scott were appointed as a
committee to buy new linen
for the communion table. Com-
mittees were appointed for the
next meeting. Mrs. G. Carey
presided for the election of of-
President is Mrs. J. M. Scott;
vice-presidents, Airs. G. Carey,
Mrs. E, Allen; secretary, `Airs,
J. Wallace; assistant, Mrs. R.
Laing; treasurer, Mrs. T. L.
Scott; assistant, Mrs. W. Har-
per; card committee, Mrs, T.
Laing, Airs. Sadie Scott; pian-
ist, 11Irs. W. Miller; work com-
mittee, Mrs, T. Laing, Mrs.
Grace Scott, Miss Olive Speare,
Mrs. R, Dodds, Mrs. 3. Miller
and Mrs, M. Dow.
Elect officers
The members of the WMS
and WA of Roy's United Church
met for the final meeting at
the home of Mrs, Fred Johns.
Mrs. Harvey Dow presided
and opened the meeting with a
reading, "The Universal Ales-
sage," and prayer followed
with several Christmas carols.
Mrs. G. Neil read the scripture
lesson and Mrs. H. Pridham
and Mrs. H. Dow sang a duet
accompanied by Mrs. E. Dow.
Mrs. G. Dow led in prayer.
A tome, "Christmas and its
Barnacles," was given by Airs,
It, IDaynard, Miss Irene Park
Played an instrumental. The
January meeting will be held
at the home of Airs. N. Dow.
A skit, "Christmas Symbols,"
was given, symbolizing the dif-
fereut things that help to make
Mrs. Fred Johns brought the
slate of officers for the 1962
United Church Women's Organ-
ization and Rev. R. Daynard
installed the officers for the
new organization.
President elected as ?firs.
Murray Christie: viee -presi-
dents, 11irs. Norman Dow Mrs,
Harvey Dow; recording secre-
tary, Airs. Elmer .Cow; car-
responding secretary, Mrs, Gor-
don Parsons; treasurer, Mrs,
Carman Pars; Christian citizen-
ship, Mrs. Stirling Graham;
community friendship, Mrs.
Andrew Christie, Mrs. Cliff
Dow, Mrs. George Neil; co-
operation rn Christian education
and missionary education, Airs,
John Hocking;
Flower committee, Mrs. S.
Graham, Airs. C. Christie, Mrs.
A. Christie; literature, Airs,
Gordon Dow; stewardship, Mrs.
-Ross McPhail: program com-
niittee, Mrs. M. `Christie, Airs.
N. Dow, Mrs. H. Dow, Mrs. E,
Dow, Mrs. S. Graham, Airs. J.
Hocking, Mrs. B. McPhail,
Mrs. F. Johns, Airs. G. Dow;
social _ fu_.Coons, Mrs. F. Johns,
Mrs, B. Dow, Mrs. D. Johns,,
Mrs. D. Hocking;
Press reporter, Mrs. Gordon
Parsons; supply, Airs. H. Pride
ham, Mrs. T. Colqu_houn, Mrs.
M. Nairn; messenger leaders,
tyre hope the magic of this glorious stator
extends throughout the year for you and
yours, bringing with it the blessing of hap-
piness, the joy of good health and the pleasure
of warm friendships.
Con lin
Company L_irni-ted
tfr•and Sind
the CGII, with the members,
conducted their Vesper service
m the Sunday School rooirr on
Sundae evening. The service
opened with a Christmas hymn,,
followed witf devotions led by
Mrs. Lamont!.
A short play, "Christmas
Fantasy was given by eigirt
girls, Joyce Kerslake, Dorothi
Scott, Janie Parsons, Men
Scott. Carol Howe, Laura chap
pel, Shirley Gardiner and Caro
Asir: Dow,
A Christmas story was reac
alternately by Alms Walker
Marlene Dow, Connie McGhee
Joyce Dow, Carol Home xn
Janie Perseus. A special music
al number by the girls was
accon' panied by Mrs. Gordon
Laing at the piano.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Aiec sardine
and Mrs. Grace Scott visite
on Friday with Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Scott and _family at
Weekend visitors at the home
of Mr. and. Mrs. Otto Walker.
were Mr. and Mrs. R. Hulley
and family, 'Winthrop, Mr. and
Mrs, H. P. Currie and child-
ren, Dorchester, and Mr. and
Airs. Jack McGhee and child-
ren, London.
Vel e
A Roy
during,, the doming
themselves to the fullest with
good fellowship and good cheer.
.ufck, A Cadi a n , Va.u;'*
to of Goodwill Used
of Low Prices, Jack
scree that:
my proclamation that,
sen, they are to enjoy
unfailing good health,
Have c Merry Christmas
• Exeter
}� fly `,1 c��b 4'A::4 Stn � •ii V' .. m'1 .° •.�a'S' Ir-`._".i;C',:ii4CS'+..e"i`S t:` .. ..-.awti +..c' .
„t3y"°. ..x�{t 4wti1"'S°^1���1v st'zh1hi 'fu?!1j1�?XMdt{ SCStJj
Phone 36
V $/e extend glad greetings
to all our' friends and neighbors.
May you find happiness with your
near and dear ones. and may
heart's content be
among your holiday gifts.
A Happy
�er���ll Sale
Mel Or:4' ar
Vie .Haegt'eaves
'G. Thom
PICbNE" 32
:. .. : .. an a lar kd 'm!ara!tce ra til d
1-I1110ALLH6NE um
tk^S'!'tro `1•»e f'd etztott: witOtf`G;';dtt9 514ttw et 0
and Laundeteria
:. ". x'!K'd° .,''' «. dtkai tdi 'r�yy ' ' tl t .tilt ,'.S"J"i"."`,Itt,o`li ;. ;y*,...f';0;^..'" N,*. `! 'o
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