The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-12-20, Page 10PaOe 10 The Tirhe;-AdVecatil PoCeMbel‘ 20f 196) important mo55i.age.- .for ,parents. ..-•, • Premier outlines new program of secondary school education will have better preparation y THE HON. JOHN P. ROBARTS Prime Minister of Ontario and Minister of Education The objectives of the Ontario Aecoudary schools has always been to give every pupil the inaxiMuni education consistent with his capabilities and his willingness to achieve—an edu cation for better living and a preparation to earn a liveliheod, Until recently our society was able to absorb almost every pupil leaving se11001. 'Slit, now, tecluillogical changes have made it impossible for a pupil leaving Grades 9, 10 or 11 without a diploma or a specific skill to obtain employment with any degree of security for the future. -Traditionally, the secondary schools have offered one pro- gram of studies in each Of the general, commercial and tech- nical courses leading to the secondary school graduation diploma at the end of Grade 12. In the large schools some further classification or stream- ing has always been possible on the basis of options select- ed by the pupils. Some school systems are attempting to operate on a double standard at the end of Grade 12—one for diploma purposes and another for admission to Grade 13. For some time, the Depar1. ment has been fully aware that under the existing program only 405) of pupils regularly promoted to Grade 9 graduate with a diploma from Grade 12. The present courses of study providing for entrance to uni- versities, institutes of technol- ogy, teachers' colleges, and nursing schools appear to be too difficult or unsuitable for many pupils who intend to leave school before completing Grade 12 in order to obtain positions in business" or Indus- try. Yet, in any revision of curriculum, our present stand- ards for capable students must be maintained and sufficient challenge to develop the poten- tial of all students must be ensured. for their life's work by follow. ing a new four-year program which will be developed for each of the branches named above. This four.year program will not be restricted by uni• versity entrance requirements and as a result will contain a wider choice of practical op- tioes m addition to the core of compulsory academic sub. jects. To supplement these two programs a one (or twoeyear program in occupational sub- jects will be provided. This limited program will be tailor- ed to meet the needs of pupils admitted to secondary schools who have not been regularly promoted from the elementary grades but mho must, never- theless, find a means of rattl- ing a living in service trades or occupations. Before pupils enter Gracie 9, extensive information vill be provided for them through care, ful counselling. The depart- ment is preparing a brochure to explain the program 1.0 Parents, educational officials, teachers and counsellors. The guidance department, of our schools will move into a much closer relationship with pupils and parents than in the past. It is our hope and intention that the advice given will help the pupil and parent to make the best possible selection of any one branch or available program. Pupils regularly promoted from Grade 8 of the element- ary schools will thus be assist- ed in choosing the branch of the secondary school in which they will enrol, as they do at present in schools which of- fer courses alternative to the general course. Those who elect the Engin- eering, Technology and Trades Branch will devote 20'7- of their time to shopwork in Grade 9: those choosing Busi- ness and Commerce will spend 20% of the time in practical subjects pertaining to that field; those choosing the Arts and Science Branch will use 20,';, of the time for options It is the opinion of those which may be exploratory in concerned with secondary edu- nature, Those in any branch cation that our present general who expect to continue in the course, and the commercial five-year program and to pro - and technical courses also, can- seed to higher education will not • fulfil two functions—name- choose as an option in Grade ly, the preparation for. higher 9 one language in addition to education and the training and English. The core of compul- education of pupils more di- sory subjects will be similar rectly for employment. To in content in all three branches meet the need of this large of that grade. second group of pupils who At the end of Grade 9 suc- drop out before reaching Grade cessful pupils will choose to 12, necessary changes will be made in school organization and subject content. Teachers, as: well as representatives from all. other groups concerned with education, will he consulted. All of the factors which have placed Ontario's school system in the front rank over the years will be preserved and augmented by new opportuni- ties for the advancement of ambitious students. The general, commercial and technical courses as divisions of the secondary schools are being renamed as branches: (1) Arts and Science, (2) Busi- ness and Commerce, (3) Engin. eering, Technology and Trades. A shift in emphasis will be suggested commencing in Sep- tember, 1962, whereby the more capable pupils from all three branches of a secondary school, after a five-year program end- ing in a' common Grade 13, will be encouraged to proceed to higher education. At the same time, the pupils who plan to leave school before Grade 13, or who are unable to cope with Grade 13 subjects, Comments about Crediton East By MRS. W MOTZ re-ent • Mrs. Vivian Cliffe and daugh- ter Marlene of Londen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Motz, Mrs. Alec Hantilten, Grand Bend, spent Wednesday with her mother, Mrs, H. Lewis, and Eber, Miss Carol Hendrick, Credi- ton North, spent Saturday with her cousin, Margaret flaist, Mr. and Mrs, Clyde 'rhenip- son, of Toronto, spent the week. end with Mr, and Mrs. Sam Sims. Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Sims and family of Sault Ste Marie visit, ed Saturday with his father and mother, Mr. and Mts. Sem Sims, and also visited with their grandmother, Mrs, Eliza- beth Baird, who is ill in the Dearuess Hblue, London, Mr, Carl Stewart, of the Royal Canadian Navy and wife, of Dartmouth, MS., are visit. ing with his mother and step- father, Mr. and Mrs. Sain Sims, Candles are a traditional part of the holiday season. If drip. ping wax is a problem, there's an easy way of getting around the difficulty, Give the cai. diet a teat of clear nail polish. They'll burn beautiftilly with- out mess, If You'reTilltED Ployl and then eSerybOdy 'cite Nired.eur' teatime and. may be bothered by haekachet Perhaps noth na etriously When& lust a !envoi', ary condition seined by urinary irritation et bladder discomfort. Thar* the lime te take Dodd'i kidney Oodd's holti stimulate the kidneye to relieve thin Condition which May iften cause backache end tired feeiMp. Theft Ynd feel better, rat better, YAM better, al .5 re 5 4.,%-ez..rhemo.e,cvgesz,:o-pe,zw-p.6-4hoz.zzozhcsmo.e.ct.e.iicVzootici.e,i14,0,,e,o,AcKcige-oietAcc.swi You should read this training This will result in a milch higher proportion of per. bona being prepared by the time they leave school, either to proceed to more advanced training or to enter upon solid careers in business and 111- thistry. 3. The five-year program In all three branchesvdll. provide aecess to higher etical-leg after Grade 13. Graduates from the flusiness and Commerce Branch as well as those from the Engineering, Technology and Trades Branch will have 01). year program will b similam P°rfollities for OoiYersitY ccitt- in content and difficulty except cation equalto those from the that, as in Grade 9, 20% of the Arts and Science Branch, time on shopwork and 20% of 3, The four-year programWill the time on commercial sub. permit the averagepupil to jeets will have their counter- remain inschool profitably, and Important changes are corn- part in the arts and seienee will provide him with a real ing in Ontario's secondary branch as additional languages sense of aehtevement and a school program — changes or other cultural options. In better chance of securing em - that will affect SHDHS and the four-year program in all ployment upon graduation, district puklic schools next the three branches, however, The one (or two) -year pro. September, the courses. commencing in gram will enable pupils of To help parents and others Grade 10 WM diverge accord- limited ability, who formerly to understand these changes ing to the vocational needs of dropped out of school early, to and to prevent misunderstand. the pupils, their aptitudes and obtain an education more suit- ings, The Times -Advocate has interests. ed to their capacities and, 10 published a number of author. 'Pile new plan is optional and addition, toacquire a service itative stories on the new by resolution of a board will trade or skill, program. be introduced in its schools 5. The Business and Com. gradually over a period of five inerce Branch and the Engin- years, commencing with Grade eering, Technology and Trades 9 in September 1962 and affect- Branch will gain the prestige ing one additional higher grade they deserve as more good in each succeeding year. The pupils proceed through their courses for Grade 9 in the programs to Grade 13 and to school year 1961.62 1,11 remain institutions of higher educa- unchanged, tion. No branch of a school The new system presents a should have mere than its blueprint for three alternate share of below-average pupils. paths which students may fol- 6, Successful pupils will be low in preparing themselves able to transfer freely from for rewarding careers. The one branch to another at the wider selection of courses will end of Grade 9 and may, under provide for greater flexibility certain conditions, transfer in and will allow students to ac- higher grades as well without quire new skills, and to make the loss of a year. use of their talents and inclina• 7. The plan places emphasis tions. 0abusiness course for boys A study of the plan will re -which 0will have sufficient aca- veal that, where boards elect desame content and yet, at the to institutethe three programs, the following advantages are same time, will train them apparent: more directly for employment ranging from clerical occupa. 1.. The new plan will provide Lions to junior executive posi- an incentive for more pupils to Lions, complete their high school 8. In some schools it will be To augment these, The T -A now presents a flattened out- line prepared by the Ontario minister of education. We sug. gest this outline is "must" reading for all parents, par- ticularly those whose chil- ciren arc in grade eight or are approaching the high school level. We especially urge parents to read the list of advant- ages appearing at the end of the outline, THE EDITOR enter the second year of either the five-year program or Lite four-year program on the basis of their proficiency, aptitude, and future plans, A 'successful pupil will be free to transfer from one branch to another at the end of Grade 9, Transfers may be possible, also, with certain limitations, from branch to branch or program to pro- gram after the beginning of Grade 10. After Grade 9, the courses in all three branches of the five - Garage Sunday And Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wed- nesday afternoon and dur- ing the evening through- out the week, South End Service ,111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111,11111111111111111114211111111111111111,111111111111111111111111111111111% RADIATOR SPECIALISTS We supply and repair radiators and cores for all types of cars, trucks, tractors and commercial vehicles, EXPERTS IN CARBURETOR„ GENERATOR AND MAGNETO SERVICE, AS WELL AS GENERAL REPAIRS LICENSED MECHANIC North -End BA PHONE 1096 EXETER 11111111111111111111111111111t11111111111111111111:11111111111 lllll 11111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111q$ SCOUNT !Or.1 ' ; ce.f*fr.ft-m- mez-or writrizvrtwvpitto- trx r ot*o.t4 ntos,Axotki-mttmemotinn, tormarr;;A ltrrs ntIrmivrIti trttMOTTIRWIrAMtrt$11N ailtl**** nrtq ..41MtlItttntrrIrkntstrA,4111/NMilt T;40.6.11VW,TIV.V6IPArt**MtV11***ICtItltlt MWOIVOrt,telltrattk dttoledllbmingelettorvint mntleyditkropretotett, KELVINATOR SY Wringer ,Washers Priced Low At possible to present an attract - lye ;QUM oombining business and technical otiooation. .This should prove romonorative to. tis;radnates„ 9, In many parts of Ontario full technical and vocational training will, for the first time, be readily available to our Ming people. 10. The humanities will re- tain their customary honoured place in our educational pro- gram but technology and trade education will receive proper emphasis for the first time. 11. Courses will be fitted, as far as possible, to the needs of Pupils, The demand that pupils fit themselves into courses is to be avoided. 12, The plan is designed to meet. the challenge facing Can- adian business and industry and simultaneously to facilitate the maximum gainful employ- ment of our future eitizens. Acomprehensive brochure outlining the details of the new plan will he issued by the Department of Education in January, 1962. Atqt*ostaintegfttros,totvAlprgrsmivgrmtmittvre4•011q-Mit11.-mittymattPlayof,41%.ttrRewtarWstoncivrelvellOttgaltivellstet444*,/ fx.wt-oo-Poltmk-P,0•Pea•Nn-Pet.a1/4-P.Porte-ao-Pot-P0-egeatiom-totga-Tioullmol 'Holiday Flowers CHRISTMAS TABLE CENTRES, $1.50 & VP Mf5TLETOE, HOLLY LA We haYe 4 large selection ef blooming plants such is'IT poinsettia, cyclemen, mums, azalea and mixed pans, Also green plants such as split leaf philodendron 4nef dean. f Put your order in now for early delivery, We also acCeItt ; orders for Canada, U.S., and Europe. REDER'S FLOWERS fxeter Phone 761 Telegraph and Delivery Service Attsilt•tt,timatoT,Tomtrom.,,motcmitomivw,olvelvolrmolvoittlitooktlyorott* FROM HUNTLEY DRUG STORE EXETER Phone 50 Don't Forget: 4, Film 4, Flash Bulbs + Candy 4, Chocolates 41 Cigarettes, Tobacco pp Baby Bunny Nuts *41.±..temyee•Nos-§10-1.ke-sil'imie..viet4-44,..rael-nliplie-r7ieilkok.vser.viem.t4e.rke-vgatefirsto.mieetNidll st4 11 Our staff joins us in Wishing you a A ,35 krattr411.114IntilltillegfAls**Mizotti'VgIviltrol,,ttrilisallitslciltilMtilMi•MlikkoriAtifteftarl'aVrerellt111116-11111tirt*, CE Shoppers can buy Major Appliances in Exeter at city discount store prices with no loss of famous KELVINATOR QUALITY — Easy Terms FILTER TIMER PUMP INSULATED TUB FIVE CASTORS 12 -YEAR GUARANTEE KELVINATOR $1 50 it AS LOW AS TAKE THE FROSTY CLOTHESLINE OUT OF YOUR DRYERS $1 WASHDAYS 1 eleeetareenertreemftrrAeleaectieeletetletMeS•eatrizartearrtaleieelA'ellettrarieRetettelleillariectidelletsteMeeelecocitleeterrelerteterteleethatreereleereelefeltratitentretn• • Kelvinator 30" Ranges DELUXE FEATURES OTHER MODELS AS LOW AS $145 AS LOW AS ,•• Keivinator Refrigerators AS LOW AS „„. OTHER MODELS SELLING AS LOW AS $19? $ 2 5 11 cu. ft. Automatic Defrost KELVINATOR A FINE BUY Kelvinator Automatic AS LOW AS li- FREEZERS 15 CLL FT -5 -YEAR WARRANTY PLUS 3 -YEAR FOOD SPOILAGE INSURANCE $225 5. **0.4.mwlftrverAmoviwAlltr*olft'....Amm.***P.1*meSitrem*mftniti,m4.otIoleilwmt**mmtmlve4oftti'mtiftmAlftmiiIftmlitti.ms-movitiiviloltOrnlolvm*Ptizomm4mtmlevymioftookm*otiwom.ntzmwmo4P.tftm*AvebmaftfttleivoimemosiftWOOOMWMAlAtt * A A A or' 14 0°1 ere's hoping Santa tleliVets a full pa& of. ChriStmat joy ina cheer to yOu and your Washers WITH ALL THE FEATURES YOU'LL WANT IN YOUR AUTOMATIC $23 SANDY ELLIOT Phone 476 444 Main Street Exeter KELVINATOR Appliances are GQQD Apptiances c.or. .ntettf.rfsttrSerto'raArst*Oardttcrtredr-ecrraea-redltrretrditttfietefe,toSeeCn'dtei-etn-Oe'eatdleltdttAfeiftbxtrdedtfpeettn.epoeareeiycisraseetea•oAeePws•eeoitkzeteetraCeeesrtis-eteete-etotrit,,eiqvrtee*r,eeteee-etcetrtfeetesfriei;ocerecteeevootaeie,ecetoeees;er,ettsOettiitiesrftsrrtraettietztifd'ehfaetiertrarOtsdstafat,eaaet :