The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-12-20, Page 8Page 8 The Times -Advocate,. December 20, 1961 .district .news By MISS LINA ABBOTT is6rsonal items Explorer Ile Y4 ;Alm. Keith Dickson enter- A perfect attendance of 28 tamed seven little boys Thurs- attended, the 9th Expedition of clay In honor of her son Harry's the Explorers in the United seventh birthday, by taking Church schoolroom last Alanday them to a show at London fol- evening vial Counsellor Mts. lowed by refreshments at home. Tom Coursey in charge. Com - Kathy Sue Hearn, tvo-year- sellor Rose Revington led in Old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the worship service, assisted Ivan Hearn, fell off the piano by Jane Crozier. stool and fractured her left The project, "Our Commit - arm. After X-rays at St. Jos- nity' , was continued in the f.1111's Hospital the arm was put craft period when containers m•a cast. for "shut-in" treats were con - "Have a look at your Christ- tinned as well as carol sing- 111as tree", says the fire chief. ing. "When it is trimmed with dec- orations make sure there are no hot light bulbs touching the ‘if branches. Don't use frayed or al V ssists broken wires because they're V a—fire hazard too. Let's keep ...., l this Christmas safe—fire safe". IKed Door - Mrs. Tom Coursey last Tues- day evening attended a dinner At the meeting of the WI party at the Iroquois Hotel or held a week earlv (Dec. 14) the employees of the Western . th In e Community Memorial University counting office Centre, the roll call was an - Last Tuesday Mrs. James swered by the donation of a Avery held a plastic demon- gift for "The Little Red Door". 3. Male Help Wanted stration for a number of her Ti secretary reported 4. Female Help Wanted friends and neighbors with Achievement Day at Arva 5. Help Wanted 'Mrs. Eileen Currie of Lucan as would be held January 23 and 6. Business Opportunitiet. demonstrator. Mr. 24 and hoped some of the mem- 7. Teachers Wanted Ashworth is do- bers would be able to attend. nating the proceeds from his 8. Situations Wanted sale of ChristmasAfter some discussion it was trees to the 9. Services church. moved that the members de 10, Farm Stock For Sale and Mrs. Don Downs and some sewing for the Rescue family Saturday attended the Mission in the new year. 11, Poultry For Sale CommercialThe motto, "A friend is a Traveller's party 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale at the Eastern Star Temple, present you give yourself", 13. Articles For Sale London. was discussed by Mrs. Jack s Steacy 14. Wanted To Buy Evening WA Mrs, Cecil Robb spoke on the 15. Wanted The meeting of the Evening cancer s o c 1 e t y, describind. 16. Property For Sale WA was held in the United Thames wood Lodge for out': 17, Property For Rent Church schoolroom last Tues- patients and the new Research day evening with the president, Building. 18, For Rent Mrs. George Thomson in the Following the business ses- 19. Wanted To Rent chair and Mrs. Harold Kew's sion, conducted by President 20, Property Wanted group in charge of program Mrs. C. H. George, progressive 21, Notices and refreshments. euchre was enjoyed, with Mrs. 22, Legal Notices Mrs. Kew was assisted in the Sheridan Revington winning the worship service by Mrs. George prize for high score, Mrs. 23. Tenders Wanted F'aul, Mrs, Ivan Hearn and Armour Dundas for low score 24. Auction Sales Mrs. 3, W. Lockyer, and Mrs. Harold Hodgins for This was the branch's final lone hands. meeting, Mrs. Murray Hodgins was 1 Lost, Strayed lunch convener assisted by Mrs. Erwin Scott, Mrs. Gor- PAIR OF GLASSES, in vicinity don Banting and Mrs. Jack of high school and Senior St. Lankin. Finder please phone 55J, David LOL euchre Robinson, or leave at public school. 21* NewsAt the euchre in the lodge room last Wednesday DOOR KEY, large type, on evening, high score prizes went Main St, Please leave at Tunes- . BARNEY WELCH to Mrs. Ronald Sprague and Advocate, Exeter. Reward. Tommy Ryan; lone hand prizes 21c Well it looks like our minor to Mrs. Thomas Weller and hocke3Ltganas are startirig toizir--zi w w • _ ,,„,,„., . . asm ge andowy,\;,,CitgAlfli d 1 ' bl!ck witl , i white face show Urr a'- little better now. The bantam team won their score prizes to Mr. Evan Ho1-g.-8500 lbs from. lot 13, gins (playing a lady's card)concession Cunningham,'2Bid"dulph. Arnold games and the pee wees cane and Mr. Bev Hodgins. inRR 1 Lucan, up with a tie and a loss in U.'he box of groceries was also phone 227-4508, 210 their last two starts and, by won by Mr. Bev. Hogins. All the way the kids are playing winners were from Lucan. 3 Male Help Wanted now it looks as if they are go - The ing to win a few games this January 3next LOL game will be WHY 'WAIT when you can sta year. . your own business? No expel I would like to start a phys- ience necessary. Nothingto n ical exercise class for women vest. References r e q u ir e d about the second week in Jan- Write J. Gauthier, 350 St. Roc nary so if any women are in- Street, Montreal 15, Que, terested in this class would 7:14:21:2 they please contact me at the arena and if enough women are interested we will form a club. I have had some women approach me already regard- ing—this class. 1 hope it will be a success, CLASS RATES 22 Words *86 Each Additional Word 30 (hlimmum 85,) 20c Off If paid by Saturday folio last insertion. Second Insertion 21/2 P .ER WORE) (Minimum 55e) 5i, Insertions 24 PER WORD (Minimum 45e) 6 BusinOss Opportunities 111.RE 1S YOUR opportunity. Good Rawleigh business now open in AliddleSex and Lambton County. Write for information. Rawthigh's, Dept, L 202.922, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 21c GOING TO -NEED ving EXT RA t,.1,10.N. E.Y OR CHRISTMAS BILIS? LET AVON HELP. SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM: Profitable territories available in Stephen, Hay, Stanley and Tuckersmith townships. Car necessary. WRITE MRS. E. BELL, 84B Albert St., Waterloo,. or phone collect Sh. 5-Q751, before 8:30 a.rn. Semi.Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion—Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion—Per Inch $1,25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of 12 inch. CLASS! F CATI ONS 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found Recreation 21c 9 Services Bruce Refrigeration SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 224 GRAND BEND 12:l7tfc DRESSMAKING and altera- tions, straight skirts $1.30, full skirts $1.70. Mrs. Shirley Wat- son, Dashwood. 11:16-12:21c LOOK SHARP — Have your chain saw sharpened on our new Nielson precision chain grinder. Exeter Farm Equip - meat. 11:23-12:22c FOR PROMPT service, seven days a week, highest cash prices paid, according to size and condition, for dead or dis- abled animals, phone Ed An- drews, 863W1 Seaforth. Truck licensed under Dead Stock Disposal Act. Licence No. 66C61. 8:742:29* SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED. — Immediate service, a 1 ways available, Harold Butler, Lu - can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7- 4312 collect. 5:9*tfne ANYONE wishing whitewash. ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- son, phone 37r19 Dashwood. 5: 25*tfnc rt h 'HADCO WELL DIGGING—Ma. &. dug. 1 ft. to fL diameter up to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85, Elmira MO 9-3761, or Lucan ' I3A 7-4680. 27:109:the Bingo jackpot reaches $165 With no one winning the jack pot at the Legion Auxiliary bingo in the Legion Hall Thurs- day night it goes up next week to $165 in 55 calls. Owing to the extremely cold night, to- gether with preparations for Christmas, the attendance was not as large as usual. • The $5 consolation prize went to 'Jr. Benny Kelly of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs, Wray Sweitzer, who also shared the fourth Ron and Barbara of Shipka vis - line of "Share the Wealth" Red on Sunday with Mr. and with Mrs. Harry Arnold. The Mrs. Jack Smith, first line went to Mrs. K. Simp• Mrs, Arthur Rundle of St son of Ailsa Craig, the second Marys has been visiting MU M Mrs. Russell Schroeder of Mr.' and Mrs. Robert Rundle, Centralia, the third to Mrs. Art an and Jack. Hariton of Granton, who also Mrs. Lula Kirk spent the won the third bingo, and the weekend at her home in the fifth line was shared by Miss village. Mary Young of Birr and Mr, II. Mr, Oscar Brine attended the Bieber of Clandeboye, who also funeral of his aunt, the late shared the first part of the consecutive with Mrs. Jim Pearl Prouse, at Romeo, WI] Reader. (Mrs. Reader won the chigan on Monday, first bingo also). The second CGIT girls are busy nrac- part of the consecutive went to Using for the vesper service to Mrs, Cecil Hodgins. Lucan, and be held Christmas eve at 8 the third part to Mr. Roy Pep- p.m, in the church. 'per of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Dianne and Douglas visited with Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'Brock of De - troll on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Nirv'intin wood attended the Hudson Bay Co. fur auction in Montreal this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald GIngeristh Zurich on Sunday. Miss Hazel Herz) of Metropo- litan spent the weekend with Last Friday morning, of the Mrs. Arthur ifookies. six visitors on the Romper Mrs. Leonard Thacker was Room crpt Tv program, Thur.. hostess for the Christmas meet - were from Lucan Brenda mg of the Veiling Auxiliary kle Sd EV CiV (ming. Haskett, daughter of Mr. and „, — Mrs Clarence Haskatt, fne Y CrO i''eopie were en- "' fertained at the home of David Mrs. Dwight Henderson, Martin "1°°1617 Wraith, son of Mr. And Mrs. Nirs Lloyd Jaques was host- Ilarry Wraith. and MarY /Z0- 1:71s8f1;fukle' theo;)V7,vogitn1g's. mar, daughter of Ittr. and IC rs. N'. A, &mar. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Webb of Grand tend were guests of Mr. AreenniPanYing ninidren and Mrs, Now Webb and fain. were Mrs, Ilaskett, Mrs, Wraith, ity Bunday, Mr, and Mrs. Zoniar and Miss Lina Abbott. Though unable to white gift tarvito to be in the room for the pro. White gift serviee was held in gram the adults saw the pro, the chureh Ott Sunday, Dee- 10 BALLET -TAP Graded Ballet & Tap Lessons EVERY WEDNESDAY Exeter Public Library 4 to 8 pan. ERRINGTON STUDIOS • London Liliane Marleau Graham, L.F.A., director 9: 21tfnc ELECTROLUX sales and ser- vice. Bert Harris, 109 New- gate St., Goderich, phone JA 4-7917. 27:1011fne I still have a few ideas re- garding a class for men but I hope to have news about this very shortly. I. -would just like to say thanks to all those people w'm have helped make the arena a success this year and that 1 will try to make 1962 an avers bigger and better year. From myself and the staff I would likes to wish one and all a Berry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. OTICE e Milk elivery in Lucian Th6ire will be NO MILK DELIVERY in Lunn on DECEMEER 24 or 25 or on DEC. 31 AND JAN. 1 Please order extra sup. ply to earry you over the holidays. VILLAGE OF L CAN PROCLAMATION I hereby deeiare TUESDAY, DEC, 26 as a public holiday BOX1NG DAY Topics from , oodham By MRS. ARTHUR, RUNDLE Personal items 12 Cars, Trucks For Salo 1.6 Property For Sole 16 Property For Sale Mc$TEPHEN AUTO WR ECK g RS RR 1 Creditop, Behind Centralia Airport 1/SED & REBUILT PARTS GUARANTEED Wrecking '55 Studebaker* gust= radio. '53 Studebaker Good selection of 67044 and .&7045 tires, PI-IQN4 21.4 1.1:1.6tfno 193$ .C1.111, in good condition, Reasonable. Phone Parkhill AX 4-6366. 21' 13 Articles For Sale OR THE VERY BEST in winter APPles, see Victor Jef- fery & Sons, or phone 692W3 Exeter. We deliver, 11:30tthe TRAILER, 46' long, 10' wide, Hollywood, fully e q u i p p e d. Phone 716, nights only. 12tfc SLAB WOOD, dry mixed, $30 for a truck load, Apply in writing to Robert Eagleson, RR 1 Ailsa Craig, stating street number in town or concession in township, or phone Nairn 2324450 before 8:00 a.m. or be- tween 5:30 and 700 p.m, 6:ltfnc FILTER QUEEN sales and service. Bob Peck, RR 1 Zur- ich, phone Hensall 696r2. 8:31tfnc APPLES, Spy, Delicious, Kings, Courtlands, Snows, Greenings, etc., $1.25 bushel and up. Sharrow's Orchard, 11/2 miles north of Dashwood, phone 136. 10: 19tfn c Farmers' * Steel Feed Carts, any size * Hog feeders, heavy steel, all - welded, angle -iron frame * Farrowing crates * Snowthrowers, new steel, heavy-duty knuckles, shaft and fan, sealed bearings (on display at Dick Jermyn's). *Hog Troughs *Scrapers * 3 -Point or Tool Bar Mounted These and other items made to your specifications and priced reasonable, . George Troyer RR'2 HENSALL 7114:21:28c MIXED HAY, by the bale; oat straw, by the bale. John Kabat, RR 1 Clandeboye, phone AC 8- 6281. 14:21:28* TERRIER PUPS, females; also Champion D-'7 grain grinder. Mrs. A. Macintosh, RR 1 Clandeboye, phone 227-4598. • 14:21* LETZ CORN GRINDER, used, 75 -ft, endless belt, in good con- dition. Apply Charles Dietrich, phone 234-6478 Crediton. 14:21* 14" STEEL CABLE, 200 feet, like new. William Lawrence, Zurich, .Ont. 21c PIANO.TUNING and repairing, WALKING DOLL, lifer size, piano action work. Alf Denom• brand new, Ideal gift for little me, RR 2 Zurich, residence St. girl for Christmas. Phone AC Joseph, Ontario, phone 95r12 86228- 21c Zurich. - 11:2-2:22* CHAIN SAW CUTTING logs, stove wood, by job lot or hour- ly rate. Douglas Ovens, Clande- boye, phone Ailsa Craig 293- 3025, 10: 26.12:28* 1 ILL HEALTH—First see your doctor. Bring your ,prescrip• tions to Middleton's Drug , successors to Johnston Drugs, nhone 447 Exeter 4:20tfnc 2 COLLIE PUPS—John Temple- man, Stela, phone Dublin 61r11. 21nc BEAGLE, female, 11/2 years, spade, fully innoctilated, $35.00. Reg McDonald, phone 255-M, Exeter, 21e C. V. PICKARD W. gI6, AP ri nc $ c RIctAtol,;TOR 200 acres, Exeter, suit cash crops or cattle production. 200 ades, Seaforth„ cash .crop livestock farming. :1-3-4M4 ESTATE INSURANCE 209 acrea, Dashwood, suitable for livestock .or cash .erop. Highway 165 acres and 150 acres. Choice 143 acres. See before buying elsewhere, and hundreds iainadr-diwilatrir' stores, general stores, houses. Russ BRODERICK, Salesman Box 124, Rhone 1187W 41:9tfc We: have clients prepared to :buy, sY.ov -Ps. wish to sell, see We also solicit your business for any type of general insur- ance. C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Math St., Exeter Phones 165 and 628 FOR REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE CALL B. at 863 John Burke Devon Bldg,, Main St, EXETER LLOYD HOLLAND Salesman, Phone 970J Exeter FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED NEW HOUSE, 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, utility, living room. M or t g a g e arranged. Phone 386M Exeter. 4:20tfnc REAL ESTATE EXETER — 3 bedroom, L. room,1 kitchen, D. room, at- tached garage, F. base., oil heat, excellent terms, $2,400.00 down, $55.00 monthly payments. EXETER — 3 bedroom, L. room, D. room, kitchen, garage, well located, oil heat, $1,500.00 down. Terms, EXETER — New 3 bedroom, L. room, D. room, kitchen, H. W. heating, attached garage, $4,800.00 down. Term, EXETER — 3 bedroom, 1 block from school, 011 heat, terms. EXETER — Huron St. large brick home, suitable for dup lex or three apts.-2 up and 1 down, large lot, 2 bathrooms, oil heat, garage, terms. EXETER — New 3 bedroom home, west side of town, L. room, D. room, kitchen, full basement, well located, terms. EXETER New 3 bedroom home, L. room, -D. room, kit- chen, full basement, oil .H. W. heat, terms. 3 GENERAL STORES: One with lunch counter, residences attached, on' main highways, $6,000.00, $8,500.00 & $22,000.00, terms arranged on all three properties. MILK rtouTE, Exeter area, profitable business, terms. FARMS CHINA CABINET, walnut, with MT. CARMEL 125 glass door, in excellent condi- DAS VOOD 200 tion, Apply 82 John St. W., p e 342R Exeter. 21c ZURICH RENT A FROZEN food locker, CREDITON It costs less than three cents 14 Wanted To Buy Mrs, Frank Horton, the former a day. EXeter Frozen Foods, KIPPEN phone 70. 11:16tfnc Solo winners were Mrs. Col- lins of Ailsa Craig, Mrs. Oscar Netters of Granton, Mrs, Rny Pepper of Exeter, Mrs. Toe Haskett, Miss Muriel Carling, Mrs. Lloyd Hayter and 'Mrs. Pat Crudge, of Liman. Local children on TV program in the village Of Ltitati and grain pn a TV Iti another room when Don 13rine assiated Rev. uk duzena to observa and visited the Romper Room J, Wareham. same. Culbert, Whit) each day assists chers filed Into the church With staging the program by placing their gifts in a basket setting up props and running at the foot or a lighted Christ - the boom, Terry displayed read the scripture and Mrs, some of his pictures used for James Miller told a story, the "Look and Soo' part of The gifts were sent to the the program. *Saugoil Reserve, later and had a chat with Terry The classes. with their tea. IVAN IlEARN Reeve 114, TOWING SERVICE, 24-hour, cars or trucks. Phone 127, IL Wright, B -A Service Station, Kirkton, 14:21* ACHESON'S Dead Stock Service -•:s-Farmers! Are you interested in getting the best and highest cash prices for your dead, old or disabled horses and cattle? if so, phone Atwood Zenith 34900 (no toll charge) or Atwood 356-2622 collect. Licence No. 103C61. 12; 7tfnc WHITE ASH AND GRAND BEND: HARD MAPLE Best cash prices paid for White Ash and Hard Maple logs. Phone Elgin Handles Limited, St, Thomas, Melrose 1-0330. '7;14:21c 'ENGLISH CAR; for cash, Hill- man, Morris, or other make, top mechanical condition. Phone 738W or apply 267 Carling St., Exeter, after 6 p.m, 12:14thic 10 Farm Stock For Salo 150 100 100 150 150 acres acres acres acres ecres acres acres Four lake front lots Two cottages (Oakwood) Five cottages (Southcott Pines) Two cottages (Sharrow Stirvey) BUILDING LOTS IN DOW SUBDIVISION from $700 to $1,200 WE HAVE OTHERS (Listings invited) 16 Property"For Sale 200 AC IN H HO GSON C'flt•Ir' Shetland gelding, en:1°r 5 acres bush with 8-rooin brick 17 Property For Rent . . . BRICK BUILDING, 2 • storey, suitable space for office, store and warehousing., with or with- out refrigeration. Located on Main St„ Exeter. Reasonable rent to responsible party. Phone 710 Exeter. 12:7Line JANUARY L. spacious execu- tive type home, 81 Hill St., Exeter. Contact J. W. Wein, 199 SL Vincent St., Stratford. 14:21:28c BUNGALOW, in Exeter, fur - Malted or unfurnished, 6 rooms, 3 -piece bath, full basement, Oil furnace, available January 1, phone Kirkton 390, 12:21tthe 23 Tenders Wanted GARAGE Built by Grade 12 shop classes size 22' x 14', with cedar beve siding, 1. window and 8' x 9 steel overhead door. Roof with asphalt green shingles, walk•in door at rear, Project may be inspected at school. Tenders should be ad. dressed to the secretary of South u r on District High School Board. E. D. IIOWEY, Exeter, Ontario. by January 6, 1962. Highest or • any tender not necessarily accepted. 14:21:28c WA•0:10•011olai0-0%•0111•0111Malattoltsmal Christmas Special FREE ANTIQUE CAR GLASS TUMBLER With Every Tankful figit. AW, of BA 88 OR 98 GAS 1960 CONSUL SEDAN Radio, red color. MENMEMIXEMEETanSMatianisnammal anted Li e Light Fowl any quantity Campbell Soup Company Ltd Listowel, Ontario Phone 900 Collect 1960 MORRIS 850 Tudor 1959 VAUXHALL ESTATE WAGON, tutone, sharp. 1958 PONTIAC SEDAN Fully equipped, 1954. BUICK SEDAN 1953 METEOR SEDAN Radio, chrome discs, sharp.- 1953 DODGE SEDAN 1952 DODGE SEDAN Sharp! 1949 MONARCH SEDAN South -End Service Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER WAt t;FAS' tft -MtiVATITAYMtstig:idlgiNtaNtiV6 1 Gift for Campers Hunters Farmers Truckers T E X l'ORTABLE S FEN HEATERS * NO FUMES * CANNOT EXPLODE * CANNOT IGNITE ROM's a wonderful gift for almost any family, Therm'x heaters feature an exclusive catalytic ele- ment that produces heat without flame or fire, and does not produce carbon monoxide. No moving • parts. No pumping or priming. Guaranteed for 2 full years. RES clay loam, 55 acres .6 .Wii4Viit14041402.44a404,Wri.O.Ni4.0i4jAgiovih. pasture, 140 acres cultivation, light grey. Apply Edwiti houSe, L -shape Steel rOof barn, REAL ESTATE' Steel shed, 65 x30 . Geed water Phone g Beavers supply hydro throughout. This Exeter — LIMITED -- 692J1 Exeter, 21c air conditioned, 5 years old, Phone 24 Exeter 01IN C SOWS, S also Hereford bull, 4 years olci Gorden Raiz, phone 161r3 Dash- wood. 21 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, pasture bred: weaner pigs. Apply Jake Hovius, 1311, 2 Hensall, phone Uri Zurich, 21* - 11 Poultry For Sale HEAVY ROASTERS, oven ready OP dressed. Phone Exeter 224\172, Rey Westcott, 11:14tinc • GET A HEAD srArn On egg production—buy 6-18 Week old Allies and other good pullet varieties now available. Hatch. ing dayolds Lo oeder, Your text lot of broilers should be order. ed now. Bray Hatchery, Eric Cat Exeteri II o n e 246% ' ,g We at vo)erty is located in Stephen m Ga.ser Crediton, I I 24 Apply LoUise Mastitha, RR 2 G. Dow Township lot 23 Vnieetsion 7, • ed'7:14:21:28:4:11* W. C. Dace (Grand Bend) 620 xten t0Hflbii0001014009InniluunotolimilmnA410iiiihiMitfifiti000000ibiliflOntifii0OliiiiMOM10101, E hearty - St :Mortgages - 1 41%.0%0% 0%0% talMs 0.4 tft te.'40% 01V 0%0.46 041.411%'01****4-00tOn • PARmS • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL I1 d'tstrial Mortgage ' Trust Company Contact our Agenh JOHN BURKE REALTOR AND INSURANCE I I Egeter i 3 VthinifittiitimivoriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffimuitffiroinitrainuitiliewWilifinoMitiftortiiiiihitiruna iik6440.***A**041,1**itilikiAttif******14***00)06****Aviotositik; Phone 863 E RS .CREST HARDWARE • 1.