Huron Signal, 1853-03-10, Page 11
roan at a 0167 w
that he be ssciied {
e ...Pei 47 Mr. Wal.
k! Mr. NUM
leek.,, demes W '
be •
door's Ward ler
11 was .eyed la
Wallets evil
be wbtiteted ie
tri. -_yew H
Starr, sed foe
600k, p'C,
motto. carried
The Ckrk
sae, see
W. G.
for the .o -
Healy sad
Wallace. The
may of sus.
d that Messrs Wu-
1leDoaald declined
I. B. O'Connor sad se -
W. G. Smith, that the
wend to take as offer to
Hater•,%oescil that the Town would
the C'7at the discretion of the Run
grant to t 1,000 towards the erection
fro t House asd Court House if the
of the value of £2,500 should be
os the Market Square. 'niece
for the motion Meson. Smith ll.or-
White, ad O'Ceaor, and against it
eases. lIeoly and Story, Mr. \Valla..
Geed to rote. Mbtios carried.
Mr. N. Doyle was appointed pound -
beeper, volae other beasess was disposed of
and the Council adjourned to Tuesday pelt
Ib let Feburary.
that a C # tof eoasidar•
the salaries int
Pursed tet o'clock•
wnUila- teak bis oath of
Jade Berritt. When they re
tbs ..dilute. s .KMAtssal. of
Raises were envied, (Wes u otdd-bare
bas prewionaly dame) b, a Committas of
five. Their credentials were sestaissds
Cewcil sdjomsed, spriestiir two Com-
mittees to report sett day, alis., gas ea the
Salaries of lbs Canty eflilisy.el
to prepare ad revise nage for the pit -
awe of the Cooncil' Aijomrad to is
o'clock sett day.
*en bei
every lwiemey sad SUM with
ieewtesr"aee t. bim.t If for the take of
soots the pigpen, of pasties mike dia-
A Owe I ttallsaM ta• :
Oen Haireur•Lersll .wtr'g e. r/4a/ai
egos w►feh year ewer
verity ori for oustwhisk emmidemeise week
We sad p.Nrty in 1
efts: emu of them
perielose ateidmi tis.
gate tee IW
mot with a maser
ilia the diet el tai
felt ea Mammas mase
mead the egad
land. The
Chau"! woe the
weather, mid
Yees•le vh s dents
lost undo tad gsifs,
mush otber
Tusaoa r, 25th Jseeary.
The Reuss for iiihbert sad FAWN,
are blesses. Alexander MacLeres Yd
Thos. Ford.
10 o'clock. -The Cowell real•-Presset
Mean. Fryfogle, Cbyigi•,'Xo.4th,Fei4r
Great, Mactar I;1 ill, Gourley imiGisat.
Committee on Selena .,bwitted tlltaW
Report --submitted to the wlsole-'eotirm-
ed with slight amemdmeat-Treiarir £50
--County Clerk £30-Warelse £15 ---
Auditors each £3.
Committee on wading Rules repotrled
-submitted to the whole, Mr. Grant in tbs
chair -adopted, with as amendment pro-
posed by Mr. Smith.
Letter. from Mr. Kirk, .lrSepers- r*1U -
red to Finance Cematittee of Messrs.
Guest, Giant, Gourley; Chetath sad Mon-
teith. Rosas - Bridges committee-
Jfeaers. Chnstie, Fent sad Gvent. Com-
mittee to eaarni.e, revise sad report, By -
Laws of the Carted Goentie.-and of Pro-
visional Coaeil-Messrs. Guest,Great sad
Christie -Committee ea Seboob,-Messrs.
Christie, Grant sad Mateitb-Committee
oe Gravel Roads, -Neon. Ford, Guest,
Christie, Monteith and Fryfogle.
A motion by Mr. Ford, seconded by
Mu. Groat, for committee to prepare4By-
Law for £ 10 to he placed at the disposal
of Reeves of various towasbips, for sud-
den breaches, withdrawn.
Robert Boyd appoated messenger at 5s
fete "regress' men delesively, but tem- per da, -mored iby Mr. Hill aecoedd by
porally arrayed in the ranks of the former ;fr. iIacLarci, That Mr. Kirk be appoist-
het were happy to observe seven' staunch, ed Surveyor for, the County -carried. -
Tories with many Reformers included is the I letter from Hr. t edfatd, Local Soperii-
tatter class. So much for its political teodeol of Schools --moved by lir. Ford
"h•'ae4r. Ase the political opmioos seconded by Yr. Griot, That the Surveyor
of tbhl teacher, with oppugns which we are be paid not by salary, bot 101. per'day,
ta'et.d. we were sot aware that the Cees- Ie,ery clay employed, -referred to Finance
tleman l■ question was influence by pecu-
liar views of that kind aid meter trem-
ble ourselves about them, and u such are
S QL a necessary gsaliieatien for a School
teacher we suppose the Trustees were also
iadiffereat to the matter. The motion
of Mr. Nicholls as 'Franke was evideitly
to obtain tbe p'iblic opinion ii reference to
the course already pursued by the Trustees
which might serve as a guide for the future
and cast Do reflection upon the Teacher,
and whsle upon this subject we would is -
form the public that the meetings of tie
Board of Trustees are held no the first
Wednesday of every month at the Vittoria
Hotel and are open to those desire ss of at-
tending the same. Aa to the rest of the
twaddle of tbe Loyalist, we cam amen
him that what little success we have sheet
with in life, has bees nailer the bkmieg of
Providence, the remit of our self tiepea-
desa which is far too prominet to allow
us to " truckle " to any party, bit at the
same time will ever enable us to discharge
faithfelly our pubic eagagemeots.
The Loyalist treats very' lightly the
important School meeting held tut week,
which we briefly but faithfully reported,
tad cells the whole a petty party dis-
pute,' his small soul trust certainly be in-
capable of taking io a noble ilea if be
eau eoesistently term the eoesideestios of
the laudable system of Free Se13ool Edo-
esti,e mad the responsibility of school tris -
trees to those whose ioterrsts they bare to
greed, as mere petty questions for party
dupate. The meeting thought otherwise,
and we were glad to find that politi-
cal feeling was not 'arrayed' upon the oc-
casion, for Tories and Radicals commie -
Bind their votes 0a both questtoss and were
evidently guided by other considerations
time those stated by our top -sided eoetem-
•porary. There were however two parties
present the nee seder the Wisest* of ignor-
ance asd selfnihoess sod the other under the
control cl pbitaotropkuc mad roiamoa sense
motives. \1'e were indeed sorry to see a
Acsmawe.•-A MAW Makidieni
be the tewielir of
nbKobr/t ien10sS. A T.
Um, se ta1:11.
bite with *a =La •' iIP bit
We* 'twartabwf Al*
The r/1 UsMate4 .tams +ttl-a •
►.rr(yftg atpeMamet.}oE Pell
t►e frit►tfd Wads% t,
eztiaetfei a eatpit! y `
tomato mos leaves s
stele of Walsh to -lob
mehocholymitts late'
11.511ie* 1hsw,.7T"
Tracesreet esti.'
pont gig
y teasels Mr
The peep or • ,et
feewerd to eeeiese
duct of the Casa*
pie kao bees feIaw
Ceased of Gad '..,
sot to be aUWed A.
will talk to the
sage. the reform
of tbm sad tie
Ikey bre eetepdsi
Charter. Wo
swear ever the
,i !trod' us to
!aid eorop 1,
Catrsri or f
emitted almost
of idiocy known
result is, is ell 1
Ow panets of
toter -marred ori
w ith diary seri`
Danis. TO MR. CRatsTtw-We leers
from the Paris Star, that the reformers of
Paris, wishing to mark their approval of Mr.
Cbristle's 'political ronsisteney,have invited
Sia to a Dieser, which is to take place at
the Railroad Hotel, Paris, to day, Robert
Similes, Esq., A. J. Forename, Esq.., M.
P. P. sed other leading reformer's are to be
present. Mr. Christie replied (*voracity to
to the levitation.
Toa COLowtaL TRI.t,ei.-Tb trot
number of this journal has made its smear -
o nce, it is publiebed at Brantford by Mr.
Job. Steele ad lost well. It exhibits
reform principles sod Sus beet eomweseed
tinder peculiar eirc.makrices. Our Breat-
hed *Weds have our fear *nab -
erne Scbedele of C.s,tstiws wee
*peer *oar aut.
Moved by ht r. Guest, seconded :by Mr.
HJI, Tbat a C emmittee of five be appoat-
edto take into coosideratioi the propriety
of borrowing the sum of £20,000 for the
purpose of gravelling the leading roads is
the County, referred to Gravel Roads com-
Politico a gravel leading roads, Gem
the iababitaab'of Stratford, referred to
committee am Gravel Rads.
The Conseil were occupied chiefly all
day a-adjoaraed to 10
o'clock tursait sly.
is as Esylub
some tem aye
dtroeters of tb ;t
.rs Railway
hairs, of Maas
of netebes et
by Mr. It •
these foc
completed, tad at
lire tonere of
tablish.d. W
•.t stated, Wt
ed that witbio.
the fires ie
more of titrate
'loan iamb
timed fee the
tins is/malt
lata power 3 -
slag at If' I
tits will
To 11
is soap
'beat ►f ,r
wheltb of
pet WI, '.
.las Ali
or Aftusr
FOR Tela .0500 m..aL
No dotter or tralieker in iatodeatieg
or Iwafaetsrer of the Dame for sok,
whether he be a member of the choral M
.at, and moreover though he le a temtree-
ate mas, or whether he be a gem of proper-
ty, or what a commonly galled, ro.,5er-
hie, should a principle, be egesidered se
a it and proper person, te b estimated with
the managesse.t of moral illislitetioes,espe-
eilly sub, having for their object the Citi•
deice of the teen, whs an to imbibe their
pri.eipies chiefly , frees fumy illustrative of
a rood or a had W! 1 The Stutters e
habits of men ed mum egtestioubIy
"rise from the tee el imisaisOug Mika,
either ie thew paissw abodes er ie the
mere .anal places sr re.epreks for the
gale of die same 1 Aad from Mouse ed
in &bat mageer,are thea mlositatta6 anis
110 abr. by way et gasifies is worthy
of the ewaidsrdios 4 are podia., 14..-
4 Aro*
u r5 reN eaa
mea. Ministers .fa•idrisIMen,
8.ssa/iso, P.44eatMrty
Si., kc.,
Phiathrsgissb, prima tie 1, nett
iso , to decrease itrdamwi ao far, a
4w iwpalin,, litre law 110
mart pilealygd .d }at WallyM,
frim emu" of doe adei..eiR aliei
alai tlalosnd I m idiar, of the tab er is Y
art, bards test ad forth. The giitrhs as
mesh*use, phhor pi ay'
st, .f ittos►r
my l.% we
MR,to the etimmise
of dififiliffill awed evert misty of .af-
tar* is** Imam roes. MAMimq the de-
.r.ti iaatimi 4 thele lsi ttilwaraw .4
ose oda) ed 4t%r+ pi ►i►b a
at rest hr the . datidisal 10.osat-
if w. r oaf AMediat
Mit 55. MONO e•w-
This Cosa met is *5 mew CoedHely. at Stratford ea Moser, tl.144.
m the fret ps►lid ti
e suet** t
..t, 11e Sheriff, Mr. If
he'ielg+lw iod same day, Mao
Jail sad Court House.
law.ts•gi dept, Roewes lied
!be halt--asma they.
' ., Wu** OAtl IMI
matt sppaiapre,,111a,
I, saw -n.'• ' ,,.14,..
that the
est he
the buten
weakiiess, inlet
ate Catedohs*. W
Maw that
• try.mid
tiers, and
mut try
Wee fay
trv0, die be
Ciel t.
to time
sict it_
•T Tal sae 01 las ,las.
N, (C. W.) THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1853.
nt to
25 Moved by Mr. Wallace seconded by Mr. Young, That
a Committee of Five be appointed on ritiance--carried. On
the Ballot bring taken, the Committee waydectared to couaiat of
Messrs. Girlie, Wallace. Flanagan, hays and llulines.
26 Moved by Mr. Hibbing., seconded by Mr. (lays, That a
silo! of uinney be 'granted by this Council for the rrpaus of the
lona eros.way about two miles east of Clint/et, and that the Sur-
veyor Le instructed to eaautise, and report at the nest sitting of
Council .lin probable expense of such repairs---t:rere is no doubt
but the Counties will be put to koal espeuse if the .tote men-
tioned road is not put in a butter state of repair. The above
was referred to the road and bridge Committee.
27 Moved by Mr. Flanagan, accondrd by \1r. Woods, That
tbe County Clerk be instructed to furuish each member of this
Council with a correct statement of bow or in what manner tbe
rasing to the pound that was collected in the United Cou
(whi.b was intruded to be csprri>!ed
. ... ,
to 1e%evd
bow for 0sppeusarig
the wee of iteelsed druaM sad *bat
the law to by Masa desired enueetibeieaelt
Met Irl ,1w$.s belie "Mole Liq••e
w," ad 1. to form sod misuses she
as tb few m alto ipso los
1 otery ed
d o1111ftors' Is*4k
:` r' •f tb.asap at .1
hall le
Yseie = tLe
%ohim aid tsar
ejpeitfdtdamayee. i1
Siterm Cued Curt
.41.4 Ina UUdem
bet 4rl• Tho sheriff '
«erfisjte hp referees, to
The .wdtiad.sitl of
beam 140
tem aretdt
of the Deft Plead 1 '
1a the seetm ae neem
Ae4u' 0.4 01
s.415 iM iIM
^e' ties truel° .
Plum, who will
ORA mt at
if 1*. Curt al 1 o!MMMMe
A Lame Tn.iliittiwaa:"! t
usts Imo, few Md f „ r ! pf a
a tease
Mit void '
My .
eh. .hail w o his a dal
'Mt so
Nsi! blittiw
W Wade esersut
OREM nim tire. As is
'.aisf['r•em, It marks the thee,
sed eat b "tribe sl say gives Pte'
w the taut ompaiim
Wafkillsit tub
Or/ ttty
OW heavy
• putty.
Asst" Barmy Brdfagkaa."
*Twee 'senior/ sees sed eight.
AaA atuer■oee sad nawe,eg•
The Forsch Iuipeusl wiiht
All forearm emote were mantis*.
11. b'ea'd how door to door
A wile ter Mew ki. glory,
Ilia Wee tale be did pour
Asd thus w.y•part el his story.
Orly way.
You'll yosr husband make nig;
France will pry
Whatever you charge to lie me
Oh. list to what 1 my,
Pretty Royal Venus:
Name your price, y"o may.
France we'll share be.wren ata.
ea•etry'e prise to deep,
earl ...elms,
T the
1 t(gd,
sell like a eraab.pMss-
Rea-la b. et7 of
it -
't Irk tlwe
et you
d. At a
Jae hays tried
to a
Mit We*
sL the
1 ..k.* ` Ad
-with very huh m ir -
`,wirdsrrost movie Mad.
. 'oOM raeTaaas,-110
waled the ale of iestlo$,l1
1st el Isiah Hotter. la IlWfee-
sitkW a Begos /aper rttyo
►totter which6asi a s,
le aid to be tog 4as1 hats 4' Iwt /
14, 11C-cert.
cwt. ! fgl cat cit -IW
pet q
a. t a puusd T►L
1 eestaiaisit lid t. TO I
gwt+ty •f salt mip tla
is rimed •,salt t+1 I0 A
. weer
*Mei 1110100
apply totheIIMe *-t-4. • "'
EMAIL 11441'114,
C.tboroe, Jas.
Goderich, 17th JaiuWikCh
TOt' SAt li pT ?HS
? IQIr jt, la et! bia.
p1e, ere the tont
beim elks** pi
'Cin le Wise
ti peeaile. $pfge
gash for Mathis,
tics lbs pickle M ad.
sr two pe male. of salt site-
,* Beep the Neu at tall . rssfJLUTfd31
Or/so of material lases st M
diMorse: -"Hombasa. Idea'
t bey Ret his lad
Past cure." "Np me
pea have kit say,'
the pentads* M
ebg•ne. w,
sy yostlfei
us deprielod
ass -pare
*twos the
,4 Derry 11
by me
woe *wee I"' w
N►his C ham* •u
tad et .,octad. 'Oaks is laidea
liVp gitevii of the edged with strip
Of Lrlawne►ber... .d hams esnwsd
keiteg • tad adiairaN1 Mie►. -
CONSUY M. -.Secy body ' will eel _
• Getty insets. it ee..n•eeew Rostov'', efea
ted prey - handiest,', that before where be w
gee M timelier ore • wiles •1 • Reedshy
s a exposer* ca shames
t Ie soy, predate. as tdattams-
is a fewe es weeks, it said
she 4104 of 5g0'Ntea le. Pw'511
with meet M hag complete; we
Id.? to tee .drstium.*1 ma the
.+.Nile of 1W paper M Jede.0 s Chestiest F A AM
tweet of "Cherry aa4 Lug sew," wharf
is mid to be a ells for the awful
Also a
Alt orders
a.derieb, ion'•
, and
, was -referred
9'O be •v14.11
Ow Tew
a wife sed a
Voter et
shoot It el ell
Coetanieg ids
this Tuve p the 9i*d tool'. ON cit) 10 of "web are
of Mr.p. Gaedae. of asee. Tier* to a I•vg
1e lbee Tows ea the lett lest. , th. elk bee 01 M1
site, arts.
o *ellen to err, ea
es the safe site.
la teenag over a
rue 11441001111.11.14.11,
earl same. .tease elate tai.
0hlieste eke* ewe •s.• e0•
y#daeee ash., sap to be dwad
odes. allbem... AM to
same see •sad *berry l*.•
So pease 11.... w.
.napes.• end ab.
we .eght to rim.
Maria: id.,.
terse •fpm,
w ala
nun and 1
ha,e takes 1
oleo., s. their
fennel it toe ekes
a•J anomalous 5.
hum with wreck
d, happily. they sleet
moettioss 'spout the Cham
Tcmperan'•s W gave them
e•lutroph. 1454 • dl tied t
tato morale, by aharra'iun fro
presrr'bs4,'d. repeated wort.ficatl
u •.- win..ity and ripen Iter mo
p.ranent fu' va uuodel in.lulgenea: ..
Ever man has . eh'101 of two rn
the isle one of total a:munched anJ 1 '
units le one of !r nk:ngi what his p:eaie•
awl although, um.ler the latter rl.e, 5U'1
men may, wilt Ilneunity moot o'er Ib
brute: yet ,''aervanun upon others If w.'
esp.n'•nee in wirerlv's most. have tang'.
us that our b-st reso'utr•,ns may bo weak-
ened ain1 vangn•shs.l its one Ing:di., ,m . la•e
lull aft'•r am., bezu•:ea the re room anI
wells away the prudence i•1 be drinker. -
No man becomes a drunkard all .t one*.
Ile h g ns w th • little. a 1 the lends so'
mn e. ,.., t ,.!. t- moeti, to too m.ich.-
10 I f in the eheer(•'l Cup of the jovi:,
lei!. there is no ddiic•,It ,res,ll Inn 1.1 ha-
lt turd at11 erre' n.table sac. a •. Poli lh re-
fore mare ..1 'plea the wisp rule of ahststo -
iee Iran inshriaunf liquors a'tog'tner
Let hue who thinks it difficult to .Wale
from a little, reteete how omen more d tL
,k it 1* to abstain front drinking 100
hen the habil has been ones at
'net tins of thm•e dnclivilIes
easily de•':anis. Bat
Aettsrss mimeo
g ,
5000 Y 4 seat, p.. ap•
Yawl ap t., mind th•
b0 ands colored
a trlseJ in m
e ah• ogre of
of the sheet 50ss-1gape` , psyii to
eo tHs Towe of tiledgttd► .
bor. ever !leek Ewe lamb, 50 C ds»d r.
orbited with horns.- lana(, Cie mat's 1d a
'o4 to prove ptepst1 100 pairs thea
tithe tins awn Godertek. Noir. Ifitbe
X11, 1Bbs. .Mils n
Mt. MARLTON le ale este; it0 !► `•
+ rchsoe 9000 beet+ b a
sod 000 b41• Lard, few whieti
high6,, or
highest market pilot UP,* peel
Gums, at the Steve•
Cauda Coe**, m
Hub vfmdti•
Geodetic► tree., `
A HOUSE to hit es ]last Street, sp.
lf► t. Ly.
God ich, Jae. 17th,"•tSW'a[ MW
10t4 STORE.
would reep.etfelty is .
Mast* of Dederick sod
try, that be 1 *prod to
doors soetb of Doctor
Brick trove, Market
the stock ileledes all
RIES, eossietleg b part
Re1si*+, Carried*,.
sad Cider of the serf best
Line 1,i0 N NOSE MIIN
Fns, than., Deaf, Pork,
to keep nese but aril-
gealaty, sod to sell *up
'p.'. Q•ey -sg, be trusts to reteeeve t
al9a7aar.•r ✓i. fano the *matey
to tell. se be intends perches-
Produce, Ter orb
Stmt MI hot pre.,.
e Choir -atl Q tr Soiree of As
ej rr .p.resee,..,D aridly ere. -
AND • GanTLarrr,_
so not►t.R to say to these veteran,
ranee 4f Temperance, who bare Boni.
*ugh • bull probation ie the enjoyment
the luxury of food C.Nd water-; nor shall
addree• neyeell in those who maintain tS
doe ell.gieoce to tbm bottle -fur all such
shall turn over to the impreenie and
mnriny exam• the Cadets bef,re me -
but l shall *denim the Cadets themselves.:
and although 1 have not the boner of being
one of them, 1 .:u .J'r1•(teJ this n:g' i to
be nee of them.
Ws use ill, 1 hop.,14e'frien,l. of Tem
yeranee; .,rel I may here a welt tell jolt
that 1 beide/ to the old 'choirs_ In the
rfr!iatr era of our eager, nor exertion* were
detected. Ga Mo need to gay. *punt King
Alcohol, whir exercised a most despotic
easy over le multitude of mos' dew tied sub 1
jests -I ought to say elates. The war j and wiser than to h,air,I the c errecttiq'r die
wanner. extermination en both placard't. In p.sttle•i:Ial a.lte ii., p,rt►ii•oelle
i `dedlrnyed his bottles as uneomprumt•- carr,' about Item n•sme drna,.up6i.S1 t•,
des,roy.1 hie subject e. Ili. be a e"rreettve of the epwomio s. jwes
Ayj Adel' a1
Coeur if Here*, owe etas
Ultimo Otioaries lifil4lea,1
Perth 14/14IitrlIC•• -
Towlr: Jr
era nor **cafe Gott.' ' - 1•
.•d to tilt dltoate4#ilM*.the ,
as well Its pongee, et Themes Mow
y,ssager, au alsacesitig easea
at titian of ilattfire • 1
ass. Miami
pf A
_ .
needs lied the imploring
nay of the Christ'te eunteter, all fool.
iagty alive lo the wreck of hie farads. awl
'elle own hat approacalag .tonal dot-
tier .
But how few ba*anti,l aeonlctr i, '•as• wo
known tpctaimwl by lees stewin; the tre-
1er1y 1' their Owe ereatioe ilaye we sit
found' thein crow meet♦ dere...° a Ill"'
esgRrew more hopelswa, dad tuber tliA
iod•tlg. in paiaGd re/minutia Jn they e4*.
rn.h to drown then-$ $be tate overate, eel;
of lorgetfitiaes•. .Ytrahave tbeeetor...tto
den the wise 7111D of Waal a!Nt.neoce'-
II.1nce n .,term"e the as .re doeirabte t •
re.: •mu,eu.l .''Ire •b.tinnnen, 400, Ise coin.
parsrv.•Iv few of thorn, who are allures int.•
excess are r'etatmel fr'm it. 1t is mor
owner h. pereu. le '1 m to net to e,san1Sn,:-•
the 140 of tel,•xieatinl I gnnra, thin sr/ 111 t •
per au ode Wire in4.. them off. wheat th•
use of them hie V10.1..110 h,httuaL It is.
au.rru4ly•m••to m'rtturiow to a ms'.
front the road to istempsrence, thin to;
•wsit'1ho necessity of converting him 1 r
.obrieti: t,. prevent ■ti evil is b'}1
t by the meet d•rterm'.d
' by tante sbsnn' ale
1 roj•,ielelw the -hare
t. sod 1 look neon
a eat:scop
day the enure mouldy. Asa that of Hume who boom -
feel* in showing hl. .fleeted, few ever reweer. Yon h•vs
ig bis bailee. f can therefore ebes5e rhe moult rule of Iota'
1b Imealcotdls ltnun•'t abet inenc..
Imo heretofore sitcom- Adheres then, my rely.. felon is, to t -hi•
di&re.t'v that &mesal rule. When yo a are at my teaks. dour
greet obeer*0re.- rule a entire eh..owners will ever meter
ly deemed it better !furor! Salon, tn.0
to has ard ricnvery-fruw it. And the rut -
et entire afelineace becomes therefor• tn.
mere imperative, from the•iJer.Uu
that Jru* in stet hot tncurahl-•
.glia atrking red seat.- with my most t..peorthil approbatp0o.=
•.tali of things - bigot* An.l when 1 a d at y oar ta•d •, ur' .»send
*5*eda mnTeniOnl;- ..l Uie bnule will ti'1 •,a• watt. grealerC'a•e= •
witeelled yore trl,mph. 'ulnas.rept pe•eure tae..until 4. 1ff'rdea
• • of t es ern Caaaaa n time e'unceel viaSA.'.oys blare of ku.n
nth so mtwh grauhiJ•i sn.l any part of 11.l world.
1 r/4• en.Spllm-ret ' which -- `- - - - • .
e thr.,'tg5outi Norfolk, it A M.agraait as oyer.. Ltr/..•,ldarp •.hail
t Do.-dis, be b,ni.hing SI! fifty year• hove pt•.wl ging 14.
ours at their ptii►I;e feartvl- narrative w.s ralst.,J by a gentle nti II
(gee, fe.uwtte• "MY were in 70 years '•f age, as occnr.d 1a .
ate wenebu5dantle warm root h. It, dare may tbeterure lie ob.' t
*arm abnn4in'ly displayed 1710. A no,lem in, hitting br03ew hie ewe.
water. 'Tee dummies' of .tit.uon and inj'tr•,. ate Galata., •
Ks s'v, lite the du'tioioss of d hs.p'uon, tet'r'a ni 1 to Barry sort
th ltcJ that apoltauon 50.1 r.iurm; *s.l hiring pailhisaJdtwee,to.,
Bergh not complete, were r-etr.,.r, So l bola Ji1y acoeptede the wt.4.
mita tr.p'tie• rens h, his nn ,ling n.y was flied, awl .treat pt •
enemlr.. the tri. s of TOM- m -Jo (or It• relnhr,uon. 1-, 11,05. rt.
• ince that that move'neat r/5 the now. tray.I1, t r;•.wtr, •J : (4., tat•ht, .Dc..
ate ran.*, anoth.r step has bre* ppf the Courtship on'y th0 I. ij'
• pr•.g,o.stye e,ep i. 1M right af• `nnt. irnm who'..A. ha4 toed.: of ,$ '
. Masai..' meds msrkn'l 1.►•a'w aro•,•, th•.e .w four data b -for, the b►id.l
. tempera•re, r.ew wear day. Noe woe, h'waver, of sw/g.tre Std
ago in a new war of tree u11 .ch oil; she pw'a I to ti ..4„,
Rom.n11..CllI. .rest 05,15 ascii 451•.1ns,.'t'..,r 1.51 1
Inc., It. -i 1s.. ■ 1•r/_
hs •nee•• del a. eNtlsal i hu arca •mall.,...
he No teen 13 .t this letter auso MCI ,; ' hu• was w
ouiy sSrutsed minute to a gee hate on the r
1 haws not rgh ad saw de•'sare s, l weir a owl. .l„
the .,'n0 ns• the p espni 1 wieMisg-dee. ae 1 b•fat11.10,,
seeaat.nal Dee to th. . (thiel -.tar w.e p ad b.
mf ye.. to "ora they. A eyes woe time 45 a*41 hi.
, all; yet i valet to go Mtn Ilbey tsatl -.boy, sod
♦r ► r a , art q at r t d ioy sal r/!5 Ie'1/oe ar -
*,.,," y 15.1.1?. rel t4.t grtlr••g. Tae.ty.r.ate, •w~
ors rowel., Sr' lair 1..r•,. slier.$tl, and btadi.t0 t,,.
Sd es i am sh not to : ,kisg.'h+.,f'it tat its ',IAN, i • igeselie.
tense orlon '',rHued fes awl warrt• .ne/Min
p YI p' . ' br
.sail a enl ail 001 /To- ....tors; sed Modjtsarftp Mwli.aa+f.
*nett. *w•t, be aae5rtd Mt rei,t.asl ar.d •' Vb..e I.
n ,ilio ter L• that tee b• merrmd. -ebt• my t...,A . i
• 1 ynnr exaupl. is • tot eenetry \Pena , that •a,a. we Ism. mugs.
lanthrephie costri►eti.e sedates says tea• Wks bee ern awayalgjNl,•-
rate w -.ell. -Tho.. is nth r . rei4..t,'vett fear tar p't N b,
Dor curry reg Ors r.t'e ton nee 1. y dr..., a•ad esaas M ate to the thi• l to his eviler ,h Ms ower b.wkl..t 'mem.* re dvee.4d le the .
prepared; they noel sill r/4• r.e.,1% say it:
y are
• by 1.•', "wan •t' ,nswwe\P 045.5 Ub/t0•.ee y s ens
tt• tee r.1ea•nr, , e crew- cgs. A mune oakum t os tan *till
to r.Asaetton, wt;h tee Seel- ne.erle nosiest, dew ..f e.
tory of llroneemis .ho 4455 ewe" awl nr•tp'.14,10
t► r, cs^.... 11 .ale,enr'•f. sewn •4.1 'w..te,stl • P.re4.e
re • s dsl•tmue the 1a1i• toe of our 11.0 t trots w.,, agog