The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-30, Page 2Noe 2 Tho TimosAdvocAtti, November 30
`go to
". orWir counts Pas
a .alnodsiiAtI<rY1i
. ,
Ilirt1Itch. visited
LPtt oarn
e osdpast
weekend with her Mather; Mr.
Enoch Rowcliffe,
„! Arritagesl la meet with Cana.
stock C� a n Gartner's Ltd, to cl}sae
;Ovlc �� tlno disposal system at the keg
Apj ovedi building Porn i
_1„ L Sweitzer, fors a wpt'.k..sho.
at the rear of his home on Vi.e-
toriai Milton Keller, 1'erlRvatiuik
airs. Anna Westiakc, Wycitnt�
lag, visited with Airs, Wilitatn: over
D o -,
tiao Uensall youths will spend
:aha _text three days in ,jail, fol-
:'lpaiung sentences handed :down
by- Magistrate .Glen lfays, QC,
an Exeter court. Tuesday.
-Ronald Mackenzie, 25, re-
s;eived his sentence after he
1fCas found guilty of driving
awhile his license was under
.,ai, tension. while 22 -year-old
'gouge Edward Smith elected
-Oa take a jail term when he
cpuddn't raise the fine of $20.00
and casts that was levied
a,ainst him for unlawful pos-
aaession of liquor.
a, ;Snaith was parked on :a back
,street in Exeter on September
'Zr4when a search made of his
cab by Constable Lloyd Hod-
gins- revealed a part bottle of
gild under the front seat,
A 15 -year-old girl, a 17-year-
:oI ' married woman and a 19
.• nal 20 -year-old youth were in
at the time
° e
"This isn't, a very healthy
tel --up the magistrate t old
Snaith. "Drinking
Drinking in parked
pass: with 15 -year-old persons
ati there is bad business. '
--Smith asked the maistrate to
give him time to pay the $20,00
'fine and $7.80 in court costs,
:and' he was told he would have
ua it after court to raise the
"You can use the telephone
in, Beek your credit rating and
see' if you can raise the mo-
-ne3*,'° be told the youth. "it
will be a good barometer to
se'e,, how you have conducted
yearaself for the past 21 years.”
',See if anyone thinks enough
ota you to keep you out of
Ca'r "impounded"
-MacKenzie, who had his li-
cense suspended after being
found guilty of a careless driv-
iii charge on November 16,
1S.BO received a severe repri-
nxhiid from alagistrate Hays,
besides his jail term.
•`~ consider anyone who
drives while wider suspension
is.'aking a deliberate risk," he
said. "1 have no patience with
people who show such a con.
rept of authorities who have
amended your license."
He -warned the youth, that it
he ever appeared again on the
clierge, he would spend con-
siderable more time than three
days in jail, .
John Carr, Exeter, identified
tl�e, youth as the driver of a
cat that bad been, parked near
Carr's residence over night on
Oc'1ober 8.
;Ile told the court he became
a'llgpicious when the car was
Parked on the side of the street
a.3j,: night, and when he saw a
;batt pacing up and down in
kelt of the car on the follow-
ing morning.
IHe said he saw MacKenzie
Alain the car and drive west on
I iuron street and turn right at
Mk first county road,
ref C. H, MacKenzie testi-
fiethat he came along shortly
after and travelled out Huron
streetand found the youth be-
hin"1 the wheel of the car which
wasthen parked on the conces-
alt" n road.
'`The accused told the Chief
tha,La,. friend, Wes Sims, had
driven the car and "had taken
off through the fields."
Siris was called to testify
and said he had been working
in E1ginfield from 7:00 a.m. to
6:00 p.m. on that day and had
never . driven 'Via cKenzie's ca r.
Fred Dobbs, owner of Exe-
ter Motor Sales, said he had
sold the car to the youth on
September 2. "Its -looked like a
joint purchase between Mac-
Kenzie and a friend," he said.
OPP Constable George Mit-
chell, who assisted in the inves-
tigation, said MacKenzie carie
to his house the day after he
had been picked up and showed
him a "bill of sale," stating
that MacKenzie had sold the
car to Eddie Roelofs, Exeter,
Magistrate Hays said that
,etidpg the car was only an at-
tempt to avoid impounding it,
and ordered that the car be
"Where is the car?" he
asked MacKenzie.
"At. Cudniore's", the youth
When the judge learned that
Cudmore's was an auto wreck-
ing firm, he said he would eon -
The story iii
David Kemp a student at
Stratford Teachers College,
taught in Guelph last week,
then spent the weekend at his
home here.
Eric Norris and Terry Day-
nard, students at the OAC,
Guelph, spent the weekend at
their homes her_.
Sunday visitors al the
"ratnfleman honle were Mr, and
Mil, Kenneth 1 -Hera, Shirley,
,taiiice and Grahme, Exeter,
and Miss Margaret and Jame
14liller, Staffa,.
Mr, and Mrs. itaymend Mil-
ler and fannit,Y, Munro, visited
Maltby with Mr. and :Mrs, Les. -
lie Miller and fancily,
lttr. and Mrs ,James Norris
And, family, gramplon, visited
recently with Mr. and Mrs.
Sant Norris and family.
idrs. Ernes' '1`enipletitan is
Spending a few days with Mr.
and Mrs, Alvin Cole and :Tarn.
11y, Cronmerty,
Lorne Yeo and ilantsel Ped=
don Iran Assimbola, SaSir,r
flew.,dewn to the f'Loyai Winter
Fair in Terorite and visited a
rotiple, or days with Mr. Y1004
aunt and uncle, Mr" and Mrs,
Cecil towmah,
sitter that the .car was .alread
.,axed money
James G. Wedge, Exeter
who pleaded guilty to his thir
and :fourth offense of failing to
file income tax returns, em:a
fined. a total of $50 and costs
on the charges.
The magistrate bad original
ly set the fine at $60 for lite
first offense ;and $25 for Ih
second offense, but reduced th
fine when the RCMP officer in
charge said that $25 was ,th
maximum fine for each count
"You are:the beneficiary o
some new information -the
judge stated. Wedge was. given
two weeks to pay the fine,
"Are they truing to make a
goat out of me?" be asked the
magistrate I couldn't het
myself because I just had a
"They are just trying to make
you do what everyone else in
the eommunity has. to do," Ma
gistrate :Flays explained,
Guilty of fraud
A 17 -year-old Strathrov area
youth. a ward of the Middle-
sex County Children's Aid :So-
ciety, was given a one year
suse en
p ded sentence and was
ordered to post a bond of $200
after he pleaded guilty on a
charge of intent to fraud.
Jason Brown, who obtained
credit from an Exeter merch-
ant by using a wrong name,
wrong address and wrong place
of employment, was: ordered
to keep the peace for one year,
make restitution in the amount
of 515.41, put under- supervision
of a probation officer, directed
not to borrow money or buy
on credit without the written
consent of the probation offi-
cer, and told to obey all in-
structions given by the Chil-
dren's Aid Society,
Brown admitted going into
an Exeter store with a friend,
Bob Wagstaffe, and receiving
a pair, of pants, shirt and. a
pair of stockings.
Wagstaffe also received sev-
eral articles, but paid for
thein, and then gave Brown
55.00' to make a deposit on his
clothing. Brown told the store
owner his name was Ray Pat-
terson of RR 3 Strathroy and
he was working at Canadian
Canners in Exeter.
A. worker from the CAS told
the court that they had not
known Brown's whereabouts
since August,
"There are people who want
to help you," the magistrate
told Brown, "but they don't
want to waste their time if you
are going to act like a hood-
Dismiss charge
. A charge of failing to remain
at the scene of an accident was
dismissed against Gaston Cas-
tonguay, 31, Sudbury, because
Magistrate Hays "had a reas.
enable doubt" that the ac-
cused even knew he had' been
in an accident,
Castonguay, was travelling
south on Highway four when.
he struck the right fender of
another southbound car that
was in a lineup of several cars
that were stopped to allow a
gravel truck to dump its load
on the construction job south of
The Sudbury man's car
veered into the ditch and he left
it about five minutes later. He
was later picked up by Con-
stables Don Westover and Hank
Reid at the Central Hotel, Exe-
Douglas Keillor, driver of the
other car, and James Jamie-
son, a passenger in the car,
both of London, reported that
the collision had not made too
much noise and there was very
little damage caused to either
They testified that they went
to Castoguay's car and opened
the door and noticed a strong
smell of alcohol, "He just
smiled sheepishly," K e i 1.l o r
They also testified that he
would have had to pull. into
the ditch, because there was a
stalled north -hound car in his
lane and Ile would have hit it
unless he pulled into the ditch,
The magistrate agreed with
defense Lawyer, D. T. Murphy,
Goderieh, that Castonguay was
facing a serious situation with
the Car ahead, and niay not
have heard the crash because
he was concentrating on avoid-
ing a collision with the north-
bound car.
y ease "extremely close to the
Zine, and the officers had; pro-
perly brought the eharge.
In other eases:
Norman JP1110$ Winegarden,
d 22 Lopdon was fined
, n s ,.10 and
costs for followin, another ear
.too closely after he was in cot,
lision with Williaxp McKeon,
Poplar hill, on the train street
. of Exeter
e Mcii:eon testified that he had
slowed clown to avoid hitting: a
e dog crossing tate street and
Wineg.arden had smashed into
e the rear of his :car
Peter Toornstra, 1111. 1 Wood-
ham, was fined $15 and costs
after pleading guilty to failing
to report an aceident that
caused $158,00 .damage to Ilia
„ When asked why he hadn't
reported the accident, the ac-
cused replied, "I was just try-
ing to be friendly to the guy."
"That's taking the law into
your own hands," the magic-
' trate told hint, ".You have no
right to change the law."
Wesley Sines, Itlill Street,
Exeter, was fined $5.00 and
costs for driving an auto with
a faulty muffler,
itiurphy pointed out that he
was under no obligation to seek
out the driver of any car if
he hadn't known he was in a.
crash with one.
Re also noted that. the Lon-
don meu had not told hint he
had.' struck filch, car
The magistrate said 11 was a
To "the
My bailie 4vili ; elide of
the ballot December{ 4 for
the office of councillor. 1
have served two years on
cotll'loil and as chairman bf
the Park toed, If eleoted1
Z will serve' to the best of
.my ability for the Wier -
moot df to village,
solicit your support.
Happenings n
'Airs. Cecil. Mossey's cousins
from Collingwood visited with
her on Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Mossey,
Mr. and Mrs, Wes Mossey, •
Robert and Jimmy were among
the guests for the surprise.
birthday party for Mrs. W. B.
Young, -of St. Marys, on Mon-
day evening,
Mr, and Mrs. Alex Dobson
and Wayne of Weston spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Pattison of St, Marys.
Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Thacker
and. family visited Saturday
evening with all.
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Waugh
of London spent Monday with
Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Thacker.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Sisson,
Mr. and: Mrs. Lawrence Gras-
by spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Fred Petch, Strathroy.
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Mc-
Pherson of Bryanston visited
Sunday afternoon with air. and
Mrs. William Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Jones, Carl, Edwin and Donna
were Saturday evening guests
of M'rs, Jessie Bilyea and Mrs.
Mary Rucld of Granton.
Report on
Mr. and. Mrs, Ted Leadley,
Donna and Debbie of Welland
and Mrs. Gerson Brady and
Greg of Fenwick were weekend
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mil-
ton Sweitzer, Mr. and Mrs, Stu-
art Sweitzer, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Pickering and their fam-
Mrs, Les Adams accompanied
by her sister, Mrs. Jack Cor-
bett of Hensen spent several
days last week visiting rela-
tives in Detroit and Marine
City, Michigan.
Mrs. Milton Ratz and Mrs.
Ross, Love attended the fune-
ral of the late Mrs. Jas. Scott
in Seaforth, on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Adams
and family of London were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Adams and Bobbie.
Mr. and Mrs, C, L. Munro,
Paula and John and Mrs, Ruby
Coleman of Clyde, Michigan
visited Wednesday and rhurs-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh.
Morenz and Billy.
Mr, and Mrs. John Lovie of
the Mollard Line were Sunday
visitors with Mrs. M. Baker.
Dr. .13:. W. 13. Jackson of
University of Toronto spent
the weekend with his a.tlnt,
Mrs, Frank Brierley, Exeter,
Mr, and \Irs.. Ken iieattie,
Judy, Jim and Kathy of But -
talo. Narrows, Sade.. visited last
week with Asa _J', Penhale and
Grace and other relatives in
Ontario and Michigan,.
Mr. and Mrs. Berman Powe
spent Sunday in Aylmer guests
of the tatter's brother, 'Harry
Williamson and of Mr, and
Mrs. iter 11'ililamson.
Lee Learn was named eor
responding secretary of the
Presbyterian Men of Strat-
ford Presbytery at a meeting
held Monday night iii Knox
Presbyterian Church, Strat-
Mr. and I1'irs. Wesley Bowen,
Royal Oak, Mich,' and Mr,
Wayne Bowen of Forest Ran-
gers School, Dorset, visited
with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Bo-
wen the latter part nt last
week and attended the funeral
of the late Mrs, I•lenry Bowen,
Harry Reimer, Rl3. 2 Kings-
ville, and Milton Johnson, nil
1 Kenabeek, visited Wednesday
with i
th hie' I!,AIoKe nzeand
Mrs, McKenzie,
Air. and Mrs. Fred Neaman
of Carman, Man., visited with
Mr. and Mrs, Clarke Fisher
and other relatives in this
Mr. Cliff Br'intnell, who cut
his leg about 10 days ago with
a skil saw on Victoria St., is
making satisfactory recovery
in South .Huron Hospital,
Mr. and - Mrs, Jiro Stewart
of High River, Alta„ visited
the past week with Mr. and
Mrs, Wilmer Preszcator.
Area crashes
— Continued from page 1
SH hospital Saturday.
The cars were driven by Sha-
ron Sholdice, 10, Centralia, who
was proceeding on No. 4 from
the townline, and Dennis W.
Beeby, 30, Kitchener, south -
bolted on the highway. Dam-
age totalled $1,200, PC Gibbons
Ushorne collision
Cars driven by Mrs. Marga-
ret Allen, 46, Kirkton, and Gor-
don Ellis, 41, RR 1 Woodham,
suffered $400 damage when
they collided at an intersection
near the junction of concession
12 Usborne and the St. Marys
road. PC George Mitchell in-
attending a bazaar at the are-
na and bad stopped outside to
talk to friends when some chil-
dren on the south side of the:.
highway apparently called to -
Linda who started across the
Driver of the eastbound car
was Alfred. J. Smith, 54 Hen -
salt, according to PC's Donald
Westov nand Harry Reid, who
Loses control on No. 4
Robert Bannister, 21, Gode-
rich, lost control of his car on
No, 4 Tuesday afternoon after
he had overtaken a truck and
made a sharp turn to avoid
on -coming -traffic, He skidded
into the ditch' and hit a hydro
pole, causing $900 damage,. ac-
cording to P Cecil Gibbons.
Girl injured
Betty Duffield, 18, Granton,
suffered a concession last Wed-
nesday when the car in which.
she was a passenger collided
with another vehicle south of
Exeter. She was released. from
Town accidents
Damage totalled. $300 1n a
collision at the intersection of
William and Gidley streets
Friday afternoon. Involved
were H. L. Sturgis, 58, William
SL, northbound on William, and
Bryan Sanders, 17, Main St.,
travelling east on Gidley, No
one was injured according to
Cpl. John Cowan,
Cars driven by Ars, Don Pane
hale, 37, William St„ and War-
ren Darlington, 29, Port Stan.
,aala a rare s;, eaai aeaae SSG+. azaa a aaaakvaaza'a a. ca.aiaa.`.•` aVaa rax aos V
Men's - . Boys` Dress Cloves
Save up to $1.04 per pair.
Wert ititeodud ng• tHQ naw tine of
Terry Williams
Quality Sweaters
They'ro smart, distinctivo.He'd too on!
Don't forget that Christmas, Suit by Tip Top
Tailors. Order how ((Wieldy!) for before Christrnas
Phone 81 MEN'S WEAR Main St.
tS•rortok i i•! '.* '0,01:03erAtet i,+ektrt arae; eta. aarea oile.o't4•t •C ,
Preston Deering',
tolec s .recommended by Nn.
Dorset Horned King, has sub- gtneer 13. Moss.
;pitted to :kowo council a clalitt One calls for the installatio
of $420 for loss of livestock, of four seta of 1S-inrh metal cut
along With A ,demnnand: to _lean veris near the Main and George
up the. mess which is pollut- .St, intersection to carrY � awa y the stream on his sfarins. runoff from the.area :north: of
"I think I've had f
enough o Riverview Heights subdivison,
the towns press and I want ip The culverts will be installed
be paid for my losses and I under the new asphalt laneway
want this mess cleaned up at constructed at the brewers' re
once," his letter said, "The tall stork, across, George St.,
taw says nobody can ;pollute a and under two proposed lanes
stream.of :good water shut you into the Motel being eructed, on
are still doing it and you know the east side of Main.
where a lot of it la ;coming The other drain, ,already
root. ing constructed, mis along the
I:Imc claim, for loss of :d steer, south side of Thoas St„ west
an imported ram, breeding ewe :of Carling, to relieve runoff in.
and weather lamb, has been the Burke subdivision. The out-
forwarded to the town's Rahil- ;let is an eight -inch field stile
ity insuranec company, flowing west,
Tho letter was read to .cowl- Mr, ROSS described this as
pit Monday night, The sante "only a temporary solution . to
evening, council received an the problem unttl a propel;
analysis report from the county storm sewer is constructed,"
health unit which failed to show
the creek water contained any
of the poison which Mr. Dear-
ing claims killed his stock.
Mr. Dealing states, however,
that the polluted water lies
dormant in the creek when it
is dry, then is carried into his
Karin by a shower. He said his
cattle died right after "a shower
worked the mess back from
"This is not the first time it
has happened, i have lost ani -
before whichwere found
to be poisoned. The town blur
fed me out of it that time, say,
ing the water was fit for hum-
ans to drink. I would like to
see you town folks drink the -
stuff right from a toilet or from
the hospital drain,"
"There is not one living thing
in the stream, not even a frog
or a blood. sucker and there
used to be both a few years
a go."
The four animals died be-
tween October 11 and 13 this
year, Mr. Dearing said 20 other
steers nearly scoured them-
selves to death.
If the town implements the
sewerage plan received last
week, the waste in the creek
would be piped to a• proposed
sewage lagoon just north of Mr,
Dearing's farm.
Approve drain plan
Council Monday night agreed
to proceed with two drainage
• 'no PUG said the 60 nntp :ser
t+ice :installed in unary houses
and still being used •by same
contractora is not sufficient to
meet the power needs of the
fllodoln household and that:the
heavy load of sappliances can
create a ,dangerous -fire hazard,
Ili other husiness, council:
Learned, iit reply to its m'e
.quest for A. traffic light at ,the
school erossing cornet' of Main
and. Victoria, that the dept of
transport will not be able to
;Hake a study pf the traffic ba-
zard until May, 1962;
Found that the fire inattrance
rate leas been lowered to the
sante 'level as that in Lyndon aa
a result of the purchase of the
mutual aid fire truck;
Agreed. to amend: its .traffic
bylaw •to require parallel park
.ing on. Sanders St, from Main.
$1. -east to. William;
RReappointed Allan Fraser to
the SIIDHS .board and returned
all members to the community
centres hoard;..
Sold the old fire hall _door to
Bill Parsons for $26, rejected:
tenders for the steel box .fire
wagon, setting a price of $50
on the latter; -
ley, collided on Main St. Thurs-
day morning, Mrs. Penhale
was making a lefhand turn
when she was struck by the
Darlington car which was in
the act of overtaking her. ,
Chief C. H, McKenzie esti-
mated damage at $150.
Set hydro standard
At the request of the t . _.e PUC,
council approved an :addition to
its building bylaw which will
require the installation of a
minimum 100 -amp service with
a 16 -circuit panel in all new
houses and whenever renova-
tions :are made,
of the Woodward house an 'Main,
st,; Russell A
orleY, WiIiiain..
Si,,. ,car port; William Orlin and
Floyd Urattan, 535,000 motel on
Mata 51.
A Texan died and went tq his
eternal. Monte. Looking around,.
he pop oted, =r;< never ex-
peered .heaven to be so itueh
"Buddy," the gatekeeper in-
f o r ni e d him, this isn't
'Sheet MuSic
Music Books
Christmas, popular,
standard favorites and
other songs,
Children's Books
Phone 18 Exeter
We Know, Madam
Safe Driving Week Dec, 1-7
You Brought Your Car To The Right Place TO .Have.
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