The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-23, Page 17ires the ia'Sg, * ; ;on W. iow .ry, pm, or ,der P......S.S.S,SSSISSTS7S"SSS: " " 110 ANNOUNCEMENTS • AO. and Mrs. Neil KR 2 Hensel', an. nounee the birth or a son, 'SennY, at South Huron 2os- pti November 18. INIAG414 — Corny and Gorda Nagel, Hxeter, .annotinee the birth of .A -.daughter, Judy Marie, at South Huron Hos. pital„ November 22, PzNI.IALE — Mr. and .111rs, Emerson Penhate. announce Oa birth of a ,daughter, ShIa lee, iL South Huron Hospital, Novem- ber 21--sa sister for, DeligleS and Rrian. REGIER---Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Regier, Crediton flounce the, birth of a dangh- ler, Tammy Jean, at Smith 'Huron Hospital, November. 20. =WART—Mr; and Mis. ;Mita Stewart, 1111 1 Kirkton, notince the bul.h of a (laugh. SITh ter, Lori. Lynn, - South Huron Hospital„ November 17 sister for Marlene, Elaine and Murray, WAREING—Mr. and Mrs, Ron- aitt Wareing, Exeter, an- nounce the birth. of a daugh- ter, Shelley Joan, al South Huron Hospital, November tor It\ sGOOD—Mr: and Mrs. Robert Osgood, RCAF Station, tt;ntralia, Moque the birth ot a son, Alex James, at South Huron Hospital, No- vember 17 — a brother for Bobby and Doug. STRINGER — Alr. and Airs. ...John Stringer, nee Elder, ' Huron St., Exeter, m:Mimeo the birth of a son, Pant Lyn- don, at South Huron llos- : pital, November 8—a brother : for Scott, ENGAGEMENTS— Mr. and Mrs, John Anderson, RR 2 Hermit, announce the engagement . . :their e (1. e r daughter, Kathryn Elizabeth, to Lloyd Douglas Mann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mann, Clin- ton, Ont. The wedding to take. place December 16, at 3 pan., at SL Andrew's United Church, Kippen, Ont. 23ne CARDS OF THAFKS-,-- We wishin thank :all our friends, neighbors and rela, twos, the DAshwomi. Centralia RCAF and Exeter fire brigades that helped al the time .of the fire. You efforts were very nitwit appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Denomme. 23e We wish to eSpresS one 011^ gem- appreciation for the many acts .of kindness shown .during the 'brief illness and death oS Mrs, Percy Mollard—Special thanks to the Hoffman .Amtml• twee, :South Huron Hospital staff, Dr. Eckel', Dr, Read, Rev. Hoffman, Rev. Schlenker, the Hopper,Hockey f an e r a 1 home and tine Ladies Aid of Crediton .EUH - church. Also many, thanks for the floral eon- tributions, sympathy .cards. Gideon Bibles,. donations M the Canter Society and to those who helped. in the bome.—Ed and Leila Finkbeiner, 230, We wish to express aur sins cern thanks to relatives. friends: and neighbors for gifts receivs ed and a special thanks 'to the Ladies Guild of 'St. James Church for making the evening of the shower so enjoyable., '— Stewart and Suzy Simpson, Arva, 23e We wish to express our sins .cere thanks to all our friends, neighbors and relatives for the beautiful floral tributes, Ines; sages .of sympathy and many acts of kindness daring our recent sad bereavement. Spec fat thanks to the Rev, E. 0. Lancaster, pallbearers, flower bearers, Lawrence and James Box, of Parkhill, Douglas Gil- pin, of Thedford, and Robert Dinney, of Exeter, and all those svho helped in ally ways -- Mrs. William C. E. Haskett and family, of Lucan. 230 Allen and Doris Pfaff wish to express their sincere thanks to ,relatives, Meath and neigh- bors for letters, cards, flowers, treats .and visits received by Doris while she was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon don. Also thanks to those who helped. at 'home. Special thanks to Dr. V. Gulens, Dr. J. Walker and the 'nursing staff on Fourth Marion. It was very much appreciated. 23* . . .. ' . . . . MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rev, R. S. Hiltz Organist: Mrs. A. Willard a.m.—Sunday School a.m,—Morning Worship .mon: "The Four- Horse- men of the 'Apocalypse"' 3.. —Revelations, Chapter 6 Nursery and Junior Congreg- ation "Come and worship with us," THAMES ROA:0 MENNONITE CHURCH' s. M. Sauder, Pastor 10:30 a,m.—Worship Service 11:15 aans—Sunday School- and Adult Bible Class No Evening Service This Week BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Ivor Bodenham 10:00 a.ns.—Bible School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.—Evening Services Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service • THE ANGLICAN • CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev , Bren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, November 26, 1061 Sunday Next Before Ment 8:30 a.m.—Quiet Communion 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer Nursery and Sunday School CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev, A,. G. Van Eek, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Dutch Service 2:15 p.m,—English Service 6:15 pan,—Back to God Hour— CIILO (680 Kc.) CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Organist; Mrs. J, Cochrane 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a,m,---Morning Worship THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Rev, R. Van Parowe, Minister 10:00 aan.—Worship and Sermon (Dutch) "Solomon's Prayer of Dedi. cation" 11:15 a,m.—Sunday School 8:00 p.m,—Worship and Sermon (English) "God's Haase" All Welcome. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Gatz 10:00 ant. — Bible Class and Sunday School 11:00 Communion. ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School 8:00 p.m,—,Study Group PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Rev. Mel. W. Holmes, Pastor Main Street 9:00 a.m. — CJCS Radio (1240 Kc. Message: "FIVE THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW" L45 aan, — Sunday School 100 present last Sunday. Cottle and bring the family, 11:00 ant, — Communion Ser- vice 7:30 p.m, — Evangelistic Rally A service of blessing to all who attend, EVANGELIST GERALD MORGAN' 'Famous Gospel Singer Talented Musician Powerful Preaching Beginning Wednesday, November 29, 8:00 p,rn. Come with your burdens— Leave with a SONG sseefflesamaeasesaams,,,,,,,assmassissalanwslassmaslismasatalallausamaaolles, i 1 s , allies Street :-= 1 .t... = . United Church i ANNIVE*SARY itr,v, A. HAROLD JOHNSTON of :Brucefield "The Slow Growth Of The Kingdom" SPECIAL MUSIC The Woodham Male Quartet 1 • Anthem, by the Chureft Choir Mrs, Robert McDoital.d, AWC111, at the piano, lti;DO a.m.—Sunday School—All Departments 11:00 aim—Morning Service ALL AlE WELCOME 44 i•ii•• 44 4 dt.404•011112.• 4 44 44 .5044•4141 141 WW1 000 Oaf On nninni MTh MO 01114 01101110 hag V ROO f t it CARPS OF THANr WO wiSlt to express p.pPrOO14-- tiort for the many kindnesses extended to vs when . our father, W., 11. Downing, passed away. We wilt long remember you and your ,pod deeds and pray that god will bless and rward each or you, ---Nellie and Harvey Id, DOwning. Alr, and Mrs. Matthew C. Swcitzer, Grand Hend, wish to exPress their appreciation for the many, cards'gifts And visits received on the occasion of their got* wedding anni- versary. $peel thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Ory Wasamann of the Village Inn, Grand Bend: to Air, and Mrs. TOY Vicar, and to the ladies who served and poured tea. The family or the late Laura B. Wilson wish to thank their many friends, , neighbors and relatives for the flowers, eardS and the many acts of kindness and 'sympathy extended to them during their recent bereave- ment Of a sister and mother, 11 wass.,very much appreciated. —David ickvilid\sY.ilson, Garnet and 23c We wish to thank everyone who so kindly sent flowers and cards during the recenl» be- reavement of Mrs, Florence Broom. Special thanks to Dr, GAns and South Huron Hos- pital staff at the time of her sickness. Herb Broom and family, 23c Clarence and 1 would like to express our sincere thanks to our many friends who shower- ed me with cards, flowers, gifts and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. We would, espeeially like to thank Dr. Brady, Dr. Kennedy, the BOx Ambulance Service, Rev, Winlaw, Rev. Van Farowe, the nursing staff at St. Joseph's Hospital and our neighbors Who were so wonderful to our family at home.—Clarence and Ann Smillie. 23e Mr, and Mrs, Everett Skin- iser, Eli/swine, would like to say "thank you',to those who remembered them with cards and called on their golden wed- ding anniversary, to those who served dinner and assisted afternoon and evening, also those who remembered Everett while a patient in South Huron Hospital, 23* IN MEMORIAM — WILLERT—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Arthur Willert, who passed away five years ago, November 25, 1956. Time »speeds on, five years have passed Since death its gloom its shadows cast, Within our home, where all seemed bright, And took from us a shining light. We miss that light, and ever will, Her vacant place there is none to fill. Down- bete we mourn, but not in vain, For up in heaven we will meet again. —Loved and always reinem. bered by husband and family. 23* • REID — lt loving memory of mydear dad, Patrick Reid, who passed away nine years ago today, November 22, 1952. Nine years have passed, how long it seems, But in our hearts his face still beams, God takes the best forrearms divine, But memories last till the end of time. —Always remembered by Elsie and Clarence, 23* REID — In loving memory of my dear husband, Patrick Reid, who passed away No- vember 22, 1952. No one heard the footsteps of the angel drawing near To take from us to heaven the one we loved so dear. Put your arms around him, Lord, and give him your loving care, Make up for all he suffered, and all that seemed Un- fair. —Always remembered by his loving wile, Sarah Reid, 23* ARMSTRONG—In loving mein- ory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. John .Arm- strong, who pased away three years ago, Nov, 16, 1958. A wonderful mother, woman and aid; Oslo who was better, God never made,* A wonderful worker, loyal and Tendefralyir'helpful, 0 mother you were. Just in your judgment, always right, Honest and liberal, ever up- tight; Loved by all, our pride they share, Pride hi the wonderful one you Isere. —Ever remembered by the 23'0 REItiliDnil, •—yin loving memory of our dear Grandpa, Patrick Reid, who passed away Mite years ago, November 22, 1952, Time xna as and passing year; But his M emery will be I I in the -hearts that loved hint dear, —Norman and Johnny Praiitie, 23* Loon -.district .hews ,,,,contintied trent page 14 Attend 13angmet Friday ,oveninReeve an.d Mrs. Harald Wallace,'iGrants/Ili Reeve and Mrs, lvan Hearn, mr. and Mrs. Austin Hotigins and Ur. Harold Corbett„ ,pf Liman, were .among the 400 municipal ,officials.,- members of county. council, ;government representatives and wives and friends- who hollered 'Middlesex County Warden Cia.renee Fon- ger at the annual warden's banquet held in 'West .Middle, SPX -.Memorial Centre,. Strath. ro.Y. Members or the Deleware TgWilahip arlUllail presented Mr. and 'Mrs, Fonger with two chairs. County council gave Mr, foriger watch. and Mrs, fonger was .alsti presented with l'gFilfrt:boa hits- 490trt The tenth mysterious lire this year :destroyed the, two-storey. barn at the rear of Mr. Myron. culbert's house, . which began between 10:30 and 11 p.m. last Tuesday. Mr. R. Stone, Who lives next _door, gave :.the alarm. - The new padlock on the door had been removedand ap- parently the intruder had gone up the stars to the loft, for the fire began there and was going through the roof when discovered. Neighbors were ,able to get the car and tools out but miss- ed thepower lawn mower, Mrs, Mel Culbert; had ,some cottage t urniture, rugs, awn• ing etc. and Kr. Mert Culbert had a large quantity of paints and varnishes stored upstairs. They were all destroyed. How- ever, the latter did rescue his ladder, paste board and a little paint which was downstairs. Firemen were able to' save the house which was empty as Mr. Culbert was ill in St, Jo- seph's Hospital. Jack pot goes up With no winner at the Legion Auxiliary bingo Thursday in the Legion Halt,'the, jack pot goes up to $160 in.54 calls, this week,. .., • Mrs. Harry, Arnold of Lucan won the $5 consolation prize. The "Share. the Wealth," line prizes went to Jim Rummell of Lunn and Mrs. Ernie Lewis of Clandebos-e and Mrs. P'at Crudge of Lucan, the full card prize, CENTRALIA — Continued from page 13 Personal , items Mr. and Mrs, C, Rowe, Linda and Carol, of Windsor, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Rowe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Essery. • ss Mr. and Mrs. Aloare, of Wy- oming, were Sunday visitors with Rev, D. M. and Airs. Guest. • They alt ensi e d. the Church service and .assisted the choir by singing a duet. Miss Wreathe Slioldice has returned to Wiridsor after visit- ing -with her mother, --Mrs. Merton Sholdiee. • Miss Eleanor Mae Hodgins of the Victoria Hospital School of Nursing and Mr. Brian Laird of London were Sunday 'visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins, David' Pas/titer of Kirkton visited or a few days last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, F. Bowden. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bowden and Margaret were Sunday evening visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ray Jaques at Zion. The occasion was a birthday cele- bration for Margaret Bowden and Ray Paynter. Mrs.. Jack Latakia ,4116 Mr. Ilarvey Langford of Lugo had a winning streak. They Avon the first and second part et the consecutive 'b n gst sharedthe sixth bingo Avitile Mrs. Lankin Also ,sharedthe seventh bingo 'with Mrs. Mur- ray Collins -of Ailsa Craig. a.nd Mr. Langford won the .first solo, bingo. l'diss Mary Young of llirr W00, the fulj eard prize for the consecutive binge. Mr. Jo e liasisett oTAA.P41.1.. and Mrs. Roy Pepper of 'Exe ter shared the second. bingo, AIM Willis Hed.gios ef Park- hill won the third and fifth bingo, Solo winners were Mrs, O. Netters or Prospect Hill, Mrs, F. :Glanville of Crediton and. Mrs, Wilfred Stocks or Toucan, gxplorer expedition The sixth expedition .of the Lucan .Ciandeboye EVlorers was held in the church -school, room last Monday evening with the new counsellor Mrs, Tom Coursey in charge ,of. the .wOr. ship service and the new ex- ploration on the community and its past history. She was assisted in the former by Nappy Park. The expedition began with craft, themaking of felt leaves, in eharge of honorary counsel- lor Mrs, Murray Hodgins, Miss Ilene Donaldson was in charge of the sing -song and Counsellor Rose Revington closed .the meeting. Recreation News fly BARNEY WELCH There has been a lot of baek- ey action at the arena lest week With our local teams on the winning way, ANNUAL RKEY GO MOUNT CARMEL HALL Thurs., Nov. 30 8:30 p.ni. 141 ROUNDS FOR TURKEYS TURKEY DOOR PRIZE Admission $1,00 Sponsored by CWL INIPM1.127.evraror. rena c edule THURSDAY, NOV, 23 9:00 p, rn.—Seatorth vs, Centralia Golden Hawks FRIDAY,.NOV. 24 S;30 pan,-1...arnbeth vs. Exeter Junior Hawks SATURDAY, NOV, 25 1:30-3:30—Public Skating 5:00-10:00—Publie Skating SUNDAY, NOV, 26 , 2:00.4:00—Publio Skating TUESDAY, NOV. 28 830 p.m:—Phitipsburg CheV '15. Exeter Mohawks . ,,Iiiiiiillifilltirt1111$111111111111110,111111101ffilitlitili/1111Villintilitinillit1111111111111111111111M/1111,1111111111/4 Ntlz ALL LEO LL Friday, ay. 24 —8 p.m. FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY EVANGELIST G. M. FARLEY, of Williamsport, Maryland. Rev. Farley comes to us with a tremendous mini- stry of salvation, healing and deliverance. A con. verted 'hillbilly' entertainer and recording star with a unique presentation of the GospeL He will be assisted during this great service by the young folks of Faith Tabernacle, London. SPECIAL MUSICAL ITEMS FOR ALL TO ENJOY Come and help make this a memorable occasion for Hemet, it is not often. a nationwide evangelist I can be heard in our 'town! ,' IIItIlII,I)4 CA GAS and 511 A Last years venture was such a success for the Exeter Legion that we have decided to conduct it again, or the benefit of the Exeter Rovers and Legion Auxiliary, FrL and Sat. Degi and 2 at GRAHAM ARTHUR • MOTORS ONLY 1400 Ftit. CAR. , Cars picked up and delivered if desired. PHONE; JOAN -BONUS M` 110 VOk AN APPOINTMVNT OUY A TICKVT PROM A ROVelt OR SCOUT COffee and donuts Servtd Litgidit Attitiliary kuoide tow rya late be thti Deed' Itttatt" Our loeai Midgets travelled Delmont sna Friday and moo y a 3-3 score. while our Inter. mediates were playing host to Mitchel in which OW ever - Powered their opposition by a 104 mire, The Y will have a real contending team iS they cOntiPne to Plar they Wei 00' pl'a.Yed n FrttlaY evening, Owing to a previous engage ment, the Intermediates' will play at home on Saturday against the Exeter Mohawks. This should be a real exciting game as we understand the Exeter team will be a real fighting club. Due to this Sat- urday game there will be au public skating for that night only. We would :also like to remind all the mothers about the pre-school skate on Wed- nesday afternoons from 1:30 to 3:30 All that are interested are asked to be on hand for this skating session. COMING EVENTS— EVANGEt.ISTIC meetings at the Thames "load Mennonite Churcb. Our evangelist: Pastor V. Paul Martin, Come the first and every night, November 28 to December 3, 8:00 p,m. 16:23c STOP! I I Wait for this coming event. Christmas Sale, RCAF Community Centre, Saturday, December 2, 10:30 a.m, to 1;00 p.m. Sponsored by the Protest. ant Chapel Guild, Hake table, novelty table, fish pond, "next - to -new" clothes rack, miscell- aneous items, iarniture, toys, 23c DANCE, Aberdeen Hall, Kirk - ton, Thursday, November 30. Clarence Petrie orchestra. Ad, mission 750.234' — 100E—The first degree will be conferred by the Exeter degree team at Exeter Lodge No, 67, IOOF, Tuesday, Nevember 28, 1961, — P. A. McFalls, Rec, Sec, 23c TONITE THURS., NOV. 23 EUCHRE PARTY ODDFELLOWS' HALL Exeter PRIZES Sponsored by the CP&T Committee Recept ion & Dance FOR MR, AND MRS, BILL STRONG (nee Doreen Brock) Fri,, Nov. 24 Seaforth Community Centre Everybody Welcome DANCE MT. CARMEL Friday, Nov. 24 Music by GRANT EDIGHOFFER'S MELODY MASTERS Admission 750 Sponsored by the Holy Name Society Lunch served, The Christmas Mart TRIVITT MEMORIAL PARISH HALL Tuegday, Evening NOV, 28, 7:00 P.M. Wed,„ Afternoon NOV. 29, 2:00 P.M. NEEDLECRAFT CHILDREN'S WEAR NOVELTIES, FISH POND TEA ROOM ThtlimtMcivocoteittoontlorgl,111$1 hge z," .etututwomwttmmottintmitmluotatiattmtmwtuttottwitattimitituttummtwintommi t ! I Cancer Soaety meets . 7 I Monday, November 27 s lib EXETER LIBRARY 'BASEMENT LI Everyone Welcome .0m1.0m1,,akokudtmmItt,omotonliwitruittimoilmmoimiltimilmoitillItlik10111101t111}1)1104 fe/IIIIIIMI/10111111111111WW111111111,11111MMIMI111/1111111.111111)141111M11111111.1111/111110M111111111111111114111114jV Win a free 1 a Carton of ff1 4 PEPS1COLA In our Pepsi Head -Pin Open Bowling Feature EVERY AFTERNOON, AFTER -LEAGUE Sr WEEKENDS FROM NOV,. 20 TW DEC. 1 Come and Join in the Fun! LUCAN LANES PHONE BA 7-4236 FOR, RESERVATIONS .411T, sa EXETER LEGION Fowl Bin WedncsdGy,Nov. 29 Exeter Legion Hall Starting at 9:00 p.m. 15 ROUNDS OF CHICKEN Admission 500 10 ROUNDS OF TURKEY Cards 100 Each 3 for 251 TURKEY DOOR PRIZE usimmuinumacommarzn=arm==emagazimmarkg Get More Out Of Life GO TO A M 1E THURS„ FRI., SAT, — NOVEMBER 23, 24, 25 ''.'; Double Bill! ONE OF THE' FINEST .' FAMILY PICTURES MADE! friffsatot we mum WS= • pan ' UKI NOW IMO PIM —moms.= 6A1,4 kliGT CAM MI 1113 • SVOIC• NOM 1:0:50V .../.00.4 LZ,E1t1 6,4311$511t,t.61,, Ien1 Z4r411 0:eCtiVi COW MN OMER P51555 RELEASE s 6.R.4 608008 Mc4E14405 PRODuCTiott OOIUMOIA PICTURES RELEASE MON., TUES, WED. — NOVEMBER 27, 28, 29 Susan,James UuIie 1rdAosoil Yiewor soe eeR A -4i The PI, CYVIIIINA5c,PM•001.01:t by Da LUXE. COMING SOON! • CINDERFELLA * DENTIST IN THE CHAIRZ: * ADA * GIDGET GOES HAWAIIAN * TUNE OF GLORY (Adult) * ?EPE EXETER LYRIC THEATRE 'hp" First Show 1:30 Second Show /:30 Matinoe 2:00 ei.rti:,‘ Saturday Night ances Exeter Legion Memorial Hall iO 11' Akientstioh Y4 Per Person ttiackith Sind Jtiati*Neit