The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-09, Page,1011011.4771111feee.e.e.,====r:Z7.151='=-11:e... ' "ee e' • • Ire•I: e
NV! 141 144,v0mber fi 1961 enniesfronhe yen': Mr -L A, ML
, 'Dispose or propertie*
creat mid scramble At P'111' Tuadav' 0,1for Clandeboye roao•
and district new
Phone BA 7-4255 Correspondent: Miss
Candy winner
The large jar of "kisses" in Honor fallen
the Central Restaurant window
was won last Tuesday night by
Jimmie Hickson, ten-year-eld n n atur ay
son of Mr, and Mrs. W, Z. ''''"
Hickson, of Margaret St., who
gnessed there were e55 "kisses" Rev. ,k3. 11L Cook will be in
in the jar. The correct number charge of the 1961 Remem
was 40, A ettertee.up boy brance Day service to be held
guessed 250, in the 'mean Community Me-
morial Centre at 1050 a.m.
Legion Auxiliary bingo Saturday, Nov. 11.
Dame Fortune .r e ally •smiled Tie guest speaker wilt be
on some of last Thursday's the Rev. E. .0. Laneaste of
bingo PlaYers at the Legion the Anglican church. Rev. G.
Hall. W. Sach and Rev, Everett
Mrs. X. Simpson of Ailsa Gagnon will also assist in the
Craig and Mrs. Jack Lankin
of Leman split for the $5 con-
selation prize. Mrs, Cecil Hod- s
geoo, news
gins and Mrs. William Mathers The Lucan Public School will
of Lucan won the line –Share again hold a Remembrance
the Wealth" prizes and mr. Day service at 9 a.m, Friday,
Roy Pepper, the full card. Nov, 10.
Mrs. Hodgins also won the The UNICEF collections a -
ninth bingo and the second part mounted to $54,
of the consecutive bingo. Mrs. Dr. E. R. P'atterson, two
W. A. Hansel of Centralia woa nurses and Mrs. Harry Wraith
both the first and third part. of the H & S Association were
As for the Peppers of Exeter in charge of the immunization
they were really hot for Mrclinic at the school Friday.
Pepper also shared the second
bingo with Vic Neil of Lunn Halloeven'en party
and Mrs. Pepper won the fifth, Miss M. De Jong, teacher of
bingo. , SS No, 2 Biddulph, last Tues -
The Biebers of Clandeboye: day staged a Hallowe'en party
were also on a winning streak 1 for her pupils. The prize win
for Mrs. Bieber shared the 1 ners were: Adults, Mrs. Clay
third bingo with Mrs. Jack ton Abbott; pairs, Larry Green -
Henson of Lucan and won the 1 lee and Leroy Maguire; sen -
fourth bingo while Mr, Bieber 1iors, Sandra Abbott and Sandra
won the seventh bingo, Ramsay; juniors, Linda .Ab -
Solo winners were Miss Mary bot and Grace Smith; pre -
Young of Birr, Mrs. Ernie school, Wayne Cunningham and
Lewis of Clandeboye and Mr. iDavid Latta.
Benny Kelly of Lucan, I Prior to the party some one
For next Thursday the jack" broke into the school and did
pa remains at $155 in 53 calls.' considerable damage.
Church activities
Last Wednesday e v e n i n
Rev, B. 0. Lancaster, Messrs
Wilson Hodgins, Joe O'Neil an
Robert Coleman attended th
annual statutory meeting of th
Deanery of West Middlesex
which was held at Kerwood
There was a, large attendanc
present to hear the gues
speaker, the Rt. Rev. W. H, H
Crump, formerly of London
now Bishop of Saskatchewan
who showed pictures of hi
work in the diocese.
Ven. Archdeacon C. J, Queen
DD presented the annual fi-
nancial requirement for 1962
and the apportionment for each
Little Helper's Party
Unfortunately last Friday's
inclement weather kept _many
of the wee people home from
the "Little Helper's" party.
Mrs. Jack Murdy was in
charge of the candle • lighting
service as the children emptied
their pennies into a large can.
Some of the children were giv-
en the opportunity of lighting
a candle for their age group.
Sunday service
The 15 recently confirmed
candidates sat in the front seat
and received their first com-
munion after the choir, at the
11 o'clock service.
Pentecostal Holiness Church
The YP staged a unique TV
program at the Friday meet-
ing. The topic for the evening
was "Walking with the King
on Life's Highway." At an
imitation TV set-up three mem-
bers, as travellers, were in-
terviewed and they reported
on some of their experiences.
The president, Paul Graham,
spoke on "Fellowship on the
Highway" and "Conduct on
the Highway". Duets were sung
by Linda Currie and Teresa
Leadbetter and Vicky Eizenga
and Paul Graham.
On Tuesday night the YP
held their Hallowe'en party at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. How-
ard Currie. Mrs. . Clayton Ab-
bott was in ebarge of the
games. The pattor, Rev. E.
Gagnon read "The Foolish
egdom" and "The Postmor-
tem of Dead Smith", Both
stories were recorded and when
reproduced caused almost as
much amusement as the orig-
District Conference
The Lucan-Clandeboeve YPU
meeting was held at the home
d of Sharon Blake of Clande-
e boye Sunday evening with de -
e votions in charge of R. Eaton
, and R. Simpson. With five
. new members from Clande-
e boye and one from Lucan the
t meeting was most encouraging.
• Games were in charge of the
president, Margaret Sach. 11
was reported $46 was taken in
s on the sale of candy project.
Representatives from Wind-
sor, Chatham, Thamesville,
London, Bethel and Lucan at-
tended the Chatham District
Conference in the Lucan Church
On Saturday.
The 1030 morning session
was followed by a dinner pro-
vided by the Lucan ladies,
Rev. Douglas Clark, superin-
tendent of Ontario, was the
guest speaker,
United Church
A large attendance was out
for the laymen's service at 11
pen, Mr, Wilbert Stanley,
lay -preacher and tonimunity
loader for 40 years, preeided
for the service. He was assist-
ed by Mr. George Carpenter
and. Mr, Alden Walker. An alt-
men'e choir led in the music,'
Mr. Carleton Wellof the
Wells' Business Aeadeniy, son
of a Methodist Minieter, and
popular Young P'eeplesleader,
was the guest speaker. He
took as his tekte "Weighed in
the 13alailde,"
Under the leadership Of Mrs.
Hurray Hodgins, CGIT will re-:
open Monday, Nev. 13 with a '
box lunch VI b shared (bev•
cage provided). A eerdie,
vitation is extended to all girls,
in Any chutell, 12.17 years of
ege, te he Preeent atid join
the 1961962 Can.
Couples' Club party
The United Church Couples'
Club held a Hallowe'en party
last Saturday night at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Dave
Park. Dancing and games were
the highlight of the evening.
United Church WA
At the meeting of the United
Church Woman's Association
held in the church schoolroom
• last Wednesday evening the
guest speaker was Mrs, D. E.
Coates of Byron.
Mrs. Coates showed colored
slides with. interesting com-
mentary on her recent trip to
Japan, where she was a mem-
ber of Canadian Christian
women in conference with a
Japanese Christian group. She
was introduced by Mrs. Alex
Young and thanked by Mrs,
Cecil Robb.
Mrs. Erle Young, as Chris-
tian Citizenship convener, read
an article on citizenship. Mrs.
Dave Park, as convener of
Christian Stewardship gave a
talk on stewardship.
During the business session
table conveners were chosen
for the annual bazaar to be
held November 25.
President Mrs. H. B. Lang-
ford was in the chair,
Evening Auxiliary
The Evening Auxiliary mem- s
bers of Holy Trinity Church
held their meeting last Wed-
nesday night at the home of
Mrs, J. W. Smith with Mrs,
Alan Scott, Mrs. Kay Egan h
and Mrs. Gerald Lewis as joint c
The president, Mrs. Roscoe
Hodgins, was assisted in the
devotions by Mrs, Don Ankers.
Lina Abbott
1 Euchre and dance
The Catholic Women's League
of St. Patric' e Church, Bid-
441Ph, held a successful euchre
and dance at the Lepan Corn-
munity Memorial. Centre last
Friday evening.
Miss Margaret Kelly won the
ladies' high prize, Mr.Leonard
angle, the men's high, Mrs,
1James O'Shea, the ladies' low,
AIr, James Dewen, the men's
10 v and Joan 'g, gr 's
prize and Pieter Van Gell, the
boy's prize,
Birthday party
Mrs. Ira Carling, Mise Mur-
iel Carling, Mr, Earle Carling
and Leslie attended the large
family birthday party for one-
year -old Lynn Ronald Finlay.
son, son of Mr, and Mrs. Ron
Finlayson of Kincardine on
Sunday. Among those present
were two grandmothers, two
grandfathers, and two great
Minister (meeting boy with
string of fish): "What, Jamie,
fishing of a Sunday!"
Jamie: "Aye, meenister, and
d'ye see what thae treats got
for nabbin' worm on a Sun-
1' or Years the LUCAN, whish adult or "ten and over'% Alan,:
comprised the various orgainza., Dickson, Lynn Arnold.
tions of the village sponsored t All pre-school children had
an annual Hellowe'en :Party or the opportunity of putting their'
the children each Oetobor 31. hand into a large jar, partly
As the LUCAN is no longer a e, filled with pennies and taking'
Live, the Lions Club decided la as many as their small hand
sponsor a party, on a. much could bold. As there were many
smaller scale, leg 'Tuesday left the MC, Mr. Clare .Stanley,1
evening when all met at the decided to have a scramble for,
community centre at 7 p.let, them s good on the platform
With the limited nu b I and threw them high into the
number air' "at a screaming' MPtleY'
Vontest$ and. the large
•of competitors in each, the "nigkuneratl" as angels and
judges. Mrs, Lionel Tc"rari,;‘,1,.., devils, Indians and Chinese,
—"`" clowns and f"amps all strove!
Mrs. Lloyd Hall and Miss Lina
Abbott were hard set to pick
two winners. t° obtain their share of the
"Pennies tram l-eaven"!
I Mr, Stanley thanked the
Their final choice for comic arena board far the use of the
costume was Peter Gable, arena, the .arena ladles for i
Arthur Wiliciwon. youngest their donation of potato chis
contestant, Debbie Hodgins, ' and chocolate bars, the Lions
Holly Elson; best dressed cou-, Club for their apples, the'
ple, Julie Hardy and Stevejudges for their judging and
Revington; Marianne Gable all who had helped in any way
and Susan Gable; most orig.' in making the evening such a
inal costume, Harry Dickson_ success, Principal Robert, Jenk-
Laurie Hodgins; best dressed ins spoke briefly.
Halifax. ceremony
St. Mary's Basilica, Halifax, is a son of Mr, and Mrs. J.
was the scene of a lovely fall Alex Young of Lucam
• he double -ring ceremony
wedding Saturday morning, 'I
October 28, when Rev. Johnwas performed amid a decor
McCarthy united in marriage of 'white and yellow chrysanth-
Charlotte Sandra Lee and John emums. T h e organist was t
Keith Young,
Ilderton conducted a largely at-
tended funeral service at the
C, Baskett and Son :Funeral
Home, Luean, for Mrs, Alvin
Mean, 68, who died suddenlY
of her son, Mr. Murton Mc.
Sunday, Oct. X9, at the home
Pallbearers were Messrs.
Arnold Charlton, Clifford Hod-
gins, Marvin elodgins, Ronald
Hodgins, Clarence Lewis and
Clayton O'Neil. Interment was
ibno3S,et., James eemeterY, Clande-
.on the liome
farm, concession 16, London
Township and Highway 4 and
Clifford, who operates a service
station at .Elginfitald; also two
brothers and two sisters, Clar-
ence and Hodgins of
London Township, Ida (Mrs.
Herbert Charleton) of Lobo and
Gwendolyn (Mrs. Lea Gibson)
of Exeter,
Mrs. Anapel‘atielLeHaondegintsh,e wfaosrniiieler
daughter of the ]ate Mr. and
Mrs. Abram Hodgins and life-
long resident of London Tnwn-
ship and member 'of Trinity
Anglican Church, Bine
After her son's marriage, she
and Mr, McLean built a small
ranch -type home at the •rear of
the large farm home but nei-
ther lived long to enjoy it, for
Mr, McLean died August 4,
1961, nearly throe months ago,
Though crippled with rheu-
matism Mrs. McLean was able'
o visit her son every day, On
Sunday she was over twice. On
her second trip she took a
evere heart attack and died
before she could be taken to
he hospital.
1 Arthur Horne.
The bride is the daughter of Given in marriage by her
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lee of father, the bride wore a floor- $
Halifax and the bridegroom, a length gown of white peati de
graduate of Technical College sole The fitted bodice li d t
flared skirt, Her floor -length
Lucan personal ITemS
. , veil of galloon lace was held
crown. She carried a cascade
in place by a small croet
of white chrysanthemums and
shasta daisies,
Attending her sister, as ma-
tron of honor, was Mrs. E. M.
Byrne. Mrs. Charles Chisholm
was bridesmaid. They wore
identical gowns of majestic
rose velvet and peau-de-soie
with matching headdress. They
carried sheath bouquets of
large white mums,
Charles Corbett of Lucan,
brother-in-law of the groom,
was best man. Ushering the
guests were Wyman Gilroy and
Michael Byrne,
The bride's mother chose
a Dior blue silk dress with
matching accessories and a cor-
sage of white roses. For her
son's wedding, Mrs. Young
wore a forest green gown with
matching accessories and a
corsage of white roses.
Following the ceremony a
reception was held in the
Georgian Room at the Lord
Nelson Hotel. Miss Linda Cool -
en was pianist during the re-
Mr. Don Abbott of the Luca
Fina Station, who for the pa
month has been attending th
Fina Training School, Toront
arrived home on Friday wit
an 86% certificate.
Neil McRann of Clandeboy
is leading the drivers at th
Western Fair Raceway, He has
already registered 19 firsts, 18
seconds and 16 thirds in 90
starts at the autumn sulky ses-
sion for a total of 165 points.
The sister of Mrs. Herman
Young of Lucan, Mrs. Edward
Byron, 53, of Courtright died
suddenly in Sarnia Hospital.
Funeral services were held
from the Robb Funeral Home
Thursday morning with inter-
ment in Mooretown. Though
relatives here were unable to
attend the funeral, Mr. and
Mrs. James Freeman of Lucan
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Young
of Mitchell paid their last re-
spects to their aunt at the fu-
neral home.
The staff of the Koffee Kup
restaurant sprang a surprise
birthday party last Thursday
on Mrs. Hay, with refresh.
ments and gifts.
The Lucan Legion's first fall
dance at the Legion Hall Fri-
day evening was successful
with music by Don Down's
Miss Isabel Neabel, of To
ronto is spendi.g a few day
with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mug
n ,family, who have moved to Lon;
st don.
e Last Thursday the Koffee
o, Kup Restaurant proprietor cat-
h ered, a hot roast beef dinner to
15 members of the Highway
e Superintendent Association, in
e his new Rose Room banquet
' Miss Line. Abbott all of Lucan
Mrs. Harold Cobleigh and
Mrs. Charles Corbett of the PS
staff, attended the conference
of the Ontario Council for
Childhood Education. The con-
ference which is for kindergar-
ten and primary teachers was
hold in Toronto under the lead-
ership of the Toronto Kinder-
garten Association.
Mr. Bert Thompson cut his
left hand badly with a saw in
his own basement and was in
St. Joseph's Hospital for a few
.Mrs. George Carpenter is on
the sick list at her home at
Mr. Harvey Downing of Ash-
burn, Georgia has been in Lu -
can the past week, looking af-
ter his 99 -year old father, who
has been in an oxygen tentein
South Huron Hospital, Exeter.
Neil McRann added three
more victories to his already
long list, at the Western Fair
Raceway Saturday night.
Mrs. W. J. Smith and Mau-
reen, Mrs. P. 0, King, Mrs. A.
McFarlane, Miss Lorraine Gra-
ham, Mrs, J. A. Graham and
Messrs. Harold Corbett and
Alex Young attended a hydro
meeting in London last Friday.
Mrs, Austin Hodgins on Thurs-
day entertained a number of
her friends at a jewelry dem-
Saturday guests with Mr, and
Mrs. Ron Crozier included Miss
Gladys Cochrane of Ottawa,
LAC Robert Cochrane of Tren-
ton and Miss Marjorie Mac-
Lennan of London. Weekend
guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Mueller and Debbie of
Waterford and thejr
Julia Crozier of Guelph.
Mr, and Mrs. M. 0. Smith
were Friday guests of Mr, and
Mrs, Maurice Dupuis, who now
ive on a farm near Ailsa
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hedden
pent last Sunday in Toronto,
guests of Mr, and Mrs, George
Lillie° and Mrs. Maude Hill and
son William.
Mr. Harry Bond and family
ave moved into the home va-
ated by Mr. John Hain and
Mrs. Dwight Henderson, Mrs,
Kay Egan and Mrs. Don Ank-
ers were named a nominating
committee to bring in a slate
of officers at the next meeting.
The president announced the
church calendars are now for
sale. Part of the meeting was
a meeting to make articles for
the annual bazaar, Dee. 2, To
be ready, several work meet-
ings are planned, the next to
held at the home of the presi-
dent, next Wednesday,
Mrs. bon Ankers offered her C
home for the December meet-
Anglican WA meeting
Wednesday, Nov. 1 being All j
Saints' Day, the members
the Senior Woman's Auxiliary
Public School
Must be handy and cap-
able of making minor re-
Duties to commence De -
ember 1, 1961.
Apply by November 15,
tating experience and
alary expected to:
C. 1V11.111DY, Sec,-Treas.
Lucan, Ont.
of Holy Trinity Cliurchnetth
the church at 2.30 p,r11„ for
corporate coro inueion • after
which the regular meeting was
held in the pari, hall,
Muth tinia Waz spent o the
new study heek. It was finally
decided to open 1962 Meetings
et 2 p.m, instead of 2.30 and
with the extra half hour to
least Mike ai attempt at
studying the new book.
It was voted that in future
officers serve but two years'
and that all members take
their turn,
The president., Mrs, T. C,
McFarlane, the secretaty, Mrs,
William Brownlee and treasur-
er, Mrs. Jack Mtrrdy Wete
named a ileinitiating
tee to bring ill elate of of.
Officers at the next meeting
which will be. held at the home
of Mrs. P, O. King.
Mts. Bob Coleman and Mrs.
Ankers served retteShiiientS,
Sun,. Nov, 1
12 Noon to 8:00 p.tii
were among those who attended
a demonstration held at the
home of Mrs. Clayton Abbott,
Mr. Myron Culbert is now a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospi-
His T bone steak dinner,
really paid off for Mr. Tom
Weller, Central Restaurant pro-
prietor, last Sunday. He reports
an attendance of 60.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hender-
son and family were weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs, James
Henderson and Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Austen of Bothwell.
1. The Council of the Corpora-
tion of the Village of Liman
intends to purchase from
Ida K. Porte certain land
and building on Main Street
to be used as municipal of-
fices at a cost of $10,000
which will be repaid from
current revenue out of the
the general rate in the sum
of $2,500 in each of the years
1962 to 1965, inclusive,
2. Application has been made
to The Ontario Municipal
Board for an order to dis-
pense with the assent of the
etectors and for approval of
the said undertaking, Any
ratepayer may, within 21
days after the first publica.
tion of this notice file with
the. Clerk of the Village of
Lucan a notice in writing
stating his objection lb such
approval and the grounds of
such objection.
3, The Ontario Municipal Board
may order pursuant to the
statute that the assent, of
the electors shall not be re-
quired and may approve of
the said undertaking, but
before doing so it may ap.
point a time and plate for
a public hearing when any
objections will be coesider-
DATED at Toronto this tii
day ot October, 1961,
II. \tickers,
For a motor trip around the
Cabot Trail, the bride wore a
beige wool ensemble, with
loden green accessories and a
corsage of fall folwers,
Upon their return they will
reside in Halifax where the
bridegroom is taking post -grad-
uate study at the Nova Scotia
Technical College.
Those attending the wedding
from Lucan were the groom's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,T, Alex
Young, two sisters and two
brothers-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Corbett and Mr, and
Mrs. Ross McRoberts,
my husband insists en buy.
Jag me a new coat."
The Stingiest Co. tuoved Us
gasoline pumps and tanks from
1 the Hail's service station :on
Tuesdey, Nov. 7, Mre. 1-lall bas
vacated the house and store
which has beee Purelleeed bY
ilhe Peel .0 Highways, IL has
I been sold to Air, Mapriee
Simpson, Clandeboye,
I Sells, buy4 home!
The Department of elighWaYs
:recently purchased the proper.
ty and concrete block home of
'Mervin Williams here to pre,
vide for the widening the
curve on Highway 4.
On Friday., the home, which
has window s above the ground
and is n effect the basement
the Clandeboye United Chur
wdt have a bome-baking sa
n Saturday, November 11, a
2:15, in the Nu Way Metina
sales room, Lucan.
\Svt.aA:4 aoSmbLJaines
v The rector, n
Rev. E. 0. Lancaster, a
day, the service for All Sabi
pounced the new prayer boo.
in memory of the late Mr
Nslie Hodgson, given by
family, will be dedicated
Sunday, November 12. '1'
booke were donated by Mr .
Hoagies' daughters, Mrs,
CAIAL4.14Cnhajratecskso(Anierlioer)on$1.tiom, na.on',1
of a never -completed strticture, London, and cousins, Miss°
was sold by auction, The buyer Eva and Alary Carter, Toront"'
The leading was. sold for, The sundey School rooms
.off the Or! §PnclaY, November 19, th,,
must move the home
11 . y r
ment elbow room in its ..road• ,books will be used.
widening project. Ladies Guild bazaar
$100, The buyer? Mervin Wil- made an attractive setting re'
lialTrs.' and Mrs. Mervin Wil- bazaar on Saturday, Novembe?
the St. James Ladies Guild
Hams moved from the village 4 with the tables centred with
to east of Lucan, bronze and golden mums,
CHURCH NEWS The rector, the Rev, E. 0
Lancaster, welcomed the guest.
U*ArlittetdheChU4nriCtehd Clive]] for lay- and said grace on behalf of the
and officially opened the bazaai
man's Sunday, the minister, president, Mrs, Alan Hill,
the Rey, G. W. Sach, introdue-: In charge of tickets was Mrs.
ed the guest speaker, Mr. Ray Ed Flynn; farmer's booth, Mrs
Campbell, of Ailsa Craig, The ,Wilfred Cunningham; bake
theme of his address was table, with home-made brea 'I.9. •
-"In „looking at the present time, 'cakes and puddings, Mrs, Ern (1 t
"Keeping the Sabbath Holy", and buns, biscuits, Christin t
the way some work in the ,Lewis, Mrs, Art Cunningham
fields, around the home, build -rand Mrs. Hill; candy table,
ing, painting, we fear if it in -'Misses Joan and Jean Cunning-
ereeses, for the next genera-'hain and Nancy Hill.
tion Sunday will be little differ -1 Sewing table, Mrs. .1'. H.
ent from any other day of theiPaton, Mrs, Mervin Carter and
week," he said. Mr, Rea Neil Mrs. Almer Hendrie; serving
also assisted in the service. :the plates, Mrs, Jim Cunning, -
The Women's Fed,eration ofi. Please turn to page 15
property to give the depart. service le nevi Inao
1111111f11111111111$.,11,1111110,11mimmlimul.inmimi ttttttt imismmiolltill111111111111j11101i11111111111111114
at the
Koffee Kup
Sunday, November 12
For those who missed out on the Special $1.00
Anniversary Hot Beef Dinner.
,IIIII1,111,1f11 lllll 111,“ ll I l eioi lllllllllll l ll I lllllll lllllll llllll of llllllll llll l
MINIEMBRIPMellillEerneeeneWZMeeeeeereaeteereeeeetwe eeeeeeteeeeeameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetteeeeew
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