The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-09, Page 3Need ,dynamic.: :devotion. to ',freedom: ,d'e Vries The tragedY1)f this generation is that se few people have a cause which they regard worth living for, said Rev. Bret) de Vries at the Remembranee, Day Service at flurondale Sunday afternoon, "We have learned so little Item those, who have made the supreme sacrifice before h.,. told a large crowd at the achool, meat revitalize otir cam- ception of freedom, develop a new dynamic tievotion to the pause of freedom and promote a new, popular entheaiaarn for our way of life," It is pathetic, he said, to note IOW indifferent Canadian.s are to the great, problems of the world, He noted that death, to the average Canadian, is something which affects other people, but not himself. "It spells tragedy to others but not to ourselves." "Death is as democratic as it is certain. It happens to all of us. It elects the White races just as it does the yellows and blacks; it affects the Catholics and Jews as it does the Prot- estants, Face eollective death "Today we face not only in- dividual death but collective destruction. Only when we have learned the implication of ato- Dile warfare will we find the courage and calm to follow through determination to avert a senseless conflict with atomic war. "We are living in a moment of history when we must stay both. alert and fell of expecte- , non. We must be alert for eve- ry avenue which might prom- ote peace; we must wait, ex - peat and promote the way to wards. peace. We :nest stay united, Individually, nationally and internationally, we must use aper -human Patience to keep mankind within the holmclaies of peace." lie recalled the Biblical ae- eetnIt. nr how the. patriarch, Isaac, re-clug the well dug by hisfather., Abraham, to give Ere -sustaining water to the thirsty land. "So we must once again dig the wells of our father's faith which bave be - Couple wed 55 years Mr, and Airs, Sam Jory were guests of honor on the occasion o' their 55th wedding anniver. sary held at the home of their , daughter, Mr. and Mrs, liar,1 ry Beaver, Hay, on Saturday evening, The family of lour sons and. four daughters with their wives and husbands were all present. Mr, and Mr, Art Douglas and Marlene and Mr, Harold Amy, Burford and Mrs.' Laura Harvey, Exeter, were also present, On their actual anniversary, Tuesday, November 7 Mr, and Mrs. .Jory were entertained at, the home of their eldest daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mc- Laren, Cromarty, Also present were Mr. Jory's sisters, Mrs. Joseph Yellow and Mrs. Lau- ra Harvey and Mrs. Jory's brother-in-law, Mr, Asa Pen - hale and daughter, Grace. Mr, and Mrs, Jory have 28 grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren, Hensall council Bryanston, and Kenneth Mc- come dried up hecattse of neg. lect. Redevelop, entbusiesm, "We need to apply to our Jives the great religmus values which we inherited from our forefathers, the vital meaning of the United Nations and the inspiring en thusiasm with which the men whom we re- member today went to the de, fence of all that was dear Le them," Exeter Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion attended the service in a body, Wreaths were laid by Legion President P'eter Dorancl; Reeve Clayton Smith, for the township: Harry Strang, for the school section; Mrs, Rufus Kestic, Exeter, for the province, Edgar Cuchnore was chair- man for the program, Mrs, Pe ter Durand was guest soloist, accompanied by Mrs. Donald Jolly. Family dinner marks birthday A family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques on Sunday mark- ing the 78th birthday of Mr. , Wesley Jaques, John St„ Ex, etlefh.ose attending besides mr, and Mrs. Wes Jaques ad Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Jaques, Yvonne and Dalton were Mr, and Mrs, Oliver Jaques, Bill and Harold, Mr, and Mrs, ROSS Jaques and John, all I , Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Geiser, London, Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Van Alstine and Mr, and Mrs. Sam Bower, Joyce and Mario)), Ex - eter, Miss Margaret Gibson, — Continued from page 1 Ce-incit also decided to have spector to make sure lie under-lstudents were now engaged inl James Northcott a a withtheir in in, in- — Continued from page 1 stood the by-law, One councillor their annual in a gazine sub -native of district pointed out he had been doing scription campaign. "This is some building for a person the chief money raising pro- , James who failed to secure a permit. Jed; we have," he said, "as we P., N • l it,native "We can't expect people to are fortunate to make enough oofouHveary, TTmhvnursshdipa,y,clieNdoivnemVbaen- r get a permit if our inspector money to cover the costs of 2, is doing work without haying . various functions". As a young man, he left Hay a permit," councillor Noakes i He reported that all the Township for Vancouver. He stated, academic inspectors had visit- ; has lived retired for some Council issued ,he permit to ed the school and students ,time. He visited relatives here Vanstone because they felt it would commence their first set two years ago. ' would be unfair to discriminate of exams on November 23. 1 against; .him when he had asked , He is survived by his wife; The board decided to set three sisters, Mrs. Jim Bag. for a permit. However, they !Thursday, November 16 as shaw, Tuxford, Sask., Mrs. agreed that any further per- parents' night, when the par- Cecil Rowe and Mrs. Chester mils would only he issued if a ents of pupils in grade nine Rowe, both of Exeter; three plan was submitted to council. , would be invited to visit the , brothers, Joseph, L o n d. o n, Hear petition I school and meet the teachers. !Frank, Watford, and William Following the reading of a The board also plans a socialof Hay Township. petitionsigned by several re- gathering with the teachers • Funeral and burial were held s' sidents, council decided to ask following;in Vancouver, B.C. the open house, Mrs, Janet Elliott, Vancouver, l to make safe a barn on her! down. HensalFproperty or else tear it DISCUSS charge plans • The petition drew attention to the fact that the barn on her property was a fire hazard for GB water system and .also a hazard to the safe- ty of children playing in the area.I Grand 'Bend council decided Clerk Murray A. Des Jard- Council in alt u ole d clerk Monday to arrange a special ins has arranged the meeting Campbell to write the property I meeting with Frank Campbell for Monday, November 13 at owner and instruct her of cm- , of the Ontario Municipal Board 2:00 p.m. cil's decision. They also deci- I and officials ot the M. M, Dil- Enter fire agreement ded to give her 60 days to take ; Ion Co., engineers of the pre- At their regular meeting, action, or they would tear the ' posed water system, to discuss , , . council entered into an agree - barn down and charge the the OMB proposal to pay for ment with Bosanquet township work back to her, the system. to provide fire protection for In other business, council: The council. expressed con- „ - the northern' part of the town- cein over the OMB proposal to "• Passed a motion requesting increase frontage and emu- '"113' county clerk John Berry to act mer rates and forego the ori- Bosanquet, represented by as their agent in a sale of ginal plan to increase the mill reeve, George Lampm a n;1erk, lerk, Donald Frayne; deputy property for back taxes on De- rate to pay for the water Sys, c cember 6. Berry will be in WO . reeve,Bill Sitter and assessor, - structed to bid the property for Campbell, who drew up the Hall, agreed to guaran- the amount of arrears in the original schedule of charges to tee the summer resort $50 for taxes,each fire call in the township present Lo the OMB, had sug- d ' of three• as well as paying the wages of gcstemills on the tax rate as well as the firemen at a fire. Previously,the• f' brigade frontage and consumer rates,' answered calls in the township, but the OMB have notified the council they favor no increased pbruptpethrtey bpi‘lvlpewrs sent to the mill rate, Only one of the two pieces of Instead, they have suggested fire fighting equipment will be four different ways to raise the money rather than increase sent out of Grand Bend, the mill rate. The first is to Issue building permits increase- the frontage rate five Council issued four building cents per foot, plus a $4.00 in. permits at their meeting to crease per consumer. Bert Holt, for an addition to The second alternative is to his house; William Traub, for increase the .frontage by only tbe erection of a car port; Roy two cents plus $5,00 per con- near for construction of a du - sumer. The finial two sugges- piex blame on Hill street and dens are to 'heroes° the front- , to Mrs, Lorna Neilson to move age rate by nine cents or a an auxiliary storage building $7.00 increase on the consumer onto her property rate. Clerk Mtirray A. Des Tar. The figures tentatively sug, dins was instructed to call ten- gested by Campbell in his Ma- ders fbr snow plowing and ginal plan called for a charge sanding of the village roads of 30 cents per loot for front- during the coming winter, Ten - age and approximately $30.00 ders are to be in by Novembet per year for consumer rate, 20. The OMB suggestions would be Accounts totalling $5,728,57 an increase on these figures. I were ordered paid. SHDHS board Carter, Exeter. Authorized the clerk and , reeve to enter into an agree- ment ,with Brady and Findley Ltd„ Chatham, for an oil lease on the dump ground, Council will receive $1,00 per acre for the lease. Learned that, there was still $3,138,00 in unpaid taxes, which is higher than usual at this time of year. Received a report from Er- nie Davis, Hensall's utility ▪ man, that ail the catch basins had been cleaned and' that sand ',lid snow fences were ready ar Winter, Paid accounts total 11 n g $1,321,1L PMV, MaMMERMIAV0? Topics from Mt. Carmel ONZWIMMECCORKRAWZ211 Personal items Many neighbors attended open hotise at Our Lady of Carmel Church and school and Convent last Sunday and were welcomed by Rev, Father J, Kelly, PP, and parishioners, Mr. and Mrs. Mudd and fain ily of Buffalo spent the week, end with Mrs, Mike Ryan Sr. and relatives. Mrs, Alex Voisin St. at- tended her brother's funeral in Soaforth Saturday last, The Ursuline Sisters invited paronta and friends to inapeet the school and view the ptinila' work last Monday evening. There Wa a good attendaece, Mr. Gordon Miller and Miss Elizabeth Miller attendea the Itineral of Mr. Miller in Sea. forth last week, Mr, John McCarthy of Ilessou la ebnvalescing At the hoind his daughter and tent,iii,la% Mr, and Mrs Michael Ryan Jr. Mr, John CaMpbell is a Pa. tient in St JOSePit'S' Mit, Richard Ayette add fain, ily MZurich has been Visiting her father, Mr, ;Terry Cainpbell. Me, and Mrs, had Enright and faiiiiJ o Ltinden spcnf Sunday M. Mid Mrs, Law- rence MoCatin, NOW Prestone Guaranteed AGANST LOSS. Old Man Whiter will soon be lashing us with his usual snow, sleet, hail and freezing tem. peratures, end, it may be sooner than we thinki Howevee, you can fauh is his face if you're a wise motorist and briog us your car to have it checked over and put into - top shape for that rough div. ing ahead. IT HAS TO BE DONE SO DO IT NOW AND AVOID THE RU$H1 titorthatod BitA, KA151061 find tlAttkld Ohne 106. titer PS ,students: vie f..The Tirne041000.fei timm.ber t. 1901 Pia0e.3 five and .51X at .gxeter Public d algae:its from gradt:S e over drains Ca nn chairman ay or scores council/ in verse speaking cioppompe e in ; verse speaking eompetitien. Tuesday. ,JoAnn Whilsmith topped the grade five competition, while Mary Wilson and leitit Diller placed second and third res.' pectively, In the grade six competition, Paulette Schroeder took top honors followed by Ricky We- ber and Carol Lynn Shapton. The first Place winners will speak at the Honie and School Association, Tuesday, Judges for the event were: Mrs Lloyd. Taylor, Mrs. Pon Jolly, Mrs, Bren deVriea and Mrs, Doug Insley, The public speaking competi- tion for grades seven and eight will be held, Monday, and the wieners will present their talks at the liorne and School nieet, ing also. Tewn council. tiever tries to It isul, the first time he's solve problems until forcei to, m1104410 ehout ommeil's fail" Drains Chairrnan Ross Tayler 14" to take 4°1°11 on drains' charged Monday night. At least WIC? before this year, he charged council had delayed "Until you get 'pressed, this projects wbieb he proposed council won't do anything. several times previously. That's the hell of it." he com. Councillor Claude Farrow plained. "Why don't we do challenged Taylor's assertion, something about these things stating he didn't recall that before we find ourselves in a the drains chairman had of. mess". fercd any recommendations, His outburst came during a Farrow said town engineer discussion on drainage of the B. M. Ross inspected the area Thomas St. west subdivision earlier this year, warned that area. Field drains had been the general drainage problem cut off by the construction of the road aggravating the .0.1. ready poor drainage situation. 'I've brought this up in council at least three times be , - fore and was turned dawn flat every time," Councillor Taylor said. Town Topic.s. Personal Items of Interest In and Around Exeter The Exeter Times -Advocate is always pleased to publish these iterha. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 770. Mrs. Andrew Bierling, Mrs, Ross Taylor, Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Campbell, all of Ex. eter, and Mr, and Mrs, Nelson Schenk, Crediton, attended the funeral of the late Willi Lex, London, on Saturday, Mr, William Passmore is a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gardiner, Meaford, are visiting for a few days with relatives here and also with the latter's sister, Mrs, Les Richard, in Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs. Alvernia Hill, who has been holidaying in Cass City, Mich., returned home with her sisters and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Damm, Cass City, Mrs. Einma Winy, Pig- eon, Mich., Mrs. Elda Miller, Pigeon, Mich., and Mrs. Lillian Miller, Saginaw, Mich., who spent the weekend with her. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller returned home Sunday after spending the past month with relatives And friends in Mani- toba, Mrs. Jack Woods, the former Fire cause la mystery in the subdivision was a dif- ficult one and that a solution would be costly. The runoff goes west across the railroad tracks and into Stephen township, it cannot be brought east to William St. or south to Marlborough St, storm sewer, according to the engin- eer. Reeve McKenzie estimated almost a mile of drain woulci be required to relieve the problem, Mayor Pooley, who refuted Taylor's assertions, said the town couldn't afford to build a major drain for the area. Other members pointed out that building permits for the area were issued "subject to existing drainage". Sally Acheson, London, daugh- Reeve McKenzie suggested ter of Mr, and Mrs. C. E. the subdivision owner, John Acheson, has been informed. by Burke, who built the road, the Registered Nurses' Associa- should be responsible for re - tion that, she has successfully connecting the drains. How. passed her RN examinations. ever, Farrow reported the Mrs. Lee Wilson is visiting engineer had stated the town in Hollywood, Cal., with her was responsible for the drain. son-in.law and daughter, Mr. age, and Mrs. Robert C. Dennis. Council agreed to have the Mr, and Mrs. Fred Darling field tile connected across the are spending a two -weeks' road be eulverts. They also vacation at Florida and Nas- asked the engineer to inspect sae. construction met specified Mr. and Mrs. M, L. Parker, the road to determine if its Barrie, spent the weekend with standards, Mrs. Charles Harris. Receive drain petition Riney Keller, Thames Road east, presented a petition to council for repair and improve- ment of a drain running through his property to the river. The petition was signed by Gilbert Dow, Edward Yel- low, Clayton Frayne and Ar- thur Rundle, The work includes cleaning of open ditch. Council, unfamiliar with such procedure although it's com- mon to township affairs, ac- cepted the petition and for- warded it to its engineer for appraisal. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Weaver spent Sunday with Mrs. Wal- lace Hogg and Amy in Colling- wood. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Trieb- tier received news of the death of their aunt, Mrs. Daniel Wil- lert, of Bay City, Mich. The funeral is being held in Bay City today (Thursday). Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Prouty out and closing some 32 rods and children, Dundas, visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Prouty, Mrs, Delmer Skinner and Mrs, Alvin Cooper represented !Exeter Agricultural Society at !the annual meeting of the Wo- men's Division District No. 8 !Agricultural Societies held in Repair small tractor Jerome Denomme, RR 2 Dashwood, still has no idea what caused the fire that de- stroyed his barn and its entire contents in a $10,000 blaze early, Friday evening. Fire • brigades from Dash- wood, Exeter and RCAF Cent- ralia converged on the scene, hut there was little they could do as the fire was well • out of control by the time they ar.' rived. "I never saw anything go so fast," Denomme stated, Exeter and Dashwood fire fighters remained at the fire until it was reduced to a smoulder, as high winds whip- ped sparks in a direct line with Denomme's house and other buildings on the farm. Besides destroying the barn, Denomme lost three head of cattle, 550 hens and one hog in the blaze, as well as the; entire season's crop of hay! and grain. A threshing ma- chine owned by Gerald Regier; was also destroyed, The rest of the 38 -year-old farmer's stock was on pasture at his father's farm. They had planned to bring the stock into' the barn some lame within the nexI Iwo veeks. Mr. and Mrs. Denomme andi their five children were sit- ting in the living room watch.. ing TV, when 14 -year-old Len,' nis went to the kitchen window and noticed the blaze at 7:30 The fire apparently started in the upper portion of the barn, but Denomme could not: explain its origin, He said he left the barn At 5;15 p,m. and "everything was alright then", Listowel. The town's industrial tractor, Mr. and Mrs. R. 0, Knapp which was damaged by fire of St. Louis, Mich., spent the this summer, is being repaired weekend with Mrs, R. N. to serve as sidewalk snowplow Creech. 'again, Reeve McKenzie report - Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Munro,led for the property committee. London, spent the weekend wiz'. ' Council considered purchas- the latter's parents, Mr. ea., ng a new one with the 2800 - Mrs, Sam Jory. "s settlemen it received from ift&s.nance but the committee, after-.'nvestigation, decided to put it 'lack into service, Councir Jack Delbridge, who is e„,•,ployed by F. W. liuxtable, firm making the Mrs. Mervyn Wilson, London, is a patient in St, .Tosenh's Hospital, London. Her brother, Mr. Garnet Hicks, and Mrs, Hicks visited her on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. IL Hodgson repair, said,: 'e felt the i -e - and Mr. B. al. Francis expect paired machim, will give good to leave for Florida an Sunday, service. Mr, Francis will stay for the Over 80 picnics winter months and Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson plan to be away Parks Chairman Musser reported a total of "al,, had been held at RIM "iew Park this summer. Donations totalled $99.00. Payment of $300 to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Doupe, who supervise the park, three weeks.. Exeter council — Continued from page 1 was authorized. units for elderly folk just In other business, council: north of the eight -unit struc. Approved building permits ture lie constructed several to Lloyd Cushman, Huron St„ •9' years ago in the middle of the rebuilding shed: Alf Andrus, i block bounded by Andrew, San- Andrew St.,addition to work- d.ers, Senior a n d G i d 1 e y shop; Harod Taylor, renovat-' streets. ing house on Carling; Mathers Council agreed the develop- Bros., removal of cottage from ment was a "lovely seer which Male St.; MeKay.Cocker, enc. had served a significant Pur- tion of brewers' retail store, pose in the community Main St,; Arthur Whilsmith, Sanders, a lour -unit apartment th of 1,is CORRECTION, PLEASE 1 s ruc me just o • existing units between Andrew n. the report of the award- and Senior streets, ing of two bursaries by the Le- gion Ladies' Auxiliary to SH - DHS students last week, the 1 You second award ‘,as erroneously TI 7 -"RED should pati e been $100. Now and then everybodr gets 5 "tired -out" „ . • Wiijiam.Cau, RB1 Hensall, was electe4. chairman ef the board of directors of Exeter Curling Chila Limited fallowing the annual meeting of share- holders November 1 Mr. Cann is also president of the ,curling club. He succeeded Henderson King, Henan Park, in both capacities. Glenn Mickle remains aeere. Lary of the heard And BM Al- lison continues As treasurer, Members of the hoard, elected by ballot. include Bert Borland, Carfrey Cann, Pete Coates, Harry Jeffery, Roy LamPort, Charles Shane, Har- ry Sherwood and Miss Laur. etta Siegner, Captures two bingo tvrkeys Mrs. RoyJohns clicked for two successive turkey wins at the Legion's fowl bingo Thurs- day evening which attracted a bigger crowd than opening night. Only other double winners of the night were Mrs. Frank Triebner and Mrs, Myrtle Hun- ter, who took home two chickens each. Turkey door prize was won by Mrs. Ruby Walker. Turkeys went to Mrs. Hubert Schroeder, Penny Schroeder, Mrs, Jack Hoffman, Mrs. Scot- ty Easton, Mrs, Lamb, Ray Smith, Arnold Ford and Gerry McLean, Chickens were won by Mrs. Lloyd Ford, Mrs. G. E. Stew. art, Mrs, Doug Triebner, Van Oevelen, Mrs, Garnet Hicks, Mrs. George Lawson, Mrs. Bob Wragg, Mrs. Allen Pfaff, Bill Northcott, Lawrence Marks and Clarence Taylor. Senior club enjoys music A varied musical program was chaired by Harry Dougall at, the meeting of the Senicr Ci- tigens Tuesday night in the Le - 1 Included'. was a solo by Ray Mills, vocal duets by Barrie Stephen and Beverley Bickell, Mrs. T. C. Coates and Walter Cutbush, Barbara and Lynda Dougall and a male quartet comprising Walter Cutbush, Ed Lindenfield, Alfred Wuerth and Ray Mills. A dance number in negro costume was given by Joan W•hilsinith, Lynda Lowry and Judy Burkley, Barrie Stephen favored with an accordion solo and Maurice Quance with a PS provides avditortm The F.o.teter Public S 0 I board granted the .Bxekittree, national council permission ,to use tha e rallaS1411). their square dancing int - lion for local yonngsters;„„at theirmeeting, Monday. Rec director, Don GraVett, mei, with the board awl pointed out, they had no adequate fp! cilities to handle the Jaqia number of children attending the function now that heekeY had started at the arena The ree council agreed to paY the caretakers for the time spent at the school and agreed to have the children ProPetlY supervised during the timelheY are using the school's facili- ties, Under the supervision of prie« cipal Arthur Idle, the teachers are to be granted the privilege of visiting some other school one during the school term. The board will pay the sal. ary of the supply teacher while the regular staff mem- bers are away viewing the dif ferent methods and techniques used m other schools. The public sthool janitors were present at, the meeting, to discuss some of the school's cleaning program with ' the board members. Criticise UNICEF Mr, Idle reported that the an. nual UNICEF campaign eon - ducted by the students petted over $50 less than last year's Hallowe'en canvass. One of the board members reported that one party had contacted him and said ha. "i'v'as not in favor of the UNICEF canvass because the money was being sent to commu nistic countries and the program „was "Red tainted." A similar opinion had recent- ly been expressed in a letter to the London Free Press, but a suitable reply had been Made. by the area's chairman in Lon- don However, as the reply fol- lowed Hallowe'en, it was not in time to help the situation and the board members felt .1.11is may have had something to do with the decrease in funds raised. The cans used by the chil- dren in their canvass • were donated by Canadian Canners. mouth organ colo. The committee to arrange the December meeting includes Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne, Mr. and Mrs, Ed Lindenfield, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Hunkin, Milton Sleamon and Mrs. Hen- ry Rohde. Ladies Legion Auxiliary served lunch and Mr. and -Airs. William Marshall and Donald McCurdy furnished music ,for the dance. s0111111,111111111 ffffff SM./ ffff I ttttt 1111111/11/111111111114111111111111f111111111111111111111111MIMMI1111)11114111,1 lllll ALF ANDRUS Oil Burners — Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work 403 ANDREW ST., EXETER PHONE 719 q11111111IM1111111111111111111/111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IMMIthe valued at 510, The amount f feeling and may be bothied by beauties. The $100 award was won by , Perhaps nothing seriodusly wirg, lust tempor- bursary of $150 was giNert LO Deddd's KidneYuPills. Oak's thiolp stimulatelth: the auxiliary. then cause backache and tired f eeling. Then you Eunice Thiel, Zurich. Another ' tggieldg0:010,T: TII;Ya 'au' IllarYtliffitatt.11 i'cw Peggy McLaughlin, Exeter, by kl MS In relieve this condition whLith may Ifeel better; test better, work better. 81 SHDHS Subscri tion Drive NOVEMBER 3 to 17 Under the Curtis Educational Plan the students of South Huron will be able to make available to you, at the lowest cost, the best in current reading material and, at the same time, to retain a generous portion of the money that is ordinarily sent out of the community, If you are accustomed to subscribing through a local agent, please continue to do so. If you subscribe direct or through an outside agency WE KNOW THAT WE CAN COUNT ON YOU to help make our campaign a success, The profits will be used to finance Worthy student activities including scholarships for deserving students. Over 100 Top Canadian it US Publications Plus The Exeter Timesi,Advocate including Saturday Evening Post, Ladies' 1-fonie Journal, Maclean', Chatelaine, Holiday, Jack And Jill, Canadian Ittme ht.trnali Liberty, Life, Leek, Time, tater Homs and Gardens, McCall's Redbook and MANY OTHERS, Special offers made direct to you will be accepted by our student safest Order Christmas Gift Subscriptions Now To Ensure Delivery For December 25 THANK. YOU FORYOUR .SUPPORT 3c t tins '"4"111111101§Mr---- . When you shop at Hensall AL's MEAT I)1? -ted Pork Shoulders 39 Wing or T.E1one Steaks Loin or Butt Pork Chops Beef be Pork L. tver Wieners lb 591 19, AI lb