The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-05, Page 17BEAVER LUMBER School am results 1.rGcu,1 A. a Wer, , rl: li. Jot 1 e'1 ►S 1, 1•.t; n 1)ulwan V. ron! Nor, \itlnihidut 1V11, 11h91nn;. Ilol•hy a'nlie(rfloit - kldwin 3ier• A:1. llfyrr,l,nlitc+ri i, 7Ton 1\ L 11t kc WI true ItoU11ta0n Ii. #lar- win.llet=ca 1', 7l'' mttr; R,''aret Batt 1i, hougtes aletcher tRhames .lila,}: y:, r tlem. V. WRITING t. FLOWER $. °rade I Shit((n Hat len WI, f .inline plant -- 1)arhlua t,llfil- Iherel e.. I'cnita a 11 I lets, Dy k- ; 17tr WI. Loth lialllle N', ,)opt Ste" sial 1., iiuren 1ltrunrll 11• j4tIun A, Wayne A>c>,,aeq.lt IVO, la, i;ra1e - Shlt•Icv tiwir :er 1{', 1 L)Ining tahle bQUrgUet Bryan c Pr'ti•r lllkalra .fi, l .tmela 1 -an : Steen K. 15'e.n[ly iBrIa •klrl• S. t1$yik c k,tephrns ► Cath Amos Ii. der A1'lel \41 1.irkY ~cert Ji, Y 4tad, t Nvi•trla ,Sw'ltzcr 1i, F'loral rnrragr -- 1;1.11 BrOrk 7 [',Sten Tiflis !r. A1.ur1e1 .ebrott SQIi° 'I klkinner 511, J•'ayo t.ragp A, 4lbeU yeti A9uynn J. i lWUel Abbott 1't'}-1. t;Earle 4 -- Janien ltnrle, '11'1'1', i Abbott , EXHla1T Donna S[r'ahsn 31, Ruth, I:aillie gnehee ;portray'ea - 1ir1Jton, 4.1\ Jnclteisea., 11'hall n, Plugtawn, (,rade :1 - itntlt aiMS AI, Diane,' Alen 11, .(faun Sin ith \A ca, Mare HQRTICULT,URa tart.. A1lilr1 !. lilniature tioury. Det- Shelly 1'etrt I tirade it ,Susan Allen 'V 1. ' 7, .)avid flobinson ,K, an Bragg . f'athv .linos 1 , J IU i Simpt4i 1', 5, 5 Berry Thompson AT. Animal made froth vegetable --- l.tarle larrk'F I)tuu:tn 1>xcld Paul I>., Muriel A:bhott I1kl, ii 43'tr para Swfitzer [i, .Ilea (tardiner Alar aroM Earlif-[*. 1 at a ..entail }". g r. (;rade > AMargarrt 1)yicstra. Ji. PtrTS Ja.ntes 1:odgins, Linda Thar'ker Bantams - Paul TIa:kt'r, trendy WO, Jay 1 awenn, Brawn, Aiex Zr,rliner, .('.. 'Rein. ART 14ablrite WMnt.aoh1an, 1. . ),I/IIPr teed er, open ..- rural Horn, J. Hera. 13ibb•v ii, 1,4at11y }Icrni Susan Ponies --- J3obby Clarke, Tommy Slteo a1'1, lfntda ,lobus 1i, 'Raritan. Space age Revile, open -•-Fred. large (togs _ klarehe coame •e. Cowdrey K, Randy' .Theon P, John Small dogs - Danny Jaques, Carroll 11, lied ny Bragg ilnikinne. '\1I; Micky' Scott. .l',aw'el Ilalrtitfe Any , •.L.SSeta DykstraCats -- Ricky i(eott, Ronald taay a, harry .5ltinnor. ht '! trn.e ,Afivocate1 Pctptter $.1 1741 ,lF'.otli 7 eSl.' q,nu,nitAN•rhit, AIIMIdltdttt MUMIPM11tllttul UPi WARAtttdWA AttlOppl•ttpPOPtrF:111 APPIAthal.pipp71ic, "'- ,z eh MDR dr•H SHOW AT KIRKTON FAIR - Achievement ay competitionof4�beefand calf clubs provided the Aa or ett( ctiol)at nt il s foil. Friday afternoon, Two rings above were kept busy most of the afternoon with judging of best animals and showmanship. Fair attend- ance was down slightly because of harvest weather :and the1 sortie of c asses suffered, However, there t was •keen competition in the baking, horticulture and school sections of the fair, --T•A photo Granton 'Lassie' wins at Kirkton ,- Continped from page 11 POULTRY Mrs, Cooper .Forrest, i i 1 KM; - t-,tu won 11 prizes for a'Ghite. nooks, :Barred 1?oaks, New Hemp - stile Reels, \ryandottes'and 13row'n Legherns. GRAIN & SEEDS Sheaf of wheat. M rs. Torn 1:-1'ern. Woodham, kfar'r•y Logan, Melton: heat of oats, Retry Logan Mrs. Tom 1.1 ern; sheaf of barley, 'Harry I.n an; fall wheat Harry Logan t :td Newton Clarke oats, 1-Iarry Logan, Newton Clarke; barley, and large whltc beans, I -Tarry Logan; .nma11 white beans, Fred Melly - meet ; Indian cord, Harty Logan; 'ellow sweet corn, 'font Brook, Kirk ton, 11, 1:. Birkby, 1:13 1 St. Marys: ensilage corn, stalk, Mrs. ':Pont hi ern Mrs. Bari Stephen, TSR 1 St. A.iatys, 300 Robinson, WI 1 St. Marys: ears ensilage ern,. Clarence SwItze.r, Harry Lo - Lan; cob torn, Harry Logan, J'red Ape -amen t; Sebago potatoes, Mrs. nm Hero, Woodham, Mrs. Chas. 1isitey, Kirkton, Cobbler potatoes, <1, Crago, ILS 1 St. Marys, :Ira. Charles Bailey; any other • ariety potatoes, T. A. Crago, Airs. 'Harold O'Brien, RR '11 St. alarys. '1' tt t• n i p s, Swede, Mrs. Tf. 1)'Brieu, kiarry Logan; 3 el -ripping Orn fps, Newton Clarke, Wood - barn : beat•y turnip, Mrs, Harold trrrien; long red mengolcls, T. A. 1'rago, 17rs. Harold O'Brien; white ' nsar man golds, MIs. 1tarold 'Brien; yellow and red mangolds, /A. Crago. Mrs. 1-I. O'Brien; S S •v •a • Att.. A t ld, T A. Crago, at nano l - g r g7 O'1 fo fi 1d carrots, 'Fred McClymont; carrots, intermediate , 'its, Roy Pepper Exeter. Mrs. (`harles Bailey; short carrots, dsrry Logan; parsnips, Mia. Cliff t•ott, MIPed McCiytnont; round .c•ets, Mrs. Charles Bailey, harry i„egan; cabbage, flat, Fred AI'c- `lymoat , Airs. Perer• '1°cornstr•a, ' V oodham; red cabbage, Mr . Peter 'rooms bar , ,('red 1i:cC'ty- mat : citron, 'Harry Logan, Fred 'ieClymont; pie pumpkin. T. .\, 'sago, Clarence Switzer; large untpkln, lames Flodglns. RR 1 tauten, firs. Cliff Scott 'Kirk - 1 in; watermelons, Harry Logan; tuaklttelon, Harry Logan; table. 'wash, Fred AMeClymont, Harry 1 e an; Hubbard squash Mrs. l'. illiaan French, 1311 3 Lucan, Fred A1eclymont: banana squash, T. A.. Crago, :Fret. McClymonL, Cucumbers. green or ripe Mrs, Hart Stephen, RR 1 51, Marys, Arra, Charles Bailey, liIrk ton; (able cucumbers, Mrs. Bart Ste- phen, Harry Logan; onions, M rs. Logan, T. A, Crago; Dul:elt sets, Pira. Harold O'Brien, Alts. Cliff s:nit; colleeLion of vegetables, ;'red A1cClymontI Farmers Club is heat, Newton Clarke, Woodham; Partners Club oats, Newton Cierice, ('Gell Squire, I1.R. 1 Granton, Milne 1 ullen 1111 1 Granton: 1'teld Crop rats, Newton Clarke, 'Divert Crago, M,R 1 SL Marys, John :Barnett, 1,12 1 St. Aiarys, MrS, Norman .seely, RR 1 Granton, ('evil `'atitee, ISP.: 1 Granton, lfilne Pul- 1 11, Rrt 1. t:ranton; Field Cron ern, Jos 'Robinson, RIZ I S1. arae. Clarence Switzer. 511 1 'Marys, 51wart Crago, RR 1 St. HaI'ys, V. 15, .Birkby, 111'. 1 SL, Marys. FLOWERS .\sler's, 191:x, Clarence Hawkins. firsts, 1 second, Mrs, R. Itat- rliffe, 1 first; balsam, 1lrs. Coop' t'r Forrest, .tit 1 Written;5050)05, Mrs. William Spence, RR 11 St. Alal l's; dahlias, Mts. Ind Mon- t 111. on-tehli, 1.511 3 Dm bre, ABs. Eric 11umphreys, Klrkton; dahlias, mi0- 'it.ure, Mrs, Charles Ballet', 41rlt- -tot, Mrs. Clarence Switzer, MR 1 81. Marys; dahlias, show, Mrs. :Gal Monteith, Mrs. Charles .Be11ev; l Jack oNee � t s1131 Charles Zurich, Mrs, Al hu Willis (second): marigold iAfri. van), t s March s Clarence Hawk' n, Airs Cliff 5rotf, Kirk ton; 1 rene1 r tallgold, Mrs, Charles .Bailey, ylls. Erie Humphreys; nastUr- Ihrnrs, Mrs, 110 Monteith; sittglr. I (Santa, Arrs, Charles Banta'. Mrs, Carl Stephen, RIR, 1 St, Mal vs, Ruffled petunia, Mrs. Charles !limner, :Metter; C10111)1e P011111in. rs, Ld Alen teith, Aire, AS'illiant :ohne, '\ rooc}ItanI; panslr$, Airs. ;rlc Humphreys: roses, Mrs Bea 1 Sul, Ttirlcton, Mrs, Burton Mee. to Ft. Alalvsl roses, Mrs. 'Burt erten, MIs beg Paul;. sslrilgiO° 5 13rs, Earl Stephen 511 1 St. nays'1\irs, '\1illiatn, Spence, 511. Ct Marys; salvias, Atra, Charles 'a114y. Mrs, Prod Switzer, 1111 1 Alal`l's; seabiosls, Airs W'il- 1'SI)) 5ltenre; large zl0ntas, 'Mrs, :Zor Mint .13roelt, RR 1. (4Ian1On, Mrs, Clarence SWitzert small 710. Was, MIS Norman Brock) Mr's, Cltarite Bailey. Annuals Mrs, :ifiarry Maitre, 1111 1 C;I'a.ttton, elitysanillentums 21trs, 1 ek Pat l Ata, Charles ItaileY: 'rad.ge, fits, :Harry ltiabre, Mrs, it 1tumph i'Ol'S1 1/1131115 labia t 1t 1 I, I y 1T rr e t1 iatit , R b , l/rrit,u9`, :Mrs, ClarOnee tmas tablecell , IAT A rwkln'tst J lehre Bevel design, airs. Oa" 'co itaancins: bowl Satin pe n. a 1111s, \\'.Iden. Ai7t?ht r Alts, rid SWI&Ser, RR 1 51 Ai aria:, ihld fitiIlen, 1111 1 Clranion 151(15 nllrmet, Mrs, little. 74untphleys, rS, iter. Horgan. 51. MItiYS, "Tilt, atm Willis -,, Rh. 1 Rt Marys; ; )ikea of gtadi811,- Mrs, tint 11r,iI Ire, R.It 1 St, MfIu3'a, Mrs Brie kHtltnphrovs; collectlou of African violets, Mrs, lath! Humphreys. :Pink African violet, Airs. Chas, text Airs. Hawki s• tleY, ., u blue Arrival, violet, Airs. Fred lloger, Kirk ton, airs, '\VlJliant. Spence: fibrous begoala airs, lack :N'eeb, Zurich, Airs. D0 'Mon- teith, rnrbro; tuberous begonia, firs. Brie Humphreys, Airs. ('lar eucn Hawkins; collection of house plants, Mille Pullen, Granton, Mrs. Charles Salley; asparagus (plum., lira. 5 r'ie Httlphreys; aaparagna (spring), Aire. Wk. Humphreys; rex begonia, Aire; 110 Monteith any other-va.liety, Airs. Clare nee, Switzer: collection of foliage, Mrs. Charles irles Bailey; coleus ("lleotion, Mrs. Frio Hum- phreys, Mrs, Charles 'Salley; col- lection of cactus, Airs. Gordon Dow, RR 1 Mitchell, James Hod - gine, Rat 1 Gran tort, FRUIT fipples - Alexander, 1"red 11'0 (1lyrnon1 Varna; Blenheim Pippin, I A. Crago, RR, 1 SI Marys, MrS, Ed Monteith, RR 3 l.mbro Cayuga Red Streak, bred AleCly 1imonl; Culvert, Fred .ALcClynionl Harry Logan. Bel ton : Duchess of Oldenburg, l"all Pippin and Gra- venstein, 1 r e d Mc'Clymonl , Maiden's 'Blush HaI'ry Logan, :Bettor; Snow, 1'red McClymout. H. Logan; St, Lawrence, \lr s, .Ed 211011 Id 171,Fred Alc('1ymon1 1Aeai- thy, 73", Mal yin ont, airs 1;d liontetth, Rolf sliver, Mts. Td MonteithFred 1teetyntout; any other variety, Mrs. Ed Monteith, .red, ,hC1yu10nt, IairredAI r 1 .orHar- ry Logan Golden (Stlspett Harry Logan, F. 1lctBymoni ; Icin Fred MCClymont Mrs. 1.d Monteith; Mann, [.tarry Logan; McIntosh Red, Mrs. Ed Monteith, Fred Mc- ('lymont Norlhcrn spy, !Tarry Logan, Fred. AI Cly inont Ontario, hied Meet yntoat , Mrs. Ed aton. lelth; Peewuakee, Fred AcCly- ntont, Clarence Switzer; Rhode .slimy. Greening, ,tarry Logan, airs, Ed NJontelt h: Rihson Pippin and Roy Russet 1, 'hied Ni.cC'ly- ntnnt; 'Taman Sweet, Fred AIM.e- C"ly'ntonl, 11rs, 'Incl Monteith: col - lee tett Of apples, Fred AIeCIY- Clymont, Red era I) armies, Airs. I9d 11'on- 1elih, Fred Meely uonl; yellow crab, Fred 11oCltmont; Concord Niagara grapes, Airs. Fred Roger, l+trklon; Yellow Silage plums and collection of plums, Fred AloCay mon.; any other variety, .red Mc- I'IylnOnt, 'Newton Clarke, Wood Bartlett pears, 1' McC'ly- nront, Mrs. Fred Boger, Karlcton; Clapps Tee., Fred :Me Clymont; Flemish Beauty, 111s. Pied Roger and Fred Mctlymont: Sheldon, Harry Logan, Mrs. Fred Roger; any outer variety, Harry 'Logan. DOMESTIC SCIENCE 11011ey, Airs. Wilfred Payton, 1Srltton; maple syrup, Fred Me - CI ymonl, 'Varna ,lie's, Leonard Thacker, nu f St. Marys; white bread, Ahs, Dan \Vagina RCt 5 : trot ford Mrs, Gordon Dow, RR 1 Alltrhell, A1.is, Roy 'Pepper, 'By- el e1; rOwbread, Mrs, AItit lw)yl., iiirktOn, ALeClYtttOnt, Mrs, Elve- relt thew, 141t'kton; nut and Trull Ion f, )lis. John I:ern ei't, RR .1 SI, Marys, Alrs. Pepper, Mrs. Charles 115115), 1Jrkton; buns, 'lis, Harnett, lb's, 1\'ai.glei', Mrs. Doty; (15015ea buns, 1frs, Barnett, Airs, Pepper, 1.l vs. Doupe. Coffee rake, Aft vs. Barnett, Mrs. Pepper, Al re. • Wag) er; tea biscuits, Airs. Barnett, Mrs, .Doone, 1115. Penner: angel rake, Mrs. 'Rev 1Io1'gan MrS, Eel Monteith, R15 3 A11)Is, 15.11111 on; chiffon cake Mrs. Morgan, Airs. Ed Mora 1eth RR 3 f)mbro: light rake, Mrs. 'Barnett, 1ft's, Waster; sponge cake, Mrs, Monteith. \Tis, A1111s;. chocolat0 rake, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. lliillia.rn .ohne, Airs. Peter 1 oo nsDel, \Voodllam; banana rake Mrs, Bailey, lira, Clarence sw'ilzet, Airs, Ail a birthday cake 1tt s woman, 21..11, W tufty 1 5thaeffer Kirk ion, Sir;s, 15'111lna1 Fre oeh, RIR, 3 1 11eti10 0110 (:tato , 1113. 'roornstra, Mrs. Bailey. ,\pale 1115, 'lite Ballet, Airs, Gordon johns, Alts, Schaeffer; 10111011. Mts. Erenrll, Airs Toorn sura, Ms, ,aohlaeffer; raisin, 11,5, �hlhen kld'neydiell to remove ,rxtead iteldd And wdeted, 1••Ickaells-tirdd fettling-' GUturbed'rent often rn11 1olidw, Dodd's Kidney Pelts a1le1utete kidneys to :hernial dal¢, Vol Ree! Niter, elfish bettor, wdhk hettef, 80 III I4arurtt, Mrs. Salley, Mrs, liar- 1 nett; pumpkin, A Schaeffer, Mrs, Bailey,rs, 5lzer: cherry, Airs. French, Mrs, :Pepper, ,firs, Bailey, Oatmeal s« Dares, Mrs. Bailey, • Airs, Preneh, Alts. Scllaef.fer; un- baked cookies, Airs, Doupe, ;lits, Dow, Mrs, Joe Coddinal on, St., Marys; small cookies, Mrs. Dow, :Airs. 'Donne, airs. Toornst)•a; but- ter tarts, Mrs. Barnet t., airs, mourns .A mA.i Johns, AMrs, French: trorl4man's •��� breakfast, Mrs. Switzer, Mrs. Dow; cheese four rays, Ails, Doty, Aire. ' Switzer, clerk VIlle �Cle , Dill pickles, firs. ['oddUlg•ton, Mrs, Harry Klahre, 1111. 1 'Gran- ter,, Airs Mills; beets. alts,. Cod-, (lingt00 Mrs, 'troupe, Mrs. .Bailey; onions Mrs. Harold O'Brien; beet relish, airs. G. Johns, airs. liaan Rohde, Rpt 1 Woodham; obit sauce, Airs, Italy Clarke, RR 1 Woodham. Mrs, Barnett, 'firs. Bailey; salad dressing, Mrs. Rohde,.:las. Batley, Mrs. Johns. Canned rhubarb, :Airs. johns; cherries, hIrs. Jolrns, Mrs, 'Mills: i raspberries, Alrs, Barnett. Airs. Mills, Mrs, O'Brien; strawberries, Mrs. Batley, airs, :Mills: Apples lira Batley ; peaches, .airs. Blaley, Airs. SLephetI. Mrs. Barnett; plums, Mrs. Toddinglon; 1 Pineapple, Airs. ilailey; pears, Mrs. 135115y, airs. Doone, .lits, Tared Roger, I:ir'kton; corn, Mrs.' Ro11 .5, 'Ira. Monteith, Mrs. 11111x; peas, Mrs. Montan h; tomato, Mrs.' Bailey Mrs. Cod (Wigton., firs Doupv chicken, Mrs. Rohde;' maple cream, Mrs. 'Barnett, lt.r". Klahre, Airs. 1Milne Pallet). Ii, I' 11 1. Granton chocolate fudge, A9rs. Barnett,. x Klahre„ Mrs.. liiahrx Mrs. Pul- len. Domes! le pie special -- Mrs. T'renclt, Mrs. Pepper, Airs. Gordon johns, ter; useful front useless, Mrs, Pepper, hi.rs, Constable, Mrs. Van der Wtel; lain cushion, \irs. Clarke; sepal sack articles, Mrs. Skinner: weaving, Mrs, 'font ',Kern, Airs, Skinner; needlepoint, Airs. Constable, Mrs, Wllllarn trench, LADIES' WORK :Nursery 051115, Airs. William French. I5R. 3 Lucan; fancy <tui1t, Aire. William Rohde. RR I .Good- hail(. Airs, Ray Clarke, Rpt 1 Wotan:ant; pieced. quilt, Mrs. ))el- rater Skinner, R.R 1 Centralia, Mee, Ray Clarke Mrs. Rohde; ap- Migne 1)0171, Airs, Skinner. Airs, Clarke, Mrs. Rohde: braided mat, Mrs. Itoy Pepper, Exeter; lroolced yarn mai• airs. Robert Ratcliffe, Sr., Science Hill. Bedroom furnishings Em- broidered pillow eases. `IlMrs. Bert Morgan, St. Marys, Mrs, Prom Constable, St. Marys; crocheted pillow Lases, Mrs. 1oltn Barnett, RR 1 St. Marys. Mrs. Rohde, Mrs. Constable; outwork pillow vase, Mrs. Constable, .11.5.8. Tont 1-1ern , Woodham; dresser set, Mrs, Clarke, Mrs. Morgan. Dining room furnishings - Cro- eheted buffet set, Mrs, Peter 'i'oornslra, RR. 1 17Voodbarn; lun- eh eon set, Airs. Constable. 211'rs. Mogan; embroidered tea cloth, Ales. Constable; place mats, Mrs, 1'om Bern. laving room furnish ings_-Cltos- terfMid set, Mrs, Constable; doil- ies, Airs. Barnett, Mrs. Pepper, Mrs. Clarke; crocheted centre- piece, Mrs, Barnett, Mrs, 'font Ttern, Mrs. Rohde; new idea cushion Mrs, Pepper, airs, 'oorn- sEra ., AI rn 'C,larenee Rawl:ihs, 1;R 1 At, Marys, Kitelwn -- 'tea towel collection, Airs. William Spence, ItIZ 6 St, Marys, Airs, Skinner: apron, Mrs, 'loornstra,. 11rs, Penner, Mrs, Skinner. PERSONAL WEAR :toy's play suit. Mrs, 'Marl Wat- son, (111 1. St Marys, Airs. Skin- ner; sun edit, .Airs. 'Watson, mire, Skinner; Infant's jacket, Mrs. Wel soil, Airs. Constable; Jumper, Mrs. Skinner; Alat•y Maxim eweater, Airs. Constable, Mrs, 'W, l'a17 del AGicl, Wooditani, Mrs. Carl AI Ills, lSirkton; lady's wool skll•t, Mrs. Constable Mrs. Wa,n iter' A\Peel; w001 skirt, alis. S1.1111 - nae, 21115. Tom tlet•ts: clue ler, Airs, t Alts Skin - Lea arUlt Skinner I s net.; lady's Muse, Mrs, Watson: als on; spet'ial event apron, Airs, 'Wat- son, son, Mrs, `]levee (+TM'S play dress, Sirs. \vatsoe, Mrs, Skin- ner; 110111. blocks, Aire. Ton) 'RAM firs. Skinndr, MfisceIlaneons -- CUR, airs, 'Par. nett, airs, Constable, Mrs, Skin SPECIALS Al' MIDDLETON'S DRUGS ti Fired Shove Bomb (A/awe17,9?,) with pkg, of. 15 t;IzrLw''Tla SUPER BLUE BLADES Both f r only , $1,00g l + RAND - Mt lALLV 'WORLD ATLAS with the I t4t °Chart; of MEST 'TOOTHPASTE .... ia1;, $1.0 1' It'A II PV- SIZE •ICO1IIXi 120 off , •1 0 Value o w.., r. $ 1, 74 r Y.Y Y r for y f, SPECIAL 0 .: NCO���;,MA Si�IIV CREAM, Save // �' SUPER°. ?LCNAM.INSI canadeS Largest Selling V}taruins, .20$ ',Cabletaf Rog, $13,98 Save $2,00 Now Only $11,98 I Ig RING ATTERIES' EOR ALL MAIM S Drugs iddI on PHONE 44) LUCAN Last week in this paper men- tion was made of the death in Westminster Hospital, London, of Donald E,, Chown, 68, town clerk and assessor of Lucan for 12 years. Mr. Chown had been a pa- tient for 11 weeks and follow- ing an operation. on September 5 asthma developed, He was badly gassed in World War 1. Son of the late Mr. and MrS. Samuel Chown he was the eld- est of a family of eight and was born at Trenton, moving to Clandeboye at an early age later to \ years e and a fey n Lu - can. He served as fire chief for a number of years. He was of master and chaplain t ) P as Irving Masonic Lodge No. 154 and'''•°a Masonic service was held at the, funeral home on Wednesday evening. Surviving are one brother, Harvey (Bill), Lucan; four sis- ters; Miss Reta, Lucan; Mrs, Ray (Gertrude) Dawson, To - Tonto; Florence and Mrs. C. E. (Marion) Blough, both of St. Thomas. Funeral services were con- ducted by Rev, G, W, Saeh at the Murdy funeral home on Thursday, September 27 with interment in St. James ceme- tery, Clandeboye, Pallbearers included Messrs. Charles Corbett, Ivan Hearn, Murray Hodgins, Bob Murray, Alex Young and Cliff Abbott. Among those from a distance who attended the .funeral were Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Laid- law of Detroit, Miss Flo Mc- Millan of Windsor, Mrs. Clar- ence Chown and Mrs. Earl Capling of Sarnia, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Dawson of Toronto, Miss Florence Chown, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Moue( of St, Thom- as and their families, Mrs. Ron Howey o[ London, Eric Slough, Sid and Paul. Joseph all of St. Thomas, 15. Shirley Switzer 15, hare)) jicrslake \vt, OI•ade S . - \feud\ 7.laekler S, 1nhu San lhryeli li, .Shirley $WI(' zer 14, Karen Kerslake WI.' Grade 1 --- Arlene .1 ohne 1+., Muriel .Abbott IV It, Pamela van der diel 1\ I, Roberta Neil 11rade I --• PliilIp 'lllaekler 5. Robert Alneaev 11, Pohert Rat - elf ffe .51100hl• Millsi Grade i Diane Smith wO, 1);ti Hem) Scnlraln ;;, Marg \tiller' Z. Way nw Rodd 7. t:1 :arae R - Sandra 1)11110011 1'1, Wayne Kirithby' R, hlaryke Van Moyer) K, Leroy 1•lern (trade ; -- Carol 'Ribby' 1+, Bar- bara Switzer K. Faye :Duncan P. Tommy Earl ton AL t;rarhe 5-. Ilene Seethe, 1I, V'eritnu 'Nein 7,, 'Larry Skinner WI. ,lout( 1-lern M, SEWING :Pyjama bag -- Sharon Fletcher 31, Necklace Cathy ;Stoos Ti, LarryS ,klnner WI, Bryan Amos 5, Frank Kirkby S. GRAFTS .l)erOI'ated lase r- 15aren Spear.- In pear- In S. Bobby Ma',shall K. P11111173 731aciilsr 5, Brenda, 501011er I\VI. Wfnriow props - Dennis Dun- 011,11 un- Dan J'. Faye Duncan P, Larry Skinnw• AGJ, Waste pallet basket - :'at thaturde11 15, Teddy Arthur S, Margaret. Earl 1i, David Marshall K. C"hrl• ma decoration Cathy Antos 14, Larry Skinner 2111, 'Mar- garet \nn Prance WI, Bobby Marshall 1:. BAKING School htnrh. - Margaret Earl 15, Margaret. Dykstra, R, Cathy Amos 15, Larry Skinner lA I. Date squares - Ruth Baillie 35, Cathy .Amos .14, ..aura French WH, J)enuls :M)unr'au P. Canny - Ruth 'Heinle 14, Wendy' Blarkler S, Muriel Abbott WTI, Bryan Amos 1{, Cup rakes -• Bobby Marshall 14, Bryan Antos F, Suzann Dinka A., Elsie 'I'oornsira 7,. Cookies, uta baked --- Afargaa'et Dykstra K, Fye Duncan P, Jo- anne F,'inithehi.er WH, Barbara $008(•111 S, Angel food - Cathy Amos 15, et e I'TS Sharon la h1 Pin S r Fletcher Wl- 1 at Batten A. i I u her A T, , o r I` MISCELLANEOUS 011 paint 105 -- Jants 'Duncan ? Taura French AJ4 Carol 4n n RR 1 Lucan cross 8111111 Mrs. William Schaeffer, Kirkton, Mrs. 11 organ, Mrs. Constable; shopping hag, \lis, Skinner; purse Mrs, skinner; gifts for bazaar. Mrs. Skhmer, Mrs, Const able; hairpin work, Alts, Oath e, .airs, Ra.trllffe, fiirs, Constable; bedroom slippers, 1 M'ew's wear 12uy''s sweater, 'Ml's. Collet able: boy's pyfalnas, Mrs. Joe t'oddington, SI. Yeti's, Mrs. Skinner: sport shirt Airs, Coddfngton, Mrs. Watson, Mrs, Skinner. ' CRAFTS & HOBBIES Artifice" flowers bouquet, Airs, Skinner, Mrs. Schaeffer, airs. Charles Minter, Inxeter: aftiftrial corsage, \ars. Schaeffer. ails. Skinner.; oil painting, landscape, Mrs, lilarl Stephen, R1: 1 Sl. Alar;vs; o11 painting, any nlhe1' subject, airs. Stephen; nater color, Mrs. Stephen, Mrs. William Spence; crayon anti ciiareoal, Airs, Stephen, Mrs. Spence; num- ber painting, Mrs. Stephen 1'11'- mond. Switzer, RR 1 St. Marys; copper, tooting, Mt s, Carl 01111". Ktrktott, Mrs, Barnett, MIS Cliff Scott JCir•kton; handbag, Mrs. Schaeffer: lamp shade. Airs. tor - don johns, RR 1 5t. Marys, Mrs. Barnett, Mrs, Clarence flaw. its; stuffed toy, Mrs, Scheer tet 'us. Spence: candle, .A11•s, Spence Nits. Schaeffer, Airs, Hawkins; Christ - r11as decoration, airs. Schaeffer, Mrs. � At A\-a.tsot; ally, other crat t, Raymond Switzer, Airs, .Rohde, Mrs, Ditttner, rs. Constable. Mrs. $pence, Sirs . enjoy the wonderful world of warmth with fsso OIL HEAT Ask your Imperial Esso Agent to introduce ul world +nf mosso warmth you to the StOI1dC1 f va Av !j 5 soon. It's the kind of home heating that gives family a pampered feeling, Carefree, safe) Always there, And it Caft be yours s6 easily) bccauso whatever kind of Beating equipment you bon, Esso has the fuel to suit it '.Geoitog VRIESE EXETER 1'HON> 110 ALWAYS I.t tilt "it iMfafnt3fi4L Ir<lf '1HC 1 eat. Atiseellaneotls -- Goat, 131111• 13roc6. fitlluca. pigs. -- Ronald Clarke, Larry 61c/inter, Mervyn Hera, VEGETABLES, FRIJITS .Early potatoes Arlene Johns 14, _Prank 31110by W. Late potatoesDouglas Aif - phen i., Sheila Dern Z, 13111 Brock 7. Parsnip -'- l:lekt Scott is Ruth 13a1111e 14, David Marshall 14. (.arrant 13111 71'oek 7, David )145'10..111 tar1111173 ':t3keS. Cas1all Pi1 bage ,Danny AWaltlaclersr KPI, A,avid 115 [)Marahalt , :Bruce Robson C,u0uutlters -- Cathy Antos 35, Gwen Allils 15, Bruce Mille 'W. Deets - Jlonaid Clarke P, Phil- lip l31aekler 5, .Dong Fletcher WI Sweet corn - Ricky dor)' It. David Marshall K, Terri Paul K. Pop corn -•- Sharon Batten WL Pumpkin pie -•- Terry Johns T13, 13111 Brook Z, Carol .Ann Bell WI, Watermelon -Grate Paton 15 Doug Fletcher 5, Doug F1eteher WI. (11 Cron 'Harold Johns 'TR, Bryan Bertrand .F1. Onion -- Muth I3a1111e Ji, Helen .Batten 111, Ricky Scott: 15. Tomato - Cathy Anioa 15, Carol Bibby 5, Ronald Clarke P. Apples -- Ricky !or•y 15, Janice Duncan P, David Marshall K 'Vegetable display - ,David A ar- shallK, Larry Skinner WI, Don- ald Stephen A. idoFruit table <'entre-David aiar- shali K, Larry Skinner WI, James dgins. PunmIcin contest - R1o1kY Scott I5, Danny Jaques WO. .� 8.. • 8. K. •+ DEPOT SOUTH END SERVICE Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER Beaver It arages Complete garage material rackages including f ng P a ns .everything ready to build. Prompt delivery , dependable quality. Three styles to choose from at Beaver ... single car or two car models. E Now is the time to have your garage l uilt before winter! AS LOW 4 9 COMPLETE Nothing Down .. , NOTHING' TO PAY UNTIL MAY 1962 on a Beaver Budget Plan, Home Remodelling and Modernization _ Service Complete from planning to completion , , . satisfaction guaranteed. A Beaver re- modelling Specialist is at your service .•. phone for is day or evening appoint• mane at your home. HOW TO BUILD YOUR RECREATION .ROOM!. z s. ,e Free at Beaver a kit including a , Peter Whitten photo illustrated 'c manual. DEPENDABLE Quality and Service n1010nnn/1111... 1.00nttWW1 ,,,etitttryl/111,/111111,11.,1,t.... t,.,,ostia.1100141,t11tt401114,11tt.011ritttntr�s:, Live Better Electrically � YQ SIGH OF THE TIMRS! The Medallion Symbol of Electrical Excellence This Ilydro.approvcd Medallion tells you that progressive builders are providing for extra comfort and convenience 'througha new high standard of electrical. living even in modestly priced homes. When you ally 1r build a ilew home the Medallion will help to protect your investment ill these important tafat w f y. as I,'Owi R CONDITIONING. A 100 ampere service entrance and a "full itousepower'i distribution panel provide the capacity needed to operate your household services cftitiently, economically, alta safely , , , now and iii' the future. APPLIANCE CONDITIONING. Gltcuits slid outlets for those Al otk'saving, time - KIN ingappliatMces are plentitui. Every Medal= lion Home anticipates your tuttlte 'heeds: , Ari ,t your Cif1nl&Cirldle s(tvkk.0 it x new fast. N ,. recovery=, taro -element, ilatneless water heater , , ready to keep an abundance (inlet water "on tap" at the lowest possible cost. LIGHT CONDITIONING, Another ini• portant "extra' is the planned lighting which adds charm and beauty both inside and nut , , , Snakes work and play areas br'1 h act` rid safer.a ,1 "Gold Medallion" Bente is albeleetl ic; including heating, Information ol) about theMedallion �la t,t c ilorn , es in your community i t :r ul Sty can be obtained from your electrical contractor or your local Hydro Act, 1 M , ootosx.not... feirblitO ‘C' IS YOUOS 1414kftatittalt res 10.