The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-08-31, Page 16P a 1'': The T� e.. ca
� h.� t1'l., S A1CIMo.., ter +Au. us t 31. 1901
Scott advocates controls
over party slush funds
L too general to mean anything,
in- "J. W. Pickersgill, the Libe-
ral front -bencher, :has. recently
of suggested several tinges that a
is- limit should be set an the
Ad amounts each .party and eaeh
card .candidate can spend for publi-
on city and advertising during an
election campaign. This would.
A- reduce" election :costs but it
is does not get to the roots of the
of matter.
ee "Only a month or so ago, a
be Conservative bac k b e Ache r,
of Frank McGee, introduced an
idea that would encourage in -
ho dividuals. to make small. =tri-
be butions to political parties, He
o• got his. plan. from the Anerri-
es can Heritage Foundation, which
he organizes a campaign in the
po- 'United States to encourage pri-
eir voteon
citizens to donate any-
s- mously through its facilities to
as the U.S. political parties.
.Jaes R. Scott, fernier
erat candidate for the prov
vial Seat in Huron and, mi
recently, national organizer
the Liberal party, urges leg
latioza whieh will put an e
to• the political slush f.
system which finances elects
The system should be
bolished now because it
destructive to our concept
democracy and to our fr
parliamentary system ,
writes in the ,current issue
11faeLean's magazine.
Scott, a Seaforth native w
ran unsuccessfully against t
late Thomas Pryde in the pr
vincial election of 1955, relat
from personal experience t
devious means by which
litical parties build up the
election funds and the pre
sures which are put on them
a result.
-" . , no matter bow the m
ney is collected or from who
as long as our parties are d
pendent on big business or b
unions some people are no
to. have more influence lila
the rest of us on whatever pa
ty forms the government."
He indicates some action
being contemplated to contr
the system,
"In the past few months re
resentatives of all the maj
parties have discussed the pro
lei of campaign funds public!
and put forward ideas as
how it night be solved. By f
the most extensive are the pr
posals of the new Liberal go
ernment of .Quebec, which hop
to pass the most stringent an
confining election act to
found anywhere in Canada
an act that would limit both t
sources of funds and the amou
any party could spend in an
He mentions, too, the propo-
sal of the New Party to change
election regulations to control.s
spending but claimit is much
'The story in
.S0 nts-bury
'"Donations are made direct -
o ly to the foundation, which dis-
rn tributes them to the parties as
e- the donors designate. Such con-
ig , tributions are income tax ex -
ng• empt and the parties do not
HappenI.ngs in
know the names of ,the donors.
. This system raises more money
and creates More interest in
politics but it does not replace
the big contributors.
"So far, the Quebec propo-
sals are much the best, For
federal purposes, the New Par-
ty's proposal for a reasonable
and effective limitation on caan-
,paign expenditures is sound if
it is spelled out in detail in leg
flotation and stiff and enforce
!;able penalties are incorporate
into the act. But along wit
this must go an equally effec
Live control of contributors.
IThe amount that any corpora-
tion, organization or union can
! donate should be defined and.
, all such donations made public,
I At the same time, the defini-
i tion of a contribution should in -
elude service as well as money.
"Similarly, no , organization
1(such as a union) should be
i allowed to collect money in any
1 way from its members or ern.
, pleyees for a political purpose,
Here, Frank McGee's propos-
als fit in. Proper legislation t
encourage individual givin
should be passed and a neutra
foundation, such. as the Ameri
can Heritage, set up to admin.
01 Blanshard slier it.
b t .rx
to i (Intended for last week)
ar Personal items
0'1 Edwin and Douglas Lang-
'- ford of Dorchester are spend-
eS ing this week with Walter, Don-
a nie and Carl Langford,
be Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Sal -
he , mon and family of Port EIgin
nt, were Sunday guests of Mr, and
t Mrs. Kenneth Langford.
tiro ^.r.Y ..<I•I a:Ma;$:w"ti'2%,:i'. ..tiler./ t; ^^
(Intended for last week)
Dickins reunion
The Dickins family reunion
was held at Poplar Hill. on
Saturday, August 19 with din-
ner at 12:30 for 50 descendents
of the late: Thomas and Alice
(Hunter) Dickins.
Mrs. > Flossie Dickins, Exeter,
and Mrs. Earl Greenlee, Lu
,cat., were table convenors. Mr.
and, iMt s., Glenn Dickins, By-
ron, Wattled over a fine pro-
gram of ports.
Mrs, Harrold Dickins, Ro-
e esterr ,N40,; president, called
a the:;gr'ouprtoagether for a busi-
ness ;ineeting. A moment's
silenee was observed for de-
parted parents and grand-
parentp .ofithe family.
1ti4srS,r Lorne'' McFalls, London,
is next-inline as president;.
Mr, and !'Mrs. Charles Knapp,
St. Thomas, and )Mr. and Mrs,
Don ,McTaggart, Port Stanley,
sports comirnittee; Mrs. F.
Dic1eins, Exeter, Mrs. Harold
Hunter, Exeter, and Mrs. Heber
Davis, table convenors. Picnic
is to be held the same Satur-
day in 1962 at Poplar Hill.
"Race results were: youngest
person, Nancy Ann Tindall,
Lucan; oldest, Mrs. Ethel
Dickins, London; drove the
farthest, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Hunter and family, Ottawa;
Six years and under, Bob
Hunter, Danny Langlois; 7-10,
Jinn Hunter, Leslie Greenlee;
boys and girls, 11-15, Ron
Langlois, Campbell K n a p p;
young married women, Mrs.
Don. McTaggaratt, Mrs. Jack
Hunter; young married men,
Don McTaggaratt, Bob Tindall;
Guessing jelly beans in jar,
Charles Knapp Jr.; eating soda
biscuit and whistling, Mary
Davis; egg relay, Don and
Doreen McTagaratt; children'
tug of war, Ron Langlois' side
kick the slipper, Carol Latta;
men, Jack Hunter; elastic race
Alexia Tindall's side; eating
marshmallow, Alexia Tindall
Myrna Knapp.
All enjoyed a luncheon at 5
Personal item
Ann Parkinson is spending a
few days with her grandmo-
ther, Mrs, George Dann of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson i
and family visited Sunday eve-
ning with Mr. and Mrs, Ken- i
neth Parkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Sisson
spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Petch of Strathroy..
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones and
family, Mrs. Lottie Jones spent
Sunday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Jones of London.
Mr. and. Mrs. Leonard Thac-
ker and family visited with re-
latives at Sarnia on Sunday.
Mr. and Mr. Ellis Waugh of
London spent Wednesday eve-
ning with Mr. and. •Mrs, Leon-
ard Thacker.
Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hoo-
per and family spent Sunday
at Owen Sound and also visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mar-
riott and family of Mount Fo-
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Massey
spent Wednesday with Mr. and
Mrs. Theodore Stephens of An-
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This week in
Thames Road
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brazier
and daughter of Brantford are
holidaying with Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Passmore.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin. Miller,
Brian, Barry and Barbara were
guests on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Stewart, Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knight
and Linda, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne
Passmore and family spent
Sunday at Ipperwash.
Miss .Agnes Bray and Miss
Wilma Coates returned home
on Saturday after holidaying
at Longlac.
Mr. and. Mrs. Floyd Stewart,
Sylvia, Ronnie and Robbie and.
Donna visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Schieck,
of Drayton.
Mrs. William Elford, accom-
panied Miss Ida Hall of London
to visit with their sister, Mrs.
Frank Walsh and Mr. Walsh,
of Hamilton, for a few days
last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Gilmour
and Kevin, of London, Mr. and
, Mrs. Donald Bray, Robert,
Janet and Ruth were guests on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
John Bray.
Mr, Jack Stewart Is under
the doctor's care with a heart,'
condition. Mr. Melvin Gardiner,
of Exeter, is helping on the
Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Pym
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Tony Shulman of Embro,
Mrs, Pym remained there for
a few days.
Mrs, Hay, Exeter, Is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jef-
Mr, and Mrs. Mac Hodgert
and family visited with Mr,
And Mrs. Wilmer 7-1'owatt, of
Londeshorro, on Sunday. Doug.
las Rohde, Jack iiodgert and
Bobby Snow returned home
with them after having spent
last Week at Goderich summer
The September meeting of
the WA and WMS will be held"
on Wednesday evening, Sep-
tember' 6, with 'Mrs. George
Kellett and Mrs, Robert Cann
as hostesses,
Mr. and Mrs, Gus, Lindberg,
Keith and Judy, of Saskatoon,
Sask., are visiting with Mrs.
nie Thomson and Mr. and
Mrs. Wm, Lamport,
Rev, and Mrs. Iftigh Wilson
returned home on Tuesday •from.
Tobermory after a month's
Joan Barker and. Heather
Davis spent a few days recent-
ly with their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Heber Datvis.
Mrs, Hugh Davis, Heather,
Miehael and. Wayne Carroll
were recent visitors with Mrs.
Beryl Lilliey at Grand Bend,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson
and Mrr and Mrs. Harvey Lat•
to and family spent Sunday at
"Twin Oaks", Grand Bend.
Larry and Leslie Greenlee
Were holidaying with their aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Tindall, last week.
Mr, and Mrs. George Carroll
and granddaughter, Chyrl Cyr,
of Detroit, are visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll
and called at Mason Villa Hos-
pital, London, to see Mr, l-lugh ,
Carroll, their father.
Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Mac-
Donald and Mr. and Mrs. 11•
Davis were Tuesday evening
guests With Mr, and Mrs, Tom
Mrs. Earl Atkinson and Mrs,.
Reber' Davis attended 'the fune-
tal of their Cousin, the late
Mrs. Vera (Murdock) Hogarth,
at the Bonthron funeral home,
. ,Tensall, on Tuesday,
Mr, and Mrs, Gorden Oke,
l4ensall, Were, Sunday guests
With Mr, and. Mrs, Ilerinatt
Mr, and Mrs, HeberDavis
were Sunday visitors with Mrs.
Lablinnah Hodgins, Exeter",
Mr. and Mrs', George Atkin-
son and family were Sunday
visrters with th�Yis:: ratter's Pat.
Brits Mr, and. Mrs, G. White,
heady ,Lucan,
'i'Cantiany, attention,'•' 'bark-
ed the sergeant, "Now every
man lift his left leg and hold
it straight out in front of him,"
One nervous rookie held up
his tight leg instead.
"All right," snapped the ser-
geant„ "So whe's the wise guy
holding' up both logs?"
"This kind of action would
cut waste in election costs,
make for:a more equitable fi•
nancial position among all can-
didates, and create . a properly
democratic atmosphere where
a vote is more important than
a dollar. At the same time, it
would reduce the danger of po-
litical influence from large
contributors and encourage the
financial participation in poli-
tics of every citizen.
"This would be a start any-
way, But the legislation must
have teeth in it— strong pen-
alties — or it will be a farce.
Particularly stiff punishment
should be provided to prevent
tollgating, kickback and other
devices whereby a party re-
ceives money for favors gran-
ted, For twenty-five years, the
statute books of Ontario con-
tained a law that made any
kind of contribution to any poli-
tical. party illegal. No one paid
any attention to it; contribu-
tions continued to be made as
if the law did. not exist and no-
body was ever prosecuted for
breaking it."
.112 .. '`'''aye :. it:t==`•'a,?i;. 5•,'�. s �;I'`x> a
This week in
Personal items
Randy and Wendy Gilfillan
of Exeter visited a couple of
days this past week with Mr. •
and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and
Barbara Anne.
Mrs. William Walters spent
Sunday with her mother, Mts.
Nelson Clarke of Farquhar. a
Harry G, Sweet
tb;rt>�^`+4M3`cC•ri`�`v�K k' s. , • :.ri!I'��ue1►!f!tigAiAlEiilttSlit!!tA�tlllllSiUeutR6ltillS�}.tlfl+Si!!St1!lFRl�tl!nmi�}nlm�iu�in►nee. r
d.i•es in Windsor News from Dashwood
G. Sweet, a native of Ay MRS, X Yi RADER
Exeter, died 14 ednesday, Au-
gust 23 at lintel Dieu, Windsoi,,.„;,========a;
following a brief illness,
Air. Swwet was born in Ex- accpinpanied Air. and Mrs. Mr, and kers. Don 11IaeeFs of
eter and moved to Windsor 35 Leonard 'Sararas of ,Zurich, mo- London and the latter's sister,
years ago where he was em- tored to Chatham on Sunday Miss Gladys Marks of Kiteh-
ployed in the billing depart- where they visited with Mr. and ever, called on Miss Pearl Kraft
,rnent of •Chrysler .of Canada kers. Frank Want and family. last week.
since 1931. Misses Gwendolyn and. Susan. Rev. W, P. Krotz of Golden
• lie was a .:member of Walker- Bills of Gagetown, Mich., spent Lake a former pastor of the
EUB church, renewed acquain-
tances Ian/
n town,
Rev. and Mrs. MCLiI?l..James
and family have returned home
after a vacation spent in New
York State and Ottawa, where
he assisted at the wedding of his
11tr. and Mrs, Irvin Rader week.
vine Lodge 1\o. 34$, 100F,
and attended. Oliver Baptist
Surviving besides. his'wife
are two brothers, Clinton, Ex-
eter, and Victor, Windsor, and
one sister, Miss Bettie Sweet,
Funeral services were hel.
at the Anderson funeral home
Windsor, on Saturday, with in
terment in Victoria Memoria
Cemetery. An IOOF servic
was held Friday evening.
Miss Bettie Sweet, town,
niece, Mrs. Stewart Blackwell
and kir. Blackwell, RR 2 Hen
sall, and Mr. Ted. Wainer
town, attended the funeral
last week with their cousins,
Misses'Joapne and Janice Hay-
Mrs. Ted Rader was taken by
Hoffman ambulance to South
Huron Hospital, Exeter, Sunday
evening having suffered a
heart attack
d Sunday visitors with Mr, and
11trs, Gerald 1Ylartene follow-
I. ing the baptism of their .son,
Peter, were, Mrs. Mary mar-
ctene and Edwin, Mr, and Mrs.
Freest Koehler and. Anne. Mrs.
a , Verna Keyes of London, Mr,
and Mrs. Cliff Salmon and
- ,family, Mr. and Mrs- Robert
Ilayter and boys, Bob Baynham
of !Mensal! and Rev. and Mrs.
Wm. Gatz and:friend,
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Mille
Robert and Janet accompanie
by Mrs, Earl Stumph and. Elea
nor of Kitchener attended th
Koessel-Miller wedding at Pin
Bluffs, Wyoming. They re
turned by way of Dakota goin
through the Black Hills and
taking in the Passion Play,
they also visited with their
niece and husband, Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Schulz at Roselle,
111., and Rev, and Mrs. Ernest
Miller at Sawyer, Mich,
Mr. and Mrs, Mervyn Stelck
of Bradford, and Mr. and ,Mrs.
Ray Williams of Toronto vaca-
tioned with Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Piefer of
Chatham and. Mr. and Mrs. Al-
fred Smith of Stratford were
Sunday visitors with Mrs, Ma-
r tilda Piefer..
1 Visitors during the weekend
with Nlr. and Mrs. Wendell
Gamble and family of London
I were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ra-
der and family and Mr. and
j Mrs. Albert Rader,
Misses Pamela Spear, Joanne
, Kotas, Marilyn O'Connor, Ca-
rol Maszolino, Paula Badyno
all of Detroit spent the week-
end with Mrs. Lucinda Mc -
Mr, and M'rs. Wesley Filkins
of Howell, Mich., called on rel-
atives and friends during the
The story in
Grand e d
A Belt reunion was held at
a dinner party given by Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Crosby at
their new home in Southcott
Pines with the following pres-
ent: Mr. and Mrs, George Belt
and daughter, Joyce Steeper,
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Bariteau,
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Moore,
daughter Lois and friend Ann
Kolar, and Air. and Mrs.
Thomas belt and' daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Lamb
of Bad Axe, Mich. and Ora
Benson of Filson, Mich, visited
last week with Mr, and Mrs.
Ira Stebbins,
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Yeo,
daughter and friend, Mr, Harp
of Detroit, spent the weekend
with Miss Mary Yeo.
Mrs. Russell. Gill and son
Joe, of Brampton, returned
home on Sunday after spending
the summer here,
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Pask
spent a few days last week
with .friends in Clawson, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Belt
and daughter Cathie, and Mrr.
and Mrs. Joseph Moore, daugh-
ter Lois and friend Ann Kolar
are visiting with the Bariteaus
of Duke's Ranch.
Mrs. Ron Mitchell visited on
Thursday with Mrs. Fred Rink-
er at Sarnia,
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Pask were Mr. and
Mrs. Harry McAdams and son
David of London, Mrs. Tillie
Tetreau of Dashwood, Mr. and
Mrs. Milton McAdams and son
Roy of Zurich.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fra -
ick, Darell and Richard, of
Royal Oak, Mich. are holiday -
ng at Grand Bend.
Mrs. Jim Love is a patient
n St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
don. Her children, Ginger,
Debbie and John are with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Cann of Thames Road.
Visitors last week with Mr,
nd' Mrs. J. Whiteford were
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zebe of
Grosse Point, Mich., Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith
and Penny of Crediton visited
on. Saturday evening with Mr,
and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan,
Miss Shirley Hern of Exeter
visited on Saturday with Kathy
Mr. Blair Grubble of Green-
oek spent the weekend with
Raymond Horne.
Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Watt,
Mr. and Mrs. John Foltz and'
daughter Gail from Guelph
spent the weekend. with Mr. and
'Mrs. To a e 1.
sister, Ruth James to Lowell
J. H. Smith of Belleville. Fol-
lowing this Rev, James was
camp counseltor at Golden Lake.
camp for one week. They also
vacationed at North Bay and
Canadian Keswick.
Mr, and Mrs,. Lloyd. Cooke
and family of Minetto, New
York spent the weekend with
Rey, and Mrs. M. J. James ,and
Peter Robert, infant son of
Miller Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Martene,
d was baptized Sunday, August
- 27, in Zion Lutheran church by
e Rev. Wm. Getz, Mr, and Mrs.
e Robert Hayter were sponsors.
Choir picnic
Members of the EUB church
choir and their families held a
picnic on the church lawn Fri-
day evening, August 25, Games
and lunch were enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs, Hubert Miller
and Mr. and. Mrs, Mervyn Webb
• spent the weekend in New York
Eric Wolfe, Bob Hoffman,
Gary Eagleson, Ron Weber,
non Weigand, Wayne Ratz and
'Ken Genttner vacationed at
Grand Bend last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman
and Jim vacationed at the sum-
mer home of Carl Heppler at
Lonely Island and Eagleson's
cottage at Sauble Beach last
Mrs. Bill Frank . of Brandon,
Manitoba and Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Whiteford and family of
Royal Oak, Mich.
Guests this week with. Mrs.
Elizabeth Smith are Mr. and,
Mrs. Jack Moreton of Toren'to,
Mrs. Florence Collins, Mrs.
Eby and family of Detroit and
Mrs. Clyde'Reid and 1,4eily of
Davies, Grant, Denning
and Benn
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