Huron Signal, 1852-11-25, Page 3R.`
•re In
for a
dater' demsmtied
Apo, eg, I soprano
walked off, is a blase us
Look here!'
q the old bachelor's bat
wood bushes, where Mr.
dropped it, on going into his
Kepprr was on the very point of
lue.self, to end the joke and
rasJ latish over it, when Mr. Bun -
i {And sow Beres was verj bwppy, les M
had bet noire tamp le repeat -that he
►ad eat msrrted Lucretia Meem years age
teetad of another man to
loopyher hoshime
Ila/ lose
bloom; JIMJIMthe years which
Nodes( the .e I.h,.ees of ethers, bad •ot
bas years of simnel awned lite, wed that
all the dear Inds Brookes were not dear
hole Keepers.
As pro'eosor Anderson eras Ito king ever
the various Aarencsn and European news-
papers. which are to be found in'h. pe►li-
made the remark that it looked bad. canon niece of the 11 ,stop Daily Times
\ Mr..K, could not have the least I he saw that be was closely scrutinized by
)renes to having any man say, such a a gentleman of tall stature aul rather
swarthy appearance, e.ikeetly not a Bos-
toeton. This individual after tabors space
bad elapsed. a1 leogi b mustered courage,
sod thus addressed the "Wizard ;" "I Pay'
are you P'vte.sur Anacreon, hey 1" Yes
sir." "Wall, you're a urnattoa .mart
slam,! hear. You Biot got that tae bottle of
Mr. B's couuteaaace and the tone of his I yourn with ye, have you 1" '•No, sir:'-
ir:'-voice expressed a satisfaction which lie "Nell I'm (rum duwei East ; having been
could sol conceal, sad Mr. K. thought he raised in Maine, and 1 should like to pur
would jest try the experiment of tatting still, chase a duplicate of that era bottle, as 1
.tete of tangs looks bad. Ile lineal( l( would
Le deeply impressed with the crevictiou
that it looked bad bed he twee under the
asap. Yet the manner se which Mr. B.
meds the remark, according to K's way of
Woking, looked bad in itself. '1'o be brief
the se•uateey of close .bereeeu, MNb
Mum we have ...versed epee the emb-
' books bad -guess it does!' cried Symes am about going out et ,»ping for • 1
guess if 1 had your bottle, or Its twos broth
and he swore' by George that if pepper era Tit won swamp the Scotties ,without
wasn't under toe stump, Hz WAS, and that halting much politics, either:' "l neem
it was a kind of duty they owed • the old carry my bottle with me nor have 1 a du•
fellow,' to dig him out. plicate of it." "Sorry for that, sir," said
'Dig him out t' (would take an age,' mut- itis stumper : "However," he con-
tend Mr. Bunker, rubbing hie hands --pro- tinned,' I *AI once taught • trick, whets
bably to keep tins B'it oe 'Tall you a soy, but I aloes( forgot how the thing
what, Jot, if he's there, he's killed, and it was dose now, 1'i1 tell how it was, strap -
tail a, though a little digging would cave ger, as near ss 1 can. 1 used to take a
• MAWS life. So we may as well nuke cern ren cent and change it into a ten dollar
lain that hie there before we begin.' gold "1 ,ece." "Oh," said the Professor.
' There, to be tura he's there I'll bring •' that is quite simple ; e mere trick of
Post -
0.o Impertearholot we may ...ties,
is fuer of the durvnale or stock glower.
While the wheat farms are steadily deur-
lerwet.g, tee suet farms are gathering
etreark, .ad growing year by year cape -
hie u( mereasug predeeuue.
Our o►.ervst,us cosnoeee us *het *e
01.11, to the whet 'woos, adopt wore and
mere the mined ny.uw, sot by reisutg lees
wheat, hum by 'keeping mare tittle .ad
•beep. In tbi• w.y, by a liberal use of
clover, the productions of the farm m.y
be generally increased, sad rte fertility
rapidity augruetd.
1f our friend, whose remarks bate led
to this preparation of 1►a article, will give
us the facts and dgures upon which he
bases bit opt0iarou, we shall moat cheer -
folly either yield to their executes*, or
endeavor to show by equally good author•
any that he a to error -.New Yell( Far-
the shovels, exclaimed Jw. ' By George, sleight of hand" "Well 1 know it is not
of ase. flag beer the Leeks sat bre es -
tuned by the Power of Grupe before hs
OMB mots btwW. Os tiro "saber head the
Pans cerrespeedest of the Tunic tells ..;
•The Pruett pewee alarm to believe teat
the Peps has cue/Dated se pwHrse the
coosimattee eeoem.wy for the haters Gaper
yr bet each is set the groom
Re. Mr.
M r.
Berrine el'e pis
Covet Neeeetrods's recent emu to Italy are
e..atdered udicattee of,a neap -
preset of the Preashst's preteso,010.
1a•s*love Ro.atm.-The 11.1110 "Com-
'nerelel'• of the tstY Iptaat, 'mimes the
iodate( a eotous attempt at robbery of
a t, use Oa P0401 etrwt, is Buffalo, es the
ma Instant. The lady .f the house, 1t ap
pears, started from home and had •ot bees
gorse more than ten m,wtss before a mea*,
respectably dressed knocked at the koche*
door and told her .errant that her wIireee
desired to .peak to her sed had regulated
bio to take her round to • shop on Mau
.treat where the lady wit ..seting. The
gig: started immediately with the man' but
helms she bed gut many rode Iowa the
house, remembered that she bad left some
preserves cm the fire, and fearful that they
might burn before .he 'slued, told the
MOO she must run back and remove them
trom the stove. He eodeuourd to per-
suade her to go ea, endorse caught told
of her a
she ran
eats a n
from tb
the Boo
the rog
the gas
five rot
feet a
sad lib
his col
at ho
tiff A
%V e
D. 11
of lea
us by
CArrLa STeLu*oG.-Tbe Stealing of
cattle is becoming (Amore common occur-
rence than formerly, partly caused, perhaps
by the increase of their value, and the ad-
ditiooal facilities for their use io the upper
country, where detection n difficult. At
the late Assizes a man was convicted of
carrying off • yoke of ozen from Garafraxa,
and driving them up the Owen Sound road;
ind this week se understand that Mr.
McQueen of Fergus bas lost an oz under
circumstances which leave no doubt in his
mind of its being stolen. Mr -McQueen
baa owned a yoke of ozen for some years.
which are neither breecby nor in the habit
of straying Irom their owner, but on Satur-
day lnorning last they were missing, not-
withstanding that the gate of„ the field in
which they were left on the previous night
was closed and all the fences up. One ox
was seen outside the fence, the other was
trot to be found, and although diligent
search has been made mo clue to the miss-
ing animal has been discovered. From the
number of cattle missing it las been sug-
gested that there are probably organized
bands now co-operating to carry off cattle,
having their places of concealment during
(Ire day and driving during the sight. We
trust that no such systematic villasy is in
existence, but mention what we base heard
as an additional caution to' take care of cat-
tle. A lull description of Mr. Mct oven's
ex will be found in the advertisement --
Guelph Adrerleser.
down with you d-•Ilr r ! here is mine !" sold I SCALDS AND BcR sa.-Reefs'. liy[rlranl
the Yankee. The Wizard coiered his i Gazette gives a cure for scalds and burns,
dollar. "Now Mr, are you ready 1"red i the knowledge of which should be as wide -
the Wizard. "1 ain't nothing el*. !"said I ly a; -read among the people as it is among
the Dow* Baster.- "Change 1" said the the medical profession. it says:-•• In soy
Wizard. "Now, sir, epee your hand."- • ease of burn or scald, however extensive,
He did so, sod to his atter astonishment I all
the eas to sufferings
of It er steed, may
be held a boas 6Je 10. dollar gold piece that --`°. a moment ot time, by sprinkhug over
"Well, sir;' la+d the Wizard, "you see I the inured surface a thick layer of wheat
you have Ire' your dollar ..!" "1 gam 1 have, flour, by the band, or, ..bat is better, by a
he wit 1►e hest fellow In the world,' he ad • very difficult, but as I forgot boar, w ill
dad with emotion. - ' I'll bring the shovel. you show no. i" at the same time handing
....Or doe'', you think the oxen will pull the a cent' to the Wis*td•'
'lamp overt 111 bring 'em and try it. "Oh yes, sir, i1 tt will.oblige you, 1 will
Byrnes via of while Booker remained show you in a moment• Hold out your
leek''g complacently at the stump. hand,' said the Wtzsard. "This is your
' Tho c'ege', mattered Kepper,.giving way 'cent, is it sot r Yee sir." "Cluse
to the momsstar7 fancy that b• was in tar your hand .° The down Easters clued
had perdteament supposed -Of you stand his hand fast. elAre yea ewe yes have
there, you'll never gat me out! why dont it 1" said the Wizard 1 "1 gores 1 have,'
sae go to digging!' raid be, •'aid l'II bet a dollar yes can't
Braker walked around the stomp, endea• change it into a tee dollar gold piece.'
voorisg to look under it, where the ends of "Done," said 11e Witard. "N' -w hold
the roots protrudes', and finally exclaimed hast." "Yes eir ! 1 relieve ;1 will -bet .tap.
teed enough for his brother ',u bear-
' Boned, sure as guns.'
• An, IT muttered K.
• f to then comes Jane. 1 wander what
she'll say
MN Beaker came running to the spot is
a terrible a f excrement.
• Dear me; she gasped. 'Jo says Sam Is
seder the stomp.'
• Well, said Busker,' ' i i pose he is'
• 8'pose he t.1' groaue d Samson.
•Oh, what shall we do?' cried Jane. greal-
lyagiteteJ. 'Gracious, how horrid. Cas
he be got out? How long has he been
' heeg enough' whisperer' B iuker. •Tbe
Old meat be stone dead. 01C000oe
It's horrid, but then we ought to be theist -
lel that he has made his will.'
'Oh, yes, Samson tit a cautious mar • --
He wit prepared; sighed Jane. ' And if he
was snatched from et, we ought to be
thankful that ho did not marry first: Well
well, be was a good buy if- he did have his
' %Vasil' growled Samson io the bush-
• The widow Brooks may go to the deli'
now; said Bunker rt.tb a grim .mile and a
long breath.
Oh, she may,'eh" thought Samson.
' To 1.. sore, that odious match is off my
mind° sighed Jane. Well, it. probably all
for the beet. He could'ot have lived mane
years, you know.'
'Couldn't. We'll see; muttered Sam
e The the swivel Aero itde
light M this sobJect: the Cesaliee
w lag the soles( of shows, by
Ceeeatl this ether day, we were
Mr. Baehell, V% aide• of Grey, a speet-
Imre eg -, esedTh aerafcnosa rack from
]lffel'eslbae- Tk sample was eery heavy
and there wee evidently stearal natter of
some sort, sad to a very
.»oust ewbedded is the stole;
but it seem-
ed to look more like mica or lead this
gold. Mr. Beached had wt time or
opportunity to have the specimen sweat&"
cally tested. We fear, however, the "mi-
ters" is Owes Soend will fwd, to their cost,
that "11'. sot all gold that glitters."-
rm 1u preetol her returning to the
Thie.,ac,ted ber ee' ion, and
o ar the s
O Reich
traager one rh
Ng for spoons,
A eutPher
et pbrlor had
r ready for r
us had made
I bad not bee
sates to .11.
and rho girl, 1.
could not pure
captors. 1t
had welched tae la
ea the girl left to
'federate had slip
rattly and corn
Pao* Lecture Sca •-Galt cera
coo produce some manufactures of
arlty and merit, and which, however
notice their fabrication may attract
me, they obtain more justice and at-
m from good judges abroad. The
ing paragraph from the last Scien
merlons amply justifies our remarks:
have received another sample of
'fel drab colou•ed paper, made by R in
. Forbes, of Galt, C. W. from serape
!her, straw, end rage. It is sent to
Mr. D. Tolaod, of (het place, an old
usher to the Scientific American...-
merican.may be the kind of paper which the
• pantry
the upper
bl. article.
0a were on
proving that
braem( lots time, as
ore than
from the
•ng home
he to of -
the two
om home,
one of them,
the house
te.e, and isaccierg u lave it, to
sad we -
mesa Mat
testified ewwe esplicit wad »reset
T olper imports.
Not inane; myselfembed apes to treat
Des case asa cement or IspelsNr. 1 have
eadrasred amply to discharge my duty es
• Judge 1. interpreting t aspl' t%aw O
laws as 1 (rad them. Did trot
to use so dear, I might feel greater regret,
that I have been obliged to dispose w
hastily of • case iarolvmg sack ialportaat
COtmegirenc es.
My Judgment is that the eight colored
perwos ine•tiosed be discharged
The New York Herald bit received,
by way of the tetbnus, .deices from Syd-
ney to t►e 14th of August.
The yield of gold stilt coaliseed to he
5100010.1. is the week coding the six t t
August, upward' s( one hundred and
sir y
*1 d ounces passed through
theeery, 01 which about sae -third was the
produes of the .eek, and two thirds aecum-
ulatioea for weal of conveyance os former
oceasle 0.
The subject of leases to squatters w•e
attracting meth 'Denims, and wss likely
to be the source of mach trouble sod Idiuf-
tecttso. The governesses wit P P i
moue the lise*ees 1• accordance with the
Act of Parharetet and Order i. Conseil.
An siWrees to the Lifetimes' Governor
praying that the leases ought set be issued
was mood is the LemgIs'st I• Councilwend
n jetted, *ad preliminary
beteg held to decide upon what COOTS* to
Mr WesIgortb'1 bill to prevent 'mm1-
ratiuo from Van Dtemud's Laud, was
read a second time by • majnny of thanes'
to seeeo, and would most probable be pas-
sed. It was not .upposed that Lieutenant
Governor La Trube-although approving
of the principle -could give hi. asnc1000.
A railway from Sydoey GouIbre was
talked of -and there we,. a Dumber of advo-
cates for ,nakug the project far more ex-
teosie• a o o e ad y00seng Te road
from Sydoey
eo doubt of the feasibility of cons' me-
ting this road at a rapid rate -and the .d-
vanugel to be derived therefrom are very
UpMount Alezanards of de .y dfirst fortnighto
There teat present, says the Otago W it -
nee, a brit demand for cattle a ad shave
Is Otago ; a cow and a calf of good breed
said be • handing over the too dollars--- dredging box. Every vestige of pain pro-
theProfessor, "1'11 het you clued by sur; h injuries is instantly removed
•as• oro ,
s.otb.rdollat I'll change:lbe 112101:417.41."" and the sufferer not only escapes the shock
into your Beet .gun, and much quicker." to the, nervous system accompanying such
"No yer dost," east the gest from Maine, torture, but will generally fall into a quiet ic air seI practitioners in this country to trowel
g u ten dollars in much
porker, and exeslecs ded fp the oomwnshehwou ds tMultitudes, of the old beaten track, even though
Irultoning tsp light, ' I'm much obliged 10 are annually petisbiog by scalds in steam- modes of treatment and in re proved to be
you, Porfeswr, bull tekcoo 1'11 have it ee, boats, and from burns by camphene, efficacious,
en ser bora t u to be hoped ul dthatf t •
"IJ hs'"said he nearly all R•
^ once more dere
d u be teethed the door, he placed i simple practice were adopted immediately tar P P Alread the bot air
' And ie. some cnn.oletion: added Jane
more eelmty, 'to know that, although we
breve loot Samson, our children are provided
fur. Oh, here comes Joe with the Oxen 1
My poor dear bother. Oh, lave bi o, Jo Ile may still be .lire.'
' Possibly v wbirpersd Samson, hoarse-
'Qoiek, Bunker, help me With this log
chem eround the top of the stump; cried
Sy mea.
• Fudge, they can't mill it,' said Thinker.
' There Is no use if they can, growled
8smenn, stepping out from the bushes 1
dent di.1n easy •'
' Gond Lord! here he is; cried Byrnes,
thiamine 14e chMn.
• The deed" muttered Donkey, changing
Vpsau aT TOO bosom Islam»• -11 has
been stated oe the authority of a letter
from Lim•, that the Government .1 Peru
ea being Blade awsr* of the fact that the
ship Manlius, beluegbg to Meese. Mag•
..un lis Soo, of tate coy, hod boon ordered
off from the Lobo* island, and had left for
Callao, `sent orders to Callao to offer •
chlrter par'y to her on ber arrival, which
has been done sad accepted to load at
China." We are requested by M.esrs.
Magoon and Soo, to say that this
statsmeot a incorrect. They have o0
knowledge of any arraegemea or negotia-
tion with any one repreeentug the Peruvi-
an government.
t. Oe the Baler that he tadry, they
Isare fro.. Cap
deal • charter with Messrs. Wm. Gibb k
Co. of Lima, ter loading ate veeeel.1 Chum•
da with gime°, oe the same terms on which
be had contracted for the sense service a
y og•.-Boatira Daly Ad..
emu, eves bbl y al"
" diligent Orated " r wig es •' the.
mfurmalioa a their power;, sad as hs air
the property Rut seas sed pdee the
bid o[" sea-resld•wta" it weld have hem
equally absurd_ the rely remedy the emaa-
eon bad, was to report the parties who Med
acted w cootemptemisll to the Cc eased by
whom they were employod• Tbu it sp-
arsthe step actually adopted by
to some instances fetching £16. Dreaming
of the London Arli:ae mentions as ewes are not to be percbesed. A UtIO or
g been received by big,, wrapped two would laandsoealy remunerate a
ed some parcels from America, and speculator,
h be stales i* the strongest sample, pThe price paid by the English Compaby
'eneg Its thinness, be iter met with. for the purchase of the store and store*
a •
ceaesfllt Tuaregs? or CROL.RA IR et Monet Aleaaoder, of Thomson k Co.,
In Germany and Aust.& the of Geelong, amounted to £8,700; the
air bath has been called into requisition freight. or lather car,uge, from town was
wme eminent medical gentlemen where charged at £60 a ton.
•nits have become ton wok for tint ad- Upwards of £7OO have been raised in
i ion of medic's* iwtuoally, sed to Van Damas's Land towards the expeoce
majority of caws where this has been of one of the private expeditions to Search
e, It appears, according to the accouets of Sir England. Jolla Franklin, sow fitting mut to
tithed in the German news paper, t •
peedy recovery has followed, even ■ot-
standing symtohe of the worst chef- Jf' G:LIE\T IN THE ALLEDGED
r had al %inicd themselves, and threat.. CASE OF SLAVERY.
a taut tarmioatioe. Of a„ --arse the
is previously impregnated arta meal cal
peruse of euhuent strength to act (Continued from our last.)
erfulty on the system. There is, up-
uaately, a great dislike among medical The case was argued it great length, and
then, and if the Combed acted leniently, bud
remitted the punirbmeot it might justly
bare inflicted upon these refractory adi-
riJuafr-the a,.eswrs et least were steel-
pated frogs blame in the matter. The ressom
why the names of the parties who it ie stated
refused to be assessed, were afterwards
put upon the Roll u obvious; Mr. llatteu-
bury is here alluded to, and as the houses I e
occupied as a boarding house by his
Turge, and an adjacent buildingwere
property mad the tenants g
ave such, bis name was put se the Roll is cou-
after 1-
junction with those of the teaa°ts,
bad been applied to for his assessment on
other property; and apparently because Mr
Rattenb•ry's name was thus eutcred n J
others who were refectory were tot Insert-
ed •• the Committee could only understand
such inconsistency as the result of ad. -ter-
mination on the past of the asseteors to dis-
franchise at all all hazards teeter isdivid-
eels in regard to 'Town matters for the eii-
wiag year !” We think such languase'fo
be altogether inappropriate to adz i'-ei Orl'
and Cannot comprehend how any Cococil
could adopt such. without confronting it
with the accused, who certainly, for free
men were treated in co very coishtutireat
manner -being coodemned unheard.
l'be Assesses are nett accused a a-
comisteocy with regard to the aseessmeats
of air. Adam! sad Mr. Black. \. a are
informed that after at first hesitating, Mr.
Black authorized the Assessor to`enter his
property as in the previous .year, anti that
in accordance with this, the resit:cure of
Mr. Strachan was rated to Mr. Black,
Mr. Acland also, we believe refused to be
assessed for the hoose is which he resided
and was accordingly merely rated for bis
income, '11e Assessors could sot compet
Mr. Strachan to gives his property, bet
availed themselves of their remedy, and
THURSDAY, NOV. 25, 185`3•
We regret that we were not able last
week to publish in full the Report of the
Committee appointed by the Tows Coss-
et' to examine the asseasmest Roll for the
currant year, as we consider the document
to be just such as would be produced
men who had ender constderatioa lieu own
deltnqueocy, and who to improye their own
position were very glad to had the least
shadow of an elegise for throwing the pub-
lic odium resting upon tbemdclves, upon the
shoulders of other, perhaps innocent par-
ties. That :Messrs. SeegMdler, Moder-
well and McDonald are pre-eminently fitted
t fill the office of '%ssesaorsand creditably
it a Good morning, o hoes . spirit -gas, and otherwise,
be walking egged the office, and turning I might be saved from a fatal result, if this simple plan will not be Int eight of, i
Irigbtfut disease should
roue o ul&tion, res y
his digtuls is a pe0011•r position, *11h after such accidents. We 'tripe that every h.s been successfully brought roto req
the them in chose approximation to hte'i individual will remember this remedy, and ton by Dr. Green of London, but at pr
prubosci•, ray mg, 'if guess their aint any adopt it when occasion requires, with u profession to inthe l thmtividual metropo s
thing green about this child :and left the A BLIND Gna oa Gerrtto Steer. -A practically advocate. • the system.
Pr f •seer in utter amazement at his coot- London (C. W.) paper of a late date, SO Germans. perhaps, claim the merit 0
f this
f the
1 ate
n, but
e had
les des
o the
o not
e Ind
ng the
Niger Niger
b* e0•
no, so
have a
er are
o Come
e finds
in teats
ung on
10 B r-
e t oases
of the
noes-i '.ton Tintea• describing an operation recent!, performed discovery, but the young OSrgwo 0
girl oamd Sarah Hawley, of the township o. long ago res 1830, cured several pa
of Jialahide, was restored to sight, gives ger* and .alloy', se well e. the C
the following in'eresttog description of the himself, by. lint -bathe sed frictrn
scene when she first experienced the ;ne- he died a twelvemonth after, before h
timable bleseing of the sigh*. It seems an opportunity of making known the
ebe„was born perfectly blind, and is now easeful and potent effect of this va
twenty-one year* of age During this loop agency.
time, of course, she had set the *lightest Race or Rim Mao Rsn'atan is
comprehension of the appearance of tiny ASRN ArrnICA, RThe ao REPlro Anna
object more than she could irqu4e from faro es for lube contains • trait
the sense of touch, a is little wooded by Voyage.
Professor of Arab
*herefore that the feelings light
were excited Constantine, of the o,rne of a tr
when she first beheld the tight of the ren, named Tugger, via Timbuctoo, t
and the ■ppearaoce of all things •mood gg
her. Our contemporary says -"To des- A ouever,ntains ofthaccording Therm
e vibe the sensation of the young lady he e e Middle Eastern Accric., a
when the first welcome ray alight enter- dews in ourgeographies,t but ams
ed ber hitherto sightleas orb, would be Highlands which fiithe space be
the middle course of the Niger and
tic ecas0. The route taken was
Timbectoo to Duchenne, up the
and finally by land to Bambara,
Ma:ka ■nd S•ka/. Torn follow* t
wing paruge.
Beyond the circle of Sakat begi
to *pek, • new world : the people
red colour, of whom a part ate he
p ing innumerable herd* of
and d'eke of sheep, ib* remind
hosbandmen. 0.e 1rsvels some
months upon the territory, and thenc
to • great salt lake called Sebkat
skills. This lake loses melt' in the
of a boundless liege. t, in which on
no trace of vegetation. Across this
the passage of wh•ch occupies five
dwell "soon* of a red color,
made of Bud.lo *kine, •od *oboe
dales and camel's milk. Then c
wood waste, which ems be crossed
teen day* ; after which occur the fir
which belong to the moo Nuns
Moon sod ars inhabited by red
Patriot on/ Journal.
by D. Cadwell, of Torooto, whereby a blind English vessel soiling to Calcutta sod
Tho farmer of the Wheat rectos of ow
country, have always been regarded as
favored clava. The products of their forme
have found a ready market, and generally.
01 remunerating though at somewhat fide•
mating prices. But as wheat was the
groin, par excellence end ea wheat ge Der-
a!ly paid better than course grains, the
growing of wheat has been rometimee
pushed bey„nd its legitimate nod proper
bounds.-Becsuee new land• produced
Idrge crepe, they wero at once pronounced
the Judge delivered a judgment which oc-
cupies two and a half columns ot the Baf-
telo Erprru, in which all the points in law
are brought out and very sagely handled.
One clause in the constitution of the Uni-
ted States declares that, "The citizfas of
each State shall be entitled to all the privil-
eges and immunities of citizens to the seve-
ral States," and this was urged for the
plaintiff, but met by the Judge with the re-
ply, that if the respondeat while e0 the
State of New York is entitled to these
privileges only which the citizens of that
State posses, then he could not hold bis
slaves. The conclusioo of the Judgment
was as follows :- North American.
The revised Statutes (vol. 1, 652, 1st
too, is well known and admitted by every if other parties felt agrieved, they bad thet.,
consistent person, for independently of their I remedy also in the Court of Appeal.-
ezpertesce as such, and their geaeral cape- ( How " truthful" the Report may be we
city --it could not for one moment 0e sup- I leave to the consideration of tbe Town
posed that they would be guilty as they are electors who are pretty well acquainted
charged in the report, of seeking a " pre- with the merits of the case-remindlog
text that would in direct violation of the them that suppositions are not facts, and
law -serve some sinister purpose:' that partial representation however wpb..
Our contemporary in bis e:fru calls the trcally portrayed, will not pass tor truth.
Report " able and truthful" and asserts After the Report had keen adopted, a
that it shows the nefarious jobbing of the finance coTavernLicenses
..was app int ed, nd ex-
clusive creatures of the late illegal Town
Council. elusive of the imperial License. A mo-
tion ream also introduced to elect anew
We are of a yen different opinion, and Collector, but as one already existed, and
area our friend the Loyalist Wet be fully a plurality not required, and as most likely
aware that the facts of the case weal not a cogent reason for ibe dismissal of the int
warrant his deductions. We would enquire could not be produced -our friend Angus
where this boasted ability is dtsptayed is McKay stilfenjoys in prospective the emo-
the Report lumeots of this office. We subjoin the
la our opimoe the report of a Committee, report :-
appointed to eternise the Assessment Roll Rtport of the Committee appointed to
if ably executed, should show plainly with- examine the Assessment Roll for the
out any expression of party feel:og, all Town of Gcderida foe the year 1S32.
omissions or supposed omissions, together The Committee beg to report that hav-
ingwith all entries supposed to be fallacious carefully examined the Moll, they bare
been led to the conclusion that the asses -
that had been, discovered by such examine—cors have failed (whether wilfully or indi-
rectly, is a matter to be enquired into.) in
the performance of the duties undertaken
by them; and to support the opinion thus
formed, the Committee concur that it is
only necessary to make the following ,tate-
ment of facts: -
In the early part of the present year the
assessors went round for the purpose of as-
certaining the names of persons liable to
be taxed, and obtaining otter information
to order to fill up the assessment Roll ; and
amongst others, called upon certain of the
inhabitants who entettasned the opinion
that their (the assessor's appointment was
illegal.) Tbe assessor's were informed by
tbem,lbat their eppointmeot was looked
upon as illegal, and that therefore in the
meantime they would da, tine giving is
their assessment, until they wete satisfied
that those who acted in the capacity of as-
sessors had a right to do w. In decliniog
to furnish that information to the assessors.
which the latter, if legally appointed, had
a perfect right to demand of those wbo re-
fused, though they acted with consistency
and in accordance with the views that tbei
had hitherty expressed, as to tbe ippoiot.
ment of the assessors ; and it is to be pre
sensed tbet the assessors, on the ode:
hand, acted themselves under the impres-
sion that their appointment was legal
that they bad a right to ask fns t! a'o--
elation that they did ask for. But bathe.
ing that they bad been legally apo{ At. ,I,
and having undertaken the duties of ca►cei
to appointed, they had their remedy a,aie,t
those who declioed giving in tits', avers -
meat and were honed to apply the rs:,xdv.
It cannot be any justification, to, '0e as••
eon for leaving out of the itoll rove,- ;
a large amount, that tbe parties n.nic.
arch property bad declined to rrcogn,-
their appointment. as koal.
in the Aagemoe's Act, Section• 16 an
17, it is enacted
ed.,) re-ewetimg the law of 1847 provides tion• or if the Committee further coraem-
that "No person held as a slave shall be l mated an enquiry into the cause of any
imported, introduced or brought into this P
State, re soy pretence whatever, except such omission -then, the fullest evidence
in the eases hereinafter specified. Every pro and con should be taken carefully and
such person shall be free. Every person uoprejudicially into consideration, and
measures recommended accordingly. Io
the first part of the Report we are inform-
ed that the Assessors have " failed io tbe
performance of the duties undertaken by
them," and then instead of proving this by
relereoce to the Assessment Roll, they
give us a rambling history of tbe opinion,
of the Assessors. of the Assessed and of
those who would not be assessed -a vast
amount of which must necessarily have been
suppositious, as it does not appear that
either assessors or assessed were examined
by the Committee. But with reference
to the opinions of those wbo refused to be
assessed, they were, no doubt, well inform-
ed, ssJames Watson, Esq., who it will be
seen by the Report, was chairman of the
Committee, was one of those who had so
refused. And here we eaonot help re-
marking, whatever may be the opinions of
our contemporary and bis supporters about
wheat land*, and wheat most he the crop beyond our power. In as lestant-a
for ell future time, no:withstanding that • bynig glee bad e, the Mee*
ce• * of riml etas things
hearty d minuuom was going 00 is Ile wh
ich1 years. through the erose of feeling, were
average crop. l entombed in memory. A new and a bright
Other parte of the country are best stead
'r t 'In and admiration-
aA ighttioand terhe
adapted to grans, and since drying has be. wondcaws hitherto unknown to its realized
come generally •remunerating branch of beauty and grandeur ■rose bcfure her.
agrii•ult, re nearly all the "grass lands' have She looked and trembled ; she shook trout
ku an aspen tea ; and ono.
been devoted to dairying, to the atmos* head to ble 10 ,lIIerfootraiword, she gazed in wild as-
tonishment oo the seeps before her. -
Whin her emotion 10.d somewhat suttee -
died, Dr. Cadwell enquired if site saw him.
"Yes, • said she "1 see you• Oh ! how
white you look." Subsequently she nu-
tted • pair of braes candlesticks in the
room, sed enq'nred what they were. On
heist informed elle wit uered"lous. The
idea• which eh* had formed of • candle
stick were far di1east from theme which
her new bre eight conveyed. The can•
dlertick• were brought ,o ber-she haedld
them, and exclaimed, ' 0b yes 1 they are
candle.uehe, how bright they 10 " Dr.
Caldwell @hewed her his gold which, sod
.equird if rhe knew what it was. She
answered to tb• emptier, end oebeing in
formed. .hr said ''wart a queer thing it se;
both rides ere not alien." We may add
lbrt the young lady's aght is daily im
prating ,o virengi),, and that 1'. retureing
10 her Ioeae to IVslohrde, a few days Noce
rej•,atng in the light of ale.
Wras ler Pere Orrrcr•Te 1-I can sow
»ye the (ileke torr.sposilent state from
the `wet ao,huaty 1het thee• t. no troth in
the stntemast of the Pope hsswsg refused
t* rums 1•, Pane to Crown the ewer etnrer-
or. Ha answer *15 .'.arty 10 the tot
towing e6eet ;-''Tell the Pence them I
am .surely at Me iterate* : 1 eau never do
enough in acknowledge whet he sae done
for me, for rehgiu., led for society. I
would ,.b.erve, however, OM it woetd be
necessary for me to Irks" w,tb me a panne
of the sacred college, .N emote 0151 ears
dinars or old and infirm Bron, to *boon a
long j,rurney ,n the *later wnu'd be thee.
gieeehhe • id dangerous. 1 bey*, there
Sere 110.1 my (rewawee will net be res
sowd belore the *pang," Thu arse the
anuwer of the Popo ; I offer .o operas to
orae nseerlry• Home never Nye yea or ow
Thee* le dway..em0thulg *Yoe* may le
epee are ratlsdd argenefsnee 604 cheer- eeeelreed tete a most vetoes, ad it te pe
vetoes among beth these elitewa, ad epee Slee teat Pte. sad Meth may he deetreee
' t)1, -
dear Samsnn; h„ total exclusion of other crops.
oddeddd▪ er. renes. , recovering hu sett_;,^.sesame• ' you Without attempt ng l0 combat 110e doe -
“1"•• my he*rt. 1 nnrer thoaghl yon trine, .i ably and eloquently enforced by
were under that stump, but hill I -I felt the nreinr at our late Stale Fair, that the
anxious' farmer a fir aa possible'. should "do one
• jty dear, dear brother; exclaimed Jane i
mums to e,nhrace hon. • 1 aso:afraid you 1 thing, do it extensively and well,” we may
were amt—'be permitted to think that a mixture of
• And the, 1 wa,n'l married. hum !'-til!age sod and dairy husbandry, to a great.
m*rd Samson, pulling on his seat ver ter Went than is,naw practised, might he
' My dear hr .° er,' h„goo Bunker depres
e otisety. ' vn', love made
• My will, I know it,' walking off.
• But where are you gongr *dyed the
1101501e5 Rooter.
' To)n(„r'e Mrs. Bines that .be lar of the two el , the wheat growers or
permrrelOn to en In the des i1'- the dairyman. are, as a close, the most
' My brother -1 errant•- ptmperoos. (ler ettent'on has been cal.
' Yee mese to eineign her to me.' . Tel i Id to that ooh'!et by Ia'.n ng . rotors• re -
glad• y„,„ tilled ins en .1,1 devil, 1 a•'• ( c
glad my noble minded moiler, that the nd:nlie mark• from as extenetve and .uCCOSeltrl
yowl' is off yeor mind. But it 110(•110 to wheat grower in this Sate, en cecelleni
le nm 01e trued. se y0o supposed this creed farmer and foetid to agricultural improver
N eap ase o. my Moly.' mini, who (-.14 that 4 irywien, Si a cltee
)ems 'ribbed on ha matt bet B....s were met so prn•peroos end successful a.
peened her swat. those of %%'..form New Volk, engaged
' Yea toa•eled,nsra.lf with the ,..e.‘„
: Menthes et my .111, whew ye. uhowght 1 was more espec'ally in the'culimatice of wheal.
/lead; he =assisted, 'sad now list 1 110 With all regret', we feel homed to hold
*liver yes a.e iwennsnlable! Ile". JM that in the whole Union, 'here is not a
had 1 II nm.01tt.r ♦^" -
more profitable, and, especially on the grain
lands cootr'bute 51100(1117 to their f*r-
ult y.
%Vs have now, however, to co •der which
*grow' he send In the er
a ' .'ars of the Agrrrolturs more pro.peroea
m my a -
"'•!'brew prat (o* elms •,.rend flusher, s• it and more thruteg, or whose labor is bet
.eche oho isms, t►* middle of sett Jely, alma t.r rewarded, 116•11 ID' dairy IS% o(1%0 oe••
yee'N41e pee ..rvw•.' oral and eouunre coue'is,e e! New Vork.
- 1i he etrehe sway. leaving Jan. we.p• Tho saws rawsrk also spphas, we tank,
siasHeahy, Busker k th I
ng 'pp. with equal *smith, to 011^. Pennsylea*N,
4,41100.lawghieg » ghat he eeeN
stead, sett the New England Stiles.
MO Kepner never .cured bN nae We hate not the data at heed to show
11106_ 11""1 1611 BOebore had moved by Agave* end fete, the eorrectnese of
eis%.vowt woe et mart sipa.dy
her _red *Ye_ be Md take
et widow Mrs,
# the Sttie Ikeekese.
the penises, halt we base our opimoe
held as a slave who hath been introduced
or brought into this State contrary to the
laws in force at the time shall be free." -
[S. I.]
The cases excepted by this section are
provided for in the six succeeding actions.
The second action excepts fugitives under
the constitution of the 1'nited States: the
the third fourth and fifth actions except
certain slaves belonging to immigrants,
who may continue to be held as apprentices,
the 7th section provides that families coming
here to reside temporarily may bring with
them and take away their slaves; and the
6th action contains the following provision :
"Any person not being an inhabitant of
this State, wbo shall be travelling to or
from, or passing through this State, may
bring with him any person lawfully held by
bine is slavery and my take such person,
with him from this State ; but the person
so held m slarery shall not reside or con-
tinue in this State more tla..fine mouths;
and if such residence he continued beyond
that time, such person shall be free."
Such was awl had always been the law
of this State down to the year 1841. The fobbing -that the most decided fah that
Legislature of that year paaxd n set I ever came under our notice, was that ef-
RUMOURS OT I;OLD !!--'iia threw
Sound (onset of the 6th last., under the
bead of "ow own Biggins;' leas the follow-
ing paragraph. The copy of the paper
eootainjag the following intelligence, did
not reach Tornio till ten days after the,
date of its publication:
"Thea morning we were all taken by sur-
prise by 1 report just from the digging, that
150 awn are at work in the gold 'ernes of
Artemosia. about 3:) ,Hiles from ear good
town. The mesenger that brought •
specimen of the ore, says, that most of the
people nn the new low are haat/owing to the
scene of bellow. Report also says that
they bee. hada row there already, which
has resulted in a mu beteg killed o. *ear-
ly so. We Mar that massy from this tow'
are getting ready to seek their foetuses.”
it will be admitted that *tig acros.t s
seieieady vague ; bet its want of 'sect -
soils may lie easily accented for. The
WWI. of the ..w "duggias" did oat resell
Own Snead till the worse%g of the peNi-
eatenn of the (Newt, sad it .west hare bees
semethi.g of so Alert to get a mayf ieg
that day. We ssppeee *brave a slbhe.r
for it let either t. gra to the "toggle ee
amending the Revised Statutes m the fol-
lowing words, ria: "The 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th I Itched by a Cowell appointing members
and 7th sections of tick 7, chapter 20 of
the lit part of the Revised Statutes are
hereby repealed."
The lith seettee of the Revised Statutes,
end that Niue contained en exception
winch would have saved the slaves of the
respondeat from the operation of the 1st
section. The Legislature by repealing
that section earl leaning the 1st re fell
force. hove, as regards the rights of those
people and of flew master, made them ab-
solutely free; and that not merely by the
legal effect o(tle repealing statute, by the
clear and deliberate ustentem of the Legis-
lature. • 11 is Impossible to make this more
akar 'bee it is by the term language and
evident objects of the two arta.
it was, however, insisted oe the ergs -
meet that the weeds " imported, ietrodueed,
or brought tato this State,' in the la set-
tles of the Reveled Statues sweet only
o .trodeeed ,w bresskt " for the purpose
of rem•tng here. Selby did undoubtedly
whey the Revved Statues were pulsed,
fair ea express eseepunw followed in the
6th ...ties triviag flat me.stsig ta lie 1st-
A_d wen the Legislature afterward re-
pealed the 6th settee, they eetirsty re-
moved that tsewaisg, Loael•g dm 1st est -
of its body to sit is judgment os a subject
is whie10 they were persrmally, almost et -
elusively interested ; and bad sob Coaxed
been guided by an ordinary shark of pru-
dence, it might have easily divined, that
while its own friends would at least cte-
sider the s4ep as injudicious, its enemies
with much justice, woofd attribute it to
something far worse. And we trembly re-
eome ead our Tory freesds, if set (stare they
would gam the esteem aad coafecleste of
the eketon, at least to appear a little
more impartial and eossistest.
We are informed by the Report that
Mies certain parties deelaed giving ie
their auessineet, that the »emanon had
their remedy against them. Th. s.rsaors
were well aware that seek parties had pro -
petty to be unwed, knit how were they to
entertain ite soonest, w`cb was bows only
to the parties themselves, sad it ie sot of
all prnhahie that the aseeneries ee0 d geese
at whet was the vales of Mr. Web's'*
beau ad Mork no of Mr. Strstehas's is-
" That between the Ent day of Feb:u.
ry and the first day of April in each yea -
the »snsser or aaesaore for each Township.
Vilbage or Ward, shall proceed to aaertae
by dilr'gra, engmry, the names of ell the
taxable inhabitants and parties is their re-
npeetrre Towaslaps, Villages er Wards,
sad sten all 11.' tuubir nreperty within the
same, wed its cutest, amount and vales."
0 Tkt the &WNW or eseessras for t+eeh
Toweehip, Village and Ward al all repwn
an wmmssn pt Roll. in whah 46.111. lel
dogs is separate rnlemos wild serried -1g b
the heat information 's their pm.ev, the
ams* t triable parties is the Town-
ship, % or Ward, with the ettesl ex
am0e_t property aseeemhls stalest web,
sed restsising the p•rtieders !sentineled vii
OA sr ee& R, for seek .1 the ibis