Huron Signal, 1852-11-25, Page 1THE HURON SIGNAL h tr.d.+ 4' Ja.ad..hal every rheraday BY OISChA -/b1Hpt ccrx. • '' Opp, Markel SrOstire, Goderich. er Hook aid Job Printing execrated with seataeaa sod dispatch. trona of the Therms Signal.—TEN SHILLINGS per amps= if paid stria is eibrssea, w Twelve sod Sia Poses with the expiration of the year. No papa duco.Urndilip3'brr.irlt [[rant paid up, unless the publiiher( think it their tid►aatage to do so. ♦ay iaderidUal is the e•tstr7 heeosing ,eepessable for six ssbeeriber., Anil re - cars a wreath copy gratis. g all letters addressed to the Editor oast be post-paid, or they will not be taken eat of the poet olfiee. Taro raj Advertsaawd..-Eliz hon sad fader, first inacrtiuu, LO 2 6 Emir wbsequeut ivaertioa, 0 0 7; Tea lines and under, first iuser., 0 3 4 Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 10 ANY ten lines, first In. per line, 0 0 4 Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 1 A liberal discount made to those who advertise by the year. turbo. DR. P: A. MCDOUGALL, C A N w consulted at elf henry, at ,Nr. fITrrtres Boarding Norte, (propels As British Hotel.) Goderich, April 29th, 185.2. r5 IRA LEWIS. BARRIBTF:R' SOLICITOR, see. Weat- street, Goderich. Lae 1848. 2rn25 DANIEL GORDON. CABINETMAKER, Three doors Fast• the Canada Company's office, \Vest_ street, Goderich. Aaguat 27th, 1849. 2rnrt0 DANIEL 110ME L1ZAItS, ATTORNEYAT LAW, and Converse_ e.r, Solicitor in Chancery, ke. has bis office as formerly in Stratford. Stratford, 2nd Jan. 1850. 2vni9 J. DENISON, CIVIL. ENGi'NEER, &e. OODERICII, C. W. a Aag. 25th, 1862. v6.31 I t TiESHILLINGS/ --- ter altrAscai� S VOLUME V. MINUTES Of the Proceedings of the Municipal Council, of the Una - test Comities of Jhnwrs, Perth and Bruce, tat the Special anti Genrrol ,Sessions. Council. ROOM, GODERICH, The Municipal Couueil October for teLaited Counties, me t ptirse- aut to public autice, at the Huron Hotel, Goderich, for the special purpose of passing a 13y -Law to authorise the Wan den to issue Debentures to the amount of :C i25,000, for the pur- pose of taking Stock in the Buffalo and Brantford Railway. PRESENT. WILLIAM CHALK, (:squire, Warden in the Chair. Messrs. MITCTELL, l fsasrgs DA MILTON, WALLACE, DAVIDsON, LAMB, "'PENTI.AND, CORBETT, COLE, WALKER, RYAN, GIBBINGJ, McGOEY GOURLEY, (HAYS, MiLLEit, HOLM ES, 85111'11, (Downie. ) The following docnmeots were received and referred to a select Committee seven. 1 Letter from .1. W. (;wynee, Eaq., to the. Warden. 2 and 3 Letter from J. W. Gwynwe, Eaq., Solicitor of Toronto and Guelph Railroad, to the Warden and M iaiicipal Councillors of Iluron, Perth sad }truce. 4 Letter from Secretary of Toronto and Guelph Railroad to Warder. 5 11111 to authorize the Brantford and Buffalo Joint Stock Railroad Company, to coustruct a Railroad from Fort Erie to Goderich. 6 Bill to establish a consolidated tAiunicrpal Loan Fund for Upper Canada, 7 Mored by .lir. Smith, seconded by Mr. Ifamilton, That Committee of five be appointed to examine and report upon he documents submitted on the subject of the Railroad—car- ried. On a ballot being taken the committee was declared to ooaist of Messrs. Smith, Mitchell, Wallace, Lamb and lolmes. 8 Moved by Mr. Ilolmes, seconded by Mr. !lays, That r. Alexander Hamilton and Dr. Cote be added to the Rail- ed Committee --carried. The Council adjourned till eine e'elock to -morrow mornwg, allow the above f;ommittee time to rt. WILLIAM CHALK, Warder, • Huron, Perth and Brace. COt'NCIL ROOM, GoDERKtt, . October 19th, 1852. Tbe County Municipal Council met for general purposes rant to advertisement to that effect. PRESENT. WILLIAJI CHALK, Esq., Warden, in 4he Chair. Messrs. MITCHELL, M . HAMILTON WA LLACE, LAMB, COKBETT, WALKER, (,If)BINGB, GOURLEY, as T GODRiGQp, 00U Af ; ..1 JOHN J. E. LiNTON, 1 'VOTARY PUBLiC, Commissioner Q.B., 1 sad Conveyancer, Stratford. I M N 1LLIAM RECD, ro MOUSE AVD. SIGN PAiNTER, 4zc.' Lighthouse -street, (iodencf,, to October 25, 1849. avo38 • HURON HOTEL, BY JAMES GENTLES, Goderich.—. Attentive Host:ere always on band. t•odericb, Sept. 11, 1850. v3 -n30 STRACIIAN AND BROTHER. Barrister orad Aunties et Last, 4'c,. Goemeicu C. W. ' Pu JOHN STRACIIAN Barristeratsd Attor• - ' any at Law, Notary Politic a.d Convey- ancer. LEXANDER WOOD STRACIIAN, Attorney at Law, [Solicitor in Chao..1 Ory, yammer. Goderich, 171h November, 1851. WILLIAM HUDG1NS, ReffiTRICITiIVIL ENGINEER t 27, Ttarrtiaa Street, LONDON, C. W. Bla Aegost 16th, 1889. 'beat/I also --'To DAVI LE, DSO N, PENTLAN 1), RYAN, IMcGOEY, MILLER. IIAYB, 6MITII,IDowni HOLMES. e,) with G. ADAIR,Esq., Reeve for nshard, in the trace of J. ROBINSON, Esq., rest/mid;; , Wm. ROBINSON, Esq., Depaty Reeve for the same antilop. Certificate of Township Clerk, Blanchard, in favor of . Adair, as haviaQ been appointed Reeve, and of his having n tire oath of office. 0 Oath of office of Mr. William Robinson, and copy of sector's (Loll, for the Township of Blanchard. 1 Moved by Mr. Mitchell, seconded by Mr. Wallace, t a committee of fire be appointed to examine the certifi- s of tbe P.eere, and Deputy Reeve, from I3lanshard, and r papers connected therewith—carried. On a ballot being tarsen, the committee was declared to consist of Messrs. Hays, Miller, Ryan, Smith and Holmes. 12 .bored by Mr. Holmes, seconded by Mr. Ilays, That the Council do adjourn until eleven o'clock to -morrow. 11 Mored in amendment by Mr. Snaith, seconded by Mr. Hamilton, That the Reeves from the County of Perth, adjouni w the proposals t ibmitted by the Provisional Council of Cou.ty of Perth, to ho taken into, consideration by vel of Huron and Bruce. e amendment was lost by a majority of five, the motion consequently carried, and the Council adjourned in terms c name. HORACE MORTON, I Plarket-sgrare, Goderich,) 8 ,ENT, for the Provincial Mutual sad Mr G I Iesurseee Office, Toronto, — lase .1 ro Ageot for the 8t. Lawrence Calmly! 1 VrtaO, Ogdensburg, New York. heel,' Cel Arent for Samuel ouhsos'a Old R ct..ier 1 ,rwry. July 1850. 11 Tha nate A. NASMYTiI. FASHIONABLE TAILOR, or . Mar ollse west at W. E. Grace's Store, Weal Gade►wb. Pah. 19,1862. 6•N s THOMAS NICHOLLS, FJKER AND GENF.RALAGENT. to grnr for Ontario Marine 4, Fire jet.the to ca --arae Co, Ree TARY PUBLIC, ACCOUNTANT TM AND CONVEYANCER. was COMMISSIONER IN Q. B. kn. of th \9URANCE effected on Home, Rhi; • ring and Gods. All kinds of Deeds earreetly Oaten, and h. sed Maoists adjusted. Office owe, the Tritium!, Godesicb. illy R3, 1852. v5o:6 HOTEL, E8T BT e H RF. ET, GODS (Near the Alsrka, kICH, 51E9/11111.JOHN & B7'. D ROBT. DOer. and D Aceammodanoos for Travellers, and ss attentive hostler at ell times, to take d Teams. 1, Dee. 6, 1850. 43—if WASHINGTON " l4' Mutual Insuranec Co., CAPITAL, $1000000. A HOPKIN8, Hamilton, Agent for he Counties of Waterloo and Huron. •at 17, 1850. Job MR. JOHN MACARA. RRIBTER, Solicitor i■ Chancery, Attorney♦[_Law, Conveyances, Inc. ite :: °starlit Buildings, king -St. Northsk. sad the k of m,,Gore j.. 11•rtLroo �a4 10 Ma 1'. N. MOLESWORTH, Ii. ENGINEER ted Provincial Land '•eyor, Goderich. to, Mal. r4a11 DR. HVNDMAN. ?AYE The Council met. WILLIAM CHIA LK, Warden, I iuron, Perth and Bruce. COUNCIL ROOM, Gotst:ntctt, 20th October, 1852. rerstvr. \V1l.Li.\M CHALK, Esq., Warden, in the Chair. M . MiTCiIEi.L, WALLACE, RASTA 1.1., CORBET•r. SMITH, (Downie) GOURLEY, GIBBINGS, MILLER, RYAN, DO10, Messrs.. WALKER, 1111.1„ HAMILTON, PENTLAND, DAVIDSON, COLE, LAMB. McGOEY, HAYS. HOLMES, The mr.ales of yesterday were read earl armored of. 14 Report of the Committee appointed to report on the election of the Peeve and Deputy Reeve for Blaoshard, was received read and adopted. Mr. Adair Reeve for Blansbard took bin mat at the Conn- ed Board. The Council adjourned till four o'clock, P. M. WILLIAM CHALK, Warden, II., P. In B. COUNCIL Rrtnw, 20th ()Heber, 1852. Tbe Council met parnmast to aJlouroment from yesterday to take Holo consideration the special bustles, upon which yester- day's meeting was called relative to the pnc.ings of the By - RN, tondos Road. PRaaewT. Meq 184), v4e11 \ViLLiAAt CliAJ K JAM --- ' �•• WKS, s the Chair. IO DAME ii Wo p1 , Messrs. MITCHELL, Meters. WALKI , BalesNag is N pared to @[hood WA I.I.ACE. HILL, pert of the D.ited RASTA LI, . N sederatte taxis. fora, mar 1460. Law for raising t 125(10() v4 -u14 IM%CHANAN, TAILOR. est • 4 if it. O'C•taor'e Mar% "54, O•dwieh. Clothes mob aid entree doss as the *se., old meet biases ars.. fed, 1431. 14.41 %IN7'i}t0of. midver;ilmaroiseeloa. ram* W__.�_�...r�. CORBDTT, 8MIT11, (Mosta.) OMR LEY, GIBBINOS, M11.I.ER, RYAN, ADAIR, D01(1. HAMILTCN, PENTLAND, DA •11JeoN, CuLP; LAMS, IIeOOMY, HAYS, HOLMES, 15 Report ow Railroad matters was received read end referred to a romm,Ur. of the whole. Tia Warden mom, sued Mf. ltastall to the Char 16 Report of the Cno,sittee was read, wiles it wee moored by Mr. Mitchell, seeosded by Mr. 14'aiace. Thee the R• - £igiia1. E87' PoimilLi GOOD TO TNM ORSATEBT POSSIBLE NUMBER.' OF HURON, (C. W.) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1852. port ie adopted, on the yeas and ways being taken, there toted for the adoption of the Report Memos. Alitebell, Wal- lace, Chalk, Smith (Downie) Gourley, (;ibbit. s, Miller, H111, Hamilton, Pentland, I)avidsos, Cole, Me(oey, hays, Holmes, 15. Agana( the Report, A1issrs. Corbett, Larrb, Doig, Walker, Adair, Ryan, 6. The adoption of the Report was carried by a majority of nine. The committee ruse and the Warden resumed the chair.— By -Lem No. 5 entitled, ••Bs -Law to authorize the Warden o the totted Counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce, to issue Debentures in payment of twenty-five thousand shares of the Liss -eased Capital Stork of the Brantford and hufalo Joint Stock Railroad Compaty;' and which had irteu advertised in the Local newspapers for upwards of three months, containing tbe necessary notice in terms of the Statute. was read, and the report of tbe Committee on Railroad matters again read, when it was 17 Moved by 31r, Mitchell, seconded by Mr.. Wallace,, That the By-law now tead do pass, and that the Report of the committee be,confir•ned. On the yeas and nays being taken, there voted, yeas \lessrs. Mitchell, Wallace. Rastell, Lamb, Smith (Downie), Gourley, Gibbiogs, Miller, Doing Hill, Ifamilton, Pentland, Davidson, Cole, McGney, flays, llolmes, 17. Nays, Messrs. Corbett, Walker, Adair, Ryan, 4. The motion was consequently carried by a majority of 13. WILLIAM CHALK, Warden, II., P. & B. Cot -,Coit. *Room., 20th October, 1852.. The Council met pursuant to adjourowent, the Warden in the Chair, and the same parties present as is the forenoon. 13 Petition of Leonard Peck and others, was referred to Finance Committee.. 19 Four documents from the Provisional emitted of the County of Perth, were received, read, and referred to a com- mittee to be appointed. 20 Moved by Mr. Wallace, seconded by Mr. Rastall, That a Commitee of five be appointed of the Reeves of Ifu- ron and Bruce, to take into consideration the proposals of the Provisional Council of Perth, and report thereon --carried.-- On a ballot being taken the Committee was declared to consist of Mews: hays, Wallace, Holmes, Lamb and Cole. m 21 Three documents timbered 1, 2 and 3, were referred to Road and Bridge Committee. 22 Surveyor's Report referred to Road and Bridge Com- mittee. 23 Specifications and plans of Maitland Bridge, were re- ferred to Road and Bridge Committee. 24 Moved by Mr. Ryan, seconded by Mr. Pentland, That a Committee of five be appointed or. Roads and Bridges --car- ried. On a Ballot being taken, the Committee was declared to consist of Messrs. Ryan, Wallace, Mitchell, Miller and Hill. The following documents were referred to tbe Finance Com- mittee. 25 Account of Messrs. Moleswodh and Perceval, for Plans and sections of Wire Suspension Bridge. 26 Account of Hugh Scobie, Esq., Stationery for Trea- surer's Office.. 27 Account of Ifugh Scobie, Esq., for priatiag, &c.v 28 do Ilu,n Lryalrst for advertising. nq do Huron.Huron.Signal for advertising and printing. 30 Letter and account from John Galt, Esq. . 31 Account (sudden breach) certified by Mr. Holmes.. 32 do do do Mr. Ale(;oey. 33 do Thomas Mowbray for building Bridge over Warrens Creek. • 34 Account of Thomas Rawlann, printing. 35 do William Mc Donald, assisting County Sur- veyor. -36 do Joshua Calloway, repairing Bayfield Bridge. Hull3e and Gntkriedo Heavy Benm eo, repairing Bridg.• between 36 Account of %Valiant Phillips, making crossway between Ashfield and \lawanosb. 39 . Accotr.t of J. M. Graham, Stationery. 40 rho Widlia,n McDonald, (sudden breach) certi- fied (is part) b COy JIr. Ali j 4L Account of CharlesMcNicboll, (sudden breach) certi- fied by Mr. Mitchell. 4.2 Account of James Blake, (sudden bre acb) certified by Mr. Ryan. 43 Memorandum relative to building Bridge over the Mait- land. 44 Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Miller, That a Committee of Five on Finance be appointed —carried. On a ballot, being taken, the Committee was declared to consist of Mew,."Hill, Smith, Ilolmes, Corbett and Cole. Tbe Council adjourned till nine o'clock to -morrow morning. , WILLIAM CHALK, Warden, Huroo, Perth and Bruce. The Council met.. PRESZNT: WILLIAM CHALK, Esq.; Wardell, is the Chair. COUNCIL ROOM, GODERICH, 21st October, 1852 7j Messrs. MiT(IIE;.L, RASTA 1.1., 01881 G8, GOIIRI.AY, MiLLER, DOIt, WALiiER, ADAIR, PENTLANi). WALLA CE, Messrs. DAVIDSON, RYAN, McGOEY, COLE, HOLMES, LAUHAYS, (D ,waled HAMILTON, HILL. The minutes of yesterday were read over sad approved of. 43 1'ctition of Isaac Adamson and others, referred to 1:uaJ and Bridge Committee. 46 Letter sad other documents from Gommismioner of Canada Company, referred to Finance Committee. 47 'T'reasurer's Repot, Abstractor aceoetuts to 1,4 Oc_ tober, ane correspondence with Catrada Company—referred to Fioance Committee. 44 .(loved by Mr. (;oerlay, seconded by Mr. Doig, That whereas the late George Brown, Scoior, Esq., was one of the Sureties of George Brown, .tumor, Esq., 'Treasurer of the trailed Counties of Hero., Perth and (truce, this Council therefore require that George Brown, Jruior, Esq., furnish a Bond with Safeties to the satisfaction of the Ward,. and Council for bis office as Treasurer of these Counties—carried. 49 Aloved by Mr. (lays, seconded by Mr. Va'allace,'fhat whereas the %Verde° of these Counties was instructed bJ this Council to sign certain Debentures to the amount of E3O,0(►0 for the purpose of (;ravelling the leadiog roads in these Coun- ties, and whereas the \Tarden did sign such Debentures, and whereas the Hr.Law anthorizing such, has been repealed, this Conned, therefore, request that the said Debentures be brought before this Council and destroyed --carred. 50 Moved by Mr. Walker, emended by Mr. Corbett, That the Surveyor be instructed to let the contract of hJd- isg the Bridge on the Big Sauble betwee. the 'fawmhrp. of Stephen and McGillivray immediately ---referred to Road sad Bridge Committee. 51 Mored by Mr. Pentland, serended by Mr. Davidson, That the 8ne nl Road betwixt the Toward -gips of Ashfl.Id and Wawamoat, and betwixt the Towsship. of \1'awaeesh and Colborne be 'Deluded .n the line of Road to which the fly -Law for sot. heeacbss- wet apply referred to Read sad Bridge osv 52 Mowed by Mr. Ilial, .provided by Mr. Gourley, That the Comedy joreeyar he ,msrrret.d en put tem Bridge (neer the Lour Thmrw.s at Machell m such a state of repair asr.iR rata_ Literature. UNDER 'fill) STUMP. OR aAHP.U:e REPPCR'e COURTSHIP. Any shrewd observer of men and man- ners would have immortalized Lis nine Anis (;rasaboruugh, bytexplaining clearly and sa- tisfactorily why \Ir. Sampson l:epi.. r re- mained a bachelor at the age of two cure. The facts of the rase are as fellows we (bink; -- Samson Kepper, Esq., at fire and sweo- ty, was looked upon rs a prize by ail the marriageable young ladies of Grassborough --possessed of good looks, an excellent farm, agreeab'e manners, auk a large com- fortable house, a pair of whiskers, and two yoke of oxen, S;tmson could have taken his pick among the maideus of Cras.,boro' any one of whom would have been delight- ed with Lis preference. Ile was a Lind hearted moo, was Sampson; and•1 bare of- ten heard him described as Laving distin- guished fondness for gooseberry pies, nice children, fiue hor.es ,and ladies in gene- ral. At that very delightful ape—five and 20 —he actually betrayed an inclination fur conjugal happiness. Ile commenced paying his distresses to tbe amiable Miss Lucretia Lane; a worthy 1 and pretty lady; who it was said by body—except a multitude ofrival bea would make him a most excellent and able wife. Now Sampson waited on Lucretia courted her, as tiro C;rassborough go termed it for live years; and it was known to Samson's friends that more fifty times be was on the point of off her bis band. But Samsoo did notmake such an for reasons which hrasaboro would been glad to know. The Lanes lost patience with the heir of tbe house of Kepper. Lucretia, they said was at bis disposal; but they could see no sense in requiem; years to make up Lis mind to marry. They threw out certain hints, which fended Samson and distressed his fait mistress; hints desigued to Basten 'lite preach of lazy -paced hymen, but spiel, the effect of a chilling shower bath on ardour of Alr. Kepper. Ile avoided sight for a month. At the end of 1.I 604 ."1411l'ir A ort 141H t TWELVE AND ISIX PENCE aT Tna ane a, Ira rasa. NUMBER XL,IV. Nice young man,— Mr. pepper; ob- orned the widower, glancing at Lucretia, and laying his arra upon the back of her seat. ' Nay,' said she placing a stick ou the fire. !Or. Brooks then happened to perceive that the glow of the fire made her elieeks red. I"se.1 to be pretty acislbou:ly, !under stand 1' Yes. Lucretia was crimson. ' Only a„f, hoot 1 suppose.' • OL, no.' cls`' Item! and if I should—that is, if any one else should wish to marry--- [' \That.' . Bail one else ahoull wish to merry you why, 1 suppose that be would be in the way ' I d )o't kuow why he should,' faltered Lucretia. The widower, ann slipped from the top of the -chair, and fell, somehow, around her waist; and the widower being an absent mindt:d man, neglected to put it back agat.l. %Yould anything else be in the way, my dear 'That's according' --- 'Oh how the fire did glow iuto Lucretia's face. every I—Arcnrdine to who the person is, and tows. ----and-- arai- The asap of the arm around bier tighten- ed; —and 'Ahhem.' ssips well than ering offer have of- hful ap- lad the her that time convinced of the impossibility of lir without her, he called upou her ouc Sun night, as w former days. To his a,tou merit be found her occur yin; Ibe little lour to company with Mr. Itrooksa weal widower of thirty live. Mr. Brooks and Lucretia sat loge) in the chimney corner, and :7:amsou in a a opposite. Fine evening, said Samsun in an aw voice. "Nay; said I.ueretia cban„i.g color r piJly and then casting a glaucc at the L. log. It was snowing and blowing at a 'PC rate.. The widower settled (Iowa his chin in h neck cloth; with a pompous air, auJ tri to look unconcerned. •I,ucret,a changed rolo,r, roughed an mored about in her chair, as if she ha eaten something which had distressed he while 31r. Ii.cppt r glare -ed uneasily fro his hat to the door, and hack; twirled L thumbs, picked his teeth, pulled up his shin collar, wriggled around on his choir a though lie had sat duwn on a kettle of Lo soap, and dare not rise,--a,J art• J hkc an timid young man, who intended to go to a oyster supper, should Lind himself snugly en seoneed 1. the centre of a at ' ,rel ma. 1 you pause, turning in his chair and crossing his legs. ' Thank you—hope you will --corer often said Lucretia. Not soother word was spoken fir bit -an hour. I At length Samson, after n %•ries of Pre- liminary ' hrmd,' and anvrmts glanres at Ins hat, managed to summon courage to ray— ' G.>ra I'll love gotngV Nd a move for the door. • What is the hurry?' asked Lucretia in a feeble voice. to nothing particular --guess that i hail ---had much bolter he agoing. Good err ninx. (lend eight. Stumbling river a chair in Iii. endearon to appear eseomcerned, sed buttoning on the right hand lappet of les sturtmit in Ihn lo!) land ta,•el of his dress roar; so error be dive ant diseevrr 611 -he reached his own doer —tie took his depart.-.. Ieav rang Leeresis with the widower is a regu!.•e courting alla- tede. No sooner WA. Terme. whir bops (vedsally from the ire, meanelAP A poke at the fire. 'grit was roe: ' Yqur 1'ou,' ha, there is no danger of that, • 1 guess; said Lucretia, trying to laugh it ut1. Another movement of the arm, and Lo- eretia's head lay upon the widowers shout= Lo- iter. 1 stn in earnest,' exclamed the widow. i er. 1 ' Oh! 1 didn't auppose--if that's the case stammered Lucretia, pretending Iia stiuogle a little. This afforded the widower an excuse to clasp her waist tighter. Ile laid hu whislers against her wet cheek, to the imminent peril o1• Samson's future happincs., and the smoothness of his . int;' own Sunday Dickey, and then you range Jay hive heard a kis,. Anglo- ' You say yen will have me, csclailne_ ill ' If you want me too--- e. She thought of Saruson and hesitated; • her alae hada hugcring-r.'-ard for [hot geode- s eat man, hut them Ire bad really estauate•a: her t patience. • ful Samson was eertaialy a desirable iia., tin but she was twenty three. It would be Ann- a_ deed sweet to become Mrs pepper, but ck to think of becoming an old maid aa, aw- ful. - . • , an at' 'lite widowers aflteetiona at that mo- t meat struck Lucretia as.a happy medium, a L comfortable certainty, althoii h they pro- p cd &Stasrb the peace of W Oaten k'nils had bads liras( erasable .ady t+r Besides, hos, his it f, and Mo. W brother -a -law, who bad grim isims as hu isresolite laud, discssrtlsrj� fr. ead..ssig sack a reopoos.bilty, cath. mete sootal station would of ultras be. • 1 should be so glad to se yon marrisc asd Lapps, dear; Mfrs. Baker would'a!i 'for netwittstand,,g all our a8'cctioe for you, 1 am afraid you ars oftea times dis- satisfied with our present mode of Halog.' ' OIt I can assure, yon, again, sister, i aa.• - ticipate your attentions,' Sasso• would say. ' And I am ante we delight. Still dyee desire to marry, take sornebudy worthy of you and there is nothing would suit me better. ' But Mrs Brooks.' ' A widow of sit chili/ren! 1 beg of you if yoa value your pears of mind, don't marry another ttran'a family. Look for somebody else.' Jane cou Id safely give ler brother this advice, for she well kuew be would never marry any one but Lucretia. ' So Samson hesitated. Although ha sighed for the widow, he telt that it would be ungrateful of hits I o marry against the wishes of those who did ererything to make/ biro happy; who were so kind and disinter= sated in furuishing Ins comfort; and who thought so little of the property which would f?II to them, provided that be died a bachelor, and they were perfectly pilling —almost anxious—that he should marry— anybody except a widow w,tb six children. Such was the state of affairs, gben Sam- son went one day to cut a saw -log out of the truck of a large maple, which the wind had torn up by the roots, not far from the (louse. Haring thrown his vest on the ground, and rolled up bis sleeves, Mr. Kepper commenced chopping ofTtbe log, about eight feet from the butt. It was a 'bard job,' Samsun afterwards said—and as the sun came pouring dowu upon him, he was quite exhausted, and heated. Leaving tbe main portion of the tr onk hanging by a 'chip' to tbe stem, in order that bloels might be placed under it to keep it Irom falling quite to the groom!. Samson struck his ase iu:o the log, and be- gan to look for a shady place to sit down. Near by grew a stately basawood, from the roots of which sprung up a luxuriant growth of shoots, surrounding the parent tree. 1iuIl-cling that these would not only shade him from the sun, but also serve as a protection against the swarm of Ries, he determined to find a resting -place amos; them, and began accordingly to push there aside,in search of the most comfortable spot. At that moment a ehirpmg of a squu•rcl attracted Ms attention to the vast max, of of earth, which adhered to the upturned roots of a fallen tree. 'T11e little animal was sitting on the sr.in,nit of tins mass, talk- ing saucily to Mr. Kepper, who thinking of the corioit would eomrme the coming au- tumn, pit Led up a club, and with a well aim- ed blues, knocked it lulu the deep cavity left by the esiiumed roots of this tree. Alr. Kepper, n,lL an eye to pleaaitig' his little aaphewr, jumped into the hollow picked the in^ .rl.uriel sit of the loud, and having brawn it down by his vest, proceeded tie • sseonce himself in lin. bushes. Mr. Keeper found a most comfortable pot wlwre he was quite concealed from he sou and flies; sot there leaning himself • a ;stoat the oilfield ba'.aood, be iudalgect a reverie, in which a .ice widow, a de- lightful family of children, were charmingly wised up tog -ether. Mr. Kopper was started from his pleats - I r.•flecttuns by a dell cricking attend, ire be direction of the tree on vehicle he had be chopping; and pushing aside Cie bush- , he saw the 'oleo' breaking. by which he left the hg hanging to the slump. ''there o,ws lb. In to the ground; (se uttered -with carne impsleneb. No sooner 8.d be spoken than the trunk opped otf, an.' iu'taatanroualr the huge of root, and earth o.erbalancing the uwp,wbicb e., no Ionia attached to the , tamed slowly La..k and with a heavy ►enM, lulls (Ia ervgroat h. b. ''1'Irr dog.!' antlered ;.emus, . it is ky I didn't happen to be piekiag that feel out of We leollow jest at that rad be ►hudttered to thiak What ■ horrid 10 be eran,.iJ rajar an a-alseelve of roots mad slay. r. Kelvpe -however,sat .lilt. moil was Inst ra eaddhe'Reedit, from winch be •(,. e4V1 "sootaatraorJ.mery occur- ,after•Aar•ak appeared that Joe Sy saes, hired man; who was at work retiair- f.•nre *.r by, bad twice ter thrice Lis ryes n the drrecliue of the fa ll n 1;eerie( the wand r4 Mr. Kepi:re, o 1 tiler, Mr. Spites looked sharply and saw %bet worthy man is the , under lha roob4,ef the tree; •mel a while tdaPAed by • soothe -ed resew - he� inwigR.�.i�ete, sod belied the damp d batE.. that gooiest Mr. $ms- pearedlat fasquired for bis brother- . Ned fooksd is the dieeetiss oft heck ss Md 'Paring nobody. Mr. 'd bebt et! tllnei.- Oy6j c - .. , ._ - *', .... iia. 1,e w . I r, r < ,- es mused no uncommon happiness; a,.J she !bad murmured— it I d . I will, m J And this is the manner in n b,c li Samson ' through a habit of Ino much caution and m- ; dr r decision lost the fairest nlaithe in G,assho- 1 meas m is ro' after rote hug Ler fora prndd of fire et Iycara'tree Mr. Breaks took his young bride love, t it,. til the place of a mother to Three ebil- ' dren: and Samson, who had a marl ied ids- lee I ler, with a family, in straiteued circum- sgoi n staures,,rsntved togiiP hie .poor eclat iou, a time home in los h ,u.e and lite with thew au old A bachelor to lire end e: Lis days. Idt1 er l )u loosing Lucretia, Samson in despair, , r bad mode a tu:v lis lterer sant or attempt 1 M it tem; thought Fd can in, and see how were, observed Samson, after a Ion± .s4 sone • • s was Time rolled on. IarI.t peal, afterwards rear however, Alr. hipper bad ucta,ioo 10 re- 1t consider his rows. the Alr. itrouks was taken sick and died l'ax s su-!dealy, Marvel Lucretia the uenllu r of I east three obligees sod the step mother of as ! tree. man�mierei SaMeenc pea very food of i axe n chul'Irse, and Lucretia was sere of AR angel i fatter, in big tyro than ever. whale He rioted her, carried presanta to her �I tie children, and did alt ia his power to console 'W'n• her in her affliction: and the young widow farce dried her Iran, piastre l some (Inners no the ker a crave of her Iarw.tsd Brooks, and swilled '�`Mw enrooriiaely upon her (matter Iver. stamp l'enple began to talk a,�in. Sarseon 1 and Lorrel.a were goiter to he married, 'i v now, at all evewts, rant 11e. goy ' ifs, 4111 • , s '1 . d Two yarn premed, erne, 1. r woe pax Wed, sad the f:.rt (lot ; era w ,'P a$ herpeter of forty• was a Samoa had not he.eo cured el ha rra.t.a *tir.w. 'lo orale.' K Mr and them of ,+spa. s►ensdd Aili� . ZyFltljlfrn that the fact