The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-07-20, Page 5. . ..
irdrof pge: 3, July P.), I 901
e sail
and district news
Mrs, Maude Iledden. Phone 5
Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
Top fiddler
nearing 97
William 'Hyde, .grand old
time fiddling champion wbo
has won close to 100 cups med-
els, prizes and cash in veri-
ties Old Role fiddling contests
oyer a period Of years will
celebrate his 97th birthday
SundaY, :July e3.
.He thinks he will Attend the
Oici Time Fiddlers' Conteet at
Sheiberne but does not 'think
he will "participate.
Pete newlyweds
A reception and dance, large-
ly attended, was held for 11lr.
and Mrs. Douglas Eyre, the
former Fallible Adams, a re-
cent bridal couple, in Seaforth
Legion Hall Friday evening,
July 14. They were made the
presentation of a well-filled
purse of money. The address
was read by John Jacobi and
Alvin Taylor presented the
puree, ,
Norris orchestra provided
music :for the :dance.
,517.A.....44.....,jpoT...",,TZ,C17.44P 4,4 jr4i44,Wor „47
Play camp
attracts 100
Nioety-four ehildreirhave en-
ro.11gd at the 11 DayCamp
which is held each morning
from 9.00 e.m. to 11.45 A.M.
on Mendel te ThursdaY-
On Fridays the morning ss -
on starts at 10 a,m. and .a
special aetivitY is held and
then in the afternoons at 2
P.M. the children are taken
for a swim to the Sealer.%
ewiroming pool.
The day camp is under the
supervision of Robert Rea-
hurn, who has Iat Rowe, Shar-
ron Skidmore, Robert Me -
N ht n and David. Taylor es
Children present' Storm floods
television show
The Kiddies Studio Party on cellars/fields
CKNX Winghani on Saturday,
July 15 was presented by boys A severe electrical storm.
and girls from Hensall and passed over Remelt Sunday
district, pupils of Miss Orta afternoon :last flooding streets
Laramie, and cellars. Hydro was off for
The program included piano 1 one hour.
solos by Deanna Forrest, web., Lightning hit Lloyd McDon-
ael Davis, Cheryl Little, Marion! aid's barn on highway 4 a mile
P'orter, Ruth Cudmore, Lynn and a half south of the village
Faber, Donna Whitehouse and damaging ills milking machine.
.11m Traquair; piano trio, Linda Some of the cellars had five
Jane, Dorothy and Danny Kip -I feet of water and crops were
for; piano duet, Janice Wright. under water.
and Ruthanne Coleman; violin Smillie clan reunion
solos by Bob McNatighton, The annual Smillie clan re-
Rrian Smillie; sole, Brian union was held at Seaforth
Smillie and vocal duet, Nancy Lions Park on Saturday, July
Forrest and Mary Mock. 8 with a good attendance, A
Transportation to Wingham turkey dinner and picnic sup -
was kindly provided by Mrs. per were served, Swimming
Cornelius Faber, Mrs, Ross was enjoyed by many and a
Forrest, Mrs. Cecil Kipfer and ball game.
Mr. Elgin Porter. Winners in games and con -
Saturday, July 20 Another testsprePared by Ken. Elder of
group of boys and girls from Hamilton and Miss Norma
Studio Party from cfzx wing. Eatwell, Ruth Smillie, Donna
Geiger of Zurich were: Donna
Hensall will present a Kiddies
Hensall personals
Mr, and Mrs, Bill.Demo and
daughter Christeria, of St.
Thomas, spent last weekend
with atr, and Mrs. Ross Jinks
and family.
Mr, and Mrs. A. R.. Orr at-
tended the Falconer - McInnes
reunion in Whitechurch last
Al Corbett returned home
after spending a week with
his sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chaffe,
at Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLar-
en, of Cooksville, were week-
end visitors with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Mrs. Edna Corbett spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Parker and Katharine
at Kippen.
Miss Irma :Kipfer, of Toron-
to, is holidaying with. Mr. and
Mrs. Ezra Kipfer and. Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Kipfer and. family.
l'tMr. Bill Fisher returned to
Itis home at Collingwood taller
'sliending e week with 'Mr; and
Mrs. Rennie La Porte.
Mr. Gerry Chapman is holi-
daying with his sister and
brother-in-law, 'Mr. and Mrs,
Don, IMacLaren in Cooksville.
Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Munn
were recent visitors with their
daughter end son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Don Gooding and
family in Parkhill.
Dr. Alex.and Mrs. Smillie,
Niagara Falls, accompanied
by three granddaughters at-
tended the Smillie picnic at
Seaforth Lions Park last Sat-
urday .spencLing •the weekend
with Mr. aid lfes. Clarence
Smillie andiefamily. Dr. Jennie
Smillie Robertson, Toronto, and
Rev. Dan and tMrs. Smillie
and family of Saskatoon also
attended the reunion and visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Funeral services for the late
Ivan Webster Turner, 41, of
Clinton, Who died of a heart
attack, were held Thursday,
July 13 from the Beattie Fu-
neral Home, Clinton, with bur-
ial in Bayfield cemetery. The
deceased. was a nephew of T.
J. Sherrill and is survived by
Sugar and spice
- Continued from page' 4
Then, I take History and
Geography. The first day I had
to write my Column is History
period. The 'second day, I had
to go to the veterans' hospital
for any annual check-up, and
missed it.
The next time, I got a little
'nixed in the time -table and
arrived at 2 p.m., to find the
lecture just ending. But I made
one this week, and it's all
about Greeks and stuff.
I elso take English, but I
taught that last year, so I
know everything there is to
know abdut it. Participles and
poems And metaphors 'and all
like that, We take Latin, too,
but it's 22 years since 1 studied
Latin, and there doesn't seem
nitich point in going back that
far, for a little lousy Latin.
Then,there's G daric e,
iswhieh all about talking to
teen-agers and getting them
jobs and. things. But have
e teen age kid of my own, se
T know all about that. I've
been talking to him and try-
ing to get him to mow the
]awn all summer
So there's the course in a
nut -shell. But do you know
the part; of the course, I like
hest of all? It's when I get
home, Friday evening,
And a little brown girl says,
"Hi, Dad, smuck, what kept
you so late, can I go swim•
ming?" And a long, lean,
brown kid I wouldn't recog-
nize, if it weren't for the fact
that he's wearing my best
sport shirt, says, "Hi, Dad,
smuck, how'd you like to fake
us to the drive-in?" Atid s
sophisticated, tanned doll, who
(11114 boars no relation to the crab-
by old wife I had all winter,
wraps me up like fl anacon
tia, and murmurs, "We Missed
*out" That's the pati �f the
eieurse like.
his mother, four sisters and
three brothers,
Mrs, Sarah Glazier bas re-
turned from a three weeks'
vacation with relatives in Kin -
burn. She is in her 95th year.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jones,
Mr. end Mrs. Robert Jones of
Moosejaw, Sask. were recent
visitors with Mrs. Alberta Me -
Miss Dora Alair, of Clinton,
is a guest with Mrs, Aide Sim-
.Mrs. Cornish, Mrs. Blanchard
and Mr. Harold Pickett were
guests Thursday with IVIrs.
borta LMcBeath.
Members of Hensall Legion
and Ladies Auxiliary enjoyed
their annual picnic at Bayfield
last Sunday. The day was ideal
for a full program of sports
conducted by Mrs. Harold
Campbell and Mrs. Howard
Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Hall and
Douglas of Sudbury were week-
end guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne McNaughton, Cromarty.
Mrs. Melvin Johnston, St.
Catharines, is visiting with her
aunt, Mrs. Basil Edwards.
A family gathering was held
Sunday afternoon at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert
Geiger, Zurich, when a delic-
ious chicken dinner, buffet
style, was served and a social
time spent.
Rev. Charles D. Daniel and
Mrs. Daniel of Ingersoll were
guests at the Hutchison -Ross
wedding last Saturday.
Christine and Betty Cameron
are vacationing for a week
with relatives in Seaforth.
Weekend guests with Mr. and
Mrs. R. M. Peck were Dr. T.
Smillie Robertson, of Toronto,
and Rev. and Mrs. Ben Smillie
and family, formerly of Van-
couver. Mr. Smillie has been
studying in Boston the past
year and is on his way to be
chaplain of the University of
Saskatchewan in Saskatoon.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Love,
Caro, Mich., Mr. and Mrs,
Norman Coleman and family.
Norfolk, Virginia; Mr. and
Mrs. Ken McKay and family,
of Kippen, were Sunday guests
with Mr, and Mrs, J. E. Mc-
Mrs. Fred Birosh and Barry
of Trenton have returned after
spending a week with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. S.
Mr, Stewart McQueen was
taken by Bonthron ambulance
to St. ,Toseph's Hospital, Lon-
don, on Saturday.
Don Mousseau, while sliding
into second base at the softball
tournament, f r ac tur e d two
bones in his foot and is now
going around on cretches.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Haven,
Keith, Barbara and Debbie,
expect to leave this Saturday
by motor for Los Angeles,
California, where they will
vacation for a month with the
former's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Ernest Haven.
Mr, Ed. Funk, who has been
a patient in South, Huron Hos:
pile, Exeter, following an ac-
cident: on his farm several
days ago vvhen o. chip from e
blade of a power mower flew
off embedding itself M his
body While he was mewing
his lawn, returned home Sat-
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jinks,
Gail and .Billy, are vacationing
with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shene
and fainily Champaige, 711.
Mr. and Mrs, Den, •Joynt,
John and P'at, left Sunday for
a vacation At Manitoulin Is
Mrs. William 'Kerr and Carol
of North Bay are vacationing
with the former's sister, Mrs.
Maude Hodder'.
Mr, and Mrs. Carl Payne
and family haVe returned from
a trip through the St, Lawrence
OttaWa. end Algongnin
MrS, Alvin Etch, WiedSor,
Mr. Oswald Browit QC and
WS. trinket, Detroit,' were
weekend guests with Mr, and
Mrs, Ed. Little and fe
Guests , Thursday ith Mr,
and Mrs. George .ss were
Mrs. Gertrude Pewell of Exc.'
W.( 'and Mrs. Pearl St.
Peck, Christine Smillie, Ralph
Geiger, Margie Geiger, Larry
Elder, Patricia Poore, IVIrs. J.
Sminie, Freddy Elder, Bill
Howe, Wayne Peck,
President Ken Elder of Hen-
sall conducted a short business
period. Seaforth Lions Park
was chosen as the place for
next year's picnic, Saturday,
July 7. The 'secretary's report
was given by Dr. A, B. Smil-
be, Niagara Falls.
Officers elected were: honor-
ary president, Dr. Jennie Smil-
he Robertson, Toronto; past
president, Ken Elder, Hensall;
president, Mrs. James Mc-
Naughton, Kippen; vice-presi-
dent, Harold Elder, Hensall;
secretary - treasurer, Harold
Shepherd, Toronto; social con-
veners, Mrs. R. M. Peck, Hen -
salt; aVirs. H. Shepherd, To-
ronto; Mrs. F. Howe, Hyde
Park and Tucson, Arizona;
Mrs. Lyle Statham, Kingsville;
billet convener, Mrs. Harold
Elder, Hensall; sports con-
veners, Miss Jean M cNaugh-
ton, Kippen; Miss Ruth Geiger,
Celebrates 89th birthday
Mrs, Mary Haugh, Bruce -
field, entertained at her 'home
Sunday afternoon in honor of
Mrs. Haugh Sr,, 89 years of
Present were the latter's
daughters, Mrs. J. Ussher, of
Norfolk, Virginia, who is mov-
ing to near Washington, D.C.,
Dr. J. McIntosh, Toronto, and
Mrs. Gus Voth, Detroit, Mich.,
a :former resident of Bruce -
Friends present from London,
Clinton and Brucefield enjoyed
a social hour renewing ac-
qtaintances after some 40
Bingo winners
Legion bingo winners Satur-
day night were: Larry Jones;
Mrs. Wes Venner, Wilfred
Doupe; Sim Roobol; Fred Ken-
nings; Roy Kenney; Mrs. Bob
Baker, Mrs. Paul Neilands;
Mrs. Paul Neilands; Billy Dick,
Mr. Pincent; eVIrs. L. Meiden-
ger, Zurich; Mrs. Freida Boa,
Mrs. Wes Venner; Bill Austin
Seaforth, Mrs, Lloyd Denom-
Specials, Murray Tyndall,
Brucefield; Mrs. Wes Venner,
Roy Kenny; Mrs, Fleischauer.
Door prizes were won by Billy
Dick and Mrs, Alfred. Meiden-
Saturday next the jack pot
will be worth $145.00 in 59
calls and two door prizes.
Pee wees•win
Hensall Legion pee wees de-
feated RCAF Station Centralia
18-13 here on Wednesday night
July 12 in a WOAA baseball
Billy Chipchase, with a home
run and a triple, led the win-
ners, Ken Smale struck out 10
Centralia batsmen.
Will visit England '
Mrs. Mary Taylor will leave
August 1 from Crumlin air-
port for a six weeks' vacation
in England where 'she will visit
with relatives in Yorkshire,
Lancashire and Westmoreland.
Her first trip to her native
homeland since coming to Can-
ada 51 years ago she will meet
her brother John, four sisters
and two brothers of her late
husband, and renew acquaint-
ances 'and school friends,
Personal items
Thursday la s t Mr. Glen
Payne and Lois of Sault Ste.
Marie, Mrs. Floyd Payne, Lon -
doe, visited with Mr. and Mrs,
Carl Payne, Miss Mary Payne
returned with. them for a
vveek's holiday.
Mr. 'and Mr, Fred Beer,
Flt/Sgt, John Beer, Mrs. Beer,
David, Johnny end Steven, of
Barrie, are vatationing this
week at Lions Heed,
Kay Davis is :spending this
week vacationing with her
uncle and aunt, Me, and Mrs.
Drew Fowler, London.
Mrs. Thigh elcMurtrie and
Mrs, R. S, HoPlUns of Chitago,
Mrs. Ross Dick, Londtm, Visit-
ed their titters, Mrs. A. E.
Northey and Mr, Northey of
'Cameron, and Mrs. Lena
Filer and Mr. Eitel. or Yoiteg'S
Point, and Mil. Chas. Rebie-
son and Mr. Robinson of 13alk,
Noddy VoWler, of London, is
holidaying With his uncle, and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. R.
Davis, and tOttsiti, Metal
• --
camp instruetors. Thie pro-
gram will be :followed at the
Wednesday, July 19, 9.15
ant tots,- crafts; • jueiors
,seniors—sports pe-
riod; 10,00 a.m. tots—st 0 r y
lime; jr.—crafts; sr.— volley-
ball; 11 ant,. tots—aetivity pe-
riod; jr.—sports; sr.—erafts.
'Thursday, July 29—c r c
day at the arena,
Fridey„Iitly, 21 10 a.m.—
on wheels day; 2 p.m. ,swini-
ming at .Seaforth,„
IVIonday„Iuly, 24, 9.15 :a.m.,
tots—activity period; jr.---soft-
bail; sr.—crafts; 10 :a.m., tots
—story thne; jr.—crafts; sr.—
activities period; 11 a,m,, lots
—crafts; jr.—actleities period;
Tuesday, July 25, 9.15 a.m,
tots—c ref t s; jr.—basketball;
sr.—activities; 10 e,m., tots—
ectivitie•s; r a f ts; sr,—
basketball; 11 a.m., tots—story
t e; pew*
Shower for beide-elect
Mrs. Herb. Jones: was host-
ess for e miscellaneous pres-
entation at her home Monday
evening for Miss - Helen Price
of Seaforth, whose marriage to
Robert Parsons of Cromarty,
a nephew of Mrs. Jones, will
take place Saturday, July 29,
Presentation address was
read by Marlene Key s of Var-
na and gifts presented by
Kathy, Linde land Joyce Ferg-
uson, Hensall, and Brenda
Musical numbers were Pro-
vided by .Grant and Kenneth
Jones and readings by Kenneth
Jones. Contests were enjoyed.
The bride- elec t expressed
thanks in fitting manner.
Thirty relatives and friends
attended the shower from Lon-
don-,. Tbamesford, Crediton,
Seaforth, Exeter and Hensall.
Mark silver anniversary
Mr. and les. Delbert Geiger,
Zurich, were pleasantly sur-
prised recently when relatives
met at their home to honor
thein on the occasion of their
25th. wedding anniversary and
present them with many gifts.
Comments about
Personal items
:Bonnie Butler, of Arva, is
enjoying some holidays with
her uncle and 'aunt,' Mr. and
Mrs. John Sinclair.
St. Andrew's United Church
Sunday School end community
annual picnic will be held at
Lion's Park, Seaforth on July
24. Table committee is. Mr. and
Mrs. John Cooper and sports
committee, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
mer Jones.
Mrs. William Charters re-
turned borne last week after
visiting two months with her
daughter and son -tin -law, Mr,
and Mrs. Rex Thompson of
Battle Creek, Mich.
Mrs. Margaret Johnson of
Toronto, who has visited her
brother, W. R. Cooper, return-
ed home on Sunday.
Visitors during the week with
Mr. and Mrs. N. Long included
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keating of
Owen Sound, Rev. and Mrs.
D. A. MadMillan of Ilderton
and Sunday, their daughter,
Mrs. Alvin Ulch of Windsor,
'Mr. Oswald Brown QC and
Mrs. Brown of :Detroit, Marcia
and Cheryl Little of Hensall.
The Misses Shirley and San-
dra Reid are spending the
summer at leigvvin Inn, Lake
of Bays, Muskoka.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schneid-
er and family of Stratford,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cornish
and family of Goderich visited
Saturday with their father, Mr,
Robert Thomson.
Mrs, Charles Eyre and Janice
spent last week with relatives
et Niagara Falls.
Don't tease
your lawn
"Don't tease your lawn with
a little bit of water," says Pro-
fessor J. C. Taylor, Depart-
ment of :Horticulture, OAC,
Insufficient watering does
more harm than :good. Light
w a ter in g applications just
Make the grass roots grow to
the surface, where they can he
killed easily by the hot mid-
day sun. Also, shallow -rooted
Weeds, thrive in this environ-
8oak the lentil to a (tenth or
several inches, How do you tell
when the lawn has enough wa-
ter? Platt several pans in the
area that is to be watered.
When the water 1-1/2 inches
deep in the pans, the lawn has
It makes sense to weer one
section of the lawn 'at,
If you try to do the Whole lawn,
in one evening, Ilene Of the
lawn will get etiough water. One
good watering 1.8 tittteil better
than two or thite leaS thorough
The best tithe to water is in
the miming oe the evening,
When Mere is 'less eVaperation.
For elopes and tertedeS, use
e fine, spray because absorption
is slower there.
marty Comments .
bid refused
According t e recent repQrt,
from Ottawa the Board
Mr. T. McCallum of Toronto
was a Meld visitor with Mr.
and Mrs. WI Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold King
of liamilton are guests at the
' home of Mr. and Mrs. liarold
Mrs. Stephen Hendrick and
children of Windsor visited last
week with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Keith McLaren, Mr.
Kendrick came for the vveekend
and Mrs. Kendrick and chil-
dren returned 'home with
Miss Joyce Kerslake spent
the weekend with Miss Mary.
lyn Allen, Mitchell,
London visited on Saturday
with mr. and Mrs. George lAral.
Mr- and Mrs, Gus Heagy of
Mr, and Mrs. T. L. Scat and
Alec left on Saturday for a
motor trip through the western
Joyce, Kerslake were alneng the
Misses Alice Walker n d
number of Jr. Farmers who
enjoyed a bus trip to Niagara
Falls on Friday,
Mrs. K. McKellar attended a
shower, held in E 1 in v i 11 e
Church on Friday .night in
honor of her niece, Miss Anna
ltentlY, whose marriage to Mr.
Donald Willcox of Kitchener
takes place on Saturday, July
Mr. A ndr e w McLachlan,
Mrs. Grace Scott, Mrs. Car-
ter Kerslake, Joyce, 'Brenda
and Craig, attended the Mc-
Lachlan-Allen-Hoggarth reun-
ion in Stratford on Satueday.
Mrs. Amelia Cole of St. Ma-
rys is a guest at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, John Hocking,
Ladies Aid
The meeting of the Ladies
Aid Society was held at the
home of Mrs. J. M. Scott. In
the absence of the president,
Mrs. Scott presided, and opened
the meeting with a poein. 'Mrs,
M. Boughton led in devotions.
During the business period a
committee was appointed to
make arrangements for cater-
ing at a wedding.
Program and lunch commit-
tees were appointed for next
Lunch, was served by the
hostess assisted by Mrs. 1'. L.
Scott and Mrs. Grace Scott,
Roy's WMS
The meeting of the WMS of
Roys Church was held at the
home of Mrs. John Hocking.
Mrs. Harvey Dow presided
and the worship service was
conducted by Mrs. G. Neil and
Mrs. Fred Johns, the theme
being "Workers with God."
Mrs. Fred Johns and Mrs. H.
Dow were named as a program
committee for the September
meeting which will be held at
the home of 'Mrs. Roy Dow,
Mrs. Russell 'Miller gave a
reading "The House Beautiful"
and a reading entitled "The
Water Mill" was given by Mrs.
Calvin Christie.
Mrs. Murray Christie showed
a' film strip "The World in a
WI...orudn'C'h was served by the hos-
tess and a social hour enjoyed.
Scott reunion
The Scott family reunion
was ;held in Lions Park, Mit-
chell, on July 8.
Results of sports were 6-7,
Frances Scott, Bobby Binning,
nine and under, Allen Coleman,
Richard Binning; nine and over
Alex Scott, Anna Scott; gues-
sing number of beans in jar,
Richard Binning.
Oldest lady present, Mrs.
Thos. Scott Sr.; oldest man pre-
sent, Mr. Kenneth McKellar;
longest married couple, Mr.
and Mrs. K. McKellar; latest
married couple, Mr. and Mrs.
Laverne Scott; youngest child
present, Gerry Wallace, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Laverne
Officers for 1962 are: Pre-
sident, Gordon Scott, Cromer-
ty; secretary, Mrs. Laverne
Scott, Seaforth; lunch com-
mittee, Mr, and Mrs. j, M.
Scott and Mr. and Mrs. T. L.
reunion next year will
be held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Gordon Scott.
(Intended for last week)
Mrs. Donald McKellar and
sons, Donald .and Duncan, of
Phoenix, Arizona, and Dim
Dan McKellar and son, Rus-
sell, of Buffalo, visited last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Will
Miller a n d other relatives
Caroline Kumm, nurse -
in -training at Kitchener -Water-
loo Hospital, visited on Thurs-
day with Miss Margaret Jean
Mr. and Mrs. Len Houghton,
Leonard, Gordon, and Peter,
of Teeswater, were Sunday vis-
itors with Mrs, M. Houghton,
Miss .lo Anne McKinley, of
The Times
14 1.01104ying ,witb
Mrs. Calvin
Mrs. Joe Drummond and
,qcorge. Tuffin, et Wheat-
leY, Wetted on.Wednesday .ati
the being of Mr, and Mrs. Otto.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wal-
lace visited reeently the
lime el their son :and daugh-
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Don-
ald Wallace,'of Cerlingford.
Mr, David Scott .returned
twine on Sunday after spend-
ing ..a few weeks with his uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Hugh
Moore, of Lindsay. 0
SeVeral, of the .conneetioe:
from Cromarty attended the
.Seett reunion et Mitchell Rec-
reation Centre .on. •Saturday.
To. teach in Germany
A. gathering of the Russell
faerilY was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley 'Rus-
sell on Sunday, July 2.
The guest of hem. was Miss
riOrenc.e Russell, of Mitchell,.
Who is leaving shortly for a
tour -0 the British, Tales and
Germany where she will 'teach
at the RCAF base Zweibruck.
en for two years..
Guests present were fro-
Torento, Hamilton, Mitchel..
Russeldale, Fullerton and $taf-
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing,
Lorraine and David, visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd. Stewart and family of
the :South Boundary.
Mr. and avrrs. Alex Gardiner
and Miss Karen Scott visited
on Sunday with friends at Ros-
Mr, Paul Scott of Hespeler,
who .had charge of the church
service on Sunday was a guest
at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Carter Kerslake.
The vacation Bible school
opened in Cromarty church on
Monday with an attendance of
Miss Joan King of Windsor
was a weekend visitor with
Miss Margaret Ann Wallace.
Richard Binning, Mitchell,
spent a few -holidays with
Craig Kerslake.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hamilton,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton,
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Miller and
Paul •attended the Chalmers
reunion 'at Riverview Park,
Exeter, on Sunday.
The July meeting of the Wo-
man's Misisonary Society was
held at the home of Mrs. Wil-
liam Harper with Mrs. Grace
Scott, presiding.
Mrs. K. McKellar had charge
of the study:book the 'subject
;being "Women. of the Bible,"
with Mrs. Calder IleKaig as-
sisTtihneglopic was given by Mrs.
Sadie Scott and Mrs. M. Hough-
ton gave •current events, The
president Mrs. C. McKeig cot -
ducted the business.
Lunch was served by the
hostess assisted by Mrs. M. La -
mond and Mrs, T. L. Scott.
Broadcast Of:Tereus has rec-
ommended fpr denial, IWO aP.
Plications for a new 1,000 watt
radio station at Goderich.
Comment from the board was
that the licensing of a Gode-
rich station would pot— at this
time—"assure the residc,ots of
Goderich of satisfactory local
service and would endanger
the standard of service .in Hur-
on County generally.”
Huron County Publishers As-
sociation had submitted a brief
to the hoard suggesting that
the ten weekly newspapers
Presently in the county, plus
the excellent services of CKNX
and CFPL radio and television
stations were giving adequate
coverage in the county.
In addition this brief pointed
out that two daily papers in
London and, Stratford, also
served the area.
Also submitting a brief, and
appearing before the board in
person were representatives of
radio station CKNX at Wing -
The two groups seeking li-
cence were headed by William
Beatty, Toronto and James
row, Oakville.
When Uncle Bill and Aunt
Mary come to visit—or you
visit them—tell us about it.
We like to report the social
activities of the folks in this
Phone 770
Or your local correspondent
Message from
Personal items
Mr. awl Mrs. Lloyd MeRrYlet
and farnllY,Win*
deor, ore In..
ing with friends, ,neighhere etn4
relatives of this vicinity,
Mr. Amide Mustard, spent
the weekend with his Wife end
fern ily.
Mr. and Mrs. Guys Clark and
Teddy, Ottawa and INDY Rini*
gap, Thornhill, and sister of
Mrs. Clark were visiting with
Mr. William Clark, Blake.
Douglas Manson, Toronto. is
vacationing with Mr. .and 1VIrs.
Newell Geiger and John and
Mrs. Mary Manson and Robert.
IT you find life is empty, i7
putting something into it.
liours: July, Aug. & Sept.
Tuesday, Friday and Saturday
9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Wednesday and Thursday
9 a.m. • 9 p.m.
Be -N -Jay
Phone 236 Hensel!
on the
70 00/00 (00 01ANS
Cooked Ham
Kraft 14 -oz bottle
Kraft—A real treat
Kraft's Famous
.. 1•20(.1.29
CHEEZ-WHIZ, 16 -oz, jar 570
DINTY MOORE STEW, 24 -oz. tins ..... . 53e
PAR DOG FOOD, 15 -oz, tins $ for 550
CLARK'S TOMATO JUICE, 20 -oz. 5 for 590
SOCKEYE SALMON, 1/4's ....... ... . 3 for $1
PANTRY SHELF TUNA FLAKES, 6 -oz. . 4 for 61
Van camp's Popular
BEANS WITH PORK, 1$ -Oz. tint . 6 for 790
CORNED BEEF, 12 -ounce tins . . 2 for 990
Breakfast Cereals' ANY 3 FOR
Supreme, 48.ounce iar
LBS 79c
3 L., 1
Pot Roasts
10-1b. bag . 39c
New Ontario
Sunkist 113's X
Celery 36's
Garden Boy • 23.
Bingo er $I la
Schmidt, Bskt i g
RigFmliy Size 'hobo