The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-07-06, Page 1rge �0
over- holiday
Police weren't fooling, when.
they warned district motorists
Of a crackdown ,en traffic vio-
1K:tions sover the holiday week-
Exactly SO charges were laid
by district Ol'P and a. four
elan traffic suuad from Iitch-
e'ler who operated radar units
.on area highways. Most were
for driving violations; a few
involve 1 liquor,
Tile crackdown produced
favorable results not one re-
l'crtable aceiclent was investi-
ted by police .ever the four-
c'^.y weekend, .despite heavy
t attic.
One crash hers
A 1961 model ear was .des-
c:•ibed as a "write-off" after
it was struck by a tractor and
trailer near tiie ,bridge in Exe-
ter Dominion Day morning,
William .0 Johnston, 39, An-
c1.'e}v St.. had stopped just
south of the .bridge waiting for
reethbeend traffic in order to
tern east when he was hit from
behind by a Wedge the Mover
tuck driven by Glenn A. ir-
vine, 22, Exeter,
Irvine applied his brakes
hu': they failed. according to
pollee, The truck ended up in
front of the Lee Learn rose,
c'cnee on the east side of the
Three en Thursday
D_ ainage totalled about $500
Ji three town accidents en
Thursday, according to Cpl.
John Cowen who investigated.
Exe`er PUC pickup struck a
J arked truck owned by the C.
A. McDowell Conr1ruction Co.,.
Centralia. near the intersec-
tion of Main and Huron early
In the afternoon.
The F'UC truck, driven by
Inlet Beating, 49, (Tidley, was
<nnroaching Main St, from the
rest when .an Exeter Coach
Lines bus turned from Main
(rto Huron. Total damage was
ahnut $300.
Cars driven' by John M.
Teed, 70, Uelorne, and George
Vriese. 39 Carling St., collided
el Main St: near Gidley in the
afterinoon, The Vriese vehicle
.'-as travelling north when the
Peed car pulled out from the
A gas truck. owned by Mid-
dleton and Genttner and driven
by Wietse D, Koning, 23, Main
S'., hit the rear of a car ope-
rs':ed by Anthony R. Vanloon,
17, RR. 2. Kinoen, at the Main
St., public school corner. Van-
lrnn had stepped behind an-
other car at the corner but the
g�.s truck failed to stop in
Pass mobile
home bylaw.
;. Hay council passed two by-
laws Tuesday „afternoon pro-
viding for the licensing of
mobile homes and trailers and
the regulating of trailer camps
in the township. •
The bylaws prohibit. trailers
being located in the municipal-
ity,, except in trailer camps,
without a licence.. 1
Council formally accepted
the mutualfire prplection
agreement with Exeter, Ste-
phen and Usborne. authorizing
the reeve and clerk to sign. A
bylaw will be prepared con-
firming the agreement.
Council authorized execution
of the subdivision agreement
with Mr. ,and Mrs. Clayton 0.
Smith for their development
on lakeroad west, lots 13 and
14. The planning and develop-
ment dep't will be advised that
the.owners have met all terms.
Approval was given to Ste-
phen township's bylaw annex-
ine SS 1 Stephen to the town-
ship area.
•i Next meeting will be held
Tuesday, August 1, at 8 p.m.
Reserve decision
on transport bid
Decision is still reserved on
an application from Boyes
Transport Ltd., Clinton, to han-
dle mixed freight from Toronto
to. the. London -Huron area.
The hearing was conducted
last week before the Ontario
Highway. Transport Board,
Toronto,' and a number of area
people 'appeared as wdtnesses.
Guenther Tuckey 'Transports
Ltd. opposed the application.
.Daniel M. u r p h y, Goderich.
lawyer, represented Boyes at
the hearing. Counsellors for
Guenther Tuckey were M. L.
Rapoport; QC, Toronto, and W.
G: ;Cochrane, Exeter.
;Xi JwaBs.3 ''411 ,#�ilke�" �g
;:,'�,x.. dsF:`"�.,`6�•"fi�dt•�`'�?�E1%?MRhfl.
Eighty Eighth Year
Price Per :Copy 10 Cents
lice seek driver
arty hit by thieves
dive -year forecast
Police are looking for the Thieves first tried to gain"
driver of a car narrowly miss- entry through an east window
ed by confused thieves racing in the post office but they
from Hensall post office where couldn't open it. They got
j e e they stole over*$5,000 in cash through a south window lead -
on t need addition and
post office sup- ing into the lock box lobby and
"This man, who was travel- the public lobby.
ling south on No, 4 highway at Police found soap and nitro--
if county •school built the time, may be able to help l glycerin had been used to blow -
us,"" said PC George 1lliteheil 'the .safe, Part of the nitrp-
Town council learned Mon-
day night that SHDHS board
may not require any capital
expenditure in the next five
years if the proposed county
composite school at •Clinton is
If not, however, the high
school ntav have to build an -
who is assisting with the in- glycerin was still active and
purchase from the Rosco Me- yestagation, had to be neutralized by Cpl-
tal Products Co,, London, "There may be others who , John. Erskine, identification:
New bylaws are being pre- bureau, -Mt, Forest District
pared to provide for the traffic
saw the car, a '49 or '50 gray
Chet/ coach, or heard the blast
who can assist us. We'd ap-
Biggest surprise to police
No action an licences preciate it if they would con- was that no one heard the
No action was taken in re- tact Chief Ernest Davis at I blast, although there are
gard to licencing of out-of-town. Hensall or myself." houses on both sides of thef
other addition in 11/a to two tradesmen, a proposal raised at Lost their way Mice. No attempt was made to
Years. a previous meeting in an ef- muffle the sound, even though
fort to protect the local trades- The thieves apparently be- 1 there were lots of mail bags
This estimate was provided • carne confused in their race around.
by the high school. board to men who pay business tax, from the scene after one of 1 "Doc" Cameron had'decided
assist council in preparing the It was reported earlier that; them was spotted by W. J. 1because • of the heat, to sleet
five-year capital expenditure both Clinton and Goderich re= I "`Doc" Cameron near the build- out on the balcony of his rest
forecast requested by the On•. quired all tradesmen to secure :ing, Cameron yelled, at the , dance, not 30 feet away, when
tario Municipal Board. The licenses before they c o u 1 d ' .man who ran. to the getaway de saw the man running from
0M13 will consider. the forecast work in these towns. This car, It was shout 2:30 the building. Neither he, nor
FIRST SCOUTS TO JAMBOREE—First two Exeter Scouts to attend a Canadian in connection with the towns proved to be wrong, 1 •The car, travelling without his •family heard the explosion
It was suggested that if one
• application for sewerage eon- lights, drove east on Richmond Cameron notified Chief Da-
dnesda morning b common inau u ate a e
Ottawa. They'll spen a u wee a e capita with 2,800 other cou s PIiC, in its forecast, censing system, a neighbor-
Exeter,the east side of kIensall on the
after the robbery was cos
jamboree are Ted. Wilson and George Godbolt who left Wednesday Y struction, ty g i d 1 St. across No. 4 highway to i 1
bus for Th 'll spend full lc t th capital 'th S . t t 11 vie, who called
in the OP .
from across Canada and 100 from the U.S. Bath are patrol leaders in "A" troop
andhave their Queen Scout badges. —T -A photo
GB lake wai
estimated at $300,000
Members of Grand Bend vie 000 gallon daily plant.
The engineers state, "`since
there are no records of sum-
mer population it is quite pos-
sible that the plant size esti-
mated is much larger than will
be needed".
"I think :it is much more ela-
borate than what we need,"
councillor Stewart Webb com-
At present, the Southcott mented. "The plan calls for a
Pines area is not in need of 16 lake intake, while they
lage councilappeared optimis-
tic following the reading of a
detailed report from the On-
tario Water Resources Commis-
sion, Monday, that showed an
estimated cost of $366,175 for
a water system for the entire
villa g e, excluding Southcott
water and the system prepared
does not include distribution
into, this area.
An alternative • plan- to the
entire • system would provide
water for an area bounded by
the Ausab.le'River on the south,
the Village• limit at the north,
the • No. 21 highway on the
east and Lake Huron on tile
This system wouldcost an
estimated $277,850. Reeve Jim
Dalton pointed out that this
system would not take in the
entire area that is presently
suffering from a lack of water
or who are now using sulphur
"We would certainly want
the second plan if we could
finance it", he stated.
Cost could be lower
The report, drawntip by
OWRC engineers, points out
that it is preliminary only. The
estimated costs have been cal-
culated on the basis of a 700,-
15 -acre lot
Exeter Christian School. So-
ciety has purchased approxi-
mately 15 acres of land on the
north side of No. 83 highway,
it was confirmed this- week.
The property, sold by Mrs.
Jean Wein, Stratford, is just
west of the Ralph Sweitzer
residence on the highway.
The society, which several
years ago purchased a closed
schoolhouse in Stephen town-
ship, is connected with the
Christian Reformed Church
here. Officials confirmed that
they hope to erect a school on
the property at some future
date and said they would make
a formal announcement of their
plans shortly.
The transaction is being
handled through W. H. Hodgson
they were talking of an eight -
inch intake when they were
Reeve Dalton noted that the
report called for 500 gallons
per minute in the summer,
while the engineers,h�d,�„sug,
gested 400 previously
"If these reductions are pos-
sible, f think we could possibly
get the number two alternative
($366,175) for the cost of the
number one alternative ($277,
850)," he stated.
To arrange meeting
An accompanying letter sug-
gested that the council plan to
stop streets
In the interest of enforce-
ment, Grand Bend council Mon-
d:ay night rejected the advice
of the Ontario Dept of Trans-
port andestablished a system
of stop streets throughout the
village to control speeding.
Stop signs willbe erected at
about every second block on
village streets, except for the
main thoroughfares.
This was one of two meas-
ures being considered by coun-
cil to slow down. traffic in con-
gested areas. The other was re-
duction of speed limit to 25
The transport dep't advised
against the stop street propo-
sal, indicating the reduced
speed limit would eliminate
the need for signs.
However, Cpl. Neil Chamber
lain, who was consulted, said
it was difficult to enforce speed
limits on short stretches of
road but it would be easy to
cheek cars failing to stop at
through streets.
Reeve Tames Dalton was re-
quested to investigate the cost
of extending the services of
Lambton county health unit to
the village.
PREPARE FOR PLAYGROUND ---Supervisors for Exeter I insmen s `swrilner p ay.
' .i. r preparing to start the six-week program next Monday. Activi-
this year' are l Y g
eat. the community, Queen s and Victoria parks, Above, the supes
ties ire planned Y, :.
d i at Victoria. yinclude Bonnie Doerr Diane Delbridge,
paint the Wading 001.. They —T -A holo
Tennant, J John MacNatlgllton and Jack Stephen.p
estimated that if the com-
munity continues to experience
the growth it has had in the
past five years, it will require
debenture issues of $50,000 for
its hydro system and $20 000
Y o'
for waterworks to meet the
demand for services.
Thr- public school board,
which replied earlier, indicat-
ed it didnot anticipate any
during the
further construction
next five years.
Signs cost over $600
ing ones would 'retaliate with dead-end road. Turning around,
sciamusilearcolengfuissliatnionanwdhieweoinuQld thehighway,the thieves came back onto .
narrowly missing Kids Io
se silver dollar
I think we'd
be asking for the south -bound car, then turn• Loot included approxir--''',".v
a lot of trouble," commented; ed east on the road to Chisel- $330,00 in cash; $800 in p- 'e
Councillor Musser. I hurst, supplies; $1,400 in uneir-i'_oy-
r Police said a woman saw the 'inept insurance; and $2,60'i in
Learned that four properties coming onto the highway, denominative money orders.
will go un for tax sale this, They think other persons in the The cash included 25 silver
month unless payments are' area may have seen it too, dollars which Postmaster Cecil
Council also;
Similar to c
'Vas informed that the clan t ; Simy
Kipfer had been keeping in the.
safe for his childr
of highways will not subsidizer Subsequentit
investigation re- Also taken was approximate -
the extension of Marlborough ; veals the robbery was similar ly $700 in paid money order
St to the Canadian Canners i to at least two others in the ; warrants but these are not
meet with the OWRC if they Clerk C. V. Pickard reported Ltd. property, which has been i London areawhich have not negotiable.
were considering the water new stop and yield' signs completed; been solved- There are at least i James Fidler, area. sup't,
system. The council agreed un- required by the dep't of trans- Decided to make makeproperty two, and perhaps four, men in -1 London, investigated for the
animously that . a meeting port will cost the town about owners responsible for any volved. postal dept.
should. be arranged as soon as $650.00. They must .be erected I damage to sidewalks during j
possible and *clerk 'Murray•A. by tl d f August
Des Jardine was authorized to
write the Commission and ask
for a meeting. ,
The preliminary investiga-
tion on a lake water system
was undertaken following an
unsuccessful search for a muni-
cipal groundwater supply for
the village, It was recommend -
On three firms whichsub-
mitted bids, council approved
Hensall OKs
five permits
construction of/or repair, to
buildings; y •
• • 1P
Agreed to call for tenders do cat -cher foly of gasoline for , g f
the engine whichoperates the
sprinkler disposal system ata
the canning plant;'
Authorized construction of a consider calls stems
new lifeguard tower to replace
the one brokenby vandals at' After giving
, •
Supported a committee pensed with. the services of its. ser *had not been tested for oc-
-P•lease•turn to page 3l dog catcher Monday night. , curacy.
The man, Freeman Cook of, However, =:after -the meeting..
Pial for
cd by the Ground Water' Riverview Park one month t own council dis-i speedometer of the new crui-
Branch of the OWRC after test ;
Five building permits were
'drilling on the beach at Grand„ n ed H ns it council
Rend. and •in the Beek.. �0 l
P t 1('fonday �iieht ,as construction
activity, continues,
OW Alf Scholl plans an extension
nearly $12,000 :m test drilling,.
before it was decided to deter
mine the cost .of a lake system..
On June 24 and 26, William
1V1cCouia and • Harold Browne,
two engineers. of the OWRC,
along with Hank Green, a com-
mercial fisherman in Grand
Bend, and councillors. Stewart
Webb and 'Emmerson Desjar-
dine, surveyed the lake area
for water depths, current
studies and chemical. and bac-
teriological sampling at var-
ious locations.
Location of intake
The report stated that sound-
ings of Lake Huron showed
that an intake distance of at
least 1500 feet would be re-
Pines proved negative. • t
Under the jurisdiction of the
RC, the village had spent to his refrigeration plant at
the slaughter. house; Adam
slack is building an addition
ta'his storage quarters: E. L.
A'jickle and'Sons Ltd. will erect
four grain silos and John Skea
a house. Harvey Keys was
given permission to move a
Mrs. Hazel. Webster and Roy
Campbell requested installa-
tion of a drain through their
properties. Council agreed to
Monday, August 7, was de-
clared a civic holiday.
Clerk Earl Campbell present-
ed a semi-annual financial re-
port showing receipts of $4,-
361.69, expenditures at $11,-
648:24 and a bank balance of
quired to obtain a water depth $8,767.60.
of approximately 16 feet. Clerk Campbell was instruct
This depth of water would be ed to prepare a money -borrow-
necessary to allow for the in- ing bylaw and supplementary
take to be submerged in a con-, road expenditure bylaw.
crete crib for anchorage. It' Reeve John. Henderson pre -
would also be out of the way sided and all members were
Please turn to page 3 present.
Executive blames salt
dismiss drink charge.
A charge of impaired driving
was dismissed against Isidor
F. Bieinan, London, in Grand
Bend. court Monday after his
defence lawyer painted out: that
salt that had been put on his
steak at a barbecue had prob-
ably aggravated his high blood!
pressure arid Made him appear
Bieman, 62" is vice-president
of the Coleman Meat Packing'
Co:, London, and was charged
following an accident In Grand
Bend, Julie 14,
The London man was return-
ing from a barbecue at the cot-
tage of Don McGregor, owner
of the Corbett Sales Arena,
when his car went over the
cnib al the turn on the beach
at the river.
Len Rau. owner of the .Pier
Booth, said he was awakened
at 2 a,m, when he heard l3ie- i
pian spinning the wheels of his ,
car in an attempt to :free tate'
front wheelof the auto which
had gone over the 'curb,
t $ tet l tw' at/ •.
Where to
ti, d it •
Church Notices
Coming Events
Farm News
Feminine Facts
Want Ads
Cpl. Neil Chamberlain said
Bieman. appeared unsteady on
his feet when he arrived and
the accused nearly fell in the
.river before the policeman
grabbed his arm.
George W. Hardy, llderton,
a passenger in the Bieman car,
"had passed out from exces-
sive use of alcohol," according
to Chamberlain.
Only two drinks
Ken Ramore, beef sales
manager for the White Pack-
ing Co:, Stratford, told the
court he had been .'pouring
drinks for the party of eight
at the cottage and stated that
Bieman had had only two
drinks of rye whiskey. He said
Bieman was a well-respected
man .and an elder in his
church„ "He said grace Before
we at our barbecue," Ram.
ore stated.
Ile reported that he saw
nothing out of the ordini ry in
the way Bieman looked when
he left the party, Ramore'ex-
'stained to the court that Bic -
man vvalks with a slight nein.
This eviderite was backed till
by the host, Don MacGregor,
who said, Woman Was in a nor-
final condition when he left..
The cook at the barbecue,
Mr, Elston, of Canada Pack-
ers, stated that he had mit
salt on the steaks he prepared
The former reeve of London
township stated he never saw a
whisky bottle all night,
In dismissing the charge, Ma-
gistrate J, C. Dunlap, QC,
noted that Hardy, who was an-
parently tinder considerable
influence, was capable at driv
Ing at 5,._a.m. after he and. Bie-
man had been held at the GB
Please turn t� page 3'
Train i.
ra whistle
recues cow
There's more than one way
to save a cow with a train
whistle, the district CNR
freight proved Tuesday.
Often used to shoo cattle
off the tracks, the whistle
this time alerted a Bruce-
field .farmer to a cow which
was having difficulty giving
birth to a calf.
The crew noticed the cow
lyingill by the fence when
the train went north in the
morning. When the animal
was still there on the way
back, the crew stopped the
train and blew the whistle
long and loud to attract the
farmer. The farmer called a
The calf died but the cow
was saved.
, Mayor
to cutch one' Pooley said the car had
St- ars failedP h
dog, Mayor Pooley confirmed: been checked shortly after. its
in his report to council. He; purchase and the speedometer
did issue several warnings to' found to be out several inph
citizens, however.
IIt was felt that the vehicle-
ehicle"I feel he has done all theshould be driven for several
good he can do for us," the weeks before making any .ad -
mayor said, in suggesting that justments.
his services be discontinued.' The mayor also refuted the
Council, approved payment of i statement made by Constable
$35 salary for his month's ; Lloyd Hodgins, who laid (the
work. !speeding charge, that he could
No further action was taken; not test the speedometer be -
on the dog problem. 1cause he had been ordered. not
Council noted the memoran- to take the car out of town.
duni of Dr. R, H- Aldis, Huron Neither he nor, Chief MacKen-
MOH, regarding the presence zie, he :said, had refused per -
of rabies in the area. Three mission for a radar check,
persons are under treatment! Consider call system
in the Zurich district after:I
coming in contact with a Ger-1 Council did consider several
pian shepherd which died of proposals to improve the tele-
rabies, phone call system for police.
Bell representative, W, L. Fer-
Cruiser has been checked ! gusson, suggested any change
No comment was made in should be made before the new
council about the recent court ; dial exchange is installed.
case in which a speeding; A mobile phone in the crui.-
charge against an Ailsa Craig i — Please turn to page `3
BLOW SAFE . WITH Initroglycerine to o en sat 3t ile Sall.
N TRO Tlueves used open �,
post office, from which they stole over $5,000 in. cash and negotiable sap 11et,slily'
Friday morning. Pcstmmster` Cecil Ki lei" checks the daft a'e., Twenty-five. 811V t
dollars Well he was saving for jus children were among the loot- T A llotii