The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-06-15, Page 8iy
Pegs "Ti.nies Advocate June 15, 1?,t51
nM,t!kM Ma4,ri•N e., an M .A..uulkikT •..
ion marks
Recreation news
wCredi on Co mens anniversary .s,,,.. ;,n,,„,, _ x�,....
By MRS M. FAIST ZION—Centi:nued from page ? SENiaR GiRt.s
1*:.., .;; ; On Sunday morning Zion Senior Citizen SOFTsAI h i.eAcUg
a This week's scorest
t West Sunday Sellael held its it was indeed our pleasure ! tt•i,d,.a,s 35. )3. i'antiters is
Entertain Baby Band (Geiser visited on :Sunday in anniversary service with Ret, In attend the Senior .Citi e:•s ,a. \r•hack,
Detroit Ivith an z4ens slugs eels Irate)
The `lemon's Auxilialry of aunt, D2rs.' J. l�, Wareham in charge, Mr.
the United Church entertained Carrie Kelso who is in hos- i Hill Batten et Exeter was meeting last rycek, We were
Trust firm
r k4fls offices
the mothers .and children of pital recovering from a frac-1 guest speaker, really amazed at all the pre -
the Baby Band when they tared hiP.. 1 The Sunday School and choir ceedings ;that took place .and
'met on June 8. Sunday visitors with Mr, and provided special music with actually got quite a kick out of
Several of the little guests Radford and td Mrverand r Airs. A11hers. Hachurch
ol rcher} at tas decorated the program,
gave recitations. Mrs. E. Neil John Lee and font(!,, O£ Blyth. °The .Senior Citizens Club .of
was chairlady. A story for the { with spring flowers and a goad
children was told by Mrs, E, .Children's Day was observed crowd attended. The
should be very proud of
in the EUB church an .Sunday,
and visitors werenThose who attended and their club. They have an Excel• sudden peath Final
LamportAt the morning service there
by Airs, R. Fink•! was junior ehorr who rend r• spent the day with friends tent organization and everyone aurae ^z-�Winneis of first two
beiner who conducted the:bust a e were: D1r, and Mrs, Bill Mor -games meet In amide„•death
ed two selections. At the ere ;who takes part in some way or
Hess, i icy and family,Whalen.,Mr•
New branch offices n£ Brit-
ish Mortgage & Trust Coni
pany will he •opene(k in Code -
rich and Hanover, }Wilfrid' F.
Gregory, QC, executive vice-
president .arid managing dirce-
Standings, tor of the company has an -
W It .1• P.' pounced,
lt•ilticats 4 1 0 8 ''The Siherlrs a i n 3 the opening of these bran -
1r hark' is thers ” 1 n 4 clies. is Part of a planned .ex-
()lark P ' 4a a 0 0 pansiotr program." Mr. Greg -
Future .oamss: cry said, "Goderich and Han-
Semi•Final .Round over have been chosen because.
Julie 20 -.-First vs. (hirci of their importance in the in -
June sn—second V. Fourth dustrial life of western :Onta-
rio and for their high potential
for future growth. The new of-
fices will enable us to im-
prove our services to the peo-
ple in those areas,"
Plans were made,for fall Hing service the clitldren took Bill Batten, Eter, rtrt} lYlr, another seems to really enjoy
meetings. A committee was part, giving recitations, sonic and i11rs, Norman Jaques and tt. AI r. George Lawson and the
named to look after.varnishing 'and instrumentals, and a nus- q rest of his executive deserve a
sionary offering was taken. family; lot of credit for the program
the floor. The orderlieratwa Books, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hoist of Mr, and Mrs, Warren Brock, they planned,
Lary is " two books,Exeter, with Mr.and Mrs. The local group doesn't meet
"Outreach" and "Facts and
and Mrs P Emery Fahrner, Mr,Wellington l3rock; . again until October 3 but when
Figures". Mr, .and Airs. Allan. Eve- they do, we hope to be on band
- , jeigh, Monica and Ellen, Kirk- again.
ton, with Air, and Mrs, Harry By the way, planning the Oc-
Hern and family; tober ard program is a new
Mrs. Louisa Kyle, Exeter, committee consisting of Mr. and
with Mr, and Mrs, Harold Mrs. George Frayne, Mr. and
Vern; Mrs. Clinton Sweet, Mr, and
Dir' and Mrs Be' Skinner Mrs, Ted Chambers and Mr.
The children enjoyed games
on the lawn in charge of Mrs.
C. Kenney and Mrs. J. Gal- ; Ta les from
loway, after which lunch was p
served convened by Mrs. R.
Reid and Mrs. S. King.
of thea EUB church met By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE and boys of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs, Wellington Hoist,
y. Tune 6, the
• a.• .h�,,,.. , and. Mrs, Bill. Dixon and ram -
you in the fall)
in the church schoolrooms. ily, Clandeboye, with Mr. and Soccer
After listening to the reports WMS and WA Mrs. Ward Hern and Edward; Night Hawks gained a first
of the WSWS convention at Mrs, Melville Gunning was Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bush. place tie with the silver Hawks
BMrs. J. Ratti and Mrs. ch was Ross hostess on Thursday evening for field and Mr. and Mrs, Lawr- in the Saturday morning Junior
Krueger, Mrs. A. M. Schlenker, the WAIS and WA meetings, in ence Hannon, Dublin, with Mr, League when they chalked up
convenor of youth and chili!- !the church parlors. Thirteen and Mrs, Angus .Earl; I an impressive 6.2 victory over
hood, conducted the worship members and one visitor was Mr. and Mrs, Milne Pullen, ' the Silvers.
service assisted by Mrs, Lorne, resent. Whalen, Mr. and Airs. Grant, Glen Stires, making his first
Theme for WMS meeting was Skinner, Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. debut as a junior, booted home
William Spence and David
"Use of Talents," Mrs, Win. p David, three of the winners'goals.
A duet was given bymiss French, who chaired the meet- Woodham, Mr. 13111 Strong, Warm in
Mothers. ins, was assisted during the Dublin and Mr. and Mrs. Burt 1 more rivh le Frank DeVries ad.
Finkbeiner andMiss Laura
don Finkbeiner. . Mrs. Schlenand Mrs. loer .
devotional part by Mrs. Cecil on Morgan and Paul of St. dad the other for the Night
led in a consecration service. Squire and Mrs. Alton Neil. Marys with Mr. and Mrs, Nor- gawks.
Rev. A. M. Schlenker showed Several business items were man Brock; i Jimmy Parker and team Cep -
a film of scenes from Hong discussed. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hurn tain Barry Baynham looked
Kong, after which Mrs. Ed Mrs. Cecil Squire was }n and family, London, Mr, and after the Silver Hawk goals.
Hendrick conducted the bus(- 'charge of WA. The program
Mrs. Ross Ballantyne, Brian In the senior circuit Freddy
ittee for co
and Jimmie, Kirkton, with Mr.' I>rrll' Liniment Ctub cont Hued O �C� � ���
and Mrs. Thomas Hern; +
WSWS was invited to .Dash- was appointed. Twenty-five : their unbeaten streak by down- !
Friday evening, Lune 8, the Mr. and Mrs. James Earl
cent articles are to be handed ing the Boomers 3.0, By virtue I By MRS.WILLIAM WALTERS
wood where Mrs. Kellerman, in at next meeting for bazaar, and Mr. and Mrs, Charles of the win, the Liniment Club
from Kitchener, gave a delight-; there will be a contest for Miller, Exeter, Mrs. Florence, is in first place with two am. ,.:.>.:; r�"':4,s>;,. " s� S,
fill talk and also shpwed slides raising money by points. The Woodworth, Manitoba, Mrs. straight victories. :
of her trip to Japan where she !buying committee were asked f Laura Percy, Alberta, Miss Ricky Schroeder was the key Mr. Gordon Prance is a pa-
visited with her daughter, Jean to purchase water glasses and ! June Rader, Dashwood, and man for Liniment with two tient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
Kellerman, a missionary there: !tablespoons for the church. I Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johns and goals. Wells scored the other, London.
! girls of Elimville with Mr. andMrs. Ivan Brock and family
Kinsmen vs. married men Personal items ( Ina closer contest, the goal
Mfrs. Everard Miller; getters rolled.past the Lords by spent the weekend with rela-
Last Wednesday evening a I Mr. and Mrs. Harry "Herbert, I Mr, Lloyd Lynn and Miss .a 3-1 count. tives at Langton.
ball game was played on the , Si. Marys, were Sunday guests : June Lynn, Clandeboye, with Robert Wolfe, a hearty De- Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hut -
newly -renovated ball diamond, ; of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hod-' Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Brock; troit Tiger baseball fan like ton and family of Elimville
first of the season, by the Kins- + gins and family. i Mr. and Mrs. Herman Coxon, his father, "Batch," scored visited on Saturday evening
men of Exeter and married I Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen' London, with Mr. and Mrs. twice for the Goal -Getters.. with. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman
men of the town, Kinsmen won were in Woodstock Saturday 1 Keith Hern and Mr. Ross Hern;
6-4. A good crowd was in at. ,visiting Air, and Mrs. Walter Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Thomson Lanky Brian Sweitzer booted Horne and fancily,
ihome the other. Mr. and Mrs. Win, Dickey and
tendance. i Pullen.
and Mrs, E Squire at -'•and family, Mr.
WilliamitMr. and Billy Farauhar, another De- family of Woodham visited on
There will be another gametroit Tiger (baseball) stalwart,
on Friday evening, ; tended Wesley United Church , Mrs. Edgar Baker; Sunday evening with Mr.and
Lots of work has been put in anniversary services on Sun- i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden, tallied for the Lords. and Mrs. Freeman ]]erne and
en the athletic field this spring day and visited with Mrs. Min- ! Centralia, Mr, and Mrs. Mel- SENIOR LEAGUE fatally.
and it looks very well now. !me Mardlin and Fred. ville Gunning and Muriel, This week's scores: 1 Mrs. Bert Bax and daughter
j Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hod -Whalen, Mr. Harry Rodd, T,iniment Ctuh 3. Boomers 0 returned: to their home on Personal items Fri -
gins, Gordon and Grant attend- Woodham, Mr. and. Mrs. Milton Goal -Getters 3, Lords i day after having spent the past
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Fink- ed a family gathering at the Keller and family, Exeter, Standings two months with her parents
beiner visited over the week -home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jaques , \v L. 'r Far in Holland.
end with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene ,Hodgins, Granton, Monday eve- and Mr, and Mrs, Ray Jaques I i matt Getters uh 12 i n 15 3 z Miss Janet Hern spent the
Finkbeiner and family at Bar-, Hing, honoring Mrs, Cecil Hod- and. Steven;
Lords n n 1 3 5 i weekend with Judy Walters at
;gins birthday. Mrs. Florence Johns, Exeter, Boomers 0 0 1 3 s 1 Chesley Lake.
Future games:
June 17—Goal-Getters vs, Boom-
ers (0:30 a.m.): Liniment Club
vs. Lords (10:30 a.m.)
This week's scores:
Night Hawks 6, Silver Hawks 2
Night 14awks 1 1 1 111 1 3
Silver Hawks 1 1 1 7 10 3
Future games:
June 17—Night Hawks vs, Silver
Darts (10:30 a.m,)
odgins attended Whalen, with Mr. and MrsHARDBALL LEAGUE
el Guild meet- This week's scores:
at St. Paul's Dir. Joe Bailey. Exeter, With
and Yankees 11. Dodgers. 1
n. Following Mr. Mrs. Diilton Brock;
Dodgers vs Yankees (ram)
were at the Mr. Edgax Go.rvett, Kirkton, Standings
tour and
This Week's spores:
Hawks 11, Tiger 4
Hawke 14, Braves 11
3 1 0
2 '1 0
3 2 n
0 3 0
Future games:
,lune 15 -Indians vs, Braves
Sudden•Deathh PPlayoffs
lune 10 (Alon.)—First vs. Third
June 22 tThttr,)—Second vs,
June 26 (Alon,)—Winners of firs(
series meet in sudden -death
This week's scores;
Yankees 21, P,ittshtirg 15
Final Standings
• -w LT P
Pittsburg .... 3 1 0 fr
Yankees 1 3 0 2
Future games:
Finals Sudden.Death
June 26 (Moe)Yankees vs,
This week in •
• ■ •
• Mr, and Mrs. Ray St. Marie, I Carol and Mary Johnson are with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
of Kitchener, spent Friday eve- confined to the house suffering Johns;
ning with Mr. and Mrs. Carl with chicken pox. -Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jaques,
"ELacHmcl-ren yCiey; `'l Air. and• Mrs. Milne Pullen Mr, and Mrs. Sam Bowers
Mr. and 'Mrs.. .Elgin Woodall' at ".nded Zion United Church and family, . Exeter, Mr. and
of Royal Oak, Mich., visited i •an versary service and were Mrs. Ross Jaques and John,
with the former's parents. Mr• gue. is with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- Hensali., with Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs. Joseph Woodall, on # man Brock. Cliff Jaques;
Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. F, Squire, Mr. and :Mrs. Fred. Parkin -
Miss Ruth Roeszler has taken Graft° and Ron Squire at- son and family, Baseline, Mr.
a position with the London Life tended the funerals -last week and Mrs. Malcolm Spence,
at London. 1 of the la e Mrs. Alfred Coates, Elaine and Gene, St. Marys,
Decoration Day will be ob- `Exeter, < rad the late Mrs. Mr. and ltfrs. Garfield Nixon
served in the EUB church next i Elizabeth r ickins, Lucan. and family, Granton, Mr. and
Sunday, June 18,;at 2:30 p.m., � Mrs., Nor i an Hodgins and
at the cemetery. Mrs. Percy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wade ! the annual Ch.
and Heather, of London, spent i ing Wednesday.,
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 1 Cathedral, Lon.
John Wade and Johnny. the meeting they
Cpl, Robert Lambie. who is Bishopstowe's for
taking a course at Clinton Air i tea,
Station. spent Sunday with Mr.! Mr, and Mrs. Walt
and Mrs. L. Finkbeiner and: Clavering, and Mrs.
Mr. and !Mrs. Ross Haugh and 1 Exeter, were recent
family. with Mr. and Mrs. Ale
Mrs. Mary Gunn and Joe and and Mr. and Mrs,
grandchild, Marjory Kiulingg, Morley Sr,
spent Sunday at Detroit, Mich, Mr. and Mrs. Melville
The Sunday School picnic of ning attended Zion anniversa
, the EUB church will be held' service on Sunday and visite
on. Wednesday, June 21, in the with Mr. and Mrs. Alle
evening in the community Jaques and Mr. and Mrs. Ra
field. Jaques.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Fuller, Lon- Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Mo
Mr.don, visited with r. and Mrs ley and Carol
Gerald Hern;
E. G. Wenzel on Sunday and Mrs. Alex Baillie motore
-Mr, and Mrs. Howard Ren- to Brantford on Tuesday eve
ney and Maurice of Detroit at- ning to view the remains
tended the Keller and HirtzeI their cousin, the late Mr
wedding on Saturday at Cent- Charles Hayes, Brantford.
ralia. Mr. and Mrs. William Moi
Mr. Francis Clark returned ley Jr., Janice and Robbie a
home Sunday after spending tended Zion anniversary se
two weeks in Detroit with Mr. vice on Sunday and visited M
and Mrs. R. Clark. and Mrs. Norman Jaques.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Menders
and children, of London, visit-
ed on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Wiltnar Wein and Bar-
Mr. and Mrs, Ed Hendrick. He: "Yes, and I did; it wa
Commencing the Week of June 12, 1961
Mrs. ;Mac Mills and family,
with Mr. and iMrs. Ephriam
r Morley,
Bailie Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
imara Brock, Karen ;and Murton, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Hern and
un- Lorne, Mr. Edward Hern and
v Mr. Ronald 'Matz attende
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington
Future gamest
Sudden -Death Playoffs
June 20.—Dodgers vs. Yankees
Holstein twilight meeting Fri-
day eveLng at the Huron
e, Clinton,
Founded in 1877, British
Mortgage has assets of over
$47,000,000 with paid-up capi-
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A modern head office build-
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Stratford. A branch office was
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ton and another office in Lis-
towel will be opened in the
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Smith had triplets, and two
weeks later.had twins? Impos-
Gherkin — "Not at all—one
triplet died,"
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