The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-06-15, Page 3" tle*"'" r''''''rt414.".*:4106"004, 4". 'rs, , . *o a" "I • *. . • * "40" ' Itt tht,
arfreY Mr. and Mrs. -Jelin C. Ring- I wish to thank all my friends
e the /and, Lime, New York, wish end neighbours who so kindly
Male announce the engagement of pemembered me while was a
Huron their niece, Lorna Alma 11
CANN—Mr, and Mrs, C
:Cann, Exeter, ennounc
,birth of a son, Devitt
(mint Peter, at South
Hospital, June 11—wei
ebs, How about that
PLIVAL — Mr, and Mrs. 3.
Duval, Main Se, Eeeter, an-
neence the birth of a datt,gh-
Penise, South -Huron
;Hospital, June 9.
RODGSON — Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Hodgson, Whalen,
announce the birth of a son
at St. Marys Memorial Hos-
vital, June 6,
LUXTON-,111r, And Mrs, Bob
Luxton, Exeter, announce the
•teeth of a son, Douglas Mur-
ray, at, South Huron Hos-
pital, June 9—a brother for
Jeep, Joanne and David.
11cCORMICK Mr, and Mrs.
,McCormick (nee Maingot),
RCAF Station Centralia, an-
' nounce the birth of a son,
Michael Stanley, at South
Huron Hospital, June 11—a
brother for Warren, Marie,
r Janet, Anne and Kevin.
MeleALLS—Mr. and Mrs. Rich-
. ard McFalls, Exeter, an -
flounce .the birth of a son,
David Meander, at South
Huron lbspital, June 14.
MEIDINGER — Mr. and Mrs,
.Leo Meidinger, Zurich, an-
nounce the birth of a daugh-
ter at South Huron Hospital,
June 13—a sister for Dougie,
Janet and Marilyn,
ONDREJICKI —Mr. and Mrs.
'.Joe Ondrejieki, RR 1 Exeter,
announce the birth of a
• daughter at South Huron
• Hospital, June 13—a sister
for Teresa and Michael,
PARSONS—Mr. and Mrs. Don-
ald Parsons, RR :1 elensall,
•'announce the birth of a
• daughter, Debra Ann, at
.South Huron Hospital, June 9
!e -a sister for Susan, and Gail.
?TT — Mr. and Mrs'. Ralph
.Pitt (nee Beatson), Cargill,
,.are happy to announce the
'birth of a daughter, at Walk-
, erville General Hospital, June
,6—a sister for Steven,
REVINGTON — Mr, and Mrs.
Fred Revington, Lucan, are
• liappy to. announce the birth
. of a daughter, Robin La -
Verne, at St, Joseph's Hos-
pital, June 3.
SI,MS — Mr. and Mrs. William
Sims, Mill St., Exeter, an-
.enounce the birth of a daugh-
-ter, Sheila Elaine, at South
• Huron Hospital, June 11—a
lister for Jerry.
SNIDERe-Russell and Verona
Snider' (nee Hayter) are hap-
• py to announce the birth of
'their son, • Daniel Rex, at
' Clinton Public Hospital, June
9eea brother for David and
WEDGE-4,1r..and Mrs. Robert
• Wedge,: William St., Exeter,
'announce the birth of a son
at South Huron Hospital,
;June 13—a brother for Linda,
Teddy and Michaels
'Wile/DS—Mr, and Mrs. 'William
.1, Wilds, CrediMn, announce
the birth of a daughter at
South Huron. Hospital, June
sister for Mark, Brian
-and Dianne,
teeLDS--M. and Mrs, Robert
-Wilds, Exeter, announce the
e birth of a daughter, Kimber -
lee Ruth Ann, at South Huron
Hospital, June 7—a sister for
, Kevin.
Comments about
Celebrates 75 years
Guests at the -home of Mr.
and Mrs. K. McKellar on Sun-
day were Mr. and .Mrs, 0. R.
Francis and 'Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Town of Woodstock. Mrs.
R. Ferguson and son Oran of
Platteville,. Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Francis, Tavistock, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Coleman, John,
Joan and Allen of Seaforth,
Mr. and Mrs. Carter •Kerslake,
Joyce, Brenda and Craig, Stat.
fa, Mrs. Sadie Scott, Mrs. Alex
Crago and Mrs. Alan Somers,
St. Marys, Mr, Andrew Mc-
Lachlan and Mrs. Grace Scott,
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning,
Richard, Robert and Jane, Mit-
The eathering was arranged
by their daughter, Mrs. Bin-
ning, as a surprise for Mrs.
McKellar on her seventy-fifth
P ersena I in
Mrs, T. L. Scott was Presby-
terial visitor at the meeting of
the.; Glengowan WMS on Tees,
Air. David Scott is spending
few weeks at the home of his
uncle, Mr, Hugh Moore of Lind-
Azel Finch of London,
aCcomnanied by his daughter,
Mrs, Shute, visited on Tuesday
with Mr. Andrew 111cLachlan
.Mrs. Grace SCOt
I .Alf. and Mrs, George Wal -
face Ivir. and Mrs, John Wallace
and Debbie, Mr, and Mrs. La -
Verne Wallace, Pamela and
Tereta, Mrs. Gordon Laing,
Lorraine and David attended
the. Wallace re -union in Russel -
dale Hall on' Saturday.
Mrs. W. Martin of Exeter,
ho had been visiting with her
daughter, Mre. Frank Hamilton,
is a patient Seaforth HOspie
lire; M. Houghton and Mr.
Prank gtagg attended the Keinp
reunion At the home of Mr, and
Mr. Laverne Rose, Mitchell,
on Sunday,
• Miss Margaret Ant Wallace
Was ,a guest at ilia Wagner
Baler .wedding Which took piece
!teethe Lutheran Monk,
for0 on Satueday.
Mr, and Mrs. Thigh Moore,
%Mild Wayne and Elaine
Lindsay' arid Mrs. Ernie
ArinStrong Milibrook, spent
thee wetketid With Mes and lelest,
TWL, Stott .atici
, . , . et
., . . mH
ph s os -
den, of London, to PonAte -tee- pal, -leondoll.—Derie Cornish.
roe Finkbeiner, son of Mr, and 15e
Mrs. Irvine leiniebelner, Credi- 1 Tee family of the late Eliza -
tun. The wedding to take place, betel Dickins wish to express
Saturday, July 1 at 3 o'clock, 1 their sincere thanks and en -
In Zion ,B,V.B. church, Cre.cli-lpreciation to relatives, neigh -
e5e 1 beur.s and friends for their
Mr, •and lire. Harold Light- kindeess and sympathy extend -
foot, Centralia, Wish to an cd to thorn during their recent
nounce the engagement of their, bereavement in the loss of a
daughter, Gwendolyn Jean, to; dear mother and grandmother.
Mr. William Wesley RAder, sonlSpecial thanks to Rev, Lan -
of Mrs. Harry Rader and the 1 caster, pallbearers, f 1 o w e r
late Mr. Harry Rader, Peek- I bearers, the Haeleett funeral
wood. The wedding •to take.' home and fee' floral tributes.
place on Saturday, July 15, at
3 o'clock, Centralia United
cherch, Centralia, Ontario,
Mr. and Mrs. David Dodd,
Mrs, Elizabeth Thotnpson
wishes to express her sincere
thanks and • appreciation to
friceds, relatives and nub.
Eustolineoillrordeauguileter7gRal.giteli, Idtuoittirnsg lot; e till% late
in i‘diro.s s Tislloi ion18prn.
Mary, leo Thomas Gerald Mc- awl's lengthy illness and 1°1'1
Intyre, son of Mr. and Mrs, the beautiful floral tributes
Henry Ignatius !McIntyre, or and messages or sympathy re -
Bridgeport, Nova Scotia. Wed- ceived at the time -of her re -
mg to take place Saturday, cent sad bereavement. Special
July 15, 1961, at Christ The thanks to Dr' Willem E' But"
King Chapel, RCAF Station, ler and Dr. A, R. Meredith,
Centralia, Ont., at 11;00 a.m. special nurses, Rev, R. An -
_tem ions, the pallbearers, flower
bearers and the Murdy funeral
home. • 15*
wish to express my ap-
preciation to relatives, friends
and neighbours for cards, calls
and visits, giftof flowers and
treats, to Miss Claypole and
staff, Dr, D. A. Ecker, and to
all who helped in any way
while I was a patient in South
Huron Hospital, — Mrs. Annie
Frayne. 15c
would like to say "thank
you" to all who remembered
inc with their prayers, cards,
flowers and visits while 1 was
a patient in St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, London. Special thanks
to Rev. Louis Hoffman, Dr, V.
Gulens and Mr.• Lawrence Ma-
son, chauffeur of Hoffman
We would like to express ou
sincere thanks to our rel
tives and friends who remem
bered Vera with flowers, card
and visits while a patient i
St. Joseph's Hospital and sine
returning home. Special thank
to Dr, A. E. Mowry, Dr, M. C
Fletcher, the special nurses
and nursing staff on third floor
also Rev. McCauley of Saints
bury, Rev. Anions of Brinsley
—Raymond and Vera Greenlee
The family of the late Mrs.
Alfred Coates wish to express
their sincere thanks to rela-
tives, friends and neighbors for
the beautiful floral tributes,
,,,, • -* * ." 41' to* *Y. **re* r • ...,44.1x./ fr 14 0. 0, • • • • • • ' V • • 0, 10. • 00."' ". "*"." ""et **;%**—. ***I.** **".40."4........e..
D59, Ault atom Synehrsie, W ilghtti Ittsr.;trod.
• And worst of all, nobody appreciates my aellSe
of humor."
Squire reunion features sports
The Squire reunion was held James Squire; youngest ineree!
Saturday, June 10 at River- ber present, Gary Meyers; the
view Park, Exeter, A picnic closest birthday, Mrs. Orville
dinner was served at 12.30 and Cann, Mrs. A. Cottle; most
•supper in the evening, stripes on seeks, Alvin Cottle;
The afternoon was spent in most buttons on dress, Mrs. C.
sports. Winners in running Jones; lucky plate, Alvin Cot -
r rwaecrees ferfindgairls,RulOssealln,c1 vedtteyi-
. tleOfficers for the year are:
• Miller; 14 and under, Sharon president, Nelson Squire; sec-
s Stone, Elaine Squire; three- retary-treasurer, Mrs, Edgar
n legged race, Sharon Stone and Squire; sports commttiee, Mrs.
e Elaine Squire; Don Meyers and Ethel Squire, Mrs. Alvin Cottle;
s Don Squire; 'kicking the slip. table committee, Mrs. Albert:
. per, .Alyin C o t t 1 e, Edgar Scott, Mrs, ones.
Squire; balloon blowing, Don:
Squire, Linda Russell; guessing'
the beans, Mrs. Lavez-ne Stone,' There were 6,868 divorces in
- Elaine Squire; lucky spot, Canada in 1960, a rate of 38.6
' Gloria Meyers; eating ;soda bis-' for each 100,000 of ;population;
' cults, Mrs. Ethel Squire, Mrs. Newfoundland bad the lowest
F; k Squire;
Oldest member present, Mr, Columbia the highest, 99.1,
divorce rate, 1.3, and British
,„ tttttttttt , ttt ,, tt ,. ....,,,,,m,,,, ttt , t e tt mule., iiiii 111101111.11111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiii llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Ambulance Service. It was all
donations to the Cancer Fund,
cards, letters and many acts
sincerely appreciated, —Mrs.
Rufus Turnbull.
We wish to thank relatives,
neighbours and friends who so
kindly remembered Ila ;with
cards, visits and gifts while a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospital
and since returning home with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John
Willis. Special thanks to Dr.
Ecker, .Dr. H. H. Allen and
nursing staff of St. Joseph's
Hospital. — Chester and Ila
Dunn. 1.5e-
I wish to express my sincere
thanks to my neighbours and
friends who so kindly remem-
bered me with flowers, treats
and visits while a patient in
Victoria Hospital, London,
Special thanks to Dr. M. Gans
for all his kindness.—j, Fred
Dawson. 15*
of kindness shown her during
her illness and sympathy ex-
tended to the family in their
recent sad bereavement in the
loss of a dear mother and
grandmother. Our sincere ap-
preciation also to Dr, Fletcher,
Rev. E, Lewis and the Hopper -
Hockey funeral home, 15*
CARLILE—In loving memory
of a dear mother and grand-
mother, Eva Alice Carlile,
who passed away June 15,
You are always remembered
in our minds,
No matter what we do,
All the time within our. hearts,
There are thoughts of you.
—Ever remembered by Walker,
Muriel, Martha and Anne
and grandchildren, 15c
Early Quebec house
part of Festival show
A typical country house o
early 19th century Quebec wil
be •constructeel this month in
the Stratford Arena as the
focal point of "The Arts o
French Canada," one of the
two exhibitions to be held this
year during the ninth annual
Stratford Shakespearean Fes-
11 been set aside for the modern
11 age, specifically for a display
of paintings by 25 artists of the
province of Quebec. More than
f 50 canvasses will be hung,
some of them valued as :high as
.Across the road from the
festival arena, the festival ex-
hibitionhall, will once more
this year he devoted to a di•s.
play of books and theatrical
mementoes. Robert • Ihrig,
Stratford artist and designer,
who 'supervises the exhibitions,
intends that the 1960 season
will provide the main features
for a large display of costumes
and properties from "Romeo
and Juliet," "King John" and
"A Midsummer Night's
Dream," last year's Festival
plays. Mr. brig plans to
mount "tableaux" of costumes
from the three plays, which
were designed by Tanya Moise-
eiwitsch ;and Brian Jackson.
Costume sketches from the cur-
rent season will also be shown,
In this same building, Cana-
dian handicrafts will again be
presented, and a large part of
the floor area of the Exhibition
Hall will be occupied by the
Exhibit of Books by Canadian
Book Publishers, • Shakespeaie
ean books from the collection
of Sidney T. Fisher of Mon.
treal, and. "The Festival Exhie
bition of Music," presented by
the Canadian Music Publishers
Both exhibition buildings will
be opened during the first
week of the Stratford Festival,
which begins this year on June
19, They Will be open through.
out the season from 10 a,m. to
8 pen, on weekdays and from
2 p.nt. to 6 p.m. on Sundays.
Prefabricated and moved in-
to position in sections, the
house will consist of four
rooms — kitchen, summer kit-
chen, bedroom and guest room
— authentically decorated
with origin,al furnishings to il-
lustrate .how the first settlers
of Lower Canada lived.
On. view will. be their plc-
tiwes and pottery, pots and
pans, butterchurns and bed-
spreads, lamps and looms. In
addition to these articles of
purely household use, there
will be many farm implements
to give a complete picture of
the farmer's life — wooden
ploughshares, pitchforks, yokes
and harness, Many of these im-
plements bear French names
that have gone completely out
of use, just as the ;tools them-
selvee are now obsolete in a
machine age.
A long time in the planning
stages, the exhibit has been
made possible through the co-
operation of several private
collectors, including Robert -
Lionel Seguin, of Rigaud, Que.,
who is acting as supervisor of
the exhibit. Assistance is elso
being extended by the National
Museum in Ottawa.
.But the exhibit in the Fes-
tival arena will not be devoted
entirely to the past. A gene-
rous portion of the space has
Select your card and gift
of quality at
We are an Associate Member of the National Warm
Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association of
IfIlllisiinesseaninettimeeten llllll IISIUM301011tHIMEIL*11t::Menelt**5:66MmenteMnIMS121t1:15tInliSnit!leni*
Plan to continue - The Tires -Advocate, June 15, 1961
drsve-m „services
ans aro made
Add uni n sections
hold outdoor church services all
Tibeing to .1 •
near Grand
ve-le Rend agaiTthis
n l t
the Starlite Driheetre o McGillivray area
lbs. etja$;p:r411es:ieknraeg.nrcisan5odofiosilpsaetsctilasi ss easo Isagi aabrryo. pprt jvoya1 to aur nabYey 154,:gunai ripoaia.tai t 11:0iu 1:it.rsc;:pYt0ii.iereeedoSaerit,eulEpdesineiv:anasetraholtsg4eleo 1111Perrou:agt6Ptile.nsirlo,ta:He'letni ireoteef.,
township portim of two union
Pap 3
A meetingto. make final, sections lnto its school area. lot four, concession 12, on the
plans for the series will be held Sections of I.ISS Nos. 14 and farm of Thomas Firming,
at Dashwood EUB Church 4 will join the area officially Tenders are being called for
Tuesday, June 20. called
, on ,Tap. 1, 1962, ,students will construction of the Glavin
Chaplain J. Keys of Trans -1 be transported to the town- municipal drain,
port for Christ, Toronto, and; ship's new Central school. The Sebea bridge was sold
DaVe McClerkin, Galt, are 1 Council accepted the division to Kelly Robinsen, Ailsa Craig,
among the Ally speakers, as of costs toward, the Parkhill for $230.00. The structure must
Iwberteintaes, Dr. J, T. Fattgla Of dam which has beeP allotted to be remeved within 30 days to
McGillivray under the Ausable make way for A replaeernent
seTrvjlieeest,he"neleerne as YoU are in
of the outdoor 1 :luutdhe°stitY11.10sgledoulf efiheninisdireieni splann'the aceounts, John Draase .
your earl) brought; several b.eentena
erbitlevrt Alenvdy.29% of the di. ina and Harvey Smith pack
thousands to the Sunday eve-
Wing services last slimmer. Were paid four fax botintiee.
Final approval was passed Stewart McGregor was paid
for a bylaw giving Imperial sus for damage to sheep. by
Oil Ltd, the authority to install dogs,
Total reVenetes of all govern- four twe-inch Bowlines for Reeve Earl Dixon presided
mitts in Canada rose from transmitting oil and gas under and Councillors Ben Thompson,
54,818 millions in 1950 to $11,-1 the north boundary road in Thomas Hall and Earl Morley
297 millions in 1960, 1 connectiwith thewe.0 at the were present.
Sweetest Small Car
on the Road Today!
Like a beautiful car?
Meet the new Austin
Cambridge, with the sleek
lines young -at -heart
Canadians have been
waiting for.
Like comfort? The new
Cambridge has a wealth of
room—a back seat only
inches narrower than the
widest North American
luxury cars!
Like "go"? Its smooth floor shift
and modified sports car engine
make the new Cambridge a spir-
ited performer. Like economy?
The new Cambridge gives up to
40 miles to the gallon!
We sincerely appreciate your kind response to our appeal in a
time of distress, Your purchases over the weekend have helped us
over the first big "obstacle" following the robbery and we are
extremely grateful,
HICKOK KEY CASES, new design, reg, $1.95 lllll $1,50
DOE-LON LOAFERS by Hickok, Reg. $4.95 pair $3.95
HICKOK TIE RACKS—He needs one! Reg. $1.95 $L50
CURRIETIE & HANK MATCHED SET, Reg, $2.50 lllllll $1.95
INTERWOVEN SOX GIFT BOX, 2 pairs, Reg, $2.50 $1.95
LEATHER BILLFOLDS, Reg. $4.00 Value lllll $3.25
MEN'S JEWELLERY, cuff links, tie bars, etc. .....„.,.. lllll 20% OFF
Friday Night Special
8 P.M. TO 10 P.M. JUNE 16 ONLY
Dress Pants
Values to MSS and $13.93 '
Alterations must be extra
Our Special on Stock Suits
Contiuiue This Weekend
Less than a dozen left 25,90 OFF
Reg. $49.30 to $69.30
Phone 81
One More Week!
* NEW Swim Suits
* NEW Sport Shii•is
* NEW Dress Pants
All fainottS names
Jantzen, Caulfield
* NEW Cabana Sets
* NEW T -Shirts
* NEW Dress Shorts
— Arrow, tluestone, Currie,
etc. — Outstanding Value
Sort Coats
Up-to-date styles — A Wide variety
Group 1 99
Group 2