The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-06-01, Page 14FESTIVAL WINNERS -Competition was keen in the;
many divisions of the North Middlesex music festival
held in Lucan recently, Miss Christine Wilcos7, assistant'
director of music in Ontario, was adjudicator for the
event and picked the above musicians as trophy winners
in the senior • classes. Thy include: back row, left to right,
Shelia Elston, Centralia; Larry Lewis, Granton; Allen
White, McGillivray Township, and Norma Jean Stewart,
Denfield, Front row, left to right, Patsy Hodgson, Mc-
Gillivray Township; Carol Stalker, Granton, and Judy
Scott, Clandeboye.
GRAND CHAMPIQNS-For the second year in a row, the Dairymen have copped
the grand championship of the Lucan Men's Bowling League. They are shown t
above with the Labatt Trophy, emblematic of league supremacy. The members in- t
elude: back row, left to right, Maurice MacDonald, Jack Marshall, Ivan Hearn, cap- d
tain, Earl Morgan. Front row, Elmer Mosurinjohn and Benny Saulinier. The Dairy-
men have now been challenged by the Dairymaids of the Ladies' League to corn
pete for the dairy championship of Lucan. -Culbert photo ; $
-Culbert photo
Patrol enjoy
Scout camp
Page Id .lune 1, 1961
and .dlstrict news
Phone SA 7.42ee Correspondent; _Mica Lina Abbott
Mrs, A. Heenan
'NMS p i n
Biddulph native
Mrs. Anthony Heenan, the
former Teresa Breen, 88, died
in Mason Villa Hospital, Satur-
day, May 20..
The body rested at the C,
Haskell, and Son Funeral Home
in Lucan, where prayers were
said Monday evening at 8.30.
At 8.30 a.m. Tuesday, May 23,
it was removed. to St, Patrick's
Church, Biddulph, for requiem
high mass at 9 a,m, with Rev.
Father .Frank Bricl;lin officiat-
ing, Interment was in St, Pat-
rick's cemetery.
Pallbearers included Messrs.
Joe Grace Sr„ Joe Grace Jr„
Austin Mcllhargey, Pat Toohey,
HuMcCarthgll Ty,
oohey and Lawrence
Daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Pat Breen, Mrs, ,Heenan
spent moat of her life in Bid-
dulph township. She was a pa-
tient at Mason Villa for seven
Surviving are one sister,
(Cecelia) Mrs. John Morkin. of
Claresholm, Alberta and nieces
and nephews.
Former resident
dies inStrathroy
Funeral services were held
Friday, May 26 at the Douglas
Gilpin Funeral Home, Thed-
ford, for Mrs. Norman Stoner,
e. the former Olive E. Corbett,
who died in Strathroy General
Hospital. Interment was in
Arkona cemetery. on
She is survived by one s,
Ronald of Thedford, two broth-
ers, Harold Corbett, of. Lucan,
Maurice Corbett of Paris and
a sister, Aileen (Mrs, J. E.
Orr) of Parkhill_
Mrs, Stoner was the daughter
Scout Master Earl Carling
and eight Lucan scouts of the
Fox Patrol, with. Paul Steacy
as patrol leader and. Jimmy
McIntosh as second, accepted
the invitation to attend the
Scout Camporee, sponsored
the Perth District and h
over the long weekend at F
Creek, near Prospect Hill.
One hundred and twenty-five
scouts fro15 patrols from
Milverton, Stratford, St. Marys,
Thorndale and Lucan, were
of the late Mr. and. Mrs.Wil-
by liam Corbett and was born on
eld the farm now owned by Mr.Lucan.
ish HarolCorbett, just west of
Among those attending the'
funeral were Mr. and. Mrs,
Harold Corbett and Mr. and.
Mrs. Chas. Corbett of Lucan.
and Mr. and Mrs. L, H. Cole
ch- bett of Kingsway.
g, Rev. 0, E. Lancaster spent
ass. last; Wednesday and Thursday
ng .a patient in Victoria Hospital
-where, he underwent , a nose
didg operation.
Projects included tent pit
ing, pioneering, fire fightin
tracking, map and comp
reading, camping, signalli
and life -line throwing..
Though the Lucan scouts
well, considering the Arai
they. have received, yet on each
project they came a little
short on bringing home a pen-
The Lucan scouts left early
Saturday morning andarrived
home late Monday evening.
Legion Auxiliary bingo,
In spite of other activities
here was a splendid crowd at
he Legion. bingo last Thurs-
ay night but no one captured
th . jack pot.
Mrs. Richard Davis (one of
Lucan's lucky winners) won the
5 consolation.
The Peppers of Exeter we
eaIly "hot". Mrs. Pepper w
the 11th bingo and also tl
full card "Share the Wealth
prize while Mr. Pepper share
the ninth bingo with Mrs. Tho
Weller and Mr. H. B. Lan
ford of Lucan. Mr. Bob Morle
and Mrs. Don McRoberts w
the first and last line "Sha
the Wealth" prize. Mrs. Pa
Crudge, Miss Muriel Carling
and Mr. Benny Kelly all of.
Lucan were the consecutiv
bingo winners.
Carl Neil and Mr. Joe Has
keit of Lucan and Mrs. L1oy
Ford of Exeter shared the se
d bingo. Mrs. Ford als
fared the sixth bingo wit
rs. Russell Pincombe of Park
II, Mr, Ted Bridger of Lu
n and Mrs. Lloyd Thompso.
Woodham shared the thirl
n g6,
Other winners included Mrs
. Schroeder and Mrs. Harr
ghtfoot, both of Centralia
id Mary 11lathers, and Mrs
ily Appleton, both of Lucan
The MIS of Lucan United
Church met at the church,
May 25, tyith the President,
Mrs, George Paul in charge,
On behalf of the members,
Mrs. Gordon Ranting presented
Mrs. Thomas Lee with a life
membership pin, her family
havingher'ps resentepayd her with the
life membership certificate on ,
Mrs, Win. Aylestock conduct-
ed the worship service assisted
by Mrs. Park and. Mrs, Hodg-
son, Mrs. Baiting read a paper
on Temperance. Mrs, G. W,
Sachgave a talk on "What is
a Missionary?" from the study
Mrs, Aylestock's daughter,
the Rev, Aylestock of North
Buxton, was guest speaker and
gave an interesting talk on
"Suggestions 1 o r Christian
Mrs, Lee as Christian Stew-
ardship convener read "Merry
Month of May",
Mrs, Marian Barr was voted
financial aid for Baby Band
supplies, Mrs, Cecil Robb
thanked the ladies for the good
bale for the Rescue Mission.
Mrs, Alex Young's group
will be in charge of the social
June meeting.
Mrs. Herbert Childs a for-
mer leader in Alma College
School for. Leaders and WMS
Presbyterial. executive is ill in
Victoria .Hospital and every-
one present signed a card to
be sent to her.
Lucan horse wins again
On Saturday night at Vernon
Downs Howard. Rosecroft, own-
ed by Sheridan Revington and
Bud Gilmour, came first at
On Saturday night• at the
Western Fair Raceway Pauline
Volo owned by the Hardy Bros.
came first and second.
On Friday night at the West-
ern Fair Raceway, Meadow
Art's, also owned by the Hardy
Bros„ came second.
Enumerators hold classes
Mr. Harold. Corbett, as com-
missioner, was in charge of
the classes held in. the Parisah.
Hall. for 18 enumerators t
week, prior to their taking over
their duties June 1, as census
Honor top bowlers
at men's league fete
The Lucan Men's League
climaxed. their successful bowl-
ing s.eaaon, Monday, with a
banquet at the Lucan Legion
Trophies were presented to
the winners during the annual
fete and several comic prizes
re were distributed throughout the
on program.
fe The grand champion Milkmen
" received the Labatt Trophy,
d presented by Carl Murphy. The
s. silverware was accepted by
g- Ivan Hearn, captain of the
y team. Other members of the
on squad included Jack MMarshall,
re Earl Morgan, Elmer Mosurin-
t john, Maurice MacDonald and
Benny Saulnier.
Art Bell, representing Lucan
e Motor Sales, presented his
.Lirm.'s trophy to the Sham-
- rocks, who copped the "A"
d league honors, The team was
r-- made up of Bruce Bradley,
o Norm Coursey, Jack Arnold,
h Bill. Haskett, Jack Gilmour and
• Harvey Rawlings,
• The final league trophy went
n to the Clandeboye Church c en-
try, captained by Gerald Lynn,
The team was presented with
• the O'Keefe trophy by Jim Lyt-
y tle, a representative of the
.,,. ,. a:J. .o.. •• ,`�Y. ��svY.u. !" 'z:iA r. ..x ,.. ,i��rF�..W�ri'r'�a. "hbr, •:,.
BOWLING CHAMPIONS -Jack Arnold, right, is shown presenting his Lucan Bowl- Li
ing Lanes trophy to Earl Carling, who topped the high averages in the Lucan Men's sa
League during the past season. Other award winners are: left to right, Ab Gilmour, p
high. single; Bruce Bradley, captain of the Shamrocks who won the "A"league
chamionship and Gerald Lynn, captain of the Clandeboye Church entry who Eon M
the O'Keefe trophy for winning the "B" league honors, --Culbert photo un
ersonal items
Mrs, Ira Carling and Miss
uric! . Carling spent last. week-
d in Kincardine and cele
ated a pre•birthday party for
nine-year-old Avis, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Ebner Walpole,
Avis' cup of happiness was
filled to overflowing when she
received a message to say she
had won the large doll, dressed
With 25 dollar bills, in a draw
sponsored by the Kincardine
Trades Fair,
Mr, Allie Hodgins of London
was a Sunday guest of his sis.
• Mrs. Annie Fairies.
Mr. Cyril J3)ommaert was
shed to St, Joseph's Hospital.
ere he underwent surgery,
liss Merle Law and Mrs.
yd E. Bissell of London
re Sunday guests of Mr. and
s Murray ltodgins,
Ir, . and Mrs, Jack Steapy.
t Monday attended the ltt-
•al of the former's brother,
Alex Steady, 55, of Lanni
vne, Ont, (near Gananoque),
• Steady died of a. heart
acts, lcavidg a wlft and two
unday visitors With Mr. and
rs." Wes 11odgieS., included
end, Mrs, Sam Earle and
ily a Woodstock, Mrs, 1.1er-
it Swehtmaii of Essex and
brother, Mr. George Hod
ame trophy winners
at area. music festival
The sixth annual North Mid-
dlesex, music festival ended
Friday evening with a program
presented by the trophy win.
nets of the three-day competi-
Adjudicator for the event
was Miss Christine Wilton,:
assistant director of music in
Ontario Schools, Mt's, Shedd.
an Revington served as con -
eerier and Mrs. Calvin Haskett
Was secretary treasurer.
Trophy winners indudecl;
Girl soloists - ,Junior, Sheila
.Armitage; int„ Garhie Fritz
and :Marton Bullock, senior,
;Judy Scott: high school, Mer
brie Donaldson; rural, Carol
toy soloists - Junior, Rote
fire Gill and Mello' Culbert;
int., Andy !Hardy; senior, Allen
Whjtc; high schi ol, . harry
Mewls; rural, h,l�wni .:Gebel. _
Piano -� Junior, •Gay ,Stow•
tet; int„ Dale Schx+ani' senior,
Nerve ,Tran Stewattt; best bey
in lcstival, Wayfte iitlilgiils;
best girl, Shelia Blstiiir
Weal duet (rural), Alin Cuts
heft• and l, s r b a r ii Zubalr I d
!church solo, Larry Lewis; Thi•'
soli chorus (rural). SS 1 and, Unison chorus (20 or mere)
SS 9 Biddulph; two-part chorus SS 1 13idclulph 80, SS 2 79 es rus TSA; Unison cher- 5 78; unison chorus (under 20) cvh
' us, McGillivray TSA; school SS 80; two-part chorus (20�
liss Masonville; vocal double or more• SS 5 78; two part' Llo
trio, McGillivray, ' chords (under 20) SS 9 82; we
Trophy were donated by the vocal double trio, SS 9 X78• Mr
Lucan Lions, 1-learn's Dairy, ; Girls' solo -= SeVeii years,' ;41
Canadian Legion, Birt-, Clande. Jane llodgsbn 82, Pat flodgies -net
boye, 'Riverview and Lucan 81; 8 years,,eather Davis 84, .
W1 ; , Masonville 11 & S, Bank Laura Hodgins 83, Betty Scott; 1Jr
of Montreal, Paul's, Howard 82; 9 years, Margaret Zubal dot
t(ew, Clarence Lewis, .C,, 14, 83, Gloria Arenthels 82,Gweri `Ir
Lewis Ltd,, Lucan 11 & S, Mrs, ; Bristow 81; 10, Wendy Elston aft,
Lloyd Aehcson, Mrs, . Jack 84, :Madeline Gebel 82; 11, chrJ
Ready, Mrs. Clarence !lardy, Mary Korivaar 85, Donis Cul•; S
C.O.F,, Court Valentine, North- bent 84, Carol, Bristow 83; •.12,1 M
dale 1-I c&z S, North London (Aerie,' Carol Stalker 86, Barbera Zu>t �11n.
and awards in memory of ,Mrs, t hal 86, J5nyus Grose 84; T. i fan'
Ira I, Carling and Frank Egait l Sharon Bristow 82 Shirley of a
Sr, 1
i Peckhein 81' 14, Ann `Culbert gin
84. gut
fNfcGill�ivraamittlon, princrpall , ; d' 88, Helen,
Thursday '£ oral opening; Wright 80,
'night, She enlarged; toys' ;aide' 1 cs
'dight years,.
oil how trachea's . ren help a ,Ji r..,.,.. MM
child. bygiving � � p � n?rnY ��ieitoy '80; 3, Genet f
g ing him love, a Wright 82; In, Nelson Garrett d
feeling of success anti security,18;3; 1,i, Jiht' Calton 82; 12, I.n. ` ned
.Rev, G,. We. Sall led in the. roy Maguire '78; 18, Crwin Tea
s, of Ailsa Craig,
o y TSA, was guest i s i g s W 0 r 111 78, 16, Gladys' wer
speaker al the of i ' W h t
r, and Mr's, la, W. Renper
e Sunday guests ,of? Mrs,
Ili; Davidson and Mrs. Jean
er of Stifitford,
r, and Mtg. Ernest Ken-
y and granddaughter, Debra
n, have returned horne from
.,:., P1
eass tifr
n trp
aga iw
eek's vacetion at 'their cot
at Colpoy I3ey,
Present individual awards
The winners in the high
single, triple and average corn -
n, r
petition also received trophies
at the banquet. Carl Murphy,
owner of the Central Hotel,
presented his trophy to Ab Gil-
mour, who topped the high sin-
gles during the season,
The Radcliffe Drugs trophy
went to Jerry Nurse for his
high triple, while Earl Car-
ling took home the. high aver-
age award. The trophy was
presented by Jack Arnold,
owner of the Lucan Lanes.
Arnold also made a special
presentation to the members of
the league who rolled genies of
300 and over. The list included:
Ab Gilmour, Earl Carling,
Keith Simpson, Don Ankers,
Vic Hodgins, Art Hodgins, Dr,
George, Mert Culbert, Jens
Anderson, Keith Dickson. Earl
Morgan, Harvey Rollings,
Bruce Walden, Rick Mosurin-
john, Jack Arnold, Bill. Legg,
Jerry Nurse, Don Watson, Russ
Lee and Jack Marshall,
Each of the losing captains
received crying towels.
Clare Stanley acted as master
of ceremonies for the program
and lived up the evening with
several stories about some of
the members present.
The entertainment was pro-
vided. by Ron Head and his
wife, Doris, London. He per, -
formed several magical tricks
and had many of the audience
on stage to assist him,
nnurrnu a o,uruiuru u,urunrnIII nou11'Molar
Get The
For Your
Quick Returns!
Seed Grain
See our special contract ori Malting Barley be£or
you sign, Fertilizer supplied with contract. c
Different Varieties -- A180 Barley, Peas, etc.
Drop In And See Id's Today!
Stott s Elevator Ltd, I
oIaONE BA► 74470 MrUC'AN �
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Y 7iriir�iitrmruiriuiYrrYuretirinrnnrtatrn
Bank provides
night depository
Last week an around•the,
clock depository unit was in-
stalled at the Bank of Montreal.
Customers who find it :difficult
to make deposits during reg.
$tatf meeting
Friday night the first staff
meeting of the eounsn!lors for
Junior •Girls' Camps w s
at Robinson Memorial Ulnit^d
Church, London.
Ilene Donaldson, as a :cn'idi-
seilor, wilt attend the firat
camp and Mrs. Hurray Hod-
gins, as a •director, and l•li•
Julia .Crozier, as a cow senor
the second earn)).
Ladies' Guild
At the meeting of the Ledie '
Guild held in the .C'arish Hall,
Monday evening, May 22 most
of the evening was •spent in
making arrangements for the•
annual strawberry supper to
be held. June 38.
Other business conducted by
the president. Mrs, .Joe O'Neil
included the granting of per-
missioll for the Home and
School Association to hold its
graduation dinner in the church
•basement and to 'Again pay
the church taxes.
«lar banking hours will be ab!e
to avail themselves of this hours a day, seven
service at the B of 111 for 24 week,
days a
Start planning now!
Mail the coupon for
free literature.
Look forward to
your most
refreshing summer
ever -in Ontario!
Have the time
ofyour lite in
Hon. Bryan L. Cathcart, Minister
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Here's a gasoline that
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