Huron Signal, 1852-10-28, Page 3W. vie remits the tint .mart
of a saw ws.kly Redone Jonas! cared
the w Leas Free Pref[;' which 4 public[•'
at Brockville by J . McMstlsa at the
aeoeieha•gly Iew price of o*. dollar pe
ansae- It las ivory respectable appear-
uee, and we have no doubt bet that it will
prove as acceptable Militia to the Re-
form Prue. We wink its spirited propri-
etor every meas.
flf" The Bears are pretty numerous in
the settlements around Sratford, and seve-
ral have been killed both by the settlers
awl by Mr. Thomas Crozier, tbe latter of
whom last season brought into the town
near a dozen -sad made a good market
of the grease. The wolves is some is-
tstances have appeared, and worried several
sheep. They are however, rarely seen or
heard of these few years pari. -Cox.
Cry w , jft, ,j.*.a Ge the ex -
hernia of 'tsi•.tier moat ideaa-
t•geol'ato rt.. d.laish of the itlabitaate
,(the Veiled Counties of hires, Perth
lied{ Brut, ender the circttmsteeces
ef, got desist errata', as to their abiity of
,s,,aspipkjsg this object, it is emelt to
be regroitted that we ea perceive oar Me-
dea Coated es foe ewMwcrg as it were
ae •pawed• to as the as hand,w he reewe-
tie. of a eertaraty os the otter, a.d sot
only ceuetesaucme an useertai.ty, bel al -
doe a project, winch w the of
Re.hmomay d Trade with Ms United
States seam} prove .o greet bow a •
commercial pap of view. Om thing,
hoeeeeee b-d..eb,i.g of vette., which is,
That the Reeves generally have not the
0ee.0rrence of their constituents in this pro-
ject, and .bat consequently their actio,
is so fu illegal sad null and void w line
Mater. 1 refer particularly to one promi-
osat leading individual among them as bav-
i.g acted in direct opposition to the well
known espreased wishes of those be re-
1 .Lo beg, now the opportunity to ad-
vert, through your columns, to denuncia-
tions which l saw in the Braids Crdoaitt
of the 22nd inst., signed Stockholder sad
Kate -payer is the said Railway. As a
stockholder and rate -payer on my own
part, I differ totally with the writer is
opinion. Ile has dose well in not making
himself better known by name, as his argu-
ments if coming at all under the term, can -
*et stand tbe test of either sanity or patriot-
ism. If the Canada Compauy furnish
funds for a Railway, it is but right
they should be clearly and legally guaran-
teed the payment of both interest and prin-
cipal. It is far preferable to have to do
with them in this respect, than with any
American Speculators. I maintain that
the best extension that can be made of he
said Railway n by the Town of Stratford.
I also maintain that it will never pay as well
without extension; and I defy tbe said Co -.respondent of the British Colonist to pro -
dace ay fur argument to the contrary.
I am Sir,
your obed-t serv't,
Stockholder .ad rate -payer in said Rail-
way, and hrgest resident land owner in
the United Counties of Huron, Perth
and Bruce.
U7 We ban also received tbe " Cm-
servA,e Expositor" • ..w Jeered publish-
ed et Brawlers by Henry Racey. Its
views u implied by its title are cocoon•
tam, aid as general mention is b1glly
DETH by DrownING.--On the atter-
noon of Wednesday the 20th inst., a child
the only son of Mr. Robert McLean, Oat-
meal Miller at the Mill of Mr. Thos. M.
Daly, Stratford, was accidently drowned
is the mill -race. While some of the fami-
ly, who tad charge, of the boy. were en-
gaged after sapper, the little fellow memo
had toddled to the edge of the race -fal-
len is --and Life was extinct before his
absence was noticed or tbe body discover-
ed, though instant swell was rode.-coea
bat. 'baa the Mtstles eases to be weigh-
ed whether the Student lies, or noir Pre'
Kele • e atle.1es bee of owes. with M
fake ie erase, sad so waters, •leapt 17
Midges. T. say Lithium midi -
1r4•e1, knowing that Osumi es ether
lakes end seas has its .forms mai tempeols'
the drffe:esca Miriam • traffic by land by
net to a market. sad • tranships/1m by a
eater Ce5TSt0C• to a similar market, M
ten nisch to be passed ever. Baal Mr.
Daly, who really •ata ►u past well, gets
over .Tory difficulty of Ws sort, by naiied
-which lee has dose publicly at the meet-
isge--ab.t the Continuous usai. Tsa.k
Liss to Halifax from Toronto, well maids
the asecbsst& awl buyers fir and at the
latter city, to forward all sad every of the
farmers' wedges direct to Hals(aa! Have
e o tr.a*&cuo.. with Brother Jenatbaa, at
. ,y rata as Rule as possible! What an lho
•am• of roues have the farmers to lou► p is, taalinyy smoothlytut, but a fair tali egairetest for thea pr.- Patine,/
duce -sad if they elitism that es the spat. foe Part Phillip and .
through a road, and cash market in the
States, which there •suis undeniably-li
makes .o matter whether the mosey paid
them, comes from Brother Jo.sibu or eke
Khali of Tartery. Their ca•h u as goad and
se valuable, as that obtained at Halifax, or
through ray i.eueaee exercised to uphold
the traffic by tie Ht. Lawrence. The far-
ther tine produce la oral, lbw mere Is to be
addd to its Ont vales, in the .baps of 111
sinuses, carriage. Ike! To raise • political
(..lug -outset Mr. Daly has adverted to at
soma of lbw mortises, by • cosstut refer -
tees to British rartets,a our sole 'Menet,
though then is a market sear at head with
friendly government. s sot well adv,o.d.
Trraed stop the intercom,. of our oaer-
eha.ii with New York or Boston -or tb.
American seabes'd-and the attempt w,11
he hailed by every exprnt/on of oppoaltios.
It is for the advantage of the farmers -the
settlers -to further the interests of the
bie( buyers, those wire forward tbe pro-
ducts of the cutlery. t te for the advert.
tage of every one, that a ready meas of
he had with any class of people,
who loll receive ourselves sad our products
on friendly and.d•aotageoos tonne.
it eras very income:eut, to say the least
of it, for Mr. Daly, alter • hoot of rsab!icg
statements (0oeseeee, I should term them,
and blackguardums at the Dow on meeir,g)
against the Brantford and Goderieh hoe,
end es; ecialfy the contemplated tis, (wlhcb
does not •ppeasr seer will be easotod), to
endeavour to obtain the vote to Rile% that
the Municipalities •n the line of the Guelph
and Toronto lime, should take .tock; and
that he should have voted in Downie for the
eons thing -both eq,tally repugnant, sod at
total Terence, to has deci.mill res &gout
the Goderieh and Brantford Ii.e. Hie &lls-
•iom to the Ilon. Malcolm Cameros, at the
Downie meet;ng, sad leu friend Mr. Chino.
tie, M. P., of Brantford, might have bele
done. in the haste of the moment -bat what
have personal allusions to it with the asb-
ject,.. to whether it was a were rase of
Mr. Chretii a to take any interest to the
Barns de Tuyl's property at Bayfield as if
he wished to iciest bis property in the
'Huron. The "ruin and decay" statements
u to Bafflo, which be styled " the deck's.
ing ctly of Buffalo, with its frozen harbor,"
and the "Mickey ears" running on the
Rraatford line, arta' various other things,
might be well adapted io caroming a low
rabble, bat dertaul), sot farmers.
Stratford, 18th Oct., 11162.
The County Council for the United
Counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce be-
fore commencing the ordinary buaimeas of
the Council this morning, (23rd lost.,) con-
stituted themselves into a Public 'seethe,
appointed William Chalk, Esq., the War-
der of the limited Cousins, Chairman, and.
passed the following resolutions.
Moved by Mr. William Wallace, se-
conded by Dir. Alexander Mitchell, and
Resolved, 'ibat we the under -reined,
'members of the Municipal County Council
of the United Counties of Huron, Perth
and Bruce, having by our almost unani-
mous tate-ieventtea to four -in favor
of the 13e -Law taken £125,000 value
of ,teak im ttie: Buffalo, Brantford and
Goderich Railway, take tbie opportunity
of expressing oar entire approbation of the
conduct of Thomas Mercer Jones, Esq.,
the Canada Company's resident &gest at
Goderich, which we feel bound to say las
bee. in accordance with the views of an
immense majority of the population of these
United Counties, and that be has through-
out the whole Railroad agitation consulted
their best interests, and therefore, deserves
the warmest thanks of the members of the
County Council and the people at large,
sod that by promoting and advancing the
interest of tie Canada Company's settlers,
he has, therefore, promoted sad *deuced
tie moterest of his employers. 1w contrast
to the above, we casual refrain from stat-
ing that the course pursued by Fredrick
Widder, Esq., Dr. Clark and George
Duggan, Esq., of Torosto, towards tbe
people of these Comities, in the late agita-
tion, hos been faction+ and contemptible
and entirely at variance with the [strew[
of tbe Canada Conway. and the inhabi-
tants of these United Counties.
William Chalk Reeve of Tuekerseutli,
\\ ardea.
Alexander Mitchell, do S. Eastlsope,
James Hill, de Fullerton,
klex. llamilton, do N. Easthope,
Wm. Rastalt, do Kiseardsse,
'Phomas Lamb, do Ulfboree,
Ake. Gourley, do Eihee,
Joa&, do Hallett,
IL. W. Cole, do Stanley,
Askew Walker, do Stephen
William Wallace, do Godencb,tuwa,
Wiliam II. Ryan, do fliddulpk,
Sagami. Miller, do Co borne,
John Corbett. do McGillivray,
Jor Pentland, do W owanosh,
Robert Davidson, do Asbfreld,
Themes McGoey, do Hibbert,
Robert -Hays, do McKillop.
Moved by Mr. W. Wallace, seconded
by Mr. A. Walker, and
Redolvod, That tbe Secretary seed a
copy of the Resolution now passed to the
two eewipapers here, and a copy to Mr.
Goderieb, 23rd Oct., 1852.
D. H. RrTCxis, Secretary.
Colt4e0KrriOs.-z..ry bay Mime
s a Mylan$( 4i.eae. It cormenees
m,d ~Imes so Iesidiuesly, diet Wore
one la •wart of !tr N• lugs are a ems of
ulcers, thee a ladd,a mowers or cbaege
from best W Said. prudecoo •. udaao-
me, sod M • Wei
w weeks, i Y oetd,
, •r elm Med Coop
trso►sod with ewgb •r hag comeliest, we
w.rdd refer to tee ad•e•ti.etuoat ea the
outside et this paper of Jsd.w's Chewiest
gamut of "Cherry sad Loa .ert," .1.1
1. said to be a certaas sure for ha &hist
At Eget Oi(.cd oa tis 9th i..t ., the red.
of Jae- Rus, .l • see.
Tea esti muses sisal
Remarks by an Eye -witness at the Dow-
nie and Ellice tneettngs-Stratford.
It does not appear clear, that the maiori-
ty of the populatio. has a right under-
standing 00 the matter of Railway+, and
the mode of raising the cost of their coo-
structioo. Constituted, a+ tbe population
is, as a mass, hitherto strttggliug for the
,seam of subsistence, and to raise a suffi-
ciency to meet the demands for tbe price
of tbe land due the Canada Company,
(whose tenants by Lease the majority are,)
little time has been devoted to the acquisi-
tion of a knowledge of the goestioo, where-
in lies the beat road fb obtain the cisb for o
our hard earoed products.
But the majority of the settlers, as re-
spects literary education, -composed at
the first setticmeet of many who know
of the" spade," and a "toiling peasantry's"
duties, than of he reasonable references,
deducted from the knowledge of the ven-
ous deTdopemeets of trade, with its chica-
neries, abu81ing', and grasping tesdeacies,
soeh majority, as is ether countries, band,
for the time being, on the opinions of their
more educated neighbours; ant the elaag
and harra.gue of the selfish sad iatennted
parties, parties too whose monied influence
adds powerfully to their raised position, are
taken by' the multitude, in too many cares,
(sad as was at these meetings by a support-
er of the Toronto line,) as tbe pure and
refined breathings of a virtuous patriotism!
In such a way, in too many instances,
Wive the honest and straightforward settlers
in and .around Stratford, been attempted to
he led astray b7 the ambling statements of I ammaki.g reroute enq..ln,a as to bis own
d bo to ail appearances,
condemn and the possible termmoation of
The stag ni/tcent nate (tipper Ship
1450 Tom - Burden.
`»%ILL .n.esed the - "Oneeo" u fifth
Ship of this line, end sol from New
York Pueetealy on the 20th November -
The character of the sines of this !doe is
sow so well esaablubed, [het it 11 0401117
nttsseary to say that the proprietors will
00.1.011a make *hem.upertor to all others.
A. usual, a welt qualified Surgeltn a.d
regolelte attendants provided.
For freight or passage apply to
Agent Hamilton.
118 Wall Street New York.
Ilamiltos, (het. 90th 1631. s6 -n40
ON Acc.s.t of a .e. ...pleura at No of .he pM ere (•N
liebessiber: Stone they 1... thee. es• I7 The Glade mit-1 leave.. Ism" po
able s epee at the twee epscit<ed ea thew as the ma, •
sdrertwwat, bet well epee early seat id Who Imbuehe pMdnat 0011 sowes
weak. call aid see
GORDON b MACKAY. it Ha .tock, weft .sleeted. will es11 111F
Gudercb, Octobsr lbtb, 1164. 140411
pawl Its bet @auto wt (.►ono.. esti
real.) e( eke famedeiwa steer of the
Canty Soldiers, with oddities" k..
And Mures ou tit* tows of Stratford, the
I O N pread m IM heas's
•' No' , te0ish dsbtte 1 hds`
Beou uB .Tars-sat.-Dacao MO vl D. p. `0. Clerk at the e..eetr
• Pi.rywest. roomy . yg,y, lsr e.11eet►oa.
Port Albert, Sept 1.18611 OF1 bier[ Lenf w11b ate the u•deretg.ed s erose a.-1
lhoeis ' to riot receipts epee polemist o
►THE Bubecriber effete f+r fete that sew Aware** to the Estate •f
Oederfeb, Sept. tied, 1651. a3d
IR asst/ ! o,as that Mr, Willie*
ammo i7A"f el gayest* o be sib
ywtsrd by so to bona* lb. MMI
et 4 -
dna to hos dtek'-•110 tee sate• t era it ofel ae" . war our
std le int Pails* Priam, al
per ig♦r a4 Ys *boa ser albef otiosely
el bra Cr/Awes'
goodies' Brick Lessen Henn, op
toasty T.w■• Vita *be reeldeace el Ira Lewis, Esq.
By J. J. E. LINTON, Stretford. Lot hes loo 1,os1. T%• &twee pnprty
The Publisher win nail bemself el re- win be sold cheap far ce.h. Fou IvMa
(erneg to many p..b to docuuneni• in hie , parteeubre apply to Adrew Dover, or to
o.»..•ecus, reonletios" of Tows kleetaara ib. proprietor JOAN PEEL
of 1818, 39, k 40, kc.
tlt,atlerd,Ust. 1714', 1853. .6-•.40 Port Albert, Sept. 13th, 1831. ,$4m3
► "11 eaersigsud have this day entered
sato co partnership for the perpoa• off CRATES of Comawe Crockery, obeli
carrying ea the flaw Mill Iwe1.1.., [,oder ' will be disposed of et very low Rales.
the above title to the Towoob p of Hallett, I lel. B. SEl'M(il'R k l O.
and will be prepared to trinaact all bulimia *6.31
to that Ilse en modem,. terse.
DANIEL McGREGOR. ItCiadericbw 14th Septa tuber, 1852.
N. B. -All boom's* taauactiose to be THE eubeeriben well Rut, wi'boat say
carried on ui.der the same el Robert Ander- duUaeuoa all, I,oag Overdue Nota.
Son, who a alone .uthonaeds y sad otth i and open Arcoons, ,l not sturdy pad, or
his own omen, sign all contract', ree.tvne satisfactorily Arrangel for.
and pay all monies, 114 great and give all
receipts o0 behalf of tin. said 8'a.
Hellen, 36th July, 1331. v5 .40.31
Goderich, 14t September, 1862.
AREWARD of S1 win In gimme to any
parson ur persoes who wall gin infor-
mation That will lead to the discovery of
the person or persons who entered Wm.
McCaig'• garden, on the night of toe 27th
net., and willfully destroying hie cabbage.
Goderieh, Oct, 37th 1153. .6-0 40
Bo*TOS, Oct. 25.
The Courier furnishes the tollowisg par-
ticulars in relation to Mr. Webster's death.
"Tbe public are already informed of the
chief feature of that interesting scene nip
to the period when Mr. Webster desired
to take leave of all who were in the house.
One by one in deep sorrow, but sustained
by bis own just example, the members of
kis family, and attendants came in and took
leave of him be desired them not to re-
made near his room, sad more than once
e.joioed oa tbose present who were not
his immediate friends, not to leave Mara -
kid uottl bns death had taken place, being
assured that his only wish would he regard-
ed. Iie addressed himself to the pbysici-
THE Subscriber will set at Stretford
as Agent, ia directing peeeesgere wino
intrad going by this Liu, which salla from
New York. He's ptcpard to afford t.for•
nation as to the puler. money, ke., and
will give Lettere of loin:dotted' to the
owners at New York, Mews. R. W.
Cameros and John Oydea, 116 Wall Sltteti.
and to he Agent at Hamilton, Mr. F. A.
Bali, Mr. F, A. Aoebridge.
He can eoc6Ceotly recommspd the alma
Lire, a line by which hie .on, Intl 0se7
other Casad:ase, sailed in June last, in the
Ship Kerne. to Port Philip.
The ship SCARGO, is the next ship
which *aileron the 10th November. A Sur-
geon and insolent, provided.
Stratford, County Perth
35th O•a.WWr,1$S2. s [IMO
g•A1IE tato the enclosure of the CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENT,
subscriber Lot der 6. 3 l Grum 20th Augn's, 1852.
Con. Tea ship of Godencb •boot ! NOTICE is hereby given, *kat Lee sees
the last of, May, a dark brows fillet' about
cut Timber os certain recut Timber
3 years old, with a small where spot over Berths es the River 8t. Mountie Toil ode
bar forehead. The •weer will please pay tributaries, will be disposed of et flee Tows
expen..s and take bar swan. of 7Arve-Rima e■ eke TWENTtECII
\V x. BLAIR day of SEPTEMBER neat.
Towoehip n( Goderieb, The terms will be made knows, and a
Oetoger 37th, 1831. .6 she 31 Map of he Rorer and its trebutanel, i.di-
NEV1' TAILORING canoe the Benin to lie de.posed of. will be
exhibited at the Arrest's 016e. at Tkree-
ESTABLISHMENT. Ricer', from the l6thtothe 20th day 1 f
L(f BARTER. Merchant Tailor, would
ll•respectfui y inform the inhabitants of
Goderich and surrounding country that he CROWN LAN D8 DEPARTSiENT.
hu jest reposed • new 7'.iloriag Eat -i. Qaebtc. 10th ll October, 1831.
lisJrseat, oue door north of Dr. McDou- NOTICE is hereby given, that as noose -
Brick new Brick House, Market Sivare l• rtes parties an &wrote of fortbse
e to
e the teener
ths es nu
abaonment of Broad re he aTClo he, Cemimer's Ron hand a spluded iver 8t. Maurice, the dsposalrthereof w N
Tweeds, Satinets, Whitney Cloths, of be deferred for another month dialog which
different colours, for Over Coats. A tar the *sap sod the terms may be luwp.eted at
key of Water Vesting*, lee. ke. Ne h. Agest'e Office, In tbe Tows of Toro. -
ie also prepared to ez•eoto all Orden in Raven. The Bertha will positively be die -
the Tallnnng Lis, in the most Peahen- pored .f on the TWENTIETH day of
able .tyle, and at Madarate charges. OCTOBER seat. Tbs3b-lm
Coning Daimon the Stoner% Notice.
London, Pus and New York Fashions
tereired quarterly.
Goderich, Oct. 12th, 1852. t3o29
IS Mosby given that. the Partseirehf0
a■ lately rub istleg between EDWARD
. f the Tow a of Joderteh, under
thihe s
d issolved by mutual eminent. All debt'.
owner to the said Partnerebtp are to Me re-
ceived ly said Edward Thornhill, and all
demosd' on the said Partnership .re to be
pre sewed to n mon.
Go¢akb, faept- rtk, 1851. ,5031
Serrate paellas, w bis iia, eooyenibg with great exaelsese.-
sotwitla tudiog declaimers to the coutrary,
are tie hired, and like)paid, instruments He seemed 'to be anxious to be able to
y mark to Knrseff, he final period of his
dissolution. He was convinced that it
might occur In one, two or three hours,
but the time could not be definitely calcu-
lated, then said Mr. Webster, "I supper/.
I oust li. here quietly till it comes." Ile
now commenced vomiting again, Dr. Jet.+
reties the.. offered Ms. Webster somethi.g
of speculative parties at a dtsta.ce, as ap-
parently to any impartial judge, bee been
the advocacy in favocIffdte Galatia), line.
" Wherever the carcase is, the eagles are
gathered," so the Directors of the Tomato
and Guelph Railroad. being informed of tine
voluntary wish of Abe Braottord and 11uff.-
*g,,i *nitaL1 n5.
le Railway Company to extend their litre which he hoped might Rive him ease. Tbe
of road to the -shores of the Huron at Gole •
dying Statesman remarked something b
derieh, sad the readiness of the influential y s,
portion of the settlements from Brantford, t wo7 of restoration, between 10 and 11
Paris, Dumfries and Blenheim, to join With.o'clock be repeated something i.dati.ctly.
those in tbe Iluron Settlement in effecting Mr. Fletcher Webster repeated tbe 1st
and completing so great a boon, no snorer Terse of the E1igy,
is nob a conjunction mooted; than the "The curfew tolled the knell of paring
to sou 10170. ser .a1 WOO. wear..
8r:-riCu yam Worm ole who is the
fans.' leaded proprietor ie three Hafted
C.sathen Win always.oder.toed that the
lade Wm ii►net6 of, was as large.
K net the largest!! The Baron do Tay!,
1 .m well mere sem, Gauss Intl. short of
balite( se easy metes as any abor perms;
owl i may aosw m1.tiea the emu of Henry
Re.elked, Coy. However, .. 1 write ler is.
fewsWs, phase seam tbe fromble 1 eat
lag you la mania( ler it, throng% year
OsAarfrl t Rgtb Ott,, 1651.
stud Directors with Mr. Widder also a di-
rector, step forward and endeavour to
thrust tbe plan of an extension of the Guelph
road, on the attention of the settlers in the
Huron, to the entire exclusion of the ex-
tended line from Brantford to Godencb via
."That's it, that's it," replied Mr. Web-
ster. The book was brought and some
stanzas were read to hipi which seemed to
give him pleassre, from 12 to 2 o'clock. -
There was much restlessees, but sot much
Whilst in this condition some expreaiw
fell from him indicating the Wipe that his
mind would remain to hits completely. To
the last he spoke of the difficulty of the
proems of dyimg. wbes Dr. Jeffrie-s repeat-
ed the verse "Though I walk through the
Talley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear
no evil for thou art with me, bre."
Mr. Web+ter aid "the fact, the het,
that is what i wasted ;" the eloae vies r-
feetly trangeil and easy, avid mewled at
precisely 22 minutes before 3 o'eloek os
Sunday teaming.
Iva pubacribers beg leave to 'afore' limit'
1 'made and the public generally, that
[bay have commenced business ,a the shop
formerly occupied by Kent LamooUw.
where they will keep damme ly on head
a good supply of CABIN :TW UR
Also a good supply' of
CII Ai RS, lea.
All orders promptly &monied to.
Cod.eleb, Oct. 1l1 o -$3L ,Mo38tt
BEGS leave (*acquaint the fababitents of
the U.lted Corneas of Huron, Petty
sad Bruce that be is now opaiag on those
premises on West Stet, nearly opposite
Screens bis Brothers law office • wntendtd
a.d CROCKERY, winch he has pbrehased
at the beat marketi,..ed at the most favor-
able terms, and wb,cb be is determined ie
diepo.. of at such prices as eaaaot fail to
secure the support turd Patronage of a aa-
crimiaatieg Palette.
Goderieh, Oct. 27th, 1851. - .6.140.
frIIF. Direct ore of ibis Society will meet
at t4British Exchange Hotel on Ss-
turdy Etenine the 30th lost , to dispose of
such of their Funda se may be then to the
bads of the Treasurer, either by purchas-
ing from any member willing to sell be
shares at • premium on the amount of stock
paid up, or by way of Lose as heretofore,
as the Directors. may deem most adveatage•
01.14 to the aoc.ery.
T. it. S.H. B. S.
Goderieh, Oct. 19, 1853. t6 -u31
ON Saturday the 33ed1SSt., between
God,rich and Mr. 1). Munros lan,
Huron Road, costaining foot notes of hand
given bylir. Morgan Hamilton, s favor
of the ub•c.tber, and five dollars is cash.
The pabhe'•e. hereby cannoned stalest
buying •r vent said rotes. A liberal
row ■rd will be give t0 arty person returning
said notes to
God•rieb, Oct. !07th, 1852. vbo40
It mast be conceded that the name of
the Canada Company, one of whose Com-
mimio0te% Mr. Wilder is, and an active
one too, carries with it some consideration
whenever such roads extend through their
settled lady, sod is ■ county like Perth,
with the welrst of the hods A it beld through
the Canada Company, wit► a lasted Agent
at its Casty 'Tows, titratford, it is sot to
be looked epos with surprise, that the ap-
pesrsnes .ed mbar of Mr. J. C. W.
Daly, as such trot at the Tarioes metals
which have bees held in his ueighboorbood,
car be altnb.ted to airy thing else, them
that he is idneneed to forward tbe views
of Mr. Widder and the Director% of the
Toronto railroad Company, and she with
as ear.e.t and sole desire of siding and as-
sisting the settlers m a desire to .btttis
ready cash t►earket, sokere*er it u.
Ns ..eta rarbet exerts, 4 the view of
Mr. Doily, bet at Toreuto,-wb,ls these
wise etuestie tbe Brestfeed fine ef nod. es
.s feles a oureeetioo that • quiet .d nay
intereoures wish the modest' of the Rtates,
-ant an ready a lire of read, prefera-
ble to the ren 1y Tweets; the shiest of
the latter, being alae u stsreeeres with
the merles et the Staten st Oswego our
tid.Mb.rg. Me ear bene doses lbw
root perfect right of the Alston to have
• e.r-,tsleeteon M essApt by aos of .
read to Twat*: Mt wise the amid &W-
rest of the Mooielp.I ty N itis three Cope -
Use. M ewhie n.wd to be par ulsl, se ..s-
tale s Mee of t,so01 se Glattst, with abs
dNsels.1 the whole Mean of m *eletw es
take fneasels) is mai Item T'sra t tM-
elrl+ leetl*Utp .ilbs 0 estO /11- -
Ooesasce, 26th 0.t., 1852.
w tis moos w Gas WNW, Ssswaa.
Sept -I hag tbeessIt the ahsaa1l n( year
Public Print le agonise a all engrossed,
that 1 Ion 4eesseeke is lar ptwna.w es
peeve tint tit► QM& Comps, an set
• Nice Parlor Stove for the ern.11 ruin
ti of also dollars. Faquire at the Sig nal
ti sdee'eb , Oet. lath, 1852. v5240
E. Teton* la
WOULD return his thanks to the
public for the litienl support he has oast
from them dense he residence to Goderieb,
and hopes by stnct attestor, to bursae,
to still merit a share of their petroaar..
At bis old stud, ewe door East .f the
Cesad's Company's Oise.
Godo rich, Sept. titin, 1852. .6.33
TENDERS eel! be receives' oar a before
A. Saturday the 16th of bdtoper, (instant/
for the erectloo o/ a Brisk Budding for a
Schoolhouse, on the North Eo,t corner of
Lot No. 5 3rd Coo. of Golerieb, the pro
perry of Mr. Thoma Elliott, (2ngl..h.)
The building and Carpenter work may be
contacted ter together or separately as may
be agreed upon by the Trustees, troden le
he addre.eed to John Clark Clean Land
agent, at whose Ulice a apecifica'lon tithe
work may M men, and all neet.ar7 infor-
mation obtained.
Goderieh, 6th October, 1852. v5 -e36 [j ROM he enbacribrr about the last of
___ Augusta black . x, turned up horse, a
pule *hie. under the bevy, 011 , old.
Ao7 person giving such information as will
MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCElead no hu recor•ry ISKn lee nwar401 for
COMPANY, their trouble at tat cneeeutoe Lot No. 19,
Incorporated by act of Proa+'t r'arlia*srwt. Tuckeramith, Lon !on
Ro 51eMORD1E.
Capital -E100.000. ,SE.
TH>i S.beriber bawler hoe. appointed
Agent of the
is prepared to recons proposal, for Assu-
res... a.4 will he happy to afford to soy
person the ooe.awary information, a, to the
priseiploi of the faentetin.
Okidsrieh. itis Junin 1849. .3s 9
D1afrid Crown Lands Office.
THAT the reseiateg CROWN LANDS
1. ASHFIELD red WAWA!NOStl. are
aim *pea FOR SALE. All i110117,e(*rgoe-
tin rrpeeltog Ilio Ludo may he obieneed by
applytag to
Diem.* Crewe led Agent.
23rd Ne,embe►, 1830. 3.541(f
Wheat wren, 33.
The Cabinet hes not yet taken ivy ea -
ties ,o the Dish .f Mr. Webet•f. 1* k
rumored that b. Its 1,s000rloi by Mr.
A Stw..Laa awn7T.. Mtwra
e Dawes,, Ohre. Garotte rMs4s • stem
far sweemetawew whet moseve4 is Darts
eoSatry, n Wdsaday last. ■r RUMW&
sad a boy, while est hussar. dea.,sr d
wbet 1t Out tb.y..Nosed to be a grey
egatrnl, jeN bevel • pier of legs le tbe
Owasso. Os eye.•? •xamiestIoe hey se.-
rled.)'t suet be a groom+ beg. •.4 Rd•
Wu fired at tbe Myer*. Oe mama the
spot, wbet was be horror to lied 1264 be
bat .1st a sae invoice the head.. It we
purred [beta pedler of jsweery she a
atm raps bad •sated Mena boards the loge
se tMt le.M as jives •wri►te, sd ease ie
ah. set of assure Iia wwy. rine eaelfw
of 1M grey skis asp 415srve4 ah. Mats,.
ti ..D flgM., on.aMse Weil beta oboe
41140• 1 .
Centre ,n the Dell's Coere ap tar
8th October, 1833.
Bssueha041 Michael McSIn,a Alex James 31eWhtsoy Jamie
Caplin Thomas Mc0ortnaa Jae
Coatd James Ronald
Cembpell Archibald Poster Jots
Daly Yoeer Raskin George Tower
Deckle Janie, Reeve N Esethope
Freelrera Juba ' tutees School Bee:
Grant Henry No f R. E.
Gordon Chrstiat; , ,%s 4s 4 4. Wei ole ds TICE.
R+berhl.tb 01dlw .. t dd.
1t •
. Hill+ VOSIWY. Pt M.
jvOTiCE i. hotel y fides that I baro leaf
1 t1• following hetes oilseed, gigged and
gins to me as fellows: -A a.1. draws in
fanny of Benj,mi■ Mtlier by James Gentles
gond pepsbto at [tie Book. of Upper Canada
Agway at Goderteh, ea or heron, the free
day of January 1133, fee.. le. Tw.
Notes tech drown is etyfever by Theses
Sande, for AB odd *hilltage. A.s.tednwd
is my favor by 1.. Wetd*oek, fou i; sad
merhs deare el must of Davey
by Benjamin Miller for jos.
L therefore coitus. all p.rsoa@ from is:
oohing said sous, sod said drawers Irene
papa the came to a.y other puma had .
Any person hewn% taw the t1.e.J
teal motet, ill t$4n. a •sine a eesasi
by returnee/ ibi a to w.
Goderieb, Oct. 13.1 aria%
LOST two Notes at Held fa thenar s(
LOWELL ALVORD or bearer, dated
ie 181,1, one given by Elijah Moors and net
other by Daniel Hanley. This is to forbid
all persona Thom muni.. oe reoeeri.7 said
Godadeb. Sept. hind, 1831. - sate
The new and elegant Lowpretesure Steam
Boat RUBY, will run during the tune
ing poison a follows:.-L.Leave Goderieh,
(weather perwitri.-,every mead Sunday
looming .t 9 o'ctock, and Sarnia, Moo -
day at 8 o'clock.
Leave Detroit, for Gnderich, every second
Saturday, at 9 o'clock, a. m. and Senna,
at4o'c.ockp. m.
For iretght or paa.age 'apply to Mr. E.
11. Marlton, forwar, er, neat door, Borth of
the Kincardine Arms.
ELI WARD, 2.d.
Detroit, Feb. 20th 1852. er5-e5
iv ♦ ILL. be kern(11, eedeetei h7 Woe.
J. Keay*, en hie owe steepest, wh •
will supply every deseriples of ruing* at
lows? peso.[ thin they eon he impolite.
The wow " BURR STOVE" is•
passed in Canada. and will N e•it4 Ise
8a4 lower Blas heretofore. • eerlespu/ug
,,deeds. .0 all other .rt,ees.
Qedericb, 1th F.b., 1831 .6.3
0,V TA 11/ 0
Be 1859. 36
Hugh C. Baker, Eel. M. Merrett, Esq.'
M. W. Browse, •' J. F. Moore, "
Peter Carroll, " James Osborn[.., "
D.C. Gine, " Chu A. Seedher, "
Janie McIntyre, " E. C. Thomas, Esq.
James Mathews, " Joba \\'[teen,
rrllE Subsenber having hese 'pp•uted
Agent at Godsends, fur the above high-
ly respectable Compa.y, is prepared to
effect I..•neer .t the most reasonable
rues epos Ileums. 8birpeng and Good..
Goderleb, 15th 1132
Tbe wb,enb.r offers foe sole osS heedred
shoo ei/ ami eleie lewd, 45 one glean
a and weft t*wee1, wit► a good log bore,
SO orchard htarseg trot. Tee above laid
Matestd *. 1nd Co.e.eer., lot 14. Tor.
We of W.w.sos4., Nal 1401 ball sole from
Sabel *1-... -+U the snowy will be re.
spired Mw.. the pevtialew apply to tbe
or es as pawls...
wf :sae . 4x► Aug , l ti0i ail
C A P RO N 44 Co.
Cairene Street, Brantford.
ALL persons having • claims against the
fats A F. Morgan, as Clerk of the
First Division Court, at Goderach, and alt
persons hating Claims •gu0.1 Thorne G.
Morgan, his son, who was also, for some
use Clerk of line said Chart, wail please
seed hem to h. office of Masers. Strachan
sad Bruner, 0.anatere and Attoruiaa, liuda-
rcb, stated out as hillwith the
when due Oce., is order that the amain of
their hsbt.itiea as such C..rk• may be clear-
ly 'economist, sad .reel sa.•eto made fee
1 a wed/cation rot Ihe proceeds of the late
A. F. Mortal a E.tate not dispersed et, to
the 1 quids:toe of week cisme.
(Wench, tied Aegiet, 1862. .34311-11
AVAI.1'.tB1,E Freehold. Detre Lot
No. 31. uv the alb Con. as the Town
ship of tudarieb. ennr.in0g ISO sons, 43 of
winch ere Neared. 3e free of stumps, U te
well watered, *nth • ogler hiking ,tronas
through the norm) or the let, • good po-
em; • Y.ung Orthird now bearing (rant;
.Il.aegd w.ehi• the Tows wt. G.,dar,eh,. and
3 0f toe viler. of Biy Geld. A good Lotti
I' 'HIS extensive Carnage Masofaetming Howr., lathed std 11.1lered: a Bun 41 by
I a Fa'a.lubderai a sow in hell nperinea. 20. Shed' and 8..11.. Four yartlesle5u rota
NEW ' r .here will be found el all Pines loaf for sly 10 Aednw l)o,,engb is t4* Tows o
`1: HARDWARE S PURL. I.edeneh, ow w tbe a a the
Ir the most gatemen end tomp:au 1'r"1RKsprii
1VIIOLESALG 4. RETAIL! I u,,;rtment of the most Fss..enable .tyles
"\WatcateButLaeev" Mate St., GALT. e(Eng4.h, Amwneen and French
rim Sheenier ersuet4ully informs the 9mth a Bugg,e• 8uglo and (h,*ble, with
lobseesnts of G.It and no Veelntty that end .,(Meet I op.; Pbetona, Rnck-.-wars
Oa hoe orteed ►u sew at d Esteem ere Seto k i CMnoteee, Char'''.
0 rouehee, Cweh.s
.f Shish end Keary HARDWARE! ! i* ,
thOtei.rrnt., oil 3..of.y l...dw, andadNspvitaoo
e sboTe "41144.' e's" ruing cogopku .
i snase.. whisk err me east K the
host Ma'enale, a.d second seise $r nim
T,;nber, end Warr+.ted.
Braetlerd. Ater. 10th, 11131 •-$w
AMO,tment ef-
Hales, Locks,
j3oltai %%M r Screws, 8,
Ile E21 11.3621
of every Description, ...Shoe- BRANT!UttI) FOUNDRY.
dtrred, Prints, l bander $r .`Biot,
Bar, Holt,Band 4. sited[ Iron, T•HF. 9UBlsCRISEKx ads wtw akiwg
* 'i} 600! he,rUNRIVAI.1.EDSErAIIA
a-ql„ stet Ixteecrcd Slerd, TORIC. dikh I.,pevesneste for lbs year,
n 4, (. 3nada4Tyt l , A'njds 4' .n,t offer them no the.. ostial 1:5.4101 ttyme;
.s q .,,,,, ;%aj , Pie, (,, a beedsome dueouat mace tie( Coil, so de-,
(bIfver; • el it iq gen„ CUBS, Vices, Tye.. mwebis*e hs•e bees to long Before
Anode, Spaded, & . Jsonc1s, tbe pwbly that It Ie ill
row onnreaenry to
(eryp,tI-!" n" fd Glasssay amassing fsr1bt.
er to reeom,nen4 thirst
As early ez+m,wali.s is iwt,t..l, se o.o
tf,, RI of Mem re sow ordered, and ptnornei
Platy, I i,r,t
Olde, Panda,w's',lwg 'o .ripply tir.w.elss, had Own
apply wn/bo,,t loin of tea.
Dry- Roippeeeet►wily 10.1*,
r., &c., o tL• VANBRUCELIN WINTER'kCo.
Wb'ehMors, Turpentine, ;'Brawa/wrd, Aril. list IIIS. s30 -M
Wbwh hemp Mtebs.te en Meet M.sutege
we. Tram .relweff•..d•ttoe u)WEST
ADD t 111H11111311/111./•
The Sel eestber 0.11fIf• on lwwv„ flea of
JOB PRt1f111100eeevydwesvbt(1e.e*mii'Me 'tt.ienneehmeeg 1:1 -.where. BLANK D*EERS ape M*monshe with
.se ptosptlyaweeteda tire T. I. Bt'sHBY. •d webbed Det/n, lou Sola Bt els
____ • Giek Slip. Maio WIt%i"e sal-theltJO... '
Sates, Planes, and Alois,
P. 8. Tents fav
0eie.te0. July tali, i$S9. iffiest*
CJIMATIA > nrViols* s('-
Ceserir it Nor.. •we of (ie 1 D .W441 w(
&salad (.worm. of Meru, Allaehwree't'
Perak wed B. wee. I treed not of '
ro one : ) the Canty
Cater, for .be Us:ttd of Her,rs;
Perth sed Bruce, sad tome dlr.eted, avast
he ..rare, real se well •1, *f
Sunni Doak, Ne ysu.te?, ae sbee.a*q
n. eesessled debase. se the gen ef Jobe
Darcy. for tie eels of ttwaty-Mien
{ bare seised and else an
e w*R ss werinel, of he [roil Or
Des le set I la * sealers he Mid Nam.ttl Dealt
rehire *this Ike j"nfectwa of rhe •awl
Cou-r, ad pet is Bad 11 O. Mens. ase
sense tbe same to be discharged willies
three ealr.d., months, el the Name real..
well as peneeel o1 the said t8.ssd beak.
o• we boat there -•f, we may be,
silt M bent Mable fav 1b tette w4, M..•'•
o r aili*lseuo. of rhe amid elalm,ev .dura( -
aweh mbar Plerels( ne ph(.atff'., tit atoll
et may tats pense•deor steles thou►.
1 y sad stets of the *sad R/meet Denbo
.lions not m.mtta ef stir IMuiag ail Ow
awes Were,
JOt11 tis llION A taw,
nada* U. P. et B. 5
Fswesw, Grime3d•xah, Oet.4, 1101. .Aa6p