The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-06-01, Page 1*,* fAV, 511,1444:4V4P5 04510:;*ei,41F{tqls.:*1*. '• • #0 *`• m,54,qx14 "CC -704 eessreteeeeeeseeeeseees• _ 4lt
: •
Althoueh tile $15,040 Bre
tree% for erea preteetien ie -On
erelee, Ail Agreement over the
sharing of costs lies not been
reachetle it was confirine0 this
week,' • • -
Reeve V. I. BeckerB?QC o HaY
tewnsilile said his cettneil Wants
to reopen negotiations ever the
eurchaee errAngeneente.
"We're Still • Wilting to. AO
long but hu U nden differeet
terms," he said.
He confirmed that his coun-
eil wants to contribute on the
hasis of a .standby fee, rather
thenide provan eight percent
ehare of the /purchase price.
Mayor B. Z. Pooley of Ex-
eter was .surprisect when he
was told of the Hay 0ecisien
Tuesday. "I've heard seething
bout it,' he said
GradsGrads earn ,Itpev.e. .Bpo4g- ideated -he
- - Planned eto ,call the .mayor
lAter, this week. ,th . arrange a
more honors me004g,
—,_-.... ‘.' Exeter ceenclle ertlered the
truck at its May 15. meeting
after it wee reported the fon
area municipalities bad agree0
to the assessments as original-
ly proposed, Exeter and Us.
borne were. to pay 40%-eac1l
Stephen 12% and Hay. 8%.
Changed minds
At a joint meeting of the
Lour municipalities on May §
Reeve Becker and two mem
leers of hiscouncil, John Cor
bett and John Soldan, agreed
to the eight percent aseess-
mene floweVer, they reserved
formal acceptance Until it
carne' before a: full .touricil
The Matthe.evat niscutted at
length at 'a special meeting of
Hay council • on Friday, May
9. ' Reported Reeve 'Becker:
'There was a difference 'of
(Minion whep we met in cotin-
eliM"r. ' BeOker, sa-id he hoped
hat 'Exeter and Hay officiate
ould •get together next week
hen, both councils will hold
egular• meetings. •
Meanwhile, Exeter council
pproved the wording which
ill be painted on the truck
t •a, special meeting Thursday
ight. It was to read: "'Mutual
ire Protection—Town of Ex -
ter, Townships of Usborne,
tephen and Hay—Exeter Fire
POUR AWARDS — Don Robert w
Gratten, son of Mr. and Mrs. r
Arnold Gratten, Grand Bend,
graduated Monday with honors a
from the University of Toronto w
Faculty of Dentistry. Ile was a
awarded, the Seccombe prize e
for general proficiency, the F
CSDS award, the oral anatomy e
scholarship and the John A. s
Bothwell scholarship. He leaves D
early in June for British Col-
umbia to ' practice dentistry
with the B.C. health service. e"
McLean, nephew ,of Miss Mar
ion McLean, Exeter, has grad-
uated from the University of
Toronto with his BA in honors
history. He sthod ninth in, his
class with an "A" standing.
He plant to enrol at OCE, To-
ronto, to secure .his secondary
ichool teaching ceetifitate.
Bail, a daughter of. Mr. and
Mrs. 'John A. Hall of Stephen
township, has accepted a posi-
tion as* 'teacher at the Mount
,Forest District High. School.
She received her aA degree
general arts irom UWO en
RADU .-Elva Marie
Janette slang:liter -of M and
Mrs. Elden Jartott, I-leheall,
7 .4tt eOei y6 d liee; diploillt and •pin
dtiritig gradttation exerciete At
iStfatford Go rtef el Respite!
School et Nursing on StiturdaY,
May 27, She attended South
Heinen District High School,
The order Mr the lettering
as withheld this week, how -
ver, after it was learned that
Hay wished to re -open negetia-
E1910Y,Eighth Year
PriCe COpy 10 Cenfs
ire iamond drill
go -deeper for oil
Jule -Du -Mar -Oils Limited, undaunted after
Let road contracts
12 years of drilling on the Schenk farm near Ceedie
to Grand Bend firm
Contracts for both the Marl- lard Breis., of Harrow,
borough St, extension and the Council hopes to have the cal -
application of liquid calcium on clum applied this week.
town streets was let to Lee Earlier, council experimented
;Tennison, Grand Bend, at a on several streets with used
special council meeting Thurs- oil applied by a Kitchener firm
day night, but, Iti h th
Jennison's price of $1,41e for
construction of the street ex-
tension was the lowest. of three
submitted by area contractors,
The contract is subject to ap-
proval of the town engineer and
the dep'tdep'tof highways,
The street extension was re-
uested by Canadian Canners
Ltd, to provide access to their
roperty east of the plant. The
ompany is contributing a par -
ion of the eost.
dentical tenders
Two firms submitted ideal -
al tender prices of S41.50 per
lake ton for the -application of
iquid calcium. Council gase
he job to Jennison over Pit -
*AMP s;
YOUTH FOR CHRIST QUEEN-13ornice Grainger 20
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Grainger, town, was P
chosen queen of South Huron. Youth for Christ at
banquet'tClinton Saturday night. She's a Sunday I
School teacher and choir member of Main Si. UC and
is vice-president of the SHDHS Bible Club. With her
crown, Bernice 'received a red Bible and a dozen roses.
• —tr-A photo t
lower, it did not prove satisfac-
Council approved appoint-
ment of a committee to ap-
proach John Burke and Arthur
Whilsmith in regard to streets
through their properties. The
committee consisted of Mayor
Pooley, Reeve McKenzie, Dep-
uty -Reeve Fisher and Council-
lor Simmons,
Give licence
to Oakwood'
Oakwood Inn, Grand Bend,
Judge hears evidence quor Licence Board announced
has been awarded a diningj
room licence, the Oetario Li-,
this week.
The licence is subject to the
in wounding at Zurich
Shortage Mrs. Delores Schilbe, Zurich, "He had hold of the tem by rissey
O. apply to PS!
The shertage Of public school
'teacher's' has conie to end, if
the experience of the Exeter
Public School board is any in-
diCation of, :the overall eitua-
The board islaced an adver-
tisement ,ontv .last. .Saturclay
and Monday. for a teaCher, and
reeeived .90 . applications . by
Tuesday.;: "
They , chOse Miss - Campbell,
wha 'Ws been on the teaching
steff in one of , the Chatham
schools for the past three ,years.
She Will commence duties' next
yeat and willleach grade two
'Miss Campbell , fill the
vaeaney left, when Mrs. Grant
Triebner, Exeter, tendered her;
resignation , recently., elm'
Triebner has been. on the staff
at Exeter for, thee past three:
years, teaching grades three'
and four. •
• completion of requirements es-
tablished by the board and
other Ontario regulations
nn, operatedby F. C.
Walker in conjunction with
Oakwood Goff Course, is in'
an attractive blonde of about the handle somehow " Schilbe
27, held a gun to the back of
OPP Constable George Mitchell
for several minutes in Goderich
court Wednesday afternoon and
pinned his left arm with her
free hand.
Nobody showed alarm or
even cracked a smile; it was
a demonstration requested by
the Crown , Attorney J. W.
Bushfield to show the position
of the revolver, that figured in
the "ehooting of ,Mrs. Schilbe's
Louis Schilbeeancrhie father
-in-law, Bruce Steeper, were on
the floor of the Mrmer's Zu-
rich home last New Year's
Day, struggling for possession
of a revolver ,when two shots
were fired, one bullet entering
Sehilbees left leg and. the other
Particulars of the affair were
given in testimony Wednesday
at Goderich when Steeper, 49,
who was committed Jan. 27,
went on, trial before Judge
Frank Finland on two charges:
'shooting a loaded revolver"
at Schilbe and causing him bo-
dily harm. He pleaded not
guilty to bath.
E. D. Bell, QC, is defence
teeper had gun
Schilbe, 28, was first witness.
Under examination by Crown
Attorney J. W. Bushfield he
old of a fracas at Zurich
ante hall on New 'Year's eve
etween Steeper and Dave
eornssey, after which Schilbe
dragged his father-in-law to
the rear or the arena.
Early Sunday 'morning, Stee-
per, of RR 8 Parkhill, came to
the Schilbe home, pale and
glassy eyed, Schilbe testific,.
A struggle occurred and the
two fell.
A ensus data
'kept"sealed s
Cenius commissioner. Jack
Fulcher ,said this 'week there
appears to be. "widespread t
misunderstanding" over some d
of the' more personal questions b
which will be asked in connec- A
tion with the'June census.
A number of citizens appear
to be concerned, he said, over
the 'answers 'required "in the
supplementary .qiiestienneire
which sell be taken of every
fifth household.' One of*the ma-
jor of these 'deals with income
from all sburces..
Mr: Fulcher explained that
this information is not to he
gieen directly to the census
taker, Rather, 'the taker leaves
a -form to be filled, out by all
Persons over 15 years in the
household: The form is to be
ebtnpleted after the taker leaves
and,forwarded in a sealed en-
velope. 'It will remain in the
sealed envelope Untin reaches
Ottawa for computation.
,"No one, except - tome clerk
in Ottawa, will tee, the special
fornit," said:Mr. Fuleher.
'Net eVen As conithiSSioner,
arn allowed to 'open the enee-
eThe.lonte.which includes the
eittestion about inconte will. be
given • to". only noinagrictiltuee
hoUsehoIds. It will not be dis-
tributed. ;to farin homes.
Junior band
wins second
Exeter and district juhior
band won second prize with a
mark of 82 at the. Kiwanis Mu-
sic Festival le Woedsteck re-
cently The 'band was tinder the
direction Of •Conduetor James
A new elaes foe members
Wait begun last week evitlf seven
0/Veiled, 'tour of which, were
The. band • recently enter-
tained. or an hour on Main
street 'during the Friday night
promotion conducted by Exe-
ter 130sinessmee's Association.
Crowr),,,xefier giri
district YFC queen
cnieen Of South flitroil *Wee leo& in local elitiedlide,
YOUth Christ Saturday academic Standing. plus their
night was Bernice Grainger, partleipation in YPC ,Werk»
20lear-Old daughter a Mt» Edgar Cud/tote, 1
And lies, Mervyn Grainger; Ah- sell, Was theitmaii of the bell»
grew St. inlet at Which the guest speaker
She was crowned At a bahs was Die A. V. Clock, E'eople
miet in•Clifterie St, VC, Clinton, 'Church, Woodstock. Mr, CItti.
by at Year's oneen, Lynn mores son, Alvin, also assisted
Sttlekey, Wingham, Here,giets with the program. ,
inettided le• Youth for' elitist illtisieel entertaitinient Wee
red.:Bible and reisee, e presided by the jay Bella trf
Named kin -at the ;Mine WeOcieteek.
banquet WAS lohn Caitipbtli, tom in «Oir pleyett
Blyth; • SHDHS Club taw has
Miss Greineet, A-, grade 12 r cached the -Miele in the chare-
stiident at SHDIIS, is vieelne, pionship tible quiz contest. It
sident of the schOel'e Bible 1'011 cOmpete with either Wel;
club. She Sunda Y Scheel :keetoti Or- Clinton Mr a trophy
teeehet end_ their nitintief.ef, and a triP:to the Glenn Rocks
youth camp at..Mtiskekte Lake,
The Selections Were Matte .by The, competition wilt be held
JOi$ telterr litheyer the .re, it Chilton Legieil Hall Satin.-
gienal,direhoft nri batit ,Of dal night,
,Schilbe s at 11:45 that mor-
'ning, the witness testified: "He
swung at Lou, and .grabbed
ihim, After they grabbed each
other, I noticed he had hold
; of a gun, After the first shot
was afraidhe would ge,, tip
and 1 held his head down.
i After the second shot, my hus-
band said: 'I think I can man -
Iage him now' ".
Steeper, she added, then
walked around the 'room and
did noteeeem -to know where he
was going.
Witness told Mr. Bell the
e- Please turn to page 3
recalled. "My fingers or the
ends of them may have covered
his hand," In order to hold
him down I had to go over on
my left knee. When the gun
! discharged, the bullet struck
my left leg on the inside about
three inches below the knee. 1
tried to pull the gun away from
him and it went' off again about
30 seconds after the first time."
: In cross 'examination, Mr.
Bell asked:.The gun was never
I pointed at the trunk of your
body -or -your' head?"
"Your father-in-law, from the
position in which he was lying,
could not see?"
"When the shot went into my
leg, don't think so,"
"Was he dull?"
He seemed stupid; he knew
the shot went into my leg but
it didn't bother him."
• Sehilbe had been nearly two
hours on the stand when court
adjourned at 12.32. Judge Ping -
land warned Steeper his bail
bond continues throughout the
Mrs. Schilbe told of giving
her fatheren-law three drinks
of rye before going to the
dance and he had poured at
least one for himself. After the
dance, at which he was knock-
ed down by Morrissey, he
drove back "a little fast," his
daughter said, and was say-
ing swear words about Mor -
Batten takes
GB Holiday
T -A Sports Editor Bill Bat-
ten will be on Holiday — but
not'on vacation — for the next
three months.
Beginning June 1, he enters
his second year as editor, ad-
vertising manager, circulation
manager etc. etc. of Crrand
Bend Holiday, the lively tabloid
paper which serves the eePe-
lar summer resort during July
and August.
This year, he'll get assist.
ante front Robert Sehreeder;
Huron St.; a grade 12 student
at SHDHS who has been em-
ployed neckline at • The Toe
for several years.
Bob Schroeder will also as-
sist in coeeeage of Exeter and
district Sports 'for The T.A.
"Cotton's Corninents," Bat-
ten's regular sports column,
*ill be replaced by "Boyle's
Banter," written by Clarence
"Derry" Boyle long-time
sports figore here. during the
three -Month period,
When Steeper returned to Stephen township.
No announcement has been
made yet regarding the other
applicants whose cases were
heard in Kitchener earliee this
month. They include the Duf-
ferin House, Centralia, and
other premises at Clinton. Go-
derich, Seaforth, and Brus-
A small loss was reported in
a break-in at Spruce Grove
service station Wednesday
night, May 24. Owner John
Hodgins said a pail and 15 feet
of air hose were taken.
ton, is bringing in new equipment tO go deeper
its search for oil there.
The firm plans to put a diamond drill on the
project to. get below the cable tOolS Which have
been stuck at a depth of 4,000 feet for several years.
Two-inch pressure pipe was
installect inside the five -inch company expect to go? Front
tubing this week for the die- 100 to 2,000 feet, according. to
mond drill. An 84400t tower is S. M. Julian, London, vice -
expected to be erected on the nairman.
site within a week to accom- "We might get it within the
mo ate the more m. 0ri e r n first 100 Met beyond the
equipment. tools," he said, "or we eney
The company has aiready have to go another 2,000 feet
invested nearly a quarter of a or more. That's why we're
,million dollars in the venture bringing in a heavy duty
since it began in 1949. Many drill."
!London men and some local The company's geologist, j,
; speculators are among the T, Burton, will supervise the
I shareholders new drilling operation,
The diamond drill will be Jule -du -Mar has already
brought in from Michigan by drilled deeper than any of the
Heath -Sherwood riUing Co„ other companies who have sunk
of Kirkland Lake, Company of- test holes in the area for gas
ficials describe it as "heavy- and oil. Five or six years 'ego,'
duty" equipment, Imperial Oil and several other
To by-pass the cable tools larger firms made quite a
wedged in the rock about 4,000 number of tests in the distriet,
feet down, the firm has pour- Some natural gas was found,
ed some 50 feet of cement on but not in sufficient quantity
top of them. The diamond drill to warrant development, at
is expected to veer to the side least not at the present time.
and go beyond the obstruction. Jule-cite/Mar investors navel
How much deeper does the been encouraged from time
time by traces of gas and ;
sludge which the cable drill
Hfound at various depths.
urondale Dairy Engineer leads firrn
buys Zurich firm a construction engineer.
George E, IVIartyp, London,
re-elected president of the
company at a recent share-
holders' meeting held i Lo
'don. His father's estate has an
'investment of about $40,000. in
the operation.
Besides Viee-Chairman Jul-
ian, the other officers include
Paul Smith. London, secretary,
and three directors, E. J. Rid-
ley, Byron; F. H. VanDyek,
Lambeth, and Freeman Mer -
lock, Crediton,
The finn's balance sheet
shows capital assets at $212.257.
including $19,907 in leasehold
property and $191.202 in the
drilling operation. Of its 'three
million shares authorized it
has over 1,600,090 eisetreteand
Hurondale Dairy, Hensall,
owned by Ron Mock, has ou-
ch d th •
a e Dairy,
was announced this week. The
transfer is effective immediaegee
The Zurich dairy, which has
been operated by Francis Kip-
per, covers the village as well
as a portion of the farming
community in Hay. It also
serves cottage .owners along
the lakefront in the summer
Mr. Mock said tbe process-
ing for the Zurich area will be
done in--'te, Hensel]. plant.
Mr. Mock, • who moved to
Hensel! from Stayner, has
Operated the Hurondale Dairy
for the past 12 years,
..-eet. ekes
ettet eewlee'
GERMAN POW RETURNS—Horst Elfe, a. former German POW who spent three
years in Canada and now a past president of the Round Table of Germany, and his
wife were guests of :Kinsmen Governor Bill Mickle liensall over the weel.end and
were presented with gifts at a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Drys-
dale. Above, from left, art Mr. Mickle, Mrs. Elle, Mr. Elie, Mrs. Drysdale, John
Drysdale and Mrs, Mickle. Kinsmen and. German Round Tables Are associated
through the World Connell of Young Men's Service Clubs. —T -A photo
Study costs
of ball lights
Exeter PUC is preparing an
estimate on the cost of flood-
lighting the ball diamond at the
community park.
The estimate is being pro-
vided at the request of Mayor
R. E. Pooley who said inter-
ested narties had enauired if
the PUC would install the
lights at cost.
Estimates on both installa-
tion and operating costs will be
Seek orderly growth
touring a discussion on the
extensive building program
teking place in Exeter, the
eon -mission indicated it would
favor some policy of confining
development to serviced areas
or sections to which service
would be economically ex-
Members frowned on build-
ings in out-ol-the-way locations
where it is costly to provide
the services foe them,
Sup't H. L. Davis reported.
the extensive work to expand
rower facilities to Canadian
Canners Ltd. is practically
comoleted, with the exception
of -Ineaking un the customer-
osvhed transformer bank.
Complete new wells
IA the waterworks dep't it
was reparted that new svells
leve been bored for Roylance
Westeott and oe. the Frayne
Bros, farm in Osborne town -
shin. PUC financed these in-
stallatione to ensure sunply to
these farmers -whose wells were
farmers whose wells had beeh
affected by the installation of
the Rieke Well on Huron street,
ormer ' erman Stlb common er
F G d . Sup't Davis revealed. ihstal.
rations or Andrew and Senior
streets were 'progressing, fav-
orahly. Re received nennissiott
to proceed with the betterment
project on Victoria St. as tech
As the public school closes fon
the sit/rimer holidays,
Grand Bend Holiday is pub.! overwhelm
li&hed by The T -A and distil -
b t d frce to residents a .
sitors' the summer resort eellii\ fa°,erenel,r MG16entieapnent Vihbr6e4et
tztatt,•Koixamammanzac fot lYttr6,‘v,haeirtneteudrn
visit to this country.
Horst Elfe, 42, now the Owner
of A gee) construction eterilteety
in Berlin, Ives the guest of dit-
/Jut Kinsmen Melt the wcok'
endduringa whirlwind [due eCt
}Ie and hie Wife, Gertraud,
spent part of two days with
povernor Mickle and Mit.
Mickle, before moving
tO Eastern Ontario Svhere they
wilt be guests of a number
itinsmon .tittb's well es at
two district One/Wiens.
Duting their visit here, the
Infos Weed entertained by Loh -
don, Stratfoed, Hanover and
Kinsmen elUbs Whe
showed thin tome Of the tills -
jet' club prOjeOta AS Well aS at.
tractions of the eient.
, Mr. Effe, is beirig thietteined
bet Cefiedien leinsmee beeetite
Years in Canadai as a prisoner,
Exeter woman
seek $ pen pal
A yount) woman from Ex»
later, Eng., wants a "pen
friend' in Exeter, Ont.
Mist binah K. Roberts, 26s
has asked Mayor It, Er
Nola* to help her find one,
She says her interests are
"tnaliy dMiss Roberts wroti4 »RyOU
have e parish church of St.
Mark, I should be ;milieu,
tarty interested in hearing
from a member of the con»
gregation but I wilt reply ter
anyone who Cares to write."
Her adefres* is 34 Elmside,
Exeter, Devon, Eng.
ed m Canada again
e e past president of the
Table of Germany» one
et a number of international ot
ganizetions with Which Kinsmen
are associated through the
Wined Council 01Voting Menee.
Ser Clubs,
So .for, he claims, het found
Where to
find it
Ariiieirrieeriioritt »,,,,.,,‚ '2
ehrirth Nistitet ......... ...,.., IN'
Coming .EVeritt , 15:
Edlterialt 4
patni 14cws. ,. ......... ,...„,..,„ 9
Oeittinilie PedIS . lit 13
Honsa It s
L'utele 14-y IS
Sporte I,40,7'
Want Ada ,„„.„.„,.„ ...... 16, tt
the association rather "breath»
"Wews, been bvarwlitimod by
the great hospitality we've ra»
ceived since wti tairie to Can.
Ada. Weve been made. to feel
completely at home, at i We
were one of you. It's 'wonder-.
HO's also AltAted, as most
Europeans Are, at the vasteese
of the teuhtry and Canadians"
capaeity Jot travel. "Who Weiddl
ever think of driving 70 miles!
in the evening to attend a ceck-
tell party,'" he exclaimed With
a hearty laugh.
Governor Mitklc and hi wife
had dtictt 1in1 ft t Soda'
gathering at Hantiver Saturday
night, after they had been fo
Lehdrift in tile etherthig and to
StratfOrd in the Aftektioan,
!Might:460 With festival
the Ocritan visitor WAS gd;
ratinely irapreaSed With the
811AkeetieAreeri restieet build-
1)1ease turn to tAge
Rain Thursday,
warm week
The Met section at RCAF
Signet Centralia forecasts an-
other warm and sunny week-
end tot the area, but the wea-
ther lading up to it Won't be,
se favetable,
A storm moving in from the
Dakotas will bring rale And
thtteder showers to the area
Thutsda,v and winds are ev...
Petted to reach from 20.80
miles per hour. The tail pnd dr
the sterile wilt pass through.
rridaY and aitet brief showers
in the morning, the weather
Saturday and Sunday W1
both be wart and bright With
temneratnres expeeted to 'he
slightlyOver the hernial hight
for this time yeats