The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-05-18, Page 19It
SIGN DAM PAPERS—With th O entire student body at
North Middlesex District High School, Parkhill, watch-
ing "history in the making", the Hon. William M. Niekle,
minister of Commerce and development, signs the Park-
hill dam agreement on behalf of the Ontario government.
,reeman Hodgins, right, chairman of the Ausable River
Enjoy visit
from west
Mr. and Mrs. David J, Chris-
tie of Edmonton, who, in their
82nd and 83rd year, ;Hew by
et from Edmonton arriving
in Toronto three hours later
where .they .spent several days
with relatives. While there
Mr. Christie visited in Ottawa
and Quebec with relatives
while Mrs, Christie visited in
Mr. and Mrs. Christie then
travelled to the Base Line to
spend a few weeks with Mr.
and. Mos. Robert Elston and
family and Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur and family and renew-
ing acquaintances with old
friends and relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs, limn phrey
Arthur and family, 3rd line,
and Mr. and Mrs, Clare Elston
and hinny, London, were
guests of .Mr. and Mrs, Robert
Elston on Sunday,
MT, and Mrs. Vernon Trott
of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Marriott, Ronald and
Maryanne. St. Marys, spent
Sunday with their mother, Mr,
and Mrs. Archie Dewar.
Mrs. Stewart Cameron, of
oaPegina, is spending the week
eikth her cousins, Mrs. David
eland. and Mee. Dinneen Me -
Naughton. .
Mr.and Mrs. Ormond Mor-
row, of London, spent Saturday
with her mother, Mr, and Mrs,
Otto Reimer.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ball
and family visited with Mrs.
Ball's parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Harold Berry on Sunday.
Miss Mary De Brabandere
of St. Joseph's Academy, Lon-
don, spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Jules De Brabandere.
Miss Ella Holland, of Hol-
land, is .spending a few holi-
days with her brother, Mr.
and Mrs. David Holland.
Mr. Earl Holland of the
LBI, London, is spending two
week's holidays with his par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. David Hol-
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mc-
Naughton held a family gather-
ing of the McNaughton clam
at their farm home on Sunday
ivhere they served a turkey
denier with all the trimmings,
Those attending were Mrs. Alex
McNaughton, Mr, and Mrs, A
Melieegen and . ;family, Den-
field, Mr, and Mrs. Lewellyn
Curry and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon McNaughton and
family of Parkhill.
(Intended for last week)
Personal items
Mr, and Mrs. C. Tessman
were Sunday guests with Mr.
Conservation Authority, performed the duties for li
organization. Witnesses to the $1,073,000 agreement i
eluded A. H. Richardson, left, chief conservatio
engineer, and standing are William Stewart, MPP Mi
dlesex North; W. H. A. "Bill" Thomas, MP Middlese
West, and C. S. MacNaughton, MPP Huron.—T-A phot
Church banque, $ .:te.:,
t 7he ilmaa-AcPeacater May lk 1961, rag, 11.,,7„,
mothers, .daughters ALF ANaito
Some eighty mothers and
daughters of Zion Lutheran La-
dies Aid enjoyed the annual
inettler and (laughter banquet
Wednesday, . ay 10,
Mrs. Alilfred Alereer, presi-
dent, was mistress of ceremo-
nies. Mrs. lien Keller paid tri-
bute to the daughters and Miss
Marie Salmon. paid tribute to
the mothers. Mrs. George aler-
ner received a prize for the
oldest mother and Eleanor Sal-
mon for the youngest daugh-
The program consisted of a
cyclorama of a Christian wom-
an's life. in poetry and song
with Mrs. E. 11. Rader, narra-
tor and Mrs. Edgar Restemay-
er, pianist, Eight scenes un-
folded in pantomine, birth,
baptism; childhood, Sunday
School; girlhood, confirmation;
romance, wedding; motherhood,
homemake; service to cburch
— Christian growth workshop;
prayer — elderly lady with her
Mrs. Meitner conducted the
te business. A strawberry and ham
— supper will be field June 21,
n- Mrs. Arnold Becker was ap-
n pointed representative of the
d- Concordia College Guild, Ed-
, , monton. The fiftieth anniver-
sry of the Ladies Aid will be
0 eaelebrated Sunday, Sept- 17.
New blinds will be purchased
for the parsonage,
Mrs. Ervin Rader and her
group were in charge.
Mother and daughter
About 70 members and guests
enjoyed a mother and daugh-
ter banquet Friday, May 12 at
the EUB Church .sponsored by
the WSWS. Mrs, Howard
Klumpea and her committee
were in charge of the banquet
with the Christian Social Rela-
tions group in charge of the
Rev. J. W. Gillings proposed
a toast to the Queen. Mrs,
Gordon Bender was chairlady.
Mrs. Harold Kellerman pro-
posed a toast to the daughters
and Miss Shirley Bender front
f the daughters to the mothers.
e Mrs. Ward Neeh led in prayer.
0, lielenRader read poems. Miss
d Mrs, Eben Wiegand and Miss
. Lynda Tiernan played a piano
solo. Judy and Bonnie Mason,
Beth .Snell. and Beverly Bec-
ker sang a quartette.
Mrs. A, M. Amacher of Zu-
. rich was guest speaker, talk -
d ing on the subject "The Chris -
e tian Family Ilome." She was
- thanked by Mrs, Bender. Mrs.
Chas. Snell, the president,
t- thanked the groups in charge
- of the supper and program.
d Used postage stamps and old
a nylons are to be brought to the
n June meeting for the Japanese
missions, It was decided to hold
a a strawberry supper with date
e to be set later.
t Personal items
e Grades le,and 2 of •Dashwood
public school are planning a
' trip to the Detroit zoo June 9.
' There is room for 15 adults.
e Contact Mrs, Ada Webb.
1 mint'
Births No Charge
Marriages and Deaths 7Se
(Marriages and deaths are reported without charge
in news columns. This charge applies only to list-
ing under Announcements,)
Cards of Thanks, Engagements 750
In Memoriams (4 -line verse) . iii ............... ... . S1.00
Extra verses, each 250
BLANCHARD — Floyd and BROWN—In loving memory of
Alice Blanchard are happy a dear mother, Mrs, Dean
to announce the birth of a Brown, who passed • away
son, Jeffery Floyd, at St, May 21, 1960.
Joseph's Hospital, London, We loved her, yes we loved
May 9—a brother for Julie. her,
DEVILLEZ — Mr. and Mrs, But Jesus loved her more,
Raymond Devillez, RCAF And now she waits to greet us
'Station Centralia, announce Upon the heavenly shore.
the birth of a son, Raymond —Lovinglyremembered by
Edmond, at South Huron Maudieand Elzar.
Hospital, May 12—a brother BROWN—In loving memory of
for Vicki, a dear mother and grand-
LEE—Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lee, mother, Mrs. Dean Brown,
Grand Bend, announce the who passed away one year
birth of a son, Dale Gardner, ago, May 21, 1960.
at South Huron Hospital, God saw you getting weary,
May 11—a brother for Guy. He did what He thought best,
MASSE — Mr, and Mrs. Lee He put His arms around you
Paul Masse, Dashwood, an- And whispered `come and
nounce the birth of a son,
Kenneth Philip, at South For lie needed a new star in
Huron Hospital, May 12. A beautiful light to shine,
MORGAN—Burton and Marion With goodbyes left unspoken,
Morgan (nee BreCkle. eAta Hee chose .tleat 404 cif -
;Marys, are "Iiippy to an- mine,
nounce the birth of a son, —Lovingly remembered by
Paul Burton, at St. Marys Ruble, Rufus and Donna.
Memorial Hospital, May 16. 18c
TURNER—Mr, and Mrs. Bruce
Turner, Grand Bend, an- BROWN—ln loving Memory of
nounce the birth of a daugh- a dear mother, Mrs. Dean
ter at South Huron Hospital; Brown, who entered into rest
May 17. one year ago, May.21,.1960.
Beautiful memories are woven
in gold,
ENGAGEMENTS — This is the picture we tenderly
Mr. and Mrs, Lee James hold,
Hoyer, Edmonton, Alberta, wish Deep in our hearts her memory
to announce the engagement of is kept,
their daughter, Marilyn Helene, To love and to cherish and
London, Ontario, to Mr. James never forget.
Leslie Bumphrey, RCAF Sta- Treasure her Lord in your
tion, Centralia, son of Mr. and garden of rest,
Mrs. Arthur John Bumphrey, For while on earth she was
of Kelowna, British. Columbia. one of the best.
The wedding to take place on She gave us her love in fullest
Saturday, June 10, at eleven measure,
o'clock, St. Peter's Cathedral, Care, devotion, and thoughts
London, Ontario, to treasure.
'Mr. and Mrs. Maurice A. Mc-
18nc In our hearts she will always
Donald of Lucan wish to an- The dearest Mother God could
nounce the engagement of their ,give.
daughter, Joyce Elizabeth, to _Lovingly reinembered' and
Peter Ross Sovereign, sou of sadly missed by Olive and
Lorna E. Sovereign, London, Carman. 18nc
The marriage to take place in .
Holy Trinity Anglican Church, HUNTER•DUVAR — In loving
Lucan, Saturday, June 10, 1961, memory of a dear husband
at 3 p.m. Ise and father, Ed Hunter-Duvar,
who passed away May 19,
Mr. and Mrs, R. E, Belling, 1957.
Exeter, wish to announce the Like railing leaves the years
engagement of their daughter, slip by,
Marion Ruth, ' to Mr. David Love and reinembrance never
Arthur Bentley, son of Mr, and die.
and Mrs, Fred Parkinson, Mrs. Harold Bentley, London.
Mrs. A. Dewar spent the The wedding to take place
weekend With her daughter, Saturday, June 10, at 3 p.m.,
Mrs. S. Marriott and family, in Main Street United Church,
St. marys, - Exeter. 18nc
Guests with Mr. John Rinn
and family . on Friday evening
were atr.'11c1. 'Mrs, E. Gun-
ning and Mir. :Howard Mien
Of Aeitehell,
Mr. Howard Rinn and Miss
Noreen. Wialkom were guests
with Nereerl'e mothee, Mrs,
Grace Walkoen, itusseldale, on
Sunday, '
I would like to thank all
those who so kindly remem-
bered me with cards, visits
and treats while I was in St.
Joseph's Hospital, Special
thanks to Dr. John Walker,
Dr. 13, Brown, nurses and staff
on fourth floor.—Ituth Green-
acre, 18c
I wish to thank my friends
lian defence and neighbors for card, I, 4
treats and flowers during my
recent illness. Also special
—Always remembered by Peg
and family, , 18*
KING—In loving memory of a
dear mother and grand -
Mother, Martha Baker King,
who passed away May 8,
When days are dark, friends
Gram dear, we think of you.
Friends are friends ii they are
We lost our best when we lost
—A 1 w a y s reMenibered by
daughter, Florence, sOn-in-
law, Floyd, and grandson,
, Larry Richard. 18*
MAIER—In Whig theinory of
a dear fathee, grandfather
teachers' topic thanks to Rev, Wilson and Dr. and father-in-law, Edward H.
Eletelleie—Mrs, Ed Coward. Meier, wile passed away
Mr, Re T. Oavin of the 18* seven years ago, May 17,
Emergency Agenty, Liebdon,
gave en address and showed I wish to thank all those who 1954,
ati inforinatiVe film on civil de- Se kindly remembered me with Some day we hope to tett
fence to the FWTAO at its cards, treats, flowers and visits
meeting last Wedneeday, night While I was a patient in sc. Seine day we knout net when;
To elesfrahie hatid hi the better
in the Exeter Public School, Josephs Hospital, London.
Alfred Aquilina contributed a Garth AildorS011, I8e Never to part again.
lively Accordion solo and the ; —Ever remembered by son
business nortien of the meeting IN M'EMORIAM—
Carl, daughter-in-law Ruby
rat highlighted by, a report PEARCE—le loving memory, and grandchildren, Dorothy,
!rem Miss Donelda Adams Of of a dear Wife, mother eat Bin, Keith, Sheilia, Brian and
the J. A, D. McCurdy School. grandmether, Sara Peakee, iso
Who represented the Eedere- who passed away May 22, jImmy Maier.
PRICE -16 toeing :fileinerY of
tion at a meeting Oil prefessitan 1960. a dear Intsband and father,
alt duenedeilo‘pyamsensto,rved by nit ,m, What we WNW give it- We Ben P. Mee; who passed
berrie Area teachere, could say away One year ego, May 19,
'Hello Mom' in the OM Old 1960.
. way, welt and endtlett Was the call,
41 "80111 I couldn't get here To hear year vela anti See His 'sudden death surprised tis
Wilier,' said the plumber who You' Mile) alli .
had received a frantic_tall To sit with: wit, aildchat awhile, lid bade no one a last farewell,
: from A househeldeie '11�t haVe So you who have a blethert ' lie said goodbye to no one,
'Yeti Made WI"
it,Cli.erislimiti,ear eiViietyheprkeri, Ow th The lite‘aidvettnly 'Otte were Often
v‘e'ANI:st,Oti;aci�sr, bawdb,"ii6 rpowioiesttwatlifte. a' ea. heoottootto, A 10,4 vow sou „caw.
xhg /61, st o o. to toiii 6 hfid atoll Till you tee her 'WINN elialr• The blew Wee Oat, the alio&
the leak in the beSetried 1 eaeLoVingly ratubered by bus. Were,
faughie the -children Bow td- band Will, dii 11 d r e n and We little thought the death Se
Willits" 18d
a erearideltildrent lietile
St Andrew's United Church
was beautifully decorated with
spring flowers and 'singing
canaries for Mother's Day Sun-
day, May 14,
The basket of flowers in
front of the pulpit were placed
by the family of the late Rob-
ert J. Elgie. The junior choir
sang two numbers,
Babies who were christened
were: Jeffery Wayne, son o
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKay
Grant Edward, son of Mr. an
Mrs. Keith Love;. Dianne Jean
daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
ham Cons*,
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love
of Caro, Mich., presented St..
Andrew's Church with 50 byre-
naries in memory of his par
ents and they were distribute
by the ushers and used by th
congregation during the sere
Mr, Duncan Cooper presen
ed a baptismal font in mem
ory of his parents, Mr. an
Mrs. Robert J. Cooper, frail
the family which was used i
the christening service.
Rev. H. Johnston gave
dedication prayer following th
presentation and .gave a shoe
Mother's Day address after th
christening and dedicatee.
Much credit and appreciation
is due Mrs. Emmerson Xyl
and Mrs. Ron Littleton fa
their taste in decorating th
church for Mother's Day and!
to Mrs. John Sinclair, ,Mrs.
Harold Jones and Miss Jean,
Ivison .for their time and ef-
fort to organize and time.
the 1
junior choir of 30 boys and
Trousseau tea
rifts. Pearson Charters enter-
tained Tuesday at trousseau
tea to 100 guests in honor of
daughters Mary and Anne,
brides of last Saturday.
The house was decorated in
spring Rowers and the table
with a lace cloth 'and three-
tier wedding cake flanked by
pink and white tapers,
Miss Katharine Iticaregmel
sister of the groom-, had charge
of the guest book. Those 'serv-1
ing dulling the afternoon in.;
eluded Mrs. Wilson 'McCart-
ney of Seaforth, Mrs, Ross!
Chapman, Miss Norma Hoegy
of Kitchener. 'Mrs. Laird Fin-
layson and Mrs. Jack Coopern
Pouring tea were Mrs. Wil.'
Liam Charters, grandmother of
the bride, and Airs. John A.
McGregor of Seaforth, grand-
metther of the groom.
Displaying the trousseau and
wedding gifts were Mrs. Jim
Love, Miss Donelda Lostell,
Miss Margaret Chesney, Miss
Marjorie Charters, sister of
the bride.
In the evening, those eery-
ing included Mrs. Jim ale- •--
Naughton, aurs. Winston Work-
man, Miss Jean McNaughton,
Miss Marjorie Elgie, Miss
Phyilis Lostell and Mee, Lloyd
Pouring tea were Miss Bessie
G r i e v e, Egmandville, Mrs.
Tom Kay, Seaforth. In charge
of guest book in -the evening
was 'Miss Peggy Grieve, Those
in charge of trousseau and
wedding gifts were Miss Nor-
ma Hoegy of Kitchener, Miss
Katherine McGregor, Mrs,
.Tack Cooper, Miss Shirley
Bender of Dashwood and Miss
Marjory Charters,
Personal items
Mother's Day guests with
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth McKay
and family were Mr, and Mrs.
Ed. McKay, Mies Tele McKay
of Seaforth and Mr, and Mrs,
Ross Love, -
Mt. and Mrs. Charles Cud -
more and Me, SAM CO4111 ore
ef Kitchener visited Sunday
afternoon with Mr. and Mrs,
Orville Workmae and friends
10 the' village.
Mr. Gordon Wren has been
confined to his home the past
10 days through illness.
Several ladies from Dashwood
'WI Attended the District An-
nmaaayl U.eKlippen last TiltiredaY,
Mrs, Leonard Selma, presi-
dent of Dashwood WI, attended
the twenty-fifth anniversary of
el:mean, W1 Friday, Mn 12.
Mn end Mrs. Harold Maine
and girls of Kitchener spent
Sunday with Mr. and MO.
Reinhold Miller,
ani‘dIr.giariesd oltirsx,itEchaernlorStusipeeinaht
Sunday with relatives here.
Mr. and MrS, Roble Stomas
and Michael, of St. Thomas
visited with Mr, and Airs. Mer-
vyn Tiernan and Lyndaon Sun-
Miss Erma Wein of Clinton
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Herb Weill.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hoperoft
and family and Jerry Holland
of Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs.
Free McGill of Lonclen, Miss
Edna Willett of Mitchell, and
TOM MY Arthur of Exeter were
Sunday visitors with Mrs. Al-
ma Hoperoft.
Piss Janice Hayter has re-
turned home from Victoria
Hospital, London, following an
eye operation,
Mrs. Effie Klienstiver is a pa-
tient in SL Joseph's Hospital,
London, where she underwent
surgery on Monday.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, Stewart Wolfe and fam-
ily were: Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Eagleson, Paul and John,
and Mr. and Mrs, Earl Busche
and sem of Southampton, Mrs.
Wes Wolfe, Mrs. Henry Eagle-
son, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Eagle-
son and Gary and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Hamather, Kathy and
ay visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Becker and family
were: Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Becker and Brenda, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Pfaff and family of
Crediton and Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Becker,
Wallace Wein has returned
home from Victoria Hospital,
Miscellaneous shower
Mrs, Courtney I3urmeister,
Mrs. Emma Schilhe and Mrs,
Elmer Rader were joint host-
esses for a shower held in
honor of Miss Marion Pepper,
bride -elect of June, at the for-
mer's home, Contests were en-
joyed. Mrs. Rader read the
address .and Marion thanked
Miss Connie Dietrich, re-
ceived first class honors in
grade 5 piano with the West-
ern Ontario Conservatory of
music. She is a pupil of Miss
'della Gabel, ARCT,
Celebrate silver anniversary
Thirty-five relatives of Mr.
and Mrs. Ervin Schade gather-
ed Sunday, May 14 at the home
of their daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and airs. Carl Withere
spoon of Crediton to celebrate'
their 25th wedding anniver-
Their son, Jack, read an ad-
dress and they were recipi-
ents of many lovely gifts.
, Qii Burners
Heatingt PlYn*ing, Sheet Metal Work
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Swimming Instructors
Applicants Must Be Over 16 Years Old and State I
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For details, Call BRUCE A. LOCKHART,
AX 4-6849 Parkhill, Representing
Suite 212, 195 Dundas St. GE 9-6141
Suite 1100, Royal Bank Buildind
2 King Street E,, Toronto, Ont, EM 2-6192
reateleeeWalee'eve • ea
MAY 19:;
's Farm Market
Fresh Fruits a and Vegetables
Hi -Way 21-1 Mile North Of Grand Bend
Only those wh have lost can
The sorrow ISf partittee without
Friends may think we have
When, at times they see tit
But .they little know the heart-
!. aches
Our mites hide all the Willie.
—Sadly missed and O.Vdt re.
membered by bit Wife, &gist
detIghtere endgraildehildreti,SO
Annuals 40c Box
Dahlias Snapdragons Verbenas Asters
Ageratums Marigolds Salvias Alyssum
Perennials 50c box
Carpet Phlox (4 colors) Pansies
Sweet Williams (Dwarf)
Vegetables 40c box
3 boxes $1.15
Zinnias Carnations
Petunias (4 varieties)
3 boxes $1.40
3 boxes $1.15
TATOES 75-Lfs, eAns P El
-ttAt4 LpnT
2ent AvereArat.'
See Us This Weekend
LEN Vtitfe .firt6Ottititik