The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-30, Page 2k,R,OftW,2 Th. TirneFAithrftafe. Morch. ;at 1P61
Lssues cheques l!Council negotiates on pcs accownt No liquor parties Hospital board'
0 0
Plan to appeal decision t)PP C"sLable thni Welt. k r
in iiiiarns-I ay or case "W.I.°. fpliawl" "tiL In g"
tei 1 es la
to eep . oad o
I ider
lenger rent tlle t'tren"ltditnr. 1 rannee'eliNelert.edTrawqeute.eir, M.:1'r. C.R°:%1N1.:
at Hensail.arena !-Continued
'Liman. Parks Board will no Hensa11 rePreseRt4th14)*
215 '
e ' chile, Mr. Bele Ulric Snell, 13,
n Penhale, Dr. D. A. Eeker, Mrs,
its W. Tuekee, Eric AlellroY, lvan,
Kalbfleisch. V. L. Becker, L. J.
succeeds Douglae Conk as the
from rage 1
property an which the road has ttlotwitaicsilluotil'fal;agamthneVer, least alvioeenk tolltVPolgevi`ngat G. '
noted that One cOMmitnity had eeparete Meetings.
VigoeriacNaity, elli‘e.billicntigtoonwnsstreethse. l. G. Dunlop, Mrs. G. Godbolt,
w° Stanley Love. C. S. MacNaugh-
ton and Willialn Ellerington. .,
!been developed, has indicated benefitted considerably by of. At an earlier session. the
it wants to put a fenee through feting 4 fixed assessment to .board refused rental of the hall;
the property to close' off tref, town% 1:,,,rgedeoti())pagnualleraenvileliechealin, r:),Private stag parte.
Secretary Peter McNaughton' are replayed on TV,
1 Old movies never die—they
xxlise'erraci 0,0•IcirmIsv,ant prthiteicipraolaleci PloYnient of a stipulated num. tom 'l'he T -A the board would:
ber of workers over a period have to spend over $2.000 to
kept open to make their opera- Of years, . Provide proper toilet , and other
tions accessible from both Wel- in view of the fare that fix. facilities to bring the premises
lington and Victoria streets, led assessment cannot be grant- up to the standard reouired by
Council is n e g 0 L i a t i n g cd without approval of the the liquor control hoard.
through, W. G. Cochrane, town ratepayers in a referendum, ile revealed that, shortly
, Reeve McKenzie and Council- after the LCA came into ef••
Turn clown resolutions l for Simmons felt the commun. feet, the linuor board indicat-
!it), bad adequate protection, led it ivould issue one or two
over coal possibly be excused
• if he 'heeded ter the Bank et
• mantmal to check Ns sae.eings
of Alsace J. R. did and that she was then •only' Mr. Taylor is now a patient
Morand in the WilliainS vs. ° about 10 feet in front of the in St. Joseph's hospital, where
Taylor case will. be appealed, ear. he underwent. an operation this
Counsel D. j, MacLennan To- week.
Tenth, told the T -A. Wednesdae. • l'sks professor
Mr. MacLennan said the Prof. e•'altia Henderson,
ease Will be taken before the Toronto, an associate Prole
Meal court of the Supreme sor of physics at the Univ
Court of Canada, sity of Toronto, testieied it w
A Clandeboye woman, M. quite prqbable that Mr, Tayi
Gertrude \maims, ee, was! would not have been able
r" Refugee starts
(g. new job here
as Crediton'e Yugoslav refugee
to •
Radomir Maksimovie former -
ly employed at Hensall, start-
ed a new job with Exeter Fur-'
iliture Ltd. Tuesday morning.
The employment is on a tem-
porary basis at present be-
cause of language difficulty.
at in the meantime, the young
s couplecontinue their studies of
awarded $12,238.70 damages see Mrs.'Williams, who w
Friday to compensate for in.e wearing a dark coat, due
juries received when she was' lights of an approaching nut
struck by a car driven by bound ear.
Frank Taylor, 79, xeter, On: Marvin Voisin, Exeter, dr
Nov. 15, 1959. ; ver of a car in which Mr
Justice J. R. Morand ruled; Williams was Laken to hosp
that the well-known Exeter tal, said he drew up just afte
Auctioneer, northbound on No. the accident happened. At th
4, failed to see the woman as time, he said, Mrs. William
she walked southerly near the: was seated at the edge of tit
intersection of County eloadi ditch about seven feet fro'
No. 22 about 730 p.m. the Pavement and even wit
The justice contended that, the Taylor car. He was unabl
since there was a car Ap-, to say whether the ear was o
proaching "there should, have! the pavement.
been a path of light to Permiti Mrs. williams, in her testi-
him to see the woman and en-, ilionY said she was walking
able him to avoid her." south facing the traffic an
He said he believed Mr. Tay- t the Taylor car seemed to vee
lor was distracted by the lights toward her.
of an oncoming southhoundcari Mayer Lerner, QC, renee
and swerved toward the right sented s.tams, wild
side of the road where he Mr. Taylor was defended by 1)
struck the woman,
! j. MacLennan, It was a non
Mrs. Williams, who sought=
$50,000 in claims, was awarded!
iiiury supreme court action
heard in London.
$7,500 general damages and;
54,738.70special damages for •
expenses incurred because of I
the accident. AAiss H Cookson
She suffered fractures to
b th 1 g and to her
'severe '
ises cuts and
hrushock native of Exeter
July, 1900.
and remained in hospital until'
Miss Hazel Emma Cookson
A London surgeon said her1A7indsor, and a native •of Exe
•arthritic cnndition had been,'ter, died in Victoria Hospital
aggravated by the injuries and, Landon, on Tuesday, Marc!
testified she would not recover i 28 Mi
SS the physical abilities she t Miss Cookson was the daugh
had previous to the accident, ! ter of the late Thomas and
Emma Cookson, Exeter, and
Lights marred vision ! at the age of 15 years moved
e English, aesisted by Mrs. Ruby 1
n Molitor, Crediton teacher, and •
h gee, R. 5. :Mhz, pastor of AA ee
n drowns
Li Crediton United Church, spore a
sors of the refugees.
The mother and two young
boys are getting along well,
according to officials.
During the hearing of a
charge of false pretenses
against Ross itenter, Ellm-
vine, Magistrate Glenn Hays
asked Hunter where he got the
account ;lumber he pot on the
worthless cheque he passed at
a .local service station.
'Pliers my fathers account
number," Hanley replied.
After hearing the number,
Westover addressed the magis•
trate and said, "I beg to dif-
fer, sir, that's my number at
the Bank of Montreal."
liunter was remanded in cus-
tody until Thursday when he,
will appear before the magis.
trate in Goderich for sentenc.:
ing, He pleaded guilty on three
charges of false pretenses,
. Bootlegger case
e —Continued from page le
March and he and Constable
Westover passed the house in
an unmarked patrol car and
saw the men carrying what
"appeared to be a case of
beer" from the Lippert house.
The two constables followed
the Campbell car and it was
finally apprehended by Mit-
at GB docks
No decision has been made
yet on whether an inquest will
be held into the drowning of
a Grand Bend man whose body
was found en the river Sunday
PC Bud Brunner, Forest,
said Wednesday the Post nun'
etem indicated death had re-
sulted from drowning. There
was no apparent sign of foul
The body of Nicholas Wilkin-
son, 49, a former Lqndon man
was found in the. river about
The three OPP officers re-. hall -way between the bridge
• turned to the Lippert house and the lake, near mu icipal
'. la ter in the afternoon and docking.
found the beer, wine and whis- Ralph H. Camp, London, and if
1 key,
I . two grandchildren were walliel
, Remanded in custody I ing along the docks about 5 1 e
pen. when they spotted the!,
Ross Hunter, Elimville, was'
remanded in custody until body in .nbout three feet of 5
Thursday, when he v,,ill receive water.
Council is negotiating with Pay
Tey to keep rood ;e'en industry stink! he prepared to Wm persons or indiVidu
costs and that the
Its share of municipal who plan to apply for perm
the CNR in an effort to keep
the station road open between fixed assessment to one indus-
ar4riling oL toTisieerVoalticiltinfjirade the deeisi
No action was taken on re -
Not getting value? 1 permits for the premises but
solutions opposing fixed assess- no more until they were im-;
meats and requesting a vote on ' Mayor Pooley strongly 011- proved, Later, however the
liouor boa rd
assume all education cots.
whether the province shoulci,ipiousiedto aconndiouveet abyvetR,eiclainuloonngd "loosened up coll.!
siderably" and allowed quite a '
asked 'support for its resolution Ntv;kheend ole,edruceanttiiorieflycobsytatheto prh:, Ice -making
urging that legislation allowing
City council of Peterborough vciitniczee.ns to determine it
arena was turned off for the
machinery in the
theY number more.
municipalities to offer fixed
He felt municipalities would ;season Tuesday night. The
cinded. The city
assessment to industries be res -
felt such lose what little control they boo a iihrie oemanager,presscKaePnPrpecairaitcleorn
action was eostly to taxpayers have telt over education.,if the for his interested services and
and resulted in unfair compete Provincial goV'l: I
lion among municipalities for schools, "We have too little pillovslifteiodn hniePxlt teo'eaar7PlY for the
. say now," he stated.
industries. 1
Some councillors agreed with ; ne are paying too much •
this stand because they felt inoney now for the value we
Report on
are getting,"the mayor 000.1
tinued, "I think our whole
,educational system needs a lot1
of study."
• 1
Shipka To erect house
A building permit was issued
to Mrs.. Wes Wein to construct
a home on the corner of Ed-
ward and John. Milton Keller
. will be the contractor.
Mr, Mrs, Jim -Clarke eeeee,.....,..,.,,.e,...e.....,e..,.....•,•,„,. •••••„,••:„••• . • :.
and family were Sunday vise
tors with Mr, and Mrs. Arthur- News budget from-
Greeniess at -Parkhill to honor
or their birthdays'. 'Baseline,
Mr. Greenless and ,Ricky Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Swell- . By MRS, ARCHIE DEWAR
er and Mrs. Jack Pickering
visited Sunday with their coo- teeeespea! .........................................................................................
in', Mrs. Wesley Cook and Mr,
Roy Morenz were in Hamilton,
Cook at Strateroy.
Mr, Harvey Ratz and Mr.
pD reeesz
Mrs. W. Wilson and Mrs. A.
attended the Perth
terial Woman's Associa- ""'"--------
Vednesday, Thursday and Fri -
ay attending a John Deere im- tion.of United Church. at its
last annual meetine. in Mitchell
lement convention.
on Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. David Holland
Leven and. Kim spentSunda,' and Eddie were. guests with
ith Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Mor- Mr. and Mrs, Alex Smith of
nz a.nd Billie.
OSAF Ernst Morenz left by Mr, and M • Al
St Paul's on Sunday.
is. ex Garten.:
lane from Crumlin Airport, bur
Persona 1 items
'Mr, Taylor said he did noti to Windsor, sentence from, Magistrate' The post mortem indicated
see the woman Imtil after he
She is survived b f b Hays. Hunter pleaded guilty to he had drowned two or three i
lights of oncoming traffic et. ser ' r Ta; leazar, e.
Marys and homes and "' . PC Brunner said the man I d
marred his vision. He hit his .
Lutner of Windsor, Chief C. H. MacKenzie of may have fallen off the dock. i p
brakes when he had the impres
the Exeter Police Department'.4 .former London plumber, he
--* sion of a shadow in front dr The funeral service is being presented three w o r t h 1 e s s was a bachelor who moved to' s
the ear -just as the other ve. held at the Dinney funeral cheques drawn against the Oakwood recently. He did note
• w
hicle went by. At the same home, ' Exeter on Thursday, Bank of Montreal, Exeter, and own a boat.
March 30 at 1:30 p.m, con- signed by Hunter. e
itime, he felt his right fronti
' i onhr • /* •
had struck her because the. ther Eomi y o
- three charges of false preten- days previously. 1
Personal items
Sunday And
Evening Service
Open this Sunday, Wed,-
nesday afternoon and dur-
ing the evening through-
out the week.
1 ••,„„„„„„„„,„,„,„„.,„„a„„„.„„,,,„„„„,„,
Phon& 737 Exeter
ducted by Rev. S. E. Lewis, -fender hit something. Rttshing He received $10 in cash from
His o apparent sun s
a • sister-in-law M•rs. Jo -
o the rear of the car, he Council •
Interment will be in Exeter
Bob's Fina Statiore Exeter, on: ieh•a • •
Mrs. Williams lying near tbe
rear wheel,
The auctioneer denied his,
eyesight was poor at the time,
although he admitted it had Beef producers
failed during the past year,
Norman Martin, Exeter opto-1— Continued from page 1
metrist, testified he examined now operating m,,,, province.
the driver a month after the' Waters countered that it too
, an e s
December 23 and another $20 nieces and nephews of a
on December 24, The third of- Lon-
fense occurred in Mitchell,'
Requiem high mass was held ' 3/1
where Hunter passed a cheque
at St. Peter's Cathedral Wed -
for $5 at Rudy M'arquette's
Inesday morning and interment w
Wed -
service station on February 11.
,,, was in St. Peter's cemetery, In w
"These are small aniounts, charge was the John T. Dono-
the magistrate stated "but it's
hue funeral home. Londorn.
still a very sneaky trick. lte
d b
unday for Shearwater. N.S., • were guests of Mr, and Seers,
fter spending his leave at the i Fred. Parkinson, Brenda and
ome of his parents, Mr. and' Margaret on Sunday.
rs. Roy Morenz, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon • Me -
'Mrs. Reinhold Miller of Dash-, Naughton and family of Ailsa
ood was a Sunday visitor Craig were guests of his broth.
ith her sister, Mrs. Devine. ! er, Duncan McNaughton, and
Mr. and Mrs, Chris Baumgar.; family on Sunday,
en were Monday, visitors with! Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reimer
r, and Mrs. Charlie Brown at i visited with their daughter,
othwell. !Mr. and Mrs. Weber of London
Corporal Earl. Smith. Mrs.! on Sunday,
-illi, Brian and Bruce of : Misses Elizabeth Es d
ortage La Prairie are hole Donna Baker spent the week -
eying at the home of Mrs.) end with their ,grandparents,
mith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ! Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Johnson
acci ent and found his vision, much money was raised, the takes the profit off a lot of Members of the Order Al- M
sufficient to meet standards : producers might find the pro- hard work on behalf of these hambra,and Knights of Colum- B
set by the dep't of transport. 7 vincial board manipulating ac- garages," bus convened Tuesday evening
Mrs. Ellen Melinda Hedden,' counts, as it has been alleged In ordering Hunter to be re-, for prayers., S
. Exeter, a passenger in the of the hog producers, mended in custody, the inagis-
Mr. TayP
- Taylor car. said she saw Mrs.
fDistrict Director BoboMcGre- ' trate told hirri he was sick:"
Williams before lor. Kt d f 4e cashing ' 'S
meeting and was re-elected cheques and thinking they can
gor, ppen, who chaired the ! and ti
!chairman of the zone said he' Pt a suspended sentence hv
re o peop
Ma e syru I was convinced the producers ! Promising. to make restitu-
p t" must pay more attention to tfon."
he marketing of }reef." He -I Hunter said he would "like!
at Cromarty
Many of the farmers are busy
making maple syrup. Good runs
of sap are reported.
Mr, E. Luxton, who spent the
winter with relatives in the
west has returned and is visit-
ing with his niece, Mrs. Lloyd
Mrs. John Wallace accompa-
nied by Mrs. Donald Wallace of
Carlingford, visited in Windsor
last week with Mr. and Mrs,
Harry Elliott, Susan and Ron-
ald Elliott returned with them
for a visit with their grandpa-
Miss Ruth Campbell of Ful-
lerton spent the weekend with
Miss Margaret Jean Russell.
Miss Norma Parkhouse of
Hamilton spent the weekend
with Miss Wanda McLa
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee
and daughter Jackie spent the
weekend. with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Roy McGhee.
Mrs. Verna McKellar o f
Stratford visited on Saturday
with Mrs. M. Houghton.
Mrs. M. Houghton visited on
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ross
Houghton Stratf d
too, was against compulsion, he-" to straighten these up." He has
said, i been out of work since Decem-
The only producer who did ber but was to have started
support a compulsory measure back yesterday,
was Jack Armstrong, Stanley, Fine arrives late
but he did not press the itsue 1 Robert Glenn Campbell,
since he felt it was more im- Hensall, who pleaded guilty to
portant to bring in a scheme; a charge of unlawful posses -
which everyone could support.! sion of alcohol, told the court
Delegates elected to the an-, that he had sent the fine to
nual meeting were: ; Goderich on Saturday. I
Huron — Elmer Robertson, Magistrate Bays levied a
Bob Campbell, Jack Armstrong; fine of $17.80 but gave the usual
alternates, Carl Hemingway,' seven days to pay it, noting
Bill Ellerington, Stanley Jack-, that the mail had not been
I picked up before he had ar.
Middlesex — Murray Carru- rived in Exeter,
thers, Bab McCubbin, Emerson
Stanley: alternates, Ross Par- ; Campbell produced a money
1 order receipt for the amount
Hensall .Masons
mark official visit
Monday night Huron Lodge
Roy Ratz, ; at Kirkton.
Robert and Ernest 'Miller of
Dashwood and Ernest Morenz
of Shearwater, were Saturday
ening guests with Mr. and
rs. Les Adams, Harvey and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Station
Grand Bend visited Sunday,
ith Mabel Desjardine.
Mr. and Mrs. Fermin Snider
ere hosts at a dinner party
r several of their neighbors
Friday evening,
Mrs. Huge Morenz had her,
nts, Mrs. Amelia Brierley of
xeter and '.Mrs. Ida Jackson
Hensall to visit with her on
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morenz,
ne and Sharon visited with
ze and Mrs. George Arm.
-orig, Gayle and Murray, at
ndon on Sundey.
AF & AM, Hensall, celebrated el
the official visit of the DDGM
Rt, Worshipful., Brother Joseph a
I E. Bryan, Grantom.
sons, Alex McGregor and Don- Waters, sent to Goderich.
Perth — George McDonald,
Russell Hill, Charles Sommer-
ville: alternates, Donald Mc-
Lucan lady
ravish. Jack Tanner and Gar.
e Coulter,
The discussion period was reaches 90 '
led hy Rev. Bert Daynard,
the meet- Miss Ida Porte, Lucan, ce-
gwaY. lebrated her 90th birthday last
ren •
Staffa, Secretary of
ing was Carl Hemin
Some humorous
were provided by
Knight, a Georgia b
cer now a guest at t
Stanley Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dieckert '
of Clinton visited on Saturday
evening with Mr, and Mrs, Gor-
don Laing. 'T ow n topics
Miss Connie McGhee 'spent
comments Tuesday at the home of her
a rn es nephew, H. N. Bawden, RR 2
eef produ- Gormley.
e arm o Miss .Porte has lived
life in Lucan
Visitors were present from
Exeter, Seaforth, Lucan, St. w
Marys, Clinton, Goderich, fo
Stra•tfcird, Carlow, Monckton, on
Parkhill, Ailsa Craig, London
and Toronto, au
It was also an unique night E
as the worshipful Master W. of
J. F. Bell and his officers, ,M
initiated his son Jack, and his
son-in-law, Irwin Ford, Many Ju
comments were made about M
the newly -decorated lodge sti
rooms practically done by its Lo
own members under the sup-
ervision of the Senior Warden, Splinters on the ladder of
Dr. R. Cooper,
success are much sharper on
Work is to continue in re- the way down.
modelling the banquet hall
whic'h, when completed will -----
bring great credit- to Huron
lodge, present owners of the
all her CARS
her fa -
Give our lilies and other favor.
con sedan, radio, $1900; ite potted plants for springtime
ther and brother were post- 57 Meteor V8 coach, automatic, color and charm at Easter and
masters for a total of about 75
years. radio, 51500; 56 Meteor V8 for. long after . • . let them grace
She has been recuperating
dor 6 • passenger ranchwagon, your own home, too.
el300; 56 Meteor coach, auto -
the weekend in IVEitehell with , • home of her nephew and is e Is, new
• • back to good health again. sedan, $1100;
motor,'.12011i;;' 57"'Plywmalouth six
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rhode.
55 Ford sedan,
at the home of Mrs, E. Moore and Mrs, Lorne Johnston, town, Meteor automatic coach, $550;
atl Monday afternoon and quil- after being in St. Joseph's Hos- • 54 Buick hardtop radio dyne.
The taster meeting of the South Huron Hospital. Need mu s
:$150; 50 Ford coupe, $100,
fed a quilt for relief work. pita), tendon, 'lei returned to if flow, $400; 49 PI;rhouth' sedan,
Woman's Missionary Soeiety , Mr. M. C. Sanders, guidance
from a recent oneration at the • See A BLOOM
The ladies of the village metl David Johnston son of "Mr,
automatic, tutone, 5900; 53
L t ?
will be held in the church on officer of South fluron District
on onne s
Good Friday evening. A film High School, attended all edit- TRUCKS
who will else brieg an Easter 60 other leathers on Tuescley,
as Inc 1.Iniversity of Waterloce ,
continue on the cool side, this trailing axle, $3500; 58 Ford V8
Auxiliary plans to entertain I . , , - fe 1;P_,.....cle naVe to haVe ear melffS 1n-, mileage, 51300; 56 Ford F 700
, They discueged b o 0 s e evera $ Easter Wends trey .pickup, deluxe cab and low
• changes in trade . i ourbe : gelled,
The Marchi. . meat'dg of the and examinations, dump, motor overhauled, ready
Marian Retelne EVemng Aux.: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moir ar-i „,.„.
I The Met section at RCAF to roll, $1540; 47 Mercury 3 ton
milirras7 JohnwaIlmIdneattt itoheeillle°mfeorpiof rived home from Florida on , maeon Centralia recast 7x13 stake dump, woo for th#
Saturday. , that the•temperatures wilt re- farm, 5300,
ler and Mrs Wesley Blissell
Of a quilting. Iles, Lloyd Mil- 1 visitors with mr, and mrs„, below normal.ter the holidly..
' I main from two to live derees;
h ' k -
Mr and 41, re . . ,. ,
will he shown by Rev, 5, Kerr cational conference along with , h . 57 Ford tandem Y50 tractor.,
"Wit the westhet expected o
$4000; 8 Ford 600 dumP wifn
led in the worship serviee, 8°1°1 over t e wee weekend. The average high for
plans were made for entertain,114 and the Me! le 30. completely gone over, $4000; 56
fng at the April meeting and :Thertleill. Mrs• XYd,d"....A41:5,• Geed Friday is expected to Ford combine, motor driven, 6
cernmittees were appointed, Ve Vfc'ffatt, PattY an° "aVie" be slightly Werraer, With tem* ft , used very little, never ew
t e '
During the business period end Owere
Owe and datiehter Gail of
.` thi5 time of year is 46 degeees 58 John Deere 440 and leader, *
add so
to the
lees of
mre. carter leen-lake Londen, MISS Margale row ,
three rising slightly abov,p, beans, $1250; 57 Ford corn.
dvyiewbeooeike hhtephteetoirdrarea, tthhe sotur:, rthaWiitla , wered?shuiellid1/;46:/:A'ts?"it" the ra normals-. However, it wiu picker, best on the market,
ganization of World Refugee 1 Mr'e, M. F, Gladmari, Van-, cool off Saturday and Sunday. $600; 44 Allis Chalmers WC,
year and theA very smatl amount of Pe- above average$5
, 50; 52 Mee.
chtitch'e part in le°11ver, 11.Ce arrived bY Mane .rcipitation Is expected and will see
if., Mrs. Gerald catcy gave a Ion Tueeday to visit with Mr, '20, very good, $500; 50 Ford,
:reading, I and Mrs. C. V, Pickatd and occur °n. PridaY and. MendaYe ideal for loader week, $550;
jettend the Wedding on Salim- . . ...
AIN Chalmers B with hydraulic
Sot behiet baptized clay of her niece, Mise Trudy ' , scuffler, $400; 57 Brady hey
At the church serViee eel Sue -Pickard. She 'brietieht With her fete
chopper, $4501 56•John Deere 3
day afternoon she babies, were armfuls '61 derfodile item her Can crop
tresented for bent/tent: igarderi.
ee, dangliteei)f Me- , rS,
John Ternpieman, Teresa Zed, fled re. 5.daY ant
re ter n r a
;infighter td Mr. and IVIts, iti
Vette Wallace. Andrew I Meinhers ti the Woman's
and Mr and Mrs IL Hopper
--Continued from Page 1
euffeted, e er $
Oscar Tadkez chairman of
the trieethig, read a greeting
furrow plow, ;i1/.5; Massey 2.
furrow lift plow, $150; Water,
leo garden teectote $65,
Spring styles
in dress shoes
Now on display in as-
sorted colors for men
and boys. You'll like the
styles and the prices.
from $4.25
Gold Bond Stamps — Leather & Rubber Repairs
Phone 252
Main St., Exeter
Spring Changeover
Cars — Tractors — Trucks
Radiator and Motor Blocks Flu -shed Qut
... Get Rid Of That Winter Rust in One Operation
PHONi7 881
s Firm] and Radiator Service
Corner of Highways 4 and 83 EXETER
frott Clarence Deriett„. president
t( taing, tetty Ann, .cialiglitor :United Church visited the sick ,hoard, ftvlio tiOW Etigland. Mottitit L'fb, -�N 161 tXEtt R,
of Mr. MCI Mtg. Jeillcie tind AhUt•Ine Or the totigedge-ilfeekifig over Etirepeaft mer-
Denni JaineS., 'tell et Mr, and tied SOriciaV atternorill. TheVkett. lie exPreseed, nope filet F6111 MC/n6rgn r"46 tolooreoff
Alki of Wt, and and Mrs, Federation (r.t jettle.S Street, Of the 0 n t ri Marketing
Lorry Snider
No clogging or skipping—The etetittielidel terige of gratiule:sizto
gives a smooth, constant flow, actafter etre. Givee teliere &Veit
distribution of plant food . elleteeeilifoien etaps,
Save time and work.You.Weete yip tittle 'clearing and resetting
equipMent, You eaVe tithe in the field,
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