The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-23, Page 18Page 14 The Tulles.Adroc te, .Murch 23 1961:
1wo ger ously injured
inaccident ,at Whaler
Crediton WI studies
council, PS affairs
By� MRS, M, .FAIST spThe ht rest of t out ptlhting meeting
e inclrw s
1 l ¶lie Crediton 11 omen s lnsti
a �; , tu`e held its meeting Last es'
By MRS. FRANK ,SQ seriously
ik' u Morley Jr. were ap, Wednesday evening, Marcia. I5 Roll. ca11 Was answered lay "a
T»'o persons were seriously painted delegate: for the Hu- 4� in the community hall, special feature in my rec0rd
Ira -
injured last Thursday after- MI Presbyteria to be held in c »„ .; a Reese Glenn Webb and Mi Boal•:',
noon: in a car -truck collision Wingha:ni on April 6. The Ira > c1, 1{endr1en spoke an behalf e`t meeting will be March
or~ Highway 23 about one anile veiling basket is to be sent ��, t u ra.. of the council. Air. Ra Ator. g5 .at 9 0 clod: at Crediton.
north of Whalen, . around this month, 1, x* as K: lock and n1r. Wil inae 1VeM C'omrnunrty Ha11.
The injured were Air. Bert The WA helot a business A
2 meeting. Arrangements were; t w :. `l11'E all outline of the school Personal item:
Nixon, RR Granton, andl boards, Alc, and tics, Robert .Hilboin
11irs. Ann Milojevie of London, matte fora bazaar in October, Mrs. Elmer Lawson gave (he and Cathy, of Hanauer, vis'
Birth were taken to st, Ma.rys Donations Here handed in } k ' . motto, "Some :people are:will. with the Tatter's mother, Mies.
Memorial Hospital, amounting to $17,50 taking Ur `
•' S in;; to work and others are Ezra Feist, and Nola over the
Mrs. Milojevic was a pas- place of a crokinole party, A willing to let them," A couple :etel;e:(a1"le,Yr(Lys14Vier
senger ina car and mr. Nixon bake sale will be held at the w numbersinsongweregivenwas d01) th .his unt faaut krucleApril meeing at Mrs, 14fi1••e by Carmen Schlenker Heywest .on thecounty road and Rullen's. Mrs, Wm. French fa• andi thevoured with a i eadin Eric Fankbeiner,
the ear was southbound toward g weekend .at Bradford and To -
London, Mrs. R Molitor gave the, ionto,
51r. Nixon has since been. .., e { i ` current eta^its 01) .education l Air, Lewis Faist of Toronto
removed to St. .Jose :v's 1x05 T,t_ story in GP,.:i4U;TES — 1'rivates John and Airs, R. 04;4 Gaiser read: spent Thursday 'night and Fri-
ghat, .London. At time 0c a,=,•,t= e
"McKnight, an institute book -
a poem on St. Patrick's, s,.
day with his mother, Mrs. M.
ing his condition is slightly; ion
keeper with the Royal G rn xd- .lhe business was .taken . by F aist after attending a ban-
i,•tn Army Pay= Corps, station President Mrs. W, D, Mack,' quet in London,
led at the Royal Canadian A donation of $10,00 was left Mr, and AIrs, Wellington
Euchre i By MISS MURIEL HERN 'Armoured Corps 'School, •Camp at the butcher shop for the Ilaist have returned home aft -
Mr, and Mrs. Bay Parkin Borden, graduates from central refugee family for meat, Theer a couple of months in Cal.
son- were conveners for the Personalcommattd's junior 1)011 cam Red Cross canvassers were ;tomtit,
community euchre Friday eve items also around canvassing,
Hing at the school. Five tables Mr. and 1Jrs. Allan West- menloofd officers course for ; The meeting of the Ladies'
r all corps at Camp
The hostesses were Mrs. E.' Aid and WSWS of the EUB
were atplay.,
, .
Lindaa d
nL r
cott, Lisa avis n Airs, 1
o 0 W. b
f D e• Weber, er •
a Mr
,1 church will
Borden. .is the o f A1r be he
B d n son aheld on Thus-
Prizes went h s
P to; ladies' r h ter •'
h visited on ;Sunday with aMr, and Mrs. Glen McKnight, Lx - Royal Gaiser, Mrs, lig Schenki day afternoon at 2 Don Irwin Mrs, William French; men's and Mrs. J-farold llern• alai, The six weeks course in• and Mrs, Ross Krueger. I change of date, Mrs, Don
high, Mr, 'William French; Mr. and Mrs, Ephr•iam Hern chides instruction in drill, map 4=H meeting ((of Waterloo, a missionary from
lone hands, Jimmy Foster; were Sunday guests with Mr. using,signals training, field i Korea, home on f speaker, ah, will.
consolation, Ray Mills, and Mrs, R, E. Pooley, Taxa• exercises and methods of in The fifth 4-l[ meeting west be the guest ,and She is
Wedding anniversary tel'
struction, with emphasis on ;held on Saturday, March 18 at; a he.
of T, E, and J. V.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern producing highly trained junior 9 o'clock at the community: Dahms• United Church and:
Mr, and Airs, William French and boys visited last Wednes• leaders for the regular army. ` 11 etre with an attendance of Shipkattedladies are invited to
entertained on Saturday eve- day evening with Mr. a.nd. Mrs. —ND photo attend as guests, The choir of
cling on the occasion of their' E1vtyn, Kerslake at Wi.nehel. Achievement Day exhibiti, the EUB church will present'
21st wedding anniversary, A sea, vvas discussed. Achievement!
a cantata "The Red of the
hot turkey dinner was served. Iter, Milton Brock is a pa-
! Day is to be ,held May .13 at' Dawn" on Good Friday eve-
Those attending were A'lr, tient in St. Marys hospital. News budget from
Seatorth, ming with age. Emmert' Fahr,
and. Mrs. Howard Morley,, Mr, and Mrs, Morris Bern e Mrs. Bette Miller, home Her in charge.
Carolyn and Kathleen, Hazel and boys attended the Cana -
the Baseline economist for Huron, visited( Mr. and: Mrs. Joseph Fink-
Park, Michigan, Air, and Mrs, ` dian National Ballet "Swan )1 the club meeting and helped' Scei en and mlr, and Mrs, Roy
Ruse ll Brock and Don David,
:Lake" in London last Satur- By MRS. ARCHIE DEWAR, with any problems and she Schenk of :Brinsl.ev spent Sun-
New Hamburg, Mr, Bill Brock, day evening,inspected the dresses being' day with AZr, and Mrs. Hu eh
Visitors with Arr. and Mrs. made. I McEwen and family at Mt,
Welland, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur; ITarry Hern on Sunday wereI Brvdges.
Hodgins and family, Claude-' Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Lynn and Personal items
boye, Mr. and Mrs, Gary Park. 1 Mr.
Gerald Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Eber Shute' Mrs. David Holland. Mrs. Dan Weber, Dashwood,
inson and Randy, St, ntarvs, i illi, Cecil Camm of Exeter and Mervyn visited with Airs, Cooper's' WMS visited a few days last week
Ben Wilson and boys on Thurs.-with Mr, and Mrs. Walter
Mr, and Mrs, William Ag0r1eY;spent Sunday with Mr, and i s. Cooper's WMS held its month- Weber and family.
Sr, and Mr. and :r'J's William 'Mrs. Morris Hern. day evening of last week. 1 ly meeting at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Wade
Morley' Jr, and faculty, Mrs William Spence and i. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Parkin- Mrs. Robert Elston .last Thurs- and Heather and Mr, and Mrs.
Personal items baby are visiting for a few 1 son and fancily, Mrs. Caccic i day with 10 members 'and one Terry Wade,' all of London,
Mr. and Mrs, Grafton Squire, ?days with Mr, and Mrs, Nor- and Mr, Harvey Parkinson; visitor present. visited with their parents, Mr,
Sue Ann and Paul visited 00 'fr,BandkMrs. George Jaques; Gordonl were rBenderests fof fDashvtoodr. and tonrs, '.dent,s and lisM s. Brine
presi- and took Johnn 1l over then Wadekeand
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs..of Exeter visited on Monday , Friday. yweekend.
Corbin Pearson, Kintore. y charge of the worship service Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hill
Mr, Attie Dayman, Grand,' with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mar- with the theme "The unchang- visited with Mrs. Kennedy and
Bend, was a Sunday caller with i and AIr, and Mrs, Allan Ja• riott, Ronald and Maryanne of ing glory of God", g ]loss in London on Sunday,
q t
iS. Marysi
„• r
Mr. andMrs, Mrs.1\J
n Hod rn
Wood Mr, and Mrs. Eugene r"jnto
A'Ir. and Mrs, Milne Pullen: Edward Hern was at Guelph 'vvith her parents, Alr, and Mrs. ham had charge of the study loski and family mo .,ed. into
visited with Mr, and Mrs,on Monday with the South ..Hu-, Archie Dewar, 1 book's la t chapter. Mr. Lawrence Bitl'"s' house on.
; !r
on Gunning in Exeter on,
ron Junior harmers Curling Miss Marilyn Holland oft Air, elsoil ,!-g1i`cEikxi t4• K'ina,* St, north which Mr, Joe
Friday jjEonspiel, , I Greensville .spent 'the weekend' ed, ith a piano solo and Mrs. McCann had' been Jiving M.
Mr: and Mrs. Cecil Squ re, i , . Mr, and Mrs. Ward Hern vis- with Mr, and Mrs, D. Holland,"?iluncan McNaughton with a Mrs, Herb Young as a
rted on Sunday with Mr, and and family,. ,
Douglas and Bill were Sunday ngrs, Bill Dixon, Jim and Chris- Harry Bay* .,.•%�^ 1 reading from 'Missionary • Re- caller in .town on Monday,
✓ isitors with Mr. and Mrs. ae 0l,,417. Agarys porting. Mrs. John. !McLean, Seaforth, Chittick, F'tospect Hill. tine returned home with them spent the \v� d with Eddie Mrs. Strahan gave a report president of South His-
a•y visitors with Mr, after spending the weekend, Holland. ,,;• . ? l from the Perth Presbyterial trict WI, attended the meeting
and Mrs. Melville GunningMr• Ross Hern returned home Mrs ,Furl. Holland of London I held at Parkview Church in and spoke briefly extending
were Air, and Mrs. Wilson Mor -nn Saturday
after ispending i a Tgiib},e School spent, the week- I Stratford. She also conducted the greetings from the district
ley and Mr, and Mrs. James end with, his parents, Mr, and the business. WI.
Earl, Exeter, and Mr. Wilfred
Mr. and Mrs, William Mon
ley Jr., Janice and Robbie
visited recently with Mr, and
Mrs. Bruce Dale, Stratford,
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Baker
and Marion, Mr. and Mrs
Clare Bryan and family
ton, . were Friday ni
of Mr, and lV
Mr. and
son, Car -
with M'
I4I ,
it guests
.s. Grafton 1
rs. Gordon John
and Mary visited
ss Audrey Anderson in
rd on Sunday.
and Mrs. George Pull-
man, Mitchell, were Monday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Cleve Pullman,
(Intended for last week)
WMS and WA
The WMS and WA of Whalen
Church met in the church on
Tursday afternoon, Ten mem-
bers were present,
The theme of the meeting
was "Voices from Abroad"
with Mrs. Alton Neil in charge
and Mrs. Klahre, Mrs. Gordon
Johnson and Mrs. Wm, Mor-
ey Jr. assisting in the devo-
tional service.
• It was decided that the Mis-
sion. Band and Baby Band be
laid over for another year.
' Mrs. Wm. French and Mrs.
:Yellowed grain costs you
money. It means low yields,
no profit. Top dress with low
cost Aeroprills* now—make
10/15 bushels more per acre,
Aeroprills—the 33.5% nitro
gen •--- gives you nitrate
nitrogen to promote stooling,
more" .heads, more grain
leach resistant ammonia
trogen feeds the crop through
to harvest.
You, can top dress Aeroprills
with )'our regular fertilizer
spreader or distributor. ,See
your ferlili4er dealer today!
.AST -A °TrI N C.
NEW Range
Looks, cooks and cleans
like nothing you've seen.
beforel Moves right into
the same space as An or
dinary range —• you can,
take it with you, too, if
you ever sell, your .house;,
You'll see it at the Home Show
with minimum down
payment. Generous
trade in allowance
on your old range;
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The grass is r..e
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'60 Renault
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rich man. Owner's name on request,
'59 Dodge Deluxe
2•door, this low -mileage, $ 1 , A 75
one -owner car has radio ., ff
'58 Chev Sedan
Biscayne, equipped with radio. This im•
maculate car formerly owned C 1 , 875
by a member of the clergy
'57 Pontiac Sedan
Pathfinder Deluxe, equipped with custom
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'59 Rambler
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a camper's
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'58 Pontiac 2 -door
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'57 Volkswagon
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'56 Studebaker '56 Buick Special
Champion Deluxe Sedan, equipped with
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only 40,000 miles 995 owner's name on request.
'55 Buick Hardtop
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'535 Pontiac
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