The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-23, Page 3.• . • **." :Y+' "t43 1"a• at*. *a •• 4** * .* ' * • .1 . 4'
Conduct reception [Fete. 5t Pr ,.New main to school
at ,centralia .church atv•Voodham, .pucs.',61. DIns
,1,-14.17g-7107f4=Z;;,Z4;',..'.•;;;.• •
••••••,.., 44.
To rebuii.d
ThoTimea-MYOCAte, M.41"41.1. 231 1,961 :PAP
' •*
A!!i.; F :
. e
By MRS. 'ARTHUR :RUNP1,4 ' lleconstreletion of No. RI .high-
-church newt I Mr. and Mo. Bob. Edwards .,
1 A 19.000, eonstrtietion pro.'a tweanch line to the puhlie way -from and Bond 'to St
There wae a good ,attendance and Leroy •of •Exeter, Mr. and the PUC waterWorks school where a hydrant; will be Joseph will be started thi
The .annual WA St. PatrIck's :gram for ,
at the !sundae morning service Mrs. lieword Cynnington and 841).1to4 w•as 'held 011. l'riclaY eve-dep't has been ePproved by:installed,
in the' United Church When the. .familet of Chnlville were tencianee. Yeer, .a.ecording to the '41.'6
eermon was preached by Pedro flay -Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Sun, clung* March II with a good at- tilie OWRC", Supt He le Davis; A fotir-inch main on Senior program announeed by High-
thas ennouneed. 'from Sanders to a point 135 ways Minister Cees.
Earlaloore, of the- RCAF. wile .Fred •Cuneington. t Following the supper a short, Installetions wilt include twn feel north which will complete 'Me proposed new work tell
brought a class of see .fer. a , . Mr. end Mrs. Ray La mmie program was given consisting e•Ineh mains on Andrew and the connection between: Sanders for "grading drainage4 awls
reeeetioe epevice, p ev, ,D, eL. and jean, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Of a sing eong :led by ltayvVictoria streets and ,.t.iva 4- and Gidley. 'grenuler base" of T.a nellee
•Guest eonducted the eervice fred Mack of Crediton attended Mills in Exeter. Ray also inch mains on :Senior and Mill • The four -inch main on Alill from the ,north limits of Gran
ine e
relit was assisted' in thP recce- 'the ;Home and Garden Show in - pictures of his 'trip to Western'Areets. -will he extended about 60 feet; ; Bend to Ste ,
t:servicby Padre Moore, ,
,London •Oe Monday evening....Canada the •past, eummer and The projects include: to .a point e20 feet :west PI, To Addition, the .fieyroc„
gregation enjoyed the special • bert and Air. and Mrs, Ivan etures :he had taken while visit -street froin weilington '
In the •evening a large eone 1 Mr. and .Mrs, Murdie Col, i ReV. J. Wareham showed. pie -1 A six4nch main ,on Andrew Carling to -service a new hose ebridge, approximately. seven
to 1 for that area.
geant "The Stone Was Rolled Pests with Mr. and Mrs. Nur- • mer. A reading was cont•ribi replace a one.inch main and • • • , , ; • ••; - • •••• -- lure.
acu,viee when the Easter na. Needham ef tiderton were ' ing in. Newfoundland this surn.',point miles north of Grand Bend. wil
1,548 feet- south. This :wit' , , he replaced with a new strue
• .. 2.,• „ ...,,r.', ":',,' • ', ' .
AW1.1y" was presented, nee, ray Abbott on Tuesday eve -i Med by Mrs, A. Dewar,
This -work will he :under
1 Shows pictures of Ewell? I •
• complete installation of six"; lateteeef. f
supervision of the Stratford
Guest was in _charge of the ning. , .. el. rom
and assisting with the musical 1 Mrs, Arthur '
.a s acorn- , WM:, levelling. AUxibary was
: The March meeting . f ll ;inch service for the area. A :
'fire hydrant will be -placed at
.. .
, ., ,. ; e .._,...,,
Biddiulph Rebuud south of Exeter
district beadquarters.
obeeine devotinnal exereises (Intended for laet. week)
part of the service was the la- ponied by her sister Mrs Sim.' held ' I °- -"IP the corn
(Bee' otiartette .eonsisting of , son McFalls of Exeter• visited ' on Tuesday evening. er of AndreW and
, A •six-inch main 00 VICLOria i Ry MRS. M. H. :EL,SQN .
Mrs. f a In the ehueee easement,
Mrs 3aek Eesery, Mrs Orville ,c Be,sides r e v i s 1 o n of the i
i Flight Lieut. Key to a .point •
the dept piens to rebuild ae s
MO relatives in London over, ettee'\ t 1 1 e. 11 . r Si. V! landeboye corv.e, which will I
1.angford and. MIS'ses dean and ! the weekend.i ' '''''''''''" 1.•°"e'' '-'e°"' °L. "•1;$rY's 8.88 feet east, This will -le 1 , •. .... ,. „eeeeeeeeeeeeee involve about one-half mile, • I
Joan Essery with Airs. Kenneth, • Carpenter I was the guest speaker and! _
istrcet from Andrew ,_. , p;act, : .. ..,,,
Mr. and Mrs. Jade Blair and
Hodgins, at the organ. .• unwed pic-aires s•he had taken I :girls were guests en Sunday 1.8-rmle stretch .of le ; 4 i th
which was a short presenta• ,
Taking part in the pageant •
--e ------- : sitar at ftie home of Mr. and !Europe- last spring,.
of Ottawa was a weekend vi- Mille she waston a trip throw 1
Airs, Ray .leammie, 1 London. • Centralta vicinity. The work
i Pereonal items . 1
;Attends course
, :with 'Mr. and Mrs. Don Blair„.1 .,
lion el' the Easter message Ml
ss Mr. and Mrs, Charles Atkin- ell, be. done from 3.3 mile to
were Keith Hodgins and Melt. I Miss Joyce Bowers of Exe-•
,„ son epent Tuesdev with M • 4.0 mile south of Exeter.
soldiers, Marius and Calual ;
ard Shoebottom as :two Roman ter spent ,the weekend with ' "".i'• 'yawl" Kira of Ca "
I Miss Jean :Laminie. ' gary and 108. Bryce tskinper ;
1 .at Georgia plant •
and Mrs, James Eagleson, dam road, structures which
In addition to the Parkhill
Bob Lammie, as Peter; Wayne -1 .. . . .. .... in Munro called on tneir voile., , _
_- -... • , .
Grebb, as John. MI'S, Frank I ins, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Snann der motors
Clair Deneau of Larry Sni• Parkhill.
with Al, II, and Mrs, Elston 81 ;highway.
the week division ;include three on No.
will be erected by the London
Lithe Exeter, is; Visitors during
Kathy Hodgins, the Angel,
Hicke, Mary Magdalene and .
ale on Tuesday, were Mr. and Mrs. Fred El- These are the Aux Sable
,Harry Lewis 73. •
. ....... 1 411U 8i -r• and Mrs. Witham ,teun, spending A week at Vienna,
r i v e r bridge, approximately
- - ' - ' 1 Mrs. Roy Kirk of Greaten -
; Georgia, et :the Southern Train-
ing Center of Tractor and im- Ston, Detroit. Mr. and Mrs.
WMS meetine I •
$ to Monarch Richelieu sedan, loaded for
2 bear . , save $1080 at . • 0.600
s '60 Ford V-8 sedan, tinted glass, washers:
back-up lights save $578 at ........$2,6O0
d '60 Falcon 4 -door Ranch Wagon, new. auto- .
matie, .tinted glass save $521 at $2.6:00
'60 Falcon tudor wagon. automatic,. 1,inted
glass, new 4. , save $:550- $2,550- I
1 '56 Meteor 2 -door, automatic .
"57 Plymouth sedan. clean
' 4
I'55 JtOde sedan, overdrive '54 Buick hardtop,- -
dies in hospital :
. : Misses Blanene and ftnea Aluts. ' plement Division, Fn.rd Motm umphrey Arthur, St. Marys
the Mud Creek bridge. 3.4
was a weekeno visitor wieo : . li
Mrs. Frank Osborne was the '
Mrs. Murdy Culbert and seven miles north of No, 22;
Harry Lewis, 73, Crediton, Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Cow.' IsC)iaovliellnpgpanrorn:in:fillvecar:ddali3erssallseastPaitelrlatleiceri?'AatilAhc'lleri..tanildcleAritie•se: Len Flannigan
leader for the worship service ' . miles .m.0 of No. 22 and the
the schoolroom of the church
at the March meeting of the ,
woman's Misisonary SociotY in died in South .lietron Hospitai drey, Air, and Mrs, Go]) Cope.
on Sunday, March 19 having lame miss Jean Lopeland were ing in tractor and equipment and Mrs Allen Flannigan
London Sunday Dram bridge, It miles north
week. :, ' • • 1 Mr, Lewis was born in mc. , Mrs, Gerald .irintneil, -and rneWnithirean7"axeimaptaerlYts it other
MAr.h.a.s.ed AAIliftshuilaelceAll'ee8Ftillaiali's wiatIll.f• (2f No 22 -
on Tuesday evening of last, been a patient for two days.. recent visitors witn Mr, operation and features,
Mrs.' LOrne, Hicks gave an in..' Gilliyray Township and iived mrand mrs, Norris Webb, : couriti•y, Mr, Deem; is work. tended a shower at the .horne
formative tem on ',New Nation e in Crediton for ;Me
and Old Problems" Mulkey years, He had worked with 'Mr.! eir. a.nd Mrs. :Et. Small at bt, ' equipment every day.
Past el . Julie and Lorin visited with ing with different kinds of, farm of Mrs. Jim ;Alugford, Lucan,
although on Saturday evening for Made-
erodlins played a piano solo, ! Fred Kerr at the Crediton; Mamas on Tuesday.
• Airs. Elmer Powe presided brick yards, the Canadian Can-! some classroom work is in. line Moon in honor of her ap-
' ' offered to donate a blanket
for the business. Five members
' lion, Centralia. , were en.; .
volved, he. is spending most Preaching marriage.
Airs Chris ri
Air. and Mrs. Lin •d Smith
ners and later at RCAF Sta. Diane and Douglas 3.
His %vife, the former lichee- . • ' of his time in field work Aionday guests of Mr. and
and Mrs. E Fischer Dale
. : day evening attests with Mr.! while developing new ideas • .. . seher were Mr.
am. ,rs. ay on milli of ; '
taeli for overseas relief, Dud- I el Ci 't„ ' S '
• e • ,
, v equipment, and techniques and operating . . . E. „ ,,
The classes Molly and babe Mark 1 M
1Villiam V . ..
tatione Were read 'from Crecli• ' ea Sims, survives, also rine PI et
Inn WAIS to attend the Easter • son, Eber, C r e d 1 1 o n; two
11.1r, and Mrs Ron Chatten- can get a Danny, London, also Mr. and ARKER.
thank offering meeting and : daughters, Mrs. Leonard (Ma- f , • . ' 1 are purposely kept. small so Vargo, Marie and M
from the Cancer Society to al- • des) Wein, Crediton, and Mrs. ,„„ ,.: we„,„„,e'e -see, . that the "students"
Street .chiu.cle, Exeter. Mem.' Bend; four brothers, Dalton
tend the daffodil .tea in ;Teams Alex (Clara) Hamilton, Grand' ° tja"1110 --.7.
t Chatten and Barbara, , uon.
Visitors on Saturday' after -
tors Mtn, Mr. and Mrs. Vic tinn. , ter.
""--"" '''"-; maximum of personal instrue- All's. Xenon Fischer of Exe- • - -- - - -
Huron Presbyterial in wing. i :Beinsley; Edgar, Manistique, , training at the Elgin General 1
hers were asked to attend the I anci 'Irwin, London, Wesley, I Miss Betty Hern , nursean.; are;t1n'el'ae,mvgrefa'110IMeTINV.t1:11 i noon 1‘1%etirth sisAtlip•is., Mrs. Ed.
April 8, 1 Mich, and one sister, Mrs.: Hospital, St, Thomas, spentl Topics from lard, Aiount Hope and her
'57 T-750 Tandem '58 Ford 600 Dump
'56 F-700 Dump
These trucks are all ready to roll;
. • at
Come in and see our used tractors - we've got I
Nkthat you want:
Larry Snider Mo-...ors.1
Ford Monarch • Falcon
only 39c
Earl Heist were appointed as '
Mrs. Percy Noels and Mrs. : Fred, (Clara) Hodgins, prate • several days• at her borne in f daughter, Mrs, Jack Borland,
Thames Road. 4
I Mr. Reg Darling of Brown's ; Elimvil.le
.... ___ _
Man„ three grandchildren and the village the past Aveek, I
reed an article on :Christian i Mr, Lewis was a member of1 e a patient in Victoria Hospital Tirres•Advocate
Auditors, Airs. Albert Smith ; five great grandchildren, • Mrs. Roy Harrison, recently
Corners visited with his sister,'
Citizenship, By MRS. ROSS eKINNEte h . .
as returned home, , .
1 LOL and the Orangemen held i ,
The bostessee were Miss eke-
' A , Mrs, Lawrence- Copeland and ' - - • • • - - . "
a service on Tuesday evening, , Lawrence on Stinday,
re's Anderson, Mrs. A. MeFalls, 1 The funeral service was , A ;
Mrs. F. Howe and Mrs. j, Mc. ! held at the. R. C. Dinn.ey fun- • 'dr' : WI euchre ,...._ ,
and Mrs, Don \Velum , --- -
Allister, 1 era) home on Wednesday, and Warren •of Lakeside &tweet ; The 'Etimville Womeh's Insti. .... * Raf use, Ford ‘ Keost
Personal items : I March 22 conducted by R,ey, R. , „,
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. john ' tute h.eld its Iasi. euchre. at
1 S. Hiltz with interment in Exe- ''''°'''''' LE•liniville Hall on Wednesday
. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Johnson ter cemetery.. -' "
and son, Larry of 'London, were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moun.' afternoon with the Sou
L, E. Refuse R. L.‘ Ford K. C, Keast
Bearers were Earl Heist, tain of St. Marys were guests i in charge. South Line
Sunday %disitors with Mr. and ,
• Garnet; Wilson, Bob Edwards. , of Mrs. Al. Copeland and Jean ; Winners were: ladies"' high. 348 TALBOT 5T, Phone. GE 2-7452 LONDON.
Mre. Rey Shoebottom and fam- I William Motz, jack Jes.ney and and Mr. and Mrs. Gle C : Mrs. Thos. Bell; ladies' low,
BY. :
,. 1 Lawrence .Baynham. n Ape-
; .; land and Cynthia. an Sunday,. t Mrs. Harold Bell; birthday '
Mies Flossie Davey. spent . _ . ,,. ' • I nearest St. Patrick's Da,.
s'everal days al the home of •';''.1M'rutottt:10..etWeei.•;•teceeee•-.•:,teee...e.,e
al111141111111!!MlIMM111111411/1101111114/11!1)14,411!11141.41 t ttt 11•44!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MMIt
untended for last week) I Mrs. Orville Campbell. A dutch :
her niece and nephew. Mr. and, TheWMs and WA story in i auction on a tea apron was
Mrs, John Ridley in 'Elimville. I Fourteen members attended w" 1.)Y Mrs. Harold Bell. New spring
Mr. and Mrs. John Thome- I S * the March meeting of the WMS Personol items 1
snn were visitors %%Pith Mr. and 1 . aintsbury held M Lhe basement of. thei'
Mrs. Chester Winger in Glen- I United Church, , friends in Woodham over the
Mrs, Thos. Bell visited with1
styles have
coe on Wednesday and with Mr. I By MRS. HEBER DAVIS The ;president, Mrs, Fred weekend.
and Mrs, DLon-
........................... .Doupe presided and was as.' Mr. and Mrs. Torn Smith of
don on Saturay.sisted in the worship service Exeter, Mr. leans Gerstenkorn arrived.
.t.:w:4,0w,.,,,,,v*m,,,,,,,,,,4 .,
Sunday guests with Mr. and , Dessert euchre with the theme "Voices from ' of Thames Road visited on Sue.:
'Mrs. Jack Essery were Mr. and , The ladies of Si. pateack's Abroad" by Mrs. M. Copeland, , day with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis 'smart
Mrs. Edgar Rundle of London church held a dessert euchre ' Mrs, F. Doupe, Mrs. r. Ale.' Johns, Emerson and Dianne, . nevi shades in
and Mr, and Mrs. Dave Roger ; in the parish hall on Wednes- Curdy and Airs. R. Rundle.1 Mr, a tid Mrs. Gilbert Johns, men's and boys us-
of St. Marys. I day afternoon wi18 tables •th
. Mrs. W. Wilson gave a Ines- ;Larry and Edward attended uals and. loafers -see our stock.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred 'Elston cif , playing, The hall was decor- sage on stewardship. , ; the 40th wedding anniversary
Detroit who had been visitingated in green and white with The chapter "New Nall'one ' celebration for Mr. and Mrs.
with relatives in the communitytrisb hats and clay pipes for and old Problems" of the
Wesley Venner of Hensell held
onWedneseay of last week a t- ; St. Patrick's day. study book was presented by ,
al the home of Mr. and Mrs.
lended the ham supper, served ; The ladies served ice cream, Mrs, W. Wilson and %Mrs, W. Roger
Venner of 'Hensel] fol.
by the ladies of the Woman's: pie and tea and the .progres- Levy followed by a '
poem he towing the dinner at Zurich
Association in the schoolroom : sive euchre follow•ed with Mrs. Mrs. ;L. Copeland, .' , Hotel. .
el the church the same. eve- Jack Murdy, Lucan, winner of A WA. meeting followed whh Friday evening guests of Mr. '''T • EXPERT, *PROMPT LEATHER & RUBBER
1 the chair prize, Mrs. Andy the• 'd '
ter of Emeryville, ,Ontarm,:
' Mrs. Mary Wyatt and daugh-1 Blerli".•
Mrs, Wilson 'Hodg•ins, RR 3 Lu- ,
Exeter, ladies 'high, in the chair, Plans •
for a St. Pitrick's wsueple ma e
pies," ent, Mrs. A. Dewar alid
, vitricks , per.
• ti :were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hern
and family of Sunshine Line.
Mrs. Franklin Sldnner
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie and 1 Ailsa Craig. cut for lone hands
were Sunday visitors with; can and Mo. Earl Dixon, _
ersonal items Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
I Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Fulton and
family. . . i with Mrs. Hodgins the winner. Mrs. Murray May, Richard , Cooper.
Mr. Chas McKeever of Lis.' Celebrate birthday and Sherri of Byron were Mon- Mn, and Mrs. Mervin Durnin
towel and Mrs. Holmes of Clin- ! ' M r. and 'Mrs. • Robt Tindall day visitors with Mrs, Lawr. of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs
e Copeland. PHONE 252
, James Oke, Bobby and Gor-
ton were Sunday visitors with ,' were hosts on Saturday eve- enc -
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Martin Mrs. Richard Dickins, Exeter. id, pent a uesdaY •
'don of Anderson, Mis.s 'Botta
. Oke of Kitchener, Mrs. Mane
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson. I Ping at a birthday party for Mr. and Airs. Elgin Webb,
Grand Bel s '
evening with Mr. and I Harrison °C Exeter' Mr. and
arel Kenneth of London visited 1
t joyed with iMrs. Don Maguire, Norris Webb and family. Mrs, 'Mrs. fl...., ?,J Simeon of Miteh•
1 .
Progressive euchre was en-
%eith Mr, and Airs, Frank Hicks
tell, Mr. and Airs. Cecil Harri•
Black end Brown
As !OW as
The Store with the Gold Bond Stamps
aed familY on Sunday. I Mrs. Heber Davis, Mr. Jim Mrs. Garnet Johns, nf St. i son
' Young and Mr. Don Maguire Thomas visited •1' of Mount Pleasant were
'Sunday visitors with Mr. and . 0 ., - `-' • • ' of day's' last -we': eadtleleurieler1Saturday evening guests of Mr.
Mrs. Murraybbott were Mrs.
. prize winners. . . an • Mrs. en Johns,
Madeline and Miss Melody • . s, loyd Smith, and I d M All
The table was centred with niece Mr 1.,
an attractive birthday cake. Lloyd. t Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert johns
neon of oLndon and Mr, Dun -
Those present beside the guest m . I and family visited on Satur.
can Tindall of .Listowel, I. and Mrs. Don :Morphy ; day with Mr, and Mrs. Chas.
of honor and the hostswere vete weekend visitors in Tn..; Cassar of London.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Earl Atkinson, tont° with Dr. George and 1 Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta, Mrs. Merphy, John and Net- Mrs, Franklin Skinner and
Mr. and Mrs. Don Maguire, son.
Mr. and Mrs, :Heber Davis, !fern& were Mr, and Mrs. Go -
Mr. a nd aere c 1 a r e n " . raid Shore of London, Mr. and
M Alex Hodgins and Mr.
Wm. Hodgins of •Corbett visited
with Mr..and Ml7S, Frank Smyth.
on Sunday evening.
Airs. Cleve Pullman, Whalen, Mr and Mrs, Jim 'Barker, Mr. Thomson and family were Fri-,
day evening guest, of Mr, and ' Mrs, Dalton Skinner of Hen.
was a Tuesday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee, Mr.
. I is. john 'Radii and family. Al
salt., Mr. and.aIrs. Arthur Ford,
and Mrs. Murray Abbott. and Mrs Hugh Davis, Mr. and ee'.
eirs. Lorne Hicks attended Mrs. ,Jim Young, Lucan and
Mr. and and Mil Grant Skinner of
Mrs. -Beverley west. , Exeter,
the trousseau tea at the home their families.
of Mrs. CV. Pickard in Exe- Personal items man and Janet of Granton Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pent,
ter on Saturday afternoon in were Saturday evening visitors !c•Tioavan and :Brian visited on Sun -
honor of her daughter, Miss Mro
. end M. Maurice mac. with Mr, and Mrs, Glenn Cope- lwiftliClit‘rilIt'O!L
Donald, Lucan, we!Lobbo
re Thurs. land. and Mrs. Jim
TrudY Pickard. day evening gUesta %vith Mr, i Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Raenie
esteemeememeeeeeeeteeeeeetemo and 'Ales, Harry Carroll. gee".,s'1";e::ce".--er•enea•e-• • • • ...e., . of Toronto spent a week's ho-
•ThIs week in
, Mrs. Earl Greenlee, Mrs. Happenings in ' 'lidays with their parents, Mr-
Maurice MacDonald, Mrs, i and Mrs. Sam Rennie of Hen.
• euchre at Trivia Memorial -- ''l sal.salsid:mr'nea n'id°47'erss. a‘n\d'1111:11
WI" lielse
., Inc -0 Mrs. H,eber Devis attended the Eilianshard I •Reutb''
Harry Carroll and Mr. and ii
eyening, Mrs. Carroll Red fee.
ty MRS. WILLIAM WALTERS on Fridyhe4.7. GLA°WYN "Cie° ER iethvnenjingcluetitalif Z.Birelencs1PeellaindFri.ciliatii
parish hall, Exeter, ay
her Davis were among the win- '''' '' '''''''. t .":" . ' ' t ''' - ' ' - ''''"' ' ' Sk:iArlirn.erand Mrs; 'truce Conner.
Euchre ners, Mr. and Aire, Claire Sissonl Mr, and Airs. Alvin Cooper
, Mre, Clarenee Davis and attended (} family get•to., were guests of Mr. and ;Mrs.
The Winebelsea Euchre Club Mrs, Harry C a r r 0 11 were r 'held laet the home et the I F'rarde Parsons of elensall lest
held its petty at the scho,o1 on guests at, a bridal shower for latteer'e mparents, Mr, and Mrs. I
Monday ing,ht with Mrs. John Madeline Abbott aod
f .al the hommerof,
' Tuesday evening.
Hern and Mr. Ward Hern as her niece, ssauteda;e: ,ciliiigliott, elottramt,,hats•oy,meosn i GrAalnrionand vAilsriste.dAllna1/11 Keo' o(
tables n play. ning.
hostesses. There were foUr ;Jim Mug,sford on Saturday eve- Petch's birthday, * / with Mr. and Airs, Alvin F111.1
Mrs, Cecil AlosseY end Mre ' ton
Prizes went to: ladies' high, A ' Hen s vete W. 13. Young ef St. Mary I Al'. and Mrs. sanford Hit -
P111weed Hon; menes hieh, entertaiiied be Mr, and Mrs, spent a few days last week . ti)onn;upnertlianiis 4intil iziile.,nnaenpsittred;
Nu waiters; Ione hands, Philip Fred Dobbs Jr. al, ..61', Pat' With reletives and friende in
et ern and Consolation, Elson tick 's celebra don tricium lig ee Termite.
buffet climiee end bridge party 1 'Reuben Phelke Of Alonkton.
Mr. and Airs. Orville Lang- 1 ;Mr' ' ncl MrS' NT ° r m 1 11
on Friday evening,
Make Your Kitchen
Smile .With New Curtoins'
. From The Interior Shop
Colorful selection including plastic cottage sets
(from $2.49). print cafe, and new prints and glazed
cottons by the yard (from 994
Phone 315
Ralph Sweitzer Exeter
Whether you're just A "Sunday driver" tit' 1180 your
r!.r$0nat iteme Dr % end Mrs. George Lind, ford and ;John of Centralia ,J,a0ties• llarrY and Shirley. ni car every day. yOu'll want it in lop working' con
miss Barbara Ann GUMMI say of London and Air. mid , v's'ted Sunday evening with 'elm) visited nb, i Sunda',,"'I'm' 'dition for the, fine spring days that are Corning up,
Me and Aire 1-eonatel Theek.; ATI'. "6 mr$• "'''"" "°°"'
seem, pricity eveniog with Mre. Cha es Shane of Eeeter tee ' - •
.Mite '•JittlY Welfert Of Sunshine 61,711rSteatitint.idavilse.veitriii.leitig fltioeiv, (.11 kt.,.. eat,:s. ' utti, [ital.), ci,,,! il.m1\110'.( AEhdxetAettreLviritaoltilaeo% ,511.4111k:i .0,, til'. trained mechanics will go over' it from butaver
'We. • , , ,
Mr, ;he Imre. ELMO. Lytin ate L6 'bumper and pul, it, back in tip Lop shape After
' - ' "'I" 411(1 inlililY "cut l'Pit:IW a`aY' ;with My' "I•rf lvt". sql"." th,ost rough whiter rho -bats. 13ring it 111 today and
-evening with Meq AIYAda. 1-Top..Iittailittii and Aline.
sheen the weekand in 'lo onto Me, :Mid Mee, Clarenee DA, kli,' ,r N,i1i,l, 11:' " 1 mr. and mre, tArtio timed, i
the gtieete of Mr, Lynn's eie. VIS kitOtt StihdaY evenng g1.108ig "' 7 '.`• 'e linVe it ready for th.e taStEr parade!
ter, , with Mt, and mrs, eeek nie.-. Air. and 4111.5, Lloyd Thomson !A" °°(.1 Miehael' "" '"' ' 4 t
Itethald of Sunshine Line Were; The centennial committee foe "A°111r)S. ni(11147-dgsPt.°ttioliikstilli,ndAYi(cilveibli, ! •1111.1,n141:61.°..,-"I'Poihnagidgfitia8lY It;•1%;°""'"" 6D:o3nOittOfot:figlolt ---yo."iirl.L1()(1)twilith!vt6.0741r.A4'letrIletlx1 a7coi'4.8kL6r
Ale, and , t,eY Clerice mid i Idris, .
guests en Sattirclay evenirigt sc.. Patrick's church met :el the Mr. Claro trooper Attendee! I ."-Ikee. elle mrs, Aoh cnatos or. Chid, Fire Chief and Diesel fucl. Stop At the Texaco
with Mr. and Mrs. Newton i Immo of Me. and Mrs, Heber !he,. hockey camp at Sarnia ten 1- _. ..
Clarke.. 1 Fleeter ViSliOd OP 11'1'1(141Y ev0-: tip: 'Ow ALL .your metering needs,
i bois monthly evening March zlaittrdaY night.
Mr.and Mrs. Ilarycy 8kitt-, 2a,
, oti s41tui.d.0 ovotrat nIt roi,, :Itiligghtith. Mr, Atiti Mrs. Squire
tie of sehrtheville t pent the! Mr, ithd Mit, trarry Ce er ell . ealIatitotie showor (f.MO. i ----
eVeekeed \vial Larry, Jilt Aridiyisited hie fOrifiere Mother, Aldt, 81Aill11.. 1(114110.r1 Joyee . 1
• raharn Art li 11 r.
i.,,,.. , Mfg. Rtigh Caritli AI Mason.. Kilt*, was held in the Mateo.1 The ficat rederal government
AM Mrs. till 'OilfillAti, 1 Vill0 Boanital And later with nolitaii school. A 'Largo erowd,exnerithental !arm 1113 attli7.1
Relitly. end WendY tCliff tf. EXeter I Mtt, litgt, Lb -Udell. (Noll 'llite neigribcring lines et. IIfelled al Ottawa 111Mg& Wr'
Sited Sunday with Mr. Atit1 Mr, .and MrS, tliti 'Bark er , tended, After a Variety prO• ; Willi a in 'Saunders, 11116 1M61' i
',Z‘lit, 'C011ii, Oillillat and faiii• 4 Alia Jean anent kriday at the ' grelit, 10Yee, ttiteived Many t worked with his teli Sir MIAOW
1.1celebrating XandY's ,ant
linitle tif Alf - and Mrs, Don ricvalsr-gifts, Lunch Wes tatted ISatindere iii the developincilli
irirtli, Londe& I and It. eheiti hour was spent 'of Marquis wheat,
' • IN. 406
6ii 2O MOtalk$ - • tKii:t0
S#6' :tide Seitoliditbf Mkt tan And Cnifie• in And
TeM DriVel flit .NeWl. LAM
MOOR Ale. 140
cut, NI/ 11'
rive ether task
Otet everia,
Even b.; the small things.„
More Disk for Your Morley
g KEWANEE uses machined -steel spacer spools tha.t
won't crack like cast iron. Blade,s stay tight and in.
alignment. KEWANEE'S extra heavy bearing standarde
take extreme side. thrust as well as normal thrust. And 7.
,P..t113.t, KEWANEE offers you a full disk line Timken
bearing equipped. KEWANEE'S Timken Bearings have
grease fitting and triple -lip seal -yell put grease in -it
stays in -dirt stays obi,. Grease just twice a season
Every Inch - the KEWANEE is a rigidly constructed,
well balanced. stay -in -the -ground disk. Before you buy a
disk, see the new KEWANEE,
Farm Equipment
Business Director
Income Tax Returns -7
and related
Yea reend Accounting
Mein Street, Exetet'
Open Every Weekday
Except Wednesday
For Appointment Phone 355
G. A. WEBB, D.C,
For Appeintment Phone Roe
Hensel! Office Open Weethisday
and Friday Afternoons ,
130 to 5:3D
PHONE. 14 txrrari.
L.P.S., D.D.S. '
Ma in
Closed All Dey Seturdaye
DENTAL SURGEON 1 Zurich office Tuetday
814 Main Street South . Afternoon .
Phone 273 Exet" PHONE 4 EXETER
Closed Wednesday Afterennne
Commercial`, I rldUS.4
Heed Office -- Exeter, Ontario R sideoliel Jenitee Week-
: Venetian Blind Cleenthe
Milton MeCtirdy RR 1 Kirkinti FREE ESTIMATES
'Reasonable Bats
Timothy R. Toohey 3 PHO" EXETER.
Loan -
E, CiCiorl;cUtii4e:t111 MI I. iNtitimr TAX its" OR
Feeney RV. ti2tiel)%1Illliiitil P'°61(K PIN°.
Rebell 4. tlardther nit
crtatoly. Ann SI., Exctor $04
Alex J. tirt 3 Mitchell
(Harry ceatos Rit 1 Contrails!' PROVINCIAL
Clayton Harrts Mitchell LICINSEO AUCT1oN.I1 ti 11
, StardEn
Mitelitt ro Your sale, large eir emall•
leontteous and efficient service
Selitilcr et all tithee.
ittr. 4. Cochrane &dart
Thaf Salittlef,/t
kttlitit rasa
tdcettAty.ffigAsurer '15AS1.1w660
txtter ' Minna I19 Ph011e,111