The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-16, Page 9Lil . , The Thmis,A0vocate, Mardi Ifk 190
Grand Beni ladies near bishop i Centralia UC group an schools
4 I
1/111- discuss,new group . atSaintsbuschool , '
By MRS- WEt-1,WOOP PM. useful Artie -lea ef Children's By Mg$,, HAP ER ['Avis 1 .,ay. mss,. ,FREp, ,BowpgN !until it
rYlpaints . ,
. ThursdaY.
rooms :.- --: -: - , 1 . Rofuse, Ford 4 Keost I '
for UC men I • '
Untied Clint en elders and , AVPITORS ANP ACCOUNTANTS. z
I ' - was
NMPletfd nn stewards 44 114"111 PreabY44" i L, E. Refuse ft.i.,A, ford IC A iCeast I.
A joint meeting .of the ladles eintiling were rttirneti in Or the Rt. Rev, : "amid F. APPle-t The spirit of ce-oPerattn,n1 p ,
/ .01 Caand Renzi and Greenway•ter •thinAtinii. yard, Bishop of Georgian BaY, existed among an energetxpet RcAativie Earl MOofe of the wis 11„ aittandba.nipa inatri. ,tW°41 .1 34$ TAi-E0T ST. Phone pE 2,7452 .1,,C/NPON I
1: -.:ted Churches was item on Plans were made la make the sepond stiffragan .bisbep of i rau of ladles and men Station 1,vill deliver ga n a 104 Pr In ere PI ' t I ,
t .
,i•lursti,v, iliaren 9, in the tile summer project. a little dif- Huron Diocese peake.. t, fi L.)., t 1. .., .... "Hues. ,,,,...„„,„tomMlinotilllimmilitii111111.0111104HittlifilltlffillitinglinIALIORMISMOUffiltillitiltitlifiniA
{trend Bend United Church ferent this year; there Will he .t was . t a le en ra la church last Week message in. the United Chu,roh leg of their rearionsib,
a set of. 20 1110d1
twin tiotis for the aftertglon service al. St, 1 when tiieythunciesetoocilz the sepaillonoti bung his
1 s „.en iiici, mg ofe un ay , . ,1 h
ida School room. The presi- , , P'atrck' Anffli a C h • 1 'ticrarsnsingtorwheehnui.hciei d l'ihr4r01e,‘ sewhe.olsb will ben eonh-
f rit, Mrs. Ed Gill; presided. • . Y Saintsbury, Sunday. The rec.:rams. a
The worship service followed for; the second prize,
'he final meeting 01 the service " 0.ntilalrlo "Sgt. arnUC7 Cileatrocn, i
e 1101011101111111Milif iMillithiliiiiii1111111111111111MMinlifilliftiliMIMMIUMMIIMMIIHUM1011111011111/4
1 . . • •
f••narini, in Missionary Month- Year win be held on March 21 enarge ot th"erviee • with ' ,.., ' .
,,,„„., „„ „ organist 1:1'..A1).7(:Euaesi,cr wirp?lagl;enlIn76,Ra,iret;ae', L2t(l)reti. ;I, and Janice
of this' tory, Rev. P. Dymond, was in day anriblistayskhabn7san4p°renVi‘a:1?.e,r:t!
Mrs, mr, 0, won, president at $:30 at the home ot Mrs. Mrs' '' "" n' '
Topir.s from Netei, March .n.
,, Huron Presbyterial, this meeting Qtlilt for Mohawk institute bsSeut onniarel,sweean:teendrii:ignil e:tth e8Awephm7tr;l1w,oilinl c aPtil'iornParePrOlgotteis? n,t on 4 apIro vide- ;
presort to explain the new
t ;liked church women's or. turned in and made readY for ladies of
was Arthur Read, At
all finished articles will be on. Wednesday afternoon the
St. Patrick's VITA, , •
Fermat items ,an o,pporfunity for elders and i
,t. •
ganigation. . delivery to the Children's Alzi Saintsbury, met at the home of Ellimville stewards to grew in knowiedge i
Mrs, Ti1Ifin, along
P^eel of throe ladies from Cotton Cotles
IVingliam, dismissed and an -
with a befnre Easier,
The Grand Bend “Cettont Mrs. Earl Greenlee for the
I March meeting. ivnisittheed hloasseptruwalehei.oka v,is•itha thpeataleanti: ;htilalcipndifnu:dtegsmICasbilrd(1)4;ntiginmes,teralerndi WARM AIR HEATING A
. I
4y -,',R. -9's$ skiNt,i'gR Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tr1PP wark, to broaden therr Ilrithdeeti: i
s'yered many questions,
Mrs, Emery D e s J a r cl in s cntleati met for their fourth was aSSISted in the worship Personal item
F."Sideilt Nrs' }fell" Davis'' ' - ' -- . was celebrating bilCsin824nsdb5rtbiZI and material
possessions - AIR. CONDITIONING ---. OIL BURNERS 1
meeting at the home of Karen grrs‘liellearbvYeylvil,rast,•tal:Iumg-111,s. Deovraisa, Mrs. john Hutton, Dayld and daY. TheY also visited with Colorful film charts will be.
thanked Mrs. Tiffin and her Taylor on Tuesday March 7,
panel. Sixty ladies were pres- ' . Weiberg and Mrs, Maurice Gladys or Listowel visited on relatives in Wellington before •
used for 'th fir' t I' this
All girls were proem. - Su d v withMr. and Mrs, San-, relatives
home. Ye41. tO ernephasi:e important We are an Associate Member of the National Want.;
en`, In answer to roll 11each Ma ep (maid B 011 call was am. - n -a'
ea • . , . ,
The ladies quilted for Mo,• ?nu
r°.tv!.11–dril:m1alt!,\Itqyri:vr.s, , a TIP h iliF , Johns' louv,tATI:linesd: haeAten ce :oil a Anderson re' ,Dphi:csue:siOrn tpheerivoild4sr%1113711sraambe
hignrsdAajzofnoal-, , .
- s i
Lunch .was served by Grand girl demonstrated liew to stand swered with a favorite Irish 45ir Heating. and Air Conciltioning Association of
d MI • s How —
Three ministers and three Canada,
Do.10. WA ladies, . 'Ieatured '
and sit cori•ectly, The girls verse,
Orphis Club did three "wing samples g naWIC Institute, Brantford. ard Johns, Anne am Laura, On her way home she visited
The Orpha Chili meeting pf binding a seam' liernming a Mr and Mrs._ Donald Parsons with relatives in California, laymen in the presbytery have FREE ESTIMATES
Mara 1 at the home of Mrs, hens, and covering a ben.
II Lorne• of 'Hensall, miss Ruth Miller ..r.
al Steve Molnar of Toronto ers of the schools.
Mrs. RaYrnond Greenlee, andbeen trained to serve as lead-
at1xIldanee of any meeting this The ladies bowling this year Thomas were weekend nests At Winghain, the instroctors PHONE 181
'red "'SI anlake, had the largest "Firecrackers" are champs '
the hostess with lunli,
'rg ot woodharn were Friday eve.'
and Miss :Betty Geddes of St. • EXETER
i.• Personal items A ,
ning guests of Mr. and Mrs.,
yea r, and many pretty and was won by the "FirecraNS.- with the for er $1141141111111111111111111111141111111111111,1111111911111111111111M11111111111111M1t111111111111111111,11111111111111111110°
'. ' ' '' ' `.... ...... :'...,...,, • ers" whose captain is Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Latta Mr, and il‘Trs. Harold Kers- .
• ann Mrs. Molnar who observed will be Rev, Lloyd Brown,
Brussels, and George Parser's,
m s parents, Mr,
, Irene Bossenberry. Other ninrn- and family spent Wednesday lake and family visited on Sat' their 35th wedding anniver- God.erich, with Wulf Caslick.
BurIot from hers of the team are Mrs. evening with Mr. and Mrs, urday evening with Mr, and
last week and celebrated P•resbytery. Men vice-president
William Cochrane, Mrs, Mar- Earl Atkinson. Mrs, Donald Case of Exeter. t sarY acting as chairman.
iorie Roberts, Miss Lenore Mr, and. Mrs. Fred Dobbs Y The Clinton school will bc
Trott, Mrs, William Sturde- Jr, were Friday evening guests Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johns! The Huron County LibrarY conducted by George Lavis,
mil., Mrs, ;John McDonald, with Rev, and Mr F, T. mon, Mr.
were Dr, Martin Johns, '
Ham -I hook exchange took
y Monday and there are many
spare, Mrs. Len Trott, 1James London P'erkins, Mr, and Mrs, Wesley
and Mrs, I-larve
hew books on the library law, ,
place on zone chairinan, and the lead -I
ers will be Rev. Currie Win -1
Hensall, and Ernest Wil."
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Tripp
have received word that their
son, Corporal Robert Tripp,
Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Carroll
Winnipeg to Saskatoon,
and Kathy, Mrs, Clifford Ings, sail, Mr, and Mrs. :Floyd Coo -
Corporal and iMrs. Frank
London, and Mr, and Mrs. per and Kathy, Mr, and Mrs.
A fellow wouldn't mind Ina1-1
Harry Carroll and Wayne were Alvin Cooper were Sunday
Carrigan and san Barry of ing his lawn mower if the tier:
Sunday evening guests with guests of thir, and Mrs. Ross
„ ,, A)dmer, Mr. and Mrs, Sher -
Mr, and Mrs, Ron Carroll, Skinner and family leb
ee-----'a' man Eaton of London, Mr, and rower wouldn't take it out o,
ing Susan Parsons' sixth birth- Mrs. Reid Brown and Roxanne the yard.
They quietly observed Mrs, dao
Mr. Len Trott is a patient Ing's, Mr, Harry Carroll's and ,,of Lambeth were Sunday .visi, ,,a. 00000 ,... 0000 , oo .. i. oo ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„
M . and M id Tt
in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- Ran's birthdays which fall
within the week. nie of Toronto -sPent the week:
, Thompson.
tors with Mr. and Mrs, John F•
end with Mr. and Mrs, Wm.'
Bd& 1ph
• • , This team won .last year's Mr, and Mrs. Earl Green
-.Personal ems
Inc and boys were Tuesday
S t .c1 t with the happy event on SundaY
evening guests with the Lor-
ofPersoa I items
Miss Janet Blair was one
grade 11 South Huron DIS- The communion of the Lord's
trict High School to be nriv. Supper will be observed .in the
ileged-to motor to Guelph on Grand Bend United Church on
March 19 at 11,15 a,m.
Wednesday and attend open. Sunday,
' house at OAC and also to at- Mr. Raymond Latta of the
'tend the :fashion show at Mc- Mallard Line has taken a posi-
.dorold Institute and tour Lite tion with the Dolma Company
bi,ildings as well. in, Sarnia.
Miss Lorna Weiberg visited
mother, Mrs. Len Pairdie
of Hensel) on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Atkin-
son of Wilton Grove spent Sun -
'clay with the former's brother,
.Mr. and Mrs. Chaflie Atkinson.
Johns of Exeter and Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Neil and Robert
e s parents, r. leen- mr, and, Mrs. Donald Par -
lee was observing a birthday, sons, Susan and Gail of Hen- has been transferred from Southcott act as chairman.
hams, Seaforth.
In Exeter, Rev, Ernest Lewis
and John Goinan will be th•-•
leaders, President Ttob?r'
Mr. Herb 'Raritan of Shipka
visited Thursday with Mr, Joe
and Miss Marion Calwell.
Miss Lorraine Taylor of To-
-. Miss Wendy Atkinson sang .a, "'nix) Pent the weekend with
solo accompanied by miss her mother, Mrs. Nola Taylor
Marion HecKm an a t Caven and family.
Presbyterian Church Young Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Pol.
reooes, meeting on Monday lock of Greenway visited on
evening. . Sunday with Mrs. Lily Gill.
Miss Shirley Atkinson of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Flear
London spent the weekend with and son, of London, visited on
her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Roy
Charlie Atkinson. Flear
Bradley and. Jimmie Gregus
of Exeter spent the weekend
with their uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs, John Spacek.
Mrs. Mae Holt has returned
home from Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Patter-
son, Jimmie and Winston, Mr.
Mr-. and Mrs, .Roy Harrison and Mrs. Wellwood vlsrt-
and Debra spent, last Sunday ed Saturday evening with Mr,
and Mrs. Johnston P•atterson
with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Har-
rison of Centralia. celebrating their daughters
Nancy and Donna's birthdays.
Visitors during last , week Mr, and Mrs. Herb Plitt and
with M. H. and Mrs. Elston Allan visited with Mr, and
were Mr. and Mrs. A. Ran- Mrs. Dale Pfile and daughter
dell, Wyoming, Mr, and Mrs. of Sarnia.
George Davis, Exeter, Mr, and Mr, and Mrs. Fred Grattan
Mrs. -Tom Koo:' and Clayton, have returned home from nor -
Ailsa Craig and Mr. and Mrs. ida.
'Murray Abbott of Centralia. Bradley Hamilton, son of Mr.
Mrs,..1.rane Hicks and Mr, and and Mrs. Alex Hamilton and
'Mrs. George Miller and Dick Bob Bossenberry, son of Mr.
cif, Clio, Michigan spent the! and Mrs. Harry Bossenberry,
Weekend with 'Mr. and -Mrs:! were guests. of The London
George McFalls. , - • Free Press on Saturday, March
Mrs. 1. J. Bruce. 'Mrs, Ray, 11, at the Ice. Capades in the
/nand, Glaves and daughter Olympia Stadium in Detroit,
Mary Alice of Woodstock visit- Mich,
ed on Thursday with' ,the
Elston •
Mr. and Mrs, Ras' 'Shoebot•
tom and family, Mr. ,and tMrs.
Frank Hicks and :family also
Mr. and Mrs, Ken Greb, all
of Centralia gave Mr, and Mrs.
Bob Blair a pleasant surprise
party at their bailie on Sat-
urday evening, They presented
them with a gift.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smyth
and •granciclaughter Jo -Anne
visited on. Sunday afternoon
with Mr. and Mrs, iMervin
David Elston spent the week-
end with .his grandmother,
Mrs. E. L, Gibson, Exeter,
Most youngsters think there
are only three seasons in the
year . . , baseball, football and
Completely Equipped
• Dual•range automatic, re -
die, clock, rear speaker,
whitewalls, full discs, 7
wheels and tires.
‘,..............................-----.....,............---- if
1958 METEOR Sedan, auto -
'natio, snow tires, 21,000
miles, two-tone, like new,
1957 PONTIAC, V.8,
straight stick,
1957 METEOR. Sedan 500
Rideau, radio, automatic,
whitewalls, snow tires,
• washerS,
1957 AUSTIN Sedan, per-
fect condition, show
mander Sedan, automatic,
radio, two-tone, like new.
1953 AUSTIN, &lack.
1953 AUSTIN, blue.
1956 ANGLIA, Tudor;
itpta. Snell
, Mr. and Mrs, Tim Young and notaiy, i A number from this com-
Jeffrey, Liman, and Mr. and attended the funeral
were guests Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Allen• Johns. iminitY
Mrs. Robert Tindall. were Sun- evening; service for the late Mrs. Ed -
day guests with Mr. and Mrs., at a surprise party for them at i C.TanlitedMeChaltitrseh ill OntheSatliudrdeaaliy
Heber Davis.
Mr, and Mrs. Don Firth and 1 the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Keith!Fraser of Mount Pleas: afternoon.
family, London, and Mr, and ant, the occasion being their I Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bowden
Mrs, Jake Arenthal and Gloria, I
twentieth weciclin 4 anniver- and Margaret Rose accom•
Lucan, were Sunday
guests of ' sary, 1 Dallied by Mr. and Mrs. Wil -
Mr, and Mrs. Jim Barker. I Mr. and Mrs. Howard .Tohns, Earn Allison and Jimmie were
Mr. and Mrs. George 'Mc-, Mary Margaret and Laura vis-: Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Falls, 'Mr, and Mrs. George
. . ited Sunday afternoon 'with Mr.! Mrs. Ray Paynter and David.
The occasion was in celebra-
tion of David's third birthday.
iuier an ic , m , le I" and Mrs. Wesley johns of Exe-
gen, and Mrs, Iren6 'Hicks, ter.
Clio, Michigan, were SaturdayI The death occurred recently
evening guests with Mr, and of t Mr. Robert Allison, eldest
. HughDavis.
son et the former Maizie 0'- getl'ell some people you can't
received word on Saturday of -."''
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Davis' n. --,,--In,
of Ilveiithore-thlem''.
alert,' without them and
the death of Mrs, Davis' aunt., i Elimville.
of Calgary formerly
long you can't get along
Mrs. William Carroll. the for -1 Weekend visitors with Mr.
mer Ida Ryan of Lucan, a, and Mrs. Franklin Skinner
t were Mr. and Mrs. Grant Skin -
the nursing home in Parkhill.'
The funeral was held from the ner of Exeter and Miss Shir-
Haskett funeral home, Lucan, ley Bern of Exeter.
March 14 with interment at St. I Mr, Ronnie Coward of
Tames cemetery, Clandeboye.I Thames Road spent the week -
Many of the relatives and, end with Mr. Edward Johns.
friends from this community,
attended the funeral of the late' ins, Lambeth, were Saturday
Mrs. Edgar McFalls, Lucan, on 1 evening guests with Mr. and
Saturday •afternoon. I Mrs. Heber Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll ' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee
and Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis I and boys were Saturday eve -
were Friday evening guests ning guests with Mr. and Mrs.,
with Mr. and 'Mrs, Maurice Harvey Latta and family and
MacDonald, Lucan. 1 Mr, and Mrs. Bob Latta and
Mr, and 'Mrs. Jack Dickins family, Clandeboye, were their
and Mr, and Mrs. Albert, Dick.: guests on Sunday,
Servin• in
o many way
The Red Cross
Looks to You
TI,e humanitarian achievements of the Red Cross depend on
your generosity. Your dollars provide and carry �n the essential
Red Cross services and programmes in your community.
This year—think of the many way 8 the Red Cross serves you and
your neighbour—then plan your donation or pledge tothe best of
your means. A generous donatiOn will do so much for so many
in 1961.
Red Cross
Needs Your Help Now
Send your donations to Exeter Lions Ckib
Sunday And
Evening Service
Open this Sunday, Wed-
nesday afternoon and dur-
ing the everting through-
out the week.
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