Huron Signal, 1852-09-23, Page 20 - 1111'117�1'; - - -9 R- 1-ITIT? I opp'l,� � , I -1 _" _" I I .,w , � ; 7 � ir A,, � A, I � � 71111114.14IM111101111taiii . VIIPWW I I . . I , . I t, "', - � , I I , 1, . I I � , .� I I , . , , I , I 1, , I I *1 t � I . M ,� . r" I l�, I � � . , � , ,, I , I ".., I - 0 1 - I - I 11 . - 11 I I - - �, .1, I Ilt. l � I , . . I I . 1, ; . � I � . I I I f , , - " I � . I , _. . I � - 11 . I I �1 �, �, I . I -, 4 � I I �� I I I . �"�_- .f. . -1 � I __m ----r7 - F I i - i I , - T . - - ill � I --- - . 1, -_ — - . I r-, I . �1. I I , TF1 - I __ - - - - - - I . . I I 11 ( A, . I . *. ", � ..-. ,.,-,,I hi -'I �. ..-, 6 -1, . . � - I - _==�_�11111116 - I Ile . . 10 ,._JIr_ H U R 0 N StG N AL. - - _____=:�� ___ =;;=1____;7_: .4. _7__.�. � __i� - - - I_Z� - Z�77� I ( F4OMiMM. rm!A!�t,-_=_=�� ��=7L­ -_!%= w- = --- -_ ---- _- -_ --W- - - - =�_ __=-__==--- they I Goser al 'ad lop lymi. Idekow - preirissilled— is b suggested Ilia# ON6 adwor ab"u be isms so a( 1010" 111189tes .ifted it vroyjill(ial 411111atill. Thus Alliss " wast ­ at at Ohio ArAft ad ill" ho an 0 as 0 - , 2 A *.-r- fi�w Aft6a proom soldodarst, , which In- led ("hogs halm been OTHOMML asiollar queethmP, ubilat coss"o-at witu sobw I" in as seem6e, sir I I WIS. trial is free P"0"60100 of a 04100460 fiesomy Lower Proviscies, am crovilly trample upon I lim 10?81 - bite ion Jaad listaliferal as the C%virch of ScoUsed 90 A _____ ___ - - - - __ _-___ is thin il"Inge a, a P&A, I w.lAI,d be W le" say $fly at a hualfreill liffrool, on I**- IQ thin OtthMPgbt of tbs OldberY Ques"o"' � rowWd if I "eve of wailific'stion " ITIS Briego, and C , 'My, Ase is As, Aterlding to 0&and W jllloe &be% W to to cleat a to Ansis ple ties of I *ad to cOmpleto A hu liet, I -ord 1-:1910 Oil* c Ploytdiry bey* been pnck- sucaM whaNy beyond its reqWMWW§ts in LEGI' ,5LAT.%rE COUNCIL. diversion* of the, f%*T8, &.464wit,04 11,10 &I ^14000 #0 an a" to 11114owtictilers, b*fksbod ljft'$ of - Kcabidia-t,cal purpos,il, sold their a,) It -a of teirlillarr ptr-"rq, to big 'eat .1,10, &I'd allaii words do w It 400FIR for ' " &Ise fuels reed fly* a' st-i"O 6*4 "awl"', So be recafled, because, ilia prelPUMO, he is well casudig; rows the majority of the Prvaby- Ile* to the support of secular eli,�Aatius. at the prite I knows to be the ablest SAJ knoot "Ohal Jid to ilia (Oft. 00 ,seeing Mr. Cameron's jerlan Population, seetber receive any 611111- Qvitase, Sept. 14. Payable "&Ili ustelt.t in ten Tears. COAS- grasirt in ,bat it viogrill hard** and bee-@ Ca- Weccb in seenely in the Atillress, whom I.sst might Mr. Glin-b-0 PPPAQ�.,I 6 *erurd Of Sid. That a iielect Committee be solsoon. , - ; Groveriwir the t1lovisce limseverhad. Ofthe andowenesto nor desire to participate r,s.lu,,.., 0, wb,tb kb two filet -%Oro led to rep -it a Wit freni-lif Is cosowemy 1111114001,41 04 16C "susitaim 01 a deed are, be possowis, at Ifte witalic A Iwo a 1.6% I I In ,varlAidaw � No& W19 long. roulembe, tkw services which m ,peakitig of the Clergy Reserves, be, is it. %%,bite however I ad,nit the tea- with Shia P--w-re of the Poll am, a, a, Cso,e_ tuall oeiropittioa, a clearance of file acres a return in lot 96 -PO Of SAI'llialS7 ff'*** - 'll 7 agement would k:o- be loss reactor ad but, and his recall, when it Mr cansergo, remarks - that he had &I. p(clablity of the petitioners, I thick that I Th first rropa(wd T6 allow musicipalitioo J,, proill.,og Nr the @&to of tbs rosertraill' 81104014y Jar 101 thle first five years for every ClIf ooff*O sue''," "` I do" happen, ,sill be olocerely regrettcd by ' * ,O V erection of a pit d,,*,l 6 TeInt"Pri't Pur"I'01"Odo"ce, to way, asserted, and ewer would asiwt dw I ""'."a lo,waships for improvtorti,ote, to be LAOds, sold tile appir.p't, , It,, .f Ili. fOode lot of .tie bun , ed ac r to, the at , der to eff-itt a f.Ir &Jj linmetiL sad alue ' berr native and adopted solid. to legiAate upon (be CIvr- am jumifird ul offirming the they do not tirec'ed ilk to, localities so to be I.Sawill. t , the maintain. cc V, 74"'O.6 SclOsela A best b6c : Dot too. C t has two hundred poll'OtHIALCO 9, the 1660-ir req..,r(d ion the Tories, in the meantime, right of ('&"do, re:,reseat anything, like a I , ity Tbe socund #&to InOwOr 10 11,111111clitc, &ns -10,) to r,.p,rl th :df:1 A,( an 1-umbl" a I scres to W bold to any one person ou then ".11411de.h, 1 . t%%.- : u t rtes. lit would assert this, c yen , ,f title I. earlier. The thrialls of sclatu-411 wl too sure that Ills Eseeliency'4 V Itete arej - I very in levy rates for tbs assloternal-ce at th: �lroos to list Nj&)"iy, eziprosai"Ir The deep t roas. AdJttioDal to thol, it lie* Weil rt- aut,rot lovolve & vast variety of considers ". if he At )I Lord Items p.1"Ahitiou of Canada; to cc I I reffrat of III a ll,,uso .1 ILs ctl­t�ota of The recall and the appointment I thou.'t, it should bring us into collisaus with 111"llifest poor tied, that a suit at .C30,000 will LAc ask- ,wn.: but is is One whift is its general 11141- , 0 fact that they on all o,casions eadeavour -1-bg third KV&S,Utiah, (or creating toun 'Itspalch *11 Sir J.,bu 11,61S.Pislos""rodulbAinstf ISO -at, during its prvA,nt Sim- pect to plausibip; slid if righily enter:rPoed, or any other Lord, vnfl effect any vintage En;;Ld." Tlis Ernpire Plays on this to accomth.1, their wishes by ai,pealing Got I IY Cesin""s Ills right I' & p P` a 1 8` I, ff. Ile, M lj,oty V ­t kho a,t, IPP,n, A of tile cd from Parliami in rise Position of political parties that lartniu.- Slatement.- I ...d orbor 1 -al ,Jfi,ord. was resi.livid by the q000twu -a -no me exclusively offectiog Ili Pr- bilou, for opening %p road& arid other no. 1"light base a ten.ittery to Alcoloossms, Ise as- them It) the asceoulaac They a to their owe representatives in Parliament I (;,,we omrsi ; &*.I Mr. Mackessie moved an imitille W Cbeade, that its docou,.n ,olrli.t proArtnitentsis both bectioes of Lim I rovince. j,p,@, ,I iSsi,trity. which 6ate latiberto been I cotild place nority in The libuse anti ,. TO view it in The wildest way --but in - but to the Imperial I'arliament, is conclu- amendment, inciam-g &-to itiropriety of me I-ot to be witli.lrawta (Tom ti,e Provoicta: And a multiplication qf inducements to set- rum.odly extravagool. are in a hopt It -as mi upon which liting tile people of this country to be To.t the settlement provi- liers to occully the public load* w0l be - _____ oat of it, and the ,pirinciples, I kill, skict, t4c,roplectiv� by the freeh,,Id "' Irlstal""- they were once imited, are growing obso- acy of tbs British iiive prolinfiLat ility are Il.claselvesconwi- era. t'verilualiv the smensdine"I and Too" -led #,it to the V11 atairelist-1, is the twely one found in the determination come to, by the 1',E�-OLI;710N'8 I ready, UPO !he cout'age . . I'lliel-ad ideas (;O,,ivOSoc:t refusimill; to accettic to Mr. one that their views are act in accordaucr 1.01911, were both 1--t. alter a 1,,ng ol,abotte. Inch will ever Iso held final That cois- Executive, to fix tile price of Crown Land, To J,q prearnfe(if by t)l, JIM. ,V,r. JWgr_ late even sicoulog them -'e v- . - , with public ol,inion in Canada. I futbear P\,ur perovits IS, I -lir lot the atarikhtleal, le-quelicre lomentsioly effecting the prost. in that part of.t6s: L. pilot rrovince West ritt. Ili Coniftittee rf the irletle Muse, , are ,,Yet, Alther it.,, b,ee---l"g .or, is. Cameron's demands, W get into " collision" siderstion of the and six for the to � --dutidla, on &bat both "Ort verity of ibis Colony may he apprehended, ol 1)u,hatn and Pcitiborc, with Plume ex- on .Vopulay, blifs Septembirr, 1952. pular among all c 1;s�as of tile Ite"I'lev and with it ; to wrcat out of its hands, by force, from -entering into the can tnPPI by I.rgo 11.0.1 P111108. it Abe proplip art, overruled by Imperial . a ,,Iur" to the old reginsw would be just as what 11 insy refuse to yield to Ibis "it of probable action of tin Canadian Lc�isla- bit. liv%cali fiA,ing nolvoil his ReaOlu pOwi r and ,,reo,# that the said bill :uay ,a. Ceptioull, ILL 71. 6d. an acre, payable in its 1. RevIred. '171hat in the opinion a( this I imposalible at present 64 it i's To bridge tile i0vulcat suit revolutionary bravadol Will tore on the Clergy Reserve qj�,stiou be- Smile on ilia A ierify Itt-scririls, prevarld upon ceivo ilia J."l-rol vanclinn. years with interest. In the Lower Pro- lioutw, is con4equence of the 0:3isslarl In I Ontario. No (;,­,vernment will be Stay noan with common reflection in this ' he House the Inip"flance of applying A., 41h That The conIlmotional Act diree. vitice the price along the North border of flit Imperial Act 9 slid 10 Vic, cap. '13, to insitate Lord Mitte"TO slamPla.01swiloiiulcl, (--ountry, not, at once see, and ("I, that this , Cause I am anxioul to express ulton Her the Imperial G 'Werntnent, respectfully bOt ted the,. to all linknia of land, one seventh file 61. Lawrence, alsoin tile :�outh dist"ct for the repeal of the Crown . Laws, Of the ' --Mir- ,,oat be the ultimation of Mr. Cameron's ff il-Ar land so crantod shoOld To teiler,ed k . b,jje.1 Ile, has that of Lord Elfildi to COPY Majes' I principle of Re,iprocitY, (swcO Era ty's Government that, althoui;b there firmly io Titild to C-0&4& the right to I*,,,-- of( utbec to the East of the Chaudierc - �Pite on the IT-itai tilts. Ili the c�jurde of hill lit the $111PPOrt Of il-o Protestant clerrv. River and Kenotbee Road, will be as low In tile 101h &nj I ith ul:uims of tile Navi- r"". . d . uctrine's I" me) bt: wiJe difTereace of oi,ii.',on anion, rornailto, lie Ptated, that before t'we forms '171-61 lowead af this prop-sition 'her* %&a a, Is. 6d. an acre. To it* SouL!i ofthe gation Act 12 aitd 13 Vic. �19,) the Goy- - -_ I OCo2ision" grits very hard -he re- reirietil. Ion of the MilustrT. be bad Actually vat "tile by fraud or error, one PUBLIC ACCOUN'rS. , theopponentsof the present arran6 I . a�reriaun�d 6L. L&M, I'eQCO, and West Of the Places Allen- el-maeut of the United ,,Late& have coo- Can it be pot, " to Use best mode of settling the question, It,al Id,ma was prepared to go with him ". so-t1th of all the [slid. or a quantity equal tiosed tills price will be '-a. an acre; is ties tillued to exact '20 per cent. duty on the . - peati it again and a.-sia. but IL&I be hall Bill th.uslit 't to ,,nr-s,xlh of the land granted, that tile , l W the put year mlbie that any nitau in his &cases would s4b- a Fast majority of the p"ile are &.reed it"' Pum" rrodto 1,,,w� districts of Three Itivers, St. Francis a IroductionsurCavada, although ibe Juty The Public Accomit, neeloosery Air go 1"1-. the Ap-stion H what o -n- viOl-tiOn of 'Ile Act refti ad Pr Cansdai but to a Irrehier Prittlint : a Mentreal, 3s.; and In the district of(liaspe, is removed in F icIC4 have been'tubruitted to the Houlle. On the .-cribe to !inch Joa- I For be it knowi as to the necessity of its being effec led by shOuld be dove d the rcq..v4pt of the Pr- I .roland on similar art � , � ra "IS 1,1 itiliaOtily -fifth the pro(luctiou a ill ,�tates. 3th January, 1851, the eaffb on *bond to the Empire arid his colleagues, that c #quill to one of tt,o loud Is. &it rere. f' e I nited ', The G slatoni's Are - . rrov;ucial 'Lqislatiou; Lad 1 aware that "I've -11"u;d be granted' SO no 0 ,mile -if how,og Tern rvis�rv�-I, ancl there N% hiI4 We do not rank among those who 1.). ILI slArri-o', Tliat it is a va ell ka yes of Mr. Cameron, are precise - ll whotho;,,tiLher ,%'it. 114, tin or. IS if ith,enat a,, 0111011111ted to A; 199,832. the" "le solote of � The beat friei,d4 of the Church of " .,d I ir (ore, that ti,e said Pel"t ('"'"I"ill"' be Witt,, That ia,.iscriminate inductinat rciptli amounted to X703, 7W, of which ority of tbe I--"cctors of Hu - we, till Ili net when that time cam - N(r. Wei. B,,ULT,.lN then moved a so& Of fur, her inoiracie,t tit report a ontiastire, pro. u'b fact that vvboricv�r IlLiriceiii Fire higher in s3uud,iesb of tile , 'agi laid, tue price of the the %inn of 939S,301 were collected at the IY what IS Zliai Engiand questian on tile May always With safety to the individlial, America than in J, as poli" which has iJuenced Abe promoters Rcsolutionti, in orne"Iluorns, whit.6 the Is. viding, for the recovery Ilion the reso-ve"I luctie and Montreal; X64,6SO roil consider most acted. 'fbey do - - (ISDI, of the wolley pavl"at 0; .1 advantage to the ' ,-tate be held out to productions of Catia,!a are to V - I hall in Abe ports of (A ,c -porter abiridgell thu , ,.- of" ri%�V-1,04 to IT I I were collected at thie larliked ports of tile pect him to use his inilluence and etertionts o(the petitions lattei ly preseated to Par- I.t. Tb.t it]. (;over Ganor&I'�" Tit. losds so w1rullIff-illy got 6,oatis Pini 1r,irn ine. actual settlers, it appearis to be a sound United States; and tbat vibee marlieta are Lower Prievince; and 9240,715 at the dif- I --and so long . of 19th Jjlv, i"I 4,or-,pristlus, afolicli looney to Common andjuJiviouPi policy,foreilderas acres,ible I�i , tier ia England, the prices of Canadian I a havitig.thi%qu%tion settled liament, to look for support for their views despath to J;.fl Grey chool.. . b i recent ports in Wootem Can&& The in England, instead of using their legitimate b,,,n)Vanvi#g, it.@ Address ,if tire Provin, all it 11 possible, consistent with pub!i, n;n�uce still mage as Mach lower as the .um of X53,513 59. 8J. was realli ;,d from an be Wells the same independent stand, .a! I.Sigisislure off tbs N,,bj-ct of the ci.- Tbo debate was proectdirg whom the economy, tile uni proved terrif ry c . In , rl Of 11" cliar-es imposed by The bonding ,,ystem lit I entibrucing excise, Light fearless of consequeures, in the I louse 'of iaffucace over public opuSion in Canada.- y Reserves, deciarod that be deeply to reporter left- Provil"c'e. It is ccentended by a certiall p. bsi'aw , tbroillogh the United States; and at) internal duties 9 I louse duties, 130nd Impostor Militia, CuAP- Assembly, his name will be hold in great - I do out by any means di.bire to conceal 'rett0d the rt%lvol of the SCitative cc tLe - class of political ecoaoilai,13, tuat in a V,,w as the p"terst laws am is totes, uQ­ . Majesty's Government, that bar- a" bjec 1. QUEBec, Sept. 16. new Country like Canada, it is prejudicial dtir'nu circumstances clan prices be higher. alifisionit, Vints, Casual Revenue, and Law Cut rersembe,ance for years to come. - from tier . 2ad. That rinco I'm expreilainn a the Last night the debate was roritioned on Free Fund. The *,noun& from Public - img always the right of exi.iting incumbents above IoPg�Pge, b4 lho present GuAlorm., '%It. Brown's amincridment fill about 71 to inexpei ienced settlers such as new ly at- 3. 1?t8fdCC(1, That the LegWative As- s returns is jC65AW, 19o. Od.; alsil And should he again call upon the people of rived emigrants, and ev,cn to flin,;e ho , -ive " no occa- Work 4; ­Orli! -;t ank-clatod any opinion o'clock. 'Mr. Itc-lw.; himself spoke for n 11 . embiy of this Pro% ince IS AinIS46, ad- from the Territorial Revenue .9 1 9,961 5s. th-Co=Wst�w ttleir TOte-f, they *lit, a very ,lit ou.r feeling prevails, especia;ly in - bill has " I be! it is dedirato:e to revive tile sgit,tioo have been thor-ughly acclicralixt,i] i Ile sion since the Imperial Act sipti for the year with morqfthan usitral warmth. give him the Upper Canada, in favor of tile seculal iza- A nearly,3 hours.-Iit attempted to show by older settlements, to offc r inducements fo r dre�wd the I tomL-Governatin iOd. The total ree, . . I at for a rt- asurnoull to g4M, I t34 5s. ild if which, wi I IS necessary support to insure lus re.ciccLion. "hich has heretwors produced d"'Cord, citation from newspapers and speeches. that the occupation of wild landi, so teuipling � or for any exclusire tion or tLe Clet6y 1'eserfes i but I ought attile, and hatred. turn to protection, . ,aitsiug from ISM, Makes I � 5rd. That it is rigEt to infer that his Ex Ralph and Cameron were pledged to leg";- as to urge the pioneer to enc ount el' tbl;se favor in the markets of Britain, neither do the balance tea 0 The people of lluron entertain feelings of "to omit resaintliag thern that aILLOuEL I c, Heney's views are Onchauged. late by Edl on tile Clergy Re,erves. lie difficul(Ads incident to backwoods tile, %Inch they now a�k for any such advantage, or for X1,012.066. -The expenditure amounts !Jt 6 true t1lat the portion of the ruldic 4th. That this 11-19a, hits therefore Ill,, then contended that this was still the right . to X361,6tifi, including the interest paid, attachm"t towards British connexion, as so frequetaly- prebs upon the poorer eta*- any inta,sure w!SIrh'wiII increase Abe rrice as, those in any other portion of this laossIP, lionows as thin Clergy Reserves, was fight to assume a differonce of opinion 6e- course, and that if ,Nlinisters did not mate A Delineator for I lie I X-.!�!3,56 1; Civil List -I fA2,778; Legisla- I on, y , ses. And a c" of theorists less pisdall- orl'Bread to the British c tive expeases, 927,818i Miscellaireoul, �Crwcu`, ; they bar* is no wit'll to come into 'act'"t for. the .religious insiruction ween fits Excoihst,c ' v and his advisers. at once what they proposed to do wlt6 'he I throphic in limit notionAi tell us with' much bentfit,of tile Canadian pro4ucer. C oder I X247,5115. The debt paid was X73,000, bill. Tilsit 1,rider Responsible Govern- Reserves, it w.as Only because they rrawed - plausilPility, that to create drainage of la- ,be principle of Itaciprocity, no duties will " collision with the E�b.gland.n` But thatit .. . of Abe people at a very caily period, nipni. tile re-l-risibilily of it a Execul Ise to keep the door open for certain political . hour froin tLe settled and populous diAtricts be imposed on the importation of the �vead- leaving ballaace of cash on hand at the end I and %" there were %-cry few iallabi- Council cannot be d,pa,v,red Stunt that of changes, when they perhaps might not be i OfThf, fifteal year of ;C,11,07,100. We r*- I constitutional rights they are sot willing to he 4o,oreivit's, rruresentative. Into the uncleared foreit, would have, a stuffs of C. real Britain or Canada into an I . tants in the Colony, it is liLewise true that I lith. That the Cabinet are i9spossible to able to wh . ip up their supporters to `e di:t1gerous elTCLt 00 tile Social C610ditiOD Of otiter Cory �ronliagw enuatry, cause .Y commend. this synopsis to the careful at- i;tld up, Without stating to the Home Gor- t. Ifeakoblamed ihei'tise"cli . fluently ten'tionofthe iniwrablecrrakerstioebij-d.lerumentI throught their rerre*e'utative, power was cxpreWy given tothe Provio- Parliament for the acts of ilia hooll of thp ce"a ry poin I e community, inasinuch as the capitalist, the productions of all Fiireign .Nations 13-iroritruent. anti that being incumbents of the non I- Commission" in the address, no 1 ,I posterior to dito exodus of labourers "cold' coming in duty, fpee, prices cannot be in. of ill citnen,wbo cry 11ruiu and decay:' what .they all Canadians consider to be cial Legislature to "vary or repeal" the , ffice by their own consent, they must be true revelation ungfateful, but at the same with the utmost pervievering and determined * i ' have to pay a ruinous price for tabour: , creased; and inlirder to remove 01 appre- . I such. And after all that has been said clauses lit the Act 34, Goo. I If., wettia.- boupil to support tticise, acts. time unmeaning. consequently that the material condition of bension from the mind of the consumer am vehemence, in the face of such unequivoca � evidence of progressive pro"rity. by Mr. Cameron's enemies, on I his subject, &part thests lanils, that success;ul Ifouses 7tit. That bar -is, discussing the rpmalu In tile course of Ili# speech Mr. IIIAIC Its the country Avolid suffer in a twofold mea- this subject, oven the breadstuffs from the J a ffa i. tions on the eubj-ct Of the Clergy Rosettes explained- The position of tile ministry i Our finaulcia -a exhibit the [no-;( the statement does out look so warlike as of Amcrul,ly remonstrated against them, A I ' . on It' sure 1W tile cheap land system -first in tile I �Ve tern States can be admitted throu h Init louse shoidd not only be mide aware formation with relipec t to the subject. lie , le,veciated , value of the public domaid; ; Causa'da into England, duty free, in X healthy arid flourLsbing condition unprice- the Empire would' 4ave its readers believe. and that so firmly were the1dvis . era � of Ilia by this Go"Grool"t Of their %n`wN a* so �aid that Mr. Alorin had agreed with him ,,, fterwards in file rain of the cider settle. dented in The history of Canada, and we After perpetrating The foregoing, the late Maj ' a -strotiop. ad to 'he final disperiti'm of - e I same manner as before tile repeal of the eMy Kin� Wi!liam IV. impresse d a U1111 I to 0 by: have every reason for confidence in their � thtesRopervino, bur all,o Ile inforared whfth pply address. asking fur The c6ntrol ,cents. It wiltv lye suspect nearctlY be 1 Corn Laws, in case tLc Unitt;d ;-4ates per- Empire thco gives vent to his spleen by with the itecemity ofgetiing rid of this still further increased advance, Sent, as the I er The Cabinet h2a the coutile1nance of the of tile ReAerre. and to make that a cabinet general;y cretiaed, that arguments based I sist in Acristinuing the present duty. elements ofprosperity which vve ariply pos- i turtling it loose upon Lord Elgin; hear perplexed question, tLat ��ccretsry VIA- head ut the �'PuviArrinip.itt. or ulmilier the question, add thlit he had declared his wil. I on public m ---n, and urged on public It . 4. Rc1cJVr,1,-That it ie Accordingly _ " � G­Prvrn�r Geperal*v expreastcl opa;wn re lin-,ness (is secularize them" when the can- tion thr IS At Press. It is unnec:::Ory- desimble that an humble address be Treses- sess, shell be. 6velloped under the jurficious I what he says - - . count GoJerich, in a despatch Stated .1 I.I. ulains unchanged. trot sea-; secured. I Ilg u` direction of a liberal and able administra- I t'� o " - pray- It' he guardian of Ifer Majesty's , 't November, 183 1, cominimicated tire Rny- %.. r)p for proof to refute such philosophy. led to I let M ajeity, most respectfull) I 'i e t' t . TLeliolhotilsollivislAI, Pitt up -)n the four .Nit. CAU47110-ir declared that he could it IS equal propriety mi6ht it be argued, � - in, That .he will be pleased to recommend tion. - porter, at present, iia these colonies; and a] isustrouLion that a Bill framed in, Englatid first 10--lu4ions, tab floods divid.d upon not vote for Mr. Blacks' resolutions. be- tit! !ncans ,or to'the Imperial Parliament to enact that The financial abillion of the Iran It' oc the captain- goiters I and commande-io-chief, ' " I that toprovide society with talor Geneva] requi.,e not our feebl* I p should be submitted to the Provincial Le- each - - not threaten (;real Britain, .advancement such as in the provision ma e may, (if she think fit) by I .plir,: yItAs.__Mossr9. 8:,nItoo, Beriaharr,Chris- "Otcall nothing $0 much as the Iler Majebty hose watchlul eye should at once detect gi%lature for the purpose of endowment. tic of Gaxpo, Crawfqrd, Dasun, Dartimil, � '.. ,zi -C, , ic'. u I d , for public instruction, tile encoura6ellient � Order in Council, impose duties on the batior.; but,we believe that everiy, ,andid " Ill mark so flausitt and so dangerous a . person most adjaii that the flourishing state 20 I ! 02 Gamble LeBouldler. I.Tors, ItIlLe- But if this were not so, he given to mechanics, and many other public �, produclinns of those Foreign -Nations who doctrine gaining ground in ibis country - I I 12 res"I ' The people of Canada know well Ibis cause I! w.uId ,�,?�Iliio,Dfl'c nj adsuffs I of the Reverwe and the respectable. posi- what do o rk I I r a IT of Kingston. Milloch, Maclonalt1l. ' tit to vnte for them, when he jastitutioni, we am creating means for tile I impose duti" on grain a. bre. of all 1 tion ofthe Provincial Credit, are Mach in- does he ( t"a I Ter , tit w the ing of file fts:lurp in carrying out the intentions Ridout, RS,bioson, Beymour. Shaw, S4,1111) heard at the Provincial Secretary will% labourei� to t wepe froM his natural cim- � kinds, 've"tables, fruits. seeds, animals, disapprobation, and coostutioual d6aprovall a( I lit. Majealy, as well as t1wic own re. of littorstanac. Stevenson, Street, Willson � ready to make use of the Reserves for tile � debted to hi,. able and jud[iciows managge- i dition toveards a position of independence i bides, wool, cheese, tallow, horny, salted ment. On the whole, we have smilde room i Ile actually icrites its propagator to bit peaLedly expresited vki,bv,,. The opinions "ad Wtiglit, WaiLt Riding of York -192- purp,ose ofs,vularizin!� them. and comfort--4mitating thereby a social' and fre's4meats, oresofal kinds, gTPAmm he meets bun every day in hit come - '&me . for gratitude for our present proVerity, at;d I feasts; - Na,vs.-Mossys- Brown, C Ton. Cars St essirst. urcotte, Fnrtier and Laterri- reyolution that would upheave the founds- nil, ashes, wood, an eilist laold make him tile repository of the at of the mass of tile people have never Ajar, Couchon. Vloalow, Solicitor- General I I in stone or grou d lumber can look forward with hope and confideses . sy bPe ere, declared for the re%olutions, and Mr. i tions of Society. 'Ihe cummunity cap, orall kinds, the produce andbuilo Al"Great evert by which the fia- of Britain in %%avered during the last kweaty five years Clisoventa, Chaphom., Attorney .. for its steady progressive improvement- ,, ' Uoacf&l Cameron endeavoured to -how that .%It. 1 never suffer from �t;;e prowcution of public Britain and Canada, virbet imported -direct � hereafter maintained'in America." 1. alih.u.11 circumstances have, "in tioic, to Drumnsvild, Forgusson. Fortier, 0--ttio, . .. 'Laurie, Brow -n was the party who had acted, and measures for tie valin.; the condition of it, I from -any Atlantic ports within that co�olry Mirror. I I Wonderful, �indced' ille Zrall"iJilf , Illne'luluced then] it) pallse in their csferts�o Ifteclin, Langton, lositlerrieret is - in A hii trial ter. I , order to concentrate public opinion on ques- McDonald of Carswell, Mattics Merritt, as still acting, inconsi.itentli - members so Ion,- as private rights end anill to repeal go nal.tch of the fimt clause of __ T- --- - - is quite outrageous at such conduct - Morin, Patg*. Papinesu, Patrick. P.lette, Great Britain was warned iuitead of prope-i-ty are beld sacred, and there is 12(h and 13th Vic., as revives t�se fifth C?'%%*tLLIA34 MAINKIVA, K,Pq., of Brant tion* deeply affecting their constitutional Pectin. Princet Attoi Day General Riehirds I th lested b he resoldtions. 0 far at Lord Elgin it concerned as Gov- re4il I one a( this hour foolish enough to predicate I e . law of Still and 9th Vic., conferring ad- ford, has kin -ply Constinied t . 0 Out u Agent SO I I control, however, conceive, thAt It ,_ Y e to give anything likIll a i - vantages as I emOr General of these Provinces, his ad - rights. I Rolph,Rmw.ptewart. Twelve, T*flill. Valois, ZZI . the growth of corrinwai-mi, aniong an in vessels of the United States,' for tbs Sigsist. tele I r 0 ally action which the Car,laidian Parliament I Vl1tA,r, Wf-ght of EPS&% Ruiligg' .f York, and sketch by Xmph of to leiligthy a debate, telligent and self-dtpendent people ; much which the withhold from those of Canada,' I winistratiols has been coostiluti' nil arld may take, uf the nature referred to in the Yming-37. I and it wi 4 resumed again to -nig' -fit by '.%It. tells I �-____ - ­ - - ____ --- 0 ly put spris is there any ground of alann , that the -the sail duties and restrictioas � to coo- i I I desi,ateli, conla be enri-ectly dealignateel.as Too gasoline " sortiSsirsiter. Iftifillitly who was speaking when the repor. channels Of iadtfstiy would dry up by ma- I�Snc 3044ifq rod no longer than similifrire- I a -a A stroght-forward. Heisrespecteclandbel. an accidental majority. All the great 0o' three lost Of the proposed recoluesuiev, - be foun � I - I . I the people of the pro - I J I' ` a c , A A I I I r - - a A 't , YI ,a - I - - I I , tile housedivided upon each. king ro-Sm for as many as can IQ loved by nearly all I I ter left. d strictiosis arit-coartiaed by other nations. . qde�tioux which have brien settled lit 11'rig- 1`11AA -9000fis- D4dglO � - 6. F-coldrods--That the only object to- I . 1 land during the last filty years, ,,light he * 1, 9-'"!fDff- hum. QuErilitc, Sept. 1-4. ready to tabour, and possessed of aphit I . - - . ___ ,vics". But to think of Lim 11 feasting Is said with equal justice, to be carried by horn, Christie of Gains, Crawford, Dixon, presented I enough to be ind"adent, within the pullihir I teftsineJ by this Ho- in migivir'this asear. � --�_ I and bonoring Mr. Csnxrrron,�t adust be accidental majorities; and if a supposition Dubord, Egan. Glinible, I. -B Put d4w, Lyon, A number of petitions weae ItrriLor.r ; the cultivators of fields wlidh mte is, that Her Majerity's subj;cts in Ca- I HURON SIGN. AL-1ganisig to the Empire, as well as to many ,%IacdoaQ ,if King -too, ,%Iacj,,ugalj,Rub1u. -yesterday and to-d3y, in favor of the'llaine they can call th,ir onto. . Dads me placed on an equal footing i . � on the part of llt.r Majesty's Government son Seymour. Shaw, e3mith of Ffoateusco 'Liquor Law. The debate on Mr. Brown's Y be — ___-----�--- --- I others (if tl:t saint stamp. Well, they must t1tat any majority in tile Canadian rartia- i4tevenses, Strw, Wi3soD, Wright of ment I . to I fb ,;non of ill* public trust which with the citizens of the United States— THURSDAY, SEPT- 23, 1852. - I . . Itagonistic to tbilic NVest Risliat York -23. I arnmend .'%It. Jliocks' resolutions ,he LO.Z.01.11 aftZ to ths 1101901"Is'"Is This object, mmover, is in strict accord- 1. I bear it the best they can for a %easos.-- mout, elpresaing views lie - NATI.-N10116115. BFUNFIs, Caine"n, Car. wait continued last eveniag till I I O'clock, I & slej,aratg interest in auto with the past policy Of the ''I I . ­ .- _�­ I Mt. Cameron occupies a high position in ___ --- ­ .--- J. own, was an accidentsil one, were ileomet) a I and restarted this afternoce. =s:,%.,;Lr,Ar;al.e@ that which is involved I � adirwivat ground for re%6tiog- thit inai-wity, tier, Couc!,Oft, Chalistg Solicitor. Gonera I . in qtord7 Land*, which have'not h"n ap. A meriea:3 Government, whicir, in 183 1; THLitz is no man whose course Of prOcc- the present Govemment, and they cansot . .. C,,auvea... Christie of Worstworth.Ch.p. __ - __ _��__ . order to meet tile provisions of the Im- . I vv muld tatust respectflifly submit that there propriatedif4respoltillitolobject. Thlowbols, 10 0 concerned in I improve their own by showing a disparair- I ' horn, Attorney General Diumasovid. Dilru- Frnrn the Tortinitn Flamisov. � I If be pohlic domain is hold for 1he public perial-Trade Act, Gen. 4, passed the -North dure we, in Huron, are act wouli, he no secu"lity TiLitever in constitu- 0,1110. F@I.Iu,don, Fortier, GOU.0 I IIATtOole THE CROWN LANDS. ;o.,d but the importance of securi-glif far Eastern and North Western Boundary timor thgt of the lion. 31. C arnerou - The I lion to l.kk againit! him. tincial (Anvernment. I am not aware that Illnelle, 1.1"itt'i". 1.2'riffri-ere, 1.;%rin. mse. -_ - --- - my rablic fund has been devoted to the aortaiii of C,,rowa,% M,ck,,r,u,,SIPPrcI,tlJ-,O. - The g.�Ipty the in* ,as or the public instroc- Az t, wNch removes Trit customs charges on Conservative party have done their eode3v- r.LSJtRVX CORILESPONDENCE. drado Sir �lxeut of the Roman Catholic Church I Mattice. MAirritt, glotim, Palore, Palubeats, There are fe%v political questions in deal- final, vendors Imperai lye a jissious . sopervis. vessels or other craft between Great Bri. our to lessen and divert, as much as possib!e, CLILR(rY P,)ufyn. Prince, Att-rn-y irs- with which, greater discriminati ' too of %be treat. Is establishing the rate t and Uni.._Cj -On our First page Twill be found 11 copies oats aim the States. Again in the ,e,tplal-ft gfCalia.la.whatever property may be in pai- I I'sirick, Polefte. [a. kolp", W.P., 4111art, .1 I its oliXings an sets, with easy terms of .Vji.g,th.t has ever ezisted in tile I hu sc'sMu of rovian Gatholic4 has been attlided Gen.rald Richard demanded of the G overnment, than that of 0 , IS49, in order to meet The Imperial Act of . , of all the Correipoadence which I " IS ` " I I A I I F1 lacipally by private donations or bequest, Tificho, Terrill. Vat -to. Vigor, Wints, r poirmest, conditions[ an actual sattf-ment I that yea I r, they admitted British � ounds of the people of these United Coun- - the di-posalofiltePublic drimairs. Socon- t am Induced to believe the G-3ire,orattit �hippriog 1 taken place between Her Majesty's Gov Wriglit, of �.ast Ruling York, and Young. - ties towards him. 'I'lliere has ever been 1 44 Sill(botligh in sanne cases there were adidilion- flict�ng- are Alto interests bothof individuals w into American Ports on fir terms as I aranient in Canada, or any member them- -41. be" acted wit% diverstit,". It mar be same :--Aid grants from ilia French Grown, which Mr. BouLrow �thes en6t#nh,d that the and local communities in their tstimate of Contended that it would have shown s"ad i their own vessels, under the provisions of a Wong disposition, withr a portion of Mr. I or, and file Imperial Government; on the Adele secured to the possiessord at the Iftafority for ul.por caos,ls, al.is�, wait in sy policy far the Government to have inec- i 'to Act pa -stied some yfars preriou-ty ; anid Cameron's political opponeata, to leave no, Conlucit. These grants were male to favor of ilia sjn�odmeots. hilt this was do, the Public laildi, that it is almost impomi- tuted is lower rate, payable upon occupsi, I Lad tile same princip!e been iolroluce.d by .tolife tuitirrised that would have any weight � subject of the Clergy Reserves, since the ; - ties of the land-rimorvirg a lion ef the the Imperial Goveraliment in I he Act of Ist of July, ISM." The correspondence remnitutities conilisting of Ecclesiastics or tit" by hit. Ilivicks. Mr. B,tilton proceed- ble to gather from any popular c%pression � I I , n -a* for Opening up "Odf into the 1911,G, tbi, duty an Cana lian breadiuffs ' "gain . him-ther have endeavored, to � will be i2teresting to our readers ; for ItVPi­icuJ'.4 Lathe-, either for Charitable or oi to move the other resolutions 10 ansond f i i .a correct and reliable judgement Asid P14 * " . o hich have been &Irels ly eirt ulated a opinion , low stattlemouts- To the wet prorsi . Anne would have been immediately removed; laord � i,,j ure . . Art by misrepresent ing nea�ly i . LTE Jilication-Al purposes, or fo.- the conversion "'Out, its of a Policy, which would have .., payments on actual settienrotal, 'we I t1trt,ugho.it the cotiatry. Ilia argument, , or Life det. so doubt ifil he hereafter introduced, sub- � thing thathe erM has tither said or done 1 to appearance has been anilously look- toraf file Indiana- If I am correct "' tit's wore to tills (filect :-Ill.t the setilemerit of any chance of geneml approval. Nor is h�vc Only this `;tlJ�tmAAv That At 4laces as j(ct to the di-cretinn of tile Qui -en in I Aid fir, since its existence was announced in ITectual a barrier is the way Of The ocrupl- 4 ell Court- for the lost five orsix yeam. Dur- I I,,s I.:xcellency,s opening speech. It was sweruent. as I believe that I arn, I must the 9,10stion I., I all was c.,no-dere d final 'we take 'ti -n of the flobli, doulsine, an the hich - I feel it jog the late general election, all that the tf,illy subrint that ituch graular as thn'se by all parties, includ.ng Mostord. Bildwin. 1 this at all to be wondered at, when the American Government wit %r has prevailed. I Their interest in � isent down is answer to an Address moved �%Zck I have referred, bear no analo, Pricn anj c4fneron, *h.,, at Atli, tirue when into account the infiviences which will be prlce4 sTat-1, which We I I pursue 9 -imilar policy in . &lives is Huren, sit well in tits Clergy Reserves, anri can twarcely the Church of rniiaritl flail devrerl to ob- florid to biai indiv I idual opininn.� A sub- iney be ready to sJuilt, that both ALSO, St (hit instance, and remove all duties on the combined consery by Mr. Christie, of Wentworth. The la- ic filed, devoted to t.is tile conir,,l of her pirt of the R,ois,v�o tie l9ld-eual wiuld gQSrIl by nraX. � I and .a production,% of Canada. Neither do do as tho* " in other parts of the province, to - be considered as a publ jec A, where the theorcticd anti ipcci�lalirr c &. hi payments One I, f I he I . ,a a Of *'"'"I' advantages now sought for lead to any is. I gether with the efforts of the Opposition spector General's reply to Sir Jobe Pak - the endowsucat of tha 11,clin:fa Catholic by it report of 0 Conimittee am,] by 1.�Selr 9 leer! as on th, Moore' dcc�sle,f ,I 0 gh is immediately resolved into tile pracur(d, %*J : but at the sam* %,mil. we ing-ton conveys, we venture to state, the I I are fn'cvd f �­,clornt of the commercial policy -of i Church. " I new,!r Again in do FI.O.I.J. Secon.11 tbs .1 to this conclolono, that an offect,oll 06 newspapers, brought everything to bear, I 110 ' therithy bit mail" to the pit and able remon- dairy (a Iter I I it makes a direct appeal to individual and A ton wattid A TO: � � ,N1,111her Country, for -to early at 1925, tbas I that their maligaity .and hatred could most suitable, Acamest 1 %liOul.4 not discharge my , Jr. 31aict,lin, Carnerion had entire y cha� it, ., It', '2`2nd I louse of the Imperial Art 6 Gro. 4, Majesty's Gorernittent, were I not to state big vl&w., Fit@ Iv, vnfing In 113, for thi� local interes� which is not ordinarly to be ment of tile ptilil�c lavids Th9 v.:ry Class, . stratice, in behalf of the present Govatit- I Prettier@ sr'lOse 1111'erepto it SAP the 01, linage Du- ! ]Ilven 16 Aron with pet feet frankness my views on passing Ol' a low on th's #u`­jM.% and tape I found in mere abstract theories Of govern- 0 ipet I p2P- 1 14, imP("ed the same Tn Is A. and the aggregate sew considerable, menf� that could be wished for by the pea- � ***jet pairts"lit of file despatch. I re- IAIly 9 law ,list would "OI $eye proiltril ence 40-,Prornmilrit moonly to cons,lit w;uhl! ties an A nirrictin veltselt importing goods to overturn his election. But all A [lose ef- . f-1hthat to wlsich it is intimated that Ifer incerobews, an -I cow by agreeing with A, hawever important the ends to which, fir,4 the leads in most eased as nea,erviesitilte into either the Provia, f- Of ( ' I'le of V prier Camda. When we compare tiler ultimately fell.]. In citiag a case in at U. 6d. an &cc* cash, is fit exactly doubt* or MAY he for ill.! time pay �ao2d", AI -I are forts were put forth in vain. All the Majivall's (�"cvssnvn t would be willing to Mr. Ifin. it* tin the pmal-vil lea---tiol 0 ,;It, it would only be necessary to tak KIT* life selti.re time 11 ve%st,ls in the I *nit able on British secret intrigues and denret of ambitious the course pursued by the premat Minis- entertaii,ti -I I There was eoverril -0,er 0',v-sk-ra. U-11 Pol a. 1; .T:P)ro 11uportint ,,%tter. I ban to ell �Itxtes; and ,O let, as ,,, I, Try, with that of the Bsddwla-IA(0QtJkil1I4 ,,4 f"' recon4dering the compa7ative view of any ofthose pronlin:Dt. I r"...." I,..- � 1149, the A'4 Ii.1 atea 13 Vi,,. bertire Turn- psrtizans proved harifilem. A rid ode to 1=0 the ivicestor of the lh*lr fsmsrkq "I"'""d ""'ill"Z of ""v4 " mindl hall re- -trot him I tanti'"'."K battle'" whIch he ., (11 ty, &rid tile ir,11owing lots wait taken oil issues. on "hich the public - Ministry. we think there is a possibility 'ter "Illsave so hesitation '111 copies% tells the fi,*I step in getting pea, pfrilil,la , now represents the interests and wiA,bys . !r%T llididir,Z I tinned, "'curts to British ship, &ad stating It '" 07 1dQvkion that the Pro- Ili" " ill strionAr"Pint- ell peatedly found expressi<Pirs. Ill placing sesislon, of. .me time, we Irmir trade thp %am, adiranta,.es it confers no of of this question being settled -with the y1.@.`drAPPPP�asi;;,,,. 1111,011.),., 111-Irrilsq's. the" injuxtli-po�iiko" with a public land At Ili* it � of Iluron in the Legislative Assembly I former Ministry there vras no possibility . Imcw Varlispiest. ill% a. in tite tile It i ("."Joue. nf ope, i;rswtorif. Dino -I. Galn- upon the matter in 'Nis light, that appe- Foreign shipis and Fortip t-dej so far as I I .ng:too. policy -it, iii at once discoverable, that tl:e tunity might with propriety be affi,rded in rtlates to trInf,portation. I tills I'mvince. lie not only represents the atloo like Trnittr�ul 1�wlltqnrnt regarl".41- ble, I.@ uooilii.r, macdonsid, of K An unanimity of it. We see it going the round of tises . ILI I in ,in, principles whi,!h Might It -ad a 3041"Pettl1irt. While* Means WINUIll Ilfi`Jrd It ----,r- interests, but we may ilay,witleoutpressimp- 64 diAl t ibution of a locill V,l Any such l6tillock, Mocill-Tisralf, It'dout, R -epes ,irchainisatsoortstri lower 111'N ED RECALL ( - Canadian journsilIt, that 11 when W- Hiacks d a rovasure. of Rep, " tatirst, Municipal or to Make cash p � lon �F LJDRD lion, Abe( he represents the political %#,till- prori'l)"i ion wouldl to """"a:% Also for the Kaylecort Hilair. slovonso*i mt r 001- at"' Eccle-itt.-tical reform. wo-ild utterly fail to fillute.-Inflitutinfir of course at the some ELGIN. .1 I sawilklien of live UPS% WAt-A ,,,,,i,,,,,,,.l Wright, of West Rid;r.ff of Y ilho-1111., -3cti- 'I - � sweLs Of I large majo-ity of tile people of '"' in England on a former clecashoo, ' gisis of the people- I Stor t%_e NAT9 :-R1`0n`VI. COUPAPf"n- CRF"Or- "To smile a party on questions of direct pr tinte witioal "nPlatons as t you lerpost, . ' if I . N , (":." chon, Chabot. SoloAlt for G-seral Chou cal improvement. It m,ktiers not how- bil,!,ling, clailtring, Ur, with the so, tie r whill, I I . Ivil laced ILIA dli In , -,�'.­n 'l, f I - As to @*ell* The I)ady Colostis, of IlVednesdav last_' Hitting, 00 many of The au low"J", ques- while a member of the Hisidwits-Idallitle- aluent t', I 11; 1 tin'"s flat have agitated the country (IS, this It- Musanoy-se nwi, k.64 and so � � A: . "DaTian Parli, ,all I pea, Cilfl,to - (Wootfor,h). C4 a filter", ewer bOn"tly cneverived, lin-erer well ad- NO'"" occupation iipon crodit. ameoursers on like strength, of a Art, ' To ,L,\ (A V ring a hen in fivner of the PloPeovilary pOblic grap it a ,oluoul-ri, ,i,ed, or however carefully planned are the despatch fr:Sm the. LSAmt of (�overarrhest,l lastAtuarterof a coiatury, salm, of whatch Is 7 port � :t whu-1h 6 Atiore,y Grn:,,vT,.,,�,)!Srns,.,Por Slav* lit sup ad by the Glollo-be wait ,I "me character It% A - T Fervie,on, V '. ..I .�;; 0 D penversontle, by a direct spirt-bati,m of a , Plitt that IliP; Eveelleney Lord J-;Igin, hall ll ' art "o- accupyifig the att abou of the I,Alten taken. I c2�1,a"-`n"`,U,n,sy if" "art nwasures which a Rellpo' sible Executive "" I,n of the purchase m-sey In op-tvag, tip f,ec ill litrittly enjoined sot to valuation Lim ClerV , Marks. J .1 -In Lce-.sle. Lentil.", I.- may - rna�s ke 9 or rather eamblisir th* **tiler to i , . I Relo-e question." This was, "Y' a E h&( I I "Pe"; Linfle, 6ollostsi,,ji, N.Cdoisald of tirmeut of Also 0 , r rival " , is p-,,-,. As O -'O"..... , *6 by ths, it ange mode ,ep recre , ;f�,A offer it, effect a read; dillprisiall and set ailed, sall that I 0 IT If rated t MiniTtry. I t wig be 1.0 laTifirwith 'k It .- 3. A. "I", public domain, A be wisdom Of rod*@,n part of his purchase, by applying fnr Govere rG AT It I* I '. Istuall Ity a action I f puJile dell, to cc; C. " recall. Aillachouse-, N­c'-l;J -0, Mutics. in ' Parliamoritary proceedings it% .6 -day's getting the on" settiled. It ".. ,ill ,isT9,sails, M %Ton. their policy anri the. integrity a( their m,i- this ;p.rilosso ill* Capital Of lisbalor, We thlok Do reliance can be placed on this runiolit pe- of 1pne you views which I fear wi "i us", vairl.achilne, Ill -r, Ilow different Abe cow of The prime t 11"ViL a1h,oblijon of Her Ninjoilly's 'n, #igo, rep-seso. Potricli. Poletto. P-1110, firrit will even be questi(sned by those who would Isity to oo"ntl%l element in any pill coming &.4 it does from if q4tarter where I the - per, that Abe discu,notin has been ll,--%, I Progresentsr R,Pjr,wm George ftmg; thiry ; ogfsew�"hsrt I tMost that I have seen IM C. a, Attorney Onslorsh RiettardIr. Rnlp%. are known att party selhordivits. By thiq, elmse PirsiSionaflands-Itlamotil. Thoolic. wish I., father to tit* thought ;' at the. same . leeKthy and bitter. A Aid as might be , _ an,_ to be fully ally* to the al'therst Asf Limit At-, 8t,,art, Torka. 1,efriil, T,nrc,ottil. however, we do unit anticipate the clorreq code rif new opillerowe is greatly Plationd (law. we tin not took upon the event as very ported, Malcolm ('aristirns seA Dr. 'Rollpis constituents, SDA 00 Country gesorldly.- a" Illy facilities w%'@h they "eve"'O file improbable, (or it would appear that the , an In tarri&nd ;;I, Viirsl,, Who's Wil.0". Wright, Of the Alini-iterial policy to public symps aril n" the 'I 'Ififillivist se in S rra�Wtf'll "An 1 6014101'at see.** to market. Tb*,r progress have been abusP4 at tbs expense, of the We kave the on,4-it yokhout fortiong, nr- L lidass that they will - the Cc Rijinig of York. and Yarding - -50 , . I -. of tile subject . snJ itupport. blit offer tbs- remark sint ,I Derby Momiltry or@ determined to do all oi,, hin!ttfahl iMpOtiA yl ausist be r.1s,disd whore ihity are j bad ta. I tise country, by the ,arieful u" IBM a P 'to CAJT�q &dri*er% - ait rinlanstory of the diffiicoltipi : ttenloAX to sot linel-inrr-, that scare -I? roe 1. - met"aller for OsrIE for Ilse present. V a uiAa 3 I t her ) :Mwe Aim in their pnwvr to annoy Tier Majesty's Go I ­_ - I ��.,,Jas i"Isis a ,N�Fgnxc, l3t,1 S­t,­rv,%,Ar, 111132. - 1'. %U .,I tb�.jr final ae, ,%inn by vskat w w,,h the adnistinse -11""No'k. the beat esivDist0d light of do, - It to lit fact otalloputshle that Insist Stobjects no lbit Coutinest- 7%, I Kept. , The no' ild f. Dean will promet, ,a tbs Usit . . the, thell"ir fol As Of -.,?* ee .g.in praeoriod itnit- to JkIt -Or harmontian ,he first dolly to be perf-winerl either for at people al' Newfoundland be,@ bee@ rudely The" remarlis werif written cc seeing 10A Presbyet ilk" Church cost attract, .(& A bit for the beat istere, !tAI'lo If ".., will or -n-4. sta tier load in Isew ' I Bab 6,.*,.l the intere,st of localilielt ,th those of the by as infant settlement is to counsel refused constitutional Goverromeet. though I As :1, '00,42. ,Aejw.s� mil tnol"in. To a lifesideng article a that loyal staradi2rd "th first I I I A. PA., and at AT is I bawc The b__ to Ise. Izer. you, obed'i "' -I with the primary it with the vattlod districts by a sufficient d�aded by a Large Majority oftheir RIA- � allsm, Able 11POUP4 Emptiest. upon 11 The Al"s"g. - - , it ", , 01,011. a" t,. the f0woring country at large. and this � In owing als presoutatirf 4 rise Canadian beirtil SoUliled n'- we be, - - suity'l, A! view to ill# melioration of the condition of On talso, of gooll high wove. I ' f.r a vast distr;e,, vorls so that Plititroliong �' I Governor (;�p� of Cmasids, and the I -oiled the " number 1. 1) F.11vit (-,- A- ,�-Pldo ill""I'lil' "fli"01" th"I the settler fr"m the Otiss's, 14 the Goorgiso Bey, a ifulted the right to onsinallitir thipir 11" 664111111 of the 411A volume, of the Moursaini WO,14 . The JUgT1-:�ewAPb1W 041' J. 4;. rockas .. W IN 101.0eiromiOld as.wom Theprolecild,tri-ofthe Execrative with roonepting, ,nimt Renal, a sytinto or **III*- is accordance with 11al prinkripe of ties firictrion and firwerhaillowingit of 11o,ole- hisibell is (Ai ,". I I Nif % � ".0 th. , A . as a 60'erozat . Ise I . etwilitiry *( Shtp f -lir t ,&so* of 'a I ,prie,wa-tow FPIPA A pop et ity, Alto thopown! of Crovirs Itionsle in- event by we swam iinvottliv, of Abe art". (;O§Stitutme they we 4mppmwi to poqmm ;; tifin," is which title editor "livas to aim at Storrs %V 'ill;, . N-_F)yer and RiebwA I ckisees I olvit, a yory ennederaliffer ablaVe in detail tios of Ili* gamement, has be" proposed, In Concilsatt the iwighbmwing Rarribille, tbs I abusing Ust FIcAllkilry the Goveraor�annem. I 7 0,114 pk- 911 r" I 4: � �', , � I . #