The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-09, Page 15HER MAJESTY'S SCOUTS -- Post ait of her majesty
provides an appropriate background to the presenta-
tion of Queen Scout badges to five boys during., the
Lions -Scouts father -son banquet at Exeter Legion Hall
Wednesday. Mayor Pooley presented the awards, `which
i re:omm.
P..ev.; t
Y dl. •CCAR'la 11EMIt41GWAYY
HFA Field'rnan
While the problems, of Jro
marketing have been to th.
forefront for the .,Hast" severe"
years it now appears that th
problem of milk mrtrketin
will supply the basis for eon
I One of the reeornanendatlon
sof the milk marketing commit
` to which caught my eye w.a
,the "freezing" of present mal.
I.quotas for fluid milk. 13v so do
ing the committee pointed .out
that as fluid sales increase
;.beyond. the total Supply o
jauota milk, Gracie A m lk
;from the manufacturing trad
'Ottawa report
New beef
climaxea the biggest achievement night in Scouting'means $1
histol`y here, From left, are Scouts George Godbolt, Ted
Wilson, Mayor Pooley, Rovers Barry Grainger, Fred
Sanders and Gary Wedlake,
—Doerr photo
OPPONENTS DISCUSS ISSUES—Ed Hendrick, Stephen's representative on the Hu-
ron. flog Producer's' Ass'n, and Bob Maver, Usborne candidate of the Free E' nter-
A prise group, talk over issues during Monday's election of delegates to the hog!
, narketing board.,Neither .candidate was., elected, although.,„was close.
Despite their differences of opinion, the two groups campaigned 'without incident.'
Middlesex West MP
't'lae sugar beet support pro-
-• -----, gram for 1961 has been an-
ima red.
Thr arrangement as an
Pays pounced by the minister of fl
nance on March. 2. provides fo
an extra one dollar per to
for too oats In the growers of Ontario L
be pair) by the refining coin
A bushel of the new Russell
oats brought a handsome price
at the Western Ontario Farm
Show in London Saturday and
it was paid by an Usborne
William Ellerington, of El-.
lerington Bros. Farms, hid
$155 for a bushel of the new
seed which had won first priz
in an .inter -county competition
A hardy, high -yield variety
Russell was released to 35 On
tario seed growers for the
first time last year.
Second -place entry of Rob-
ert P. Alcan, Brucefield, was
sold :for $75 to a Wa,rdsville
Win championships
A -lumber of Huron and
North 'Middle•sex farmers won
championships at the London
show during the week.
For the fourth, year. in. a
row, a Huron county seed dud,
ging team captured the inter -
county junior farmer compe-
tition. Don MrKerche•, RR 1
Dublin; Ken Dapple, R,R. 5 Sea,
forth, and Gary ;Jewitt, R.R. 1
Clinton, posted the top total of
1,481. to keep the award in Hu-
McKercher was 'the high in-
dividual -ant ' 'Popple was' the
Ken Hodgson, Lucan, was
named champion. of the baron
Gordon Hodgins, RR 1. Gran-
ton, showed the champ:kin ex-
hibit of turnips.
Hugh Filson, LR 4 Denfield,
exhibited the champion bushel,
ankl champion 10:bushel lot of!
barley. He was also the re-;
serve champion exhibitor in
grain corn and seeds, and run.;
ner-up .for •the `premier exhibi-
ttor award.
pany and the Ontario .Govern
ment al 50c per ton each,
It is estimated that the iiet+
arrangement will provide
price to the Ontario grower
of approximately $13 per to
for 16 percent beets,
This program is a temporart
one for the 1961 crop only. I
is hoped that before another
crop year a national, sugar pol
icy will be worked out to place
the beef sugar 'industry in Can
ada on a sound financial basis
The members representin
rural ridings in southwester
Ontario have been pressing fo
Wins prize
for essay
Glen Greb, 'RR 3 'Zurich, won
second prize in a Credit Union
esaycompetition at: the West-
ern Ontario Agricultural School,
Ridgetnwn, it was announced
this week.
He receives a cash award of
t211.nn plus an expenses -paid
trip lo Toronto for the annual
convention of the Ontario
Credit Union League
Winner of the contest 'Wive-
;Kenneth Ryan, RR 1 Walton..
Third prize was, won by .Paul
iWatcrs, It1 7 Parkhill.
Glen Grob is the son of Mr.
and Mrs, Oscar Greb, RR 3
We are an Assasiato Men
Air Heating and AiroC`
"Hi, sweetheart," said the
smart alec to the waitress ass
he entered the restaurant.;
"Where .have you been all Dry'
life?" .
The blonde sited him u i
coldly for a moment, then r.-
plied crisply, "Out of it, thank
Kippen beans best
Intercounty .field bean chain
pion: was John McLachlan, 1711
3 Kippers, and the Middlesex
county champion, was FredNeaman, RR 3 Parkhill.
Champion Middlesex exhibit.
in clover and grass seeds was
entered by 7o1in Hodgins and
sons, RR 8 Piarldiill.
Floyd Wright, RB. 2 Thedl-
ford, won the ,novel'hog calling
competition. 1Runner-up was
Doug Walls, RR 4 Denfield,
The farm show attracted' a
record attendance of 18,911, an
increase of one-third over last'
Winner of the trip for, two
to New York door prize was
won "by a .London bank inana-
ger, •'M. 7. 'Hefford.
side the fron e
human statutes in the nude, a
male on onee side and a female
on the other. Don't ask me why
our artistic experts should want
to greet visitors to the gallery
with an exhibil of nudes be-''
cause 1: don't know, 1 have en-
quired and am continuing to
enquire but so far I haven't
received asatisfactory ans.'
If a private citizen set one of
those nude figures out on his 1
frons: lawn, or tried to sell pie- I
ture post cards like some of the
nude pictures on exhibition in
the gallery, he would probably;
end up in police court or in `
mentioning Association of "
411111!,11111111,JIILI lIItI,ll'!I..11l!hill-,rill•IIIS111l1111,rile„,I,11'111111t'111,1,f1111!11,1111111I111111111tlflll1,1111,5
1IIInnuffllndlmlqul OIIP111l,11111IIIpll1111111111111111111111MMIRMIUM11111111110Ufili 1n U0111W111111�_ .
See us now for
AT, a
ala:; US
Seed and Fertilizer Supplied
We have a complete stock of all grades and varier
ties of Seed Oats, Barley and Wheat for spring
planting, Seed grain is priced the same as last
Spring, It pays to buy new seed rather than to buy
'feed, .
SOK r wo.
Milli Co,. Ltd,
PHQNE 24 & 24'
• i .
7111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111f t11111111q11f11f111t1111t111111111111111111111111111111111111HI1111l111 t1 ftil0
SEARCH FOR WATER ---Earl. Datars, Stewart Webb and Emmerson Ocs,jardine,
members of the Grand Bend council, inspect: one of the test holes, being drilled
near tic 'pier in search for a suitable gravel bed for stipplyilig water for,,the suni-
11•aer resort. The tel drilling is being done by International Water, London, who
moved their equipment oilt:n the beadh last; week, Several holes have been drilled,
but as yet no definite report has been made mi, the progresa,
TWA photo
Urge standardization of parts
members of farm forums at
their meetings Monday night
t+ere agreed that Iliere should
he considerable standardization
n( ntachinrry parts and that
farm machinery ''tests too
3irairdarelltli t'riief Parts
1'an(it kl Porton Thought ')here
t:auld be standardization Cif
soralt repair pari- sun as
Wheets, mower guards and
This forum eloped the su
e.err.liot that matitifar.lurers of
Tarns medium would do bet•
ter to make l.wi small iii
cltrtti”? iii ilrefereriee Ina Targe
'otic - 'NI would more likely
go 'paint for the alitallerl elles
Tiger toe* Ll? 'ibo:.!arriilir stops
buying the large 'ancl h.i li p11•
red equipment,�t'it!i all the ex-
tras it would force cotrtpanirs
to prnducP'sniallef, lets torn -
plicated and less expensive nlo-
delc, ;`l.''k „eno Gly care are heir;
why not rcnnoii y ronihines,
(ratter's end trucks?"
Another opinion of this forriur
WAS that Garin machines Cost
too much regardless of sky and
that labor wages ase roril,tibu-
tiug to that high 'east,
Mr. And aM s. -Geo ge Hop.,it
burn e hosts this week aiid
the next rnehtrng_ WI11 btG held
at the„ bottle or Mr{. mid Airs.
:Aar) 1•laist,
T e myth, a'4Jvattiliirto
r�lirttville E'blluln itienibdo
also Mt that farm iitachiiibi`y
!was far too expensive and sug-
gested that too Much advcrt.ts-
ing added t.o the cost price and
jakn that there were loo many
I"dills” and loo many, ehnn•
ges, Mt of which "ripped" pH-
They were unanimous In that
there slronld lir' ;sla'tnhtrdirat.lnn
e more of )lir prrrlt Cir 'fat`tit
Inraehitrery for the Multiplicity
parts S t
art, w l
1 leh the t 1 f
� 1 mai r fac u
i1'era Have 10 make and dealers
must stook ill add up To grtsa»
tor oasts and Tess seralet.
The tir i mot at '-ie home
ii bt Mr. "irxit 11 a.
l li, Ile rw'
a Johns
aAd next week Mr., and l )ifs,
`Lartic Ilford Mil be hosts,
IRS READ MI A. lVLcllotveli, general contractor, Centralia, made his
first d , , .,. �,... o _ - The . t�.11vely o!. )cady nirx c nlotal, at. South Huron Hospital, Tuesday, XI�c Inca
ccontractor,whoiS building the new addition at the hospital, plie1X8' to establish a!
plant on the Portlier Exeftr
111 clump n highway 83, lie expects,
to have, three trucks!
o etitlon what tiPplant starts into Operation. RxsS ieaire1, standing on the
back of the trunk, is shown. ouriiig iletit IMO tio dump tite 'operated �yi
Keith: flock A phot r"
NAY. rel ;'ak,,, f
idi•6 x 13'`0
I i
91.0AS% t`l.
13'•4 %MS
1461 OA help you got tli0. best- vCiak:
Tttr ,I
CONKUN ..LittlhfiEVER‘
' hona' Eft' x tett `PliPtiAt 74 Gravid1, t
Phe T : or
Phone JA 432 . Gotiit 1t1t