The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-09, Page 5a J!6..x,.T Tin.: v...•.^'4z ...:,�T": f,:SY!- „�. "s' .n.'�: i.rr '!;^.' .,,�3 ., MStprg.r1F
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Wee woos wiry
..... t .in zone playoffs 1
a' A. - t,„:_e..,.....: ,,,. a e . The Exeter wee wee w.erej
off and $eanl able to stave.
off elii)hination jr the annuali
Lake Huron. sane. playoffs icll
Exeter Hawks assured them.; lingwnrth. carne up with sev- after his third penalty and got Listowel>. Saturdgy,
selves of a .spot to the Shane i eral good. solo efforts, but the gate for a repeat perform• ,I he local bantams :and Peed
reek ,:oiler "C" finals, Fri -'•.couldn't find the, range after nice in the penalty box. i weer ;lost out in the first ioundi
day, trouncingStralhroy 12-1 heart. the defense and hay- a Of competition between the'
before 175 fanin the E'seter ing Clark`eut of position, I John Morgan also went .to district's house•league winners.i
arena, Leroy Parsons was the Scor. •the shower's eal.'hi I'or'his
dem- I1'one of the teams is, allowed
The condition. et some of .the ingw s leaving
as thels teat. mate to Carry any player who plays;
• rAOtroy squad marred the dumping far pairtle of visitors,s1 was leaving acne,
on a town s [all-star teats, 1
gime, as they had been drink- Ken Fadelte and. Dick 13elenlci tv �armums rttarirt follow Closely tournament v the an e exciting i
tit; .before the game, and sev- notched the others.
eral pints of beer were eonfis- Ted Sanders was one of Ute hind uPs hiswo mates wile then win over Wingharn and
cited from one of the cars Ng differences In the game.,trounced Kurtsvilie 17.0
t►ley travelled in. However, The lanky netmiader purled' off in thewho penalty box in the second contest. AFrankl
referees Frank McCue, who several sensational saves and intieaek the e hoards near was
theo box, stled er in eboth a aures, pickingea i
.did a bit'of a stint with the played a steady game between was the recipient of a
Mohawks last year, and Edwin the pipes for Bonin Boom Gra-,' Punch two to the first and Oven nil
MacPherson kept a tight reign vett`s crew, on the head from Smithirrrn as the Kur^tsville contest, I
en the game and called the i he was coaling off. Other scorers in 'the first;
play right to the line. Brock; lead ,penalty parade I Jack Chipehase was Exeter's game were Ricky Weber, Bill'
They handed out six minors Dick Brooks topped all the bad man, The husky defense- Fairbairn and P. 1 -Toward.
and a misconduct to Exeter players in the sin bin parade, ' .man picked up three mipor Weber also picked tip two as•
anid 12 minors and a miscon• i -ie picked up a minor in each' penalties and w:as assessed a silts, while Howard and De-
duct to Strathroy, in the final Period and was finally elected misconduct for throwing ids Vries added a si .gle point each
period, two Strathroy players from the game, The husky win gloves and breaking his stick with aaeists,
were ejected for the game, ger picked tip a JO -minute itis- after one of the referee's In the second game Larry
In the hockey department, conduct for abusive language calls, Haugh stood second in the
Lloyd Moore was the big gungoals department, Picking up
for the Hawks, The speer:, a hat-triek. ,lim Parker trig-
-....P, picked
fired a hat -trick a pair, while Bill Hopp
.did picked un three assists far er, Bill Fairbairn, Ricky Weber
a six paint night The Mohawk ECREATION Hopp -
and Marvin Bower notched
regular had a bit of help from singletons.
the inept play of "Lefty" Ricky Weber was else credit -
Clark in the Strath -my nets, Hawks whip ,Randers ed with five assists and Bill.
scoring his first goal from cen- ✓ Fairbairn had three, Haugh,
tre ice. and notching his third'Bower and Parker each had
from behind the net, Leafs tied in playoffs two and Howard, Ganser and
The Exeter defense crew DeVries had one each,
lay ALVIN WILLERT defeated the Phantoms 4.2, The team will play in Harris -
Leaf scorers were Larry Stire ton, Satu day. • •
in pee wee .:hockey at uthe oO e
hers liminated
arena Saturday morning, the vent two and John Lock and t
pair" of goals, while Murray Wings and Maple Leafs .taught Doug Parker "with one each, ! The Exeter pee wees were
Bell and Gerald'McBride ad, to a draw with the final score For the Phantoms Allan eliminated in the first game,
1-1. :Harvey and Rick McDonald losing a 3-2 decision to Kurts-
ded singletons,ville. Except for the stellar
One of Heywood's goals was'
came up with a good showing
in the offensive bracket too.
Bill Heywood, a rugged blue-
line performer, picked, up a
For the Leafs, Paul mason scored one each,
scored with the assist going to FUTURE GAMES
John Loader. For the Wings, Friday, March 10
performance of Ricky Brint-,
hell in the Exeter nets, the
score wouldhave been worse.
Glen Overholt scored anti the 7-8—Ailsa Craig vs. Exeter Brintnell stopped twice as',
assist going to Slob Beavers, Pee Wees many • shots as ,his opponent in
In the second game, the 8 8—Legion Banta,. practice the other end,
Black hawks trim m ed the ; The bantam entry, .Paced by
Rangers 5-3. Goal scorers for Saturday, March 11 ; Don ,Wright, copped their open -
the I -hawks were captain Bob 8.9—Black Hawks vs. Rang- er with a decisive 15-0 win
ers over Listowel but lost to Kurts-
9.10—Jets vs. Bruins ville on a poorer shots -on -net.
1.0.11. Maple Leafs vs, Wings record. The teams battled to
Monday, March 13 a 4.4 tie. but Exeter were out -
shot 31-20.
Grayer with three and. Rick
Ashton picking up two. The
Ranger goal scorers were
Mike Conlin, John Perrot, and
Peter Lawson with one each.
In the third game, which 6.7—Wee Wee
was an exhibition game, • the Tuesday, March 14
Bruins defeated the Jets 5-4. G-7—Pee :Vee
A replay of this game will be in w
Dubees played Wednesday night from Wednesday, March 15 :,, DJ �rlr
6:00 to 7:00. 6-7—Phantoms vs, Boston .
Goal scorers for the Bruins 7 -8 ---Leafs vs. Wings bowling •were Bill Beavers and. Roc:.,
McSween with two each and a 8:30—Exeter Junior Hawks
single goal going to Tom Square dancing : t the Town The Dubees of the Friday
Hall Friday, March 10 from.'
Adams. For the Jets, all Ladies' Bowling league,
Walker, Glen. Johnston, Tom 8-9;30, .Plan to attend! lived up to their name this
Allen and Scot Burton scored Teen Time dance at the arena year, as they "do be" the win
one each. Saturday, March 11 from 8:30-
In wee wee hockey the Red 11:30, See ,you there!. ners of the six -team league. I
They finished with a 7-0 win
Devils trimmed the Blue Devilsaver the Nuggets,Friday,. to
LLOYD MOOR 4-1. Goal scorers for the Red I clinch the title with 95 points.
... paces win with three tallies Devils were Gerald Willis with The win was paced by Peg;
three and Barry Southcott with Viii n h p n Q r S 1 Hunter•Duvar, who trundled a
one. For the Blue Devils Lester neat 746 Itriple,
a beautiful effort, He picked Marlowe was the lone scorer, The Rookies ended up in the
the puck up outside the Strath- In the Bantam House League 1 runner-up spot with 90 points,
roy blue -line, skated past a Boston skated to a 6-4 win second time i finiskhing off the season with a:
Strathroy defender who tried over the Wings, Goal scorers 5-2 win over the Bluebirds.
ikto chop him down with a wit for Boston were John Gibbons The Pinpoppettes of the Exe-) Members of the league cham-
, ked slash, and cut in from the and Bob McDonald with two ter . Ladies' Bowling league pions are: Murdina Glover,
corner to beat Clark. each, Single goals went to Ron wrapped up their second con-; captain, Jean Essery, Dot
The other goal scorers for, Broderick and Allan Thomp- secutive league championship Miller, Bev deMontigny, Per
the Hawks were Whitey Illing-, on. The Wing scorers were last week, edging the HappyHunter-Duvar, Marion Sweet,;
worth, Cy Blommaert, Jim Gord Greenacre with two and Gals by a single point. I Pearl ,Jones and Edna Mac
Russell, Bob Armstrong and, Garry Parsons and. Terry Wil- Both, teams entered the final Donald, i
Bob ,Tones. lett one each. week with identical standings; In the' individual standings,'
Hal scoring his goal, -1 In the second game the Leafs of 1.07 points, and both teams the 746 triple rolled by Pee
faced teams in the bottom half Hunter-Duvar was tops, while
of the league. j Mickey Bridges won the high'
Paced by the 623 perform- single with a 327. 011ie Essery
ance of Delores Fuller, the Pin , holds the high average in the
Foppettes picked up a 5-2 win leacue with a 182.
over the last; place Who Cares, i Playoffs will start in the
while the Happy Gals had to league this Friday.
settle for a 4-3 win over the
refits regain 'cup,
but who keeps it?
ow ettes.
The Dashwood Planing Mill two ptants Elan a similar Members of the league chem- HENSALL PEE WEES WIN
" Tre.fits" came up with a home -and -home softball series pions are: Phyllis Haugh. Aud- I Hensall pee wees took a one-
supreme effort in the Exeter this summer. rey Fairbairn, Delores Fuller, game lead in their. best -of -
arena, Sunday, to skate to anMembers of the Dashwood Ann Simpson, Irene Haugh, three Shamrock playoff, Tues -
team are: Carl Tyler, Don Midge Redman, Mary Gravett day, scoring a decisive 6-0 win
11-7 win over the W. Dixon and Gen•ttner, Bob Bayitham, Mike and Bev Turner.over Kensal P'ark in Hensel).
Sons Mill at Arthur and Ferg- Denomme, Jim Finnen, Jerry The ladies will open playoffs) Gord. Deitz and Lavern Har.
Finnen, Dave Ratz, Eugene this week, with the league . burn paced the semi-final win
By virtue of their win'the Webber, Bill Klumpp, Reg Bran- broken into four groups. Indi- l with 'a pair of goals each.
"Prefits" regained the dial: nett, Gerald Kading, Gerald vidual records"will still. be open Bev Bonthron and. Bill. Snldan
lenge "trophy", but now don't Meyer, ".Boots" Klunrpp and for competition during the play :tallied the others for the honte-
know whose bed it should be Stewart Wolfe. offs,
placed under. Some of the team ---
members feel that the porce-
lain receptacle should go to
coach Bill "Punch" Turnbull
for his tireless task in getting squad into shape for the
match. -
However, plant m an a ger
"Boots" Klumpp, a member of
the championship team, :feels
he should have the "trophy"
under his bed as compensa-
tion for the time lost in his
plant on. Monday morning as
the tea members hob�ble'd a-
round and applied liniment fol-
lowing 'mthe bruising garlic,
Finally, a third segment of
the squad .feel the "trophy"
should go to Don Genttner who
scored four goals to pace the
"Prefits" to their hart:: -earned
,-, As yet, no definite solution
has been reached, but it is
expected the trophy will be
left at the Dashwood plant for
the use of all the players,
coaches, managers and fans.
First line het
The "Prefits" first line was
the main scoring newer, dent-
ing the twine for seven of the
11 goals. Besides Ge:nttner's
four tallies, Bob "Ringer"
Baynhain notched three,, Bayn-
ham, Who works for Tuckey
Beverages, is around the of-
fice at. the Dashwood pient so
much, Chet manager Klumpp
thought he was an employee
and dressed him for the game.
,terry and Jim Finnen pro-
vided the rest of the scoring
punch, Jerry whipping :in three
gods and Jim contributing
One of the highlights of the
giame was the showing of ewe
players, whose ages `vary bti'
34 years, Stewart Wolfe, a 43•
year-old defcnsdhian for the
"Prefits" turned in a 'credit•
able showing, while nine-year-
old Roy Dixon was one of tthe
hardest working menibers ofi
the visiting leant, The young.,
ater amazed the large. Crnwtl
with his skating and stick
handling -abilities,-
bilities,Following the game,,th.e nisi•
tors frons Arthur and Fergus
\verg taken on a tout' :Of the
bashwodd . Plant. and " were'
served re#t'es%iitients at the
home Of 'Boots" ittmpp, Tile
1 eters.
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