The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-03-02, Page 4ThallaaAalafatatea Karel.; t 111 1
E1ATTEN, Sport; Editor
lartaaaralaiasa:',,,. • • --.- .
Hawka 400 Oond,With Kelp Of .Mrs , Armstrong
Although she has never seen action in a
hockey genie, or probably wouldn't know bow to
Organize a power play or a penalty -killing effort,
alaar$, Reg Armstrong had a groat deal to do with
the Exeter junior Hawksfine showing last week
ag*st Watford AtOma.
Now, before anyone gets the idea that Mrs.
Armstrong has taken over the coaching chores of
the Hawks, we should set the record straight by
saying that Boom Boom Gravett is still handling
the task and Mrs, Armstrong is still serving ine
fetid at her north end restaurant, ,a
However, it was the arduons work of Mrs.
Armstrong that resulted in the Hawks taking the
ice in their .new uniforms, and just the same as
most normal people, they put on a little extra ef-
fort to show off their new garments,
Several weeks ago, Mrs. Armstrong, whose
son Bob is a regular performer with the Hawks,
took an interest in the squad and contacted Alvin
Willert about purchasing uniforms for this new
team. Admitting that she knew more about dish'
ing up a fine dinner than she did about the price
of hockey uniforms, she was set back a bit when
Alvin informed her that it would cost about $150.00
for a complete set.
However, she didn't let the price stop her
completely, and told Alvin: "I think 1 can get
them for you." And 'she did!
Mrs. Armstrong set about contacting seve-
ral' other business men in her north end district,
and in no title at all had 15 lined up to share the
cost of the new black and white uniforms,
Each of the sweaters bears the name. of
the sponsor, and judging from the number of these
people we saw at the game, they were very happy
and proud to take a share in Exeter's minor hockey
\atria. In fact, we saw at least seven of the 15 firms
represented at the gaine and one of two brought
along their camera to take a picture of the player
sporting their uniform.
Other north erid businesses, besides Arm-
strong's. who donated are as follows: Mather,
Brog., Stan Frayne, Conklin Lumber, Bob Wragg'a
Fina Station, Middleton and Genttner, Exete-
Coe& Lines, Guenther Tuckey Transports, North
End B -A, Cudmore's Poultry, John Webster; Exetta
Produce and Storage, Ron Caldwell's Supertest,
Exeter Dairy and Exeter Farm Equipment.
We tip our hata to these sportsmen:
• After witnessing the game, we are sure that
the donors, along with the other 100 fans, left the
arena with the thought that these kid a indeed de-
s.erved the new outfits and the support these pub-
lic-spirited merchants gave them.
The kids 'turned in one of their best efforts
of the season, scoring an 11-6 win over the visiting
Watford squad. Although we were worried at times
-----,, that some of the uniforms would get smeared up
with blood, the genie ended with only two minor
casualties, and in each case the players made
snit that the blood from their cuts didn't drip on
their sweaters.
Now, from that description, you may think
the kids play a ruthless brand of hockey. Well,
g way they do: All these youngsters are under
20 years of age, in the prime of condition and
enjoy the hard-hitting that makes hockey Canada's
favorite spectator sport. Andthe same as most
fellows in this age bracket, they are perhaps a
little too willing to drop their sticks and gloves
and settle a grudge with a well -aimed punch (or
two if they an get them in)
However, before we get people thinking
that these Hawks go in entirely for these rough-
house antics, we had better set the record straight
again and, inform you that with good referees on
the job they stick to hockey and put on an exhibi-
tion that is comparable to the best in amateur
As we have mentioned before, six of these
kids have played intermediate with the Mohawks
and three are on this year's roster. Any disadvan
tage then kids have in inexperience they more
than make up for it with their speed and deter-
mination. All are top-notch skaters and the major-
ity of them have it all over their competitors when
it comes -to scooting down the ice lanes, and their
four defensemen are about a rugged as anyone
Would want to meet up against.
After watching these kids play, we can't
help but get enthusiastic about them, and are
sorry that Were aren't more fella out to watch
thin. Practically all the fans who have seen them
come back each game, and we know that hockey
fan fs in the district who enjoy a hast -hard-hitting
game of hockey won't be disappointed after their
initial visit to the arena.
• At present. they are hooked up in a round-
robin Shamrock playoff with Strathroy and Wet-
feard. and with plenty of fans to cheer them on,
could sew up the whole affair.
SATT'N AROUND—Wiz hope there aren't
too Many basketball fans who have decided to take
Our advice and go down and watch the Weateria
Mustangs perform. We travelled down to the city
of trees, Wednesday, to see them battle Gene
Ritak's McMaster Marauders, and !build oUt it WaS
their final home game ,• Bob Schroeder, Dale
Turvey, Dennis Mock and Bob Mickle, thembera
of the Panthers basketball team, John Etherington
and Mr. and Mea. Sturgis were also interested
onlookers at the game „ During the half-time
intermission, we moved down to the swimming
peOl. at Thames Hall and watched four of Western'S
Pciramdts attempt to set a new Canadian record
80 metre event. The fellows really 'churned
up the water, but fell AZ seconds of the exiating
mord . It will he interesting to watch the
battle resulting Item the recent announcement that
the CBC wa outbid for the, right to televise 111
Sig Pour football genies this telt This could start
a real hassle if the CBC blocks the :attempts of its
Members to pick up the broadcasts frOin the new
Toronto Station. It would Alto prove quite a diaq
Appointment to local fans it they :Mist Oa on the
&plat Saturday afternoon peatillie, Rowever, th
Seaton is still a long ,way off and. a ablution 'Might
IPt atathed., Mit If it isn't, the CBC Will need about
27 more office lielpeta 16 open the many letter
they will reeeive frOM trate faii, W should
tetnirid Hockey fent lit flit 2tiatah, Haman, Exeter
and tuan dittrid That their tearm frerai interA
hiedigtes tight dowil ta lade we art111 the Nat
*S11.1 boys.spiit
final games
0. . . .
91 „_,:$ top SSA .br,
juniors assured o.......i.f. tie for honors
. •• ,
SHDHS senior gt1s Opied. 0.ine back strong in. the last 1 elizier gielseeXandre Buechel.
•:the Perthex •Cenferettee -Mem, half ..01- the, sebedule to Win a .7(1; Ausma •Cillte113, git. Bonnie
piensita, Mendes', end gained three csf their foer, climaxing 1I-logarth, 42; Marjorie. Maefeee
a berth in the WOSSA play- the season with a deserving a 281. Dianne Mackenzie,VT
Of.fs: to be pleged, in London on, 53,38 Win over St. Marys. I Bonnie Turvey. al Carol Ale':
Margit 1L i , The winnere took. a ee.1,6,, len, gt Elizabeth Goser; Caro,
The girls finished the Season lead, at half time end 'battled a Untie sSii=nesetti-Sdhoiirote,oy; Gen jeall.
with seven wins and one lone lite visitors. basket for basket= nor: '
clefeat, Listowea the only squad in the last half to preserve the : DettmerPauline- Aquiline;
to hold a Win over the eltamps, lead. e t Maine Miner; anthanee , Sal -
lose a game to Stratford ' to ' Whitey Illingworth paced. .the • Mon,
• • 1 .
1,-.1 open: .series Fri.d.ay;
Ingersoll Tuesday
The six teams in the Smith-, This seriee opens .1n, i,..,, ,,,,ii, muon time is Available, A
PrOP them into second place. aetack with 23 points, eleitirig teesFeereseeeressessemeeeseeseeereseseteesess-e.
westara OKA start a best -of- IrridaY "d 51)1114 'back tna Delhi' ellSetAludlehetileiyietind 11:41-etitilltroe,:oessenrn,ait?ei 5'11)1'51; Sirapt,HisStoisalexa, but bounced
seven playoff series This week for a Sdarlay contest, were beaten up 10 field goals and three free i
throws. Steve Kyle contributed
gr°t1P hi the OHA playoffs, e r c It tough
tied at •the end of regulation tactorY at home to even their Gord Strang
pc • with a come.frem•behind eight and Bob schroeder and
in the battle to represent the S ile s cut le •
the Exeter Mohawks eangle le provide the biggest upset of , .
overtime, 11 they aro atin tied, , record with Lastowea 1 six respectively, alternating at
had seven and
The Ingersoll mariands and The Pert Dover Sailers could;
1 time they will play 10 minutes
the "A"series, with. Exeter's the PlaYons facing the secOndi thee will play suddon.death In the Monday game they the right forward position.
tho deadioa is !melded St. Marys a 20-14 loss Dale Turves and Bruce Her- •
first home game to be played Place /Omer IMPerials• Al- , overtime until
with a win in St- Balance record
4 ton, guards on the team, Can.
fourth spot, the Sailors; to elineh the title.
here, Tuesday. The 'teams though theY IMI'hed in a tie broken.
started to hit their stride Al!AU Exeter' and Ingersoll anal The Slimas junior girls also nod five and four each,
opened the series ip Ingersoll, ler
'Wednesday (last night). 1111 tests will start at 8;30, while eame up
The ,Marlaads will have to the last three weeks o -C the Ltlearl and Delhi will play 900 Marys to leave them in a tie •
and could po,ssibly1 pen,
'year. However, most. of the Chattington and Yves Garand, i at 2;(), 1 onlY team to hold a win over
eonfer-1 The junior boys lost by two
' d 0 s ntheir' ' -
to St, MarYs, The toes evened
r oil g festal game 36 34
having Won all four of .their oust the Imperials. ' Sunday afternoon fixtures in ' ChM Thy have a similar 7-1 Pi i?,-ini,LS in their hid to Mahe
games, exce i ; • the' for first place in Ate
_ p , , m e,„
be favored to take the series, schedule,
game against the Tribe this However, Aylmer have Terry , Delhi, These games will, start record, with Listowel being the 1'1". • peason a winning one,
games were very close and two of the leading scorers in a The series dates are
the Tribe managed to eke out the league and their goal tend- lows;
45 fel- them.
aLlinaitzel have one game re- with Stratfotd, and if ob
1 their record at four wins and
' ' ; foRurleorstseSsehroeder, making .his
a 2-2 tie in a pre -season exhibi- ing has improved considerably SOUTH W SST SAN OH A
tion. ut the last few gemee. The] Fi,,AVOFF sCHEOULBS they Win Will force a sudden- final, appearance for the am..
The league champions, wh
Aylmer squad will be et e eon-' II/4” Urns—Ingersoll', Exeter death playoff for The Pert -hex lore before graduating to the
LL three siderable disadvantage in size wedeemas, aieree 11401'04 crown, However, if they lose, panthers, hooped 16 points
the SHDHS six will get the the losers 1.0 climax a high -
decision. s ' scoring two-year .stint. The
The juniors climaxed their sharp -shooting forward tossed
regular season play with a con- in eight field goals, but missed
ientitchiengst3063,-160 lt,ori‘tlyriONITerhesyt,anagsti orlDaelnlafiosurmilorceke tatiiii'dow jaatntiesmpGlus:
entered in the WOSSA tourna- lens contributed eight and six
over,points roettanedlio, d wohtittle the l)n s oeoleretsot
ma-Vathe double-header in Exe•
that the "A" winners will Rti, Wednesday, Mareh 13-1n Lucan ter, the Panthers came through with four points,
vance into OHA playoffs be- eee . e with their third win of the sea- Dave Galloway was the big
se:lies-Aylmer vs, FL wow son, while the juniors Jost a stumbling block for the locals,
thrilling 36-34 contest against canning 12 penile for the win -
St, Marys, The juniors split ners.
their games, winning four and The Sielali lineups and the
losing four
' players' fetal pointe for the
Hodgson paces champs .
Barb season are as follows:
senior hoes - Whitey Iliing• 1
the senior girl's lineup, after
A two -genie alSeence, to spark
Hodgson returned in wder,
th, 391;49; Steve Kyle, 741
Dale Turvey, 53; Bob Sehroe-
Gerd Strang, ' 26; IMPALA 2 DOOR
thorn. in their final game Bruce Horton, 18; Dennis Mock a- HARDTOP
against St, Marys. She picked 12; Ted Sanders, 2; Fred San.
Bob •Mickle, Jim White, A u t o m a tic transmission,
hiPeefivtheamfaieldta. gn71.1s3Jandlini103tilse1 Malcolm MacDonald, Gary MIROala tires, Drive this
one more than Kris Gulens, Redman, Steve. Benning, 2
Pat Rowe rounded out the Jack Montgomery "t beauty, ' •
a. e , oeen ,
Friany, ..11'arch IS—in Ingersoll
T-1 xtr
times thLe year, have three when they meet the husky Sail• ilea_
well-balanced lines and five ors, and this could be the de- Tuesday, MeV'', 711-tnIningsexie,stoeirl
husky defensemen, However, termining factor in this seriet. 'friday. March 1
their big margin in most of , gonewing the three series, 3Vitivi"acie,ae jaagielosals-iint4xeresigiri
their wins has been the superh the tvinner of the "A" and "B" "itt" Series--Lucan vs, Deihl
play of Ed Lockheed, their groups will meet id a playoff Feidlir. mint 3-1n Lu„ri
goalie. for the Woodstock Sentinel Sunday, March 5 -In Delhi
The fernier Senior en" star trophee emblematic of league WeaneedaY. -March 5—In Delhi
supremacy: Due to the fact Friday, Na.rch 10 -in Liman
has allowed only 102 goals in
the aa games he has played, . Suodav March 12—In DeIbi
and has. been the stumbling
biock for the Tribe this sea.
Up front, the Mohawks rate
equally as high as the Mar.
!sande, and if the defense can
come up with some good .pro•
fere the B champs, the
dates for this series have not weeneeeay, march 1-1n Aylmer
Sunday, MarOli 5 -vin Pt. Dover
been ehosen. h 6 -in Aylmer
Praa'41,:Nl,ara'ilaxch 4—in 'Pt. Dover
The duration of The playoff t'' ..!
Frgley, Starch 10 -in Aylmer
will also be dependent upoa Sunday, marrh 12—In Pt, Dover
Lection in front of Ernie Little .
and Bill McCrea, The Tribe
surprise. Aylmer sniper tops .
could hand the alarlands a big
Combines favored ,
oom for tenth
bind, who ' finished in third t
The Lucan Ilderton Com•
spot in the league, tackle the
• tail end Delhi Rockets in a
best-of-seveit "B" seini • final,' At least two players the' honor was Ken Monture,of the • •
eihi. Rockets, who finished scoring %tell two points. Junior boys-Boh Schroeder.
j with the winners to meet iyie Southwestern OM proved that D
wearing a helmet doesri't slew , with 86 minutes in the sin. bin. The wieners jumped into a we. DenniS Mock, 61; Don
tner or Port Dover in the 16-11 half time lead .and out- We;rover, 25; Roger Cann, 21; 5 9
_ These
'59 Chevrolet
hosts 7.3 in a Janis Gulens, 20; Andy Ken- Chevrolet
111Pereoll's average best •
scored their
The Combines have found "1171erdr°srl'Cliattington ef the ,
group final.
second half,
The final standings prove scoring 1 yen, 4; Peter -Means, 3; Jim
. the Rockets cemparatively easy Aylmer imperials and Boom why
i this season and hold four wins Bona Gra vett, Exetee, _ paced sttch an easy time in winning
ingetsoll Malian& had Guarde stop St. Mary* oillinge, 2; Gerald Memel.;
aver the tobacco men. The their teams in the scoring race, the group championship,
The The SHDHS junior euards Neil *McAllister; Bob Rowan.
Senior girls - *lens Gulens,
Delhi squad managed a total with Chattingten talung the came uP with one of. therr best
Marianas • were the highest d• , f th ' h ldin 99; Diane R311111e, 73; pat
of 148 goals during their reg- league honors,
of the* hosts to a mere six Rowe, 55: Earh Hodgsell- en:
scoring Learn with a. total car condition.
, pont s in tem game, W11 e e . ,*
, . ur- allowed their opposition only , forwards were dumping in ae, lee , Cathy Hodgins; Ann Gray-
ing leader of the game; hoop- ges•Beety Dixon; Donna Bryd-
get past theixe. mg, the schedule and picked IIP 102, the best goals -against reel
This weak net play could assists on 47 of his teem mates' ord in the league, Xandra Eusche wag the seer- er:
epell their defeat, as the Coin- pals to cop the laurels, threee 1 5 8. Oldsmobile
'Custom radio, chrome
discs, two-tone finish, new=
• tiler seaeon play, but their goal, The Aylmer arena manager 246 goals, tvhile Ed LOckhead t ti • - Carole Hogarth, 8; Sheryl M-
a tenders have allowed 244 to blinked the light 31 times d
hines have; several prolific points aehead of Port Dover's the only other team to score 1 lens stood second with nine,;
The • Aylmer Imperials were ing 12 big points, Ausrna Gu- '
scorers and are extremely dan- DOug Loveday.
mere goals than they allowed ' •
gerous around the 'net.
Atoms clip
Hawks 7-6
s pick,e up 189 while 163' Marjorie Maefee contributed 1
can be thankful the Exeter , were'r counted against them, 1 eighL and seven respectively, 1
Mohawks nester played a com-i ,,, ,, .,.., The • guards a I 1 e sti 0 d St.1
plete schedule. .because Gra-
appeared a aperneta'recynt,voeih.': tInnOnirinwdosnrinesill.' .
1 Marys four points in the first
hgoalilleeysesotrood , quarter, two in the third, and
vett averaged 5 higher out.
P 1" s7cnottincing 1. vitAh
in his 10 games. The shifty
right winger dumped in 23 they 'allowed 232 against them.
ed,1 held them scoreless in the sec-
t ond and fourth.
goals and helped on 31 others
;net= of having t 1 1 ' in I "
to pick up 54 points and fin- t• •
Sera fiord Atoms evened their h 1 e most
ish in a three-way tie for tenth 1
Hawks, Saturday, edging ui w re r A es ettleteele,,,,,,,,,,m,,,,, ttttt litillift1111111111111$114
.1.e stock Junior "B" ace, made , FINAL STANOINS
a determined bid to catch 1
Exeter squad 7-6 in Watford. ersoll . ....... ...- BA 3 2.2.3 102 74
Chattington, but fell three .1ng
Exeter overcame a 4-2 lead
However, Delhi took the dis• g inish offt
goals go he on them with a 1 After losing '11first
round-robin playoff series re-
Loveday, the former Wood- total of 244. games,Lite SHDHS Panthets
ti lellfour
cord with the Exeter Junior
in the third period to battle PROPANE
points short. The husky winger .„, 11 11$ 123 36
13 14 169 163 46
was the leading goal scorer
the Atoms goal for opal in the Exeter
12 115 134 32
in the league with- 43. The two' Port Dover 12 20 312 232 32
final stanza, bttt Rik Brown's
goal in the late minutes pro- players were only two points Deihl 24144 244 16
apart when they met in the ; LEADING SCORERS
vided the margin of victory final game in Port Dover, Sun.!
The Hawk,s, free-whe
e mg •
day, but Chattington came 1117 'C'hattington (Ai 4-4i)1 7r3.
for the homesters.
; squad, had lcloifficoulty,maadjusting
tem psggooaail. and an assist white t•evadeer (PD) 43 32 75 ix
ford ice surface. ancl were bet- One interesting point in the Garand
B idwell M
tied up in their own end by the
strong fore -checking of the , ,sahatioe arn
, . Loveday had to settle for a 1.11°1wmath 6'15) 11 4d. "
Rardner (PD) 35 33 ss 21
3232 -
21 33 63 30
29 an 53 23
24 1" 56 22
23 9133 15
23 2.1 54, 2,
26 2; 54 15
•Mutruniry MID) 13 41 61 10
• • .sei Glees -eft (t)
1 Besides providing the win- el • teeke
1 ning goal, Brown dumped in
another pair to pace the. Wat-
ford attack with. a hal-trick.
.eack McVicar notched a pair
and Harold Swan Red Bob
NVhite added singletons.
Whitey Illingworth was the
main cog in the Exeter cause,
scoring four of his team's
eieals. Lloyd Moore and Cy
Blorrimaert picked up single
markers. The three snipers,
playing on Exeter's first line,
came up with several neat
passing plays, with Illingworth
potting his mates' passes.
Watford jumped int() e 2-0
lead in the first period on goals
bY Retell aerl Mee/leer, but
Exeter eame back to cut the
lead lo 3-2 in the Middle sten. 'e•
za. le the third period, the
game WAS tied un twice he.
fore Wetford notched the wins
Hawks nkid wbi
The Exeter junior Hawks
need one win in their remain.
ing, two gaities with Strathroy
to be assured of a epot in the eeeeteg rao was that e,orj
final round ot their shamrock Dever, the fourth place team
ex series. in the league pieced five men
0 Top Mohawk sniper
Viotti Scoring)
(4 P Pitt.
Boom „Grasett 23 31.34 2
Don Beattie .... 22 12 41 5
28 27 16
Stan Ulrich
L arry 142 2141 2246 122
Tied Log.der
14111 'Me1%1d 14 22 2
TosAy Dlinharti . , -2 12 21 4
Charlie Ilreatrnart 6 12 A
Dick Bedard , 2 12 32
Llovcl 6 2 2
:57tirray- :FitaChar 2 7 2 23
Whitey TIIIngreorth 3 3
.11in .RueSell 3 2 5 10
Mr,Dona1d ..... 11 It 12 207
TZ.eltb Sterthe.n.s
Linn Btlifritge11 ..... A 2, 2 6
13111 -AteCCOA, A A 4
Erni* 71.01-ftle .......... A 6 A
1-UOAN-.1(1.,FOrnE4111,76oNertiCir EINES
G fs
Stu ,O'Neil 12 8/ 44 4
Tem Collings 21.22 42 24
StoreY 3 1621 4
" 1" '4 2*
Butch 11"a11
Doo tirlleholt
34 137 '11i .. .noimminnIninionimonnommoilionimoinouniomminommillionomilome
Max DiNcti
'961) ' Ileffier ; 176 1;
...1kIrry.Lr'Til'itOrrtP51211, . 1 1, 21.?
2 II 4 6
2 6 13 , - ........ .
geo 1.,Oft
1 6
p LA
111 :
The locals hAve WOO One aIld let tho top 12, ,j,nie Heeings. BalIvrrYterlievetistelt°t
Phone 156 Grand Bend
Friday, Mar, 3
8:30 pan,
Witch The Kids Go:
Golf School
Those interested in golf instruction (no age limit)
starting about the middle of March, should fill out
the foam below and mail it as soon as possible.
Address ?hams No.
SEND TO; tteter Recreation Conimittee
PO Box 1346, rixeter
However. the Aylmer sniper The • - Yvette -Dianne McKenzie and ,
Automa tic transinisaion,
radio. power brakes, white-
wall tires.
'58 Vauxhall
Good condition, 55 to 40
miles per gallon.
'57 *Chevrolet
Special two-tone finish,
22,000 actual Miles,
'57 Chevrolet
Two-tone finish, runs like
new one.,
'55 Chevrolet
• a
Custom radio, rear seat
speaker, automatic trans-
'55 Ford
Radio, two-tone11 finish,
1 clean inside and out,
loet one, while Wetford have worth ILT t Gardner nailed
finiShed their schedule , in the down the third and fourth
3 Exete
three - team round - rebut with epots, while Doug Walton StOnd r juvs tie
one win m aad a tie four sixth and Walt mummery W3
games. 11 Strathroy and Exe• in the tie or teeth.
OitrilY enough, the (tont run- in Sharnrock tilt
t ter split their remaiaing games,
agaieSt each other, the ff would rang ingeraoil Martalids hart
Iiiet ill. (he filial h°4'°f`th"e , only Iwo th tht4, rlitififigt, aa- elici Oakridge Adire,1 I itiveatilitaial
HOwe,ver, If Strethrny win ahishao 8.0eOtd, Darhi :man , ;
Itilte!thougettitidasittlithe fuilltaba;ras orayill i ttliv: itteitim14,/isiod,ertwo•hrilit enotlitat alisit. J,..47,11i 0, iii it i5itu tre:gi rsterolii.a.:..41:4:4 indrti6:
liii,, teaint toot ni. mxotri, tytvle the
....... • • • 1. . - 0 1-- ej with Eketer, IS et ne „
' Den Cann 5e0red at the t tO6
ilitit°141j3f14‘ Daktila: 1-S.,TTANgit)INA:g i it:lid?, twopinngtecil thfeor" the Mar-
Itiod tO Shoot the honteetets hito
6 I nal" 8"171et'. the be8P°('" Jhute Mark Or( tile A1101 Pe° ,
Watifiad , a .. 1 g 1 22 30 3, utek in P.eitaltiee. 'I'abliAed eillii.emetsn't tOd161tand tbit91)8hoebh '.1141.bice'alkT116614
Stratitehy . . , 1 a f la 11 -4.1 hCillOrt With en even 160 111I11.
1 1 .0 17 12 21 rivet /Or ilia t ather duhintls $;4106[1t, t11,00thtiiiiiilgtixto!tenli'arnk8,4
.. .. . near it , ,
br their pla'stofft and ir the,' want toget out ' d C4fin *at 116' 166611 8861.6.t
aee good hOtkeyf thei. should etiOd.;:t6 86011 when forals14rjfetr6f'ffitti-tkhaglateltTk. 1111Z.
111eile ,filetorltd8 4,kg playing their next gate, All other -*fidget elate RIOk 136y16,
theta leanla ate trying td bring horns area Or Oil- seered, The ether gOal, .
0' Fee 04ktiage, Phihott, CH),
tar15 liblibta and iliotild g6t the suppOtt they di,
terve, gm, ()won atid Olar A scored E.
seriee. 1 tile Aylmer' linnet -tale, teeted goal
eSS a
(Second Gerrit of Bee -of -Seven Series)
arch 7
8:50 p,m,
'53 Pontiac
adio, two.tone flnish, See.
this one.
.0ET*Otitt .PkiCES
i aig\I 61,1% fif4V6?
Plibiitt 1'06' gxotett