The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-23, Page 14
Urg•e "reg', Arena
reconsider co
Town council Monday night .Councillor Ross Taylor, a
1•eciuested the reca•,eation Vent- member of both the committee
mittee to meet with the con and ,the board, reported that
ntunity centres board to hives, Chairman ' A, G. Hicks .had
tigate. the possibility of. hiring said the centres board is •"of
one person fo serve as reeve- ,open minds," They would be
atlon director and arena. inert -
Councll also urged the two
bodies to consider other ways
.of reducing the combined costs
Of their .operations.
glad to discuss the. situation
he reported.
Regardless of what happened
at a joint meeting, said Dep-
uty.Reeve Fisher, the com-
mittee wants a recreation di -
le doing so, council tabled rector. 'Phis is afihaL the govt
a request from the recreation r'eptesentative bad advised, `
committee for permission to too .He pointed out that the
employ another fleeter/le di. community programs branch
rector to succeed. Larry Hei- regulations required .a three-
dem'an who resigned in .Janu•, for :to 'have at least„ a grade,
dry, 12 education and the commit-'
1'he request came in the tee felt it could employ a
foram of an application for a young elan for the job at :a
grana of $3,800 from the come
salary :of $3,600.
rnittee, The amount. included Simmons pointed out.that. the
$2,400 toward a director's sal- town had provided funds for
full•time director last fall
on a "trial basis" only, Now
that the director had resigned,
he felt council' should investi-
gate the situation before a.n-
gghty-Eighth Ye,ir
e Exeer �,imes-abvocafe
Prico Per Copy 10 Cants
ary of $3,600, The remaining
third would be paid by the On-
tario gov't,
The request ,prompted near-
ly an hour-long debate which
covered a wide range of the of er man is tureq.
operations of both the arena Reeve Mcjfenzie questioned
Anct the recreation program, the value of the university
Councillor. Si Simmons pies- course which the directors are
sed. for consideration of doral- required to take.
gamation of the recreation and "ft's a must," replied Tay -
community entree operations 1°r•• "You can't have a direc-
over considerable objection un -
unless he takes the course,
til it was indicated he had Che govt nuts millions of dol.
Jars into the program — they
roust think we benefit by it,"
Simmons acknowledged the
town should have a recreation
Mayor Pooley said, he was 'director and he also felt it
convinced "you'll. never get should have a promoter at th.e
arena, He suggested the right"
the two boards working
t0 ; T ye ;:Y a x'"s.. '.' y:. #•s
ether again, Tl ere' n t ; man could do both jobs,
I g t e s been en Pooley. "I think if there'sCAN'T
much controversy betH'een WAIT FOR EASTER — Well prepared for the
them,'! � any paring down to be done, .p
The mayor also said he .felt it should be done by the 'een Easter parade is Mrs. Bill Sturdevant, Grand Bend,
same strong support from the
other members. The vote for
a joint meeting appeared un-
t Canadian Canners
Goderich firm to get
the recreation program was,' tees board. He said the board crowned with. a variety of new. .spring hats, Unfortun-
a e they're not all' hers. T.he Handsome chapeaux. are
because "our children are length of time the arena is y' y }
more essential than seweragea man only for the t i tl
e should hire
most important of all." open, as Hens -all does, lust a few.of the colorful models made by ladies at the ; cbinery is Argentina, The need C of �,, I for cabinet approval of the
Reeve pMeKenzie maintained 1 "I don't think it's possible workshop sponsored by Grand Bend Women's Institute contract indicates it is being
corners must be cut in both to -get the two bodies working this week, -'C A photo handled through the export
the rrograni and the are -"together, There hasn't been
na aperattrrn. "We must take harmony between them for , .
out the frills," i some time, the mayor con- •
tended. j
Time to reconsider? i Fisher: "There has •always
Scouts.rnarkCouncil) r Si m been harmony. The n 1'
Councillor Simmons openedn ly ciffi
the debate by asking if the culty has been in handling the
two bodies had held a joint finances — it all boils down •
meeting, "Now that, the rec to money." • .
director has resigned, wouldn't. McKenzie contended there is
g recon ear
it be a good time to get every- less recreation activity to the ' 1
thing under one roof?" . i town now than there was 10; It was the hi„gest hh' hclay •were ' awa•.rded la tri' ed the group to keep work arta I�tcl.. Hetnsall, which last
Deputy -Reeve Fisher, a rec years ago. Taylor replied ])avid in om C ucle Prat;te. ing and "don't sit hack on year built prototypes of facto -
member, said the there's at least three times as celebration Yet for Exeter :Boy H t r , Gordon Page
and Barr Barnham your laurels,” re -built homes forthe RCAF.
Scouts and Cub y
million contracf?
Although there's still no of- has not been officially signed
ficial word, that $5,000,000 con -- I cannot disclose any de
tract coming to Huron county i tails until it is, 1 expected the
through the federal govern- deal would have gone through
ment likely involves road , ma- several days ago but there has
cbinery being purchased by a been no word. yet."
South American country, At PC meeting
The '1'-A learned this week The MP raised conjecture
that Dominion Road Machin- Saturday when he revealed a
ere Co„ Goderich, has been
Hu -
working on such a contract $5,000,000 contract for a Il:u-
through the Export Credits In. ion caunty firm was pending.
suranee Corporation, a crown lie made the announcement at
company the Huron PC annurmeeting
in Clinton,.
Wednesday, however; Huron; Mr, Cardiff said the contract
MP Elston Cardiff said he would mean "considerable em-
could not confirm or deny the ployment" for Huron.
connection. Contacted at OL•; The T A learned from an
:awa, he said: "The contract i other source that the country
negotiating for the ••cad ma•
service rep ca •npanydas cow corporation, insures Tana-
Mr, l., D, Irwin, service rep- dian firms against non-pay-
rreentative for the Ontario and ment by foreign buyers arts -
Canadian Chamber. of Corn- ing out of credit and political
nnerc•e, told the members of risks involved in foreign trade.
the Grand Bend and Area Not General Coach
Chamber of Commerce, Mon-
day, he was "very impressed At first, some observers fig-
e•ith the accomplishments you tired the contract was going to
he%e made in the past," but General Coach Works of Can -
committee ,.had sough) a iornt, much. s' I M1li, Irwin painted out the Manager William Smith re=
meetine but no action had Councillor Farrow contended They marked Lord). Baden- impressive ceremony •
roam able s Edell Canada veiled the mobile home firm
been taken. "From all. we can the council has never received Powell's anniversary :in the The awards were presented t.ocla� and told the rrou that is submitting a bid Li a gov't
gather, they want to remain a full report yet on recrea way the founder of the move- by • the . leaders during an out- the Chanmber of Commerce "Ls project involving 360 homes
separate," he said, I —Please turn to page 3' ment would have appreciated line of the history and organ- the beat 'group to face up to but said tenders will not be
Continuing its modernization program which
began in earnest two years ago, Canadian Canners
Ltd., is rebuilding its peaprocessing line at the
local plant,
and in which grading is done
The company has a staff of 50, a record
number for. this time of year, working on the
Portions of the line through 1
which empty cans are.handled
' •
are being given an extensive Pre-ni i
Don Graham Indic-
at.ed this year's program in-
eludes "more developmente
to estimate the cost of its 1961 ( �t
„ A
work than last a ear, the
of which was placed at C, A. McDowell and Co„
575,000. The company declined 1 Centralia, plan to establish a
plansvalue, pre -mix concrete plant on the
1ite of the former municipal.
Mr. Graham said the renown- dump ground on No, 83 high -
tions will not only increase . way.
production capacity but will Mr. McDowell said this week
also - enable more economical f machinery for the operation
processing, ihas been purchased and'he
The manager revealed no de- expects to have the plant in,
cision has been made yet on operation by early May.
the amount of acreage the It will involve an investment
company will contract for this' of about $50,000, he estimated.
year. Contracting will not be- There is no extensive build -
gin until prices have been ; ing connected with the opera-
negotiated with the marketing tion, Concrete is mixed in the
board. Talks between the Pro': trucks which •transport it to
cessors and producers are the pouring site,
under way. I Town council has granted
an option of the dump ground.
1 on the condition that the plant
Cly reviews be mer.
put in operation this sum'
Several firms, planning si-
r, e c o r dcu y ' a , ssoperations, have d o -
cussed purchase, of the pro-
perty with council, which put.
When Exeter Credit Union, a. price of $500 on the land,
holds its annual meeting in 1 The option was arranged by
Trivitt parish hall. F r I d a Y 1 M. J. Geiser, of W. H. Hodg-
night, the board of managers' son Ltd, -
will recommend a dividend of
between re and '3-1/2% sav-P
ings during 1960.
most—the presentation of a ization of. Scouts given by S'lt the problems we are now lac- opened for several weeks. The recommendation w a s S 1 i l I pro
record number. of awards to Ralph Sweitzer, The hall. was ing " contained in a financial state-
service members of. their record -size darkened for the impressive ment mailed to members last,
DeitiXe troops ands He explained. that there were
The .Scout Week celebration wereusedto :feature: shet:pre- 865 affiliated of the Chamber Mark da `week.
ile union, whinh now has!
of Commerce and called them
took the form of a father. -and• septations, �, 480 members and 241 borrow -1
"cells of democracy. We
• son banquet Wednesday ,night Leaders who ,awarded ,the have a responsibility to •make W..i th011 accident ens, had the busiest year in Town council epmmittee in
�/ in the legion hall. .gyer ,300 badges included Miss Jean' its history, vesttgatrng ambulance service
were resent. sure our freedoms will cond..
Yie' `A/ p 1a,ylo Miss: R,eedev - Longest accident -free stretch' Loans to members -reached has reached no decision• yet,
. y'f� i•s liue; he pointed out.Reeve McKenzie The presentations included Mrs. Harold Hinton, Mr. and': in. the Local. OPP detachment's an all-time high of $102,717 and a reported Mon-
, Queen Scout badges (in Mrs. Harold Sissons and James) 1VIr,. Ir•Gvin urged the mem recent history came to an end members' share savings in- day night. •
Exeter was kicked around by Garbage collection service in exceed sixty pounds, and which many communities- the present- G,Iaab, Cubs; John Hendrick, bers to set up a definite work earl ,
shall not be filled to a greater atfon of onesuch 'ba e an Doug Barris n BobHarvey,schedule for the future, sures- . 3 luesctay evening when a' creased from $58,000 to $84,-1 "1 think if we want ambul-
council again Monday night r height than. within two inches a dg is i, ailment, ob sing`the fact that "work is the pickup crashed into the ditch 000, ante service there udll have t°
outstanding htehhght), 2]: class David Boyle, Joseph Wooden beside No. 4 highway three Undivided earnings for the` be a lot more investigation,
yr the top", l awards and nitre than 50 pro- and Ralph Sweitzer, Scouts. lifeblood of a Chamber of miles south o.f• Exeter. year totalled $2,320.15. he said, after reporting the
Householders are required to ficiency badges! While the hall as still in; Commerce (`
, It was the first reportable . committee has , already had
strain and wrap and tie all I ghat better evidence of the dankness; the ceremony came :. Following -his ,short address, accident (i.e. in which property two meetings. Nn doubt it will
table and kitchen waste rn strength of the thriving Scout to a climax with the ushering nir, Irwin conducted a seminar damage exceeds $100) for the . STAGE ART SHOW cost th.e town some money,"
paper and to deposit such movement here? in of a large birthday cake, and broke the meeting into detachment since January 31—; Members of the recreation Be wondered if there might'.
I The 13 leaders, who operate aglow with lighted candles, ;four discussion groups Lo cone a little over 20 days.• art class to Exeter will. present not be some way to provide
two Cub packs, two Scoutt A. J. Sweitzer, chairman of up with suggested work pro Orville Ford, 45, RR 1 Hay, their paintings for public view• the service through. a civil. de-
sand a Rover Crew with E the group committee,esi led ! leets, budgets, means o.f• at• said faulty steering caused the ing in the library base.nent fence organization.
p gpresided c tarmng more members and ger vehicle to yeti sharply into rhe' this Monday night from 8:30
a total enrolment of 170, and for the program• neral business for Chambers. The mayorreported the nied-
:.: Y: the recipients of the awards Guest speaker, Constable 41 ; cast dil:ch: Ile teas accomman- to 1.0. i the 1 real ass'n had expressed its
sir were accorded hearty congiat- IIardie of Goderieh OPT' de -i V i s i 10 r s from interested red by Ernest: Willard. RR ]. i The art show culminates
ulations for the remarkable :tachment, described how Scouts; groups in Zurich, Dashwood Centralia. Neither occupant was season's activities for the 22 desire for a properly -operated
achievement. ' and their parents could help and Stephen also attended the injured, according to PC D. members of the class, which service.
Awards aplenty prevent traffic accidents. 1 meeting. I M. Westover. 1 was organized in the fall 'To change streets.
Queen Scout. badges went to
i xv,
Scouts Ted Wilson and George
Godbolt and Rovers Gary Wed- .�i#.., �,.•.SFc Fn greet therm
lake, Fred Sanders and Barry rr�
Grainger. Gary Wedlake also
received his Bushman's Thong
and it was deposited right back
in the sanitation committee's
Chairman Claude. Farrow,
pointing out. that the 1947 gar-
bage bylaw was . now being parcels in the receptacle.
violated flagrantly, asked coun-
cil if it wished the committee
to enforce the original: regula-
tions or amend the bylaw to
cover the service now 'being
Council asked the committee
to bring in recommendations.
Councillor Farrow said he
was surprised, after studying
the bylaw, to learn how much
more extensive the garbage
collection service is now ,, than
was ever intended.
1•le, himself, was one of the
many offenders who put out
improper refuse for collection
and used improper containers,
he admitted.
A number of stores are re
eeiving twice -a -week service,
to which they are not entitled,
he said.
Trade .waste, cardboard
boxes, automobile parts and
other materials which the town
is not obliged to handle are
being put out regularly for
collection, he pointed out.
for proficiency in camping and •
fi u KG ees
woodmanship and George God=
3 v.
bolt won his '.B' cord for. earn-
12 proficiency badges,;.
First etas' b a d g e e were i u
awarded to Neil. Hamilton and
Bob Higgins, who also receiv-
b4embers of Crediton United i ever, a few more Items would •
ed 'A' cords for having passed Church are all set to welcome, be helpful if area residents
six proficiency tests, their refuggee family from' can spare them.
John . Pryde, Paul Meson and. Czechoslovakia to -ft -1%1;1,4i Some of the articles which
Bryan Baynham won their sec- The 'family, eels. and Ars. the :family could use are end
and class insignia. Radomir efaks.imovic and two tables, chests of drawers,
FIRST VISIT — AVM H. M. Five Cubs got their leaping boys, are expected to airs 1 chair's, mirrors, pails, broom,
Outstanding servicemop eta. Donors
Carscallen, recently appointed wolf: badge, unclicabng their he plane- At London airport. dust pan,
"The service this department air officer comtnandin train, graduation to Scouts. They Thursday afternoon, A group, should contact Rev. R. S.
has been rendering has been ing command, _.aid his first were Richard Frayne, Don of the Crediton eongre atior, Hiltz, Exeter; Mrs. Beth Atte
outstanding," F a r r o w said. visit to Centralia Wednesday Wolfe, Doug Beavers, Ron bur will be there to meet then, field, Crediton or the Credi•
"The citizens have been happy and Thursday. .11, was an in- and and Doug Taylor•. along with an interpreter. ;ton WA committee of Mrs.:
with it. They should be because formal visit, during which the Receiving their second star The mother, a TB patient, !SamKing and Mrs, Cliff Ken-
it's a deluxe service which AVM was briefed on station were Cubs Don Camphell and will. be taken to Beck Sanito ny.
never was intended when the activities. . Jeff Carroll ' and first stars rirlm, London, for treatment Anti•communtsts
bylaw was drawn up." and observation, The father
hhe chairman. brought the
and' Live sons will set un hause•J lniniigr'ation authorities des...
question up as Part of his conn- e • lceeptrig in the hone the Cre• cribed the parents as a "nice,
mittee's investigation into eta- dtton church is providing. ,young couple" both 23, `['heir
ting costs ea garbage collet- Pa s trl,l lite to hard i f ' sons are Dragon, five, and za
y E or the congregation, ,herr
tion. He felt council should arrival will markthe end of ran, two,
give some • direction. ' • e' negotiations since the,r' voted The fvither, a carpenter, de-
Lo sponsor the family,.1'hc tided to get his family out of
"The present policies have far part ►n neer a b�11
been in effect fora number of Maksiimo'vics were first 'h Yugoslavia when fa was o ureo-
years. The people of Exeter petted in September but their ; Ivied with arrest it he did not'
have become accustomed to It's everyone's .job to help schools. entry has been delayed fol join the Communist. party, Ile
f -•c e for correct present, unemployment Technology and automation health reasons. , liacl served two years in mill
this deluge smvice far some
+ bylaw problems,_ Huron MP Elston have brought about. a great ''1'he family is earl, of a thirdi Lary service, during which
tune, To enforce the m} la v
ld be a fairly drastic Cardiff advised Saturday et the change in tcxlays world. Tlie group' of appeoxiuiately 1141 time he steadfastly refused, to
dialled. We would like sone annual Huron PC meeting in , figures On technical training tubercular refugees with their .heroine a member,
c" e Gnclrrich. , tri • Canada are .fantastic, he clependerits under the special , By! Irmo and bus, tine tam•'
wi.ection as to whetheryouMt. Cardiff said: "We have said, adding that there are immigration • schemes under.' ily travelled to the boundary,;
wish us to enforce the Bylaw a lot who won't work as leas than 10,000 Canadians note then across the boder ille,al-
o.`'. 'amend, it."long i taken as one of Canada's eon, .
Mayor Pooley noted that as they can collect unemploY•�studying at technical schools, tributioms to World Refugee tyr by foot into Italy.
Annie of the stoi+es which were ment mstu once. There .should Pension boosts Year, 1 Since May, 1958, they have
•. `vitil t.tvi era=....eelc erviee be Soh) way that we could find, 6 • �,•Under the scheme, pravin- been in At least seven Italian
i eeeit m_ ce iv s R ai 1 the 20 per cent
had paid for it at one time „ , penewe mere yg
but are no longer contrihnting, fully. f disabled voter dna eli Best Proved ho pttalization and Refoi e been, canset ipted,
]ie felt some extra charge o
should he made. •
Cheaper, perhaps?
out; who is drawing It rinlaw•' 'ea frt1"• ase recent1 made tial authorities have agreed to' iefttgee eampa.-
The ane'm loyment
Problem •' treathient facilities, the fide- • the man was An instructor
Was not as ggreat Al had been sand fhe fedetal govetnincnt is Tal goy"t bears costs of trans iounei' in a .. blind persons'
constantly henna ciitfcfze_ fol and in thus case,
Thet MPweegiven' b` ..,, the tCreditoi congregation ora. airec sio>r nie ife, n1art,aa, is a
r teH Huron n living away too much money, eliank and 'ballet.
credit for playing an iniportant.; Please titin to page 3 vides , aecoramodatton land dancer.
part, in the introduction of the i.:, :,.... ,:V..,.1,:«4' .... R. .A,,A;.,.'J) maintenance of the A ronort ot1 the couple
new agricultural bill to rode• until the flintily is established, r states they are "strong anti-
velop marginal lands, The t i. d . t `eorntnuntsts, boli vei'y anxi•
Lfirie )lodge, chairman nt where :they earn eeert A how
Even though time (own Was
;going beyond the. service first,
intended, Clerk Pickard 'tvon-
der•ed if it wasn't cheaper for
the ratepayer in the long run,
Ile suggested it might cost
the householders Toone money if
they had to dispo0 of the re•
Rise which should: not be col=
looted, according to the bylaw.
'Councillor Bailey 'suggested
the committee would have to
rise "a lot of common sense",
Among the provisions in the
bylaw is that if any,stor•e re•
ouires more :frequent removal
than Once a week, the st.o'e it
eelf must make the Additional
All get h .4o rolls( be put Out
In vat ..i "l� n.i err
er, tf Metal- eo la n
e1,0'1tir deal]li t "lint to
bute came feeni Charles A.
Best, Halle* MP, who wee says , „
hest speaker at the the eliitrch eonmitte00, life. working peacefully.
g The )bill said Mr, Best, i ,s e g . of
mild assns{. low intoriie "farm:
P farm 'of Gerald Schenk eii0
servation iojePts across the Annouieements 15° I
Whin "it Will take trine 10 Church Notices I$.' Half mile north of C,rcdtton'.
`inn lenient the Will.
but 11 has ,. 1,0 several dayt,_..ladies of L POSTPONES TRIP
p 1 1: he Coning Events 15.-
1the church have been cleaning! On fhe eve of Me, acid Mrs,
the potential le -strike a L Editorials ...,
very,roofs . of our a tietlttttral and preparing the House tot' Otte! .Brawn's intended dollar•
• g Farm News .... . '4
problem," he stated,
p ,
y or arrival g
bas- to enii�rale to C`oriaila
Where to
�[[. �`�` everythnig is nt reasonably . hanl to !h enerosit �
iv T 111 [� l,� good order" Mr the family, 'Ci!edit ins IJC ttongregatioi,
areas and ettond wafer coil•will live in 4 house ail the their area -lie eeMine true.
the, speaker touched tin lite.
measures Stfel as winter ttror'11s
pl'tiJeetS And Aid 'to te011111051 r
ocee atie r, Beds bye been titre for h`IOt'•i,'l last Wearied
Feniinnie I�bcfs
P 4
t . . ftro l .., itc -
t nomploynient p bent a l
Went A4 -
12, "t 3
yy14,y ``I5Y
4; S".;o
. "t 1
At the request of Canadian
Canners Ltd., the town has
agreed to close a portion of
one street and extend another,
Roads Chairman Fisher re-
commended closing Nelson St.
from Carling west to Marl-
borough and the extension of
roaayMarlborough rough some 500 fee
north et Wellington. Foru some
165 feet, the town should as-
sume the entire cost, he said;
for the remainder, expenses
should be shared. •
Council 'adopted. the report
and, requested the engineer to
prepare specifications.
set up frirnitui c ntoverf i e They Are oxpectod to tosoli
, ,..-,_.N, (-,.,,., ..t n,;v - t , r
Ot1>ci futmshrn,,s provided, pholitc ane] suffered a 1ir01e IC and ,11e1t' tct`tS 5011Sp 1�I+a�a.11 and ;CII"ti'Il� Iit� rl� eett?tt d04.i iii tlmts aftrtttoom drill
The con ro �ottatr s a teals nose and arm. She leas btlC:fi a ""' , q
g g Pl ItI arrive by plane 11I ,r�1i' 1 start .t, droll- ltl itrsC. liclotir ttie fri~o;;il5�
"t t�Iili Thursday 5d� td SEar i E new
r dnnattori of Artnetes fleet, pattfinL n Sulo llttroY( bi0slir _. , ,,. ..� clueing
nd 12EPUG t: Aivtlti� 111`. and
New revision court
Because so many members
• , of councilare shareholders. in
Exeter Curling Club, council.
had to appoint two non-mem-
bers to a new court of revision
to consider the club's appeal
against, its assessment.
The near court includes Reeve
eicKenzie, Councillors Musser
and Delbridge, Eugene :Beaver
and Len McKnight. It will con-
sider the appeal Monday, Mar.
In other business, council:
Gave Mayor Pooley perniis-
sion to arrange a special meet-
ing '10 inaugurate the planning
board to which members of
' council and the industrial pro-
motion corp'n will he invited:
Requested 1 -lay and Stephen
eolincfls to 'meet with town of-
ficials to discuss an area fire
protection program:
Learned no gov't* grant is
.said toward the ptrt'chaSe of
fire equipment:
Granted building permits' to
?,Ire. Flornce Gould, for reno-
vation of lier home on ClidIey
"t., and to Rawlins Constr•ue-
f'on Co. Ltd., Aylmer, for cnri-
.tr•ttetion of the $75,000 govt
liquor store.
To continue mild
through weekend
Tlie m i 1 d et' temperatures
which 'loved into the area fol-
lowing last weekend's heavy
Tog, are expected to t'eniain
until at least itlrnizlay, aeeo d•
ing fo the :five day forecast at.
the mat section at" ttCAP :Star
hien Centralia,
Telnper.atures are eilieeted
to Avenge about 16 'degrees
above noriii'al tlui'itig+ lirepc►-
l'S, ado t l' i� i;si les- . _
tt a da'y ilii s. ratvn fell kat lrer , l od. `II
. i o t
e a 1te1 i t Qe years ill Italian
' �. � a t 'fe1��eL� t`a11'l ae, ��te
triol with generous response, tat but noels to Weed lt4'tr.. li r A Mall ti;><i'Ittuttt it raft .lq
accordin to M , 1•lbrl $" '116W-1 thts
1' � u eelceitri.
1 S tJE1l1 (111St)l E r
d lJ� �;l CC�lttsfi UC '+roligl eiya11f111. r exi"teCted in fel id tifn Meat