The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-16, Page 14, ,•;
Page 14 February 16, 1961
'Phone BA 7-425e
Lions plan
blitz here
and district news Director Of Recreation
Last w e r k apparently A
slight "fauX Pas" developed
,.......)rs.nth regard to the new leather
tooling class which will start
in the LticaAticlitoritun on
Tuesday. Februray 21 under
the direction of Mrs. Gordon
NiC11015041. Registration, and
"`• a the selection of the article and
. pattern desired, should be
I .
D 1 I S made •by contacting airs. Nieh,
rea pu_ olson on or before Tuesday,
February 21 at 8 p.m. in the
Activities in HS show auditarinm.
We also mentioned that
correspendcent; Miss Una Abbott
President Clare S t a ri I e Anglican
chaired the regular Lions Club The Holy Trinity alen's Club
dinner meeting in the Anglican (with the assistance of a num-
church basement last Monday tier of ladies) stage.. another
night, successful oyster or nein stip-
Plans were made to visit per In the church basement
the North London Lions Club last Thursday evening. The
Some time in April and to chefs from Woodharn were back
visit the Blyth Club, where again and did a splendid job
Mr. Don Young (son of Air, in providing piping -hot, appe-
and Mrs. Alex Young) is presi- tizing oysters,
dent, some time in the near A special service of choral
uture. evensong for the First. Sunday
Plans were made for the reg- in Lent wilt be sung in Holy
War Red Cross blitz March 6, Trinity Church, Lucan, Sunday
and for another dance to be evening, February 19 by the
held in the Legion Hall, Feb. combined choirs of St. John's
24. Members were given tick- Church, Arva, and Holy Trin-
ets to sell for the dance. ity, Luean, at 7.30 pan,
The next meeting on Feb.allowing the service a sound
20 will be a brotherhood meet- , film "Man of Music" dealing
ing in conjunction with Na- with the life and works of Dr.
tional Brotherhood Week. The Healey Witten, Canada's fore -
guest speakers will be Father most composer of church mu -
Frank Bricklin of the Catholic sic, will be shown,
Church, Rev. Roland Harrell
of the P'entecostal Holiness United Church
Church, Rev, G. W. Sach a, Following the regular 11
the United Church and Rev, o'clocle service, an "apprecia-
E. 0. Lancaster of the Angli. tion dinner" was held in the
can. The meeting will be open church schoolroom ,vhen teach.
to the public at 7.30 p.m. , ers and officers of the church
! school, leaders of mid -week
f groups and members of the
Skaters present !senior choir were entertained
f by the WA.
euchre eveniI The guests were welcomed
ng 1 by the president Mrs. H. B.
Langford and superintendent
The committee of the Lucan
Figure SkatingMr. C. B. Culbert moved a Club sponsored vote of thanks to the WA.
a successful bridge, euchre and
dance at the Community
The Lucan-Clandeboye Hi C
morial Centre last Friday has been changed back to
night. YPU. They met in the Clande-
For the euchie, high score boye church Sunday evening
Prizes went to Mrs. Wilmer with the president Doug Thomp-
Scott and Mr. Clarence Mill- son in the chair and Marilyn
son; the low, Mrs, alert Cul.; Eaton leading in the worship
beet and Bruce Screaton and service.
lone hands, to Mr, Clarence Nancy Scott, owing to school
Millson ,
activities and studies, tender -
There was just one prize for ed her resignation as secre-
the bridge and it was won by tary, and Marilyn Culbert took
a .
Mr. Wesley Watson. over. .
A number of films were show
Clandeboye was lucky in cap-.
turmg both the draw on the led in a sing song.
cake and the -chicken door
prize, Mrs. Art Hodgins win- Pentecostal Holiness Church
ring the former and Mrs. ' An interesting young peo-
George Simpson. the latter. pies' meeting was held last
Janet Neil, daughter of Mr. Friday evening when the Rev..
and Mrs, Cecil Nell. who cele- Roland Harrell presented the
brated her ninth birthday Feb- skit, "The' Thief". Linda Cur-
ruary 15, made the draws. rie and Theresa Leadbetter
Charleton's Orchestra pro- sang a duet.
vided the mule fcr the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Harrell and
Funds will go towards Ice Re- , Mrs. Clayton Abbott sang a
vue scheduled for April 1. ; tie° and Paul Graham sang a
LOBA euchre solo.
At a euchre sponsored by ' At the 11 o'clock service
the LOBA in the lodge rooms Mrs. Ed putter sang a solo
here last Wednesday there accompanying herself on her
were seven tables in play. accordion.
The prize winners were': high f i
by Marilyn. Rev. G. W. Sach
score, Mrs, Bruce Morley and
Mr. Tom Coursey; lone hands,
Mrs. Lloyd Hern and Mr. Roy
Pepper and loy score. Mrs, Ar-
nold Lewis and Mr, Eric Hod-
The draw on the box of gro-
ceries went to Mrs. Oliver Jae
clues of Hensel
The next euchre which will
be sponsored by the LOL will
be held Wednesday evening
Feb 22 at the lodge rooms.
Library board
names officers
At the annual meeting of the
Lucan Library Board last, Wed-
nesday at the home of Mrs.
M. 0. Smith much of the time
was spent in discussing pos-
sibilities of securing a new
librarian to succeed the late
Mrs. Irene Coursey, who held
the office for the past 18 years.
Mrs, Coursey's daughter, Mrs,
Don' Downs, who has been as-
sistant, consented with the
help of Miss Lina Abbott, to
carry on for a month.
In the election of officers
chairman namel was Mrs, C.
H. George; treas' rer, ,T, H.
Cantelon; temporary librarian
And secretary, Mrs, Don
Downs; board members, Mrs.
T. A. Hodgins, Mrs, M. 0.
Smith, Messrs. Chas. Corbett,
Erle Haskett, ,loe Benn, Jack
Steacy and Ivan Hearn (reeve),
Coursey school euchre
Mrs, Harry Stokes and Mrs,
Harvey Hodgins were hostesses
for the severetable euchre at
the Coursey school last Friday
Prize winners included for
high score, Mrs, Chas. Hag-
gar and Mr. Tom Coursey; lone
lands, Mr, Eugene Stokes
(playing a lady's card) and
Mr, Wilson Hodgins; low score,
Aire. Guy Ryan and Mr. Ray.
mond Hitchcock.
The hostesses at the next
euchre Feb. 24 wilt be Mrs.
Charles Haggai- and Mrs. Har-
old Coursey.
School social evening
Last Friday night the teach-
er, Mrs, Heriry Green aM
pupils ot SS No, 2 BidcluIph,
staged a social evening in the
school. There was a good turn -
Out for nine (Ales of euchre
and three tables of crokinole.
The prizc winners kr ilia
euehre included, high gent,'
Mrs Greenlee and Mr,'
Harvey Latta; lone hands, •
Mrs. Lorne Barker and Mr,
Fred Culbert; low Motes Wirt,
henry Green arid Aft, James
• SigeWorth, The winner of the
bobby pried was Mr, of,
The proceeds a the evening
will go MO the tehtiol kind&
Historical events
Birr WI feature
Mrs. John Haskett was host-
ess for the Birr WI meeting.
Ro11 call was answered with
"Who lived in my house be-
fore me."
Donations were voted to the
National Foundation Fund and
to the public speaking compe-
tition at Prince Andrew Public
Members read the history of
the former school section SS
No. 5 London Township and
clippings of local historical
events. Mrs. Reynold Keifer
and Mrs. Spencer McLeod
were appointed delegates to the
leadership forum, sponsored by
the Middlesex Federation of
Agriculture in the Ilderton
Community Hall.
Mrs. Frank Liddell presided
for the meeting. Assistant
hostesses included Mrs. Otto
Daley and Mrs. Harold Hod-
Lions erect
new board
Thanks to the co-operation
and generosity of the Lions
Club, Lucan has a new bulletin'
board, which was placed on the
side of the Stanley block, fac-
ing the former Hub restaurant,
by the president Mr. Clare
Stanley and Mr, Les Wood
Ward,- last Seturday.
The board has a glassed -in
section to protect notices from
rain and snow, Anyone wishing
to use this section of the board
ean secure a key from the
president or Miss Lira Ab-
. . .
Lost Weight -
Fed Young Again
"T river realized bow much bets
ter wotild feel hy losing weight.
My weight had accumulated slow-
ly for the laat three years. T lied
continued to gain until I suddenly
realized I was becoming quite
large, I heard of the Naran :Nen
end have had wonderful results,
I have lost 25 poundsreeelly end
without having to starve."
A typewriter Weighs about tie
pounds, Lin one and imegine
what a sttaiii it woeld put en
your system if you were to carry
it around all day. Excess weight
is just such a etrein. Don't punish
yourself any longete–,there is ne
reatoe for continuing to be evee-
Weient tiniest; you cue tho lazy to
welk to the drug Store ask eor
the Neeert Plait The Neren Ptah
ie cold en a Shelley 'hatk eitarana
rangements were being made
The 11th a n n u al variety Inc the holding of e, co per
show, "Medway Meanders"
was presented by the staff and
students of Medway High
School last Thursday and Fri-
day evenings. A large enthes-
iastic crowd so, packed the
auditorium both nights that
Principal W. E. Kieser raid the
show may have to be extended
to a third night next year.
Lucan and district children
who helped on the program in-
cluded Iva Stanley (band),
girls' chorus, Barbara Ready,
Susan Seifred, Sharon Stanley,
Carol Stanley. Helm Van Bus-
sell, Dana Culbert, alarilyn
Culbert, Nancy Haskell, Jean
Lankin, Mary Mathers and lva
Boys' chorus and junior
band, 'Randy Paul; "North to
Alaska", Judy Basket.; "The
Sixteen", Marjorie Donaldson,
Ilene Donaldson, Judy Haskett,
Julie Clatworthy, Larry Lewis,
Carole Davis, Frank Egan,
Paul Steacy, Gerald Hamilton,
Gary Revington and Randy
tooling crafts class for t ose
who might be interested. Any-
one interested should call Mrs,
Murray Hodgins at. BA 7-4714
or contact myself at BA 7-4221
or BA 7-4401.
On Monday night, the Luean
Midgets earned the right to
meet the Mountsfield Midgets
in the first round of the Midget
"C" 0111}1A eliminations by de.
feeling the Ailsa. Craig Midgets
in the Lucan Arena by a score
of 8 to 4, This gave Lucan the
round by a score of 12 to 7.
This win also makes the Lis -
can Midgets their group charn-
In a very close hard played
game the Lucan Pee Wees
were eliminated from fiirther
OMHA competition by Belmont
who were the winners by a
3-2 score in the game played
on Tuesday evening, These
two teams had previously,
played to a 5-5 tie, thus Bel-
mont wins the round by a
score of 8.7. P'eter Butler was
Paul and make-up, Julia Croz- , the Lem marksman, assisted
ler. by David Lippert and Tom
Besides band and chorus Hardy, The Leprechauns will
numbers, two plays, "North to now have to concentrate on the
Alaska" and "The Dear De- Shamrock League and prep up
parted" a skit, dance num- for the Goderich tournaments.1
bers and trampoline acts made
The Lucan Bantams played
up the interesting program. their first game of a home -and -
The entire staff of the school home goals -to -count series with
was involved in some manner Mt. Brydges. They emerged
of organization or production. the winners on the Jong end of
Legion Auxiliary meeting an 8-1 score, Russ Kennedy
Auxiliary was held in the ide-
Lebaion led off with three goals, Paul
The meeting of the
Young with two and singles
gion Hall last Tuesday evening for Bob Hardy, Tom Shoebot- f
with the president, Mrs. A. E. tom and Brian Haskett. They
Reilly, in the chair.
play the second game in Glen -
It was announced that Zone coe on Saturday carrying with
Commander, Mrs. Fred Geed them a seven -goal lead. aa.
of Strathroy would attend the This Friday night at 8:30 in
March meeting. The mystery the Luean Arena, the Combines
prize was won by Mrs. Ernest are host to the Exeter Mo -
Ross. hawks. The Combines have
Lunch committee consisted been turning in a really credit -
of Mrs. Fat Crudge, Mrs, A. able brand of hockey lately
E. Reilly and Mrs. Charles and all hockey fans will view
Skolly. a fine evening of hockey.
Lucan personal items
The WI held a successful
bake sale in the Lucan Motor
Sales' room last Saturday.
Those in charge included Mrs.'
C. H. George, Mrs. Cecil Robb
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wise -
and Mrs. Harold Corbett.
man and Jean of Toronto and
Mr. and Mrs. George Stanley
of Georgetown were weekend,'
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-,
Bert Stanley. In their honor a
family gathering was held Sat-
urday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Me-'
Falls, Mrs, Fred Ford and Mr.I
Don Downs last Tuesday visit-
ed Mrs. McFalls' brother, Mr.
Chester • Sprowl at Kitchener
and found him very poorly.
Mr. C. P, Corbett is spending'
a few days this week attending
the Land Surveyors' annual
meeting in Windsor,
Suellen Leckie and friend
Susan Pratt of Kitchener were'
weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. M. 0. Smith and Mr. and
Mrs. George Leckie, Bill and
Jane were Sunday guests,
Mrs. Harvey Hodgins and
Mrs, ivtitchell Haskett, two
Alice St. neighbors are still!
seriously ill in St. Joseph's
and Victoria Hospital, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Colbert,
Cathie and Margaret of Sel-
kirk, Manitoba and Mr. and
Mrs. Cameron Colbert and son
Wayne of Ilderton were 'Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Brownlee.
Guests with Mr. and Mrs.
M. 0. Smith last Sunday were
Mr, and Mrs. Lynn Sawyer,
Petrolia, Mr. Rod Smith, Lon-
don and Mr. and Mrs. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Don Downs
and family and Mrs. Edgar
McFalls of Lucan also Mrs.
Merrill Edwards and family of
Fredericton took Mrs. Fred
Ford of Detroit home on Thurs-
day, remaining with Mr. and
Mrs. Ford and family until Fri-
day evening.
Mrs. Warner McRoberts of
the Dresden High School staff
took advantage of the mild
weekend weather to visit her,
home here. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hes-
se), of Sarnia, were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs, E. W.
Mrs. Lang DeCoursey of De-
troit, who attended the funeral
of the late Mrs. Irene Coursey,
spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs, Edgar McFalls,
Mr. and Mrs, R. K. Mont-
gomery and f am ily were
Thursday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Schlueter of Dray-
Miss Joan Hodgins of the
Kitchener. Public School staff
is recuperating at her home
here after an . attack of flu,
Her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Hodgins, went to Kitch-
ener to bring her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Chars.;
ley returned home on Sunday I
after a month's visit with rela-
tives and friends in Ottawa
and Sudbury.
Mrs. Arnold Morley received
word of the death of her cous-
in, Mr. Clarence S. Baker,
who died .Jan. 12 at Helena,
Montana. Mr, Baker's mother
was the former Nellie Shipley
of Granton.
The annual World Day of
Prayer service will be held at
3 p.m. Friday, Feb. 17 in the
Anglican Parish Hall, airs, J.
A, Graham, wife of a former
Pentecostal Holiness Church
here, will he the speaker,
CJandeboye. church
makes 5$ awa.rds
The Sunday School awards Of
the United Church have been
-given far th ,se qualified for
first year certiricates to Deb-
bie Milison and June Donald-
Second year seals, Suzanne
Bradley; third year, Helen
Simpson and Joan Donaldson;
fourth year, Laura Hodgins,
Patricia Hodgins, Wayne Don -
A ldson, Patsy Bradley and
Fifth year, RalphSimpson
and Betty Scott; sixth year,
Hazel Simpson, Gary Donald -
eon; seventh year, 130 Don-
aldson„ludy Scott, Simon
Blake, Jeanette Simpson, Jim
Scott, Marilyn Eaton, Nancy
Scott, Donna Blake, Bob Eaton
and Sheila Donaldson; eighth
year, Nancy Nestle and elev-
enth year, Marjorie Donaldson.
For attendance of 45 or more
Sundays pins and certificates
were given to Hazel Simpson,
Betty Scott, Suzanne Bradley,
Joan Donaldson, Gary Donald-
son, Bob Donaldson and Mur-
ray Simpson,
Special awards and pins
giyen for 50 Sundays or more
went to Judy Scott, Wayne
Donaldson and Patsy Bradley.
Teachers are Mrs. Gerald
!Wilson, Mrs. Alex Macintosh,
Mrs. Bruce Bradley, Mrs.
Rupert Williams and Miss
Dorothy Lynn.
Sunday School superintend-
ent is Ralph Lynn and assist-
ant, Jim Donaldson,
Personal items
Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Paton
of Kirkton called on the Paton
family on Thursday, afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Lewis
visited Mrs. Lewis' brcther and
his wife, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon
Armitage of Ballymote on Sun-
Several families with chil-
dren have them confined at
home with searletina.
The teacher, Mrs, Malcolm
Allison, and pupils of Clande-
boye School No, 12 and 4 held
a Valentine party on Friday
agvuitehststhe pre-school children as
Mr, Hiram Thompson suffer-
Pupils compete
in county contest i
Angela McNamee of SS No.
6 Biddulph and Wayne Hod-
gins of the Lucan Public School
who were the best girl and
boy orator at the lucan and
Biddulph public speaking con-
test held recently in the Lucan
Public School, last Saturday
attended the annual Middlesex;
county elementary school pub- ,
lic speaking contest, held in
the Mountsfield school in Lon-
Here nine boys and nine girls
edmpeted and Wayne is to be
congratulated in winning sec..;
ond place for the boys' divi-
sion. Betty Kragten, a native
of Holland, who has only been
in Canada three years, won
first prize for the girls.
Alt contestants received
books from the trustees and
ratepayers group Betty re-
ceived a gold medal and a!
replica of a silver cup to be
sent to her school,
CE Institute meeting
The third meting of the C.
C. Institute for teachers was
held at the Parkhill United
Church last Wednesday eve-
ning, when the Rev. W. Moore
of Parkhill continued his class
on "Methods of Teaching" and
the Rev. K. N. }lick of Ailsa
Craig on "Bird's eye view of
the Bible".
The next meeting is sched-
uled for the Lucan church,
eda heart attack on Frifiev.
He was taken tn St. Joseph's
Hosnital on Saturdav afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Riddell
visited the former's mother,
Mrs, 'von Riddell,' on Sunday
in St. Joseph's Hospital where
she is improving :ram an op-
tion on Wednesda
Little Miss Joan Harper is
spending some lime with her
prandparents, Mr, and Mrs.
Wilfred Cunningham,
Celebratee at) years
Mrs. Iliram Thompson, the
former Elizabeth liotson 'et-
tained her .80th birthday on
She was born in AleGillivm
township, daughter ()Ville late
John Henson and Elizabeth Dor-
man on February 10, 1881.
She married Hiram Thompson
December 24, 1001. They have
lived for 50 years on con. 3
McGillivray township.
She is a member of St.
Marys Anglican Church, Heins -
ley and of the Clandeboye
Wont ens' Institute, who sent
her flowers.
Lucan Junior Farmers
Mr, and Mrs. Evan Hodgins
and their daughter, Helen, en.
tertained the Lucan Junior
Farmers and Lucan Junior In-
stitute on Monday evening for
their February meeting with
14 present.
President elected was Don
O'Neil; vice-president is Fred
Culbert; county director, Doug-
las Ovens; secretary, Harvey
Railings; assistant. Bch Hod-
gins; treasurer, Clare Paton;
special constable, John Mcll-
hargey; press reporter, Bruce
The annual. banquet and
dance is to be held on March
18 at the Lucan Legion Hall at
Clandeboye wins prizes
At Lucan lea', week at the
Figure Skating Club euchre
and dance Clandeboye folks
won many ps'zes,
Door prize was won by Mrs.
George Simpson, Gent's high
and lone hands, Mr, Clarence
;Willson; ladies' high, Mrs,
Wilmer Scott, Mrs. Arthur
Hodgins won the lucky ticket
on a Valentine cake, •
Attend capping ceremony
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Riddell
attended the capping cere-
mony on Thursday afternoon
when their daughter, Miss
Mary Riddell, received her cap
along with 65 first year she
dents at St. Joseph's Hospital,
in the recreation room. This
was followed by tea served by
members of St. Joseph's Hos-
pital Auxiliary in the recep-
tion room of the nurses' resi-
On Friday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Rupert Williams and
Wayne Williams attended the
capping ceremonies when Miss
Sandra Williams was one of
the 96 young students at Vic-
toria Hospital School of Nurs-
ing in the recreation room of
the Gartshore nurses' resi-
Guest speaker at the cere-
mony was Rev. Anne Graham
of Rowntree Memorial United
;MACH ,NEWS, WI meetitrt
The Young People of Mande-
boye and Lue-n met in the
United 'Church here Sunday
evening with Miss Marilyn
Baton as convenor.
On Sunday at St. James
Church the recta' the Rev. E.
0. Lancaster, gave an invita-
tion to the ladies to attend the
service of World Day of Prayer
to be held in the Parish Hall
of Holy Trthity Church, Lucan
at 3 1.).`m. Guest speaker 'il1
be Mrs. Joe Graham of Luean
on FriclaY, February 17.
Piens are being made to
have Lenten services on Thurs-
day evenings in the homes in
the parish here of 51, James
Church by the rector,
Attend§ inaugural
Mrs, J. H. Paton attended
the inaugural meeting of a
new ladies' lodge, to be known
as Lady Ahoghill Lodge No.
1358 of the Ladies' Orange
Benevolent Association in Lon-
don, on Saturday.
Mrs. George Hunter of alain-
ihon, PGM of Ontario West,
was the instituting officer.
Guests attended from Chat -
hen, Hamilton, Dundas, Mac -
Tier, Lucan and London.
Mrs. Alan :BM ,entertaine,rt
18 members and five, visitors
for the W1 inePting when
Messrs. Frank Joliffe, Maurice
Dupuis. ,end Carmen Knowles
gave A talk and exhibitionof
Several sizes of nutria,
This is a Inc bearing :animal
which is .taking the piece -of
mink for coats, jackete and
other wearing ;garments, They
have 00 ector And will pat
vegetables also easy to feed.
And are tame .And easy la
handle. Pelts Are worth about
• $30: each, A coat costs about
51200 and is very .durable,
neir of live nutria are worth
alma 5100.00.
President Mrs, N o r in a at
! Hardy presided, The roll call
was answered ,bY Ailing "the
gag. s and ,mads about, .acls ad•
products", The motto "Don't
work all your life making a
• living but work tolive all your
life" was given by Mrs, Albert
The theme of the meeting
Was agriculture. Mrs, Man
Bill read a .poern.
The hostest. prize was won
by Mrs, Alex Macintosh. As;
sisting the hoster were Mrs,
Rea Neil and Mrs, George
• Since its beginning in 1948, United
Co -Operatives has had a good record of growth
and earnings. Ie has never had earnings of less
than a quarter of a million dollars. It has
never missed a payment on debenture interest.
" United Co -Operatives is a large strong organiz-
ation. Its total assets are over $14,000,000. Its
annual. sales are over $65,000,000.
• The amount of money set aside each year for
depreciation reserve alone is more than double
the amount required to pay the interest on
outstanding debentures.
• The debentures are hacked up with over
$3,700,000 memlaer-owners' investment in the
• 5% Interest on 5 year maturity.
6 c',S Interest on 10 and 20 year maturity.
CONTACT: SAM HENDRICK, Exeter, Phone 711
To: Treasurer,
United Co -Operatives of Ontario,
Box 527, Weston, Ont.
Please ,send me further information on U.C.O.
NAME. ..... . ...... .......
........... PPP .... ..
11/411m3.of nuirt`a g reil lest dvn nees
came because he took Unita out
to think—to figure out how to
Art energy sottreee other then
hie owe muscle to do. his work
for him.
Wherever man hits had tibia
Thr ereative leisure, he has med
hia intellect tO develop triergY
sources to improve his standard
of living..
rn Canada we're partienlerly
good at, patting our energy
sources towork for us. Take nil,
for example. Oil provides more
than half Callade's energy needs
Canadians Ste6 More then
1,000))00 gallons an hour. Every
day imperial 011refineries alone
sUprily Canadians with Phorgy
cluivident, to that prodtiond hv
n deeen Niagara Alla,
Wrapping parcels for postal
delivery is easy.
A feat simple rules enamel •
tale, timely arrival.
* lite corrugated eardboard
or a strong cartiga
* Wrap with heavy wrapping
* Tie securely with elterig
ate tP6trindi .
thecomplete, correct
address,in ink on the front
of the -parte!.
* Put your complete return
address in the upper left
hand corner 6( the partel,
iPticsaideo address
* For correct poste have
the 'risme!' weighed at the
Peet Office.
See the yelleW riaOee eletiOef
telephone directories for
enenplete Postal inforinetion
Be right when you wrap–
It speeds delivery
is being able to take it easy. in the years ahead!
VIII You ha Atiali TO 'Nat 11' MY? (Inc ortbd nideat things about success is knowing that Valtelt
the time camee to retire, you will be able to enjoy th o earthed 'leisure you eo richly &save, But this
kind of leisure requires money., That'swhy so many Men guarantee it with life ifietleatite,
les a good feeling to know that your financial future and the future of your fatuity is secure s a td
know that regardless of what happens, you have built a guaranteed ineeAd that you cannot otitliVe.-
HOW abaft you? tryteli &et haVe enough praVitinti for your later years inaybe its be-datee.
you deri't own enough Bre insurance With valuable Wings and income featurea. Look into it, Your
Iifc insurariCe man is a most iniportant person to talk to regularly on your road to Metes's, dpd ema
be nee talk iiJe ifateranee.,
L.666 4"