Huron Signal, 1852-09-09, Page 30 frWiu.sus Mauwww. MR.. of Resat fore. hoe tinily summed M eta se Arms teethe TIVRON SIGNAL. THURSDAY, SEPT. 9, 1852. Toe Clergy Reserves are treating MOM island ia the public mind *very day, as the time approaches for tbe mhos of our Proviacial Parliament epos h perplezing geishas. The great mass of the people have ever ',need a deep interest is the settlement of this quaint. Statement have written page after page -made speed! after speech open it --and have given their constituents pledge after pledge, that they would vote for it at the proper lane. - The proeeediags of the Provincial Parlia- ment become more and mons interesting every day; and of course, every mottos tin is mode either by Reformers or Conserve tives, ti read throughot the Province, and especially in Upper Canada, by a large ma jority of the people, through the medium of the prose. And aftything that may hike Os least tendency to favour the float al of the Clergy Reserves, ere atm a linty. and even an exeitiag hope is the milds of the thousands who feel loth- videsdly interested, for themselves and their posterity. As might be expecied, some of our more narrow minded opposition friends would here es believe that dare will to no decisive action taken upon it - that the present Government, being cons- ! posed of the most incongruous materials, will 'abut& the question as best leer can. Al least, many are desirous that sueb may be the ease. Others say, ob! the /Minis- try will not be united upon this qeestion-- ibere will be • dissolution Of Parliament, the. But to such, we would say, that a large majority of the Representatives, and we believe all the members of the Govern- ment, have pledged themselves to act upoa it, fearless of censequences. Aud we do not doubt, no, not for a moment, but that they will give entire satisfaction to their friend:and supperters thioughout tbe Pro- vince, by gill.% the subject their warinett Uppoct-that is, whatever measure the Ministry may think best to briug before the Room for the eccularization ti the Clergy Ree,rre..7. • To assert or demand the right cf legis- lating nen this as a local guestion, ap- pears to lie the Grst step which must be taken towards the 'setdemeat of this vexed qttestion--and this ,must Be• at- tomplishad before we can espect the Ministry to take further decided action. - al tie Caw- lian• says, - " if los first !tiptoe, and th..a deemed the it meat be obvious to every Inas of etioary sapci.; .hat we will simply grt 14,4ugiued at for our presumption and stupi- dity, and will hate bat a small chance of being attend. to." In our I'arliarsest, the Miaistry have commencer: is good earnest; 'they have laid out work enough to keep thein actively e ngaged for months to come. Tbcre has been any *mould of talking cm the speech from the Throne; tied it mast be gratify- ing to know that it kis been to the point. And athoegh eome of the men that are now takiog • prominent part is the House, have beat- roost shamefully Aimed by thel oppositior pens; yet every reasonable man will admit t tat t'se Reformers have spoken I le the porpose. -What will the opposiuon ; say to the language of the Inspector Gene -1 fall tl,urely there is not the least appea- rasee of shuffling in bis speech. In speak - Mg of the Clergy Tseierves be says :- "al- though be entertained every feeling of t for the Imperial Government, yet in PLREL• LOCAL XATTtaa SCCH Al THE CLIRGY Restwrzet ocorno:c, he did not care one straw for their opinion, but world vindicate, and, to the best of his abihty, maistain our constitutional rights, aad that bis opiaions, on this cpiesticm, were saelmaged mid unchangeable." Al r. Morin os the same subject, said in behalf of the French Canadiaas, "that entire un- aanetty existed in the Cabinet, on the Re- serves, u well as on other geestioos, wei that the French Canadians would be pre• pored to .maintain oar constitutional tights." We feel pleased to bear sub without, from a Lower Canada member. Dr. Ralph, lias taken the same bold sad derided Mud. He says, that "tbe Minis- try me founded ea progreerive Reform lenteiples, sad that they would stand or fall on the sieularisatim of the Clergy Reserves." The member for Herm, *Me admen% fhe same seetimest, spoke Wpoiotedly es say other nese is the Home. In the emu of his remarks, be said " that he had always auserted, did ever would smart the right of Cantles% kgialate epee emi Clergy Reserves. 1would aunt *eyes thank it should brig ne into Minim wit% Eugland." Marley evesiog tb. debate is an- swer to Ms speech was misled, when the N ew &fens allialstry were sostaised by a inn ellejority. The Hamatoo Spectator 71, Rid es the Clergy &WM clues sorerdesseervativos voted with them. Ttatesress AND Guinea Ramseur. - The Gott Reporter of the 3rd Masai coo - bias the followiar -0 It is &tally deter- mirsid, it appear, Ihat the terminal of the Tweet. and Guelph Railway shall ha at Peet Sonia 1 aad net at Gotlerich." The Guelph Adtvrtiser04 August 46th, says thst Mr. Shaaley, with allogisfServey- OM,,ft'nfied is Gulp& sad commented the survey for a lime of ltailroad from Goelph to Goderich. And that £2000 has bees subscribed to defray the imputma of this survey, &e. We understand that there has• been a party of surveyors at work is this vicialty, for. Go-laat few days -hot whether they are Mr. Stanley and star, we are not premed tasty. We an at a loss to know from what source the Repor- ter received his informaticia. It seems strange to hear of surveyors being at wort en the hoe to Goderich, while at the same time the Company are determined to have Port Sarnia for their terminus! t PUBLIC LillItAitir.-We are happy to state that a Public Library has bees estab- lished in Goderich, and that it already • poem/nes a coositleraWe 'number of volutions. To the Sons of Temperance is du'ir the credit of so praiseworthy u eadertakiog, which has, Marred, been . !mg a tlesideratens. Though originating with Ss/ Sons, the Library is open to all desirous of beOelitieg by it, and celestial a choice selection from the various &nut- ' ments of literature ; the entrance tie is only eve shillings, and the subscription two pence per mouth, thus placing its advan- tages withiu the reach of all. The Libra- riso (Alr. 'T. Nicholls) will no doubt give every information to those desiriSua of 1i:s- corning metnbers. Aol we trust the most cordial support will be tendered by all claws of our fellow -townsmen to this really useful institution. rr Uecered a money letter from R. II. Brett, Toronto. �'p Ilon. M. Cameron. and Mr. Christie (Wentworth.) will receive our 'thanks for sundry l'arliamestary documents. ELLCilo.N.-NVe take the fol. lowing froM the Torouto Giote,.of the • 2Sth ult., which we ;ire entire, for the benefit of those that entered the protest against Mr. Camerons return as member for Heron: - 1 • " ileeron Eleetign. a Sir ALLA:* .N1c.NAn called the atten lion of Mr. Speaket tothe fact that it was bis duty to report, to the Douse any elec bons which bad taken place cum; the re - ,Cess. to till seats rotated by members of tins limiter. w Mr. SPEAtEn said he had looked into the queetion, and be found that it -was only hie duty to report in cases where the Speaker had issued Ms writ for a new elee tioo-not in the case of an election order - cd by the Crows. t, Sir ALLAN AfcNes dis.eated from, this View of the matter; M. llenry Smith spoke in seitrrt of Mr. Speaker's • inter- pretaticn ; tlu.n the matter dropped. There is a delightful abtonee of bitterness -a sweet spirit of amiability in the atti- in:le-and language of the Conservative op- positicsa toward. the Ministenial Bench." • ! COMmunitationli. , 1 roa TEM NV ROY 11144•L. At a meeting of a namber of the inhabit- ' ants of the Township's, of Hay, Usborne i•asel Tuckersaiith, held at the fan of M. Rodger, Esq., oe Monday the 30th ult.. called for the purpose of selecting a fit slid proper name fOr a new and thriving Village situate in the Township's of Hay and borne, adloioing. James Wilkie. Esq., was called to the chair, and Mr. George McLeod was re- quested to set as secretary. When it was moved by Mr. Wm. Wil- ' son, of Hay, seconded by Mr. It. G. Bis- sett of Falterer.. and Resolved. That this Village shall be in ' intim known by -the name of ROGER.- ' VILLE-carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. James Hand, seconded by Mr. Thomas O'Bryea, and Resolved, That Ieory of the proceed - Mr of this mcenng be sent to the Horn? Sezfrial, and London Free Press for publi- cation --carried unanimously. Jostles Witeir, Chairman. Getteet .70."Ltori, Sec. i Rogerviile, Sept. 6th, 1852. b• The FA Asides for Goierich, are Iced fiwy the 271b Septemberhe- fire kfr. Jean McLean. At Hamilton ea Thursday the 16Ih NNW 1 for Geolph II Heady I I di Wok& ---------- • AlKEY FAIR. Thia long-established and far-famed cat- tle market was held on Wedneeday. the 21st inst., on Isikey s Brae, one Mile west of tbe Village of Old Deer. Aberdeesshire. Being situated in oee of the best cattle - rearing districts in tbe country, it was for a kogthened period the largest in Scot - load, and is the largest in the North, espe- cially for fine cattle. The following is a note of a few or the many sales completed: - Alr M'Oosald, Pittendrnm, sold a lot of two -year-olds to Mr Kay. Forfar. a X12 a -bead. Mr. Stewart, Sandbole, laid i lot of three -year -Ws to Mr. Stewart. Beattie, M £17 a -head. Mr. Smith also sold • v ry boa lot of two-year-ol , to Iii Mr. Brier , Inaerquhnme ry, at .615 a at Mr. Robertsoo, Uroomhills, sold a I t of two -year -Ws, to Mr Sprigs, !Amami, at £10 lOs .-bead. Mr RoberbOo had a floe lot of eight three-year-olde-thooght to be takes st upwards of AIS mend. - Mr Cott., Midietou of Rattray, sold • lot of Arat-rate two sod three -year-olds to Mr Sprigs, Loathe, 51 .418 a -hood; this was a splendid lot, sod thi two -year-olds is it may he stated as the hut two -year-olds ia the fair. Mr Pato., Towie, sold • lot of twelve three-year-olde, to Mr Knowles, at A17 illee-heed--saril to be height for Mr Sprigs. Mr. Divide's, Adsiel. Menthes. sold a lot er thru-year-olds, to Mr Fame,. Forfar, at A111 10s. a-hoest. Mr RAU, Loaoheul of Fidderete, veld s lot el two- year-elde to Mr Butoe, Meakilm111,Frie, at A 15 a-lisod. ?dr Marrat, Rehm, odd HURON SIGNAL. a lot orthrouyesuolds to Mr. Soren, Rom, at Art ..hood. Mr Reedit, Newlisehill, sold a let of Prouty tirsolaer-olds, to Mr Sprigs, at XII irlosad. Mr :Hiles, Shiva- disomild eight two -year -oh& (s kit.) to Mr Elder, Twit, at All 17a Ada -hood. Mr Milos, Bilk, sold Ws two-yeer-ohls, to Mr Hooter, Musks/row at £l4 7s 6d a- hood. Mr Whyte, Pieberstea, sold a let el two- yearmiAs, 44 Mr -Foospioas, Coo* at .C11 5e a -head. Mr Mattes. Cyyisalt, sold a lot of tbree-yeeir-ohlo. te Me a Smart, at £17 17s 64I a -head. Mr Rid- dle, Lamennuir, Amigo, sold a 1.4 01 two - to Mr Garland, Meadelf, at X9 10, a -head. Mr Milne, Homiest, sold a lot of three-year-old, to Mr. Mine, Tang- laodford, at X15 15s. a -head. Mr. Cher'., Failsehdl,soW oar' lot of two -year- olds, to Mr Falemer. at £13 a -head; aad another lot of two-yeer-old *tots, to Mr Smith, Denotes, Loovidte, at £12 10s. a- head; aad • third lot of two-year-old guys, at X10 5s. a head. Mr Scott, Mill of Flemish, Fraserberyrh, sold a lot of three- year -olds , to Mr Stoddart, Cultercullen, al X15 10s a -bead. Mr George Fowler,Mill at Awhile, sold a lot of two -year-olds, to Mr Law, Meares, at X9 101. a -head. Mr John Fowlie, U pper Boyodlie, sold* lot of two -year-olds. to Mr. Gray, Fovere, at £9 6. 8d a -bead. Mr. Rae formerly of Rouhearty, sold a let of stets, two year. old, and a lot of glary', same age, at £13 124. 64. a -head for the stots, and XII a- head for the queys, to Mr. 'Thompson, For- far. Mr. Craik, Aberdnnr, sold a Int of two -year-olds, to Mr. Watt:Scalliemarno, at £12 10s. a -head. Mr Barber Rinin- • mouth, weld a lot of one -year-olds, to Mr G Cruiksbank, Cortes. at .C9 a head. Mr. Davidson, Chtyford. sold a lot of three year-old* at X16 a -head. Mr. Davidson, i Melia of Clarchreach, sold lot of three- year -olds, at Z14 10s. a -bud. Mr Joseph Auirew. Clink. sold a tot of two -year-olds at X11 51. a -bead. Mr Smith ililhead of Caringlass, sold a lot of nine two-year-old, qucys at X10 a -head. Mr Watt, Scathe- maeno, slid a NO of two year-olds at £13 e- : bead. and another at £10 a -bead. Mr 'Milne'. Biffic, sold two lots of twO-year-old --one lot at XII 13s 44, and another at £10 lOs a -herd. Mr. Bruce, 'energetic- niers% bought one lot of two-year old stoti at £15 and a lot of two-year-old queys at X10 .10e. a-head.-Bariffshire Journal. THIS MORNING'S MAIL ! ----- Qtletc, 6th Sept. • Mr. Bnowx introduced bills to abolish tlw Rectories established by Sir John Col - bourne, also to facilitate the recovery of just debts, due by incorporated companies; also to repeal the 16th clause of the com- mon School Act, 12 and 14th Vic.. Chap. also to repeal the Act 13 and 15th Vic., Chap. 111; also to fix the annual convention of Parliament. Mr. DituNiaioN0 stated 1 answer to CoI. Prince; that no steps had yet been taken for revising the statutes ofeanado,but.that tbe Alinistay intended to do so the present session. • Mr. McKenzie moved an ath:ress to His Eicellency for a return relative to the ap- pointmeut of persons in the Customs de- partment during tbe last two years, and al -- so a return of. the public nit -mire -upended within the 'last four rears, payment of certain missions to irashiagton, Halifax and London, --Motion carried. Mr. Bowes introduced a hill to amend the election Bdl. Mr. CHABOT mored an Address to His Excellency. for copies of all deTatches rid correspondence relatire to the seig-norial Tenure. -Motion Carried. The Bill' to remove the doubts arising out of the U. Canada'Territorial Division Act was read a tlurd time. Mr. Moate moved the second readnig of the Bill to emend the St Lawrence and Aelaatia Railroad Act. Mr. Dftramoon stated that the object oldie BM was to eoable the company to extend their Road 14 miles on the Ameri- can side of the line. but it waa provided that .either a gitaraitee of the government or any creditors of the Covernmeet should bc ah-ceted by it. Mr Mscorszte said that he coold no let that opportunity pass without askin the government an explanation of the joke by which the Cominiesioner of PublW Works obtained $16,000 from the Com- pany for getting an, alter*tion mode in an act of Parliament by bis frieed the Iiiopec- tor t;corenal. After a few remarks from Mr. 3forin on the principle _of the bill, with slave oemberof Osessegese for Cali - torus. We Nom hem Ougiseties that the total sonattor of deaths seamed by On 'ashen.. the triedrer .wite U. -Jeered Li- pner 41.1/14144,414$ PLAIN THOUGHTS ON TUR LIQUOR LAW. a•Ileppmew-Huseaosie. oatensep--.4palea. 05 sae...over el the forma is a gembhog- leseeti. It ie emit fursialled- It le a hold sign is frost. It la • place of Noon for the old sad young -no law forbiddieg. 1/6 soothes comer tri a brother. Its elast- icise is well biome. The keeper goes abroad witb an nebbish*: far, On anothet sorest of the street.. a lottery -cc., i whie aU busieerie i. that Ilse is transom.. ted• Near by, in a thickly pipe:doted. pert of the vil!age, le s butchery, and not far from this a pow'''. Oa the earlier .4 another street isrrog.shirp. 1 meta by the grog -shop a play* where ialosicas tin, drinka are sold err a beverage- You balm before you. my (made, • the unmoor the village, 1 ask you to look at it ; till you have cultured sums opt n1t*. reeperltng it. And that your thoughts may be directed to o poict, 1 will propound an inquity. Are there say ects in the village ropiest which society ought to protect itself. And you will not forget that civil government (*only Ib. arsocy hy whirls smile opt:stem. Are there soy smile in that village which government must prohib t in order to &newer the groat ourpose for 'which remit,. In ortrani.tc 14 ,05 reply is the affintatsre:-eif you sem :aw ihnnIJ en11151 We that Till ,g • wit rt• prohibiting pswer, I sok• where wnuld you Meek begin it. work, earl where would yogi have it cid Mall low tank up the gambling establishment, land • roared' it. interd.ct over the pletnim• ? Next .hall,' cleans the brOther, and pub- ite probtbi ion 'rarest Ereliossnees 1 Shrol•it next shut np th• lottery ofEce Ind write unlawful:34mo On *Pot besieges Shallot say so the botcher, lowers your eitabhahment to i resume.) where it shall not annoy. your neighbors .and friends 1 Shill it then *ay to the powdermaker, take there things hence, and build your Mann rectory in ennui unilto proms place 4 A:I this to well. You have di.po.vt of Ave of thee° establ bailments named• Goveremeni Jute aurae WWI ilia ittang•-:--arm --cod Takeo *war Yon h sic only the- greg•sboplefi. What wail yon,do with that !Wo,td yoa have government rem :ye itt ths ..othera for the public goo11. and than turn, and for the 4111411 fr Ind, embrace and nurture the grog -shop ! :t•13. contostescy whith- cr but tlicol ICA !" The grog •bop is the greatest noisance of them all. The loticherfand powder.mill aredoeol. outsets. ecu. They are not each in all locations, but only amia • -dime popo'stion. The tiher form have a reeiprocal infl orrice, but the gro,74hop stand. hieicirt and foremost • It has dernoralieed more young m -m, wilt - • .....••••.•••••••••• Ike reef of bit eadergramil son el um. I 'harslasem. As *prang wok however. It asset, &whom brewom N TICE which tune hell rendered almost of metallie offeettido, Dee Ues workman inetasily THORNHILL ma 310911RT CM P. book I le heresy. gives abet she Iseswereshoilet "tit", *ben tkief None -1""eill.ased ree...1:111*-1 •ilar1;ish.°,111"ITsfroineig;I:iiial:nall"PtiviC:ii:seepiriXilirett:Afillithil7dabr:iy. too Grilse estrus. Tee ea chrel lamp reasarkable workmaniship 'wised by sekt Edward Tberetsilts mad aft "64 114611. 11"I "Ur" 11"141 "1" tat4:71;141;71.411/RNITTLIa roar to hove diminished, al hough lath; 41".0,sleirsadiell "Ileet51;85111.114111.63P.11"."8":1P 1:5:0186. .4..:1:414:11b1111"1.114111111:114": Wb'h:baltalid ..oft probability to that ecinibturiton has beef. going on for age,. This ' dtuovery well its trust, throw Mai, light on * gumlike „vim EN0INE K. R. Ape. whack has reseed missy dispute* using 'eariterd antoptarteil. ellhoerh It etattril Aug.msts.C°DgitiCtii iiC. irbi;e1 that one was discovered at V:tarbo in 1830 oven which, however, Pe huh isforinausre eras aforded on the *object. SI T 1 ill exclaimed tbst there was light at tho b. .1. DENISON, Jeiey 1.44 (itre. Golilemit9 hos illIrred ALL sweersise hoeing eleisos sos•nst the the goveraireesit of the vie of S'oekbolm 4A late A F. 'inv.', as Cloth of the thermos of $50.000 (250.0001.) to oreneine , rife' themes Court, at Gort•rich. • od all primary ectisclefor the poor.. Ths tovinid- motions hamar clams agatien Theme. 6. •eh ario•peparia are tonging, in all ware Morgan. his son, who woo also, for Onff14 the eology of tho northorn Nightingale. tum. Clerk of tn. rood Court. 1'10 Wee" ....-.........,,,....,............,,,,„.„,„„,„- ...I'd thew ti the ogle.. of Sleseri. Str schen MARKETS. and Reuther, 'barristers and /Wormer', 110.1e - Rfontreol, Sent. 2. nob, staged out in full with the dates 01 117reed.-The receipts reach 10.310 iwri oli at r, eic it 1. riet; ken it fi. ,, in order that the amount of therm lasts num as such C.orke may be clear- - buebelo, aul good sample% hare been placed arldtheerrarn,,tg ece. ot 0. 141. emsnio roade for at 4- 6 'd In 4s 7J per 60 16s. A' . FliPlitat:rii:a.nir''e Estatillinot disposed eft in rce,:.-Is a shade lower. owl the turn in the lliedatoon of such claim*. favour of the buyer We quote Mess In. GoJerieb. 53rd AnglluAtol„tIVA31."111.13 'eleNtler day. 110. to 112s fid ; Prime .1/041/4, $s. 9d; Mae, 801; Cameo 70*.: Of the latter .here have been considerable sales .4 Clio quotation. Aeltes.--rots are &Tittle higher than this day wtek. 'seine • Grin et 25%.?' Pearls re- CROWN !ANDS DEPARTMENT, mit* at 25% 9d to 26s per cwt. . Qreser 20,11 Atreus', iesn. N.:01,711E is hereby riven, that Lieroteee ' ' cul Fouber on rer;•tn vacant Tibor .% ,1, : u al, b le ..1,Tr. or tw, mfr.: if; loath ndfs .G, gob/ epri:oe1;111 nr n j ,4, tihn ; ,• t8:tar I l','711111.4, -i-:14 ft. ?Ilewellel I Cshs.:ov rnd 1 8.P: 11.; as elW4T46:CII: eEt .;Nh rill' sol 111 31_ neat frit„or•nt.aavr.ed. 5 piers 8 tti..1.1be a weeks 1 T;,„4st:.;1,....alls;Millitl?„:Rit.decat'knawii, siol • ' M.... et the RtVer and ltl trIbuLerire, Ind! - I citing ti.. Bertha to be diepooed or, will IS ti 1:.1 M MA It Selit)l)11... moolotod at the Arent's Odic* at 7'Irree- .0.1. lire United Counties of Max:, Iwo,' sRciri:Lbetro,.ns the 13th to the 20th day of 9368.113 ' and Bruce. , above lire.iir.troo re -:opened after 1‘' that Slideutomer Vacation. 4111AnTnna. A7si tetra. 'ming lad, about 15 or Years of ago. at the Hirer! Olke. 17:c. n 2115.111iSN'oPyl.. 1;0. 2152rthn Gorier 'Or 'Oft • 19b, 11133. 12tir Feb. to 7th Slay. 7111 to 1.1 Aug. tim Ent+0, ifrapehr,TRalle. elude°, Arithoisure Ilmtury k Geography. 10.. per qr. Per thir obey,: with 11 114 ,•1* •C•11.oring Branch**, Algebra', Geomet y, Globe., De torsi • Philosophy, Chearistrx /Sato- mv• I3•. per qr. For Latin and Greek os• per qr. For French only. • fie. per qr. Pupil* charged from the term it salty (Signed) A. ACLAND. Ch. Board of Triode...a. Guderirh, 31st Aug., 1852. v3 -n33 its.* • E. THORNHILL, ed more proper:I.:beggared inorsTamilies, ',albite ‘1,%;,Oilti.TeLlff).bereratuirenuptiomortthabo.kahat.ii poet feetroyed more health, rand sent more min Iron, th•rrn during hie reeld.nce in p• derich, to the grage, .thon •Il the • °there. The and hope* by strict attention to bulimia, I 12meg-horse, the brothel, the lottery. 1...;1,46147,7.t."%legthala9gomiehZ.,.".E.":7$1,./... 43, i .,ffiee liars mei.: the,ir thooaande. Shall ronodo Cowpony', (dice. 1 government i.Cense sad pralect this.. while- U.Werich. Sept, too, 0851. irSo.13 1 o condemn,* se no:eanc. sr tiol th • others, 1 f.: ! to dor eit.?..-..r.• , .1. ,n•!... e.y:,`,., r n Lisr OF LETTEizs, ,--0). ..., 5 0 0-'5' ''" ''"" ' ...•0*::, ' ir ‘I AIN I NG in the G.•ortela Poet: - t. moo ie . 1,... , .aui• e,-;..att t req .- ror. 1 41 ' AA . nii. . but fiepteinhe,„ In52. - . ; laggiNC&AMN liquor law lakes a anacir 6. the lode of our I orio.,,,:, wopoo, ki.or.son 7-rnmeenn l lato• in rrbation to nuisancee C meiet•nev ;13.0.10 Kn., C C hlorr;•nn N ro,o1 Co demands that it should have that phiee. 1 i'll,`:;21': J'i',',7,2 :::::: .11;;;,2;11,.,, other %low of the sturject--Paieitiso Re- likieBerrrh:*nnnt4ann Jut,Pillr blaheson .11u;do sen how say candid mind can. take any • tot -der. s. A1141 J11:7; . A1 On.lECTIONit T3 Tint limnrn LAW REMO' ull-reli...4:rwk°LriaNiti N'rrlithiiiii M.wit:Z:C al lr" ., vim -Tate week we tettneeserd t wo 1nel 1 fli.rep• L11:41 cause. On Tuesday even!ng we saw, a thous r. Thome RI le.1.8.j.P4;.t.c•notiren,,,r. 8J:enHs'i,r,s,onn„,,,r. Mcdrros Too* (o.•,,. ftrown Jur . W. E. firore. denle of a painful naiture-whmkey the l 1:411104 Thome. woolen 'ging at the bide (gone of our sleets f'7;C:himornwine:i.nimi'llA:brinnibeuir it‘ifir,s4,,,tuirirhe;:ginlnPi.. 4;o.,„ J. Merwinid loi Lew*, Kona. Moderweil, W. J. Ke•yeg siori4olupidiy &nod!. Two eh-ldren were with ca,j, Taaessi 2 Melee Mt.* t • o Tan.. Ki)'), lit.t.e. Gbh .n.., fully t w Cm* Rebecca -toacilibairlat‘ttbphreeriritiig;olitacookresi'lit-n:i-0--..-bheacabiTi.:beaS.Trah.::isre. pailleirg,hd.s.:: Conlet Joeeph 2 AlcRhantmek Ale* Corms lorries Moithenon Mi's Murdock "Illeileatnorotnn‘r;lex Motrioh Thornier was a ng McGregor Mies C 1117 arm- wretched 1001)1.,'. her wretcmother's neck crown John 2 Moe tonne John ',v. nms,,,,,y. mammy. corhome, ; um ('kEphreou t MeD,..naltIn..nald hungry !" Alt. ! poor child. that ••marratee' • unconeeiese of 70111tric r stionste pies- ree::,:,milifePiRinTbeitit.r;bt 111cNotarhton Duncan McD .nahl Allan ing. 86,is drunk,. stopified. 'mewled, Drinitntlle J McCleillend Robert 86, le:prayed, nuvroasanised, by solls• del•••• ""r"T" 8 d ,ceneed by law 10 1, mt. eThe little belle. Do•ie Witham McConnell Julio or 31?3vemorre Somitet McIntosh Den41.1 Meliensw Roderick CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS. CoThorne Street, Bran/fwd. - what of it r. II, reeder. toy on one arm of ID)7,1•17'atp7t4r:r:" 114 poor he ng awkling the 'breast of a leen Jehn Ma:Dos:Al Ang.i..3 '111181 ettenolve Camara Moirrafaetorinr Mc lionahl Angora 10 • IN0T1(71.1 TO MARINERS. -11 REM 1,I,GIFF plaeod- negliale ott 44. is .nd 04 th. South Pier, at the mouth of the harbour. 6 olerich. E. H. VARLTOIL August 31, 1833. 048 GOOD N VII HA (3001)5 at Port Albert. '`• '• who call• there will fine 5:1'he Gouda suit the favhion, the pr:aells *6.. mind, ▪ Who wisher. to purchase, woll pleas. can end .e. Ms stock, well selected. williott Cap 0-)I.!.55 11o. es orb ST•T1.1411 1.-134C113 *:'DPiceroorer. • 11.1•4 LOUGH CED. Fort %Foot. Se .t. 1. 0052. v3e32 WILLI %NI HO DGINS, A RCIL11:17.4. r &4 (Vit. Office .27, Dundas Street, • LONDOX, C. w . Angritt 161t. 11A5`d. s31130 At:rink:E. • . • E Tttr. imirmigno.1 hereby give. fit, v loge that sun alt •0111 V el the 1,41 ICPP!011 04 far Prow:n(lo Pariroment for srt set to author.v• conatrneflon of Roils 0)44, frnm Goderich, to coonvet with the Solt.1.. an It ontf.4.1 Inc al ..'ch .n11 11. .1 Phan la le1S1)rl the Great Wtotern 1141 r..5 Mr. DRUNIMonD rose to Say that he did not believe that be should be called on ' to explain the private tranaartions of Mr. 1 Youno before he joined the Government, and that after the explanation given by t Poletteh, Atign•t 110h, 1031• , v5 -n29 CAPRON Si. Co. that gentleman the other evening. The lion. member tor Ilaldimand could not make his demand is good faith, said that it was an unjust personal attack. Mr. Youngs' explanation he considered quite sufficient to satisfy any intelligent person. -motion carried. On motion of 2tir. Merritt the house mat into committee of the whole oo the propriety of addressing Her Majealy in relation to amending the Imperial naviga- tion act of 1843. He moved a ocries of Resolutions having for their object to ask England In impose Inch duties ow the production of other countries as they im- posed on those of England and her colonies. Mr. !becks spoke in reply contendmz that he diitnot thigh the resolutions wool be of say reeiuileeit bit enuld not oppose them if the h desired their passage. -- Ile believed he cloting of our Culls would be more effeeteal for obtaiaieg re- ciprocity. eso .10, Maw Yeas.,:ept. 5. adm. Sow g r1111114 5 peva* ger on the dartie, arid has mufti 074 epee eion- r ef ,It (rt ettione. A Isle now. net her at the 'burl sod ofterted airr 1. P155 110'1. 'Pit. Musical eleetety, umbering moue 1,1100 members. tow hoe with several sum r sonettee, are reskleg 'newton -re for a intern& to be gime so Madame guise .5 0.. betel se Entity sight. flu Ono counts will be giros at the Metropolitan 11011066e the 18th el September Tam Loudon Amok, f liressiete einem that the tkoveiromilest bed 54.4 1. se the Amorists*, sae right of Selong tho Irlitela helmet 1 dielettell of throe 01411(111* the shore. twig* Poleuride bed ileetiled that the e*. ler, et the Hairy Cloy Men be held he lo +be veva of .10,100 'ask to their task tor mafteloogatty. The stilsenet Oki* ended this emotes t.we drunken mother. we throw naimegi ina- ion tot° tilt* ; there woe. alto ! ton moeh .rlisi,'I:I.YY111.1.1,0"i'i„1:,,, f reality. W. attempted to rotor the 1),..con simmai woman -rho was too drank : but a 114444r- K,1,111 E1I054 by agitated she was got on her feet, the little girl crying end telling tin, "don't hurt ley mammy," whde the poor bah, neet• led itself c:o•er to the 'rerun burning, not with • motlior's hollooed love, 'but with the scorch:rig flames .1 01 e -water. %Vim to to blame for thie 1 %Ve loft tho wont,* reflected ; and with retestion one nbjto, Iola was remoterh to not mon. II 1 or Paoli The other itieblent wo noticed yeeterdav • A poor. seed rpm war brought to ill - a 1.1 1 ,11 kande, oils -i!roy, stopolly if* sk. too, and this .1num **clock III the oterniar! Prior wrieelt : 815er wile 41 esd onjeet to At al. "Alai ! the peer livItea 1" *Oil Ilan,,. Andrew on,pe 1 hari the eivielhattne of the White wade hip 1 Reel:. Thomas I4'.& Eriord that eqoaart worlit 4,55... Whore die :1'41 W.11""fm_ _ Plhaerion Willem fiehleimpeonor re ot t el see'dy it 0.1 8 .::119/1".15 IT" ..7:, 11,1%:iskii j:1::14.7.17"7 - - 85.". p; 2 wool., a., "ear 04,10,4,,e,,, „ship. prii, Ilerbm Wililltin sest.t..c....toobej atopeoli Pi 11 3 A would it avail 7 11.e. porrolsweriet of .�e Fleecy ' et beet 111..n..1..n 14,• N15.4 relnetm aegis, and two ropetione to the 111,6 m 2 1 1101 8411)1. n 1 1 Mamie liquor law Were rignelired,...kaileffe. lisy 34“Hie Herold. Ileoeptet gre Mow Int Ainsowlet Shea %Vidal/ Meat Ilameno kiln Plnorp A% Is, 0 , Ewan:orb:nem to now on (..1) opsrotton. whore will ber (fined at alt Ionise an I for 111.1i..reon ('p i.. 2 •"ale. the en...t et/tremor and rompleti 111ct/ rten NI ordor k ag,-7".."' '..1 is '"^" l'...%"81110"bIll it) le* Mrs.iol Jomeo ::: 4,nr.i•h. ,,4011.11,11111 and r renal, . Elliot Thwears Mel 'art,., ti-orge PLEAFURE CARRIACER ! ' lit miry Jorhrta Mr Good %V I. li•ni Foch an Ibirroo, !Knee and 11 othlo, with Fisher J reeph Seri Mrle• d Joh° Eeq , and wititnrit 1 op.; Peon., ii,,ek......wais F••eonrr 1 ..in ..Imer Mr ; C.oroit• es, Cherries. 21 .rwiehos, (Twitches 641tro.th Mrs 0 Ivor J •hn i Vi)orma, Jenny Linde. sad Clopoleon Gant Alex r ree,oeher Julie 1. ' earr,..ree, all ..1 whish are awl*/ oat of the (.e.st Jo)1n Pew Atex , b..: blarnrialv. end aortmd snood growth Grills .1 .sn - Pattnn Pal rtrit, . Tio:Ser, awl ro :pronged. Gromm Franc • Redotond Iternarrl I Bradford, Aog. Ihth, 1832. en -sq 6 lornor d'hoome it.d,iiir l'h.e. E q J _____ __ .---....... 60 Jo•eob It. ge Alex Iriallayn.r 1.1111.1argl Row A.ex•ndsr 11 C 2 J 11 3 6 1 0i11....1 Wolia....Key mos CR 4 N'I'12()It D 1.'0 U.; DRY . Goon To nee Nov• Nov 101.1.‘0 (1 mine", .hn ft teermon J .hn othmo home It ei,noino Wm /boohoo talk John R•hilly Cattierina Iladden 1% illson Rot M. Etramsfunneat Theserseaat.-Perpotatert 1.ight.-A meet earwig. •I salereittiae discovery hen jut Imee undo et Lucre. 41 Prase., wane we hews an auto, woo none • enrolees( senoella savory he to the anterval sad properties Mr** pummel toning temps *old to helm boom used be Via ellelente. Woritlyea wee* meisoll oneelottrig Int i GIIM14tInft for a itew hid. ding Is a 1101firt. oulestly the mesons of 0011e•Roesee mead, *hoe they emu as Johesion Mr. Aso Simpson Marcel Lamina Ares h 3.,'.. J-hest•wn Tonna,' W.,4 k C4 1,ert• 11.ehard 4 Wenlloy %bee Mori Wo obsil Jelin 11,,,ep.tr irk Mr moron. Tama'. Klee Id.o•aa• W on A es 'endear Ismael W.elthato T11.01114 111..ery 3 W rt..* Lindsay Chrsreeplier W..'. 'Jobs Leases Jamie Ws...on Jetta II THONIA8 KYIW. P•mtivisster. 0edev414 Hopi. 6, Hi& -,, 7111F. Sti.11.14C11111114R aro now mohl A 131./ of 4,00 UN 11I V A LI•ED SHP A K. TORS. with emprovensartie for flue yea and .01*.r thorn on their ti.oro looaem ler "A. a hoodoo** diaeowal mirk tar Cash, 011 IF livery. Theivesehinee hsvo hers rio long before the noble,at tt t. tail unneeromery to stay anythi farther lo r mowed them. An early 8Anrhati..11 le 1111,011.1, Ile over 01) • et them i. now orders.« 454 pe ns : *Nein; • 0 Impel, t4ni11441141145. 0.4 let ,1401! 101t11,.* I -wit sof time, 1 eepertrale reoriss _ Ill Y.ANFIROCKI.IN, WIAITalt kc.. Ihmolont, Aug. 10, tat]. allts-0, i " QTRA VIM from the Sobeeribor. I eitS R 191, Trousehio no 1 Stull, • three yeses old FII. 1,y, of • morel or &mono! c Amir, with ther itour of Nit telt tort elloe,O. 1*... hot loon lt•Isreen rnignorater and Cimino, au an , Huron Nos.'. an oil Ilse *rot week nf A.. 4(1.50. A*, p.m in no...reins the wow* to sha 01'/1er. giv.11,1` 1411.1 I11'Cu,, 1311 ne 1154 to re recovery *41 be oaitslitv rewarded. WV. Merl AllAUTON. ; Me. 17, 1130. 1•0411 elertnwela• CHOWN LAN flt4 rA.rm FAT. Ws sac kith Joie. Mt. OTICE te hereby gi ran, tb•t Roy RebootCountiesd. Lasidi * oho Counties of Roam. Coe and Homo, ars DOW own le vide In scrubs sottlore50 iti toilowong i•rnie, cm:Tb. The pews is to be Ti. Phi•liegor per sere, WI roma' artnotr•i lo•teimeos,,, with istereett the Bret 1 1.4.4104/1111 I.. L. 141111 Ur,. far 1r1.1111 authority to roger op. thejeord• Aciosl oceupailore to be isen.v• 'hers sod etarionuopeitte land to be 0.0,4 at 41.0 re* id five sem. iermokr far cs,:rr heirodern d wes doe'? the fleet five year:: o d oellingolMuee. at leapt 18 'rot hi twroor• six, to bo erected; the timber 14' be a re• or. yea u•to the land ha• be, n pa,d 1., d. synteil, end 10 be 4..1%141.1 In 5.7 tr weber duly therr•itei; a 1... 1111.• 1 • • .1, 5.1)051, nut aworneho 111 11a01" r, r'n ,.•.. n to IN Irret,Pct; the •pha and beetle* cati(l) 10 bene roll and said •n .1' nerlewt or volaitun of pny ..1 if •• um's; the bottler to to r to • •••.: Poirot upon romplyter o rth all it, 111 111 4101,r01 1q1 V• • two tvdrft . r • sold to any 0111 prI*0114 on fere.. Grand Lotter:, ALL PRIZES!! No RI. 17:7:."r Valwalde Reel Eseettr, Mitchell -and a c,:riery ty orb, A LOTTrRV • d.y ol September, 1`..,.'13 or.'er •• 4fOnlont .11f • 1)417 on.pe, !p.m. 4,. . *bro.. name., aro a ..,:1:,' ,t g., J • o 1' • the most perfect 901 1•1il iJ.; e104, II) Th1 1,!14..er4 of let,•rn, orrortrai pr,se ei re •• first pilaf, ego. ,fiu, Cortege 1?..itirt.ee, nu 1.y Al, tuor illL -, A she tut terarnet:nr itt qu.r r- tO r.. whereen ta a g i,041 crflt•ii g erafin, t-ost tHssog atioul..ti 13 of toe be•1 +et of 11.. ..1 M1:Li.e;1 and t vlin .1 at .150.• The • 41 intro 11 en- in.' of • Fresno Sto're. 42 lir 26. tog.' her v. ith eit lou r.•11. sone, of 4(4 01 .0 sere and t *toed .1 dr.L.n. Tu. tel Da oiling and FrAISin togro 'her with hrt end tabled at 18197. dth 1 4 whe.I wen axle h' nog. gy heatn-r e 5.h 1 nee os: Leher *error oti tPtt 1 I losAt 3 r04r11 uI I • 1st 7tls 1 PeC ens .11n.on wriirogh. esits furettoiromplete e • • • • 33 Ath tarot So •nele Ilinoto _ 15 11 la 1 11.x Sitoar 1.1 101It 1 Now Saddle 11th 1 Bridle C•rt lit I 2.11 Tw :choto at 5. Ct.-ar. ,4 t% /4. E he drewts on Ow .4 )Jr. ,1111. • Groovy. 111neiwti, nn Thwarts , the 16111 day rel Septen.h.r. 1552. Committee of :h. owstagement Joke frIedie, Te nom B.bh, Jonoe 1Vt1ioni Swish, Waltham 1./sweisg,- Hear, Insingstpn. • 'AXLES IfIllOWN. Mitchell, 10th Ang.ter..1639. . FA4U3 FOIL b,8141.. • 1 v LUADLE Pre,-4nlil E. -are. Los - No as. 0, the eth-Con. in olio Town ohm of Ginterrich. cameo:oar 5.) serer. 4304 which are4iorered. 33 free or nionspe, tits well vraterf41, with • oriFer failing stilettos , throuarh the eentre or the 1.t, 11. gond gore dem. a Timor ("retort' now boor*, fruit, rii*A1e4 !wilful, Mn T0111 a 01 Onelsrom, e104 xof tie iii lege ni DIstield. A good" Lord 11.,.... lathed and olootered: 4 Barn 41 he 28; itthe.lo it d 14 abler, For parttenlir. 1.4y to Andreae lb:hough In tiro Tools u( 110Jorieti, or to the pt..pr1.1or pro,. oltee•- fou•limi• .5 14. soul (Jtegp tte LI sot etteln tonal rue. ongerier- 4, be had ,u; pie • *o .114111 it• take& 4 pre • 1,0 • .4 tloi Ito 5.1'i owl - .11.d p..a ...fi- lo 1.4 .101 T••rr..4 gee, July 11•11, 13:2. Yroeritfl - - - AUSTRALIA. LtNE: t l'IMTP11 S.111.INO 11u-;: 'o c.v •I'111.1 th of 11.•A L.A e, Fan 411 1.'14, let oleo ,11,10”. l'hn•hipe e 11110 4.1 01 1 it...teeter and Hurd iv. in a Ply ln 3hrt, r 1.. el) &hetet that hat* herto been idwer,W,41 • Toe litte In regularly re•tehli•heri, and O. areomooalotro • 041-0,e two elope *Ire:adv, deepotcholl, the Iterenoe sod rho 11,towit***11• di*. are a grterantee 11,11 pa 5,. lulloW. A ...di 9,01141.4 and proper Al- i...dont+ well 6.,eroeeted. The node Shinn(' APIPS L." 1011 tope. will be depamlord let Oelotter, to hi followed on the 1.1 Noyonit•er hy the spies • int Shot '• N IT INGAL E... Tor freixhi •••r apolr to. F. A. 11.11.14 114 'Arbon. R. W. CAII LRON, Wsll Sr_ • Now Y4ik. W. ELLIOTT, Vo.,a • 1'40%491, Jli too. Ilamtltme, g. 4, 14.52. ved29 ildilmolt1 putt sA It o. 1,a, PERON AND laf; 1141,cp. 45,1 nif4a0 lel 41,c0,1811r. fr0.1,11/ 11 at It1/11Y. win ron ooring the ing seloon as folloo4:-.1,eave l; olerteh• (weather permit ting.•verr .00,01.ng ot 11 o'clock, •nd Sorer Monevy at 0 o'clock. loser. Petrofor Potterer...wore Return (4.y. itt 9 &rive., a. uweritt Strata, at 4 . • o c•41.11 01. For Irr4gs.1 promioe *pole ro Mr. 1. (1. Me•It nt. twits door, north sif leo mooseehe Ann-. ELI WARD. lltd• Detrnit. reh. 901)1 I ti62. 'rug Imo...4;11ov+ of 46. 4 7N ATIC I, AsVIAINt hrrtof itIvin ,i.4.. Oa 1 10 eon...tower. id perroionie i tenet*. • w hich they lone reetryou tr so 'hd Lotto.. tire torero cro t, s.'4 g theat to eop• line 4i. 1r ran11311.1 1.10 1.1. l,5 insteuroarmeh of t list.t.0 hos *item .les looI0 re tate pprhpventary 11•Ant 1.r 10.41 r•rpolt• clip, are e•otrpeete.1 Ilt. ek.... the door% ,1 lam nraptem em iet admure re ate am my, recited Such se have the ovule of boa1trat • the roll IlIonnlat n1 1 111 .osier. • r 1111111 'fir/ Provowetei Loeser* A* loss, f Toron.o, .1.11y ME 439 6 • 5- r, it 3 ilk. -- NO l'It:H 1.4) 'rum rum, . IN CONSRVIINCTI 04 115, number elf • lei took pooled to Au et rake. the' Poi%p0. master Illeererel deem* it nocesooety so parties writing to thew bleat.. la that MO. loay. 11.t letter, 10 Age 1 ilibla 111ml* be toe.. WO tit Canada er they earseot tr. ionera5401. Tug, rot. on 1 bit. r ster gated warre boor 40 no.0.111 14 $.. 31. coverlet,. e.ter eNtir.er Iti.P,IIrms sr. f Quesee, istl,h Augsts 1'41. I ea 14111. I trit Pat \ 11,111 re ottrionesee.s.resa, wan, J ene siwnosoly yorneasso4 in aw /mew. amosou1 sea 44. or- , a • r ibi• h.: --eee• lest out. - to i tho woo to • of the inset rashly !on - (.Ir acts 111., hit .„„ so and • bon. . pro - • *clue vT" 111.11t the 1,1- 1 lat. uld ht, da - *ay will ry • •