The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-09, Page 15
•, nn.ww r ry 'c+r seniors.
MARK isEvgN.TH BiRTHD' Y _— Executive of Exeter's senior citizens' club sur-
rounds the large birthday cake which was part of the seventh anniversary cele
oration at the Legion Hall Tuesday night. Seated, from left, are George Lawson.,
Secretary; Frank ,president;
Taylor, and Cecil Skinner, vice-president; back row,
Alfred Hu'1lkin, master of. ceremonies; Mrs. Herman Powe, _press reporter; Mrs.
EightyEighth Year
Prico Per Copy 10 Camas
,000.00 SYSTEM
A $345,000 sewerage program for Exeter has
been accepted as a project by the Antal' Water Ree
t 1`, sources Commission, Huron MPP C. S. acNaughtoil
Oidcr i. � �iR ! announced,Tuesday.
info gc..rbage co
Cpuncit requested its • sant- the present time,'
The commission, co-operating closely with
town: council to advance the project as quickly as
possible, approved the proposal. at a meeting Tuesday
.ection morning.
'Phis followed the passing of a resolution by
council Monday night requesting the OWE,C to enter
into a preliminary agreement with the town for pre-
paration of plans and specifications.
Ion's' other members of the coo-
tation committee Monday night All members supported thetmittee the answer was obvious.
to investigate different meth- resolution calling for a study Life did not indicate his own
ods of garbage collection end of the service following a oris- !opinion..
r Dougall and Mrs. Frank K° pan- the amount and kind of mate. understanding over a discus- Taylor; "That sounds like a
iSlS; Passulore, card convenor; add Andrewng P ial that isbeingpicked up at sion at the last meeting, (lovely way for the committee
fists; and Walter Cutbusli, sones leader. rial
attended. the seventh anniversary meeting of Exeter.
i C't' 1 b T d I t 7. h
The committee headed by
Councillor Farrow, was in-
structed to compare the cost
of the present service, pro.
hy the public works
dept to that of other munici-
palities who let a contract for
The committee was also
asked .to determine .if the dept
is picking up types of refuse
which were not provided for
in the bylaw and to find out if
some firms are receiving more
than once -a -week service with-
out paying the additional.
charge set by council.
The report is to be presented
io council before budget meet -
Councillor Taylor launched,
the discussion when he asked
for a report from the commit-1
on the suggestion of pro-
viding the service by contract.
Farrow said. the council had
not asked for a, al.'
though he recalled that alt ins
vestigation. had been. sug-1
gested, There had been no'
notion in the minutes. he j
' pointed nut. I
Delbridge questioned the fi-
gures which .had. been quoted!
George Lawson. Above, they were served an anniversary; at the previous meeting. (The,
lunch by. the Rebekah lodge which helped to form. .the' fast year; It has ice cost, ebeen eepoi�ltd!
Senior Citizens' club Tuesday nig They enjoyed an organization, along with the recreation council, in. 1:954.! that .towns of similar size are
extensive varietyprogram featuring local talent, then. The club send
to get out. of it the easy way,
1: would. like to know if it's
cheaper to have the collection
done by contract. If every rem-
mittee worked on the theory
i that everything's fine and
there's no need for a change,
we wouldn'.t need a council".
Farrow maintained that• it
was not proper for:a commit-
tee chairman to investigate
any situation without instruc-
tion from council. This had
t been done in the past, he sug-
- Please turn. to page 3
Rrncipa.l reason. for rushing sewerage program the Gode-
the project is to •take advan rich engineer -has undertaken,
tage of current federal legisia- but he will be assisted by
tion which provides financial members .of the comntission':5
assistance to municipalities • engineering staff.
who complete sewerage con-' When the argreentent is coo-
struetion before March, 1963- ' pleted, 117x. Ross will. prepare
A considerable portion. of the plans on which t:ou.nce will
federal -fund already has been Lase its final decision as to
taken up in.applications to the extent: and location of ser-
vice to be provided.
At its T u e s d a y morning Bartle! s $tem
meeting, the commission also y
appointed Burns Ross, Gode- The $245,000 system was the
rich, official engineer for the
second. of three choices sua-
project. It will he the first. Bested to council by the 01'�RC
in its report made. public last
month. This proposal includes'
construction of a 22 -acre l.a,00n
See H$ enro ment
plus 15,000 feet. of sanitary 1
'n r o' sewers. Existing storm sewers
wilt be utilized,
Once engineering plans are
completed, the 'project will he
presented to the Ontario Muni-
cipal. Board for approval of the.
. Principal IC L. Sturgis told ' curriculum at Goderich for expenditure,
!the SHDHS hoard, Tuesday, ' some time, and had been add- In deciding on the system
he expected next year's enrol• ed at Wrngham this year. to be undertaken, the eontmis-
ment, to reach between 725 and j He told the board that Lite sion took into consideration
750 students, an increase of student entered the course the existing debenture debt of
nearly 100' over the present after one year in school, and the community The addition
650. `received intensive training el of $245,000 to present liabilities
He pointed out that public the commercial subjects until , will bring the debt to approxi -
school inspector John Goman. he graduated at the end of mately 25 percent of the town's
had a list of 243 'students in !grade 12. assessment of 62,800,000; This
grade eight in. the area, and lis generally recognized as the
Limited education t
i Mr, Sturgis pointed out that board w
'thrfig student t borrow.
h • l t d that it intensive study, but he didn't! pelepation at OWRC
next term
there were an additional 14 holt to which the municival
expected from the separate ill allow a cominunity
schools t gave the a greater ' n
S treats r,0 shut i.nS, donates to' a"•number getting it hone for :$5,000 by!, . 't a principa . no e
the;have as broad an education ati
heard a short review of their history by Secretary of .local organizations. —T -A photo.
contract.) may be necessary to -raise
was presently incorporated in ` The OWRC's acceptance of
Clerk Pickard suggested the number of grade nine .classes E the commercial course where! the projcet climaxed negoti-
57,204 figure didn't appear, out to eight in the 6142 term, ithe student' specialized for a i ations which began Monday
of the way when it Was con 'be. guess is that there will single year atter at least three, when a council. delegation ,in.
sirleUed that t)tee•servtee le • be- '. be • at •:least 260.E x rada...nine I years' schooling in the general terviewed commission officials
ing provided for 3,000 people.) students nest 3 ear, he added, I coarse. in Toronto
• Mr. Sturgis sairj tli, • num;ber � ^^�'� .
Too much service? " � could reach as.'high tis 30b: "This would have a greater , Mayor
Hope new marketing p
will solvehog controvers
A new marketing scheme to continue as a director of
proposed by Ontario hog pro-; FAME, the farmers' new I
ducers may solve the impasse meat -packing co-operative.
with gov't, it was revealed by 1 tteviews struggle
.Jim Boynton, the provincial � Boynton reviewed the hog
secretary, at the annual meet -1
ing of, Huron producers Wed-, producers' controversial bat-
nesday afternoon. !tie over the past two years,
Mr. Boynton said the hog claiming there really was not'
producers' committee new plan the' confusion which some peo-
"would look as though it would said there .had been "It's
be. Thirty agreeable to the mar- really a simple matter of the;
keting board and still preserve producers safeguarding ' their
Mr position." - own business. g {
The gov't has given the pro• The secretary said gov't agi 1
dueers an ultimatum to come ration for a :new plan began in
up with a , ew marketing 1958, and at that time the pac-i
'auction selling.
v ne
re- kers wanted
April 1 to
place the present direct solici- However, the Ireducers' vole'
tation program. upheld. the presen`, scheme. •
Boynton also hinted the hog Now the gov't is insisting'
producers' battle leader, Char- upon a hew plan and they
les• McInnis, may be forced are presenting many of: the pro-;
out of the provincial board. be posale :put forth by the pac
cause of the new regulations kers. t don't .like to suggest
governing elections. it but it appears there is sontee
Mcln.nis and Wes Magwood, liaison there,"
another• provincial leader, He also reviewed the intro -
were bath producers -at -large duction or Bill 86,,which gave!
powers is
the ov t
board. Newp
: the
g .1
regulations require one direc• over the marketing boards. A1.1
tor to be elected from each of though Premier, Frost assured
11 zones. the country it wouldn't be used,
McInnis, however, is likely it has been the basis of 'many
Stephen township
plans'two bridges
Stephen township eouncil has
called tenders for the construc-
tion of two bridges during
The spans are located on
concession 16 and concession
The township new building
bylaw was given its final reed-
ing by council `i'uesday ,after-
tiooe and the first ttvo Hermits
Were issued,
i'et`tn ts, were_ granted t.o
sht o t t,o
14a Mid Stire, Da to t, ,
Move a buflcling, and to tier.
herd, Borocl,, Crediton, to make
efi.Addition to his house,
, ns ect,or.
• •t e fl
Two wail!
y p
afire AO pi 4�ihiani liod
gins and Nelern.. Schenk, The.
t. "late Alin
e the e
1. ce ,.
;Baker. Warble fly powder` will
be purchased from Z'bliliti
Boulianne, Crediton.
Make appoihtniehts
le rates
tt *hided d
Aplioiittritef S t
tion of A, A-1, Hei'per, Godes.
rich, as auditor, Arid Jaines A,
Howe s, r istisWe1r drainage
Final reading` 'or, the bylaw
appointing HMS }laugh clerk,
treatet'er and. ti x collector»
glias given, Mr'. '!laugh assun-
OA his ditties at the meeting,
'ltrilmitt• Wein Was re -appoint»
+!t1 AAA essnf at the sadte ;salary
as lest year
lxt crit: of $> - Was !rode' lb
Huron County Seed Fair.
Rate of pay for 'helpers oft
roar,! work was established at
between 750 And $1,00 per
Council appt•ovCcl the erec-
tion of a stop sign on Rich-
mond St. where it intersects
with Leopold St. in Centralia,
Reeve Gtenn Webb presided
and all members were pre-
sent. Next rneetieg will be )field
Tuesday, March 7, at 1 p,ii.
Where to
AniioUndements 15
Church Notit:ei
>;h c
Cooling Events yS
ditoela s n.,,,,,.,,,,,,.. 2
'Farm 'News
Fe,5ib1inis >�atis ,,,..... its 11
1-fehsiell 10
Lucien , 14
dr+..8'r 'r
Woof Ads ,.,.,,.,, 11 •
g M Pooley, Rei -ta ,rTeien-
f'he mayor suggested some
businesses are receiving twice -
a -week service and. that as
much as 'a. full truckload is
being picked up at an.indivi-
clual store. He suggested this.
shotild he investigated.
Delbridge: "Don't the busi-
nessmen pay more taxes and
doesn't that entitle them to
more service?"
Farrow pointed out the con-
tract' method has Its disadvan-
tages, too. Other communities
have found that some opera-
tors bid too low to get the job,
then go broke during the year.
At Clinton, Clerk Pickard
noted, the householders pay
the operator directly for the
garbage according to the
amount set out. Collection was
made at the time of pickup.
De.lbridge: "f think that's a
ridiculous way to do it",
' zie and ])rains Chairman Ttoss
• :t
of the government's actions Past county president, Bert.
ever. since. Lobb, said: "We're•.not licked
et — don.'t five on your
"Trying times"
Alt Warner, Bayfield, eoun-
ty secretary, said the produ-
cers ale passing through very
trying times." He noted the
sale of FAME shares was pro-
gressing favorably in Huron.
County President Ross Love,
RR 2 Hensall, said that, in the
last six years, farmers had re-
ceived more money •for their
hogs than during any similar
period in history, :with the ex-
ception of the war years. He
hoped the marketing proce-
dure would not be changed to
any great extent.
y g up
producers' board. Farmers
still have sense enough to
know how to do business."
Albert Bacon, Belgrave, was
elected president of the county
ass'n, succeeding Mr. Love„
'Vice-presidents are Lloyd Ste-
wart, Hullet, and. Bob Allan,
Brueefield. Mr. Warner enntt-'
nues as secretary -treasurer.
Federation fieldnian Carl
Hemingway, Elmer Ireland:
and Mr, Allan was elected di-'
rectors -at -large.
O :ed to change
Township directors and a'Itei • Ppo� 9
nates from South Huron:in- Farrow suggested that if
elude: Ilsborne, .Harry Hern, council. wanted a reeonmetida-
Theron Creery; :Hay. Ross tion front the committee, he
Love G. Greniet'; Stephen Ed ' could give the answer immed-�
benefit for the slower student
scuss new eaurse 1 who has trouble building tip Taylor, along with Engineer
Mr. Sturgis also discussed at, proficiency in one year," he Ross, discussed the program
some length the merits of in- pointed out. with commission officials.
eluding a, vocational commerc- He noted that only 35 stu- i Mayor Pooley pointed out:
the school. He ' dents in 1 i negotiations at 1 s
til course in s o the v ngham ; thatth., go
Mr, J.hind councilto
in ecto.r i rcourse thiseac i alldid not
,said that the inspector, y "If th s is stage
Scotee had been highly enthus-,you have in the first year. I any expenditure on a system,
ed aka the course, but Mr. 1 what will you have at the end other than engineering costs.
' Sturgis noted that it was only ' of three years?" M o n d a y night's council
being' given in two area, : Mr. Sturgis presented the re-' meeting was delayed briefly
schools. port after havin_ attended a until the delegation arrived
The course has been on the discussion on the matter at a home after the interview.
recent principal's convention. , In •a letter which the mayor
I1 The board authorized the,presented to • council, OWBt
t purchase of 50 new chairs for Manager Dr, A. E. Berry res+the school: Mr. Sturgis pointed , commended an overall plan be
New court
out that the present supply was prepared at the outset, regards
!not adequate to seat the entire less of the extent of work
student body in a general as» council. was prepared to under
semblyf and the school had take. The plan: was regtdred,
S at
to ensurer e tli
been forced to borrott chairs ; he in icated, r
ed ,
from the public school for a present: and future projects
Exeter council will have to number of functions this year, • could be coordinated.
revise its Court of revision to
!tear the appeal of Exeter}
Curling Club against its assess-
ment: a , f $8,350 for 1961.
�The reason; three members
of the present court are share.-
' holders of the club.
IHendrick, Bruce Shipton; Tue. lately. Councillors Musser. and
kersmitlt, A. McGregor, 1V. Delbridge had indicated they
Coleman; Stanley, William did not wish to change the ser -
Coleman, . T. Scotebnier, vice and 'since they were the
Seniors celebrate
seventh birthday
The seventh anniversary of
the Saniot' Citizens *club was
celebrated Tuesday evening
with over 150 signing the rccis-
A decorated birthday rake
and tables marked the occa-
sion. Members of the Rebekah
Lodge, which helped to launch
the club seven years ago,
MAY SE FORCED OUT Secretary -treasurer G. W.
Chitries McInnis Lawson reviewed the year's
activities and gave the financ^
ial report. A moment's who
commemorated those who had
dried duan the year,
g �
President: re-elected was Mr.
Frank Taylor; °vice•president,
C.ecrl Skinner; secrrtart Mea-
surer, G, 1 1r. Lawson; press re -
Barter, . Mi's, 1-1, .Powe; son{;
rid thank
it,elax, evcrybodl'*the Wee-
t .r's bed: to norm : l
fl h aach norma
• fact, the five-day forecast.
reported by R,CAI'' Centralia ills
dicates temperatures may even
b. 1v. normal foe the teat
r aan,ct 5
of the week with slightly mild -
Cr Weather towards the week-
xi nt r ti n rata es 'Wilt
Ma i Its ei e r
vary ;horn 32 to 5 with the
hiinimunt ranging about 25,
Precipitation will it d lir ;A In
generally light With 'perhaps Desrochers,• Cantraila•, Aceetn-
,patiicd. by vlt•s. :llod
1Cen gins,
and Wayne Rowe with Rasa
ltowc at the piano.
Ether tiutnhove wore venal.
eenvencr, Walter Cutbush:
1gaster of ceremonies;
1-tttnkfn: card convcn'cr, ales,
Percy Passmore; pianists,_ Mrs,
Andrew Deuga[l, Mrs,
1 1�
Tim,., � srttn�, _ � t
Taylor M 5 T' 1 V" e at c ort til r s
King at the piano; solos by
Mrs. Ken Ottewell: number hy
three cousins, Cecil Skinner
(violin), Maurice Quance
(mouth organ) and Mrs. King
(piano); a selection by the,
Marshall.. orchestra, Toni Walk-'
cr (banjo), William Marshall.
(saxophone) and Mrs. Marshall
(plane), and readings by Mee.1
Warren Brock. '
Vise Lauretf.a Siegnee and
the high. school. dancers fur„
fur -
nestled 's o
shed several numbers,
grades 9 and .i0 ware Marlene
and Darlene Freyne, Linda
Westcott, Shirley Jaques, Mar-
lene Dignan, Trances Jackson,
Nancy Fabner, Sherrie Kelly,
Susan Pinney, Carolynne Sins -
mons, and
riot, Marion Walker
r lizebcth Gosar, all in cos.
The question was raised by
Councillor Ross '1' s y I o r, a
Jshareholder himself and a
}ineniber of the court ofrevi-
sion, at Monday night's meet-
ing, It was referred to the
town solicitor, W. G, Cochrane.I
Mr. Cochrane confirmed that!
none of the shareholders
sit, for the appeal.
Only Reeve McKenzie and:
Councillors 1) e 1 b r i d g e and
Musser are not members, '1'w0
other citizens will have to be
appointed by council to cam -
i •t
plete the court,
The curling club's assess-
ment is based - 'flit a recent
judge's ruling which tut the
Li stow el clubs assessment.
from $10,000 to 3,000, partly
because of the building's 'bele
cd use.
The court is scheduled to sit;
at, the ne'sf. council meeting,
11'ebruary 20.
Consider subsidy
toward ambulance
Town council is debating Bated .receipts and expendi-
' whether or not it should sub- tures. which included a week-
sidize ambulance service here. ly salary of $25,00 for lin ape -
The town fathers were pre- 1 rator qualified in first aid and
scored with a proposal Monday on call 24 hours a day, seven
•days week.
night,discussed t brief!
a ee
n�,h, a y,,
then turned the question overt He proposed to call the firm
to its public welfare commit- the "Exeter Ambulance Ser•
tee for investig, tion, 1 vice end hs books could be in -
The proposal resulted from spected by couneit each year,
a recent announcement by, at which time, adjustments
Harvey's Taxi that it planned . could be made to the. grant if
to discontinue its ambulance., required.
service in the near future. Sub-1Asked Councillor Simmons:
sequent council investigation,"Do you think the town should
revealed neither the hospital; get into ambulance service?
:b board nor the funeral innea,Io
t this free enter rre
here wished to provide the ser- • Hendrick: "It is •fr er enter -
;prise nut who is going 16 pro -
John Hendrick, an employee vide a service which loses nin-
of the 11, C. Dienes'Funeral ; ney
Home, offered to supply amble,
Simmons: "I iutdersiand an
Area mutual
s lu
ups surplus
isoperations of
`� t year's
itlsberne and klibbert ivltituel
!Fire lestn'ance Company have.
German toile dances were bete one of the most; success^
performed by grade 10, inc.lfid• , fut. for a long time, President
ing Pauline Aquilina, LotfisPdAlex J, Rohde reported at't11e
Jones, ,Sharon Lightfoot, Helen annual. meeting at Farquhar{
hero, 't1aine Treys, Joan NU. -Monday night,
I �..
mei', VON Sniftl and Sylvia Mr, lihbde sitid the strtplus;
, r, :c ,
1•Tertdet`son. had
lance facilities for a monthly . out-of-t.own operator is willing
grant of $125:0'0. This, he felC,'to come in."
Iwould be required to m eke up l , ..
me `C'oolet . 'rhe ltiispita.l
lieeri intt`cased by rivet 50
Sam ,Tory,
ances we`
Herniae c was onCtcd trih illei, Carol Ic;eod, FrancesA VAHeilprogram chaired by 1ete(l by PegyGoddard, ituth
a Snic.Sor,5 led by 'W. Cttbus Johns, Slim'.Heidi Scder
and Mrs, A. Dougall, Violin On Mc.riilc, Carol 13i'own, Don-
' solos were played by Mrs. P. l na llla'slfall and Mary Jo Hoff.
1 he flagship nr•
nislted intislc for
!which followed the
1 Committee. Ctrl°
One or two itiche5 of, iii '\s.
It's 'a welcome relief front
last'week•'s cold spa) which hit
a record low of 1:0.5 below
'I f § the �eolde, id
niia �
est 'A ftti"x
the dance
t the !!larch
solo-b'y Ilar'ry !Hoffman. Dash tmectini Ale Mr, and Mr
e. t l,c,„ "- , ,
C veallirr , l,l ) e
the 14 ;vl`'ar, n - ,. ,, t+noel, n,rn S eltt)r'tis 'ltitiit[cliu,cl (1yd Ilei�n, Mr. and Alts. o.
rhbded At ` A:1%Iia but tdiere s Murray NO, Sain. teen and' White. Mr, and Mrs, Cite lee
tette nictitation the' tbitrittry Geraldi, Spinner, , 1Trlviit and 1, Miller and. Mr, `Anti Mrs,:itrtttss
�--:Please turn{0 page 2 Alien llttswellr with Mrs, �1 d'1(t114tly
tier cent. In cents per MO,
the Siirphis is now 43 cents
of 11 28,, or .t, 459
red i t f
1In 1060, the company was,
Able to invest; over $10,060 of
new Menet',
At the organization meeting
held atter the general meet
itig, Milton• McCurdy was elect•
ledp resident and Timothy B,
Y i+
To lir live tosiden .
r� t
1111, ,1 Ctfl° hos benti•�
C 'Cly' a e .ri a l
rector of fhi~ en>`ttipaii3 ;4ir'trz� '
ln• 6 14e t
. 4, As ...ui.,
v Si li l
it d� t 1� ��6a; .
!Mid 1952.
the difference between entici-'
do with it, nor do the local
funeral heiniee. The point is
the town should not be without
;ambulance. service,
Councillor Farrow. "Bet this-
is more (batt a subsidy it's
A guarantee,"
Simmons: "It the hospital
tloesn t want it and the funeral
directors 'don't want it, then
council shouldn't much it," He
eeid s egal other corn tiunf^
: ivies had had difficulty trying
io.. subsidize the service.
4c tliCi`
In other ttsinC,,. n n 1.
i business,
to the town sad,
for a complaint that the. C I1:
intends to plate gaols en they
• Which
' s tt i rt
SUM ithttlt tun, titre 1
s g
p: opitrty between Welliingioti
and Vittoria.
'rook lie Whin -an a propo»,
sal that council provide a Buil-
rant.i% Mr a firth which wag
prrliarca to. pr'ov'ide stiow-bloW-
.hlg service for town streets.
'Granted Xtitiltittig permits in
MMurt'ay /Grr'eene. Mr I'Oflovii»
;lions 1 big � ore` 1`.l.sscll
(1 lir. � t ,
for $0 f100 hrttisb fi'i'1
iTAllttvill. #' r � a .
lThe northwest corner bf, VI.
Girard and Johrt Streets
t board doesn't want anything to
Ml,iTUA1 tifal'•F,4 bet:41
e Milton
e urd{