The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-02, Page 8'4•••reseesesseaslasorseeiresaseevireeteesers. " "10 ;"`C "ft .-"*C. ,.•144k"-***Vrietwilionit,044."..t'AMWVirlit §10....:4 440.
P 4 41110 TtiMeSsAfiViSeetlit, Feb:Nary 2, 1241.
Two Exeter -t.tittents
:o u
tic soe rs
TWO Exeter youths topped Rev. Breit and 4rs. DeVriese,
/Use flew. _ot 26 competitors an won second prize in the boys*
win first prizes in the annual division with his speech on
junior public speaking contest "What it Means to be a Cane
staged at South Huron District adieu". He was one of five
High School, Thursday. who chose the popular subject,
Susan Dinney, 14 - year - old outlining the great benefit:,
daughter of Mr. and Aire. R. enjoyed by eitizens in this
C. Dinney, won the gise& diva country.
an while George Godhelt, a The only rural student to win
grade 10 student, sort of Mr. a Prise was Barbara Webber.
and Mrs. Gerald Godbolt, cop- The Kirlgon miss spoke On
ped the hoes'eevent. ".4,:riculture in OurCommon-
She outlined the past:
Susan, a grade nine etudent. iLY
epoke on "F.lectricity's Coetri- hard:5111"f the eartr farmers':
stating, how they had been at
billion to our Standard of Liv -
to the 'Mated by modern scientific.
George Hinton, a Huron Park I
thg," drawing attention
many luxuries provided by Illeth°ds.
eleetricity and rettlinina some
student, speaking on "Explore -
of the events that evolve thin of Space." had the grade
in the future. nine and ten audience bull
Speaking en "An Historical Ming over with laughter with :
Site in Ontarin," George spoke some humorous comments in
cm the hist"). of St. Josephs his talk. He pointed out that
and the dreams of its founder, when humans travelled into
Nareisse Canals, He pointed outer space, they reached a S
out that although Cantin never point where they would he un-, t
lived to see his dreams come able to move their arms, feet
true, many of the visions he or tongues and wouldn't he
had were new coining to be, ' able to talk. 'This is the rea—
, son why women are not being
Peter DeVriese. another 14 -
year -old Exeter youth, San 01 trained to make the first space
flights," be stated.
n m ,
ponsoreci by Conklin, Lumber Monday night, A portion of
theatre building at Grand 13end, Operation of power tools
tion and framing work were subjects for the first clinic.
will assist with the series is Dashwood Planing Mills Ltd,,
cut windows,
Thames 'Road glut)
lans to entertain
. Ecstort Cardiff, MT' far
irersonal items
Plan re.pair
for . harborL. s
Huron, announced he bas been
T.11 e January -Meeting of the thl‘elre'rocip lwrninprol\vleilelfernt, a ettnenleend. ilana.1°Yrildn (114. NbliYallstehr! ii.iniQnnigst4erralOef-
litivaePdTeraPay-°111)leeavehgmll•g117 11°' tr11:,, tiol\ileasiistraTorrEotanyto cectettrerfdiaysitilani public works, that it is expect,
1 those who went 0 n tit e bus ile)sclea seljali earirrcibi:drd ifisi.41117;t°1:Ge' Parnldpeeljrna;6011 awftilisidlr
heralrittiervila present,baailr1crnAlliatrtiwfiFot 11:10.Y2tt4iil e men' -Stew* ;1 ,PA lal scene' 1 oRroesswere ga (Oar otnagn(sloili;oer Lorne
ship serVice, Assisted ba' Mra' 1 t,Op to Toronto on Thursday to . al. year. The Wpr/5. will coat
Fioald Stewart, Mr. apct ,Mrs. the machinery show.
Reg Hodgeet, Mr, at' i 1 1 t a in 1 s, . : about $$0,000 and Was ha a been
Aden, preoeot„ took charge Mr and Mrs. William liars; allocated in the new estimates
aottistwIrebattsizetaha, thReollp cap was lier a' f Ceornarty, Mss l'irilma / which have been tabled In the
0 Harper of Stratford Mr. and atoese. os Core mons,
At Gotierleh about $50,000
' 43Ing ' f I Mrs. Lloyd ''' 1-teckne'Y, Dennis '
jt was decided to enterton 1 and Linda, Mr. aed Mrs. Llerd ! ivM be spent to reconstruct
s 11BallaritYne and
LAITY were the SOUth Pier to provide im-
ethoevpieesnotrgloattpnd rhoanrtarileik40 smarT.rcialyaraevelinaigline.gyu..espxetNevtl, jpgreoef fhahcatitistiesi!opraiit.she tornatnifa,
Street United.' Church, Clinton,.
At the February :meeting.
Mrs. 'Wilfred Hunkin -faver-
ed with. a vocal .solo.
Mr, :and Mrs. William Snow, • wear( at Bayfield are expect,
8111Y, Bobby And JIMMY% and ed to cost about $30,000,
Mrs. Moore m„,,I,tohrom y.riacinadY eve-
Several films were shown Reg Hedged.
with the new projector- Scene; v TSeller
rillaccholynalse s t s were enjoYed• Mr. anciAirs. axles
served by tee eren„ Rai Exeter leadnd
Mrs, Alex Rohde and Mrs.
"How toschool Reg llodgert and Mr. end
Henr f Mitchell on Monday
rict persons, including a mittee chasge, A r, an .
u ber of ladies, are attending classes of the Seven -week
. Judges for the fii.e•minute
the crowd is seen in the Mr8. Fi"d Stewart' evening.
and a clinic on founcia- Passmore cousins meet Mr, arid Mrs. Melvin Gar -
Among the firms Who Some 40 cousins of the Pass- diner and Marilyn were Saha.
manaufaoturers of pro. clan were guests at the as evening
home of Mr. apd Al guests with Mr,
Mand Mrs urray Gibson of
T -A photo l'iassmorie on Frh
iday taryansttodn, theoccasion being
Prizes were won by; ladies' Clarence Fletcher, Mrs. Gar-
rs erson itt tes eille; ladies' low, Mrs. Wil-
rogress ve eve r
e Is as played -.a birthday dinner for Mrs.
• high, Mrs. Gilbert Johns, Ellin- dther's mother,
1, eemeeeneeemeweelleemelessesemiemeeessee,,,,,,eme,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,e;
• t Ike were Mrs NI. C. Flet• More o s . riv no
cher and Rev. R. S. Hiltz, both
grooves, RCAF Station Cent
Exeter, and Norman. Har -4 h
t an r
J at 97 years .
bigh, Mr, Fred Long, Atwood;
_s,, Mrs. William Gerson, mother renovations Ebmville; lone hands. Mr,
men's. low, Mr, Allen Johns,
The two first -place winners Who says advertising doesn
at the Fa irh ven Nursing Completion of a new floor in Grant Ratcliffe, Kirkton.
Guests were present from
retie. ,t; of Ernest, Cerson, town. died
will receive $10 prizes donated pay? the parish hall and the addition
bv the student rouncil, -tattle Aylmer, London, Atwood, Kirk -
Horne, Kincardine, on Satur• new Sunday School room
Officials at the teen-age day, January 28 at the age of el a
were among the achievements ton, Russeldale, Hartsell, Ex.:
the runner•un students will re -
square dancing held in the 97 years,
• eter and. the surrounding cpm
$5 each. I Exeter town hall Friday w111 Besides her son Ernest, she el the past year reported at We
o annual vestry meeting of Tra. .munity.
Other speakers, In the order ; attest to the fact that it cer- • survived by another'so '
they appeared, were: Ron' telt& does, Issur " f Kneard• Tovn: vitt 14Iemoriat A n g 11 c a n
'Smith, Linda Jehnston, John , . Wilfred, o. .1 me N
Lock, Joan Smith, E 1 a i n e- For several weeks, Larry ship anddaughter, . ,
a Mrs Church,
Committees and groups gen.
Powe, Sharon Lightfoot, Lylene ; Heideman. former rec direc- George Robertson, also of Kin- erally reported a successful
ttalladay. Margaret J o h n s, I tor, stated in his column that ,
eardine Township. year.
Nancy Ryan, Carol Taylor,' more boys were needed at the Funeral services w L
The parish plans to sponsor
were held ,
'Marlene Frayne, Carol brown, dance because there was an Monday At the lacennan another hot beef supper in the
Helen Hern, Shirley j
aceues, abundance of pretty young Funeral Home, Kincardine,
• Legion hall on April 5,
Diane McKenzie, Brian Me-, gu
lard Pauline Aoullina. Gery I Naturally, the gay lads A -
Systma, Robert Shapton, Ro-; round town accepted the chal-
bert Borland and Gary King. lenge and started to turn out
in large numbers. in fact, the
• situation is now reversed. The
Peter Kilpatrick
TOPS JUNIOR GIRLS Crediton native
Peter Kilpatrick, 92, a native
of the Crediton district, died
at the Queensway Nursing
Horne, Hensel!, Tuesday. He
had been' admitted to the home
the day before.
r 1cled
. . , Susan Dinney
Lnmarried, he has rest
Ta with Mr, and Mrs. William
— Kyle, Kippen, for the peat 28j W h alert
years. There are no survivors.
Public services will be held
, Thursday 2 p.m. at the bon-
, Oros: Funeral Chapel, Hensall,
under the direction of Rev. Ha•
rold Johnston. Interment will
be in Exeter cemetery.
club needs more girls.
Any girls (and boys too) who
would like to join the 45 -mem -
her group will be welcome al
the 'town hall this Friday night
at 8:00 p.m. The age group is
between 11 and 15 years and a
. good time is guaranteed.
Topics from
, . , George Godboit
Church officers elected for
1961 include:
Rector's warden, Joseph Woo -
Brea s eg dell; people's warden, Evan
at rins.ey Sims; secretary • treasurer, B.
D. Sturrock; vestry clerk, Mrs.
Harry Page; organist, Robert
B • . I
' By GORDON MORLEY Cameron; choirmaster, Harry
While doing the morning Board of management, 13. D.
chores on the farm of Mr. Sturrock, Jack Fulcher, Wil -
Douglas Lewis, concession 12, Ham King, Mrs, Waiter Bent -
farm employee, :fell last Sat• Olivia flodgins, Mrs. John Ste-
t, ley, Mrs. R. Dickens, Mrs,
McGillivray, Mr. Albert Har
urday breaking his leg, - venson, Ralph. Genttner, Miss
1Mr. Hart was climbing a Mary Wells, Mrs, ,C. E. Ache -
ladder which . slipped throwing son, Mrs, Cecil Gibbons, Mrs.
him heavily . o • se ar . - utraY
With the - assistance of a Lav delegates to synod, Mur -
neighbor, Mr. Wilbert Lewis, ray Greene, Ben Case; alter -
By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE . htreearmasenrtushed to hospital for nates, Mei Keating, Marry
see... esesesseseesseeerreormersereens Persotiel items ; Sunday School smart. Mur -
'Greene: . WA president.
Mr. Frank Parkinson and ' Some armers are i hauling
iMai.Y.s. John Stevenson; Chancel
Glenn visited in Londonon water from Ails Cre. g kv sen . ,,,,...r.
in president, Miss Marion
S u n d a y with mr. and. Mrs.1 local wells are gone drY, even giusse..;
tt Ladies' Guild presi-
Is are low for this •
some pontdent, Mrs. Murree eene;
. leg her daughter, Mrs. Donald , Genttner•
Mr. Don Pullen, Guelph was time of year. ,
' Mr k 'r • v. AYPA president, .Miss Shirley
Happenings in a weekend visitor at his home a' Jae .1 e lthlek la 161
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Weiberg Frank Parkinson and Glenn.' Jack Rosser of Ailsa Craig at -
visited for a few days last Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Banner- ,
week with their daughter and man and Sharon Grose, St, tended' the 'VMS Middlesex A
Presbyterial held at Empress
husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Marys, visited on Saturday United Church, London, last .
Kuzmich of Brownsville, also evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday as del.egates.
here, Newey, of Londen.
Mr. Bert Duffield returned
home on Thursday from SL ' 4 number of pupils of Mc -1 There's nothing faster on
Marys M e m o r i a I Hospital Gillivray Central School are the take -off than a bus you've
absent owing to illness. l just missed,
where he had been a patient. •
for several weeks. i Air. and Mrs. Carl Trevithick rio•simincravyalletweim
ot London spent Sunday with - ; -
Mr, Russell Parkinson, Lon- Mr, and Mrs. Jim Trevithickd .
don, spent Saturday with Mr,Chp Out For Emergencies
Mrs. George Lee and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Scanlan of
Ray Parkinson.
Mrs. Les MorleY snent Jest
• • ' " that, place and: Canon R. W. Recent visitors with Mr. and
W cl• L do
ernes ay in n.
and Mrs. James, Port Burwell. Mrs. Cleve Pullman were Mr. ;
Topics from M. H. and Mrs. Elston were and Mrs. Stanley Pullman and Mr. Cyril Morley, of Lieury,
woodh' arn dor- 1
Saunirldal'„eveliligarTesitlacolfs JjleinrrnivY'
41c iltaanf f a .a GaryandMrs.areiysiteadndwiathrnifyl'sn'n WSuantry.
- • - ; daughters. Donald Kirk of Exeter. The have -planned an
_ old fashioned sleigh -ride party
by MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE . Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister Saturday a v e n i n g guests , • a
entertained a number of their with Mr. and Mrs. William ler Friday e
Mr. Earl Lewis returned ;
ssaeSS. Ss- , ' relatives esecently. Guests in- Morley Jr. were Mr. and Mrs, home from St. Joseph's Hos- I
I chided Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hoo- Russell Brock and David of , pital last Wednesday where he I
Personal items I per, Grant and Billy of Exe- Chiselhurst and Mr. and Mrs
lir, and Mrs. William Run- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skinner William French, Laura, Earl had been confined for the past.
dle ,,and Larry had as their and family, Mr. and Mrs, Ron and Joe,
guests on Wednesday evening Denham and family of Kirk- There was no h 1 LI
sc oo a
A presentation for Mr, and'
Mrs. Jim White was held last'
1111r. and Mrs, Arnold° Bern, tone Whalen Tuesday owing to the '
the Friday evening at, West McGil-
Mr. and Mrs. Garth. Bladder, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Weiberg illness of Mrs. Gowan,
and family visited on Sunday Leather. On Wednesday Mrs. livrar hall'
Brent and Stephen, Mr, and '
Mrs. Oscar Brine and Donald, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fi-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, Mr, seller and family, also Mr. and
and Mrs, Gerald Brinthell, and Aire. G. Stanlake, all of Lon -
on Thursday evening their don.
guests were Mr. And Mrs, Al-- The • "Sunshine Group" of le-
bert Scott of Farquhar, Mr. dies including Mrs. Karl Wei -
and Mrs, Roy Russell, Linda, berg, Mrs. Lorre Weiberg.
Karen and Joyce of Russeldale Mrs, Bob Blair, Mrs. Jack
and Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Blair, Mrs, Allan Elston, Mrs.
Brintriell. Sam Skinner, Mrs. Jack Coates
Mr, and Mrs. Adriatic, Prin. and Mrs, Jno. McAllister go-
gle, of London, were guests of thered at the home of Mrs. M.
Mrs. M. :Copeland and Jean on H. Elston on Monday afternoon
Sunday, - for a social time. The after -
Mr. and Mrs. John. Selves noon was spent, in games and
of Thames Road were Friday a friendly time after which
visitors with Mrs. M. Jacques. coffee was served.
Mies Norma Hera RN of St. M is s Sheila Elston cele -
Joseph's Hospital, Londe n, brated her lath birthday on
spent the weekend at her home January 30. She invited sev-
in the village. oral girl friends to spend the
Doris Grego, 4th Line, spent evening when she served her
the • weekend with Barbara birthday cake,
Mau Donna Copeland of Lon!
bon visited al. her home with ; Women like In look 'into A
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cope- ' rnirrnr, except when pulling
land and Murray rie Sunday. 1 awes, from a parking OW.
Mr,. and Mrs. Oliver Hazle. I
wood, Mr. and Mrs, Norman
Hazlewood and family enter-
tained at. the former's home on
Saturday evening to a turkey
dinner all those who assisted
with the pelting Of the mink: ;
Mr, and Mrs. J. Youngson,
Granton, Mr. and (Mrs. 13111
Spenee, Mr, Jim McNeughton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Brine and
Paul, Base Line, Mt. and Mrs.-,
-George Levy and Elizabeth,
Itusseldale, Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrerite Beckett, Mr, end
Mrs. Alex Gartenburg, Mr, mid
Mrs.' tlehe Rodd, Mr. end Mrs.
Glen C,opialand, Woodhe in, Mr.
oncl Mrs. Hurtle .Ellaekler, 4111
Mr. and Mrs, flay &1111s,
Ester, Mr, and Mrs. HArOld
LAN/Y1 Lynn and Xaren, St,
MeryS. were getsts Of Mr, and
Mrs. Lloyd Cowdrey SetUrrieY
George UOrt)11Y, 'Mrs.
&brolly, tivliss Margaret Welsh,
Sohn Morohy and Nelson of
roronto Were weekend ViSitell
with Mr, AIM MY'S'.. bbn
Mr, end Mee', thntge
athie and bobble. of rnintlat
Nero Sunday visitors with Mr.
!Jr.' Mrs, Norris Webb
Jolly, Exeter, supplied.
The WA fa( Whalen church
held a congregational supper
on Tuesday evening, Despite
the cold weather mine a few
turned out and enjoyed e so-
cial tirec.
Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper was administered at
Whalen church on Sunday
morning by the. Rev. D. M.
Mr. heir Finkbeiner took e
load of children to the Wood -
hare skating rink on Saturday
afternoon. All reported a good
The Euchre Olub met et the
schoolhouse on Friday evening
with five tables in play.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern
convened the evening.
Awards went In; ladies' high,
Laura trench; men's high,
WHAM French; lone hands,
Bill Morley.
t1601, Xfni reels. seasiesseesiees tiles ealear.
VAN' Yilt Ws t 'blot& halt—that's "nue ydat
we the tut tim-4 *or* fibs WC"
Properly-esivippCct vehicles
. with oxygen.
Drivers with St, Johns!
Ambulance Cereficates
Phone Dashwood 70-W
or Grand Bend 20-W
The addresses nn each
Jotter and parcel should
R the full name of the
person who is to
pet it,
WI the correct apart-
ment n•umber,
street address,
rural route number
or post office bo;
city, town or vil-
lage, and postal
zone number where
your name and
complete return
address in the
upper halt -hand
See the yellow pages of most
telephone directories for
complete postal information
A tarred postal t/ifires
spods mote defivory.
; •
She; '11t takes a magician to
' get a rabbit out of a hat,"
He: "But any woman can let
'Use eat out of the bag."
IMr. and Mrs' Russell Morley
ot' Exeter, Mr,and. Mrs. Void
Cowdrey of Woodham visited
an Friday evening, with Mr,
land Mrs, Lloyd Knight.
I Mr. and Mrs, Ray Cottle
visited on Tuesday with Mrs,
lAlex Rohde of Mitchell, who
returned home from Stratford
hospital on Tuesday.
'60 Ford 500 Sedan, .i) 4 to rn atic
'59 Ford V.8 Seder* (2), A vtomatio
'59 Meteor V.8 two -door, straight stick
'59 Meteor eix-eylinder, two -door, law mileage
'58 Rambler Sedan, super, radio, You eon steal this One/
,56 Faddio,
as well es a '57 Dodge 6-eylirider 5u1surban, automatic,
4 -door, country **den, Automek, radio
'56 Meteor Sedan, e real gene
'55 Ford Sedan, Automatic '55 Chev Coach
'55 Olds Coach 80, straight stick
'55 Dodge Sedan '55 Volkswagen
'54 Tr:Wick, 2.door hardtop, Automatic, radio
'54 Pontiac Sedan, motor overhauled '54 Ford Coach
'54 Oodee Suburban, no reasonable offer refused
'53 Suiek Sedan, e real gem
'53 Olds Sedan 88, good shape
'53 Ford Coach (2) '53 Ford Sedan
F. T.
'57 Ford Tandem 750, ready to roll
'58 Ford 600 Dump with trailing Axle
'58 IFIC 184 Dem!), an above average truck
'60, Ford Pickup 2 demonstrators to choose from
'56 Forel F.600 Combination Dump, new motet'. /above
'52 Ford Pickup, slightly moth eaten '47 Ford Pickup
Ford Jubilee, above average
'51 Ferd, motor overhauled, ready to roll '49 Forel
'57 Ford with step-up transmission
'51 Massey-30—Give int a good offer on this one (may
even take a poor one)
PLOUGHS-2. and 3 -furrow drag and lift. Pay your money
and take your choice.
Larry Snider Motors
Ford • Monarch • Falcon
'Now's the time to make sure your
farm buildings are in good shape for
a profitable season , to re.
pair xsomc, and build
others. ' Make a note
of your building and
repair needs , then
come to us for Lop
1,. quality materials and
eas ;,,SeaSe-;
IS -s•
Shell Furnace Oil costs no more than ordinary oils, yot
it offers confpiete protection for your heating systetn itt
Iwo money -saving ways.
OnlySheIl rurnace Oil gives you the benefit of a speciel.
additive that keeps your burner filter $philessly eitari,
banishes the top cause of butnet becakdown . keeps
your burner at podk efficiency—all winter long.
With Shell Furnace Oil you get &mita protection,
Sonitot. Stops rust forming. Can actually makd your
storage tank last ovice as leng
Phone n your order ietiesy, taktAdvantagd of Our
guaranteed delivety Service,
1 t's the easy way to slam et
nth -1I Webb' dirratight
Phone 80 Extifer
."1001 prices :riglitt •
helpful advie G, Our
onklin Lumber
014tiNt .611 Textleo.
1iNt510 14-61tANb EN11
.1.4464# 1,1 1/401)00k6 • .OHNE JA 4440: titZtAldi4