The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-02-02, Page 5cOTION'S
BATTEN, Sports Editor
SeVY "A;
Realizing that Opportunity Only knock
once, WO think it is •only fair that we print the
follbwing advertisement; on behalf of the Exeter
Mohawks in the 'hope that some hockey aspirant
kt the district will accept the challenge,
The Tribe has an opening for a player at
the• present time, and althotigh we clon't wish to
discourage anyone from applying for the position,
will list the requirements of the applicants,
$0 they will know exactly N'at is expected of them,
First. of all, you will have to average 31 goals
per season (you might get away with 30) and as
RA your teammates on another 26 tallies (sorry,
we can't lower that figure) or, in other words,
come up with an average of 57. scoring points
per season, (We realize that ‘von't be too hard,
because 1 even scored a goal one year.)
However, the requisits get tougher as they
go along, but don't give up yet. This player will
have to be able to play centre ice preferably, but
Will also be expected to take a turn on defense
for the power -play (what do you mean—you didn't
know the Mohawks had one?) and also play de-
fense when the Tribe are a man short.
In real close games, this player will be
expected to play most of the final period and
definitely the last ten minutes, and still come up
• with a top-notch performance all the time he is
on Ihe ice,
Naturally, you will have to be an exception-
ally strong skater, and be equally good at scoring
from the blueline and from close -in, In fact, you
will need one of the hardest slap shots in the
league, and he able to deke the goalie eight times
Out of ten on a breakaway,
(For those who have already given up, there
are additional help wanted ads oh the classified
For those still with us, we continue by tell-
ing you that you will have to be a first-class team
player, and will probably be selected as team
captain for showing your outstanding leadership
Unfortunately, we can't promise what play-
ers you will be teamed with, but with your ability,
we will put some of the more inexperienced play-
ers on the wings so you can help them along, (You
still have to score those 31 goals though.)
We could go on with this .list, but when
the hundreds of applications are received we know
the Mohawk executive will be able to choose the
player they think will fill the bill. However, we
should, add that you can be a bit of a roughneck
and display any 'amount of illegal tactics. That is,
if you don't come up with more than four penal-
ties per season.
We. imagine most of our readers will think
we're crazy (or going crazier) expecting to find a
player of this calibre, but we're not. (And we've
got the local vet's psychiatric report to prove it.)
Besides that report, we also have other
statistics to prove it is possible.
When we found out that Larry Heideman
was leaving Exeter to return to his home town of
Kitchener, we delved back into our records, and
Although they are not complete, these are some
of the things they proved.
Since coming to town six years ago, Larry
has scored 284 points (not including this year) and
has been instrumental in helping the Tribe attain
the heights they have over those five years.
After being the leading scorer for the
Waterloo Siskins, OHA Junior "B" champs, Larry
:joined the Tribe and was the leading scorer as the
Mohawks won their first league title in eight years
in WOAA Intermediate "A" ranks and went to the
Ontario semi-finals.
Heide was the leading scorer with 72 points
in the league against Goderich, Forest, Strathroy
and Milverton. He potted six in the final series with
Goderich, 16 points against Wallaceburg Electrics
and scored six goals and two assists as they went
down fighting against Sundridge Beavers. The six
goals representing half of the total scored by the
When the Mohawks turned Senior 13" the,
following year, Heideman was the team's third
highest scorer with 38 points Arid played three
fewer games than Bill Oberle and Bill McDonald,
\e'io placed first and second with 49 and 48 points
In Homebrew "B" next year, Larry came
through with 47 points as the Tribe topped the
eight -team league. He picked up eight points in
both playoff series before the Tribe lost out to
Bradford and the OHA executive.
Heideman ended up on the injured list for
several games the following year, but still came
fourth in the team's standings as they won another
league championship. He was the leading scorer
in, the playoffs, with Ilderton, Mitchell, Forest and
Phillipshurv, as the Tribe won the WOAA title.
In 1960bLarry again placed fourth in the
standings, but was credited With •a very respectable
50 points, and scored 11 more as the Mohawks
Ousted Mitchell before the fateful Georgetown
So far this year, Larry is third in the stancl.
ing, two points behind Don Beattie and Boom
.80orn Gravett, his final game in Exeter, he-
ft:WO heading :for 1<itchener, the big centre came
through with three goals and two assists.
As far as the other features we noted about
Larry, w' know all the fans in the district ‘vtiO
haVe watched hiin play Will back up our states
merits about his team play Ability and verSatility.
And as a teammate for two ydAt'S (1 can't
help it if the trainer piled the sticks in front of
me and you couldn't set me), we can voucli for
Larry's teaM spirit, Arid 1 think I have the support
Of all the Other members of the Mohawks over
those five years.
At time or writing, 1 an't say whether
Larry will still compete for the Tribe or not, but
it is 6Xpoeted that, he will be on hand for most
o 11110 home garnet, and we Certainly hope the
Mohawk executive will de their best to entice lthn
back, Al thbSe 1 3'8 Will be Very hard to fill.
• HOwever, we take this opportu ity to wish
Larry and Carol 'all the best back in Kitchener
and we hope we will still have the pleasure of
Watching lanky Larry •ge) through his paces for the
Tribe and hope that PI) Weill Open Up WWI iteXt
.'ear at least.
, • - • , t!:4,• !!!)
. - ; ,„ f.tertt.• ig2;,• ; "/C4. 4;'•
ribe whip Di..Ihi
third place 1.-1
' ea
Tha TWA/AA:09404i •P rvy 2, 1.'24-1
Sflci eak;
fifth straight
1 Exeter Mohawks finally
,' glIael*eijunlei' sn-g Juvtih
thc4• ran firti.t:3 i1t)snapx-
pd out of their losng streak,'i
1 „ McDonft .nets e
I ovr Pa.
pea one game to all five other •
as ' '•• - ,
Tribe notcwin
DUring their five-garne' los.
ing streak, the Mohawks drOp-
teams in the eh•cult, They won Exeter Mohawks snapped spark the Tribe to their lap -
their last game on January 6 their five -game toeing streak sided win. The crafty tittle
when they ecleed the POrt with avengeance, Sunday. ska- , win,e,,er fired ii goal cat the ga
I Dever Sailors in .Exeter, ting to an impressive 11-3 win second mark of !the second pea
if the Mohawks can get baeic over Delhi. Rockets in Delhi. ' riot' to pull the Tribe into a
; on the win trail consistentla' The Tribe played inspired tie, •and then he set up Bill
, f.or the remainder of the sea- hockey In thc' linal 13" periodMd w
s!McDonald the Aetna clina
seri, they win bave a chance of the contest. up r1'ith . cher at the 6:07 mark.
, to catch the third-place Lucan- nine goals while Ernie Little i From there on in, the Tribe
IIlderton Combthes. In their re„ Fhut the Roelols ,out. Although took complete command of the
=ming five vines, the yi,,, they were twined by some poor • game, and , the only contest
i host the Delhi Rockets once,
twice and notminding on the part of Ken was to see how many goals
Wilson. in the Delhi nets, the they eoUld score.
play Fort Dover
; Both these teems are currently . `.,rr:Lhe were full value for their, Besidea scoring the tieing
' battling each other for the eel-• `Y"'• ! goal in the second period, 11 -
ii th,eviiiiie ,...111.01 sh4 a:ye:sr. .11 a v e on e g a rn 0
only lost one game to each of the defense came up with a Fisted on two goals to pick up
stellar game in front of Lit le 0,s scoringint
clicked • on their;passing and final 2o minutes and also as.
The two •f 0 r w a r d lilies lingworth added anOther in the
tar spot, and the Tribe have '
' nci, were aided hy
slate Lena -t , ftesut. tceorflantl, points0,ishoet lolef c:Ine:
left with Aylmer imperLalsacions back checking on the; Donald's five points.
•with the Combines. The :game that has n,,en lacking in their scoring eye,
; and an all-important contest part ef. the!orwarda, something . Don Bea tti eeonrtreigbaultibledl two
• in Liman on February 17 could recent slumn, when they were goals, while single ma diets
be the one to decide who
: the number three spot. gets beaten by all five teams in the were picked U19 by Boom
,..fammammosaimige4 •
I The Combines, who copped leaBgirle'MBoom Gravett anDick Be-
! was the scor- dard.
theb• fifth straight
this week, big star of the afternoon, CM- L Rockets take lead
1 d
'J.! • have two games remaining ing UD with five tallies, the
rIt..141,*.T*41101104,A0 ! withsliIfilie Ileare leading' Inger.' biggest spree by any Molial,vk The homes t ers lost little
I . o . ar.;aers and one with. time in their attempt to hand
, the Tribe their sixth straight
loss, with Bob Sabatine note/l-
ing their first goal after only
2erisoegonds of play in the first
Bill McDonald and Don Beat-
com e ,..;•;;.. , ..
lie came through with a pair
of goals around the mid-waY
back to play Exeter, ;••,..,!
mark of the period to shoot the
Wednesday, Ai'
Tribe into a 2-1 lead, but Dalt;
Shine tied the score at the
16:50 mark end Saba tine
nushed Delhi into a 3-2 lead
20 seconds before the teams
left the ice.
However, it was a different
Mohawk team that took the ice
in the second neriod and with
illingworth and McDonald do-
ing the scoring, they jurnped
into a 5-3 lead.
The final period was corn-
nletely deminated hy the Exe
ttaercks.ix, as they whipped in six
goals in their xelentless at -
Both teams picked up four
minor penalties in the cleanly
THC HEROES—These three members of the Exeter squirts, shown with their coach, Port Dover Sailors,
. : the Delhi Rockets and the,
Red Loader, Were tire outstanding players on the local team which won the Kim- Sailers here • i
men tournament in Clinton, Saturday, Barry Baynham, left, scored four goals in 'rhe • Port Dover crew will
the first game, while Jim Parker, :holding the trophy, and John Loader were. chosen supply the opposition for both
as the outstanding players in the 3-2 win over Clinton in. the final game.—T-A plieto travelatcatteoa nil, su c (hisano n wvereikd.a v The .,•1
SHDHS girls undefeated
Cop trio from itchell,
Panthers lose by ppi
the four basketball teams at second quarter, !moping four another 15 points between
SHDHS came within one has- ' points, while the, locals could them, Xandra tossing in eight
ket of sweeping their Cries only manage one field goal for and Ruthanne contributing se -
with Mitchell, Thursday. two points. However, they ; ven.
The Panthers were the only came back strongly in the final! Bonnie Hogarth hooped an -
team to go down to defeat, two ouarters to hoop another other five for the winners and
dropping a close 37-36 tilt in 23 points and the guards put Bonnie Turvey sank a II Id
the boys'contests in Mitchell. up an excellent defense, hold- goal for the final .t.wo.
The juniors emerged with a ing the visitors off the score- ! The locals led 15-5 at the Fr ida
Future games:
two-point margin in the second sheet for the entire last half, end of the first half and out- , 1112.0„„"
half of the twin -bill, while the , Kris Gulens paced the win- ! scored the visitors 22-10 in the port Dovor 14ita 11;',11,1
girls trounced the visiting Mit- ners with 20 points on eight final,
ellen squads at SHDHS. 811111'11iY, Fth. -
field goals and four free
Panthers lose squeaker
It was the second straight throws, Pat Rowe tossed in 17
Last week's scores:
•y i"nrr 11, Port Imre);
Doill I Ex p 5
Inepts0"1 7. A yl»,nt 0
I,uPan 7, Deihl
Expirt 11. npthi
Poet Parer nrull
Ingt,N,011 5, Pnrt Parr
S tandings
w le A P
2 15a 77 WI
A;S'11111,1* 1X X 134 117 an
1,,iiran-11clorlort 7 7 11 55 25
5 7 57
Port DOVF!!! , g 15 122 152 Is
Don't 1foli 1:',1 11
NF1 --.1.11 camop 111,7.0“ or and
- Motto!' are four Poll)!
• at.,-
.\ llItt 81 rt,r1 no\ et
lue,or$011 at. Dr.lhi
win for both girls teams., the points, Diane Rennie contd. i The SHDHS senior boys lost
. their second straight contest \\'''10"tia:v, . l''Ph, 5_
first for the junior boys and huted 11 and Carole Hogarth
the second loss for the Pan-
thers in Perthex Conference and Barb Hodgson rounded out
the onslaught with three and . by one point, ending up on the . l
short end of a. 37-33 count in ' Pm I )01 Or Al E:Crl Or 1705 ) i lingworth who appeared tp whilecI isnla yDon in Btehaew em,seconda:sspele‘riiiell
)Ilii Ad Aylinor
play. two points respectively. l• •
Ihtchell Their other loss was 1 a minor penalty for Exeter'.
lat the hands of the Centralia .. i Dunham picked un the: puck le
Easy win
The SHDHS senior girls ran Big margin for juniors •
The defending Perthex junior! The. Panthers opened up a et s
1Flyers in an exhibition tilt. t 8 p
1 1.1., 1Dt ae‘lbia 7:007el.anlezi;;Z:131;1
ate goal • • • l, ,- u. -,,..„.-
up one of the most lopsided champions copped their second five -point lead in the first ging' the puck for early a
scores ever recorded hy the straight win, outscoring Mit... quarter and managed to hold : mioute before Delhi managed
local school,' whipping the chell in every
visiting 'Mitchell squad. 53-7, a 37-15 win. period to gain ' on to a 20-1.8 margin at. the
. end of the half. However, the sinks Rocket squaa
:, to even. get near him. e',e '•
Lucan-Ilderton C o m b i n 0 s the 5:15 mark to push the Fast action fro`na T.A.:Classi-
margin 10 Inc first quarter to prolific scoring : pacing the win strong in the third period to blew a two -goal lead twice in Lucan-liderton six into their Reds! phone 770.
actually win the game, corn- with 15 points and tieing the grab a one -point lead.
ing through with. 23 big points. entire Mitchell sound on the The final frame was a see.. Lucan, Friday, for a thrilling first two -goal lead on a play
1-6 win over Delhi Reckets to with Foote and Stu O'Neil.
Strangely enough, Mitchell scoreboard. Xandra Busche and saw affair, with the lead
me Rockets tallied .strongly
outscored the girls in. the Ruthanne Salmon. contributed changing hands several times, c" their fifth straight win ill
, : but the Panthers couldn't over- the Southwestern OHA. • in the last half of the period
The Combines saw a two- and Shine and Swale triggered
I come. the slim margin and
second goal lead disappear in the a goal each near the 15:00
'went down to their
second and third periods, but .minute mark to give the visit -
straight Perthex defeat.
Max O'Neil carne through with ors a 4-4 tie at the end of the
Laurie Illingworth ;was the
sinkingleeven field goals for a toht? theeln finalerfait. a ntillee, 1162: 32se enoloardks seB"ollbd*:Heffler and Steve Storey
top p.I aym aker for the losers,
i 11 -point valternoon. Steve Kyle, after Delhi had tied the con- corn bined at the 5:50 . mark of
I who fouled out in the fthal test. ' the final period to give the '
touarter, contributed 10 points Tom Callings. leading scorer- Combines a 5-4 lead and Storey
BILL McDONALD •. played contest, but only one
. . . . scores five to pace win goal was scored with a team
having a man advaetage, Thal:
marker carne' in the second -
winger triggered one tally
this year. The sharp -shooting
in iptenri‘ovidtlaw\larleenstiaiti
McDonaldv,,hlie ;trflaezryl
I twine twice in ench at the sec. sat out a kneeing penalty,
i the first period and dented the
1 and and third stanzas. , 'fussy Dunham came up with
However, it was Whitey 11. a tremendous :stick handlthe'
The hom.esters ran up enough I Ausma Gulens continued her al i c h ell squad came hack
Squirts cop trophy
in Clinton tourney
Exeter Squirts, coached by I Geiser.
Red Loader and Gord Bayn.; The tournament was part of before leaving the game. for the surging Combines, and tipped in Ray Yelle's point
ham, came through with an ex-, Dale Turvey scored six, all Bob Hefner paced the win with shot at the 10:00 minute mark
an all -day minor hockey week
citing 3-2 win over Clinton, Sala!
! feature and at one time.there in the first quarter, \Odle' Gord a pair of tallies each. Jerry to push the bomesters into an-
urday, to con the Clinton Kills-, were 1,000 fans in the Clinton Strang and B r u c e _Horton Thompson, Steve, Storey and other .commanding two • goal
men trophy in the first annual '
! arena. In the night-cap,(lin- rounded out the scoring, with O'Neil were the other marks-; lead.
tournament staged in Clinton, 1 ton midgetsT ' •T whip. four and two respectively. : men.
anr jurem es • 1 However, the Rocket s put on
After eliminating Seaforth by ; oed teams. from 1)earbern,1 Roy Sherwood and Bill Har- , The Delhi attack was led by the pressure again and Saba-,
a lopsided 10-0 count in the ; Michilan. It was the second mer paced the Mitchell attack Bob Sabatine, scoring two tine and Partlo pulled them
tournament o p e n e r in theyear in a row for the visit of with 12 and 11. each. !goals, and Wes Gray, Dalt back onto even ground with
morning, the locals Came from the American team, ,Schnetder hot Shim!, Jim Swain and Art the Combines.
behind to whip the hosts in ! I Bob Schroeder, scoring star Perth) withi- sngles. • ! With loss than four minutes
the finale. .
lof last year's Perthex junior ' Jerry Thompson started the remaining, the Combines first
The teams played to a sere- i• . boyt champs, retuened to form Combines out on the right foot, line. of Collings and Max and
less tie in the first period, 'T '
le Clinton 1Thursday, patine th 1 • 1 toscoring their first goal at the Sit; O'Neil came through with
e lorais
but. Clinton came back to ooen , a thrilling 25-23 win over Mil- 2:15 mark on a :play with Don a heat three-way pa: -,sing play
up a 2-1 lead before the mid- • I . r r ' I .. did!, , Llrbshott. and Steve Store:v. to work the play into the
way mark of the middle frame
. in piayott NT Schroeder matched the num- The lead was short-lived, Rookets' zone, and Max fired a 1
on goals by Greg Burns and i. ber on his jersey, corning however, as Gray and Saha. bullet drive into the wide eel: -
Cain Colquhnun. Bill Fairhairn 1.• Exeter juveniles battled the: through with 22 points in the tine tamed markers al the ;ter of the net past Wilson to
was the Exeter marksman, turtheateit Clinton squad to an close battle, failing one point. 5:00 And 6:0(1 minute marks to open up a 7-6 lead for the
shooting the loca) into a 1-0 1 8,8 draw, Tuesday, in the first short of tielog the outnut or push. the visitors into a 2-1 homesters.
lead at the 6;10 'mark, I game of their best -of -three the entire Mitchell squad. lead. i Delhi pulled their goalie in
Barry Baynham scored sn WOAA "P" series,
Down two points going into coiengs anti Homer shot this favor of an extra forward in
unassisted mat•ker at the 13;20 I The hometown Clinton (Tow the last quarter, the SHDHS lead the final minute, and although
mark of the middle frame to ' jumped into a commandine Combines haek into the
quint rallied for eight big , near the end ar the they had several good chances,
dye Exeter a 2-2 lie as the 5-2 lead in the first period of points, holding thain)(1°4 couldn't get through the strong, ..
teams battled in the see -saw : the tilt. but the Exeter s'x 1,9 row% Schrbectlheerir8('°°PlIcsii:J:l'Il ' sccring goals less
contest. !didn't give-
up and came hack eight points in the last quarter ,iminutea *apart before the teams net play of '<ail Scarhornugh.
There WAS a total of SIX NO rt h Ed 13 A
The first ten minutes of the I strongly in the final two frames sPree• oft the lee.
, minors tailed in the game.
thied period were filled with ' to ct am the tie The game was einse al all ....„ ,... c, me back a1in at . tont the Combines gettin
collinet -I i . e ie
. .
action as the teams attempted : 3 a ek Stephan and Frank times' and there was never
to break the tie and junto into ; Boyle paced the local's attael. mere than (Ill 5' points sepal', Bantams
the lead, iirn Parker and Frani- , • • e - • - ` - " atitig the two teams. The score score
De Vries finallv. put Exeter on, each, 0thtf- scovers were Bob . -..,.
1 e nau.
10:40 mark anti the locals came Lamb and Pick t.' oyle: 'The 11. Other scorers tor the win-
throuqh with some rine elefeo- two were ealled up from the ..",55 Were Tennis 1"eic" P011 '111(' 8x6.°1. te'll" barilams'
sive hOckev• to keen the Clio.; midgets to bolster the short- N"v'ietht°a"stiliagiled piringt,r Cann
' all who haven't Phowit arty mercy
ton six off the seoreslicel, ; handed souad, towards opposing teams this
the e,Iiie were John Loader ,I forF:autli 1)ra 1p e r eav at a .the bbilignktitning. ,spI°11141)11.111.cfoNr a'thli.eg1101,sterlsv,ashoop-1110 : ifaplr'esf0iavten 0 ntliPghtN,VitliThatiraltrOs',t
The three stars choseo for '
and 'Ji el P A HO", Xe: 6 et r dumping Clintoe 18-5 in a
le min ,s et, , mg 12 points.
'F' --t''''' - '1 , the light thee Aiines to record Senior girls: Kris Gulene, 20; WOAA, tilt in Clinton.
Greg 111.1triS, Clinten. Loader the hat.trick. 1,
Livermore pat Rowc, 17; Diane Ronnie, , Elm.01 merni,or or thr to.
Among the tree youngsters. ,
Ws ellnsell II" "tit•'1a"flIng , and Pielceft: added A pair rich It: Carole llogarth, 3; Barb lion Six ended up on tho 70010-
5 11110 Cooper dented the twine tinclg80p5 2;,, Anti Gailyer, CathY s' heel, with Gary parsons and
Trouriee Seaforth I on the 'other acere. . ElodgliiS, Petty Dixon. Donna TArry Stires pacing the attack.
1 hingS their own \VA ',11 1/1 their ries will IJ, eltyed in Exeter, JOioe gii•Ist AlISM A --(41ICIISalm, throuttu A‘,111.1 four goalig
egistetino a mix of goals
WAS 1:natted at, the end
the score:sheet again a t the Ton6q b -i T ,od of ti another bi one
nicked for five. However, the ,
Rockets mid only manage I,
one goal on their power play. 1 EXETER
The • eter sqUirts had! The second game or the se- BrYdOeg. eh or the starry win:gers
first encounter of the tourney, Saturday night. 15; xandra Buscht. 8; 1301.101° in nit onslaught.
Scoring ten unanswered tallies!
i C tHogarth, 5; Bonnie Turve,y, 2; ,taelc Glover dented the twine
Ogninst Seaforth. FUTUr,GAMS Illitlia tint Salmon. 71 Gall Par* time times for the hat -trick,
R oily Baynham WAS the t 1reg-Y. F'eb'' 1 ' either, Marjorie Mackee, Ell:0' while i.\like Cushman, trian
scoring star in the contestd 7:oo-g:oe—.\;-.3 otirst'y 1,1i. ,. beth .Gesar,, Carolynne SIM- Fortune and Boll Burris added
plot:inf.! un tout 6( the Exetef,t s:03,4:00_4„i-m1e111!;':, 1,,.,^?,,,, mons, Shirley Gerd:her, Core] two goals tad'. John Lock
?,I;oals, tilt trairbairn and Frank 1
lIta,,mk A 11 11, Shattjil SitieMntnr, .1,0611 501104071 out the scoring with
Pe Nlriel. arIt'led two, With sin- : ^ ' . . Ret,traerz,1.311,L160 1.,\(Itli,1,1114' It alagle tally.
1 a:ria-fivati -4' noon va lama) , ,
ele tallies being picked up by i ' - T T e i tqf , Nin1110 milier, Dian 4aemerl— /5511;011s, Cushman, PUrna
Ttieklt Weber a nd ;TOtill Loa dtr, I , ll \ pm 0, Ifir io. , ' 310,
Loader attro kgSided On I OUP - * ' Senior belitt 'MT I tlek each came throuth
tat urclev ''''ell 4
taltrit' Illinl• with A pair or a ssista ill tile
Vicky erinthell adeordtati the rn la- 11 T'1 -\V111574 'tt. M t!i44x ; ItIrVt•V,,,., fil G,,ord „St.„„ITI"', 1: Peter 1Wriese. Id ThernPabh •
51W-i.,,:06—ft. riOvile t•t, ri. nmils prttee Iloilo% ; 1;111 0111t1Citts.K; and flick ntbotiod alui wet
other goalt, /4 Is 14,,'` 41” 1?'"' •k 11 IA SI '1 In' ID 1 • Sr
lt:,.(1.1..;en.-44rotne VP. t .‘.;\ ;-; C 1111, A/ 4-4 t,Arty iflert.
Exeler's thainpionship line- 7:"":"7./c,„",".:67unN sPIV,t,',,f,, , get) Miekle, MnleOho Ma-1)"'`credi Od Nt It i nasistS,
UP WAS a g follows: Ilieky 13it. •M' ' ' — '''''''' — 1 kid, Gary Redman, Jim White.:
g;3(1431.1.-.11Nt. OA ppetik is, In; Dennk gook, 1; rtoeser Magistrate: "IlOw did you
wmovtt, i; Ji.vri =nut to run ever that iittie 1 i
nell, "Trooner, nve M6.1460)19 reb. 6 Jthli b r 1 'gel ro l^r •
tata, John Loader, Bill Pail.
1.011m, nIrry Rovnham,MorTt
trite, Phil iloward, Frank
riick'y Weber, Park-
Marvih Reweas, Laity
l•faugh, Jack Kraft. bentfift
H y ction.
9100 p.m.
tuetdey, Pe% 7
WintP VP. kritl6t1 Min rig& 'Ott Steelear, $PortA 'oar"
Ckti.W671, CRIA"td Citttelit “Vour honor. 166'1/4- 1
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