The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-01-26, Page 16'Fagg ',l.4 January 26, 196;1
L N.
and district :news
Phone SA 1.4255
Name two ;best
public speakers
A. public speaking conte
for the Lucan school -was he
last Friday with Ann Georg
daughter of :Dr. and ,Mrs.
H.George, an'd Ward. Hodgin
son of Mr, and Mrs. Mur•ra
ilodgjns, being the winners,
Injured !n accident
Mrs, Patricia :Egan of RR
3 Inman was among those hos-
pitalized last Tuesday in
two -car crash at Talbot and
st Maple Streets. London, when
Id cars driven by ;Donald Aforpay,
26, of Noadharnnr Wayne
a i 1i a- tie
C. Robert Nicholls, 20, .of Lon.
s. don were in .collision. The
Y Morphy car was travelling
north on Talbot and the Nigh-
They, will compete again
winners from other Biddulph
schools at a contest to be hel
in the Lucan school Alonda
evening, Jan. 30 at 8 p...
The winners there will go on t
compete in London agains
county winners. As the pr
gram on Monday is open t
the public, a full hoose is ex
.Medway' euchre
The .Medway Euchre Clu
held its organization meetin
at the home of .Mr and Mrs
William McComb of London
Jan, 7 and last Friday nigh
met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. William. Stewart for an
oyster supper, followed by a
four -table euchre,
High Church
prizes were won
by Mr. Wilbert Stanley and
Mrs. William McComb; low
score prizes by Mrs. Summer
and Mr. William McComb and
lone hand prizes by Mrs.
Austin Hobbs and lelr, Chester
The next game will be held
in two weeks at the home of
Mr. and. Mrs. Wilbert Stanley.
South ever Medway at Lucan
At a double-header game at
Lucan bast Wednesday, South
defeated 'Medway 7-5 and Cen-
tral edged Oakridge 3.2. Cen-
tral and Medway are now tied
for fifth place.
st oil's .ear east on Maple when
the formerwas thrown 50 feet
d into Paul's the
y north-east corner of the inter-
ni, section.
o Aar, Alorpby received rib and
t knee injuries, Airs. Morphy, a
o- lacerated left knee, Mrs. Lu -
• mile McCurdy of RR 6 Si.
_ Marys, hip and head injuries,
and Mrs. Egan scalp lacera-
tions. All four were taken to
St. Joseph's Hospital but later
b released.
g Damage to the Morphy oar
was estimated at $1,000 and.
$450 to the Nicholl's car by
t investigating city police con-
stable ,toe Burns,
In the former game Bill
Chown and .Frank Egan of Lu-
ean got three of the five goals.
Jeff Quinn and Chris Lehman
got the other two.
CGIT complete craft
Seven CETT members at-
tended the CGIT :meeting in
the United Church schoolroom
Jest. Tuesday.
The worship service was tak-
en by :Patricia. Cobleigh and
Betty Ann Lewis.
During the craft period., the
sponge turtles were completed.
Courser school euchre
Last Friday night Mrs. 'Wil-
son Hodgins and Mrs. Eugene
Stokes were hostesses for the
seven. -table euchre at the Cour
see* school,
High score prizes were won
by Mrs. George Hodgins and
Mr. Lawrence Hodgins; lone
.hand prizes by Mrs. Harry
Stokes and Mr. Joe O'Neil and '
the lucky chair prize by Mr. •
Bev Hodgins.
United church
A splendid Christian .Educa-
tion Institute meeting was held
in the schoolroom of the Unit-
ed church last Wednesday eve-
ning with 45 present from
Ailsa Craig. Carlisle, Lieury,
Parkhill, Brinsley, Clandeboye
and Lucan.
The meeting was opened by t
a hymn sing in charge of Rev.
G. W. Bach. The worship sere-
ice was taken by Mrs, Mur- a
ray Hodgins assisted by Dana h
Culbert. The Rev, Ken Hick
of Ailsa Craig continued his
"bird's eye view" of the Bible
and Rev, W. Moore of Park- h
hill, his teaching methods, J
particularly audio-visual aids. G
Between the two classes tea la
was served by members of
the 1%A1 0
The next meeting, owing to s
t h e congregational meeting gi
here, will, not be held until. M
Feb. 1 at the Ailsa Craig Unit- M
ed church. th
Senior choir meeting
J. Moir
In London
;Funeral services for M
Jobe J. Moir who died at h
home n Loudon
`'1 ednesda
Jan. 18 was held from
John ')'..Donohue funeral hont
to St. Ai -wheel's church f
solernn requiem mass at
a,m, Saturday; Jan. 21. w
interment in Si, ,Peter's cern
She is survived by two s..
and four daughters: Willi.
and Zack of .Detroit; Mr
John D. (Ann) O'Brien, Mr
Charles W. r:Olive r Christi
Mrs. Harold E. (Laura) Thorn
all •of London; Mrs. Mauri
tlliadelinel Alonck of Hama
ton, also two brothers an
four sisters, Jack Mcllharge
of Detroit, William of Luca:
Mrs. Minnie Heenan of B
dulph township, Y Mrs. Kath
rine Ryan• of Dublin, M
Sadie Ryan. Stratford and Mr
Loretto Dewar, Ilderton.
ex�aan� capii�aloit; M
to hold a bake sale Feb, it at Smith. :ilucee, Mr. Wren of
During the business session, the Lucan Motor Sales in lieu Woodha.rrt..and . Mrs. Omar Cun-
+ Airs. Erwin Scott and Mrs. of the Valentine card party, nits ham .o. ; • e
Harold Iiodgine Were named a planned at the December • g f heafull card, a and the
rs, bei. nleel- wtnneir of tl)e ft.rli Mrs,
ling. Airs. Murray •liedgins, Jim Leitch of Lucan
tan park ern district,. t . co er
merTibers learn
The jeckl)ot of the Legion
The citizenship and education committee to purchase mate Auxiliary bingo, which ltas
meeting of the Lucan WI ;was teat to ma1Re quilts for the :Sick been running for months, :final'-
; held in the Lucan Memorial Children'e :Hospital, before the ly went asst '.fhursdav alight.
Centre last !Thursday after -nest meeting, Feb. 16, at Who'won .it? Not one o' tthe
noon with the president, Mrs, which time members will meet players who lied attended.
C. H. •George, in the chair, in the forenoon to make up.week. after week but a
the new -
Twenty all1b bras answered the quilts. After a pot -.tuck router from. Nairn making her
Y naming e sug- luncheon, :the regular meeting "debut Mrs. Irvine Barnes.
gestion for making new ctti• wilt be held as usivat in the So great was the crowd that
tens. feel at ,home, afternoon, it was .decided to s lit Share
motto otto Universal ecu, With such a long het of coin. the Wealth five ways. The win -
cation is universal peace" was ing activities in the village in ners of the1` M
enlarged upon, by M. Sher d• the near ' . Ines were Mrs.
an Revrngton.
iutuie, it was decided A. R. Reilly and Airs Ralph
o. the n
P t c st tr
+ n c
H. George e chit
g v n e
Re d
r o
CC t eke
ea � 1
t >`
the !ia%Y% its e svas. won by Mr. Clarence
clean eme 2s
• • .
by 9. ss T)orecu 1
Activities Feb, 8 at lldeitoar there would r Nalk
lv�f�es1loadh• m a
?rs, Cecil ec l
bb an 7 •.
_d D C. Ws.
The First i f 1. .' „ -
. ... the •. � n
Taylor of Exeter, .the second
It was luno d that
unce a' on
ori owl af.
' lie held. a workshop for all d and the third part
.•sex ns 1 ute members • . "' r
and Alt. Joe II k
Directoro Recreation ,a and Pats ! , ,
ons . f R. reation I meetings and effective speak. ho e, y Bradley of Cilinde
Ind, y
Willis During the last week„ the The f. 1 _ •
s Combines have had threeMrs, Harold Fiod ins, as ci k.^ o firth M ry was split
s games— and ;came up big zenstiip and educat on convene - among Miss lYlary 'Young of
p with l t .Lucan, Mr..l out Smith at 1:xe•
e, three big wins—two of them' was in charge of the program, ter lYlrs
over Ingersoll and A lm Mrs, Murray Hod ns read Ernie :Lewis of Clan-;
deboye and Clayton Bony .f
e' topteams in the Y el, �iVh ew Year's reverse a 0 .
ee league. Viat'h i I Aclsa Craig, The 9th bingo was •
•l, the addition . of some "new Mr, Charles Corbett of tile, also split among A1. •
Lucan Library Miss Muriel'
d blood"to the team, they have ; Board, was the, Carling and. Mr, Benny ;Kelly
y played impressive hockey, guest speaker and spoke on of Lucan and Mrs, Bruce -
the Middlesex Co-operative Orad
m, Should they continue to pia perative Li^ ley of Ciandeboye
I �
*ith , Middle 1 t' split among Airs Bob Downey
e', ay SAM :SCREATON t as ett of Lucan
with an address on
d- the brand of hockey they have: brary Board and on the Au-, Other winners included A] r
e. demonstrated in these 1•asq sable Conservation wo''rk, In lack Steacy, Airs
Mrs three games—add there is Wolf speaking
of the latter he said'Airs. Thomas,
s. reason to expect e a park for "Mr. an •Mr -� Brooke. CarBarb, Russell
'p otherwise —f d s, Pub -I and :Barbara Nagle t
• they should do alright hockey .Lc and family was being! of I.i •n 1
The .C' 1 an d c h 0 y e United 29 the set•vicc•s 1vlli be at 2:
Church held its annual eougre• p.m. .instead rf 1.30 for the
r getiona1 mooting here with the the winter. Mrs. G. W. •Saeh
' new .pastor, tate Rev. G. W. played for the service.
Sach. presiding. Mr. Rea Neil St, lames '
was eluted secretary starling his 31it1t year. Report; were Al Si. James ,church the ret-
good from .eac�ll organization. for till ] eh:. i . 0. Lancaster
: ft was prated oral $'tuu,0o sv:as spoke of fluron (;ollege, Lon-
given to the t'apitat I1'und, dun, it bang .Ihenlogieal :Sun-
1t•'eetntlnster ('allege, 14nndun, da?'•
l';ldersi :elected fur five11— ear J'i'nni 81. ;l.anieis chureh there
terns ar•e 1Nilliant :No thgr•itve,'.is 13isllop O'Nett of h'redcri.e-
Arthur Simpson, Lkiyd Lynn, fon and the. Rev. Stanley
Witmer Scutt, Gordon Eaton '1'on)es of henor'a, who were
and .lieu Nieii, Pointer netnber^s, and .are nnry
..Stewards are. George Simp tiering the work of the ehur.ah,
sort, l remit Thompson, (]or- ".I'he rector said more Students
don Eaton, William Simpson, ,are .needed ,each year to train
.lame. Donaldson and (:lar. with more new churches file
epee• Wilson. ing built in the Diocese c
("buret) treasurer, ( e r a l d Ilu.rnn,
Leon; parsonage committee.
Nil la: study resolutions
Rea Neil ushers ('nrclnn Fit• Alrs. Gpayee Simpson was
Mrs. Gordon .Eaton ane Airs,
on, (;eialcl .I,vnii,
.lirc Sc(�tt, hostess for the Clandehoye
lieitl) Sid i,n curl Ilalpl) .the rnen's institute meeting with
Lynn; ,Sunday Schon, superin, president. Mrs, Norman.
leadmit'. Ralph Lynn: assist- hardy Presiding'
ant, James Donaldson: aucli• Rolt call was answered by
lots, Airs. fleece Bradley and seven members with a New
Mrs. Rea Neil; pianist, Mies Year resoirrtinn which brought
Margaret :Bach: assiedant, Mise some hnmorntis replies,
A7 a t i. l ' n i+:aton; caretaker, Mr•s. David klenry gave a rae-
Mrs, 11. Williams, port nn how lite rnonev wag
Airs. Kermit Thompsnn's res- used to buy each of the 20
ignation WAS :received follow. Please turn to .age 19
ing 17 years service to the p
music of the church. She start.
. ...... ...
ed in 1929 for five years prior
o her marriage and then from r•c
948 t o 1900. 7 fl i Style
Plans were made to start
early morning services June 1
t 9.45 a,in. Anniversary dale
vas sot for May 28.
verse this planned for. .Lucan, between rcY n, Air s• .I out lvooy,
year, The 'team --,and 1 Ailsa Craig and Airs, ;Lloyd
the executive—have b three and four miles' west f.l d of Exeter,
.ct vities
from Jan. 29 to Feb.
b. There
will. be a special speaker on'
Friday, Feb, 3.
Anglican church
been work-
s es o ,For
ling hard to produce a winning! the Village, which has the ad-lf rl
combination, and they deserve' vantage of a natural swimming;
the support of the fans. So, pool. call
hockey-lover's—and other fellow a Mrs. N. B. Langford moved
citizens—why not c 0 m e and j a vote
aof thanks to Mr. Cor- i Mrnt
lend your support to the team. band to all who assisted
In addition, you'll enjoy a 1 in making the meeting such a
splendid evening of hockey en- i Thos. Lee, Mrs, Frank ,Joliffe,
tertainment, Mrs. Jack Steacy was lunch . Mrs. W. .1. Smith and Mrs. C.
On .Friday, February 10 next, convener assisted by Mrs, I H. George.
The Lucan Skating Club will.
be holding a Valentine Bridge'
and ,Euchre Dance to help, L ut> . an n e r1 o
raise funds to carry on with.
Sunday being Theological
Education Sunday a special.
collection was taken for the
Huron Theological Faculty and
a special sermon by the rec•
or, the Rev. E. 0. Lancaster. -1
Mrs. M. 0. Smith held her
irst class on church history
nd church symbolisms at her.
ome last Wednesday,
Ladies' Guild
Mrs. E. 0. Lancaster was
ostess at the rectory for elle
anuary meeting of the Ladies'
uild of Holy Trinity church
st Monday night..
The new president, Mrs, Joe
'Neil, presided with the new
ecretary. Mrs. Harvey Hod -
ns, and the new treasurer,
rs. Kay Egan, assisting and
es. Erwin. Scott presiding at
e piano.
Last Thursday the members
of the senior choir with their rn
husbands or wives held a pot- ch
luck supper in the schoolroom
at which Mrs, H. B. Lang-
ford was named president for • na
1961.and Mrs, Bert Thompson,
secretary -treasurer. Mrs, Bar-; Cl
old. Cobleigh was program con' eh
vener for a number of con- .F
During the business session
was decided that a purchas-
g committee be set up to
sist Mr. Erwin Scott in the
oosing of a new vacuum
A number of ladies were
med to act as table con:-
ners to assist at the Men's
ub oyster supper in the
urch basement Thursday,.
eb. 9,
Mrs. Chas. Haggar was
med convener with the Rev. I
0. Lancaster and Mass, 1'Ws2- i
ni Hackett as assistants to
rchase new stands for, churcch;
irs. Allan Ryan,'Mrs. T. A.,
dgins, Mrs, Charles Haggar;
Mrs. 'Harold. Corbett were!
med from. the Guild to' act 1
on •the rectory committee.
It was decided to cater for' la
a wedding group on. Feb. 18 ine
the church basement and tol
deposit $25 in the rectory fund.,
Miss Lina Abbott's group pro-' XO
tests and games.
Pentecostal Holiness church na
The "Time Verse Museum"' E•
project was continued at the ]ia
Young People's meeting la`s)' pu
Friday. Paul Graham sang a Flo
olo. Plans were made for :at -
ending the rally at Chatham Ho
on Saturday, Jan. 28 also for a
outh Week hi h t na
he new jackpot next 'fhurs-
will revert. to $150 in 52 •
s. Though the last jackpot
to $180 in 58 calls yet
s, Barnes won it in 55 calls.
nal items
• the club activities. Very short-' Mr. and. Mrs, Ron Crozier' Recent guests of Air, and
ly you • will probably be alp- ! and family have returned from, Mrs. E. W. Pepper were Mr,
proached to buy a ticket, so! a weekend vii+srt with Mrs,' and Mrs, H, W. frlcCrie of St.
be ready with your seventy l Henry Mueller of Waterford, 'Marys
five cents.
Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Stan -i Mr, and. Mr's, Maurice Mc -
This operation ,Of the Lucan ley•spent a few clays in. To. :Dona.ld and family spent, .
Skating Club is •quite an ex- ronto last week with, Mr. and :• day Sun -
in Aylmer, the guests of
ten•sive undertaking and. is the rs. Peter Wisemen and their t
only organized activity for new grandson, •Micha.el John. ! Mr, and Mrs. Harry Noels,
young gins and deserves your. Mrs. Wilfred Stocks and. six-! JVlany farmers s in the 'Lucan
support. Aside from 'ear -old son Bi,. area are short of water, which,
PA your. su 3 Illy spent lash
port of this worthwhile or -
sup.: weekend. in Sarnia, the guests t added. do the extreme cold of
1 ganization, we can assure you' of Mr, and• Mrs. Steve ;Bellyk. t the past week, is.causing much
that a very entertaini>xg eve -1
Mrs. Mitchell 'Baskett is on , inconvenience and hardship,
ning is planned for Friday,' the sick list. i Mr. and Mrs, Elden Cattle
February 10 -keep the date fist. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Stan.-' welt were Sunday callers of
mind. Any of the older people' ley and. 'small daughter Debbie I Mrs. William. Dickins.
who might like to come out have left on a motor trip ea-, Mr. and. rMrs, E. W. Pepper'
lffor the evening but who do not cation to Florida, were Thursday guests of Mr,
have transportation, just phone Mrs. Mary Vance, son Breen: and Mrs. W. A, Clarke of St.
I Mrs. Glenn Haskett, club Tre5'i.- and daughter Rosemary of Marys,
I dent and she will. endeavor to Byron a ioYed a family gath Mr. and Albs. Colin Nugent
arrange transportation, ering with Mr, and Mrs. R. R. ; and. family and. Miss Holly
This week we had a look at Crozier. last Sunday. Martin of .London were Sunday
'some of. the aluminum etching Mr. Aljoe Culbert is on the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. A.
! being done in the crafts class sick list, Hodg]ns,
„11,1, P1,111 1 ,,,,,,111111111.01111111.110.. ,,,,,,1,,, I .1,,,,,111,1111,,,,,,., p„1411,.,,111..,, 1.1,•
I the direction. of Mrs. iMurra'y •
Hodgins I,,
Bans and all flak c b
United church
At the ')United church on Sun•
Individual Hair Styling
Phone BA 7.4457
day the Rev. G. W. Sach an -
pounced that starting ,January'
oras Ti SS
Bulbless — Beltless •-- Strapless
Expert Fitter In Attendance
8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. — Mondays to Fridays
Single $12.50 Double $15.00
ea/1t Luse!! e
264 Dundas 5t,
i on Tuesday afternoons under.
Phone GE 4.0082
an 'e
I said is that work speaks ,very a'
highly of both. "students and
teacher.” This 'class ihas at-
tracted inlier•ested. people from
as far as :flderton and while it
is too late for anyone to join
in now, efforts are being made
to hold: later aluminum etching
classes later in, the year -,pos-
sibly in the evenings. We'JJ
have more to write about this
' ter on.
Don't forget, this is Minor
Hockey 'Week' in Canada — so I
The next game will be held s
Feb. 3 when MTs. Harvey Hod- t
gins and Mrs. Harry Stokes
will be hostesses, Y
Holy Trinity church
makes renovations
Last Monday evening the
Rev. E: 0. Lancaster presided
at The 94th vestry meeting of
Holy Trinity Church, in bhe
Parish Hall.
Reports of ale organizations
showed the church had a good
financial year. Probably never
in their history had church,
parish hall and rectory re-
quired such extensive renova-
tions and repairs.
As building supervisor, Mr.
Erwin Scott enumerated a
long list which included new
entrance to basement, remov•
al of brick pillars and •large
beams, raising of furnace
pipes and re -arrangement of
basement cupboards, a com•,
pieta renovation of parish hall,
painting and decorating, new
fluorescent lighting and floor
At the rectory the back
stairs was removed, kitchen'
remodelled, back porch re-'
paired and papering and paint-
ing done. Before closing, Mr,!
Scott outlined a number of re-
pairs necessary for the future.'
Mr. Jack Steacy was re-
elected vestry clerk, Other
1961. officers included: rector's;
warden, Charles P. Corbett;
people's warden, Joe O'Neil;
delegates to synod, D. A. Ash.
worth, Robert Coleman and
Clare Stanley; substitute dele-
gates, Ken Clarke, Wilson liod-
gins and Clarence Haskett,
Board of management, war-
dens, synod delegates, presi-
dent of the Guild, Mrs. Joe
O'Neil. church treasurer, Mrs.
Cliff Shipley, Dwight Bender -
son, Jack Steacy, Erwin Scott,
Mrs, Roscoe 1-Iodgins, Mrs.
Kay Egan, Wilson Hodgins,
Don Banting, Ken Clarke, Rus-
sell Bowman and Clarence
Haskell; sidesmen, Allan Scott,
Roscoe Hodgins' Gerald. Lewis
and Alert Culbert; treasurer,
Mrs. Cliff Shipley; building
'supervisor, Erwin Scott;
Rectory committee, wardens,
Erwin Scott and four Guild
ladies to be appointed at Jan.
uary meeting; chairman of
visitation and canvass corn
mibtee to be chosen by the
boardof management; audi-
tors, Jack Steacy and Charles
Haggar; substitute auditor,
Don Banting; cemetery board,
Jack Murdy and Austin Hod -1
vided refreshments. A watch i
contest conductedby the presi.-; ice which was followed by :a
dent was won by Mrs. George, chapter on Egypt from the
Hodgins, study book and an Egyptian
Mrs. Allan Ryan's group had; game both in charge of. Coun-
the largest attendanee. sel'lor Iva,
Mrs, Lancaster took the There was a splendid attend•
ladies throughthe rectory to ante of 18 girls out,
see all the renovations and
Explorers' 10th expedition
In the absence of Counsellors
Rose Revingtoo and Barbara
Marshall, who were attending
' the London -Middlesex Counsel.-
lor's Fellowship ,at London,
Honorary Counsellor lva. Hod-
` gins was in charge of the 10th
expedition of the :Lucan Ex-
plorers last Monday evening
in the ,United church school-'
rcom. She was assisted bylf
Counsellor Margaret Sach.
Scrapbooks were started for,
the War .Memorial Hospital!
and the World. 'Mission Map!
During the business session
it was decided to holda skat-+
ing party at the arena, Satur-,
day, Feb. 11 to be preceded!
by a supper at the church and!
to invite neighboring Explorer
Nancy 'Sark assisted Cour
senior Iva in the worship sere - e
R!iycieg is Lest
Witi Normo Dien
"T can wholeheartedly recom-
mend the Naran Pian. 1 have lost
25 pounds in the last ten 'weeks
in an easy and effortless 'way. 'f
feel much better and no tenger
have any stomach distrese.*'
Midland, Ont.
Excess weight is bad for your
health. It places undue strain on
your heart, is a1 eontributing
cause to diabetes es well as circu-
latory complications, Being :fat is
bad for your morale— you look
old, bulgy and unattractive. 'Why
go through another year. suffer-
ing? Resolve now to lose weight
before another. ,month goes by.
The first step is always the hard-
est, but once you have taken it the
rest is easy. Take that step today
— go to your druggist and alk
for the Naran PI” 1 i
a money back guarantee.
FARMERS: are you ti►'ed of getting
stuck and shoveling snow?
Peter Anderson
if 3e
74i Peter' Anderson,
West Lorne, Ont,
1 Atli interested in your Snow Blower and would
like a demonstration. I understand I am unefcr no
PsiAME 4rYYY Pim 11 if if 11.11i110 1114,1
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tractors with
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Like so many others, she has learned the
value of regular saving ... the safety, con-
venience and usefulness of a .bank account.,.
'There are millions of Canadians like her.
They maintain 12 rn.illion deposit accounts
in the chartered :banks, 10 n iliion of there
personal savings accounts.
.But a chartered bank is more tllart the best
place to keep your savings. It's the only
place offering a full range of banking services,
lt's the right place to do ail, )'Otte banking.,.
,•,•A l
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