The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-01-12, Page 6Page The Times-Advoggiel Jetwory 17, 1961
Shipka WA
. slate
Meeting of the
WA :was held at. ;e :Witte :of
Mrs, Ed.. Wpods on Wednesday
• evening. Mrs. ;Stuart .Sweitzer
and Mrs. Wray :Sweitzer were
rn charge :devotions,
Mrs. Kenneth Keller .of Dash-
wood was. guest •speAker, Mrs..
Ross Love gave a reading, The
president took charge ;of the
The Rev, B. S, Hiltz inducted
the new offipers. President is
Mrs, Karl Guenther, viee,pre-
sidents, Mrs, Jini Clarke, Mrs,
Ed Woods; treasurer, Mrs.
Harry Sheppard, ass't Mrs,
Cliff Russell.; secretary, 111:rs,
'Verne Shape, ,'t,. Mrs,. Art
Flower committee, Mrs. Earl
Ratz, Mrs, "Jack Ratz, Mrs.
Harold Finkbeiner; pianist,
Mrs. Harry ;Sheppard, :ass't,
Mrs, Ross Love, corresponding
secretary, Mrs. Milton Ratz.
The social hour was arranged
by Mrs. Matthew Sweitzer and
Mrs, Harry Sheppard and as.
61 officers
The annual meeting of the
Evaz�e1ieI UB Church was
held Monday evening, January
9. Rev. J. W. Gillings opened
with scripture and prayer. Mrs,
Howard Klunipp was appointed
secretary for the evening,
Pastor Gillings gave sum-
mary-ef the work done during
the year. Thirteen various com-
mittees gave •detailed reports.
Officers elected, were: Board
of Trustees, Jack Geiser, Gor-
don Bender and Eben Weigand;
cemetery committee,. Harry
Hoffman, Milton Haugh and
Wes Engeland; Mission treas-
urer, Art Haugh; improvement
fund treasurer, Miss Beatrice
Graybiel; auditors, A. V. Tie-
rnan and J. M. Tiernan; com-
News budget from 4
munion providers, Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Guenther.
Church stenographer, Mrs.
Howard Klumpp; chief ushers,
John Pepper and Milt High;
Youth Fellowship counsellors,
Carl Oestreicher and Stewart
Wolfe; Sunday 'School officers
' are: Superintendent A, V. Tie-
rnan; assistants, Carl Oestrei
! cher and Stanley Haist; secre-
tary, Jack Schade with assist-
ants, Dqn Bender, Jim Rader
and Ronald Snell; treasurer,
Ralph weber with assistant;
Don Weigand.
Rev. Gillings congratulated I,
all for detailed reports, Ervin
Eckstein gave the closing
Prayer and lunch was served;
by Mrs. Eben Weigand's group;
of the WSWS.
Women's Institute a
The January meeting of!
Dashwood WI was held Tues -
clay evening as a social eve-
ning. The agriculture, and t
Canadian Industries group was I
1 in charge with Mrs, Harold,
By ;MRS, ARCHIE DEWAR i Rader convener.
Mrs, Leonard Schenk, the
. • .. -•-• president, presided for the
Personal items, business. Committees were ap-
Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Mac -
pointed to look after the milli -
Naughton visited with Mrs,* hen' course in February and
the euchre in January,
Ma cNaughton's parents, Mr,
The roll call was to bring
and Mrs, David Sheppard of
something made, sewn or
Parkhill on Sunday.
Mrs. da MacNaughton, Mr,grown and Mrs, Addison Tie-
andI: 'Mrs. Elliott McKichan of l',„1an capably auctioned them
Denfield • visited on Saturday ". 'e ye with
Mrs. Charles Snell, high, Mrs.
with her son, Duncan Mac -
Leonard Schenk, low, and Mrs,
Naughton and family.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Weber of Ervin Schade, lucky chair.
London were guests with Mr, 46tii wedding anniversary
and Mrs, Otto Reimer on Sun-. Mr, and Mrs, Garnet Cock-
day. will of RR 3 Dashwood cele -
Friday evening guests with brated their 46th wedding an -
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson niversary last Saturday eve -
were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reirn ning,Present were 'their two sons
and Florence, Mr, Harvey and families; Mr. and Mrs.
Parkinson, Kirkton, and Mr Gerald Cockwill and four boys
William Elston. of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs,
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Elston Jack Cockwill and Neva of
and family, of ,London, were Dashwood. Other guests were
guests with Mr, and Mrs. Wil- from Ailsa Craig and P a rkhi •
Ilam Spence on Saturday eve -
Personal items
Mr. Earl Holland had as his' r. Rader is a patient
I Louispati
on the weekend Mr. Iva.. in South Huron Hospital, Exe-
fret' White of Thedford who is ter.
attending Bible School with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kretzman
and Billi Detroit e t th
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Brock weekend with Mrs. Cora Gal -
and Billie, of Usborne, spent ser.
Monday with their daughter,' Miss Thelma Weber of Lon -
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spence. don spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elston ,Mrs. Dan Weber.
attended the funeral of the t Mr. Bob Hayter has pur-
late Rev. A. E. Lloyd which chased one of Mr. Howard
took place from the Sifton fu- ! Klum pp's houses.
-..r i
neral home, St. Thomas, .‘,...r.. r,,%:•?:,:tro.n.•::,:mkit,,, ••• ., :•• ,;,,
Lloyd being a former pastor,
of the Granton United Church. I This wed< in
Miss Donna Baker attended
Toronto last week being a del-; Thames Road
the Toe - Alpha convention In
egate from the East Zion'
Young Peoples. i By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Strahan :,•;;;a.,•:,imr,,,„;smommtmem,y,,,.
had as guests during the fes- '
tive: season Mr. and Mrs. Carl WA and WMS meeting
Strahan and family of Cit The January meeting of the
Eighth Line. WA and WMS was held on,
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Elston, Wednesday afternoon with 33,
were guests with Mr. and: members present. Mrs. James
Earl in London. e o sp n e
silted by the hostess.
Personal items
Mr, and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer,
,Ron and Barbara visited on
lSaturday with Mr, and Mrs.
Bifl Scholles and Geoffrey in
Visitors during last week,with
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Vincent,
Ira and Georgina included,
I Mr, and Mrs. Harrold Prance,
Miss Shirley Pr a n c e and
friend, Mr, and Mrs. Bill. Gill
and family, Mr, and Mrs. Fred
lTeetzel and family of Thedford,
Mr, and Mrs. Don Dumigan
and family and Mr, Leonard
Desjardine of Grand Bend •and
Mr, Ronald Desjardine of the
Mr. Arthur Finkbeiner re-
tttrned to his home from Wel!land on Thursday,
i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Volk,
Mrs, Mabel Desjardine and
IVIiss Donn a Werzba were
Thursday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, Lester Desjardine and
Leslie of Fullerton.
The names of Mr, and Mrs,
William Rundle and Larry of
Woodham were omitted from
the list of New Years visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweit-
Mr. Glen Sharpe returned
home from St. Joseph's Hospi-
tal on Monday.
Mrs. Humphrey Arthur
family, Fourth Line, at a
sly gathering during
Year's festivities.
and Simpson and Mrs. Fleming!
fam- Simpson were hostesses for I
New: the meeting.
i Mrs. Reg Hodgert, president
; of the WA,,, in charge of
the meeting, ReV' Hugh Wil -1
I son took charge of the instal -I
lation of officers for 1961.!
Mrs. Hodgert conducted the
worship service assisted by,
Mrs. Edwin Miller.
IThe topic "A Home for the
IFloyd Stewart assisted by
Mrs. John Selves.
Mrs. William. Rohde, presi-
dent of the WMS took ch,arge
of the business. It was decided
to hold family night on Friday,
evening, March 17. It was also
decided to have a silent auc-,
See It Today!
— Plus
These Outstanding
Used Car •
Homeless" was given by 'Mrs.!
tion and a candy booth,
Mr. Wilson read a letter,
from Rev. Mary McInally of
Trinidad, the missionary of
prayer. Mrs. Percy Stone gave
the 'treasurer's report.
Mrs. Lloyd' Hackney was in
charge of the program which,
consisted of a piano solo bY
Mrs. Alvin Passmore and a
reading by Mrs, Lloyd Hack-
A social time was spent.
Personal items
1960 NASH RAMBLER Miss Nancy Passmore and
Sedan, '11;750 miles, sharp. friend, .ofi London, were Wed.
(Sleeping quarters install- Iiiin.aYAliVoil.,:s";Nn!'talire.Mr. and
ed.) Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knight
and Linda visited on Friday
1958' mg-r:EoR SEDAN evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Morley of Exeter.
Automatic transmission, in-
tone,. 21,000 miles, like' IloAhlttsr.6ichMoefrvin l ktSohntifIV and'n
new, bronze and yellow. I Rowe, Bill Maverrand Kenneth
Clarke left on Sunday morning
A u o mat ic transmission,
washers, radio, tutone paint
(green), snow tires, rear
seat speakers, mirrors, full,
chrome discs. Better than
Tutone paint, real sharp,
24,000 miles. Western car.
Grey—a real second ear,
Perfect condition.
Radio, overdrive,
Tutone, snow tires,
South -End
Russ, 'Ana •.:Chotk .$4011
PHONE •t•Iit 'EX -Of
for Florida for two weeks.
Miss Elaine Johns, of Elim-
ville, spent the weekend with
Miss Linda Knight.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ottewell
and family, of Exeter, were
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Miller.
Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Pass-
more were Thursday evening
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Passmore of Exeter.
Quite a number of people
are ill with the flu,
The Happy Doubles Club
meeting will be held orf Wed-
nesday evening, January 25,
Note the change in date.
Mr.',Iarties Cottle Mrs. Marie
Harrison Miss Reta Cottle of
E x •-a nd Mrs. Arthur
Harris and Ronnie, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Cottle, Mr. and Mrs.
.Ross Cottle, Jimmy and Gerry
were Monday evening guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cot-
tle, the 'occasion being Mr.
Alvin Cattier.birthday.
;;;Irrr •
'AOTS hears reports
from youth delegates
James Street United Church also gave .a report of the high-
AOTS Men's. Club heard reports lights of this six-day session,
:Monday from two local youths, Ile explained some ,o1 the du, -
on conferences, they attended ties :of the various members,
I:during the Christmas holIdays, and told the club members
I Robert Schroeder, son of M. what the sittings had meant le
1 and Mrs. John Schroeder, Exe-
ter, gave the highlights of his The speakers were introdueod
threeday stay at the TOP -Alpha by Lloyd Henderson, and
conference in Toronto. Robert thanked by Au!) Tennant,
was one of 250 youths from On- Iluee members of the Ful-
tario who attended the confer. larton AOTS group attended
ienee sponsored by the Ontario the meeting and conducted the
Temperance Federation. installation of the new officers.
lie gave a brief report of the 'Past president Roger Brown,
, main thoughts of the Various and President Ab Bowman,
I speakers at the convention, and took charge of the ceremony,
also told of the fellowship en- Newly -elected president, Ge-
joyed by tlie delegates,
1 hazer Cann, son of Mr. and
;Mrs. Art Cann, Exeter, who at.
tended the 4001 sitting of °eta-
' rio Older Boys' Parliament,
Letter from
Letter from
raid Godholt, lopir over the
meeting from past president
Harvey Pollen, Mr, Godbolt
oesented the •nares .of the
pew committee c hairma n,
which are as follows; program,.
Pere McFalls; projects, Harr)!
Jeffery; boy's, Robert South-
eott; house and welcoming,
George Wiese; inter -club, Har-
Pollen; membership, Mery
Cud more ; attendance, Norm •
were conducted by P.erc Mc -
for the meeting
I. Mr, Irvin Riehl of Stratford, Falls, and a sing -song was lead
Mr, and Mrs. Tom White and by Norin WalPer and Carl
I Joyce of Avonton, Mr, and •Cann,
Mrs. Switzer and Harold visit-
ed Monday'with d
Mr, an. Mrs, • • ••,•-•• .. ' • ' ' •,,,••••••••-• • • • •••••
1Gowan Peppers of Avonton, Comments about
Mr. and Mrs, :Herman Payn,
ter, Mr. Mrs. Ray Pay -
ter and David spent New
Year's with Mrs. Annie O'Lig-
ney of $t, Marys,
New Year's visitors with 1.":1;::,::-'sm;::r-P•1,:',wwAinnivni'PAP.MA
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brock were Personal items
• Mr. and Mrs.. John • McElrea
and Glen, Mr. Toni Brock Of Mrs. Jim Trevithick. visited
Plugtown, Mr, and Mrs. Rim, with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Mor-
ley on Thursday evening.
Churchservice at 13rinsley
United Church were cancelled.
on Sunday owing to the storm,
Mr, and Mrs. Carl Trevi
thick, of London, visited with!
Mr. and Mrs, John Trevithick
on Sunday.
The Women's Federation
held their meeting on Tues-
day at the home of Mrs. Earl,
Ruth and Neil Trevithick.
were recent visitors with Mr.
and Mrs, Garnet Trevithick of
St. Thomas.
The Hi -C of Brinsley United
Church have planned a croki-
note party for Friday evening.
Mr, George McEwen is em-
sell Brock of Chiselhurst and
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Humphreys.
I Miss Jean Owens of Montreal
' spent the New Year's weekend
with Mr, and Mrs. Carl Mills
• and family and visited with
Mrs, 11, Humphreys. Also for
New Year's were Mrs. A, Col-
lier, Mr, and Mrs. Clayton
' Ross and Mrs. Humphreys and
, Helen.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Scott,
• Jo -Anne and Rickey spent New
' Year's with David. Harvey of
Monkton. and Monday with Mr,
and Mrs. Roy Russell and
• family of Russeldale.
Mr. and Mrs, Don Miller
and family, of Sarnia, spent
the holiday week with Mr. and
I Mrs, Stanley Earl and family.
' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cowdrey
, of Woodham spent New Year's
with Mr, Ern Cowdrey, Mil-
dred and Fred.
' Boxing Day visitors with
, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Swit-
zer were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred
I George, Brian, Jonathan and
Susan of Byron, Mr, John B.
Switzer of Espanola, Miss
Muriel Switzer and Mr. Irvin
Riehl of Stratford. Mr. Gary
Caslick of Stratford spent a
couple of days visiting with.
Mr. Harold Switzer, New
Year's visitors were Mrs.
Mima Switzer of St. Marys.
suhI,IIIIul.I,IIIIIIItIIljIJIuuIppI,I4tI•*II$tt4l H,1..1,,
Sunday And
Evening Service
Open this Sunday, Wed-
nesday afternoon and dur-
ing the evening through-
out the week.
Mr, and Mrs. Alfred May and
Gerald of London, Doris May 'it- South End
of Scarboro, Mr. and Mrs. •
Ken Lewis and Joyce of Bah Service
croft, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
Lewis and George of Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill .• Stock,
Wanda and Wayne of Tavistock
and Miss Muriel Switzer,
Stock -Taking SALE!
Misses' Figure Skates
New, Sizes R to 3
15% OFF
Used Skates
Men's, Boys., Youths'
Ladies' and Children's
11.25 &
Yours for the price of repairs
As low as 50¢ pair
Th. Store with the Gold Bond Stamps
Mr, Bob Middleton, of Hensall, who hat
over 20 years' experience in the retail drug
business, has taken over Andrew Johnston
Drugs, Exeter, as of January 9, 1961..
The store will continue to operate under
the liable' of 'Andrew Johnston Drugs and
wr invite your continued patronage.
We wish to assure you of the OMB
careful attention to diSpetiSing prescriptions
and other services which you. have ehjoyeo,
in the past at the Johnston Stere,
?IWO drop in for a visit, We look
Ward to Meeting you.
ndrew Johnston Dru
'PRONk 447 $1 Middleton, Prop,
...... 11111111111111111111114111111111111,1 ............... III
pigyed by Au., xgith Gilhert„.. nuninimniunnimunummumuummmenueinimeniemiemoninueniumenmemnms
at his farm .8th concession 1
Mr. Gilbert is rggovering in 1 ..r. ---_Let Us Supply Yen4 With
hospital fron. g serious opera- 1
M,r. Williain Elliott who hgsRubber Stamps
lion :
linen serioulY ill at South
Huron Hospital died P riday,l,
Jan, 6, Besides farming on,E,
Stephen and McGillivray town.: i The Times -Advocate
line he was also a mechanic –:
at Snell Bros. Ltd., Exeter. I linsfinuk• . is, . 1,..,.,,mungummoinfuninimminnvomnommlinnonnumnnimmA
Enrol NOW in Conklin Lumber's
ow To Do If School
Are you a spare -time carpenter and. re-
pair man? Would you like to be? Learn to do
home improvement projects yourself at on of
Conklin Lumber's "How To Do It” Schools,
Evening classes will be held at Conklin
show -rooms, Grand Bend, during January and
February. There is no charge for attending
these classes. Both men and women are wel-
come, Classes begin Monday, January 16, at
8:00 p.m.
Register now by a personal or telephone
call to The Conklin Lumber Company Ltd.,
Exeter, Phone 622.
MONDAY, JANUARY 16: Wall framing; hand aild Power Tools and how
to use them.
MONDAY, JANUARY 23: cutting rafters; sheathing; cornice; roofing and
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MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6; Windows; setting frames; costing windows and
MONDAY,. FEBRUARY 13: Hanging doors; installing hardware; trim;‘
kitchen cupboards and counter lops,
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20: Paints, stains; wood finishes; making sure
exterior paint doesn't' peel.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27; Financing various types of projects; award-
- ing certificates.
Facilities are limited, so register at once, Complete the form
below and mail to Conklin Lumber Company Ltd„ Exeter,
1 wish to register for Conklin Lumber "How To Do lt" School AT GRAND BEND
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Conklin Lumber
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Car -Coats 25 Off
Topcoots.&, Overcoats
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Boys' $St Mens Sweaters
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